Picking Up the Pieces of My Life

By JC Fanfic

Published on Sep 21, 2003


A Work of Fiction by JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications (c) Copyright 2003

Disclaimer: All Characters and situations of this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people and actual situations is purely coincidental. All fictional characters and fictional situations portrayed in this work of fiction remains the property of JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications. Republishing of this work of fiction is strictly forbidden unless permission as been given by JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications. Permission granted to Nifty Archives for the sole purpose of posting on the Boy Bands section of the Archives. Permission may be obtained by e-mailing JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications at JC_Fan_Fiction@yahoo.com

Comments are welcome too. Constructive Comments and advice are welcome. Honest opinions are welcome as well. And if you want to vent all over me as long it is good natured than feel free too do that to.

E-mail me at JC_Fan_Fiction@yahoo.com

Welcome to Chapter Nine!

From JC's point of view

I woke the next morning and glanced over at Don. He was out like a light. He looked so cute laying there cuddled next to me. As much as I hated to wake I knew I had too. I leaned over and kissed his bare shoulder. He grunted and turned over. Ok so this was going to take a little work. I wrapped my arms around his slim figure and pressed my lips to the back of his neck. This time he growled softly at me! Grinning my usual naughty grin I slid my hand down to his crotch and wrapped my hand around his soft member. This time I got the response I wanted. He let out a soft moan. Yea this was what I wanted to hear. I lightly stroked up and down until it was hard as a rock.

"Good morning," he said as he opened his sleepy eyes. "What are you doing?"

"Waking you up," I giggled as I snuggled up to him.

"Don't want to wake up," he said with a small pout.

"But sweetie," I cooed at him. "You promised to take me to breakfast this morning."

"Oh yea that's right," he said snuggling closer to me. "Where do you want to go?" I shrugged my shoulders as I latched on to his neck and started to suck. Yep, I was in the mood to give my baby some more hickies. I felt him sigh as he moved against me. I could also feel him grinding against me as well. He was as horny as I was. Than he stopped. I looked up and saw him glaring down at me.

"What?" I asked all innocent.

"I'm sore!" he grumbled. "You worked me to hard yesterday!"

"I didn't hear you complaining," I smirked.

"Yea well let's see how you like if I stick my cock up your ass five times in one day," he pouted.

"Ohhhhh, that sounds like fun!" I giggled. He glared at me some more. I took pity on him and wrapped him up in my arms and kissed him on his fore head. "Want me to make it better?"

"How?" he asked. I giggled as I slid down his slim form and engulfed his cock in my mouth. I could feel him shiver with pleasure as I took him in all the way. I looked up to see his head thrown back in pure pleasure. I begin to work his cock as fast as I could. By now his cock was drooling precome. I greedily swallowed it up as fast as it came out. His balls begin to draw up close to his body. I knew by his moans and whimpers and pelvic thrusts and the pulsing of his cock that I was soon going to be rewarded for my efforts. He let out a strangled groan and slammed his cock all the way in. I backed off so that I could taste ever shot that hit my mouth. The first shot came fast and hard slamming into the back of my throat. I groaned loudly at the taste and the rush I felt. Than a second and third shot in. A total of nine shots, so much was it that I had to swallow fast and hard in order to keep it all in. Finally he stopped shooting. I expertly milked the last remaining drops from his beautiful cock head. Finally his whimpers told me that he was too sensitive. I let him fall limply from my mouth. I looked up at his gorgeous stomach muscles and chest and shivered with lust as he took deep breaths to calm himself. I giggled softly as I snuggled up to him and kissed him fully on the lips. I allowed his greedy tongue in so he could taste what he had given me. Finally I broke away and looked down at his lust glazed eyes.

"So," I asked with my usual smirk. "Do you feel better now?"

"You are a bad boy!" he scolded me as he kissed me again. "Now what about you?" He looked down at my raging hard on. "How shall we take care of junior?"

"I've got a couple of ideas," I replied smirking.

"Yea but one is definitely not happening today," he gave me a stern look. "However I could use some extra protein in my diet." With that he giggled and slid down my body so that his lips were directly in line with my cock. He wrapped his lips around the head and started to suck on it lightly. "Ohhh baby," I moaned out loud. "That feels so good." He just giggled as he reached up and started to play with one of my nipples. By now he was working more and more of my cock down his throat. I was amazed at how much he could get down there. I was considerably bigger than he was. He glanced up at me and I saw the love and pleasure in his eyes as he continued to give me as much pleasure as he could. I knew that he honestly loved sucking me off. He craved my cum and begged me for it all the time. The more he worked my cock the hotter I got. Finally he took it out and I shivered at the sight of it. It was slick with his spit and my juices. He licked it for a while like he would a lollipop all the while giving me this really naughty look. "Please?" I pleaded with him.

"Please what?" Don asked grinning.

"Don't tease me," I whimpered out. He giggled again and engulfed my cock with one gulp. I shuddered and almost screamed in pleasure. He worked me up again until I was ready to blow and than he stopped again. I growled in frustration this time. He just licked it for a few minutes and than he looked me in the eye.

"Fuck me," he said winking at me before plunging down on my shaft again. I started sliding in and out of his mouth. I was being gentle for as not to gag him. He forced me down and looked at me with a intense look in his eyes. "Harder!" he urged me. I started to thrust harder and harder. He took it all. I could feel my balls swinging up and slapping him under the chin. He was moaning louder and louder driving me harder and harder.

"I'm close baby," I moaned out.

"Cum for me Josh," he said before quickly shoving my cock back into his mouth.

"Fuuuck!" I screamed as I finally blasted my load into his already swallowing throat. I could feel his throat muscles working hard around my shaft as he swallowed again and again. Finally I stopped shooting and he licked me clean. By now we were both sweating bullets. He crawled up to me and rested his head on my chest.

"Mmmmmm," he moaned out as he latched onto one of my nipples. "My favorite music is playing."

"And that is?" I asked grinning down at him. He looked up at me with his usual adorable expressions and smiled his cute smile.

"You're heart beat sweetie," he replied. "Now let's get up and shower."

"Together?" I asked grinning.

"Yes together and don't even think about it," he snickered. "I need a day to recover." I pouted for a few minutes but he just laughed and shook his head.

From Kevin's point of view.

"Thank God they are done," Danny sighed as he snuggled back up to me. "Are they always like this?"

"Yea they pretty much fuck like bunnies," I chuckled. "Now you ready to get up?"

"I'd rather stay in bed with you all day," Danny sighed. "But I'm sure that Josh will want me to get started on that new song of his."

"Well I was wondering if maybe I could take my new Boyfriend out to breakfast first," I smiled down at him.

"I think I could do that," Danny grinned back at me. "Oh yea I almost forgot. I have to stop at the mall today."

"Any particular reason?" I asked.

"Yea Don's birthday is today," Danny explained as he swung out of bed. I marveled at his slim but shapely form as he moved as gracefully as a cat. Soon he was dressed and ready for the day. "Can you take me?"

"Sure," I agreed. "I wanted to show you around anyway."

"Good," Danny grinned. "Oh and don't way anything to Don. He hates it when people make a big deal out of his birthday."

"What's the fun in that?" I asked grinning at him. He thought about it for a few minutes and than grinned a very sexy and cute grin.

"You're right," he giggled. "There is no fun in that. Want to have some fun?" I nodded eagerly. "Just follow my lead ok?" Again I nodded as I followed him out of the room and followed him down the stairs. I noticed that Donny was walking down the stairs too. Only he was carrying a huge hand made card. I grinned at how cute he looked. "He is such a cutie," Danny gushed at his nephew.

"Yea he is," I agreed again. "Don is really lucky to have him." By now we were in the dinning room.

"Daddy Daddy!" Donny squealed as he ran up to Don. "Happy Birthday Daddy!"

We all watched as Donny handed his Daddy the huge hand made card. Don turned into a ball of mush as he took it. He read it as his eyes filled with unshed tears. We of course was dying to see what the little guy had made for his daddy. Finally Don handed the card to Josh and Josh read it and smiled at it. Whatever it was it had to be cute. Finally Josh handed the card back to Don. "Well thank you son," Don said wiping his eyes. "That was very sweet of you." Donny held his arms up to be picked up and hugged. It was so cute and how could anyone refuse him. Don picked him up and gave him a very big hug. Finally he put him down and now that Donny had done his job he took off running down the hall looking for his buddy Trixy. Danny started to hum happy birthday while grinning a very naughty grin. Don glared at him and blushed.

"So it is your birthday?" Josh asked grinning at him Don. "Why didn't you tell me?" he asked with a small pout.

"I don't do birthdays too well," Don mumbled. "Donny loves them so I let him do all that cute stuff for me." Don put the card down on the table and I melted when I saw it. It was a very cute drawing of Don and Josh and Donny and Trixy. It had written across the top, "My Family! Happy Birthday Daddy!" It was obvious that Donny had help making the card. "You ready to go?" Don asked Josh. Josh nodded as he took Don's hand. "I'm taking my lover out to breakfast. We'll see you all in about an hour or so," Don said over his shoulder. Danny was still humming Happy Birthday. "Behave Danny!" Don scolded him. Danny giggled as he smirked at me. Once they were gone I turned to Danny.

"It looks like he doesn't want to celebrate his birthday," I said softly. "Do you think we should do anything about it?"

"We should definitely play it by ear," Danny replied. "He stopped celebrating his birthday when Pam got sick. So we'll just have to play it by ear. If I know Josh, he will want to do something. We'll let him handle it."

"Yea I think it will be wise to let Josh make the first move," I agreed. "Now why don't we go get breakfast too?" Danny happily agreed and we left the house for breakfast.

From Josh's point of view.

I noticed that Don was really quiet. Donny was playing in the back seat with his action figures. Having some sort of war back there. I was driving so I was able to concentrate on that. But the suspense was killing me. Finally I had to ask. "Baby?" I asked softly. He looked up at me with haunted eyes. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," he lied. I sighed as I turned into the restaurant.

"Something is wrong sweetie and I really want to help," I insisted.

"Pam used to make this huge deal out of my birthday," Don said softly. "When she got sick I lost all interest in my birthday. It used to be a really special day for me but now--, I don't know," he mumbled. "You probably think I am dumb."

"No I don't think you are dumb sweetie," I said softly laying my hand on his leg. "But I would kinda sorta like to make your birthday special too." It was at this time that Donny accidentally lost one of his toys. It flew out of his hand and bopped Don on the back of the head. Donny looked really scared and Don looked surprised. I choked back a laugh and Don smiled at me too.

"I'm sorry daddy!" Donny exclaimed. "It was a accedent!"

"It's ok sweetie," Don said grinning back at his son. Donny was happy that his daddy wasn't to mad at him so he went back to his game.

The rest of the ride was pretty quiet. Except for the sound effects coming from the back seat from Donny it was quiet. I was trying to figure out just what I was going to do for Don's birthday. I knew he wasn't too excited about celebrating it. But he was so special to me and I wanted to let him know just how much I loved him. Than it hit me. I knew what I was going to do. All I had to do is put it in motion.

"So what do you have planned for today?" Don asked me.

"Well I thought that maybe Danny and I could work on the song a little bit more. When do you go back to work for Justin?" I asked.

"He won't even talk about it until next week," Don grumbled. "I need to be doing something."

"He has a good reason for keeping on rest Don," I replied. He glared at me for a few seconds before his face turned soft and cute again. "He is just worried about you and so am I," I said patting him on his leg. "Don't be in such a rush to go back to work. You need time to make sure that you are ready to go back to work. Trust me," I giggled softly. "Your job will be waiting for you when you are ready to come back. Justin has no intentions of replacing you."

"Yea he better not," Don said with a small pout. "I just spent a fortune on gum to break him of that annoying pen chewing habit of his." We both shared a small laugh over that.

"Die Skywalker!" Donny exclaimed from the back seat. Don snorted back a laugh and I busted up laughing. "You can't kill me!" Donny exclaimed as he continued to do battle with his star wars action figures. By now Don and I were really laughing. Don peaked back in time to catch Donny grinning widely up at us.

"Having fun son?" Don asked smiling lovingly at his son.

"Yes Daddy!" Donny exclaimed with his very loud voice. "I'm playing Star Wars!"

"That's nice sweetie," Don smiled at him. "But can you keep it a little quiet please?"

"Ok Daddy," Donny said in a very loud whisper. I laughed softly and Don smiled at me. By now we were pulling into the parking lot.

"We're here," I said as I shut off the car. "Anyone for pan cakes?" I knew that Donny loved pancakes with lots of syrup. And I loved the look of scolding I got from Don. He wasn't looking forward to having to deal with a three year old with a sugar high. I didn't mind though. That usually meant that Donny would crash a few hours later and nap. Than Don, if I was really lucky, would want to play. "I can't help it if I want to spoil the men I love," I smirked at him.

"Yea yea," Don replied smacking my arm playfully. "I know what you are up to mister."

"What?" I asked trying to be a picture of pure innocence.

"Donny gets a sugar high and crashes a little while later and lays down for an early nap and you think you are going to get lucky," Don said with pride.

"Why you little," I gasped out. Don looked really pleased with himself. "So do I?" I asked kissing him quickly.

"Do you what?" he asked grinning cheekily at me.

"Do I get lucky?" I asked pouting. You see he wasn't the only one with an incredible pout.

"You might if you keep that up," Don giggled. By now we had walked in the restaurant and Donny was already babbling to the hostess that he wanted pan cakes. She of course smiled sweetly at him and showed us to a booth.

Half hour later Donny's face is covered with syrup and he is really hyped up. Don glared at me for a few seconds before slipping his card to the waiter. "Thank you so much dear," he said with his sarcastic voice.

"I wanna go play!" Donny said loudly. "Can we go to the park daddy? Huh? Can we please?" I giggled as I watched Don wince at the boy's high pitch voice. "I wanna go play in the park!"

"Yes we can go play in the park," Don replied grinning a naughty grin at me. "Joshy has volunteered to play hide and seek with you."

"What?" I yelped out.

"Come on Joshy," Don cooed at me. "He wants to play with you."

"Please Joshy?" Donny begged me. Who was I to refuse two very cute and adorable boys?

"Ok," I relented. "I'll play. But daddy has to play too." By now Donny was really happy about the prospect of his Daddy and me playing with him.

"Is he asleep?" I asked Don. Don nodded as he picked up his sleeping son. For the last three hours we had spent playing in the park. It had been a blast. I had never seen Don so carefree and happy. Hearing him laugh with such joy really made my day. Now I got to see him as he carried his son into the house. Donny was out like a light. He looked so cute all snuggled up in his daddy's arms.

"Let me put him to bed and I'll join you in the bedroom," Don said with a grin. "Some one is going to get lucky." The thought of having sex with this incredibly sexy and loving man made me hard. I quickly made my way to the bedroom and quickly stripped off my clothes. I looked in my closet for a red bow and found it. I quickly tied it around my cock and slid onto the silk sheets. I was laying there waiting for him when he came in. he saw me and started to blush. "Is that for me?" he asked shyly as he pointed to my crotch. I nodded as I patted the bed beside me. He quickly stripped off his clothes and slid into bed with me. I shivered in delight as his cock brushed up against my leg. I leaned over and kissed him lightly on the lips. But Don would have none of that. The kiss turned very passionate. In no time at all we were engrossed in a very hot make out session.

Finally I threw all caution to the wind. "Don?" I asked looking into his lust glazed eyes. "Make love to me."

From Don's point of view.

"What?" I gaped out.

"Make love to me please?" Josh pleaded with me. "Please Don, I want to feel what it is like to have you in me. Loving me, filling me with your cum."

"Are you sure?" I asked. I knew that Josh hadn't had anyone up him since Kevin. I didn't want to hurt him.

"I've never been more sure of anything else in my life," he whispered to me as he reached out and laid his hand on my chest. I swallowed hard as I laid down on top of him and pressed my lips to him. The minute my lips touched his Josh reacted by grinding his huge hard on against mine. We both let out a whimper of pleasure. "Please Don," he pleaded with me with a sense of urgency. I smiled at him as I took the bottle of lube from his shaking hand. I kissed him again in an attempt to calm his nerves. I squirted some lube into my palm and worked three of my fingers in it until they were well coated. Than I slid my hand between his legs and worked my fingers up him. Josh had taken the bottle of warming lube from me and had applied some in his palm and than reached for my aching cock. I moaned softly as he begin to apply the warm lube on my shaft. I continued to work my fingers in him deeper and deeper. By the sighs and moans I was getting from Josh I knew that it felt good. "I'm ready," he rasped out. I eased out of his whole and took my well lubed cock and guided it to his whole. Very slowly I pushed the head of my cock in. I kept my eyes on Josh for the entire time. The first sign of pain I would stop. He stiffened up and winced. I stopped and went to pull out but Josh stopped me. "No!" he said in a strained voice. "I want this."

"But I am hurting you," I argued with him.

"It's been a while love," Josh panted out. "Push in some more." I slowly pushed in some more of my cock. It slid in easier now that the head was in. I felt Josh quiver under me and again I was worried about the pain I was causing him. But the sound that came out of him was one that I was so familiar with. His whimpers told me that he was enjoying this. I slid in the rest of the way until my pubes rested on his skin. I must of hit his prostate because he let out this really cute yelp. I grinned as I pushed in a little harder nudging it again. His whole body went rigid as he thrashed his head back in pre-orgasmic pleasure. He moaned out again.

"Ohh I love making you make those sounds," I giggled lightly. He looked up at me and I looked down at him. His face was flushed with desire. His cock was rock hard and pointing straight up at his chin. I knew that if I touched it he would cum right than and there. His chest muscles and abs were rock hard and his hands rested on my hips. Deciding to test my theory I took my hand and touched his cock. He whimpered loudly as his cock twitched and a huge stream of cum shot out of it as Josh's moans and whimpers filled the room. I giggled softly as I stroked it a couple more times. I tuned into his moans and his movements but most of all I tuned into his face. Seeing Josh in a state of orgasm and knowing that I was bringing him to that state was an incredibly beautiful experience. I don't think Josh ever looked more beautiful as he did right now. "God you are so beautiful baby," I whispered out as I laid down on top of him and kissed his lips again. I eased out of him and than thrust back in. Josh resounded by arching up to meet my thrusts. I knew that this was going to be on wild ride. That was the way Josh wanted it. Wild and rough and exiting wasn't even close to explaining it. After over an hour of intense lovemaking we both shouted out each other's name and let ourselves be over come in the throes of our own orgasms. After it was all done I looked down at my lover. He was sleeping soundly from the wild lovemaking we had just finished. I quietly got up and walked into the bathroom and came back with a wet cloth and cleaned the cum from my lover. Than I went in and started the bath and put some bubbles in it. After making sure it was full I walked back in and picked him up. I was shocked when he didn't wake up. Well he was about to. I carried him into the bathroom and walked into the tub and gently knelt in the water and lowered my beautiful lover in it. He moaned softly as he opened his sleepy eyes. "Hey," I said softly as I slid down beside him. "I love you Mr. Chasez," I whispered as I wrapped my arms around his well formed but slim shoulders. He snuggled closer to me and drifted back to sleep. Sighing I resigned myself just to hold him. I too relaxed in the soothing warm water. Just me and my lover basking in the after glow of making love. Right now there was no where else I wanted to be.

From Josh's point of view.

I woke again to find that I was in bed again. Only this time the sheets had been changed. Royal blue silk sheets graced my body. I looked around to see if I could find my lover. I pouted when I realized that I was all alone. I peaked under the sheets to find that I was still naked. I stretched out enjoying the soothing sensations that the silk sheets afforded my body. I winced slightly at the small twinge of pain that radiated from my back side. Than I smiled as I remembered the feel of him entering me and making love to me. It felt so good to surrender control of myself to someone I loved. It felt good to offer my body to Don and let him make love to me. I felt my eyelids getting heavy and I closed them and allowed myself to drift back to sleep. Unfortunately my sleep wasn't to last long. I felt the gentle kissing of my lover's lips on my eyelids. I growled softly and turned over. I wasn't ready to get up just yet. I heard him giggle softly as he continued his attack on me. I soon begin to enjoy the soft feather kisses that he was raining on my eyelids nose cheeks and lips. Finally although rather reluctantly I opened my eyes to see him smiling down at me. "You ready to get up?" he asked as he snuggled closer to me. I looked down his body and pouted when I realized that he was dressed. "Sorry horny toad," he giggled at my pout. "But the day is wasting away."

"I love you," I breathed out.

"I love you too sexy," he smiled as he tapped me on the tip of the nose. "Now get up and get dressed so we can eat lunch." With that said he took my hand and stood up and pulled me up too. The silk sheets fell from my naked body and I shivered with lust as I watched Don rake his eyes over my nakedness. "God!" he breathed out. "You are so beautiful!" I blushed as I quickly pulled on some boxer briefs. "Hurry and get dressed. Lunch is waiting." I watched as he walked out of the room. I sat down in a chair and thought about what happened this morning. I had given myself fully and completely to Don. I had allowed him to make love to me. I had always thought of myself as more of a top when it came to making love to Don. But after this morning I was more than willing to trade places with him. Don was so loving and caring. He was gentle yet wild. I loved the feel of every inch of his cock as it entered me. I felt so close to him right now that I was ready to burst. At some point I felt tears flowing down my face. Not tears of sadness but tears of happiness. I was in love. Truly and with out a doubt in love with him. "Sweetie?" his voice drifted over me. I looked up and saw his concerned face. "You're crying!" he gasped out. I saw the hurt rage across his face as he rushed to my side. "What's wrong Josh?" I leaned into his touch as he sat next to me. I welcomed the feel of his arms surround me and I felt so loved and protected by him. "Please tell me what is wrong?" he asked. I was shocked and horrified to see his eyes fill with tears.

"Nothing is wrong with me," I smiled at him. "I was just thinking about this morning and I let my emotions get the better of me."

"Are you sure?" Don asked with concern still on his face. I nodded as I leaned against him.

"Thank you," I said looking up into his soft and caring eyes. "You made me feel so loved today."

"I did?" Don asked confused.

"You made love to me!" I exclaimed out. "Do you have any idea what it feels like to have the person that you love enter you and take you to heaven?" Don smiled softly at me and shook his head. "Oh yea I umm guess you do," I said blushing. "I was just to making love to you all the time and I forgot that there is another whole side of it."

"Kevin was a top right?" Don asked softly. I nodded with out saying anything. "Wasn't it as good with him?"

"No," I replied honestly. "I mean Kevin was gentle and all but when you made love to me it was like ummm wow!" Don giggled softly. "I guess it is because I really and truly love you Don. I loved you so much that I gave myself to you."

"I love you too Joshua Scott Chasez," Don said as he kissed me fully on the lips. At this point my stomach decided to complain. It growled loudly causing us both to laugh. "I guess we should get some food down you." He took my hand and together we walked out of the room and down the hall and down the stairs. Once in living room we saw that Kevin and Danny were snuggled on the couch. Donny was in the corner with Yippie playing with his cars.

"Hey you two," Danny said looking up. Once he saw me his face broke out in a huge grin. "Someone got lucky!" I blushed and looked down. "Way to go older brother!"

"Danny," Don scolded him. "Not now."

"No," I said smiling up at Don. "It's ok." I turned to Danny. "You see in a gay loving relationship it is ok for partners to change positions once in a while. Don made love to me today and he made me feel so loved. I had forgotten what it could be like."

"Ok on that note," Don said as he blushed a deep red. "It's lunch time!"

From Don's point of view.

"You still tired?" I asked Josh as he yawned again. He nodded. "Well than after lunch we'll go up stairs and lock ourselves in our room and nap for the rest of the afternoon." The smile on his face was so worth it.

"Love birds," Danny snorted. I glared at him for a few seconds before I saw his new hickie.

"Nice job Kevin," I giggled as I reached over and took Danny's chin and turned his head so I could get a better look at it." Danny immediately blushed and turned away. Kevin had this very smug look on his face. Needless to say there were no more snide comments from Danny about Josh and me. As soon as we were done eating and Danny was safely playing with Danny and Kevin and Yippie I took Josh's hand and led him up stairs in our room. After stripping him down to nothing I held back the sheets so he climb in. He looked at me with those incredible eyes of his.

"You're going to join me?" he asked. I nodded as I stripped off my clothes as well. I noticed that Josh was watching me take off my clothes. "You are so hot!" he said with his usual naughty grin.

"No!" I scolded. "No sex! You are tired and so am I. We're going to take a nap." The pout was almost convincing but I forced myself to stay strong. "Tonight we can make love all night long." The smile on his face was worth it. I slid in between the sheets and snuggled as close to him as I could. I loved the feel of Josh's flesh up against mine. Our bodies seem to fit against each other like glue. "I love you." I whispered to him. But all I got from him was a soft snore. My lover Josh had already gone to sleep. I continued to hold my angel for a couple of hours before drifting off to sleep as well.

From Kevin's point of view.

"They are really happy aren't they?" Danny asked me as he snaked his arms around me and snuggled closer to me.

"Yea they are," I replied. "And no thanks to me."

"Want to tell me what that means?" Danny asked me looking confused.

"When Don first came to live with Josh," I started. I was so embarrassed to tell Danny this but I wanted it be a honest relationship. I wanted to tell him the truth. "I was a jealous asshole who did every thing to break Don and Josh up." I looked up at Danny to gauge his reaction.

"Well did it work?" Danny asked.

"No," I admitted. "And I am very glad that it didn't work. I can see now that Josh and Don love each other so much."

"Well what about us?" Danny asked. "What can you see for us?"

"I want us to be together," I replied bluntly. "I am developing some pretty incredible feelings for you and I really want to explore them. That is of course if you will let me?" I was relieved when Danny snuggled closer to me. I sighed happily as I felt his lips close on my nipple. I could used to this really fast. But I couldn't get rid of that guilt. Including the part where I had left Nathan to the cops. He was in prison now and rightly so but I had pushed in that direction. I couldn't help but feel a little responsible for what happened to him. Thankfully I knew a few people in the prison he was in. I made a few calls. I was assured that Nathan would be very well taken care of.

From Prison somewhere in Florida

"Please fuck me," whimpered a young dirty blonde man. He was naked on laying on the middle of a table. About fifteen naked men were surrounding him. The smell of seamen and sweat was heavy in the air. A blonde hard young man was fucking him as hard as he could. The rest of the men were cheering him on. "Harder," pleaded the bottom. "Fuck me harder!"

"Oh yea take it you bitch!" rasped a rock hard blonde young man as he pounded his cock into the tight ass of Nathan. "You like it don't you?" Nathan whimpered in response as he jerked on his cock. "Oh yea I'm going to fuck you so hard that you fucking scream for mercy." Nathan continued to whimper and moan. "Fuck this shit. I'm tired of hearing you moan your ass off. Stuff his mouth with your cock!" Another young inmate happily complied. Nathan moaned loudly as a eight inch cock slid between his lips. "Fuck his face good!" ordered the blonde inmate as he continued to fuck Nathan as hard and as fast as he could. He watched in amused fascination as Nathan came all over his abs and chest. "Oh yea you like that don't you bitch? You like being used as prison whore." Nathan's lust glazed eyes looked up at his tormentor and nodded. "Yea well you're going to get all the cock you could ever want whore!" The rest of the inmates laughed with the ring leader as they pulled on their cocks getting ready to take their turn. "Oh yea he is a tight one boy! And there is enough to go around!" The inmate that was fucking Nathan's mouth grunted loudly as he unloaded a load of his cum down Nathan's swallowing throat. The blonde inmate yelled out as he too shot his wad into Nathan's strained whole. As soon as both cocks were pulled out two more were replaced. This was life for Nathan now. The minute he walked into the yard they had him pegged. He was cute and tight and willing to put out. A tall dark haired inmate watched from the shadows. He watched as this horny bottom took every cock that was offered him. Maybe just maybe he could win him over. But for now he was content to watch the hot action. The Dark Haired inmate thought back to a couple of days ago. The young twink had shown up and it was what everyone thought was going to be a rape scene. But as it turned out the twink was happy to supply himself to be used as the cell block's whore. He was protected from the other inmates. The inmates in this block knew they had a good thing going. If the rest of the prison got a hold of their little treasure he would be dead in a week. This way all they had to do is keep him happy and supplied with enough cock and they had a means to empty their own loads. Nathan was his name. They called him by his name and not his number. He was considerably younger than the rest of them. If they played it right they would have him around for a long long time. The Dark Haired inmate grunted as he felt his cock grow in his tight pants as well. What the hell, as long as Nathan was putting out he might as well join in. He shed his clothes as he walked up to the trembling youth. He was trembling from exhaustion and desire. He looked up at the approaching inmate. He whimpered softly as he opened his mouth to receive his cock. Another cock was shoved up Nathan's ass and his eyes rolled back into his head as he shuddered as the throes of orgasm over took his young body. The Dark Haired inmate allowed his body to react to the expert blow job he was getting from this young beauty. He gazed down into the blue eyes of this beauty and smiled at him. Tonight he would not be alone.

Back in Orlando from Josh's point of view

Ok this was getting really nice. Twice in one day I awoke in complete comfort. Only this time I was wrapped up in my own personal Don blanket. I also noticed that he was horny again. I snuggled closer to him. "You awake?" Don's sleepy voice sounded. He was still sleepy and his voice sounded so cute when he was just waking up.

"Yes," I replied smiling. "I was just enjoying the moment."

"Did you still want to work on that piece of music with Danny?" Don asked quietly as he nuzzled my shoulder and nipped at it playfully.

"I would rather stay in bed and let you ravage me all night long," I sighed as I arched my back and twisted my head around to capture his lips in mine. After kissing him for a few seconds I caught his bottom lip in my teeth and pulled on it lightly before letting it go. He whimpered softly with desire. I could tell he wanted to go again. "Well what are you waiting for?" I asked as I pushed up against him. I shivered with pain and desire as he plunged into me fast and hard. Usually it was me that was rough. But now it was Don's turn. I loved the feel him riding me to heaven again. Soon I was cumming all over myself and Don grunted loudly as he shot his wad into me. I had to admit that I loved the hot warm feeling that comes with his seed searing into me. Finally his orgasm calmed down enough his light feather kisses on my shoulder told me that he was his usual cuddly self again. I yelped in surprise as he nipped my ear.

"Tonight it is your turn," he whispered in my ear. I whimpered in response. Tonight was going to be a hot one. "Now be a good boy and get up and shower and go make your beautiful music that you make so well." He snickered as he slid from the sheets and walked naked across the room and into the bathroom. I could hear him getting his shower ready. I growled softly I tossed the sheets aside and hurried after him.

From Don's point of view.

"So how is it?" Danny asked me.

"How is what?" I asked trying to act all innocent.

"How is it with Josh?" he asked with his usual smirk. "I always pegged you as a bottom. I never thought that you had it in you to take control like that."

"I didn't just take control little brother," I sighed. "We love each other. He offered himself to me. I would've never have taken it if he didn't offer."

"Well I'm a bottom," Danny offered.

"I really didn't need to know that," I said as I shook my head. I looked at Danny and saw that he was waiting for me to answer him. "Ok here is the way it is. You shouldn't limit yourself to one thing. Be ready and willing to try anything. If he wants to make love to you than that is great. It is really cool give yourself to your lover in a complete way. Opening yourself to receive him is a huge act of love. But at the same token, if he was willing to make love to you than he should be open to the possibility of being made love too."

"But what if I don't want be on top?" Danny asked honestly.

"Than you don't have too," I replied. "If you are totally ok with being a bottom than that this cool." I heard a soft cough at the doorway and looked up to see both Kevin and Josh standing in the doorway. "What?" I asked looking all innocent.

"You are so bad," Josh giggled at me. "Talking about this afternoon?"

"No, not really," I stammered blushing. "Danny just had some questions to ask me is all."

"Questions like what?" Kevin asked as he sat next to Danny. Danny immediately snuggled up to Kevin.

"Questions that you and him need to talk about," I said as I used this as an opportunity to excuse myself. I walked up to Josh and wrapped my arms around his thin waist. "Come love, let's go get our son and go out to eat," I said as I looked up into his blue eyes that I loved so much.

"Very well birthday boy," he giggled down at me as he kissed my neck. I rolled my eyes at him and he just giggled softly. "Like it or not baby it is your birthday and I love you and I want to treat you special." Josh looked at me with a smile on his face as he laid his head on my shoulder. "I love you," I whispered to him.

"I love you too," Josh whispered back. "Now let's go eat before I starve to death!" I giggled as we walked out of the house.

At the Florida Prison

"You really enjoy doing this don't you?" the Dark Haired Inmate asked Nathan as they walked into their cell. Nathan looked up at the towering man. "I mean all those guys fucking you every which way. I mean aren't you afraid of getting something?" Nathan shrugged his shoulders as he laid down on his bunk.

"What's your name?" Nathan asked.

"Jake," the Dark Haired Inmate replied. "You can call me that if you want."

"I do enjoy having sex with men if that is what you mean," Nathan offered. "I'm gay. I enjoy giving other men pleasure."

"Well I'm gay too but I can't see myself whoring myself out to the entire block," Jake said as he shuddered. "Yea I mean most of the guys here are pretty hot and all. But they come from all different walks of life. They carry stuff if you know what I mean." Nathan shrugged again as if he really didn't care. "You don't have that long to serve," Jake said sitting next to Nathan. "When you get out you can go back to a perfectly normal life. Why are you risking your health like this?"

"Cause when I get out I want to be ready," Nathan replied darkly.

"Ready for what?" Jake asked with confusion written all over his chiseled face.

"You'll see," Nathan answered grinning a wicked grin. "Now you ready for some more action?" Jake grinned as he lowered his pants and Nathan grinned happily as he reached for Jake's erection.


Next: Chapter 10

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