Pilot Chronicles

By Pilot Chronicles

Published on Jan 27, 2019


Pilot Chronicles

Part 1

This is a work of fiction. Names, Characters, Businesses, Places, Events, and incidents are the products of the authors imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Some operating procedure in relation to aviation is a true and accurate representation of said procedure. However, the same should not be relied upon in real world events.

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Disclaimer: This story has somewhat of a slow start but it's worth the read! Enjoy

I started flying commercially 5 years ago at the age of 25 and I was lucky enough to land a job as a regional pilot for one of the low-cost European airlines almost immediately after graduating flight school.

Before I go any further, let me introduce myself. My name is Alex Thomson, I'm 30 years of age and a bit of gym bunny when I'm not in the skies, and it shows. I'm famed for my piercing blue eyes which match my blond hair very well. I know you're wondering about my... Package size... and I can tell you that I've never disappointed in that department.

To be honest, working for the regionals is a tedious job. You might fly 3 short legs a day with hardly any stop overs with irritable cabin crew in the back as the passengers tend to treat them in accordance with how much they pay for the tickets. The pay as well is nothing to write home about, considering that you've spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on your flight training, is surely could be better.

On the up side, you weren't short of young passengers on those cheap flights, so more often than not did I manage to spot a hot little young thing in the cabin, whenever I managed to pop my head out of the cockpit that is.

I lasted with the regionals for about three years before I decided to go for additional training to better my chances to get hired on one of the legacy airlines. You see, once you graduate flight school, you can't just jump into any old aircraft and set off, you need to get trained on individual aircrafts, and usually the pilot must pay for that training. So as soon as I accrued the set flight hours, I was off to get myself more training.

I managed to get qualified for the main airliners of the day, including the Airbus 380, in two years making me highly employable with the legacy airlines and managed to get myself a job with the long-haul fleet of the most iconic airlines in the world.

I won't bore you with more trivia, so this is where our story begins, at Terminal 5 at London's Heathrow airport.

`There she is' I thought as I stared out the window at the Boeing 787 Dreamliner which would be my ride for the next 9 hour or so, on our flight for Orlando. My first long haul, overnight stay, in Florida where the sun is shining, surfer boys everywhere flaunting their stuff. It was a dream.

I had been working on bringing the plane to life for about 15 min when I was joined by my captain and relief pilot for the flight. Both were middle aged with grey hair and copious bellies which was a disappointment as I was hoping to have a bit of eye candy for the flight. "I'm Bill" the captain sad and introduced the other as Paul. The two pilots were droning on as we completed our pre-start checks dampening my spirits even further. `those 9 hours will be excruciatingly long' I thought to myself.

"Hi guys" A soft voice came from behind "I'm Liam and I'm the purser for business class as well as the flight deck today. Can I get you anything before we start boarding?" I turned around and I swear my heart missed a couple of beats. I locked eyes with the gorgeous young flight attendant framed in the door. I couldn't help but to stare as my eyes gazed from his well combed hair to his caramel eyes and not missing his glowing tanned skin and full frame.

He had a baffled smile on his face as I realised that both the pilots had already given their orders and were all staring at me. "Uhm... yes. Sorry, I'll have a sparkling water please Liam, if you could". What has gotten into me' I thought, It's just a fucking guy, get your shit together'. But at least this flight would be a bit more interesting than I first thought.

"Alright gentlemen" the Bill began his pre-flight briefing "Who will begin on their rest, How about you Alex? Take care of the Take off and head for the break so you'll be fresh for landing?"

"Sounds good sir, I'll take about two hours after take-off then and we'll switch" which worked out perfectly for me as I could steal a glance at Liam again. I need to gauge his vibe, to see if he... complies to my tastes.

"Speedbird 1548, wind is at 020 at 5 knots, gust at 10, cleared for take off runway 31 Right"

"Cleared for take-off Runway 31R, Speedbird 1548" I heard Bill echo air traffic control

"Alright guys take off checklist complete" I said as I grabbed the throttle and punched it.

It was a wonderful feeling, as the aircraft soared from the ground heading for 36 thousand feet.

"Alright Alex take your break" the captain said as we reached our cruising altitude. That's the benefit of a long-haul flight. The crew has these quaint sleeping quarters above the passenger cabin, one for the flight crew and other for the cabin crew, but that was not my destination today.

I noticed him immediately as I entered the cabin. There he was, leaning over to serve one of his business class passengers, an older woman, who looked at him longingly. I can't really blame her, his ass was looking amazing, filling out his uniform nicely and I couldn't help imagining slipping them off and showing my cock into that hot bubble but.

I could feel my cock growing in my tight uniform which had trouble hiding my bulge even when I was soft, so being faced with a full business class cabin I quickly focused on the pouty older woman to try and tame the beast into submission.

"Oh hello again" I heard him say, startling me somewhat as I didn't see him coming.

"You're new in Long haul aren't you?" He said as he held out his hand, and I noticed his eyes darting down to my crotch where my bulge was still clearly visible, blushing a bit.

"Yes I am" I said as I took his hand and squeezed it firmly and I felt his heat radiating from him which made my cock twitch again. Oh how I would love to pin him up against the door in the toilet and splitting him open with my cock.

shit' I thought as I felt my cock harden again. I need to tame this beast, it's getting embarrassing'

I noticed that he was no longer glancing but right out staring at my growing bulge now.

"Uh, Listen" Liam started, blushing as he did "When we get to Florida, eh.. would you... maybeliketograbadrinkorsomething" He blurted out the rest of that sentence making it intangible.

"Sorry?" I said questioning

"Erhm, a drink, in Florida..."

"I could show you around, it's like my second home, I'm always on the Florida route" He said again.

I could do with more than a drink I thought as the image of him spread out on my bed flashed through my mind.

"Yeah, sure... that would be great." I answered back noting the relief in his caramel eyes.

"Cool, Ok listen, I need to get back to the cabin, and I'm sure you are supposed to be in crew rest, so how about we catch up at the hotel after landing"

"Sounds good" I said as I unlocked the door which lead me up to the crew rest area.

An hour and a half of rest in a comfortable bed is a life saver. I slipped my uniform off and slid into the bed.

I felt my cock stretch my Calvin's as Liam was still on my mind. I could imagine his plump lips wrapped around my cock as he tried to take it all down his throat, his caramel eyes wet with tears as my cock hit the back of his throat. I imagined him gagging as I would push my cock further down, grabbing his well-groomed hair, pushing him further down on my cock, his eyes would now be streaming as he would be gasping for breath.

`Oh the benefits of a good imagination' I thought as I grabbed a hold of my thick meat and started to jack it fast until I sprayed my body with 10 strong squirts of warm cum, wishing I was depositing it down Liam's willing throat.

`shit' I thought as I noticed that there was nothing I could use to clean up the cum with. Another benefit of having a willing mouth to clean my cock. I hate cleaning up my own spunk.

DING The intercom sounded with the flight deck light illuminated

"yeah" I answered as I picked up the handset

"You have twenty minutes left of your rest" the captain said "just making sure you're awake"

"Thanks Bill" I answered, panicking a little. `It'll have to be the underwear then.' I thought as I stared covering my black Calvin's in cum and sliding them on. It was usually the boys I fucked that I made wear cum soaked underwear, but never me. It was a bit hot.

As I entered the flight deck, I received my briefing and off Paul went for his rest.

Not five minutes later I heard the chime of the door attendant and hopefully looked at the camera but was greeted by a busty blond crew member holding some drinks, which I reluctantly let in. A twang of disappointment swept over me as I was hoping to see Liam again.

"Hey Alex, are you seeing those vibration numbers from engine one" bill said as he glanced at the display.

"That's odd." I said as I noticed the engine vibration numbers rising steadily.

"Well. You're the PF, what do you think" bill asked again.

"Let's run an engine diagn..." I couldn't finish my sentence as I heard a mighty thud and the plane started to shake violently.

"Shit... Ok seatbelt signs on" Bill said as he chimed the cabin.

"Flight attendants, please be seated" I called on the intercom not wasting any time on further announcements.

"Engine one is rolling back" I said as I noticed the engine losing all thrust. "Let's call Paul back here, I'm handing over the aircraft to you Bill" I said, following protocol.

"My aircraft" Bill called back as Paul came rushing into the flight deck

"Let's see if we can relight the engine quickly" bill said as we went through the motion of trying to start back the engine.

"Its not lighting sir" I said as it was evident that we weren't getting any juice.

"Right make the mayday call and lets try and get down ASAP" bill said "we have Bravo-India-Kilo-Foxtrot about 60 miles on our right"

Great, I thought. Iceland of all places. A rock in the Atlantic, a freezing tundra. I wasn't going to be seeing any surfer boys there.

"Mayday-Mayday-Mayday, Speedbird 1548. We have lost thrust on one engine and are requesting to divert to Keflavik immediately"

"Speedbird 1548 We've checked your emergency and you are cleared visual approach, runway zero-five. Vectors to the final turn right heading 167, descend and maintain flightlevel one two zero"

"Speedbird 1548 copy, turn right heading 167, descend and maintain one two thousand, runway zero-five, please roll the trucks for us"

"Rolling the trucks"

We made a successful landing at the airport without further incidents, but I was now stuck in Iceland of all places.

"They are setting us up in the airport hotel for the night" Bill said as he got of the phone with the airline, "it's going to be a tight squeeze as they don't have separate rooms for us" he continued.

`great, a night with an old fat pilot, great end to my first long haul flight' I thought getting irritated.

"gentlemen..." Bill addressed the crew "these are the keys, at random, Ladies, here are your keys"

I grabbed a random key and stormed off to the lifts. `304 would be on the third floor if the Icelanders have some sense' I thought as I entered the lift.

Most of the crew was down at the bar having a couple of drinks to calm the nerves, as we would be staying here at least 12 hours, it was acceptable, but I was dying for a shower and starting to really feel the dried up cum in my underwear.

Entering the room did nothing to sooth my mood as I noticed that the room had a single king sized bed opposed to twins. `I am NOT cuddling up to some random pilot or something' I thought furiously as I phoned reception which informed me that the hotel was fully booked and there were no other rooms available.

Seething I turned on the shower and stepped under the hot spray of water. I lathered my body with soap, feeling the curves of my abs as I slid my hands up my body, stopping on my perked nipples, stroking them gently. My hand slid back down towards my cock which was now throbbing, more out of irritation than anything else.

"fuck" I said to myself as I let go of my throbbing shaft "I'm even too irritated to jack off" I mumbled as I turned off the stream of water grabbing one of the fluffy towels and wrapping it around my waist, with the outline of my still throbbing cock showing.

Absentmindedly I walked back into the room and noticed someone sitting by the desk. I froze briefly as Liam looked at me blushing furiously, his eyes darting from my wet hair to my rigid abs and then the outline of my cock underneath the towel.

"oh sorry" he said "I should've knocked on the door to let you know you weren't alone" he continued.

"It ok" I said, a bit more intrigued now that I knew I wouldn't be bunking up with Bill or Paul.

"Ehm.. I'll give you some privacy" he said blushing, heading for the door

"No stay, It's fine. As long as you don't mind me being here in just my towel for a bit" I said with a sly grin.

"I'd prefer it off" he blurted out and I saw him blush furiously again.

I gave it a quick thought in my mind as I noticed him now staring at me, licking his lips.

"Listen Liam..." I started "You're incredibly good looking, but I think you're a bit too innocent for me" I said, forming a plan in my mind

"what do you mean by that!" he said with a bit of hurt in his eyes

"Well... You look like a gentle guy Liam.." I said pausing after saying his name "But I'm far from gentle when it comes to anything sexual. You see, I like my boys to do as I say, and to please me any way I see fit, and I don't think you're quite up for that"

"your boys huh" he said with a defiant tone, giving me the indication that he was playing right into my trap. "Well, I think I can handle whatever you can throw at me" He said again with a defiant tone.

"oh yeah?" I said as I dropped my towel to the ground giving him his first view of my 11-inch girthy cock.

His mouth dropped as he just sat there and stared at it.

"well..." I said "are you just going to sit there or put your money where your mouth is"

I dropped to his knees in an instant and started to crawl towards me.

"STOP" I said firmly "Remove your clothes... anything but your underwear" I commanded

He obeyed immediately and started to peal off his uniform slowly. I watched mesmerised as he dropped his shirt to the floor. His body was perfect, although I didn't like the dusting of hair on his well-formed chest nor his happy trail. I like my boys smooth with hardly any hair.

He was back on his knees now looking at me pleadingly with those caramel eyes.

"lean back on your heels" I said and without hesitation he obeyed my command, thrusting his hips forward allowing me a good view of his bulge which was tenting his white briefs by now. A wet spot forming just at the head of the bulge.

"It turns you on to be commanded I see" sounding it as a fact opposed to a question as I walked towards him holding my thick cock in my left hand and grabbing his face firmly with the other.

"You'll do as I say?" I whispered listening for his answer

"Yes." He said without hesitation

He heard the slap before he felt it on his cheek.

"yes what" I said in a smooth voice

"Yes... Sir?" he said in a bit of shock

"Good boy" -- "Now open your mouth for me"

He did so without hesitation again. He seemed like a very good and obedient boy indeed. No wonder he was serving in business class.

I slapped my cock hard against his face letting him feel the weight of it. As I did so I saw the longing and lust in his eyes.

"beg for it" I said

As I tried to reach my cock with his tongue not daring to move

"please sir, let me taste your cock" he whimpered like a thirsty puppy.

I immediately gave him what he wanted and presented my dick to him. He began to slurp on it vigorously, licking up and down my shaft getting it all wet and nice for him. It felt amazing having those lips on my meat.

I let him get acquainted with my cock for a few minutes, letting him go to town on his own for a while before I took over.

His eyes flashed with shock and I heard him whimper a bit when I grabbed his hair and showed his face down on my cock. He tried to pull off as I felt his throat muscles spasm around my shaft as I pushed deeper down his throat.

When I let go, he recoiled coughing, gagging and gasping for air as white strings of saliva ran down his chin.

"Did I tell you to fucking stop" I said in a venomous whisper and quickly he was back on my cock, sucking a bit more gingerly now. I grabbed his hair again and proceeded to scull fuck him, feeling my cock hit the back of his throat and eventually breaking through the resistance and sliding down his throat.

His caramel eyes were now full of tears as he tried to control his gag reflex.

For about twenty minutes I pounded that boys face whilst holding his head in place firmly. He took it like a pro, I must say, not daring to stop.

"I'm about to cum boy" I said as I picked up the pace of the brutal face fucking Liam was receiving and with a final thrust I slid down his throat and started pumping my seed down his throat.

Liam struggled, getting red in the face as he was desperate for a breath, but I held him still as I pumped the last bit of cum down his throat eventually letting him up for air.

"fuck" He said gasping and coughing. "That was so fucking hot, I thought you were going to drown me" he said.

"Grab a shower" I said smiling "I'm not quite done with you yet".

End of part 1

Thank you for reading part 1. I know it was a bit slow to begin but I felt it necessary to get the back story right before we head into this full on.

To come in Chapter 2: We will see Liam and Alex again and we will go a bit deeper into their dynamic as well as introducing a new key character to the series.


Next: Chapter 2

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