Picking Up the Pieces of My Life

By JC Fanfic

Published on Jun 15, 2003


A Work of Fiction by JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications (c) Copyright 2003 Disclaimer: All Characters and situations of this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people and actual situations is purely coincidental. All fictional characters and fictional situations portrayed in this work of fiction remains the property of JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications. Republishing of this work of fiction is strictly forbidden unless permission as been given by JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications. Permission granted to Nifty Archives for the sole purpose of posting on the Boy Bands section of the Archives. Permission may be obtained by e-mailing JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications at JC_Fan_Fiction@yahoo.com

Comments are welcome too. Constructive Comments and advice are welcome. Honest opinions are welcome as well. And if you want to vent all over me as long it is good natured than feel free too do that to.

E-mail me at JC_Fan_Fiction@yahoo.com mailto:JC_Fan_Fiction@yahoo.com

Chapter Four

From Don's point of view

I watched as my lover pounded away at the keyboard making his music. I loved watching him work. He almost always worked shirtless when he was alone in the house in his private studio. And I loved watching him work. He had a set of headsets on and his entire upper body was moving in time with whatever music he was creating. I loved watching the play of his lean muscles under his skin. It made me so hot that I wanted to pounce on him and have my way with him right than there. But I knew that he needed his creative time and I was going to give it too him. I watched with glee as he turned off the keyboard and took off his headset. He turned and caught me looking at his incredibly built chest. "Like what you see?" he asked smirking. I licked my lips as he walked into my waiting arms. I shivered with delight as his warm flesh came in contact with mine. I loved the feel of his rock hard pecs and nipples against my bare chest as well. "Someone is very happy to see me," he giggled softly as he leaned down and pressed his lips to mine and slipped his tongue into my waiting mouth. I moaned softly and ground my crotch in his. "Yep," he giggled that incredibly naughty grin of his. "You are definitely happy to see me."

"Well can you blame me?" I asked with a small pout. "You leave me all alone with that mean old Kevin and go off to your recording thingy and I'm left trying to think of ways to keep me amused."

"And what did you think about ?" Josh asked as his lips moved to my neck and he latched on to my flesh and sucked it into his mouth. I whimpered softly and surrendered myself to his ways. I knew that I was going to have another hickie again. That was the way Josh was. He couldn't resist sucking on my flesh.

"Well I thought about us," I replied as I reluctantly pried his lips from my neck. I kissed his pouting lips. "Later tiger."

"What about us?" Josh asked as he gently rubbed my crotch. I swatted his hand away. "I can't help it. Writing makes me horny."

"Well after we're done talking about the cook out we can go up stairs and make love," I promised him. Watching his eyes light up was so worth it. It has been over a month since I've lost my wife. Over all it has been pretty good. There are times that I really miss her. Like when it is rainy out. You know the kind of day when it is all dark and rainy. You fire up the fireplace and snuggle with your lover. Well Josh and I have started doing that too. Whenever it rains and we have the day off. Day off is crucial. Rainy days suck when you are working. We fire up the fireplace and send Donny over to Justin's when he is not busy. And we get all naked and snuggle on the comfortable sofa and neck and make love all day long. So far we have three times that we have been able to do that. Kevin teases us a lot about that but we really don't care. We are in love. Well any way some time through the day I would start thinking of Pam and how we used to do this and than the tears would start. Josh has always been really good about that. He just holds me and caresses me until the tears stop. Donny has adjusted well. He still has his moments when he really misses his mommy. Usually he'll just climb into bed with Josh and me and snuggle down between the both of us. Luckily it has been when we are dressed. After crying himself to sleep I would carry him back to his room and than go back to bed and cry myself to sleep. Seeing that boy crying breaks my heart.

"Sweetie?" a sexy voice interrupts my thoughts. I looked up to see a concerned face staring down at me. "You all right?"

"Yea I'm fine Josh," I reply. "Let's talk about the menu for the cook out.

"Than we can have sex right?" Josh said with a naughty grin on his face.

"Yes my horny lover," I giggle as I kissed him on the nose. "We can make love all afternoon if you want."

"So we're going to have burgers and hot dogs and chicken?" Josh asked. I nodded. "Will you make that pasta salad that you made on your first night here?" I had to smile at Josh's grin. He really loved my salad and had begged me to make it (Make sure you read the authors note at the end for the recipe.) three times already.

"Of course I'll make it," I replied. We heard the door open and Kevin walked in. Let me tell you something about Kevin. He really is a nice guy. When he is not being a jerk. And lately he has gone out of his way to be nice. I`ve even started trusting him around Donny. Donny has really grown to love Kevin. Not as much as his Uncle Justin, as he started calling him. Plus I think that Kevin is developing a crush on me. He is finding new ways to spend time with me. Last night we spent three hours playing horseshoes. This morning I was taking a shower and he walked in on me just as I was walking out. He got the full view. I was thinking of Josh and what it would be like to make love to him in the pouring rain. Well needless to say Jr. was at full attention. Kevin just raised his eyebrows and smirked. I blushed when he said I looked really hot. Well ever since this morning Kevin has been looking for a chance to brush up against me. And he has been really nice to me. Smiling a lot and flirting. I think that Kevin is trying to get me to notice him. Yea like that would ever happen. Well needless to say I am trying to figure a polite way to tell him to lay off. Our Friendship as taken a while to develop and I don't want to screw it up by getting all pissy. Oh well maybe I'll talk to Josh about it.

"Don," Kevin said nodding in my direction. "Could you help me some stuff I brought back from the store?"

"Yea sure," I replied getting up and following Kevin out. "I'll be back in a little while." Josh nodded and went back to the menu we were planning. Once outside I headed towards Kevin's SUV.

"I wanted to apologies for walking in on you this morning," Kevin said softly.

"Yea well it's ok," I muttered. "Where is the stuff?" Kevin showed me where it all was and I reached into the back of the SUV and started pulling out bags and carrying them into the house. Kevin followed me as he too carried bags into the house. Kevin had gotten most of the stuff we needed for the cook out. As I put the bags on the counter I felt Kevin brushed up against me. I sighed and controlled my anger. I could excuse an occasional brush but this was getting ridiculous.

"Sorry," Kevin mumbled. Since we had carried in all of the stuff I went back to Josh. I made sure I gave him a good long kiss right in front of Kevin. Kevin sighed and excused him self and left the room.

"What was that all about?" Josh asked.

"Kevin needed help," I replied.

"No I mean what was that all about?" Josh asked. I looked into his eyes and saw him looking at me intently. "Why is Kevin suddenly brushing up against you?"

"How the hell should I know?" I replied calmly. "He walked in on me this morning when I was in the shower. He saw me naked. And well I was actually thinking of doing all sorts of naughty things to you and well I was ummm hard." I said that part cringing.

"And he liked what he saw?" Josh asked.

"I don't know, maybe , I guess," I mumbled. I suddenly wanted to crawl in a whole and die.

"Yea well he can look all he wants," Josh replied with a smirk. "He just can't touch."

"Are we about done?" I asked.

"Yea I'm done," Josh replied. "We still going to have sex?"

"Of course we are," I replied grabbing his hand. "Now I want you up stairs and naked so I can have my way with you."

From Josh's point of view.

Making love to Don was great as usual. I wore him out and than watched him fall asleep. After making sure he was sound asleep I crawled out and went down stairs and into the living room. It was time that Kevin and I had a talk. A talk that I wasn't looking forward too. I liked Kevin. At least the kind and loving and cute adorable Kevin that I knew he could be. He was like that when we were together. He was always an angel. Very attentive and making sure that I was taken care of. But Kevin's problem was his sex drive. And after the first two times I forgave him. Hell, who wouldn't? All he had to do look into your eyes with those hypnotic green eyes of his and speak in his bedroom voice and promise you the moon and that was it. You were under his spell. Well after the third time that was it. I had enough and ended it. Than Donny came into my life. Well you know the rest of the story. I finished my trek into the living room and stopped dead in my tracks. Kevin was sitting in the loveseat with his arm around Ashley from O-Town. He was also kissing him. And from the looks of their clothes they were getting ready to do the wild thing right here. I coughed and got their attention. Fear raged through Ashley's eyes.

"Don't worry," I smiled softly. "Your secret is safe with me." He heaved a sigh of relief.

"Umm Josh," Kevin said clearing his throat. "I umm would like you to meet Ashley, he is my boyfriend."

"Is he the one that you --," I started. Kevin shook his head and looked down in shame. "I'm sorry," I mumbled. "I had no right to ask you that." I turned to Ashley. "So is he treating you right?" Ashley blushed and laid his head on Kevin's shoulder. "I'll take that as a yes. Well I'll leave you two alone."

"Did you want to talk about something?" Kevin asked frowning.

"Yea but it could wait until later," I replied. I heard the door open and the patter of six feet. That would be Trixy and Donny. I counted the seconds before they came charging into the room. Trixy came running in first. Donny followed close behind. And walking slowly behind them was Brian and Justin. They looked like that they had been through a war. "So Donny and Trixy wore you two out?"

"You don't know half of it," Justin sighed as he sank into an easy chair. "That boy has way to much energy."

"Where is Don?" Brian asked looking around.

"Ummm he is taking a nap," I replied blushing. Justin snickered quietly. "And yes if you must know we made love."

"Ok ok," Brian said clapping his hands over his ears. "Too much info!"

"So how are you two doing?" The looks on their faces told me everything I needed to know. The sappy look on Brian's face and the look of love on Justin's was enough. "So going good?" I decided to tease them a little.

"Yea umm we're doing great," Brian coughed. It was about this time Donny decided to put in his two cents.

"Yea Joshy!" Donny blurted out. "They were all mushy all day long. Yuck!" By now Kevin and Ashley and me were laughing at poor Justin's and Brian's expense.

"Well that is because they're in love," I giggled.

"Yea but it is still yucki!" Donny said making a yucky noise. "Where is my Daddy?"

"He is up stairs taking a nap," I replied. "Why don't you go and wake him up?" Donny took off running with Trixy following him.

"He is cute kid," Ashley said.

"Yea it is a shame that he lost his mother to cancer," I mumbled sadly. "That boy doesn't deserve to be with out a mommy."

"Well he seems to be handling it pretty good," Ashley replied.

"Yea well that is because he has a great Dad," I smiled dreamily.

"And I venture to say that it also has something to do with you guys too," Ashley added. "It is obvious that he loves you guys very much."

"And we love him too," I smiled. "He is such a good boy. So well behaved.'

"Not to mention that he is a ball of energy that doesn't seem to stop," Brian added. "He wore us out today."

"What did you do today?" I asked.

"Well we went to the beach. He insisted on burying the both of us. It was really cute," Justin added. "It did us a lot of good seeing him having so much fun."

"No crying spells?" I asked worried. Usually Donny would have a crying fit at least twice a day. He would get really quiet and start thinking about his mommy and start crying for her. Luckily either Me or Don or Justin or Brian was around to help him through it. We never tried to get him to stop. We just let him cry as much as he wanted and when he was done he would snuggle up with one of us until he fell asleep. When he woke up he was back to his normal cheerful voice. I wondered what Don would do when his son stopped mourning the loss of his mommy. Well we would cross that bridge when we got there. I heard the high pitch squeal of Donny's giggle and the lower monster sounds that could've only have come from one person. Sure enough as I looked up I saw Don and his son walking down the stairs. Trixy was following close behind. I was so happy that I had gotten Trixy. Trixy was abused by his previous owner and needed a little boy to be his buddy. Donny was just getting over his mommy's death and needed a puppy. Heck! Every little boy needed a puppy. Those two were inseperable. It was so cute to see them running around the house. Don sat down next to me and kissed me lightly on the lips.

"Have a good sleep love?" I asked softly as I took his hand and led him to the sofa.

"Yea it was ok," he replied as he laid his head down on my shoulder. I bent down and kissed his fore head and smelled my cologne. It had seemed that Don wanted to smell like me. That meant only one thing. He was feeling down. "I missed you."

"That is not all you're missing either," I whispered to him. He shrugged his shoulder as a few tears fell from his eyes. I quickly wiped them free. "I love you Donny."

"I love you too," he replied as he looked up at me with watery eyes. He laid his head back on my shoulder.

"Missing Pam?" I asked softly. He nodded.

"Pam was your wife?" Ashley asked. Don nodded. "I'm sorry for you loss."

"Thanks," Don replied as he wiped a tear from his face. "So what are you to Kevin?"

"Well umm we're umm lovers," Kevin stammered.

"That is so great!" Don replied with a wide grin on his face. "I'm so happy for you. So how long have you've been dating?"

"Just for a few days," Kevin replied as Ashley snuggled closer to Kevin. "So umm can he come to the cook out?"

"Of course he can come," I said smiling. "The more the merrier!"

"Well I promised Ashley I would take him out to dinner so we had better get going," Kevin said standing.

"Yea it was nice meeting you," Ashley said to Don. "I'll look forward to that cook out. Kevin has told me about your pasta salad."

"Yea I seem to be becoming famous for that stuff," Don said blushing. "Well have fun on your date."

"Thanks I will," Ashley said blushing again. When the left Don turned to me.

"They make a really cute couple," he said. "So what are we doing for dinner?"

"Pizza!" Donny shouted. Don groaned out loud. We had just had pizza the night before.

"No pizza tonight. Tonight we have a real meal," Don suggested. "How about I cook my famous fried chicken." This seemed to pleas Donny very much.

"I take it you make a mean fried Chicken?" I whispered in his ear.

"Daddy makes the bestes fried chicken ever!" Donny exclaimed clapping his hands together.

"Well than it is settled. Fried Chicken it is," Don announced. "And I have to get busy."

Well dinner was great. It had seemed that Don knew how to cook and cook well. After stuffing ourselves we all settled down by the pool. The sun was just setting and Brian and Justin and Donny was splashing in the pool. Me and Don was snuggling by the side of the pool in lounge chairs. It felt good to just lay there and do nothing. Everything was ready for tomorrow cook out. I giggled softly when I heard the light snoring of Don. He had fallen asleep. I took his time to watch him sleep. That was when I got the chance to really watch him with out any distractions. Don was very attractive and I knew that from the first day I met him. I still remember the soft laughter form Pam when I first saw Don. She knew at that moment that Don and me were going to be just fine. Shaking myself back to reality I looked over at the pool. Justin had Donny over his head making all of these monster noises. Donny was squealing with laughter and Trixy was running around the pool barking and growling at poor Justin. He thought that Justin was going to hurt Donny. I called Trixy over and he came trotting over to me and hopped up in my lap. After being kissed by the pup he settled down in my lap and drifted off to sleep. I watched as Justin and Brian continued to wear out Donny. At some point I too drifted off to sleep. When I awoke it was dark out and I heard giggling. I looked around and was mildly amused to see a tent erected in the yard. It had seemed that Brian and Justin and Donny had decided to have a little camp out.

"Sleep well?" the voice of angels drifted over me. I looked up to see my angel standing over me. "You were so comfortable that I didn't want to disturb you."

"What time is it?" I asked sitting up. Trixy grunted as he trotted over to the tent and whimpered until a hand reached out and brought him in.

"Just past one in the morning," Don said softly as he sat behind me. I shivered with delight as his arms encircled me. He was going shirtless too and the feel of his tight chest and abs pressing up against me made me horny as hell. "We should go in and get some sleep. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow."

"Yea I guess you're right," I replied as I stood up and took Don's hand. Don got up and followed me in the house. Once up stairs in our room he got to work taking off my clothes. I groaned softly as his lips encircled my cock. "You don't have to if you don't want too." He just grinned up at me and went to work working my cock. I shivered with delight as his fingers found me balls and he gently massaged them. I whimpered as his lips moved up and down on my shaft. He looked up at me with that incredible naughty look in his eyes. He pushed me back so that I was now laying on the bed. He climbed on the bed too and buried his head in my crotch. I just lay back and enjoyed the ride. Like I really had a choice. When Don Smith made up his mind there was so stopping him. And right now he was on a mission.

From Donny's point of view

Now I had him! Right where I wanted him. All naked and all mine! I giggled softly as I continued to work his cock. I loved everything about his cock. The length of it was just right. The taste was out of this world, I loved the way it pulsed in my mouth. I loved the little kitten like yelps I got from Josh when he was getting close. And right now he was getting close. I quicken my pace as the yelps and moans and whimpers picked up form Josh as well. His cock head swelled and I was rewarded with the first blast. I had learned a long time ago to block the flow of cum from sliding down my throat. I caught it all and allowed Josh's cock to fall sloppily from my mouth and then I gave him my patented naughty look again as I made a huge deal out of swallowing. Josh whimpered again and I giggled as I bent down and continued to clean him up. When he was all cleaned up I walked to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and rinsed my mouth out and returned to bed. "Where did that come from?" Josh asked sitting up looking down at me.

"I love you," I replied. "Now be a good boy and get ready for bed."

"But what about you?" Josh asked with a hint of pouting formed on his lips. He looked so cute and I almost caved.

"Oh no you don't!" I giggled. "Tonight was all about you babe and that is the way it is going to be." He sighed and retreated into the bathroom and after a few minutes he returned all ready for bed. I held out the blankets to let him in. I shivered in delight as his body slid next to mine. This was by far the favorite time of the day. When we were getting ready for bed. The closeness and the warm fussy snuggly feeling that we had. In no time at all my Josh was wrapped up in my arms and sleeping soundly. But sleep alluded me. I tossed and turned for most of the night. Finally I gave up and got up and walked down stairs. I walked into the living room and sat by the huge bay window and looked out onto the front lawn. There was a just a hint of Pink showing in the east. I had gotten maybe an hour of sleep. I was going to be tired today. Today was the big cook out. I was worried about Josh. I knew he was happy to host the cook out. But I was concerned about the other guys using his place all the time. For one thing we were still very tense around Kevin. Sure his attitude had improved greatly. We had even developed a friendship. But there was still something about Kevin that really bothered me. It was clear that he wanted something. And Kevin was a lot like Josh. When he wanted something he usually got it. And I had a sinking suspicion that the something or rather someone he wanted was me. I loved Josh with everything that I had. There were only three people in the world that was allowed into that part of my life. Josh, Donny and the memory of my wife. What would I do if and when Kevin made his move. But Kevin had a lover now. Or did he? Was he using Ashley for just a cover? Something didn't ring true. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up and cringed slightly. It was Kevin.

"What's wrong?" he asked in his deep gentle voice. "You've been up for hours."

"I can't sleep," I replied. Kevin sat next to me. "I have a lot of things on my mind."

"Like what?" Kevin asked.

"Well like you and me," I said boldly. "I mean what is going on between us?"

"What do you mean?" Kevin asked looking worried all of a sudden.

"Yesterday you walked in on me and caught me naked," I explained. "And ever since then you have every effort and excuse to either be near me or brush up against me. What is up with that?"

"Am I that obvious?" Kevin asked cringing. I nodded looking down.

"I love Josh," I said softly. "I'm not going to leave him. Not for you not for anyone. When I give my heart away it is for good." Kevin nodded and remained silent. "What about Ashley?"

"What about him?" Kevin asked with sadness in his eyes.

"Well you're dating him," I went on. "Don't you love him? I mean he is real hottie and all." Kevin grinned and nodded. "Please don't hurt him Kev."

"I don't want too," Kevin replied looking down. "I can't help it. I see a cute guy and I want him."

"Yea but why does it have to be me?" I asked frowning. "I'm not going to cheat on Josh. I love him."

"I get that ok?" Kevin said looking at me with a pleading voice. "I get that you love Josh and I will never have a chance with you. But that still doesn't stop me from wanting you." He was quiet for a few minutes and at some point I suddenly realized that Kevin crying softly to him self. "Why?" he sniffled. "Why can't I give my heart to one person and one person only. Why do have to act like a slut and sleep around?" He stood up and walked to the window and looked out for a few minutes. He turned to me with an expression of pleading on his face. "Help me?"

"Help you what?" I asked confused.

"Help me stay with one person and one person only," Kevin pleaded. I was silent for a few minutes thinking about it. Do I help him? Or do I just let him figure it out for himself? Sighing I looked up at him. The sun was just now peaking over the skyline. I took a sudden breath in at how beautiful Kevin was. He was a gorgeous man. I searched deep for any sexual feelings from myself directed at this man. Relieved I didn't find any.

"Ok," I replied. "I'll help." Kevin's face lit up with a grin. "Now sit down and let's talk."

"Talk about what?" Kevin asked.

"About your very active sex life," I replied grinning. Kevin blushed as he sat down. "Do you have feelings for Ashley?" Kevin bobbed his head up and down. "Ok well how much do you like him?"

"I love him," Kevin said bluntly. "But I'm really attracted to you too."

"Are those feelings the same for Ashley?" I asked. "I mean, I guess what I am try say is well do you love me?"

"No," Kevin replied quickly. "I mean I think that I just have sexual feelings towards you. I just want to sleep with you and well you know." I nodded. "I don't want to have those feelings anymore. I want to be able to be like you and give my heart to only one person."

"Well we are going to work on that," I replied. "Now where is Ashley right now?"

"Upstairs sleeping," Kevin replied.

"Have you made love to him yet?" I asked.

"No," Kevin replied. "He is not ready for that yet. And I'm not going to rush him."

"Well see?" I said grinning. "You're already making progress. By respecting his feelings and not engaging in sex until he is ready is a very good sign in deed."

"Yea but how do I get past the urge to want to fuck?" Kevin blurted out.

"I don't know," I answered honestly. "You have a very strong sex drive."

"Tell me about it," Kevin muttered. I let out a huge yawn. "Why don't you go back up stairs and try to get some more sleep." I nodded and gave Kevin a quick hug and than retreated to our room. When I got there and in bed I heard the door creak open. I looked over at it and saw that a scruffy headed boy standing there. He had his arms around his teddy and a very sleepy puppy was standing there too. Tears were flowing down his face. I patted the side of the bed and he climbed and snuggled up to me. He cried softly for a few minutes before falling back to sleep. At some point I fell asleep as well.

From JC's point of view.

Waking up next to Don was definitely a highlight of my day. I looked down and smiled. He was out like a light. I also noticed that our bed was fuller than normal. Curled up next to his daddy was Donny and curled at the foot of the bed was Trixy. At some point during the night Don had gotten up. I knew he wasn't sleeping well. I wondered what time he finally got back to bed. And at some point Donny had come in too. He was still dealing with the death of his mommy and still needed some serious daddy time. I looked at the clock and saw that it was just now past eight. I sighed as I slid out of bed and crept out of the room. The cool air felt good on my bare skin. Yes I enjoyed walking around the house in the morning with out my shirt on. Besides I was still hoping to pay back Don from last night. And he had a very hard time resisting me with out my shirt on first thing in the morning. I walked into the living room to hear crying. I frowned and looked over at the direction of the noise. It was Kevin. "Kevin?" I asked softly. Kevin quickly wiped the tears from his face.

"Yea?" he asked trying to look as if nothing was wrong.

"Sorry Kev," I said shaking my head sadly. "I've loved you and I know when you are hurting. Now you want to tell me what is wrong?"

"I want what you and Don have," Kevin said shrugging his shoulders. "I can't help it. I'm tired of hoping from bed to bed to boy friend to boy friend. I want to settle down and be in love."

"Don't you have that with Ashley?" I asked concerned. "I mean he is a very good looking man. You two look so good together."

"I want to have it with Ashley but I don't know if it will work," Kevin replied.

"Make it work Kevin," I urged him. "If you love him than make it work. I know you have a powerful sex drive but reign it in. For your own good and for your happiness."

"Easier said than done," Kevin sighed.

"You have the hots for Don?" I asked. I was afraid of what his answer was going to be.

"Is it that obvious?" Kevin gave me a helpless look. "He is so good looking and sweet and cute and he is such a great daddy."

"But he is in love with me. And I happen to be in love with him too," I informed him.

"I know," Kevin replied holding up his hands. "And trust me, I don't want to come in between what you two have. And I won't come in between what you have. We actually talked for a while this morning."

"And?" I asked worried.

"And you don't have to worry. Don is totally loyal to you. You are very lucky to have him as your lover," Kevin said. "But be warned. If you do anything to screw up what you and he have and he leaves you he will be fair game. I will go after him." I had to admit that Kevin was being honest. Don was a catch. I was lucky to have him. And there was no way in hell that I would ever do any thing to fuck this up.

"Don't worry Kevin," I nodded grimly. "I have no intentions of screwing this up. I love Don and he loves me. This is the real thing." Kevin nodded and walked from the room. I walked into the kitchen and set about making my sweetie breakfast. I was on a mission. What was that mission? Well simply put. To spoil my sweetie.

After making breakfast I loaded it up on a tray and carried it up stairs. I glared at Justin as he swiped a piece of bacon from Don's plate. Justin quickly put it back and walked down the stairs grumbling about wishing he had someone to fix him breakfast in bed. I giggled softly as I crept into our room. Yes there he was still snuggled deep into the comforters. Seeing his shaggy head resting on my pillow pulled at my heart. I noticed that Donny was still sleeping in the bed too. First thing I had to do was to get Donny awake and down stairs and eating his own breakfast. After waking him up and sending him and Trixy down stairs I stripped out of my clothes and slid under the comforters. I stretched out along side him making sure that every part of my body was touching his. He immediately responded by pressing up against me. He let out this cute little moan as he wrapped his arms around me. "Don?" I asked softly.

"Must sleep!" he grumbled with a small pout forming on his lips. I promptly kissed those lips. He growled softly and opened his sleepy eyes.

"Good morning sexy," I smiled down at him. "Time to wake up." I than dove under the covers and kissed and licked my way down to his crotch. Taking his cock into my mouth I begin to give him the blow job of his life. I thrilled at every moan every sigh and every whimper that escaped his lips. Hearing him in such pleasure was a huge turn on. My cock was so hard that I knew that as soon as he came I would cum too. I urged him on until he was shooting his load down my hungry throat. I swallowed as fast as I could moaning loudly as I came too. The very taste of him sent me over the edge. Soon I had cleaned him up and me up too and was snuggled in his arms. "Ready for Breakfast?" I asked kissing him on his nose.

"Wow," he breathed. "What a wake up call!" I set about setting the tray in his lap and started to feed him his breakfast. He of course protested but I was enjoying feeding him. It was a simple pleasure in life and giving him one of the simple pleasure of life was a joy for me. When he was done we talked and snuggled in bed for a few hours. We made love again and as usual it was great. Finally we dragged ourselves out of bed and showered and dressed and headed down stairs. I knew we would be teased but I didn't care. I was happy. Happy that I was in love with Don. And Don was in love with me. Feeling his hand in mine sent little shivers of pleasure up and down my spine. "I love you," he whispered to me as he kissed me on the cheek.

"I love you too," I replied.

"Well it is about time you two love birds joined us," Justin teased us. "Is that a new hickey Don?" Don blushed and placed his hand on his neck. I giggled and lightly punched Justin on the shoulder.

"You're just jealous cause Brian wouldn't fix you breakfast in bed for him," I giggled.

"Yea yea," Justin replied pouting a little. "Well now you are down stairs and joining the land of the living. When are we starting the cook out?"

"Well first of all," Don said grinning. "I have a pasta salad to make."

"How do you make it anyway?" Justin asked. "I want to give the recipe to my mother."

"Well follow me into the kitchen and I'll show you how it is done," Don replied. Soon Justin and Don were in the kitchen making the salad. I decided to get the burgers ready and Chicken ready too. Brian insisted on helping. Three hours later Nick and AJ and Howie arrived and rest of the NSYNC gang showed up as well. It was turning out to be a great cook out. As usual my sweetie's salad was a huge hit. By the time the food was put up there was none left. I guess I was pouting cause Don tugged on my shoulder and led me over to the extra refrigerator and showed me a extra bowl of his salad.

"You are too good to me," I smiled at him.

"Well I know how much you like it," Don replied kissing me on the lips. "Now let's go out and enjoy the nice weather. It is supposed to be warm tonight and I want to enjoy it." Once outside Kevin tried real hard to engage Don in a game of Horse shoes. Don politely refused until Ashley convinced us to play as teams. Needless to say Don and I beat Kevin and Ashley. Not due to my expert playing. No that was all Don's. He was a very good horse shoe player. By this time the sun had gone down and we had decided to take a late night dip in the pool. After the swim we looked around and saw that we were the only ones out. In fact everyone had left. I looked up at Don and smiled at him. He smiled too and took my outstretched hand. We both knew what we wanted. He lead me down to the hot tub. In no time at all I had taken off his swim trunk and he had taken off mine. His hand wrapped around my cock and gently stroked it. "God I love you," he whispered. "Make love to me please?" I swallowed hard and allowed him to lead me into the hot tub. I sat down in the warm water and watched in awe as he slowly lowered himself onto my rock hard cock. I moaned softly as my shaft was surrounded by his warm rectum. "You like that?" he whispered to me. I nodded and latched onto one of his nipples. I felt him shudder with pleasure. He started to move up and down on me. He wrapped his legs around me and wrapped his arms around me too. His rock hard cock scraped up against my abs while he slowly rode me. At some point during the love making session he ended up in the shallow end of the tube and me on top. This is how I loved making love to him. Me on top and watching his every move his every facial expression. He had already cum once splattering his cum against my chest and chin. Seeing his body quake with orgasmic pleasure almost sent me over the edge. After pausing and letting myself calm down and kissing his soft growling lips I enjoyed just being with him. Finally he couldn't take any more. He started moving on his own. Laughing softly I settled back into a steady pace. By now our bodies were covered with a sheen of sweat. I gazed down at him and marveled again at how beautiful he looked. His hair was wet and plastered down on his forehead. His face was flush and his eyes were open and locked on to mine. His lips were just open a hint and showed his white teeth. Every once in a while his tongue would slip out and lick his lips. This would cause me to bend down and capture his lips in mine and ravage him for few seconds. By now we were both moaning and whimpering and gasping and nipping and kissing and thrusting frantically. I tried so hard to stop myself from cumming but I had to give in to the pleasure. Groaning loudly I shot my load deep into him. He shuddered violently and shot his load in between our bodies too. After a few minutes of rest I looked down at him and smiled.

"I love you Donny Smith," I whispered to him. I kissed his eyelids and his cheek bones and nose and finally his lips. He just sighed and snuggled closer to me. "I guess we should get out and head inside?" He nodded. "Why don't you get the shower first. I need to take care of something first." After Don left for the house I quickly turned the filters on and added the chemicals and than trotted into the house. I quickly got a bottle of sparkling Cider and strawberries and took them up stairs. After lighting all the candles and putting on some soft music I waited until Don walked out of the shower. The look on his face was priceless. "Now you sit by the fire and eat some berries and drink some sparkling cider and I'll take my shower and join you." I kissed him fully on the lips and reveled in the feeling of his naked body against mine. "Oh yea and don't get dressed." He raised his eyebrows at me. "I'm not done with you yet mister." I laughed at his little whimper and thank walked to the shower. I guess you could say that it was the fastest shower I had taken in a very long time. I quickly dried off and sprayed on some of my cologne and walked back into the bedroom. There he was stretched out on the floor all nestled in the pile of soft comforters. He smiled up at me and looked down. I smiled and shook my head. He was rock hard again. I picked up a flute and filled it with the sparkling cider and walked over to him and laid down beside him. For the next hour we just laid there drinking cider and eating straw berries and exploring our bodies. There wasn't anything to sexual about it. But running my hands over his naked body was a huge turn on for me. Being in no rush we lounged around until we heard the clock strike one in the morning. "You ready for bed?" I asked softly. He nodded and I took his flute and mine and set in on the marble table top and took his hand and pulled him up and into my arms. We both shuddered with pleasure as our cocks brushed up against each other. I led him to the bed and held back the sheets for him. He slid in and than I slid in behind him. We spooned each other relishing the closeness of our bodies. After kissing each other good night we settled into a good nights sleep. We had a wonderful day with each other and I hoped that tomorrow would be the same.

From Don's point of view.

It was early in the morning and sleep alluded me again. Josh's naked body was up against mine. It felt great and I grinned when I felt his cock rubbing against my buttocks. Josh was horny again. Thankfully he was sound asleep and that meant that I got some rest. Note I said rest. Not sleep. Sleep was what I needed. Sleep was what that alluded me for the past few days. Sighing heavily I looked down at Josh. His angelic features struck to the core again. He was such a good looking man. His hair was still slightly on the long side and curled very nicely. He was also wearing highlights as well. Everything that Josh did to his hair or his body only seem to enhance his good looks. I swear if you put him a sack cloth suit he would make it look hot. I tossed and turned for the next hour trying to get to sleep. Finally I gave up and swung out of bed and slipped on my boxers and robe and padded down stairs. I walked into the living room and turned on the gas fireplace and sat down on the sofa.

"Having problems sleeping?" Justin's voice drifted over to me. I glanced up and saw him standing the doorway. "That is like three nights in a role."

"Yea I know," I muttered. "I just don't understand why I can't get to sleep."

"To much to worry about?" Justin asked his brow furrowing with concern.

"Maybe," I replied. I patted the seat next to me and he sat down. He pulled my legs up so that they were resting in his lap. "I mean what if I'm not good enough for him?"

"Ok," Justin said looking hard at me. "First things first. Josh is like crazy in love with you. That is never going to change. There is something you need to know about Josh." He waited until I nodded for him to continue. "When Josh gives his heart away it is for good. The only way you are going to loose him is if you betray him or sleep around on him."

"Like that would ever happen," I replied smiling. "What if he wants to make this thing more permanent . You know like a civil union or something like that."

"Do you have a problem with that?" Justin asked.

"No I wouldn't have a problem with that. But I don't think I am ready for something like that right now," I replied. I yawned again as I realized that I was getting sleepy finally.

"You should get some sleep," Justin said softly. "We have a busy day ahead of us. Infact we have have a very busy week ahead of us. You packed and ready to go?" I nodded. "Well than why don't you try and get to sleep because remember we have a early plane to catch in the morning." With that said Justin slipped out of the house and headed home himself. I crept back up stairs and slid into bed next to Josh.

"Couldn't sleep?" asked a sleepy voice. Josh sleepy but concerned eyes gazed down at me.

"Yea I was having trouble sleeping," I replied snuggling closer to him.

"Want to tell me about it?" Josh asked running a finger along the side of my face. For some reason that made me extremely horny. Josh felt it and looked down and grinned. "Or would you just like to make love?" I eased my legs apart so that would give him access to me. He grinned lovingly down at me and slid up me. I shuddered with a mixture of pain and pleasure. "But we are going to talk about what is keeping my angel up at nights," Josh said softly as we lost ourselves in the art of making love.

The Next morning from Josh's point of view.

I looked over at my angel as he worked in the next seat from me. He was on a airplane phone arguing with a hotel manager. By the look on his face he was getting his way. Justin had made me promise not to bother Don on the ride up to New York. It was so hard because Don always looked hot when he was all fired up about something. I made myself a promise that I would ravage him tonight when we finally went to bed. In the mean time I was trying really hard to be a good boy and let my sweetie do his job. Finally Don hung and glared at the poor phone and threatened to throw it. I stopped him. "They fucked up Justin's reservations again."

"Are you sure that Justin didn't change it again like he did the last time?" I asked kissing his hand.

"No I didn't!" Justin shouted in defense of him self. "I was good and let Don handle all the reservations."

"Yea well they screwed it up again. I swear we should switch hotels on them," Don grumbled. He broke out in a huge yawn again. They were getting more and more frequent and I was getting worried. "What is on the schedule for when we land?"

"Straight to the hotel and than it is dinner with Christina and than off the Venue," Justin said. Don quickly scanned down his palm pilot and nodded approvingly. "Checking up on me?" he teased Don.

"Hey!" Don teased back. "You need to know your schedule like the back of your hand just as much as I do. Now be good boss and pay attention to your boyfriend." Justin smirked as he went back to snuggling with Brian. The rest of the ride was pretty smooth. Don finally finished with the schedule and was now working on correspondence with Justin's other people. Finally he sighed as he put up his lap top and sat down next to me. I looked into his eyes and saw how tired he looked.

"You're tired," I said softly kissing his lips. "Why don't you try and get some sleep before we land?" He nodded as he laid his head on my shoulder. I wish I could say that he slept but he didn't. He just stared straight ahead. If he didn't sleep tonight this would be like the fourth night in the row where he didn't sleep properly. With the schedule that Justin was putting on him I knew he was headed for trouble. "I'll be back." I whispered to him as I slid away from him and replaced a pillow for my shoulder. "I love you." He nodded and closed his eyes. I quickly walked to the back of the jet and pulled out my cell phone and dialed a number. "Hey," I said looking over my shoulder and made sure that no one was watching. "I need a huge favor," I spoke into the phone. "I need a dose of sleeping pills."

From Don's point of view.

I watched as Justin nodded and was polite to everyone at the dinner. I also noticed that Josh was busy talking to an old friend. I struggled not to yawn because it wouldn't look professional for Justin's personal assistant to be nodding off. "You ready to call it quits?" Josh said as he snuck a quick kiss.

"Have to wait for Justin to retire," I replied. I watched as Justin nodded his last good bye. "Duty calls sweetie," I said as I moved toward him. I nodded to the body guards and watched as they smoothly moved into position. In no time at all they had Justin escorted out the ball room. I was left softly apologizing to the guest for Justin's departure. This one presistant young lady got right in my face.

"I need to talk to him,:" she insisted. "You just tell him to come back here right now."

"I'm sorry Miss," I said smiling politely. "Mr. Timberlake is retiring for the evening."

"No don't give me that shit!" she hurled at me shaking her head and finger at me. "Get him back now. I need to see him now!"

"Miss," I said pressing my lips thinly together. "Mr. Timberlake is tired and needs his rest. I'm sorry he won't be able to see you tonight."

"That is not acceptable!" she hurled at me. "If you value your job you get him for me no!"

"Who are you?" I demanded looking down at him.

"Britney Spears!" she snarled at me. "Who the hell are you?"

"I'm sorry Miss Spears," I snarled back. "But I have specific orders not to let you pass. Now I will have to ask you to leave quietly or I will be forced to escort you out of the building."

"Like hell you will!" she screamed as she tried to get past me. I snapped my fingers and four huge hands came out and wrapped themselves around her and hauled her away. "You haven't heard the last from me!" she screamed at me. "I'll sue!" I shrugged my shoulders and walked into the waiting elevator where I found a speechless Justin standing there.

"Wow!" Brian breathed. "Do you know who that was?"

"Yes I do," I replied. "She wanted to see you boss but I remembered you don't want to have any contact with her."

"Yea umm wow," Justin stuttered. "No one has ever stood up to her like that. Much less had her tossed out."

"I take my job very seriously," I replied. "Now if there is nothing else, I would like to go to bed."

"Yes please do," Justin smiled. "I'll see you tomorrow about 11 in the morning." After leaving Justin and Brian to head back to their room I walked into mine and was pleased to see that Josh was waiting there for me.

"Let's get you undressed," Josh said softly as he wrapped his arms around me. "You're so tired baby." I nodded and allowed his skilled hands to strip me of my clothes. "Now into the bathroom," he said in his soothing voice. "I have a nice hot bath waiting for you."

From Josh's point of view.

"Here baby," I said as I handed him a glass of water and two pills.

"What are these?" Don asked looking at the pills.

"They will help you sleep," I replied. "I'm worried about you. You haven't slept in a few days."

"I'm fine," Don muttered taking the pills and tossing them in the trash. "I don't take pills to help me sleep."

"Why?" I asked. For some reason Don got mad. I mean really angry.

"Because I don't!" Don shouted at me. "And I don't want to discuss it!" Almost immediately he regretted shouting. "I'm sorry," he said softly with his eyes wet. "I didn't mean to yell."

"That's ok sweetie," I smiled. "I'm sorry I pushed." I watched as he walked into the bathroom to brush his teeth. I quickly took two more pills and popped them open and dropped the contents into water and stirred it up and than tasted. Satisfied that there was no bitter taste I set the glass of water beside his table and climbed under the sheets. He came back and turned off the lights and sat down and picked up the water and drank it down. A pang of guilt raged through me. But the thought of my lover finally getting a good nights sleep was worth it.


Next: Chapter 5

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