Picking Up the Pieces of My Life

By JC Fanfic

Published on Aug 20, 2003


A Work of Fiction by JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications (c) Copyright 2003

Disclaimer: All Characters and situations of this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people and actual situations is purely coincidental. All fictional characters and fictional situations portrayed in this work of fiction remains the property of JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications. Republishing of this work of fiction is strictly forbidden unless permission as been given by JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications. Permission granted to Nifty Archives for the sole purpose of posting on the Boy Bands section of the Archives. Permission may be obtained by e-mailing JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications at JC_Fan_Fiction@yahoo.com

Comments are welcome too. Constructive Comments and advice are welcome. Honest opinions are welcome as well. And if you want to vent all over me as long it is good natured than feel free too do that to.

E-mail me at JC_Fan_Fiction@yahoo.com mailto:JC_Fan_Fiction@yahoo.com

Chapter Eight

"Ummm wow," I stammered looking into Donny's adorable eyes. "Do you really want me to be your other daddy?" His little headed nodded so fast that I thought it would fall off. "Well than I will be honored to be your other daddy." I gasped for air as I was tackled by him as he wrapped his little arms around my neck in a tight hug. The door opened and I saw Don stick his head in. I gave him a thumbs up and he walked over to the bed and sat down and wrapped his arms around us both. It was at some point that we noticed that Donny was crying softly. "Hey sweetie," I said softly down at him. "What's wrong?" he looked up at me with his eyes all full of tears.

"Mommy is never coming back is she?" he asked softly as he snuggled closer to us.

"Your mommy is in heaven sweetie," I said softly as I kissed the top of his head. "She has to stay there now.'

"I miss her," he sniffled loudly. "I wish I could see her again."

"You will be able to see her again some day," I said truthfully.

"When?" Donny asked looking up at me with hope in his eyes.

"Well some day when you are very very old your body will get real tired and stop working--,"

"Like Mommy's did?" he asked. I nodded.

"And when it stops working your soul will go to heaven and that is when you will get to see her again," I finished.

"But that is such a long time from now," Donny said with a pout.

"Yea but we have to obey God and live our lives and try to be really good so we can all go to heaven!" I smiled down at him.

"But I want to go now and see Mommy," Donny insisted. I had to admit that his persistence was very cute.

"Well you can't go now," I said giving him a hug.

"Why not?" he asked with a pout on his face.

"Well because your daddy and me would miss you very much. And we need you so much," I said looking at Don. I could tell by the tears in his eyes that I was passing with flying colors. "And we would be so sad if you left us. And Trixy would be so sad too if you left him too."

"I don't want Daddy or you or Trixy to be sad," Donny said softly looking down. "Ok I'll stay home." The way he said made Don giggle softly. By now Trixy decided that he wanted some attention too. So Donny took off running out of the room after Trixy.

"You are such a great lover," Don said softly as he kissed me full on the lips. There was an urgency about the way he kissed me. I knew what it was. Don was horny as hell and when he was this horny there was no stopping him. "Make love to me please?" he pleaded with me. The look of yearning on his face was almost too much for me. I let out a whimper as I fell into his arms and allowed him to ravage me. Soon I was naked and hovering above him with my rock hard cock pressing up against his whole. I looked down at his cut body and his rock hard cock too. I wanted to suck him off so bad but right now the only thing that mattered was what Don wanted. So I eased into him and felt him shudder with joy. "God that feels so good!" Don groaned out loud. I buried myself deep into him and felt my cock head press up against his prostate gland making him whimper as he arched back to meet my thrusts. I quickly settled into a steady rhythm.

From Don's point of view.

Looking up at JC as he made love to me was an incredible sight indeed. His body was slick with sweat as his pecks really stood out and his nipples were erect. I loved the way his abs scraped against my already tender cock. Having him slam into me with each thrust was heaven for me. I also caught the naughty glint in his eyes. I knew that he was going to start talking dirty to me. A sexual thrill raged through me. I loved it when he talked dirty to me. His eyes glittered as he hurled naughty words at me. "You like that?" Josh grunted out as he smirked down at me. "You like me riding you?" I whimpered in response. "I love fucking you with my hard cock. I want to shoot my load up your ass until it runs out the sides!" By now I was caught up with the lovemaking that all I could do is groan and try to reach for my aching cock. Josh slapped my hand away. "Uh uhh," He giggled his naughty giggle at me. "I want to make you cum by fucking you so hard that you cum a gallon." With that he leaned down and started to pull all the way out and than slam back in as hard as he could. Each time he would slam in my body would shudder with the force of his thrusts. He was long dicking me and I loved it. I could feel every inch of his cock as it slammed into me. My ass was so raw as he plunged in and out of me. His cock head was pinging my prostate gland so much I was racked with wave after wave of intense pleasure. "Cum for me baby!" he urged me as he bit down hard on my nipple. I screamed with pain and pleasure and started to shoot long ribbons of cum. The first few shots hit Josh right on the chin. Than he leaned down and closed his lips around my twitching and shooting cock head and took the rest of my cum. Seeing him sucking down my cum and still long dicking me sent me into further waves of orgasm. Josh let out a muffled grunt and I could feel his cum shooting in to me as well. The hot cum seared deep into me making the raw sides of my rectum wall burn with the cum. I shook and shuddered and groaned and whimpered as he continued to pound away at me. Finally he laid down on me with his cock still buried deep in me. He was breathing hard and I wrapped my arms around his sweaty and trembling body and held him as we both came down from our intense orgasm. At some point I felt his lips grace my neck and chest. He was giving me feather kisses and little love bites. I loved this part of Josh. The part that got all lovable and cuddly after we made love. He looked up at me with his eyes sparkling with mischief. He slipped a nipple into his mouth. After sucking on it he moved to my chest. "Now I have to get to work." After a few minutes he looked up at me. "Hi!" he giggled. I loved the wild sexy look he gave me.

"Hi yourself," I giggled back at him. "Did you get it all out of your system?"

"I thinks so," he giggled as he resumed sucking on my chest. I sighed and gave up struggling. It looked like I was going to have another hickey on me. Oh well, I loved him and if he wanted to cover my body with hickies that was fine with me. Finally he stopped and looked down at his handy work. "There!" he beamed. "All done! Now be a good boy and go to sleep. You need your rest." So what was I to do? Argue with this sex god? I snuggled up to him and let him hold me and soon drifted off to a deep sleep.

From JC's point of view

I watched as Don walked down stairs. Part of me wanted to get up and carry my angel back upstairs and lay him down and cuddle with him all day long. I could tell he was still so tired. This drug with draw thing was really hitting him hard. Not to mention our very wild love making session had wore him out too. But knowing Don he would try to play it off as no big deal. I glanced over at Kevin and saw him cringe in guilt when he saw the tired condition that Don was in. Don looked at me and smiled. My heart melted when I saw his smile. Even in his tired state it was a beautiful sight. One that made me want to take him back up stairs and make love to him for the rest of the morning and afternoon.

"Hey," he said as he sat down and laid his head on my shoulder. I let out a shudder with delight as his head touched my bare shoulder.. "What's going on for today?"

"Not a whole lot," I said kissing him on the top of his head. "We are pretty much going to take it easy for today."

"Good," Don said snuggling up to me. "Where is Donny?"

"Justin and Brian took him out today," I replied. "I wanted some time alone with his daddy." I waggled my eyebrows at him. He, as he always did, blushed and looked down. "You are so cute when you blush." I giggled. I heard his stomach growl and I laughed some more. "Sounds like you need to eat," I said patting his very well formed stomach. "Be right back." I kissed him full on the lips to let him know just how much I loved him and than took off to the kitchen to make us some breakfast.

From Don's point of view.

"Ok ok," I said looking right at him. "What are you staring at?" Kevin blushed and looked the other way. "What's wrong?"

"I was just admiring how strong you are," Kevin replied. "All the crap that you have been through and you are still this incredible strong person. Even after all the crap I put you through."

"Kevin that is in the past," I said smiling at him. "Now onto more important things. We need to find you a boyfriend!"

"Oh dear," Kevin said with a worried _expression on his face. I giggled as I got up and sat next to him.

"Ok spill it! What kind of boyfriend are you looking for?" I demanded. "Well he has to be really cute," Kevin said with a grin. "And he has to be sensitive, caring, has to have a great sense of humor."

"Ok that narrows the list down a little," I said scrunching up my nose. "What kind of body do you like."

"Swimmer's build," Kevin said bluntly. "Kind of like yours. I like dark hair but will go with lighter color."

"How tall?" I asked.

"Shorter than me," Kevin replied. "I like to look down at my lovers. I feel more comfortable around shorter people. Does that make me look conceited?"

"No not at all," I replied laying my hand on his arm. "What that tells me that is that you usually the one who is the aggressive one in the relationship. The top so to speak. You like to comfort and protect the one you love." Kevin nodded as he took in what I said.

"Now big question," I asked frowning. "What do you like in a sexual relationship?"

"I'm opened to most anything. I'm not into to much kink. Mostly oral and anal," Kevin replied. "Bringing my lover to orgasm is a must. If my lover doesn't get off than I don't. I love to be on top and after wards I love to cuddle and sit in the hot tub and hold my lover. I also love to make them feel good too."

"Virgins or experienced?" I asked.

"I prefer experienced but like Virgins too," Kevin said blushing. "There is something about bringing a cute guy to orgasm for the first time in their lives that really turns me on."

"Do you use protection?" I asked. I know it sounds like I was getting personal but if I was going to find Kevin a boyfriend this info was important.

"Usually," Kevin replied honestly. "If we know each other really well and we both know we are both clean than if he is willing than I don`t use protection. It is a trust issue. And a major turn on if he trusts you enough to cum in him."

"Have you ever cheated on any of your past lovers?" I asked before I could stop myself. Kevin looked down and silence filled the air. "I'm sorry," I said softly. "I had no right to ask that question."

"No it is all right," Kevin replied as he sighed. "I did cheat on JC. That is part of who I am. And I treated Ashley wrong. He was a good guy and I took advantage of him. But I am through with all that stuff now. I want to be in love with someone that I can call my own. I'm tired of being alone and I'm tired of dragging my self out of these one night stands." By now Kevin was almost in tears.

"Kevin?" I said softly. "Together we will find you a boy friend. Together we will find you a lover that will love you for who and what you are. In fact I have an idea."

"You have someone in mind?" Kevin asked.

"Yes as a matter of fact I do," I giggled.

"Who is he?" Kevin demanded.

"My younger brother," I replied.

"You have a younger brother?" Kevin asked.

"Yes I do. Do you want to see a picture of him?" I asked reaching for wallet. He nodded and I pulled out my wallet and pulled out my picture of Danny. I handed it to him. It was one of us both. We were at the beach that day and were wearing just a pair of shorts. Kevin's eyes popped out of his head.

"Man what a hottie!" Kevin exclaimed. "Is he gay?"

"Kevin," I giggled. "Would I be trying to set him up with you if he wasn't?" I turned serious real fast. "He is a virgin Kevin. He is a sweet guy and he has never been on any really serious relationships before in his entire life. If I ask him down here and you hurt him--," I started.

"Don't worry," Kevin said softly as he handed the picture back to me. "I won't hurt him."

"There is a plus too," I smiled at him.

"And you are planning on telling me?" Kevin demanded.

"He has this really huge crush on you," I whispered.

"Call him!" Kevin pleaded.

"Ok ok I will," I said as I reached for my cell phone. "I'll try to get him to come down here this weekend." I dialed his number and waited for a sleepy voice to answer. "Hey little brother!"

"You had better have a good reason for waking me up this early in the morning," Danny grumbled.

"Oooops!" I giggled. "I'm sorry I forgot about the change in times. Guess who I am sitting with right now?"

"Who?" Danny asked. I could hear him yawning.

"Kevin Richardson," I replied. I winced as I heard a crash. "Danny are you there?"

"Yea I'm here," Danny replied. "Sorry about that I dropped the phone. Now why are you sitting next to Kevin?"

"He wants to meet you," I giggled giving Kevin a naughty look.

"Donny!" Danny yelled. "If you don't stop joking with me!" I felt Kevin's hand wrap around the phone and gently pulled it away from me. >From Kevin's point of view.

"I'll cut off your balls and feed them to the dog!" Danny yelled out.

"Now why would you want to do that when we haven't even met yet?" I asked using my deep bedroom voice.

"Who is this?" Danny demanded.

"Kevin Richardson of the Backstreet Boys. Your brother Don has been telling me all about you," I replied winking at Don.

"Ohhh man I am so embarrassed!" Danny whined. I had to admit that he sounded really cute when he whined.

"Listen Danny," I said winking at Don again. "What do you say you come down to Florida and stay for a week or so?"

"Why?" Danny asked suddenly suspicious.

"Well because Don would like you and I to get to know each other a little better," I replied. "I can arrange the flight and everything."

From Don's point of view.

I listened to Kevin talk to Danny for a while. Soon they had flight arrangements done and everything. Danny was coming this evening. I was going to pick him up and bring him back. I could tell after talking to Danny just before hanging up that he was both exited and scared to death. Kevin would be his first real date. He was just over 21 years old and hasn't been on a date yet. Well if you count going to the prom with a girl. He hated it but since he was involved in sports and was considered one of the Popular kids and he wasn't out yet he bit the bullet and went to the prom. But since then he hasn't been on a date since. He said he wasn't ready to date or settle down with a boyfriend. One day when we were trading crushes I let it slip that I had this huge crush on JC and he of course let it slip that he had this huge crush on Kevin. He loved Kevin. He couldn't stop talking about him. So I figured, what the hey! Set them up and see what happens.

"Are you two done in there?" Josh's voice sounded from the kitchen. "Cause if you are come out and eat breakfast before it gets cold!"

"I guess we should do what he says," Kevin said grinning at me. "Listen Don?"

"Yea?" I asked back.

"Thanks for everything," Kevin said as he pulled me into a unexpected hug.

"Yea well you're welcome. But I gotta tell you. Danny is like my baby brother, well he is my baby brother. So don't even think of hurting him," I warned him. "He has a gentle heart and he is cute and I love him so much. I can't stand to see him hurt."

"You say that like he's been hurt before," Kevin said frowning.

"Well he has," I said sadly. "The reason he won't date right now is he has had his heart broken."

"I promise you Don," Kevin said solemnly. "I will never do anything to hurt him."

"I'm gonna hold you to that Kevin," I replied. "Now come on before I starve to death."

Later from Josh's point of view.

"Will you calm down?" I begged Don. He was pacing the length of the VIP lounge. "He is going to be all right."

"I can't help it!" Don whined looking at me with a helpless look on his face. "His is my baby brother who is flying all alone!"

"Well your baby brother is 21 years old," a voice said from behind us. "And I am capable of flying alone." Don turned and saw his kid brother walk in with a shoulder bag. I had to admit that he was hot! He had dark hair though not as dark as Don's. He was about the same build as Don but a little less defined. It was obvious that Don kept his body in better shape. I watched as Don grabbed his little brother in a bear hug. "Hey!" Danny yelped. "Put me down!" I laughed as Don put him down with a pout on his face.

"Come on!" Don said as he bounced from foot to foot. "I want you to meet Josh!" He grabbed his hand and pulled him over to me. "Josh meet my kid brother Danny!"

"Nice to meet you Danny," I said smiling.

"Ummm yea ummm nice to meet you too," Danny stammered.

"So what do you think?" Don asked Danny elbowing him in the ribs. "Isn't he like really hot in person?"

"Doooonnyyyy," Danny whined. I laughed and shook my head. "Excuse my older brother Josh. He gets like this when we haven't seen each other in a while." I frowned as I felt a shock go through me as I touched Danny. He was a very good looking man. If I wasn't seeing Don I could very easily be interested in him.

"Let's get you back to the house. You must be tired from the trip and I think there is a certain dark haired beauty that is very interested in meeting with you," I smiled at him. "Do you have any luggage?"

"Yea we have to stop by luggage claim first," Danny said with a grin. Again I was drawn to his good looks. I had to force myself to look back at Don. Once my eyes settled on his chiseled face and cute expression I was ok again. "We should leave before we draw a crowd."

From Kevin's point of view.

"Kevin stop pacing," Justin sighed as he watched me pace the length of the living room. "They will be here when they get here."

"I know that Justin," I sighed. "What if he doesn't like me?" I yelped out. "What if I am too old or too ugly or anything?"

"Ok first things first. You are not to ugly. You are a very good looking man. And second you are not to old. You are just the right age for Danny," Justin replied.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked frowning.

"Ok this guy is a virgin right?" I nodded. "So he needs someone who is older to show him how things are done. And trust me from what JC has told me about how you make love this kid is going really like you in bed!" I blushed as I looked at the clock. Thankfully I heard the car door slam.

"Oh God," I whimpered. "They're here!" I watched as Donny walked past me to the front door. It was like he was on a mission or something . The door opened and I heard him squeal with glee.

"Unca Danny!" he squealed as he jumped into the arms of a very attractive young man. Soon they were a mass of giggles and monster noises. Josh and Don stood back and watched as the two "boys" played. Finally Donny managed to escape and ran down the hall squealing with laughter. Danny stood up and grinned up at me.

"You must be Kevin," he said as he stuck out his hand. I took his hand and was immediately struck at the shock that passed through us.

"Hi," I mumbled. Suddenly I was shy around this young man. I had to admit that he was a looker. His dark hair was carelessly tossed back and a couple of strands laid across his forehead giving him a rugged and wild look. His piercing blue eyes seem to bore into my very soul. The look of mischief that was in them seemed to draw me even closer to him. He stood at chest level and I could smell his cologne that he wore. God he was incredibly sexy. I soon found myself wondering if I was even in the same league as this kid.

"Yea I would be Kevin," I said grinning. "It is a pleasure to finally meet you Danny. Can I show you to your room?"

"Yea that would be nice," Danny replied. "The plane ride was a little rough. Don, do you mind if I lay down for an hour or so?"

"Sure go ahead little brother," Don smiled. "I'll wake you for dinner." I watched as Don gave Danny a quick hug. I stifled a laugh when I heard Don ask. "So was I right? Isn't he even more hot in person?" Danny gave me a scared look and shrugged his shoulder. I was gracious enough to be looking at my shoes at the time so as not embarrass him further.

"Dooonnny!" Danny whined. "Not in front of him!" Don laughed as JC wrapped his arms around Don and pulled him from the room. It left us all alone. I looked at him and smiled.

"So umm I guess that they left us alone," I said softly. "Can I show you your room?"

"That would be nice," Danny replied softly. I took one of his bags and led him up stairs. All the way up I was wondering how I was going to ask him out. "So what is there to do around here?"

"Well I was wondering if you're not doing anything tonight that maybe you wanted to go to a movie or something?" I replied.

"Yea that would be great!" Danny said. "Is there a beach near by?"

"Why?" I asked.

"Cause I want to go for a walk on a beach," Danny replied.

"Can I take you?" I asked.

"Well that is why I wanted to go," Danny giggled. I had to admit that he had a very cute giggle. "That is of course if you're not doing anything tonight."

"Let me check my schedule," I replied grinning. I thought for a couple of seconds. "Nope all free. I can go." This time I got a full laugh from him. I laughed too. After a few seconds I gathered up my courage and looked into his blue eyes. "You have a great laugh."

"Yours isn't bad either," Danny said shyly. "So you ok with my older brother trying to set us up?"

"I would love to give it a try," I replied. By now we had arrived to the guest room. "Umm here is your room," I said as I pushed the door open and walked in. "My room connects to yours."

"Why did he do that?" Danny ask.

"I guess he is hoping that maybe we hook up," I replied honestly.

"Do you?" Danny ask.

"Do I what?" I replied confused.

"Do you think that we will hook up?" he asked grinning. I took his and held it.

"If I am being to forward let me know, but yes," I said softly. "I am really hoping that we do fall in love with you."

"You are an incredible sexy man," Danny said softly. "I could easily fall in love with a guy like you."

"Good," I sighed happily. "So I'll leave you alone so you can get some rest."

"Yea umm thanks," Danny said as he stood on his toes and kissed me lightly on the cheek. I know it was an innocent kiss but it felt great! I blushed and let go of his hand and walked from the room. Once the door was closed I sighed happily and walked to my room. I decided that maybe I would take a nap too.

From Don's point of view.

"Do you think this is going to work?" I asked Josh. Josh looked up from his work at the key board.

"Is what going to work sweetie?" Josh asked sticking a pen in his mouth. I sighed and took the pen from his reluctant mouth.

"Hey," I scolded lightly. "I just broke Justin of that habit now I have to break you?" Josh smiled his cute naughty smile.

"Well if you've go something else to put in my mouth I'll gladly accept it," he smirked at me as he glanced down at my crotch.

"Later horny boy," I giggled. "Now back to my question. Is this going to work?"

"You mean Danny and Kevin?" Josh asked as he turned his attention back to the keyboard. "Danny is a cutie and Kevin seemed to really like him. But I am worried that Kevin will get tired of him. He is like that you know."

"Yea well he better not hurt him," I muttered. "So whatcha working on?" I leaned close to him and noticed that I could smell his cologne really well. "MMMMM you smell good," I giggled as I latched my lips onto his bare shoulder and started to suck. Josh let out a small sigh and leaned back against me.

"Are you doing what I think you are?" Josh asked looking sideways at me.

"Shhhh!" I scolded him. "I have work to do." I giggled softly as I latched my lips back on to his very tasty shoulder and continued to suck on it. Soon I was done and I looked down at it. "Hmmm very nice if I say so myself." Josh just shook his head as he laughed. "Hey!" I said with a pout. "You give me hickies all the time!"

"Yea I know," Josh said with his eyes glittering. "Do you know what I want right now?" I knew that Josh was horny again.

"No, but I am sure that you are going to tell me what it is," I said grinning up at him.

"I want to fuck you so bad right now," Josh hissed at me as he pressed his lips to mine. Josh wanted to have sex and well I was here to please him. I slid off my shirt and than my pants. "God you are so fucking hot!" Josh stood up and slid off his shorts and boxers in one swift movement. "Bend over babe," he rasped. I complied with my lovers demands and was rewarded with him shoving his cock up me in one swift movement. I wasn't prepared for the onslaught that I got from him. He was plunging in and out of me so hard and so fast that I almost fell over. Finally I managed to regain my balance and hung on for dear life. I loved Josh like this. In not time at all his load shot into me sending me over the edge as well. I shot my load in his hand. Finally he pulled out and pulled his boxers and shorts back up. "Wow!" he breathed. "That was intense!"

"Tell me about it," I replied as I pulled up my pants too. "Now go back to work. And I will go up and shower."

"But I want to shower with you," Josh pleaded with me. "Please?" He wore this really cute pout on his face that I had no choice but to cave.

"Ok horny toad, you can shower with me," I said as I kissed him on the nose. "Than it is back to work with you and I'm going to lie down for a nap. I have a feeling after you are done with me in the shower that I am going to need a nap." I was rewarded with a sexy grin from him as I took his hand and drug him up the stairs.

Thirty minutes later I limped into the bedroom and laid down on the soft mattress. Josh giggled at me and I glared at him. "What?" Josh asked looking all innocent. "I can't help it if you do wild things to me."

"Yea but did you have to have sex with me three times in one day?" I asked as I snuggled deep into the confines of the comforters. Josh looked down at me and I could tell that he wanted to take a nap with me. I held back the comforters and he giggled as he dove into bed with me. Soon he was wrapping himself around me so I couldn't get away. "I'm not going anywhere you know," I said softly as I ran my fingers through his wet hair.

"Just making sure is all," Josh said as he kissed me on the nose. "Now be good and go to sleep." I happily snuggled up to him and rested my damp head on his chest. I shivered with delight as his lips graced my forehead. I soon found myself drifting off to sleep.

From Josh's point of view.

As much as I wanted to I couldn't lie here and sleep the afternoon away. Don could because he was on a forced rest. I looked down at his sleeping face and was again amazed at how innocent he looked. I smiled softly as he moaned out my name. I kissed him again on his lips and gently removed myself from his grasp. I quickly slipped on a pair of boxers and shorts and wife beater and than crept out of the room. I headed down stairs and back into the studio. I had work to do. After all Justin wasn't the only with a solo career to think about. Speaking of careers I still needed to hire me a personal assistant. A soft knock startled me. I looked up to see a shirtless Danny standing at the door way. "Hey," I said with a grin. "Come in." Danny walked in and sat down next to me. I was struck again as to how much I was drawn to him. I could feel the heat from his body and I have to honest with you. It drove me nuts with lust. I blushed, embarrassed that I could even think of someone else. "So you all settled in?" I asked hoping to get my mind off my lustful feelings.

"Yea," Danny said shrugging his shoulders. "This is a really nice place you have."

"Thanks," I said as I looked at the piece of music. "It's home for us."

"Umm can I ask you a question?" Danny asked scrunching up his nose.

"Yea sure go ahead," I replied.

"Do you think that Kevin likes me?" Danny asked.

"I know for a fact that he is very attractive to you," I replied.

"Weren't you two lovers at one time?" Danny asked.

"Yes we were," I replied.

"What happened?" Danny asked.

"I um think that maybe that Kevin should tell you about that," I replied. I wasn't too comfortable with telling Danny about Kevin's cheating nature. I wanted to give Kevin a fighting chance.

"Why can't you tell me?" Danny asked.

"Because it is not my story to tell," I replied. I noticed that Danny was getting closer to me. I was starting to get really uncomfortable. "So you still in school?" I asked hoping to get him off of this subject.

"Nah," Danny replied shrugging his shoulders. "I graduated this spring."

"What did you major in?" I asked.

"Recording Studio Engineering," Danny said with pride.

"Really?" I asked shocked. "You know we are looking for a new engineer. You want to apply for the job?" Part of me screaming no but the other part was screaming yes. And me being a dummy was thinking with the wrong head again. Justin would never let me live this down.

"Really?" Danny asked pleased. "Do you think I could do it?"

"Well let's see," I said as I stood up and walked over to the small recording studio both. "Let's see what you can do." Danny got this really big grin on his face and sat behind the controls. Within a few minutes we were busy recording. I had to admit that Danny knew his stuff. After we were done I looked at the clock and noticed that two hours had passed. I also noticed that Danny had company. Don was there along with Kevin. Both had strange looks on their faces. I quickly took off my headphones and walked into the room. I gave Don a quick hug and kiss. "Did you miss me?" I asked.

"I had a feeling that you would be down here working," Donny replied wrapping his arms around me. "But I had no idea that my little brother was so good at this stuff."

"I want to hire him," I blurted out. "I need a new studio engineer and he would be perfect!" I noticed that Don was unusually quiet when I mentioned hiring Danny. "He really knows his stuff," I said in his defense.

"You know best sweetie," Don replied laying his head on my shoulder. "Go ahead and hire him."

"So you interested in the job?" I asked Danny. "It pays really well."

"How well?" Danny asked.

"150 grand a year," I replied. I heard Don take a sudden breath in. "Is something wrong?" I asked him.

"Umm Josh sweetie, isn't that a bit much?" Don asked.

"No dear," I replied. "That is what recording studio engineers make. Some times they make more if they enough experience."

"Yea but I'm a little concerned about how my little brother is going to handle that much wealth," Don replied. I could tell he was worried about his brother.

"I'm 21 years old," Danny shot in. "I can handle it."

"I'm not denying that you can't handle it Danny," Don said sighing. "It's just that you've never had that much money before."

"If I am hired for the job than I should get paid what I'm worth," Danny shot back. Don choose not to say anything more. Instead he gave me quick kiss on the lips.

"I'm going for a quick swim before dinner," he said as he slid off of my lap. I wanted to follow him so bad but I really wanted to finish this song.

"Danny?" Kevin asked softly.

"Yea?" Danny looked grinning at Kevin. I could tell that Danny had it really bad for Kevin. I hoped that Kevin didn't hurt him.

"You still want to go out tonight?" Kevin asked hopefully.

"Sure!" Danny said grinning. "How much longer are we going to be here?" he asked me.

"No more than an hour," I replied looking at the clock. "So what are you two doing tonight?"

"Well I was thinking maybe dinner at the Medieval place," Kevin said with a sparkle in his eyes. "And than maybe a movie and a nice walk on the beach. Is that ok with you?"

"That sounds great," Danny said blushing. "Now let me get back to work."

Danny and I worked for another hour before he was pulled away for his date. He had a small panic attack as he tried to figure out what he is going to wear. I decided that since my fashion sense was much better than Don's that I would be the best person to help him. (Ok ok forget the freaky feather thing! That was years ago. And it was really really hot!) After I was sure that Danny was all ready for his date I headed out to the pool. I remembered that there was a half naked hotie swimming. Maybe, just maybe I could get my freak on.

From Don's point of view.

Ok here I was swimming along rather peacefully. I was really enjoying the cool water when I was grabbed and I found my swim trunks being taken off. "Josh!" I yelped as I turned and saw him with a naughty grin on his face. "No sex!" I ordered him. The pout on his face was adorable. "Ok ok, just one more time!" I relented.

Thirty minutes later we were snuggled up in the bed in the pool house. I was still sore from JC's last lovemaking session. "What is it like?" JC asked as he kissed my shoulder.

"What is it like?" I asked confused.

"Being on the bottom all the time?" JC asked. OK that was one question I didn't expect.

"You've never been on the bottom?" I asked shocked.

"When Kevin and I did it," JC replied. "He was always on top. But I was wondering what it was like to have you on top."

"I've never been on top," I replied shyly. "I guess I could do that once."

"How about now?" JC asked grinning his naughty grin.

"You are impossible," I muttered as I smacked his hand. "This puppy is not having anymore sex tonight." The pout was back in full force. "And no! The pouting is cute and adorable but it is not working!" He continued to pout for a while and than smiled as he kissed me again. "Let's go eat." I said grinning. "I'm hungry and I think that Donny is coming back. So we should have a special dinner for him."

"What should we have?" Josh asked as he pulled on his boxer briefs.

"Well he likes my fried chicken but I am way to tired to make that to night," I replied.

"You could always teach me," Josh said with a grin on his face.

"Umm I've seen you cook," I giggled. "I think we will stick with something safe." Again Josh let out his cute little pout. "Ok ok!" I grumbled. "You can cook!" I knew that I was going to regret this. This was going to be an interesting night.

Two hours later I let the pizza man in and Josh was inside the kitchen talking with the fireman. He had set off every smoke detector in the house. Ok ok I'll admit it that I am stretching it a little. But come on! The dude can't cook! It was very amusing to watch him panic though. And I have to hand it to him on his ability to attract really cute firemen. I invited the firemen to stay for dinner but Josh glared daggers at me. I wondered what that was all about. I was just being friendly. The fireman politely declined and made me promise not to let Josh near the stove again. I promised and we all sat down to eat. "That was so mean," Josh said with a pout.

"What?" I asked acting all innocent. "I'm not the one who set the kitchen on fire."

"Yea but did you have to call the fire department?" Josh said as he took a bite out of his pizza.

"I didn't call the fire department. Your security system did," I giggled. "You were really cute though."

"I'm glad you like seeing me all panicking and stuff," Josh replied. "Let's not talk about this anymore."

I looked over to see Donny face bouncing between Josh and me.

"Daddy?" Donny asked. "Why did Josh try to burn the house down?" Josh let out a huge sigh and glared at me again.

"Answer the child Josh," I replied grinning at him. "Why did you try to burn the house down?"

"Fine!" Josh shouted. "I tried to burn the fucking house down!" I watched in horror as Josh got up from the table in a huff and stormed out of the dinning room. I quietly put my fork down and got up and kissed Donny on the fore head.

"I'll be right back sweetie, Daddy has to apologies to Josh," I said meekly as I quickly walked out of the room. I found Josh sitting on the back deck staring out over the back yard. "I'm sorry," I said softly as I sat next to him.

"I'm not perfect you know!" Josh hurled at me. "I don't know why everyone thinks I am fucking perfect!"

"I don't think that you are perfect," I replied putting my arm around him only to have him throw it off. "Fine!" I huffed as I got up and started to walk away.

"Stay?" Josh pleaded as he looked at me. Sighing I sat back down. Josh leaned against me and I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him closer to me. "I'm sorry," Josh sniffled.

"It is ok sweetie," I replied as I kissed his forehead. We heard the door open and I looked back to see Donny standing there with a scared look on his face. "We have company." Josh looked back and smiled at Donny. Donny shuffled over to us and climbed up in my lap.

"I'm sorry I got all mad back there," JC sighed as he leaned against me. "I just have some things on my mind is all."

"Anything you want to talk about?" I asked concerned. Josh shrugged. I looked down at Donny and saw that he was getting all antsy. "Hey Buddy, why don't you go in and find Trixy and play with him?"

"Ok daddy," Donny said as he clamored down and took off running.

"Ok now we can talk," I said softly.

"Are we through?" Josh asked looking sad. A cold chill ran through me.

"We through?" I asked as my voice trembled. "Why would you ask that?"

"Because we haven't done a CD in what will soon be over two years," Josh replied. I breathed a sigh of relief when I realized that he was talking about NSYNC.

"Do you want to be through?" I asked. Josh shrugged. "That is not an answer Josh."

"Maybe I do want to be through," he said softly. "I mean we did have a huge career. And well look at Backstreet."

"What does Backstreet have to do with you guys?" I asked.

"They are talking about not recording another CD," Josh replied. "Just the other day I heard Kevin talking to Brian about how he couldn't take the chance of doing all that work on a cd and have the public shun it. He is convinced that the public will shun the cd. I just don't want to have to go through that."

"Well I am sorry that Backstreet thinks that they can't take the chance of recording another cd and getting shunned. But I know this. You enjoy making music. And you enjoy performing. Don't let their fears dictate to you on whether or not you continue to perform. Don't you have a cd ready to come out?"

"Yea I do but it keeps getting pushed back further and further. Now they are talking about the end of October or something. I don't know maybe it is because I am feeling old or something."

"Josh honey," I giggled. "You are not old." He looked at me funny. "Ok maybe for a teen pop star you are but as a man you are just getting into the prime of your life." That was when the light hit me. Today was Josh's birthday. The 8th of August. I had completely forgotten his birthday. Tears welled up in my eyes and Josh immediately got this concerned look on his face.

"Baby?" he asked as he wiped the tears free. "What is wrong?"

"I'm a horrible boyfriend!" I sobbed out.

"No you're not baby," Josh said as he wrapped me up in his arms. "Now tell me why you think you are a horrible boyfriend."

"Cause I forgot," I sniffled.

"Forgot what?" Josh asked confused.

"I forgot your birthday!" I wailed. Josh started to laugh. I glared at him like he was nuts. "What is so funny?"

"Oh baby," Josh giggled. "You don't have to worry about that."

"Yes I do," I sniffled again. "I love you and I am supposed to remember things like that!"

"Well if it makes you feel any better today was a great birthday. You want to know why?" Josh asked softly as he kissed me on the cheeks.

"Why?" I asked looking up into his eyes.

"Because I got to spend it with the man I love," Josh replied smiling down at me. "And I got to make love to him all day long. And I hope I get to make love to him all night too."

I knew I have had sex four times today but Josh wanted to make love again. And if it made him happy than I was going to let him do it. "You know you don't have to ask me that," I smiled up at him.

"Good," Josh said with his sexy smirk. "Now what do you say we make sure that Donny is in bed so we can go have fun."

From Danny's point of view.

Oh man I hope I don't screw this date up. I thought to myself. Kevin was so good looking. He was a perfect gentleman too. I loved the way he looked in his dark blue shirt and tight jeans. I also loved the way he smelled too. I had to find out what cologne he wore. "You having a good time?" Kevin's voice broke into my little world of thoughts. We had finished our dinner and movie and was now sitting on the beach looking out over the water. The sun had just gone down and there was still a hint of pink still in the air.

"Yes, thank you," I replied as I took a chance and snuggled up to him.

"You getting cold?" Kevin asked concerned.

"Maybe a little," I said shyly. Suddenly I was shy around him. He looked down at me with those incredible green eyes of his.

"God you are so beautiful," he breathed out. "Can I kiss you?" A thrill raged through me as the prospect of letting his man ravage me all he wanted entered my mind. I nodded without saying anything. Now I had been kissed before. By girls and a couple of guys. So when Kevin kissed me I thought I knew what was coming. Boy was I wrong. Two minutes later we broke apart breathless. Kevin's eyes were glazed over with lust and I was hard as a rock. I could still taste his tongue and the I could still remember the feel of his rough lips on mine.

"You're a good kisser," he smiled at me as he scooted back. "Here lie down in my lap." I had waited a life time to hear him say that. I stretched out and laid my head in his lap. I was laying right on his crotch. I could tell he was hard as me too. I looked up at him and saw that he was staring out over the water. I snuggled closer to him and was soon drifting off to sleep.

"Danny?" a deep voice washed over me. I growled softly as I snuggled deeper into the soft pillow I was resting on. I heard his deep laugh. "Danny?" he asked again. This time I opened my eyes and saw Kevin grinning down at me. "You ready to go?" I sat back up slowly and leaned against him. I had noticed that he had taken off his shirt. God he was so gorgeous! "I noticed that you were really snoring there."

"I don't snore," I said with a small pout. Kevin giggled as he wrapped his arms around me. "Too many clothes on baby," he whispered in my ear as he tugged on it with his lips. A stab of fear stabbed me in the gut. Did he expect to have sex tonight? "Don't worry love," Kevin whispered in my ear. "If you're not ready to sleep with me than that is ok." For some reason just hearing him say that caused me to make up my mind right than and there. I looked up into his eyes and saw nothing but love.

"I do want to make love tonight," I whispered. "Please Kevin, take me please?"

Kevin looked at me for a few minutes and than kissed me again. Than he shook his head no. "But?" I asked softly only to have Kevin put his finger against my lips.

"I don't want you to have sex with me just because you want to make me happy," Kevin said softly. "I want you to have sex with me because you love me. And if we are going to make it work it will based on love." Ok so this was what love really felt like. WOW! I knew that I would go to the ends of the earth for this man. Now if only I could get that skinny runt JC out of my head. Oh his blue eyes and that tight skinny but very well formed--AUUUUGGHHHH! Think about Kevin you stupid idiot!!! Ok all better now. I noticed that Kevin was looking at me kinda funny. "So you ready to go home?" he asked.

"Yea I guess," I sighed. So much for getting some tonight. I growled to myself.


Next: Chapter 9

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