Pilot Chronicles

By Pilot Chronicles

Published on Aug 11, 2019


Pilot Chronicles Chapter 11

         Chapter 11

This is a work of fiction. Names, Characters, Businesses, Places, Events, and incidents are the products of the authors imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Some operating procedure in relation to aviation is a true and accurate representation of said procedure. However, the same should not be relied upon in real world events.

This work contains material of sexual nature. Readers must be of legal age according to local laws to open, read, copy or save this work. In no way does the author endorse sexual contact with minors, nor does the author intend to promote unsafe sexual acts. Please observe all local, federal and international law and practice safe sex at all times.

As always I would like to thank everyone who have taken time to email me with their comments and contributions. Your feedback is what drives the story forward.

All rights reserved

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* * *


The metal handcuffs cut into my wrists as I thrashed on the bed, trying to escape but the time locks did their job well. I felt the cold sweat of panic as I realised that I would be bound and gagged here for the rest of the night. I tried to scream out but the gag muffled all sound. After a couple of minutes I finally found myself relaxing, realizing that there was no point in fighting this any longer.

Once I finally stopped fighting I could hear the soothing music Alex had put on. It was something classical, but I couldn’t place it, but I knew I knew it from somewhere. It made me relax even more until I was comfortably resting on the bed, arms above my head, locked to the headboard.

Although I had never considered myself as a submissive, my cock was harder than it had ever been before and I noticed it pulse in sync with my heartbeat. I realised finally how sore my hole was and could feel Alex’s cum drip out of me as my sphincter struggled to recover to its natural state.

“Holy shit” I moaned out as a current of excitement shot through me. I realised that I was now completely fine with the predicament I found myself in, waiting for what would come next.

* * *


I could hear him thrashing about as I left the bedroom, closing the door behind me, stopping briefly to make sure that I could still hear through the door. As I crawled into my own bed I fired up the home security app on my phone and logged on to the inhouse security camera I had installed, and there he was, in all his glory on my screen, rock hard and seeming completely at ease.

I woke up to my 6 o’clock alarm and immediately opened the app again and saw Sean on my screen fast asleep, somehow still hard. If I didn’t have a meeting in an hour and a half I would’ve slid into the bedroom and plunged my now throbbing cock into his still soaked hole, but alas, Human Resources had to put on a morning meeting.

I quickly showered, changed into my uniform, grabbed my gym bag and peaked into the spare bedroom before leaving. Sean would be released in an hour or so. He was still fast asleep and I swear I could see his cock bounce with his heartbeat. He seemed to really like being tied up.

* * *

I found myself in a wood panelled office, sitting in front of a plump secretary typing furiously on her keyboard as if she was about to murder it, yet she had a kind expression on her face at the same time.

“You can go in now” she suddenly said, looking up at me briefly, indicating one of two doors to her side.

“Good morning Alex, I’m Carol the Human Resources Director, and you know Susan your Crew Manager I assume,'' Carol said with a gentle smile.

She was a petite woman, wearing an immaculate suit and a starched iron white shirt with the signature scarf around her neck.

“Good morning Carol, Hey Susan” I said as I shook both of their hands and took my seat..

“Would you like a coffee?” Carol said as Susan sat down next to me.

“Yes please, some milk, no sugar” I said with a smile, looking at Susan, hoping for a slight indication of what the meeting was about, yet she gave away nothing.

As I got my coffee, Carol sat down opposite us and shuffled some papers around, finding a file that she was looking for, smacking her lips as she took a sip of her own coffee.

“How are you feeling?” She finally said, looking up at me.

I don’t know why I wasn’t expecting that, but from what I had heard of Carol, she wasn’t really the ‘small talk type’. The rumour was that she was very autocratic which for an HR director was very odd, as those types are usually the touchy feely ones. I had heard she was ruthless and very career oriented and very straight to the point.

“Uhm, just fine thanks” I said clearly taken aback and I noticed Susan smile briefly, clearly thinking about the same rumours I had been.

“That’s good, that’s good” she said again with a smile. “You know that the airline would happily arrange for you to speak with someone following the recent incident.”

‘Ahh’ I thought as it finally clicked. She was indeed going through the HR motions of ensuring my mental well being so I wouldn’t go around shouting that the airline didn’t care after an incident. Which I knew wasn’t the case for the airline, but Carol, according to the rumours wasn’t really on the same page.

“Yes, thank you.” I replied, wanting to get to the main part of the meeting. You don’t need the HR Director to tell you that the company will assist you deal with a trauma.

“Good. So Alex, two emergency landings in a short time, both executed tremendously well, under immense pressure.” Carol said, looking at the file now.

“Uhm, yes.”

“Susan here tells me that the reports from Cabin crew and captains alike has been nothing but amazing and they are praising you as a hero. Would you agree with that assessment?”

“Well Carol, I was simply doing my job and doing what I was trained to do. I wouldn’t call it heroism as such, no.”

She studied me for a second like she was contemplating my answer. “Well, your job is tough and you are well trained. We are very pleased with you.” She finally said.

“Thank you Carol.”

“Now, with that in mind, you have over 7000 flight hours. Is that correct?”

“Yes, it is.”

“Right, it’s quite unusual considering the short while you have been employed with us, but both Susan and I feel that you are perfectly capable, even more so than many.”

“Capable for what exactly” I said looking from Carol to Susan.

“To take the left seat” Susan finally said.

“What, captain?” I said, not able to hide the surprise in my voice.

“Yes. We want to promote you to captain, effective immediately” Carol said, sliding four stripe epaulettes across the desk.

“I don’t know what to say.”

“Say yes silly.” Susan said with a laugh in her voice.

“Well… Yes… Thank you.” I finally said, having not expected this at all.

“Good, now that’s settled, there is another thing we would like to discuss.” Carol said. “Now there was a bit of press about those two incidents, and your photo got circulated. We can’t deny that you are extremely handsome.” She continued.

I could feel myself blushing slightly as she said it. I had to put my instagram on private after my picture got on the news after the emergency landing as people had been spamming me with messages.

“Marketing has asked us to ask you if you would be the new face of our inhouse training academy as well as appearing in some marketing material. Essentially becoming the face of the airline.” Carol continued.

“No.” I immediately replied “I’m no model.”

“I’m afraid I must insist you at least try it out” Carol said, slightly sternly. “Give it a go and see how it goes, OK?”

She was clearly a woman who didn’t get no as an answer often, if at all and I knew when to back out of a losing fight.

“Ok then, I will give it a go.”

“Splendid!” She exclaimed with a beaming smile. “Marketing will be ever so pleased to hear it” she said as she typed something quickly on her computer.

“Now lastly, the airline is arranging Steve’s funeral, you will be attending right?”

“Yes of course” I said.

“Good, we shall see you there. I will send you the link to order your flights for when you are coming back to work after the funeral. And congratulations on the promotion.” Carol said, standing up and abruptly concluding the meeting, ushering Susan and me out of her office.

As the door closed behind us I saw Susan beaming at me and I just stood there feeling like I had been hit by a truck, the new epaulettes in my hand.

As I was walking out of the office building my thoughts went to Sean. The locks should have opened a while ago and I was curious to see if he had followed my instructions. I was tempted to fire up my security app again, but as my finger hovered over the app icon, I was tempted to allow for some delayed gratification, or indeed, delayed disappointment.

* * *


I woke up multiple times during the night. Never before had I been so… helpless. Yet, my dick seemed to have a mind of its own, never going down. What had I gotten myself into? Was I really OK with this situation? The worst was the pain. Pain from the metal digging into my skin, and from this static position, causing cramps that I couldn’t easily shake off. Many times did I consider shouting out for help, yet… Yet, what? Why didn’t I? What did I have to prove to Alex? Why was I willing to endure this? Part of me was furious at him, and yet. Yet. Yet, what? This question, again and again.

I finally woke up one last time with the sun shining through the drapes of Alex’s guest bedroom. Just then did I notice the red dot in the upper right corner of the room. That fucker had probably watched me struggle throughout the night. And enjoyed it, probably. As for me… Did I enjoy it? The pain in my arms and wrists was gone, replaced with a feeling of… of what? I remember hearing about the “zone” subs can reach. Was it it? Pain and discomfort no more, replaced with a feeling… a feeling of something I just couldn’t quite describe.

Once I had regained my bearings, I tried to shout. “MMMLEEMMM?” Just then did I notice how much my jaws were aching from being kept open for so long. Then, my arms. Still firmly held in place above my head. I wasn’t about to panic, but… Gosh, what had I gotten myself into?

Then, I remembered what Alex had said. Timelocks. Did they reach the end of their preset time? I fumbled with them, until I found a button on the left one. Clicking it unlocked my left arm. FINALLY! I did the same with my right arm, freeing myself from this bed, then removing the gag in my mouth. As I lowered my arms down, it finally hit me. That feeling in my arms, like a thousands ants crawling on them as blood rushed back everywhere. Not painful, but not enjoyable either. Sensation slowly creeping back from the top of my arms toward the tip of my fingers. It took maybe 10 minutes, during which I couldn’t focus on anything but the feelings in my arms. Then, only then did I take stock of what had happened. How had Alex tricked me into submission against my will. I started to get angry at him. And the more I thought about it, the angrier I became. Despite the camera, what if something had happened to me during the night? Even with the camera, he must have fallen asleep at some point… Fuck, fuck FUCK FUCK FUCK. What kind of sicko was he?

First things first. I had to use the toilets, BAD. Gosh, taking a leak was the best feeling after that night. While the piss flowed I could feel some of Alex’s cum from last night drip down the back of my thigh. I looked around for the toilet paper and my eyes darted to Alex’s hamper. There it was, his trunks, carelessly thrown on top of the hamper. Despite all my will, my dick reacted to this sight. I squeezed the last drops of piss into the bowl, then went to the hamper. I wanted revenge. I wanted to make Alex pay for what he did to me. For taking advantage of my weakened state after the blissful moment of trust, when I let him fuck me, when I took down my defenses, for him.

I grabbed his trunks, squeezed them in my hands, trying to tear them apart. But this… this wasn’t me. I wasn’t violent. I wasn’t about to destroy Alex’s property out of spite. This wasn’t me. And despite all this, I liked Alex, a lot. WHAT WAS I DOING? Holding Alex’s trunks with my two hands, I brought it to my face and shouted into it, letting my frustration go. Between shouts and tears, I inhaled deeply, without realizing that Alex’s dirty trunks were still in my hands. Then it hit me. Alex’s scent. Alex’s smell. Alex’s sweat. My mind just went blank. I just kept inhaling, and holding his trunks to my nose. Fuck did he smell good. His smell just calmed me down.

OK, Sean, focus. You’re fine. You just had a new experience. Take a deep breath… No, remove that trunks from your face first. Now. Breathe. Calm down.

I could feel my heartbeat slowing down to a regular pace. I was fine. And apart from the marks of the metal cuffs still visible on my hands, which would be gone in a few hours, I was just fine. FUUUUUCK!!! Why wasn’t I more angry at Alex? Did I actually enjoy this ordeal? Did I enjoy being forced into submission like this? What was happening to me? I was the one doing the tying. I was the one doing the fucking! Was that all about to change? Had he broken down the barriers I had built up over the last few years? Am I going to submit to him? Let him train me to become his sub?

I started pacing around the bathroom occasionally bringing Alex’s boxers to my face, inhaling deeply and with each breath I could feel my dick jump as Alex’s scent hit me and with every step I could feel more of his load from last night drip down my inner thigh, a trail forming to my ankle.

I reached down and followed the trail of cum with my index finger, reaching my hole which was still very wet and very sore from the pounding I received and as in a trance I brought the finger to my mouth, sucking on it like a hungry baby. I could taste the mixture of Alex’s cum and my ass as I sucked hard on my finger. Instantly I started oozing precum as the taste registered with my brain.

Fuck, what am I doing!? I thought as I slipped the finger from my mouth. I can’t be that into this! I am supposed to be the dominant one. I was pacing again as I glanced at my watch. Shit… Alex said four hours after I got unlocked, and that was at what… seven? He might be back any second!! What am I doing! Right, Sean, get it together, you know what you want to do.

* * *


I refrained from checking the security app but did notice that I had plenty of time to be back within the prescribed time and I was due for a good gym session and the gym was usually practically empty at his time of day which was the way I liked it. No groups of guys hogging up the equipment.

I was pleased to see that the gym was indeed almost empty by the time I got there. Maybe two or three other people using up the machines in the main hall, and noone in the stretching area or within the free weights room.

The few eyes that were there drifted towards me as I entered, the uniform usually had that effect on people. As much as I loved the uniform, there was little I liked more than to peel it off, and although I hadn’t been wearing it long, today was no different.

I inhaled the unmistakable scent of the men’s locker room, still ripe from the morning rush hour, as I slowly unbuttoned my shirt buttons revealing my smooth chest. I couldn’t help myself and glanced in the mirror. My pilot shirt, hung open, my abs and pecks peeking out from underneath the fabric. I slowly turned around and noticed how well my round ass was filling out the trousers today. I was quickly pulled out of the moment of my self admiration as I heard someone walking into the locker room. I quickly slipped out of my trousers and into my gym shorts and headed out to the hall.

I had only been at it for about an hour when I decided to call it quits and check out the sauna. One thing I loved about this gym were saunas in the locker rooms. No one blinks an eye if you head there wearing nothing but your towel as they are not shared with women’s locker room.

I could feel my muscles relax instantly as I sat down on the wooden bench in the hot room. Sweat started to drip down between my pecs and pool up in my belly button. Mhhh this is heaven I thought as I closed my eyes, savoring the moment.

I must’ve fallen asleep in there as I didn’t hear him enter, but I woke with a start as he touched my thigh gently.

“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.” I registered his husky voice and noted his hazel brown eyes and his dark flowy hair before anything else.

“Erm, Adam, hello, how are you?” I managed to stutter as my eyes drifted over his tanned body.

His abs were very prominent, his bulging thighs protruding from under the towel he had wrapped around his waist, which was bulging significantly with the outline of what appeared to be a massive penis. His pecs glistened with sweat, which was dripping over his brown erect nipples, indicating that he had either built up a good sweat in the exercise hall, or he had been here in the sauna with me for some time.

“I didn’t get a chance to say thank you for the flight the other day, and to say how sorry I am for your loss. You did a magnificent job.” His eyes bore into mine as he said this, and I noticed the genuineness of his words.

“Erm, thank you. I was just doing my job really” Why am I a stuttering idiot around this man? I thought to myself

“Nonetheless, it was very impressive how you handled the situation” He said as he squeezed my thigh gently. It was then that I noticed that he had not moved his hand from my thigh since he woke me up. I just looked down at his hand on my thigh and back to his eyes. He started to slowly move his hand up and down, stroking my thigh gently nudging the towel around my waist. I could feel my dick harden as he gently increased the pressure of his strokes, now moving underneath the towel, getting closer to my groin. My heartbeat quickened, I could hear my gasp without realising I let one out as the tip of his finger reached my low hanging balls.

“I just feel that I need to reward you for your excellent service” He whispered.

I was unable to say anything. I just stared into his eyes as his hand moved further up grabbing my now throbbing cock, squeezing it tightly. I could feel drops of precum being forced out of the slit of my cockhead as he held his tight grip on my cock, stroking it.

I just sat there frozen. For some reason it seemed like I had lost the ability to either move not utter a sentence. I could feel his fingers now on the slit of my cockhead scooping up the precum and slowly moving his hand between my legs and finding what he was looking for. As his fingers started to circle my hole, spreading my precum all over it, my hand quickly shot out, grabbing his wrist tightly.

“I don’t get fucked, I only fuck” I manged to utter. He briefly stopped his circular motion and looked me dead in the eyes and with a slight smirk he simply said“Not today”. And without blinking he showed his finger, soaked with precum and my sweat, deep inside me finding my prostate in an instant sending shivers up my spine.

“FUUUCK” I yelped out as I tried to lift myself away from his penetrating fingers. his other arm appeared in an instant over my waist holding me down as he started to finger me deep. “Shit, no, sorry man, it's not my thing” I whimpered as he carried on fingering me, adding a second finger in the mix.

“Just shut up and take your reward” he said in his husky voice as he grabbed my blond hair and showed my face into his crotch. I inhaled his musky aroma, the smell of sweat, expensive body wash and… cock. I could feel the towel being pulled from under my face and with a great slap his massive cock was set free, hitting me in the face like a small tree stump.

I remember briefly thinking that this must be the largest penis I had ever seen, but my thoughts were cut short very quickly as I could feel his hand lift my head by my hair and aligning my lips with his cock head. He thrust his fingers deep inside me making me gasp loudly, and in the same instance he bucked his hips, forcing maybe a fifth of his cock in my mouth. Even though it was only a fifth, it completely filled my mouth and at this point I resigned myself to the fact that I was his for now.

I gently started to suck on his cock, feeling my jaw stretch to complete maximum as he tried to force more and more of that cock down my throat. I was gasping for air at this point, taking every opportunity I got to fill my lunges with the hot air of the sauna.

I moaned as he pushed a third finger into my now stretched hole, pain shooting through my body as he forced his fingers as deep as they could go. I had never been penetrated like this before. I had always been the top in any encounter I had but before long I could feel him withdraw his fingers, leaving a strange feeling of emptiness behind.

I could feel him grab my head again, pulling me off his cock, and in one swift motion he had pulled me up on my feet, bending me over the hot wooden benches. I could feel the sting on my skin where the hot bench came into contact with my bare chest. I began to moan loudly as I could feel him push his three fingers back into me, beginning to finger me with a punishing rhythm.

If it weren't for him removing his fingers and spreading my cheeks, exposing my now stretched hole to the hot air of the sauna, I wouldn’t have noticed him dropping down to his knees behind me. “Mhhh your hole is soo pink and tight” I heard him whisper before I could feel his tongue circling my open hole.

He moved his tongue expertly over the entrance of my ass sending shivers of pleasure through my entire body. I could feel and hear him spit in my gaping hole as he proceeded to finger me and lick my ass in turn, to loosen me up for him. I could feel his stubble scratch my ass as he dove his face between my cheeks and assaulting his target, gently scraping his teeth over my puckered, previously virginal hole.

The only warning I got was the final spit on my hole as he rose up behind me, towering over me, aligning his massive cock for entry. “No, wait… “ I couldn't finish the sentence as he pushed the head of his massive penis passed my sphincter sending sharp shots of pain throughout my body. His massive palm covered my mouth as I tried to scream out. And without slowing down, he pushed what must have been 10 inches deep into my bowles. I could feel every curve and every bulging vein of his cock as it slid into me, stretching my hole to what must’ve been close to breaking point. I tried screaming out but he muffled every sound with his palm over my mouth.

He started to pull out slowly, and without further warning he thrust deep inside of me again. I could feel his pubic hair nestled on the top of my crack, indicating I had his entire length inside of me. I was surprised to find that my cock was rock hard with as steady stream of precum flowing out of the tip as I got fucked for the first time ever.

His punishing rhythm continued in his fucking and it felt like forever as he kept bottoming out inside of me and pulling his cock out nearly all the way, and thrusting deep inside of me again. His left palm over my mouth and the other firmly placed around my throat constricting my breathing with every inward thrust and releasing slightly for every outwards pull spreading a multitude of mixed feelings and sensations throughout my body.

I couldn’t feel my legs anymore. I was being held up by the hot wooden bench, his hand on my throat and his punishing cock which was riding in and out of me, now at a menacing pace. I could hear his breath starting to quicken, his thrusts becoming more erratic, his cock bulging to an even greater size inside me spreading my hole even further.

“I’m going to fill up your tight little hole for you bitch, get ready for that load, you’ve worked hard for it” he said as i heard him moan out finally, his cock getting even bigger as he exploded inside me, coating my insides with what seemed to be a massive load.

After what seemed like minutes I could feel him withdraw his cock and drop down on his knees behind me again. I could feel his fingers inside my sore hole, scooping out his cum from my hole and onto his tongue and in an act of finality, he made me turn around, he grabbed my hair, forcing my mouth open with his other hand and spat his load right in my mouth.

I was in shock. I was just there on my knees, mind racing on what had just happened. My cock was harder than it had ever been before, still oozing precum at an unprecedented rate. I could taste his cum in my mouth, mixed with my ass juices and there he was, still just towering over me.

“I know you’re not a bottom, and definitely not a submissive, but this was amazing. We won’t do it again, if you don’t want to, I just had to get it out of my system. I’ve placed my card in your locker if you want to contact me again, otherwise, you won’t see me again. Oh, and congratulations on the promotion, I put in a good word for you” With that, he just walked out. Leaving me there on my knees dripping with sweat, precum and his load.

A good five minutes must’ve passed before I pulled myself up on my feet and headed for the showers. Adam was gone by the time I got back to the locker room, but he had indeed left his card there in my locker.

Fuck, what did just happen. Like… What the hell… this was so unexpected! Did I like it? YES. I actually loved it. But I’m not a bottom though… But maybe I like getting fucked once in a while?

SHIT, SEAN, what time is it?

It had only been around two hours all in all, if Sean had locked himself up I would still have about two hours to get home and carry out my plan with him, so I quickly got dressed in my hoodie and sweatpants, neatly folding my uniform into my bag and began jogging home.

All through my jog home I was fighting my still ever growing erection which had been brought on my Adam’s mega pounding, yes… that’s what I’m calling it, Adam’s mega pounding, because honestly, I was really missing the adjective to use for what it was.

I hesitated by my front door listening for any type of sound, still resisting looking at the security app on my phone to find out if Sean had locked himself in place again and with a final adjustment of my erection, I slipped the key into the lock and with a twist I opened my apartment.

* * *


I had just locked the final time lock when I heard the front door open. My pulse quickened instantly as I heard Alex move toward the spare bedroom. I could smell his musky aroma as the door opened, making my dick jump instantly, slapping my belly, spreading precum around my navel.

I watched as this blond god walked into the bedroom, his piercing blue eyes fixed on mine as he studied me laying there on the bed, resigned to his wishes, having really given up… what… my freedom? What had I given up by locking myself in place? I felt a shiver running through my body. Was it fright? Excitement? A bit of both? Only ten minutes ago I was fully dressed by the front door, ready to leave and never come here again. But something had pulled me back. Was it lust for Alex? I couldn’t tell you, but it was something alright. Because I would never have thought to submit myself to anyone. I wanted to be bowed to, I wanted to be worshipped, not the other way around.

I had been lost in thought as his touch startled me. I could feel his fingers run over my hole which was still slightly wet from yesterday.

“So, you have decided to become mine?” He said, with a slight shiver in his voice. Was it excitement? His voice was always so confident.

“Mmhfsdhfj” I tried to speak, forgetting the gag in my mouth was still locked in place. His finger slid easily into my hole as it was still stretched from last nights fucking.

He dropped his trousers to his ankles and pulled himself onto the bed. Without saying anything else he lifted my legs up placing my ankles on his shoulders. Looking me dead in the eyes as he lined up his cock and in one quick motion he split me open.

“MMMHSHFS!!!!” I tried to shout out but my screams were muffled by the ball gag in my mouth. He thrust deeper and deeper inside of me and began fucking me at a pace I recognised only as carnal need. He wasn’t fucking me for my pleasure, perhaps not even his. He was fucking me because he needed it. I thought I could read it in his eyes for a brief moment as I managed to open my eyes and look into his.

My thoughts were cut short as he grabbed my throat tightly cutting off all air supply. My whole body tensed up, my ass clenched around his cock and I could feel his every motion, every thrust inside of me as I clenched down. I could feel my body starting to spasm slightly when he finally let go of my throat. I drew the biggest breath of my life, albeit only through my nose. I could feel a piercing sting in my lunges as the air rushed in again, and his rhythm just quickend again, pushing deeper and deeper inside of me.

Again he grabbed my throat and quickly I could feel my body tighten again, clamping down on his penetrating meat, feeling his thrust quicken even further, but this time the throat grabbing was followed by a spit right in my face. Did he actually spit on me? Yup.. He definitely did I thought as I felt the second spit hit me on my chest.

I was confused, I couldn’t breath, he was spitting on me, he was plowing me viciously and I was extremely, extremely turned on, as was evident by my now dripping hard cock. Finally he let go of my throat again and I could feel my muscles relax again sending another wave of precum shooting like an actual cum shot out of my cock.

I could hear the slap before I felt it, the sting across my cheek was unbelievable as he slapped me across the face I could feel my body clench again, which seemed to be his que to quicken his pace. I moaned out in pleasure. Shit.. I was becoming his complete slut. I was loving this treatment. I was starting to wish that he would grab my throat again and spit in my face. God I’m becoming his total, complete bottom submissive slut.

I could feel my balls pull up into my body as I got closer to an orgasm. But they were swiftly pulled back as he grabbed onto my balls pulling on them hard, sending a wave of pain throughout my body, but completely halting my orgasm. He was using my balls as a handle to pull himself deeper into me.

I could feel his cock bulging and pulsing as he came close to his orgasm and finally he screamed out in pleasure as he began shooting his load into me, releasing my balls and sending me right over the edge. As he dumped his load inside of me, I began to shoot my own load, covering my face, chest and abs with my seed as he kept drilling his seed into me and at the same time, pumping mine out of me, hands free, milking me dry.

He pulled out of me gently, surprisingly so, allowing my legs to drop down on the bed beside him. He gently leaned over me and kissed my on my forehead.

“I am so glad you decided to become mine.” He whispered, kissing me again and then resting his head on my cumsoaked chest, closing his eyes and quickly falling asleep.

* * *

Author’s note

Thank you all for your amazing feedback to the story. It’s been a huge inspiration to read your emails and has driven me forward to continue. Please send your feedback to pilotchron@gmail.com as I’d love to hear more from you guys!

Next: Chapter 12

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