Pierre & Parsifal

By JamesJenkins4253

Published on May 13, 2023



This standalone story is a work of fiction. It in no way should be considered as a reflection of actors Bobby Schofield and Joey Batey's sexuality.

I do not have anything to do with the History Channel period drama series "Knightfall" nor do I know the actors who played Parsifal (Bobby Schofield) and Pierre (Joey Batey).

Parsifal was one of my favorite characters in the series and I was disappointed with his fate towards the end of Season 1 (no spoilers). Plus, he does not get any attention in the fanfiction community as opposed to Landry and other male characters. The story is my tribute to him, plus I found imagining him and Pierre together to be quite hot. Batey I also found eerily sexy for his portrayal of Edward of Lancaster in `The White Queen" miniseries too.

This story takes place early in Season 1 where Pierre has a question of his allegiance while struggling with his attraction to a mournful Parsifal.

The series and all its characters belong to creators Don Handfield and Richard Rayner. If this story is illegal to read in your area or if you are not of legal age to read those of this nature, then I ask you to leave this page.

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Questions/comments: JamesJenkins4253@proton.me

Pierre & Parsifal

© James Jenkins 2023

Paris, France, 1306.

Gawain glowered over the new position in the Temple that he had been "bestowed" from the new master and his supposed friend Landry du Lauzon yet sought to drown his sorrow at the local tavern. He stormed through the hardly populated street and cast a resentful jealous scowl at anyone who dared look at him. He walked into the tavern and casually strolled over to the bar. Once there, he ordered a glass of Honey Mead. He suddenly saw William De Nogaret, King Phillip IV's counselor- a friend of his walk in. He sat next to the new temple institute Pierre and ordered a flagon of ale. They had idle conversation for an hour before he went back to the temple. An hour and a half later and eight cups of beer, the medium-length brown-haired knight-in-training sat there just looking at the crowd.

A group of royal soldiers sat chugging the best Italian wine the bar had to offer. A large boisterous group sat with their eyes barely open, and senses befuddled because of alcohol. Pierre felt a little drunk himself. In one corner the disdainful Gawain sat attempting to swoon a beautiful brunette maid who couldn't have been more that 19 or 20. Soon they left the bar and headed up to one of the rooms upstairs.

Pierre decided to return to his quarters in the Temple also. The young papal agent walked over to the entrance where a temple guard was waiting for verification before the gates were opened. Silently he walked in and told him with warning "I was here all evening-you never saw me." Warily, Pierre went up to his room and walked in. He used a torch light and lit a candle and walked over to his bed. He removed his leather boots quickly followed his black initiate's robe and trousers. Pierre thought a second about the fact that he was to be commissioned as a key member of the pope's circle-should he succeed in helping unseat the templars. So, he quickly kept a close eye and ear on the door, lest he be heard, and polished the blade of the dagger he grew accustomed to always wearing.

After all that was complete, Pierre grabbed the bible he secretly used for hiding messages and sat reading on his bed for about an hour. He secreted the book beneath the mattress and blew out the candle flame before he laid down to go to sleep. Pierre fell asleep almost instantly.... yet was barely conscious of the fact. He had been asleep for barely an hour before hearing a man's shouting. Pierre ran out to the awning and saw the curly-haired youth storming towards the staircase with lines of dried tears evident upon his face. At the same time the Temple Master, Landry, emerged from his quarters with a look of alarm and concern on his dark-bearded face.

Pierre ran down the stairs because the templars had been on high alert of late. He bolted outside and into the courtyard that was in full open view. He heard curious rustling in the stables, and Pierre suspected that that was where the former farm boy had run too. Intrigued, he peered through the crack in the door and saw him. Parsifal was on his knees facing a large crucifix in the stable's heart, praying yet still sniffling. Pierre stared for this was the first time he had a chance to see the other newcomer more closely. Parsifal had curly brown hair that was long enough to reach the top of the ass. He has soft blue eyes that could make ones heart throb. His body was fit from growing up on a farm and he was not bad with a sword. Christ, he was striking vision.

Steeling himself, Pierre opened the door and came up behind the aloof lad. He tapped the prayer-invested youth on the right shoulder. Stepping back as he unintentionally frightened his brother, but the lad stood up and turned to face the intruder. Parsifal was about shoulder height with him. "Are you alright?" Pierre asked usually one to feign concern, yet somehow wanted to know what caused the boy's lamentations. Parsifal looked at him and nodded. He then said in a tender yet broken voice. "Would not expect you to understand what it is to lose your hope for a beautiful future-and wanting to damn the bastard who took it from you." Pierre was startled at first finding out that this boy.... No... An 18-year-old peasant had more inner fire than his gentle exterior implied. "No," Pierre replied knowing he shouldn't give a damn about the boy's lost love, Marie. Unexpectedly a cinder of life returned to his eyes and washed away some of the tragedy that spilled out of his eyes like a swollen river. Pierre reached into his coin purse and handed him an ornate wooden rosary.

"Take control of your grief and accept your new life. and be sure to get some sleep." Pierre said this with less indifference even though he often displayed. Parsifal nodded and put it in the leather purse Marie had once gifted him and walked away. Pierre walked back into the initiate quarters and returned to his room. He stripped off his trousers and crawled into bed. Again, he fell asleep almost instantly, yet Parsifal still weighed on his mind.

The next morning Pierre woke up as dawn broke and dressed in preparation for his initiate duties. Prior to this, the senior templars reviewed his records (the ones the pope provided), and Pierre was eventually commissioned as a right-hand man in the service of the disgruntled Gawain. As a celebration Pierre went over to the tavern and saw some traveling minstrels. After the performance, he headed back to the temple before his absence would be noticed. Yet he walked over for a quick visit to the bar again almost immediately upon noticing the brunette teen. Pierre walked over to the quietest corner bar pretending to not notice him. Cooly, he ordered a cup of honey-wine and knocked it down. The he nonchalantly pulled out his small leather pocket journal and made a mark in it with a stylus.

Before long, the tangle-haired youth seemed to notice his brother. Parsifal walked over to me and sat down at my right-hand side. The farm boy ordered a Godale. He looked up at the somewhat odd initiate with those deep blue eyes that seemed happier than last night. More open-hearted even. Pierre took private pleasure in the fact that possibly he had sparked hope and life back into those innocent eyes. Parsifal also seemed drawn in by the tense and divided aura now on the bearded initiate's face. "Thank you for last night," Parsifal spoke up. Pierre ordered himself a roasted rabbit and a....What do you call it....um... Canell wine. Yes, that was it. "Thank you so much, I owe you a favor in the future."

"I just hate seeing a man weep like a woman, no need to thank me...but you are welcome. Guess it was my pleasure." Pierre smiled into the sip he took from his cup. Without warning, he leaned towards Pierre and kissed him swiftly and passionately on the lips. No tongue. just a prolonged kiss on the lips. Parsifal then took his hand and guided him upstairs. To Pierre's confused reluctant shock the peasant led him right to the initiates quarters! Then surprisingly he reached into his pocket and pulled out the key and unlocked the chamber door.

To his chagrin, Pierre was living a pauper's existence. The temple had a simple kitchen, toiletries, and bedrooms that had beds Parsifal was likely used to. Once inside he spiritedly walked him over to the bed and teasingly pushed him upon it. Pierre sat the perturbed boy down beside him and Parsifal leaned over to him and kissed Pierre passionately on the lips. Parsifal's tongue pushed against Pierre's and the latter's parted. Their tongues explored each other's mouths. All this time Pierre had been thinking amidst unsettled disgusted fear. Shit, I've fallen in love with this foolish peasant! Parsifal's hand traveled from the spy's left cheek down to the crotch of his trousers where Pierre already had a growing erection. Pierre broke the kiss, expecting to see the boy smiling back as he surprisingly did. But when the spy stared at him, Parsifal only had a half smile. Seeing that, the smile faded from his face. "No," Pierre said. "You're mad with grief. You don't want-you can't want- what I wish of you. No, I am not going to damn us both."

At that the blushing peasant began to smile back at him. Parsifal then asked. "Truly, that is the only thing I can think of to repay you. I want to ask if I can sleep with you. Just for tonight to share in your bed. I do not want to be alone. Please, I ask you as a brother." Pierre thought about it for a second, despite the outrage in the very idea, and said "Anything for a brother." Parsifal then went into the bath area and bringing his coin purse with him apparently changed into a linen tunic. Pierre was already stripping down into his braies. Often Pierre slept naked, yet since there was another man in his bed still reeling from a great loss, he decided to sleep in his braies that night, or for how long the naïve peasant would be enticing the deceitful snake in his dreams.

Carefully Pierre reached under the mattress and grabbed his bible and got into bed and began to read a recent message from Roland. A few minutes later he returned from the bath with his brother's tunic on and his coin purse in hand. Parsifal laid his purse near his sword and climbed into bed with this still practical stranger. Parsifal inched closer to him and lay on his brother's right shoulder. Pierre read a random passage for about nine minutes. When he thought the boy was asleep Pierre set his bible back in its hiding place and blew out the candle flame. When Pierre turned his head and closed his eyes to sleep, he became aware of a barely audible, muffled sobbing. He soon felt the wet spot on his shoulder. Pierre turned to Parsifal and noticed that his eyes were open, amp, and staring into his own ethereal blue eyes.

Pierre on an indecipherable impulse turned towards Parsifal and drew him into a hug that was a cross between love and empathy. Parsifal cried onto his shoulder for about a half an hour before finally falling asleep. Soon after Pierre too fell asleep, partly cursing yet also wonderstruck by what happened.

About 7 hours later Pierre, with five minutes before the temple would stir in the middle of an arousing dream. He also had an erection worthy of a mythic hero. Parsifal had his back to Pierre, and the dazed man had an arm around the youth. Instantly he became aware that the other's braies had slipped down around the beauty's waist. Pierre quickly removed his arm fearing that its weight might wake the lad. As he moved his arm, the boy moved also. Parsifal rolled onto his back.

Parsifal licked his lips and looked up at him. Pierre looked into his eyes for they were fiery hot with passion tethered lust. Then he spread his legs a little and wantonly whispered to Pierre, "Please take me. I yearn to feel you in me!" In a beat, Pierre then threw the covers aside and pulled Parsifal to the side of the bed. Pierre knelt beside it and got his first look at the lad that he had fallen in love with, nearly drooling over the fine ass. He could already see the moisture that was coming out of the youth's handsome cock. Pierre then buried his face in between the boy's legs. Slowly Pierre ran his tongue up and down the shaft and then finally thrust it into the stunned boy's tight hole. Parsifal groaned and put both his hands behind the head of wavy hair and pushed it harder into his ass.

Soon after, he began to near his climax. Parsifal groaned and cried out "AHHHHHHH GOD I SEE THY GLORY!!!" Pierre then felt a flood of warm milk-white seed as it literally drenched his face. He looked up at Parsifal as he smiled down at him, his pale face framed between the peasant's balls. Pierre reached up and pinched one and then sucked the hard nipple of the other into his mouth. Parsifal then began to moan with pleasure as the spy sucked on Parsifal's testicles, both enveloped in each other's euphoria. Parsifal then pulled the latter's head off his crickets and pushed his brother onto the edge of the bed.

By now his engorged cock was begging for release as Pierre had just eaten this youth's ass and then sucked his balls, and now the other's penis was begging for attention. Nervous, Parsifal got on his knees and stared in awe at the other's penis and wrapped his strong hand around it and began to stroke it. Parsifal then parted his kissable pouty lips and put the cock head into his mouth. His delectable mouth was warm and soft and obligating as he took the fat dick and sucked on it ravenously. The boy's tongue was playing an important role also, for it was stroking the bottom of Pierre's cock and paying special attention to the key sensitive pulses at the bottom of the head.

Pierre soon felt his own climax dawning. He made a deep bullish grunt and began to fire his hot seed into this boy's willing mouth. Parsifal continued to suck until it shrunk up and he became content that he had swallowed all the seed-knowing they had shamed their vows in the act.

Parsifal then laid on top of him and looked abjectly into Pierre's eyes. They were a cross between passion, optimism, lust, and avidity. The peasant turned knight kissed me on the lips and then got up and laid on top of the awestruck man and pulled Pierre's head to the center of his chest and whispered, "I think I love you, brother Pierre." "Do you love me as equally as I love you, despite it being a sin?" Pierre replied by saying low enough "I love you enough to endure Hell and not be afraid!"

By now his erection was growing and restless for more worship. Parsifal had obviously noticed this because he got up and laid on the bed. Pierre got up and moved in between the lad's legs and rubbed the head of that stone-hard cock up and down Parsifal's crack paying special attention to his manhood. Finally, Pierre just could endure no more. He gave a wanton thrust, the boy gave a small yelp, but was then groaning. Parsifal whispered to him, "Before anyone suspects anything- fuck me in the ass." Teasingly winking at him. Pierre then proceeded in fucking the aspiring knight in his tight ass.

Without restraint he was having a soul-draining climax. "NGGGGHHHH LORRDDD I'M ALL YOURS!!!" Grimacing, Pierre then felt the flood of the boy's delicious juices around his now throbbing cock. So, he pulled it out and turned the seething lad on his stomach.

Pierre reached around and fingered the lad's ass to get some of Parsifal's seed on his fingers before rubbing them around the tight passage. Pierre pushed the head of his cock up against Parsifal's anal band. Parsifal quickly relaxed to conform with his brother length-knowing it was wrong yet pleasurable. Gradually he inched it in carefully, and abruptly was buried all the way to the keystone. Pierre then began to pump in and out, slowly increasing his speed, until his conscience felt dissipated, as they both began to reach their mutual climax. Parsifal was furiously fondling his ass and dick. The fiend could feel the lad's fingers inside his hole as they were separated by the weakest of defenses.

Finally, they both came at the same time, Pierre filled Parsifal's hole up with his thick seed, and the boy's dick spurting his rich juices all over the bed. They both stayed in the same position for two minutes, both trying to catch their breath. With his senses still about him, he pulled out his limp cock and they both arose. Parsifal also got up and they stood in an embrace worthy of Homeric heroes, kissing each other. Pierre broke the kiss and went into the bath and pumped in the water. Parsifal followed him in and stood behind Pierre until they both stepped into the bath together.

As they washed each other off, Pierre thought to himself............ I will have to time and plan our future meetings together very carefully...

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