Pilot Chronicles

By Pilot Chronicles

Published on Apr 27, 2022


Pilot Chronicles Chapter 12

         Chapter 12

Firstly, allow myself to apologise for the very long break in the story. but now I'm back…

This is a work of fiction. Names, Characters, Businesses, Places, Events, and incidents are the products of the authors imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Some operating procedure in relation to aviation is a true and accurate representation of said procedure. However, the same should not be relied upon in real world events.

This work contains material of sexual nature. Readers must be of legal age according to local laws to open, read, copy or save this work. In no way does the author endorse sexual contact with minors, nor does the author intend to promote unsafe sexual acts. Please observe all local, federal and international law and practice safe sex at all times.

As always I would like to thank everyone who have taken time to email me with their comments and contributions. Your feedback is what drives the story forward.

All rights reserved

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* * *


I walked in and saw Sean’s shoes by the door. A surge of excitement, relief and carnal pleasure shot through me as I saw them.

I slowly walked towards the bedroom, not knowing if he was indeed locked up and waiting for me, or just sitting on the bed ready to give me an almighty scolding. As I opened the bedroom door, I became even more excited as I saw him there, in the same position as I had left him. Ball gag in place, hands cuffed above his head.

His body glistened slightly with sweat and his cock was laying in a pool of his own precum. I could see his body shake a little as I walked over to the bed, studying his ripped body, his beautiful chest, his blond hair. Our eyes met as I stood there, studying him. I could see the longing in his eyes, which sparked something inside of me.

I could somehow still feel Adam’s dick inside of me. Although he had managed to suck out most of his load, my ass was still stretched and sore. This in itself was driving my mad, and I needed to be inside this beautiful boy in front of me. Was it to truly claim him as mine, reclaim my masculinity or both?

I reached out between his legs and could feel his wet hole, still moist with my load from last night. I could feel my cock starting to drip precum at the thought of his hole still being filled with my load. There is nothing hotter than using your own load as lube.

“So, you have decided to become mine?” I said, and was very surprised by how unstable my voice sounded. Was it the excitement, the pleasure, the relief or was I still shaking from Adam’s mega pounding.

I dropped my sweatpants and climbed on the bed, lifting his legs over my shoulders aligning my cock with his already gaping hole. Our eyes locked for a brief moment as I thrust my cock deep inside of him, making him scream out into the ball gag. The moment I entered him I felt a surge of carnal pleasure, It felt so comfortable being inside of him. It felt just right. I needed to claim him completely as mine so I began to fuck him hard and deep, ignoring panic flashing over his eyes as I began to thrust deeper and deeper.

He threw his head back giving me access to his throat, which I grabbed tightly, without thinking. Pressing down, cutting his breathing off completely. I could feel him tense up, grabbing on to my cock, practically sucking me deeper into him. I could feel every ridge, bend and turn of his insides as my cock penetrated him. When I could feel him spasm up I quickly released his throat to allow him to breath again. As his muscles relaxed, he somehow allowed me to push deeper into him. I gained unprecedented access to him as I slid deeper into him, deeper than I had ever gone before, increasing my pace, ignoring his cries which were muffled by the ball gag.

I don’t know what came over me, but as I grabbed his throat again I followed that with a spit in his face which made him clamp up even more, squeezing my cock with his anal muscles. Fuck he looks hot with my spit running down his chin, I remember thinking as I quikend my pace even further. I couldn’t belive the pace I was fucking him at right now. For a moment I thought he was cumming but soon realised that he was shooting his precum like a little bottom bitch, basically squirting all over himself.

Again, not knowing what came over me, I delivered him a good slap across the face, resulting in yet another clamp down on my cock. I could feel his muscles squeeze precum out of my cock lubing up his chute. I looked down at his face and confusion mixed with pleasure was spread over his face. His moans escaping the ball gag echoed around the room as I drove deeper into him.

I noticed his balls pulling up, refusing to let him cum I grabbed a hold of them, pulling them back down, and thrusting into him deep once again. His moans of pleasure quickly changed into cries of pain as I used his balls as a handle to pull me in deeper, but I couldn’t hold back my own orgasm any longer and could feel my cock bulging inside of him and the long awaited climax came.

I felt as though it lasted forever and I must have shot around 16 streams of cum inside of him. I was amazed to see his magnificent cum shot erupt from his cock, hands free, as I filled him up. His cum landed on the bed frame behind him, on his face, chest and abs. His screams of pleasure escaped the ball gag and it seemed as though we were two stars colliding in a massive cosmic event as our mutual orgasm came to a close.

I could feel my body just give up as I dropped his legs back down on the bed and crawled up next to him, ignoring the sticky cum on his chest, I placed my head between his pecs and could feel myself falling asleep, quickly noting the time on the locks read 2:57 meaning that he hadn’t been locked up too long, and I would get around three hours of sleep until we would have the inevitable conversation about what all this would entail.

I woke up to the faint beeping sound of the time lock. My head still resting on Sean’s chest, his load drying up, practically gluing my body to his. I could feel him shift uncomfortably beneath me and I quickly moved up to undo the shackles on his wrists, and finally remove the ballgag from his mouth. His hand shot straight to his cheek as he began to massage his stiff jaw, brushing his blond hair up from his forehead. Our eyes locked as I peeled myself off him Instinctively leaning in and planting my lips on his. This kiss was different from those we had shared before. It was more intimate, it was passionate, although it was just a gentle kiss. His lips were dry from the ball gag and felt rough. I felt our lips part as his tongue entered my mouth, exploring.

As I broke off the kiss, I rested my forehead against his, breathing heavily feeling his firm body against mine, going on a high from the smell of sex, sweat… and Sean. His scent was tantalising. You know how people sometimes have their unique scent. His drove me wild.

“This was intense” he finally said in his husky voice, giving me a piercing stare as I raised my head back to look at him. His blue-grey eyes fixed on mine. I couldn’t read them. I couldn’t figure out what he was feeling.

“The kiss, this morning or the night?” I said softly as I ran my hand through his hair.

“Both…” he said with a chuckle.

The sound of his chuckle sent a wave of relief through my body. Even though he had submitted by locking himself up again, I still wasn’t sure of his feelings towards the entire situation, but now I at least knew that he wasn’t appalled by it completely.

“Well, I guess we have some things to discuss then.” I said, smiling at him.

“We do, definitely, but after breakfast. It’s my turn to cook for you” he said with a grin as he shifted from underneath me. “Stay here and relax”.

* * *


My mind couldn’t stop racing as I tried focusing on the omelette I was cooking up for Alex. What did this all mean? Was I really about to submit to him? I mean, I clearly loved everything about the sex with Alex, but do I want to give up all control of my sex life? It was so fucking hot when I cuffed him to the bed and rode him, but still, being completly at his mercy was so… liberating at he same time. Would there be room for a compromise?

As I walked into the bedroom my heart stopped briefly as I looked over the blond beauty sprawled out on the bed, eyes closed, his cock soft, leaning over his balls, slightly to the left, his eyes closed and his hand absentmindedly stroking his chest, stopping briefly on one of his perked nipples every time it brushed it.

“Breakfast is served” I said softly as he opened his eyes looking at my naked body which was still covered in my dried up load.

“It most certainly is” he said with a cheeky grin as he reached out with his hand, gesturing me to crawl into his arms. His embrace was warm. Tight, but warm. It felt protective… Gentle even.

“So… “ he said. “You’ve decided to be mine then?” he continued between bites of the omelette which he was clearly enjoying.

“To a certain extent, yes” I blurted out

“To a certain extent?” He questioned as he looked at me, the fork stopped mid way to his mouth.

“I feel like we need to set some ground rules maybe… or terms, if you will” I said hesitantly.

“Yes, of course” he agreed quickly, returning to his omelette

“But, would it be OK if we talk about this tonight over wine?” I said quickly, not wanting to head into negotiations, but rather within his embrace, feeling his arms tight around me, his skin against mine, his heat warming me up.

“Of course.” He said softly as he turned to me and placed his lips gently on mine.

* * *


“Why don’t you head home for a bit and come by this evening… I’ve got some stuff to take care of” I said as we had both finally managed to get ourselves out of bed and in the shower after what seemed like hours of just cuddling in silence.”We can then talk tonight, over a glass of wine” I finished.

“Yeah, that sounds like a great idea” Sean said, flashing me his signature smile as he pulled his tight t-shirt over his head dashing through the open plan kitchen for some water.

“What time should I be over?” He asked as he leaned on the white marble countertop making an effort to push his round bubble butt out, clearly teasing me.

“Huh?” I said, not really registering what he was saying, my mouth watering. I was really tempted to bury my face between those buttcheeks. “Shall we say around 8 o’clock?” I finally managed to let out.

He just looked at me with a cheeky grin on his face, slightly biting his bottom lip, studying me as I stood there half naked wearing only my CK boxer briefs. “Sounds good.” he simply said as he raised himself up from the countertop and walked towards me seductively, stopping short to kiss my lips gently whilst running his hand over my stomach, then quickly moving on to the bedroom. “I should get dressed then” he simply said as I followed him, watching him grab those jeans that were huddled on the floor and pulling them up over his bubble butt whilst looking out the floor to ceiling windows.

“You’re teasing me” I said with a grin as I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him, once again taking in his scent.

“Maybe” he said coyishly and I could feel him grinning. “Get dressed, I’m heading out” he said as he turned around, planting another kiss on my lips.

The vast apartment felt a bit empty without Sean running around making himself feel like home which was a strange feeling to me as I always loved my own company. My apartment was my space, I enjoyed it alone, unless of course I had someone there to serve me. So this was quite strange for me. As I absentmindedly stalked through my apartment, making the beds, putting away dirty dishes, towels and such, my mind wandered over yesterday's events.

I had never expected to become captain so early in my career I thought, eying the epaulettes resting on my coffee table, let alone become a poster boy for one of the most reputable airlines in Europe, let alone the world. And what did this actually mean with Sean? Was he mine now, do I want him to be mine? And what the hell was this thing with Adam… I mean, I can’t deny that I liked it at the moment, but come to think of it, it was definitely not my cup of tea. This can’t happen again and what is strange, at the time we were doing it, I had no idea if Sean had committed to me or not, but I still had the strange feeling like I was cheating or something which makes no sense to me! “I DON’T HAVE FEELINGS FOR GUYS, I FUCK THEM” I said to myself. How could this young, blond, beautiful guy be having such an effect on me.

I planted myself on the balcony with a coffee, staring at my phone and Adam’s card next to it, not sure what to even say to him.

Hey Adam, It’s Alex. Are you free to meet today?

I had hardly taken a sip of my coffee when my phone pinged with the reply;

Back for more already? You can come to my place this evening.

That was definitely not a good idea, showing up at his place would give him the wrong idea.

No, not quite, I was more thinking about a coffee. Meet in Soho in an hour?

Again, the reply was almost instant.

Sorry to give you the wrong idea, I’m not the dating type Alex…

Ugh, why can’t he just agree and get it over with!

Neither am I… I just want to talk. I’ll be at the Rose and Duck in an hour. Meet me there please.

Fine. See you there.

* * *


As I struggled with the stiff lock on my apartment I couldn’t help but think how out of place I felt in Alex’s apartment. My run down place was nothing in comparison, but it had been my home for about two years now. The rent was good compared to London prices, but it was nothing special. Really old style furnishing and it could really do with some TLC.

As I threw myself on the bed, I couldn’t help but to think about last night and this morning. It had been the most intense experience of my life and so god damn hot. I mean, I’ve always mostly been a bottom, topped several times, but I had never been submissive. I really had to figure out what to say to Alex about all this tonight. What do I actually want?

As I laid there on my bed, staring at the flaking paint on my ceiling I realised the warmth that shot through me every time I thought about Alex. There was something about him. He’s definitely someone I would date or maybe grow to love, but being in a Dom/Sub relationship 100% of the time would definitely not be an option to me.

Come to think of it, the sex with Alex had so far been the most intese, pleasurable sexual experiances of my life, and I’d definitly be willing to keep it up, but could I be a sub full time? Probably not. Would there be an option to have the best of both worlds? That would be the ideal outcome for me.

* * *


As I sat on the tube feeling the carriage rock on the tracks, swirling its way towards Piccadilly station, I couldn’t stop thinking about Sean. I was really into him and the sex was amazing but there was something about the connection between us. How nonchalant he was around me and how comfortable I was around him as well.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when the monotone voice echoed through the cabin announcing my arrival to Piccadilly and I quickly made my way out of the station to street level and found the cafe I had settled on.

The Rose and Duck was a trendy little place in the middle of Soho. It had a modern decor and semi-intimate atmosphere. You were always guaranteed to see a mixed crowd there with the accompanying noise. I really liked this place, with their excellent food options and a decent coffee selection.

I hadn’t been waiting long when I saw Adam glide through the cafe and taking his seat at the table, his eyes practically piercing me.

“Uhm, Hi” I said, uncharacteristically awkward.

“Uhm hi yourself” He replied with a mock grin. “How are you?” he continued as he poured himself a glass of water and rested the glass on his lips briefly before taking a sip.

“I’m alright thanks, how are you?” I automatically said, distracted by his lips. He was stunning but I couldn’t get distracted.

“God, I can see the longing in your eyes” he said with a grin sipping his water again as I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, suddenly noticing that my hole was a bit sore from yesterday's adventure. The feeling alone made me blush. “Still thinking about my cock deep inside you?” he whispered with a sly grin.

I didn’t get a chance to answer as the waitress interrupted us with her. “Afternoon boys, what can I get you?”

“Can I get a glass of Chablis” I quickly interjected. Wine, that’s what I needed to get through this.

“I’ll have the same, in fact, bring us a bottle” Adam said without taking his eyes off me.

“Coming right up!” she said cheerfully, leaving us alone again.

“So Alex..” Adam started but I quickly interrupted him.

“Listen Adam, about yesterday….”

“Yes, it was pretty great… your ass is amazingly tight. I can’t wait to get my hands on it again” he said, interrupting me. A fire lighting behind his eyes.

“Adam… “ I said, in a resigned voice. “You’re an Alpha, that for sure is clear, but what you’re failing to see is that I’m an alpha too”.

“Alpha’s have been broken before.” He said, a grin still plastered over his face, becoming more animalistic by the second.

“Be that as it may, but you’re not breaking this Alpha Adam… “ I said quickly as the waitress came swinging with the bottle of wine and with a flourish opened it and started pouring our glasses. I could feel Adam’s eyes burning a hole into my soul.

I took a large swig of the crisp wine and continued before Adam could say anything. “ I´m an alpha and you're an alpha. it will never work out between us.. You of all people should know that I need my beta, someone submissive, someone to take care of me and someone I can take care of… “ All of this came out in what can only be described as verbal diarrhea.

He didn’t say anything. He just sat there sipping his wine, allowing me to continue.

Taking another sip of my wine, slightly calmer now I continued. “I mean, ultimately I’d like to find the true omega….” and just as I said that, I couldn’t help but to think of Sean. Is that what’s happening between us…? “And between you and me, I might have found that someone” I blurted out, realising the truth in my words.

Still he didn’t say anything. He was just looking at me, waiting for me to get it all out of my system. I had employed the same tactic on numerous occasions when I was convincing someone to explore may way of sex.

“At least that someone has the potential to be my beta and I want to work on that. I'm making him mine, he's already decided to submit to me and that's how I want it” I said with an air of finality.

Finally Adam put down his glass and stared me right in the eyes. “I see” he simply said.

“Don't get me wrong Adam. If the opportunity would present itself, I would probably consider playing with you again, as two doms, but let me make one thing clear, I am not submitting to you ever again. This was a one off, I've had a really tough week as you know, but this won't happen again”

He just sat there looking at me for what felt like hours. Sipping his wine, and then refilling both of our glasses, taking another sip before talking. " I think you just need to expand your boundaries, You seemed to like it" he finally said.

I couldn’t help but to give him an incredulous stare. Is he being serious? Did he not register anything I just said? "I'm not going to deny that I liked it, I'm a sexual being, sex is sex, but at the end of the day, It's my preference that counts. Yes I came, and it was intense, but it's not for me." I finally said.

He just looked at me again, hardly showing an expression. "Like I said, It's all about exploring your boundaries."

I couldn’t believe that he was still pushing his luck on this. In my opinion I was being perfectly clear. " It's not about boundaries Adam….” I finally said. “Boundaries don't keep people out, they fence you in, they solidify your wants and needs and likes, life is messy, that's how we're made. My boundaries have nothing to do with this. If anything, I think your boundaries are the issue here." I may have said this a bit too aggressively as I regretted my tone almost immediately. I could see the anger flash behind his eyes, a look I had given many times before. I know that If my sub, or potential sub would’ve spoken to me in this tone, they would’ve gotten a punishment to beat the mother of punishments. But I wasn’t submitting to him. I was standing my ground.

"There is no need to be rude…." He finally said, a hint of malice in his voice. Probably thinking about how he wanted to take me over his knee and whip me with his belt.

"I´m not being rude, i'm being direct. Respect it. we can be friends, we can potentially play with a third, but that's all it’s going to be" I said with a tone of finality, signalling that I had made my point and I was not ready to continue this discussion on his track.

He studied me again for what felt like hours. “Alright, I’m sorry to have assumed, but I’m very glad that I got a taste of your ass nonetheless” he said with a sly grin again.

“I’m not saying it was terrible” I said with a wink. “But it’s not happening again, just keep it in your wank bank” I finished with a chuckle.

The last part seemed to clear the air considerably. We sat there for probably another hour just chatting, drinking wine and getting to know each other until finally I had to excuse myself to go and catch the tube as I was expecting Sean to be at my place in a little over an hour.

* * *

I’ll be there in 20 min, hope you got some good wine waiting for us.

I read the text quickly as I threw the keys into the bowl by my apartment door.

Looking forward to it, got the wine chilling.

I quickly sent off the text as I turned on the shower, wanting to wash away the tube dust and freshen up a little before his arrival. As the hot water hit my back I couldn’t help but to feel a bit anxious about how the evening would progress. Was Sean going to agree to this, what did he want to discuss? I was pretty sure I had been quite clear.

I had just about finished buttoning up my tight fitting white shirt as the buzzer rang and the image of Sean wearing a black hoodie popped up on the intercom screen.I quickly buzzed him up and unlocked the door to let him in.

I was standing by the kitchen counter when he came in, kicked off his shoes like he owned the place and took the apartment in quick strides, meeting me by the counter flashing me his signature smile followed by a gentle “hi”.

“Hey you” I replied, moving around the counter placing my hand behind his neck pulling him in for a long kiss. His lips again on mine, feeling amazing. A surge of butterflies shooting through my stomach.

“What, no talking first” he said with a chuckle, playfully dodging from underneath my hand and moving to the fridge for the wine. I couldn’t help but laugh, but allowed him to be him and just took my seat on the sofa facing him, quickly lighting the fireplace as I watched him maneuver around the kitchen, popping the wine open and gathering glasses and finally joining me at the sofa, handing me the bottle allowing me to pour the wine. I could feel his gaze as I did.

“So, I’ve been thinking… “ He said as he reached for the wine, taking a quick sip. I couldn’t help but think that he was about to have the same type of conversation as I had with Adam earlier in the day.

“Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” I asked with a chuckle, reaching for my own glass.

“A bit of both, I would think.” He replied, seeming deep in thought. “You may not like what I have to say.” He said nervously. A sinking feeling rushing through me. Was he about to end this? Did he not commit?

“Go on” I said, hoping that he would not notice the nervous shake in my voice.

“I like you Alex….” he started. “I really like you, in fact, in the ideal world I would agree to date you in a heartbeat…”

“I don’t date…” I said, interrupting him. But he quickly interrupted me again.

“So you have said, but if you remember, you also said that you would make an exception for me.” he said hesitantly.

I remembered that all too well. The post coital invitation to Steve’s party.

“And come to think of it, it seems like that was a big deal for you.” He continued, realising I wasn’t about to stop him. “But becoming a submissive is not natural to me, and in fact is a bit of a big deal to me too. I’m a very independant person, If anything, I’m the one who likes to be in control, so It’s not easy for me to commit to sex slavery.” I could hear the mock tone of those last two words as he said them, appreciating the fact that he was trying to keep things on the lighter notes.

“Ok, so you’re ending this… whatever this is? I said taking another quick sip of my wine, not really wanting to see his expression confirming my suspicions. I could feel him shift on the sofa turning to me trying to catch my eye.

“No Alex, I’m not ending this. I think you’ll have to be the one to end this because for some strange reason, considering how little we know each other, I’m completely into you and I’d like to explore this further.” My eyes flashed up to meet his, notiching briefly how he bit his bottom lip as he said those last words.

“I am however saying that I’m not ready to do this completely your way. I’m looking for something more than just carnal sex sessions. I’m wanting the dates, the trips abroad, cuddling on the sofa, sleeping in the same bed, and I’m worried that you won’t be willing or able to give me that.” he finally continued.

I just stared at him. Was he asking me to be his boyfriend. I had never dated anyone in that way. It had always been about sex for me, not a long term loviedovie relationship.

“So, It’s about compromise… “ he continued. “I’m willing to be your submissive with the condition that you give me the dates and all that follows that… Let’s say fifty-fifty” I could hear how nervous he was suggesting this.

“You’re 19 Sean, and I’m 30. That’s a big age gap for a relationship.” I finally said.

“So you’ve got no problem fucking me, but dating me is a different story?” He said, visibly hurt by my words.

“That’s not what…” He interrupted me before I could finish.

“So you’re just using me for sex then? That’s all you want.” He said as he placed the wine glass on the table shifting a bit further away from me. The look on his face was devastating to me. I couldn’t bear to have hurt him.

“No, not at all…” I said reaching for his arm which he snatched away from me, standing up moving towards the kitchen. I placed my own wine glass on the coffee table and followed him to the kitchen where he was facing away from me.

“Listen Sean…” I said, moving closer to him. He didn’t pull away this time. “I’m not just using you for sex, but sex is how I operate, how I cope. I’ve never been in a relationship, and I’ve never thought about being in one.” As I said this I gently ran my hand down his back and could feel him leaning into my touch.

“If you can’t do fifty-fifty, I can’t do this….” He said, and I felt his back rise rapidly, realising that he was crying. Never in my life had anything broken as much as seeing him cry. He was crying because of something I said.

“What about eighty-twenty” I finally whispered as I wrapped my arms around his chest pushing my body tightly against his back, feeling him up against me, his chest still heaving, trying to contain his sobbing.

“Fifty….-Fifty” he said, now openly sobbing, but leaning his head back and resting it on my shoulder, still facing away from me.

“Sixty-Forty” I then said, realising that I’d be willing to compromise for him. Something I hadn’t done for anyone else before.

He turned around in my arms, facing me. His puffy eyes met mine. He was looking at me pleadingly, studying my expressions closely. “Fifty-Fifty” he finally whispered.

I studied his face. I could feel his breath on me.. His scent hit me once again, borderline floral with a hint of locker room and lavender perhaps. His blue-grey eyes were piercing although still puffy. I moved my hands to his cheeks and my face closer to his. “Fifty-fifty” I finally said before touching my lips gently against his, kissing him softly. I could feel his body tense up for a split second before he melted into my embrace.

The kiss quickly became more passionate. His lips parted, giving way to my tongue as it slid into his mouth, tasting him. The feeling of his rough tongue on mine mixed with the sweet taste of the wine we drank sent shivers down my body.

I wrapped my hands around the small of his back and slid them further down, feeling his firm bubble butt instantly flex to meet them. He was thrusting his hips backwards against the firm hold of my hands as he brushed his own hands through my hair and over my shoulders breaking off the kiss for the briefest of seconds to catch his breath, which was still shaky. More so from adrenaline this time opposed to anything else.

“Are you sure?” He whispered as he placed his head against the nape of my neck, kissing his way down towards my collarbone.

“I’m sure” I whispered as I unbuttoned my shirt giving him better access to my neck. He continued his kissing, reaching my collar bone as my hands returned to his waist. I ran my fingers under the waistline of his boxers, full one-eighty, coming to a stop at the front. I heard him catch his breath as I released the buttons of his tight fitting chinos. After pushing him slightly backwards so he was leaning on the marble counter I dropped to my knees and managed to pull his chinos down with me exposing the yellow tight Michael Kors boxer briefs he had chosen for the day. His cock was already stretching the material with a huge wet spot forming where the tip rested.

I felt his hand running through my hair once again as I buried my face in his crotch, my tongue flickering over the forming precum stain, the sweet and salty taste hitting my tastebuds. I was hungry for more and so was he. I quickly pulled his boxer briefs down releasing his beautiful cock. A droplet of precum hit my face as it shot up from captivity, standing at an almost perfect 90 degree angle.

I wasted no time and took half of his 9 inches in my mouth. He tasted amazing as the head of his cock slid over my tongue, he produced more precum essentially coating my tongue. My own cock was painfully hard fighting against the fabric of my jeans and underwear.

I grabbed his waist and turned him around quickly. I needed a taste of that beautiful bubble butt. He immediately threw himself forward, leaning his chest on the white marble, spreading his legs giving me easy access to explore his tight pink hole with my tongue. Again I was amazed by his taste.

“Mhhhhhh fuck yes Alex” his moans echoed of the marble as my tongue slid through his sphincter. His moans drove me insane as I took a hold of each buttcheek spreading his ass even wider. My palms on each of his cheeks and my tongue doing a wild dance in and around his hole.It was remarkable how tight it was considering that it had been gaping and winking at me mere hours ago.

“Please Alex… I want you inside me… please” Sean whimpered as I continued to play his hole with my tongue. If it hadn’t been for those pleads I could have licked his hole for hours. I undid my trousers and pulled them down, not bothering to take them off completely, taking in the view. There he was leaning over the white marble still wearing his black hoodie and his chinos at his ankles, his hair flopping forward, legs spread as far as the chinos would allow and his bubble butt exposed. I could see his knees shaking with anticipation as I moved forward and slid my hand under his hoodie stroking it up his spine reaching the base of his neck and back down hovering over his wet hole.

“Mhhhhh yes Alex” he moaned out as I slipped one finger in his hole and I instantly felt it loosen up. My cock was dripping with precum as I removed my finger and rubbed my cock head over his hole spreading my precum all over it.

“Do you want this cock inside you?” I whispered as I teased his puckered sphincter with my cockhead.

“Mhhh yes please… I want it so much” he said in a husky voice as he pushed his ass back, inviting me in and as he pushed against me, I thrust forward and felt the familiar pop of the sphincter giving way to the head of my cock and in one swift but gentle motion I sunk into him.

“Mmhhhhh fuck” he yelped out as his hole stretched around my veiny cock. I could feel his ass muscles tense around me as I thrust into him deeper and coming to a stop when I felt my balls touch the base of his ass. I had to fight the urge to pull out completely and ram my cock deep into him, rearranging his guts, but instead i gently pulled out half way and began fucking him deep but gently.

“Oh my god Alex… yes just like that” I heard Sean moan out as I fucked him gently, but firmly. My left hand was holding on to his waist and the right was stroking up and down his back. His hands shot back grabbing hold of each cheek as he spread his ass for me, pushing back down on my cock, practically impaling himself on me.

Sean was taking charge now as he began riding my cock, pushing himself further down on my cock picking up the pace, essentially fucking humself on my steel hard rod.

“Mhhh fuck, Alex… I’m so close… “ he moaned out as he quickened the pace of his riding until eventually I could feel his entire body clench.

“Fuuuuck I’m cumming” he moaned and almost instantly I could feel him spasm underneath me as he shot stream after stream of his load all over my kitchen floor. The feeling of his orgasm quickly sent me over the edge and I began unloading into him, coating his insides with my seed.

We stood frozen for a moment, my body slumped over his, on the cold marble tabletop. Eventually I pulled out of him to the sound of his gasp and a slight pop, sank to my knees behind him once again and took in what must have been one of the best views I had ever seen. There he was, his hole wide open, dripping with my cum, his legs still spread, stretching his chinos to the max. I couldn't resist… I dove in, tongue first and began rimming his hole, tasting myself on his stretched ass.

“Give me a taste as well” I heard Sean say as he pulled away from me turning around, looking down on me. I immediately stood up and kissed his beautiful mouth forcing my tongue past his lips, giving him the taste of my cum and his ass combined.

“Thank you” He said, finally as he looked deep into my eyes.

“Uhm.. You’re welcome?” I said awkwardly, thinking he was thanking me for the fuck.

“No no, thank you for choosing the Fifty-Fifty” he said kissing me again cuddling up against me as I wrapped my arms around him.

“It’s either that or losing you, and I’m not prepared to lose you” I whispered. “Let’s go to bed, it’s late” I said as I took his hand and led him to the bedroom where I threw the rest of my clothes off, crawled into bed and invited him into my arms.


* * *

Author’s note

Thank you all for your amazing feedback to the story. It’s been a huge inspiration to read your emails and has driven me forward to continue. Please send your feedback to pilotchron@gmail.com as I’d love to hear more from you guys!

Next: Chapter 13

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