Picking Up the Pieces of My Life

By JC Fanfic

Published on Jul 13, 2003


A Work of Fiction by JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications (c) Copyright 2003 Disclaimer: All Characters and situations of this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people and actual situations is purely coincidental. All fictional characters and fictional situations portrayed in this work of fiction remains the property of JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications. Republishing of this work of fiction is strictly forbidden unless permission as been given by JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications. Permission granted to Nifty Archives for the sole purpose of posting on the Boy Bands section of the Archives. Permission may be obtained by e-mailing JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications at JC_Fan_Fiction@yahoo.com

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And now Chapter Six of Picking up the Pieces of my Life

"Home!" I exclaimed as I walked into the house. I felt the air brush by me as Donny ran past me and over to the cage that held his little buddy Trixy. His laughter and the pup's high pitch barks brought a smile to Josh's face. "What do you want to do now?" I asked Josh as he sat his suitcase down on the floor. He just walked up to me and grabbed me in a hug and pressed his lips to mine and proceeded to kiss me breathless. When he broke apart he was wearing that naughty look in his eyes that drove me nuts. "Behave mister," I said kissing him on his nose. His lip stuck out in a pout and that drove me nuts too. "Ok ok," I relented. "But we unpack first." He nodded eagerly as he grabbed his suitcase and took off running towards the stairs.

"Welcome home," a sassy voice sounded from behind me. I jerked around to see Nathan standing behind me with a cocky grin on his face.

"What the hell are you doing here? I thought Josh fired your worthless twinked out ass," I hissed at him.

"He did and I hired him back," a deeper voice sounded to my right. I looked at Kevin and shrugged my shoulders and left and followed Josh up to my room. If I knew him right, right about now he was naked as a jaybird and ready for some serious love making. Sure enough I walked into see him laying on the bed with out a stitch on. He grinned at me and jerked his cock a couple of times. I thought I was the horny one. I quickly disrobed and hopped in bed and was soon rewarded with Josh's cock sliding up me. I was in heaven again.

Down stairs from Kevin's point of view.

"So this is going to work?" Nathan asked me.

"Yea it will work," I replied as I poured the contents into the bottle of spring water. "This is the only brand he drinks and Josh always gets it for him and pours it over a glass of ice water. Keep is out of sight until about an hour before Don goes to bed. Josh always brings him a glass of ice water for him. This will make it appear as if Josh is the one slipping Don the sleeping pill. I doubled the dose too."

"I don't want to get caught," Nathan said looking a little worried.

"You won't get caught if you are careful," I assured him. "Now remember let the drug do it all. At some point he will get addicted and when he does and realize where the drugs is coming from all hell will break loose and I bet Josh will be blamed for it and Don will go back to Colorado and I will have Josh back to myself."

"I don't know about this," Nathan said still worried.

"Listen," I barked at him. "I'm not paying you good money to wine about whether or not your afraid of getting caught. I can hire someone else you know."

"Ok," Nathan said back peddling quickly. "I'll do it."

"Good," I said grinning. "I want my cock buried back in Josh's ass where it belongs."

"In the mean time you can use mine if you want," Nathan said as he rubbed my crotch. I grabbed his hand and twisted it back. "Ouch!" he whined. "That hurts!"

"Don't ever touch me again!" I hurled at him. "I don't fuck the hired help!"

"Ok ok!" he whined rubbing his hand. "I just wanted to know if I could help you out is all."

"Yea well you can't!" I hissed at him as I stormed out of the kitchen. He was right. I was horny as hell and could really fuck his brains out if I wanted to. He looked like he could take it too. And he did have a cute face and hot body and tight little ass. And since Ashley wasn't putting out. Ahh fuck it! "Nathan!" I called out. He walked in and gazed up at me with his cute blue eyes. "You really would let me fuck the shit out of you?"

"Hell yea!" he said with his eyes gleaming.

"Ok, get up stairs to my room and take off your clothes. Get ready for the fuck of your life," I sneered at him.

From Don's point of view.

I ran my fingers through his damp hair as the last feelings of our mutual lovemaking wore off. This was when I loved Josh the most. Don't get me wrong. I love his wild and passionate way of making love. But it was the tired cuddly and sleepy Josh that I really loved. I got to hold him and cuddle with him and have all the time in the world to admire his body. I smiled softly down at him as he snuggled closer to me and moaned softly. He was napping after our wild and rough lovemaking session. I was still on a high and was content to watch him nap. As I watched him nap I wondered if this was going to be the way it was for now on. Long meetings that stretched on for days and concerts and schedules and press conferences to prep Justin for. It was long and hard work. Nothing at all compared to what I was used to doing with I was with LFO or Rich. But I have a feeling that Rich just wanted me around for the eye candy and to try and get into my pants. With Justin it was completely different. He truly valued my work experience and my work ethic. He listen to my advice and even allowed me to yell at him when he was being a stubborn diva. Oh yea and let's not forget his habit of chewing on pens. I had resorted to snatching pens away and stuffing a stick of gum in his mouth. He would roll his eyes and smile. And I would lecture him about ruining his teeth. Some times I think he did it just to get a free stick of gum. Imagine that, a multimillionaire conning a stick of gum out his hired help. Yes the hours were long and hard but the pay was good and we had worked it out so that I was able to spend time with my son and Josh could tag along for most of the time. Speaking of which. Josh was going into the studio this week to continue with his solo career. I was looking forward to him putting out his solo cd. He kept saying that it wasn't going to be anything as big as Justin's. I told him that he was going to be surprised just how well it would do. Josh had a boat load of fans. And his fans were dying to listen to his work. I counted myself at the top of his list of fans too. He just blushed and giggled and said I was biased. Yea he was right. I was biased. After all I loved him. And nothing was ever going to change that.

"Penny for your thoughts?" a sleepy voice drifted over me. I looked down at my naked lover and saw him looking up at me with those incredible eyes of his.

"Just thinking is all?" I replied.

"Was I in those thoughts?" Josh asked as he kissed my chest he latched onto one of my nipples and begin to suck and nibble at it for a while. I could feel him getting hard again and knew that it was only a matter of time before he was ready to make love to me again.

"Why of course love," I replied kissing him full on the lips. That was another one of my pleasures in life. Kissing Josh was truly a gift. For me that is. When you kissed Josh it was one of two ways. Either rough and full of lust and passion or gentle and loving and it usually lasted forever. This was one of those. By the time we were done we were both hard.

"May I?" Josh asked.

"May you what?" I asked with just a hint of naughtiness creeping into my voice.

"Make love to you again?" Josh pleaded with just a hint of pout in his lips. He knew that drove me nuts.

"You know you never have to ask me that," I whispered to him as I took his cock and guided to my whole. With a quick thrust he was in me again and I was in heaven again for a few moments. This time he would sleep for most of the afternoon. And I would too. Fifteen minutes later his seed slammed into me and sent me over the edge as well spewing my load all over my abs. Josh pulled out and cleaned us both up and than wrapped his arms and legs around me and closed his eyes and fell back asleep. I was trapped. I had nowhere to go unless I wanted to wake Josh up and there was no way I was waking up this angel. He knew what he was doing. He didn't like waking up alone. And he did this so he didn't have too. So I sighed and closed my eyes and rested my head ontop of his and drifted off to sleep.

From Josh's point of view

I woke to find the bed empty. I Growled softly because I had deliberately wrapped myself around my prey so he couldn't escape. I heard his sexy giggle and looked up. "What?" I asked pouting.

"Sorry about that," Don said grinning. "But jr. had to go pee." I notice with regret that he was putting on clothes. I wanted him naked all night long so I had complete access to him. Oh well it was a nice thought. He left his shirt off and slid back in bed and wrapped his arms around me and pressed his lips to mine. "Is my baby hungry?" he cooed in my ear while nibbling on it. I was about to say no when my stomach growled really loud. Mean old stomach. I wanted to have some more sex! "I'll take that as a yes."

"What I really want is to make love to you all night long," I said with a pout.

"Well after dinner we'll come back up here and get all naked and fill the hot tub and light the fire place and make love all night long," he promised me. Ok, so that made me happy.

"Ok deal," I replied with a grin. "Now if you will excuse me I'm going to take a quick shower and I'll join you down stairs." After a quick shower I donned a pair of shorts and a sleeveless shirt. Don loved it when he could ogle my bare arms. I thought they were really skinny but he seemed to really like them. Oh well anything to make him happy. Once I was down stairs I was assaulted with wonderful smells from the kitchen. It had seemed that my lover fixing my favorite of his dishes, fried chicken and all the trimmings. Yes tonight was going to be a good one.

"Daddy!" wailed Donny. He came walking in with his teddy bear. Upon closer inspection I noticed that the stuffed bear was missing his arm. I heard a huff and looked down and saw Trixy with it in his mouth. "Trixy bit my bear and now he has a big owie! Trixy is a meanie!" If it wasn't for Donny's tears that were flowing non stop down his cute little face I would've been laughing right now.

"Trixy!" I said in a very stern voice. The pup looked guiltily up at me. "Bad boy!" He quickly dropped the teddy bears arm at my feet. "Go to your cage!" With his tail between his legs he slowly walked over to the cage. He paused and glared at Donny before walking by. Donny glared at him too. It was way cute. I did allow a small giggle to escape.

"Let's see Teddy," Don said softly to his son. Donny sniffled and handed the wounded stuffed animal to his father. "Oh my!" Don said in a very serious voice. "Teddy has a big owie!"

"Can you make him better Daddy?" Donny asked.

"I think so," Don replied. "I'll take care of it after dinner."

"He might die!" Donny said with a horrified voice.

"I have an idea!" I popped up. "Why don't I fix Teddy while your daddy continues to fix dinner." Donny looked at me as if he was inspecting me.

"Can you fix Teddy?" he asked still looking me over. He had this frown on his face as if he was deciding on whether or not he could do it. "Are you sure? You don't look like Doctor." By now Donny hand his hands on his hips. I heard Don giggling in the background.

"Of course I can fix him," I replied. Inside I was hoping I could. If I messed this up--, oh well. One can always try. Donny handed me his wounded pal and hand in hand we walked into the living room where I quickly found some dark brown thread and a needle.

From Don's point of view

After finishing dinner and making sure the table was all fixed up pretty I walked into the living room. I heard the welcomed sound of two people laughing. And I heard the welcomed sound of a puppy bark too. The sight I walked in on was too precious. I quickly snuck back out into the hall and grabbed the camera and snuck back in. They were so engrossed in what they were doing that they didn't even hear or see me. Ok let me lay it on the line for you. Teddy was all fixed up. He had his little arm in a sling and a patch on his eyes. Don't ask how that happened. But the funny part was Donny was playing doctor on poor Josh. Josh had a huge bulky bandage on his head and his hand was all bandaged up. I snuck up behind them and quickly snapped a picture. The flash caught their attention. The expression on JC's face was priceless. "Hmmmm I wonder how much I can get for this picture on e-bay?" I giggled as I sat next to Josh. "Dinner is ready you two." Trixy barked loudly. "Ok buddy dinner is ready you three." We all giggled as we headed into the dinning room to eat. Dinner was a pleasure and quite funny too. Justin stopped by to see if Donny wanted to spend the night with him. Something about a Star Wars night. When he saw Josh all bandaged up he busted up laughing.

"What happened to you?" Justin asked Josh.

"He got into a Akadent!" Donny blurted out. "I had to fix him all up. Just like he fixed up Teddy for me!"

"They were playing doctor," I giggled. "And I got a picture of it to sell on E-bay." Josh glared at me but I could see the smile in his eyes. "You want to join us for dinner boss?"

"What are you having?" Justin asked.

"Daddy's chicken!" Donny blurted out. He had a chicken leg in his hand and was munching on it. Trixy's little whimpers could be heard as he sat at Donny's feet waiting for a piece of chicken to be dropped. But Donny wasn't letting any of it out of his sight. It was really cute.

"Sure be happy too," Justin said grinning.

"Where is Brian?" Josh asked.

"At home," Justin said as he started to pile on the food on his plate. He was eating enough to feed an army. "So what are you two doing tonight?" Josh coughed and blushed and I looked very interested in my mashed potatoes. "You guys are too much. Don't you get enough of that stuff?"

"What stuff?" Donny asked.

"Ummm stuff stuff," Justin replied quickly. "Grown up kinda stuff."

"Mushy stuff!" Donny said with a yuck face. "Can I scused?"

"Excused," I corrected him. "And yes you may. I'll be up in a minute to pack your over night bag." Soon we were rewarded with the sound of little feet running through out the house. Kevin walked in just as Donny ran by him. Kevin jumped aside and grinned.

"In a rush?" he called out.

"He is on a mission to get ready to go on a sleep over," I said. "You hungry?"

"No, this is your night," Kevin said. "I don't want to impose."

"You're not," I replied. "It will just go to waste if someone doesn't eat it. So please help yourself."

"I think I will," Kevin said as he picked up a plate and quickly filled it. "It certainly looks good."

"It is," Josh said grinning at me as he pushed his plate away. "I can't eat another bite."

"Yea Don is a great cook," Justin added too.

"Do you want your ice water?" Josh asked me.

"Yea that would be nice," I replied. I know it seemed silly but Josh enjoyed bringing me water. It was his thing to show that he loved me. I allowed him to do it. In no time at all I had a ice cold glass of water in my hands. I had a bottle water I loved. And Josh being a sweetie always kept it stocked just for me. I took a huge drink of water and relished the cool liquid that flowed down my throat. "Thanks sweetie," I smiled at him.

"You're welcome sexy," Josh said in a husky voice.

"I take it by the tone of your voice that you are ready to retire for the night?" I asked. He nodded with a huge grin on his face. "Well why don't you meet me in the room and I will go and see if Donny is all packed and ready to go."

"Guys it is only seven in the evening," Kevin said looking at his watch.

"Yea but they are going to shut themselves in the room all night long and have sexy until the wee hours of the morning," Justin snickered.

"Well have fun," Kevin said grinning as he shook his head. "Young love," he muttered. As I left the dinning room I heard him and Justin giggling. Once I got up stairs I saw Donny shoving his PJ's into his little back pack. I walked into the bathroom and found his tooth brush and tooth paste hidden behind the baby shampoo. I smiled as I picked them up and returned to the bedroom.

"All done!" Donny exclaimed as he zipped his back pack closed.

"Not quite my son," I smiled as I waved the toothbrush and tooth paste.

"Yuck!" Donny said scrunching up his nose.

"Yea well you know it is important to brush your teeth and a habit that Justin takes seriously. If he found out that you had left yours behind he would've just ran out and got you some more," I explained as I packed it. "There all set to go. Now give your daddy a big hug." I shivered with delight as my son wrapped his arms around my neck and squeazed hard. "Have fun and don't eat too much junk food." I kissed him good night and sent him down stairs to meet his "Uncle Justin". I turned and headed down the hall to find my lover.

From Josh's point of view.

I was all naked and sitting in the tub waiting for my lover to come. That was when I heard it. It was a crash. I called otu for Don and didn't get an answer. I quickly got out of the tub and threw on some clothes and walked out into the hall. That was when I saw the worst sight I had ever seen. My lover was laying on the floor with blood falling from his forehead. "Don!" I screamed as I ran up to him and fell to my knees. I quickly checked for a pulse and couldn't find one. I immediately begin to do chest compressoin. "Help me!" I screamed "Someone dial 911!"


Next: Chapter 7

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