Picking Up the Pieces of My Life

By JC Fanfic

Published on Jun 3, 2003


A Work of Fiction by JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications (c) Copyright 2003 Disclaimer: All Characters and situations of this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people and actual situations is purely coincidental. All fictional characters and fictional situations portrayed in this work of fiction remains the property of JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications. Republishing of this work of fiction is strictly forbidden unless permission as been given by JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications. Permission granted to Nifty Archives for the sole purpose of posting on the Boy Bands section of the Archives. Permission may be obtained by e-mailing JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications at JC_Fan_Fiction@yahoo.com

Comments are welcome too. Constructive Comments and advice are welcome. Honest opinions are welcome as well. And if you want to vent all over me as long it is good natured than feel free too do that to. Warning: This first few chapters are very sad. But I promise as the story goes along it will get happier.

E-mail me at JC_Fan_Fiction@yahoo.com

Chapter Three

From Don's point of view

"Don?" Justin asked as he looked over my shoulder. "Did you get that date settled with the venue?"

"Yes sir," I replied. "You go on at 8:00 right after Christina." A week had passed and I was knee deep in jobs and dates for Justin's tour. Something you should know about Justin. He was a slave driver. Well not really. But he did keep me busy. I was thankful For a minute I thought that this was going to be one of those "made up" jobs. You know the kind that gave you a good excuse for hanging around them? Well nope, this was a honest to goodness job. And I was earning my money. I glanced at the clock and frowned. It was already past 7:00 that evening. Thankfully Josh was out of town this week or he wouldn't be happy at all. I heard Donny giggling in the background. I glanced over at him and smiled. He was busy playing a video game. Justin was sweet enough to stock up on all the educational video games for Donny. I realized something about Justin. Justin was going to make a great father someday. When I started work he got real serious about Donny. He made sure that Donny's day was full of activity. He really didn't have to but he did.

"It is after 7," Justin commented as he compared his PDA with mine. I had already started making a habit of keeping his PDA current with mine. Both of our PDA's matched including my off schedule and Donny's schedule as well. That way there would not be any miscommunication. "You did a great job with the schedule," Justin said impressed. "I can't believe we didn't stumble on you before this. Oh yea I forgot. You're going to have to find a sitter for Donny for tomorrow night."

"Why?" I asked. I was also used to something else. Surprises. Justin was full of them. I had to be ready to alter our schedules from minute to minute. I had a feeling that this one was going to be big.

"I'm meeting with Brian Literal for dinner and I need you there to take notes," Justin replied. "We might be working on a song together."

"Ok," I jotted down the info on a piece of paper. "I'll see if Alice can watch him."

"Alice is a good sitter," Justin commented as he stuck his pen in his mouth and started to chew on it. I sighed and removed it from his mouth and gave him a scolding look. "Well she is."

"That is not why I'm scolding you and you know it," I smiled at him. "Mr. Timberlake, I'm going to break you of that habit one way or the other."

"Daddy!" Donny complained loudly. "I'm hungry!"

"Well nice to meet you Hungry," I giggled.

"Daddy!" Donny whined again. I giggled loudly and ruffled his hair. "When are we going to go home?"

"Why don't you save this until in the morning," Justin suggested. "I'll see you at about nine?"

"Sure thing boss," I replied as I stuffed the papers and disks in my brief case. "Come on son let's go home."

"Goodie!" Donny exclaimed using his out door voice. I cringed at the loudness of it. "Can we have pizza?"

"We had pizza last night!" I groaned.

"Pweeeeasssee Daddy?" Donny pleaded.

"I'll think about it," I smiled down at him. "Good night boss!" I called over my shoulder.

"Night Don!" Justin called back. I grabbed Donny's hand and headed out of Justin's house. Well it really wasn't his house. It was a small office building that was on his property. It was a nice office building and I even had my own office. It was a nice set up, even nicer than the set up that I had with Rich. I quickly climbed into my new 2003 Mustang and started it up and drove off the property. I mentally counted down the seconds before the cell phone rang.

"Hello?" I called out.

"Hey Don?" asked a familiar voice.

"Yes Boss?" I asked grinning.

"Umm what are you um doing for dinner?" Justin asked.

"Not to much. Probably going home and eating some take out than probably watching movie. You want to join us?" You see Justin was lonely. He wasn't seeing anyone lately and I think he was a little clingy. After he had gotten attatched to Donny and was able to be around him most of the time he wasn't to happy about going to sleep all alone in that big house. He never talked about who he was dating and I never asked. It wasn't really any of my business. But he was over at our house every night for the past week. We had fun and enjoyed his company a lot especially Donny. To Donny Justin was like a big brother so he followed Justin around every where always talking to him and wanting to do the things that Justin wanted. It was really kinda cute.

"If it is not to much trouble?" Justin asked in a pleading tone of voice.

"Justin," I said grinning at Donny's face. "You know that having you over is never a problem. We love to have you over and Donny loves you so much."

"Yea I know but I don't want to intrude," Justin replied.

"Justin," I rolled my eyes. "You are not intruding. Now be a good boy and come over."

"Ok," Justin replied. "I'll be over in a little bit." The phone went dead and I returned to driving my car.

"Daddy?" Donny asked. "Is Justin coming over?"

"Yes Donny," I replied. "Justin is coming over. Now what do we want for dinner?"

"Pizza!" Donny exclaimed. Like I didn't see that coming.

"We had pizza last night buddy," I reminded him. "How about subway?"

"Meat ball!" Donny exclaimed again. Why was it that three-year-olds spoke in a very loud voice. "With lots of cheese!"

"Ok buddy!" I laughed. "Meat ball it is." I hit the speed dial and after a ring Justin's voice sounded.

"Speak!" Justin shouted out.

"What kind of sub do you want?" I asked.

"Meat Ball!" Justin blurted out. I rolled my eyes. It seemed that Justin and Donny wanted the same thing.

"Ok meat ball it is," I giggled. I spotted the local subway and pulled in. Five minutes later I had our subs and was back on the way home. Just as I pulled into Josh's gates the phone rang again. "Hello?" I called out.

"Hey sexy," breathed a soft voice that sent shivers up my spine.

"Joshy!" I squealed. Donny sighed and rolled his eyes. "What's up?"

"Well it is about 8 inches long and really hard and so very lonely---," Josh replied in his naughty tone of voice. I was hard the minute he started to talk. I growled softly and was rewarded with a giggle from his end. I noticed that Donny was looking at me funny.

"Small ears!" I yelped out. I heard a oops and could picture his blush. "And behave yourself. How was your day?"

"A Camel spit on me!" Josh complained.

"Um Josh?" I asked scrunching up my nose. "How did you get a camel to spit on you?"

"I have a camel on the set of my video," Josh replied.

"Ummm ok," I stammered. "Why do you have a camel on your set?"

"Cause I thought it would look good," he replied. "How was I supposed to know he was going to spit on me?" I could almost picture the pout on his face. Again I was driven wild with lust. There were certain looks that JC would give me that would drive me insane with lust. His pouts were definitely one of them. Also his dirty talk would drive me nuts too. He knew it and worked it to a fine art. One day shortly before he left on his trip he kept me all riled up all day long. Needless to say the sex really hot that night. I wore him out. (Giggle)

"I'm sorry the camel spit on you," I giggled.

"Hey!" JC yelped out. By now Donny was giggling too. "You're supposed to be on my side and feel sorry for me!"

"I miss you," I said with a pout of my own. "When you coming home?"

"I'll be home tomorrow night," JC replied. "So you miss me?"

"Yes I do," I replied again. "That big bed is so lonely without you and I'm cold at night too!"

"Oh I get it!" JC said with a full laugh. "You only love me for the body heat!"

"Well that is one of the things I love about you," I giggled. "Among other things too."

"Like what?" he asked. I could tell that if I didn't pause this talk soon it would turn into a phone sex thing. I didn't think that Donny needed to hear that.

"I'll tell you later. You finished for the day?" I asked.

"Yea," JC sighed. "What are you doing tonight?"

"Well Justin is feeling lonely and is coming over to watch a movie with us," I replied. "So we are having a sub and movie night. Than I'll go to bed and call you back."

"Really?" JC asked with hope returning to his voice. "What are we going to talk about?"

"Sex," I whispered.

"Ohhh I can hardly wait!" JC giggled.

"I'll talk to you later Joshy," I giggled back at him. The phone went dead just as we pulled into the driveway. As the car pulled around to the front of the house I saw a beautiful sight standing on the front porch. I slammed the car into park and jumped out and ran up the house. I could hear Donny complaining loudly that he couldn't get out. So I back tracked and walked around the his side of the car and unlocked it and helped him out. I picked up the bag of Subs and ran up the steps. There standing with a very sexy and cute grin on his face was Josh. His arms were open for me and I walked into them and sighed as he wrapped his arms around me. I buried my face in his chest and inhaled deeply. Yep! It was my Josh. I looked up to see his smiling eyes looking down at me. "What are you doing here?" I asked as I kissed his neck.

"I can go back if you want," JC replied with a laugh.

"Oh no you don't!" I replied. "Now that I have you here I'm not letting you go!" JC laughed softly and bent down and pressed his lips to mine. I was in heaven again. Finally we were broken up by the high pitch giggling of Donny and the happy barks from Trixy. "I guess we should go inside."

"Yea that would be best," JC replied. "It is good to be home." We followed the laughing and barking into the living room. Donny was on the floor with Trixy on top of him covering him with kisses. "They seem to be getting along well."

"Yes they do," I replied as I snaked my arm around Josh's narrow waist. I could feel his muscles and his tight abs and made me want to take off his shirt right than and there. But I was a good boy and decided not to do that. "Have you eaten yet?"

"Yea I had something in the car," Josh replied. "When is Justin coming over."

"Did someone mention my name?" Justin asked as he bounded around the corner.

"Justin!" shouted Donny as he ran up to him and wrapped his arms around Justin's leg in a hug. Justin hobbled over to us with Donny in tow and gave Josh and quick hug.

"What are you doing back?" Justin asked as he took his sub that I handed him.

"We were done shooting and I decided to come on home," Josh replied. "What movie are you going to watch?"

"Star Wars!" demanded Donny. Justin and I groaned out loud. Josh just grinned widely.

"We've watched that thing every night this week," I moaned. "Thank you so much for introducing my son to the wonderful world of Star Wars." Josh grinned sheepishly at me.

"I'll tell you what," Josh said looking down at Donny. "Why don't we watch Phantom Menace?"

"What is that?" Donny asked immediately suspicious.

"It is another Star Wars movie," Josh replied.

"Ok," Donny answered as he grabbed Josh's hand to lead him over to the area where the DVDs were. Mean while Justin and I retreated to the Kitchen to get soda and trays to eat on. I grabbed a bag of Ranch Doritos to munch on as well. Soon we were all sitting around the wide screen tv watching Star Wars and munching. Josh was sitting next to me and stealing bites off of my sub and snatching drinks from my soda. I didn't mind and I actually enjoyed taking bites where he had just bitten. Josh caught on and before we knew it we were making a game out of it that turned into a kissing session. A few gags from Justin and Donny made us stop. Josh had my bottom lip in his teeth and he was giving me his usual, "I want you so bad" look. I was hard again and I let out a very soft whimper. He giggled as he let my lip go and sat back with a very smug look on his face.

The next morning I awoke to Josh's arms and legs wrapped around me like some kind of octopus. I tried to slide out from under him. "No," he muttered in his sleep. "Don't go."

"Sweetie," I said looking back at him. I could tell he was still half asleep. "I have to get up and go to work."

"I'll be lonely!" he whined. I giggled softly and kissed him on his nose.

"You can always come with me," I suggested.

"Let's see, stay here and be lonely all day or go with you and be with the best looking man on the face of the earth all day," Josh said as he contorted his face while he made the decision. "I'll go with you."

"Like there ever was another decision," I giggled again. I managed to slide out from under his grip. I winced as I stood up.

"Work you to hard dear?" he asked grinning smugly up at me. I wiggled my but at him and walked, or should I say hobbled into the bathroom. I heard his cute little frustrated whimpers from the other room. I stuck my head out the door.

"Want to join me?" I asked. Josh flew out of bed and trotted into the bathroom with me. I marveled at the sight of his cock sticking straight up and already leaking precome. I licked my lips and reached for it.

"Uh uhh," Josh said with that incredibly sexy grin on his face. "I want you first!" After making sure the water was nice and warm I stepped under the stream and groaned loudly. The groan turned into a surprised yelp when I felt Josh slide into me. I reared back as he started to pump into me fast and hard. At some point I realized that we weren't wearing any protection. As he came closer to orgasm I threw caution to the wind and let him blast his load into me. It was an incredible feeling to feel his hot seamen slam into me. His entire body was in a state of spasms and twitches. Just the feeling his load slamming into me sent me over the edge and I blasted my load up against the shower wall. Finally he pulled out of my tender ass and wrapped his arms around me and held me close for a few minutes. We stood there enjoying each other's company letting the warm water wash over our naked forms. "That was hot," JC whispered as he attatched his lips to my neck and begin to torture the hell out of me. I knew that I was going to have the daddy of all hickies when he was done with me. I also felt my cock getting hard again. "I want you so bad," Josh whispered to me as he sunk to his knees and took my cock into his mouth. I was already sensitive from the last mind blowing orgasm. I groaned loudly as he started to work my cock hard and fast. Three minutes later I was shooting my second orgasm of the day down Josh's throat. After cleaning me up he stood up and proceded to wash every inch of my body. Than it was my turn. After sucking him off for the first time and swallowing his load, which I enjoyed, I proceded to wash him down too. By this time the water was getting cold so we climbed out and wrapped ourselves in huge fluffy towels and retreated into the master bedroom gently massaging and drying each other off. Yes I was going to enjoy waking up on mornings with Josh.

From Josh's point of view.

I watched my sweetie sitting behind his desk and talking to someone on the phone. "What do you mean you can't do that?" Don was getting pissed and for some reason I got hard just watching him get mad. The way his eyes burned with fire made me mad with desire. He had no idea that I wanted to pounce on him right then and there and have my way with him. But it also made me realize that Don could hold his own in a fight, verbal or otherwise. "Listen!" he said with his voice raising. "I don't care what you say. I have a list of dates down here for when Mr. Timberlake is supposed to be in town. Make your list coincide with mine and make sure his suite is ready!" There was a pause. "Let me speak to your manager please." He sighed and looked at me. I ran my tongue over my lips and grinned and looked at his crotch. I knew that this would drive him nuts. He just grinned and shook his head. "Mr. Rodgriques?" he asked bluntly. "Let me ask a question." Again there was a pause before he started again. "How long as Mr. Timblerlake been a loyal customer of yours?"

"What's going on?" Justin said from behind me.

"Don is giving the manager of the Plaza hell for messing up your reservation," I giggled. "He is good!"

"Thank you sir," Don said with a triumphant grin on his face. "You can expect him there on the first." He hung up the phone and than flipped it off.

"Now sweetie," I giggled. "I'm the only one allowed to do that." He glared at me for a few seconds before grinning his cute and sexy grin.

"What happened?" Justin asked looking worried.

"The Plaza in New York didn't have your dates right," Don replied. "They had you scheduled for the middle of the month. But I took care of it."

"Ummmmm," Justin said looking suddenly guilty. "Ummmm---,"

"What?" Don asked.

"Well I was going to tell you this morning but I forgot," Justin stammered.

"Well me what Boss?" Don asked as he continued to punch away at the computer.

"Well I switched dates last night," Justin stammered.

"You did what?" Don yelped.

"Well I was going to tell you," Justin yelped back. "But I got tied up with Christina!"

"So I have to call back and apologies all over myself to make it right?" Don demanded.

"Would you?" Justin pleaded giving him that "little boy please help me" look. Don sighed. "Please?"

"Fine!" Don grumbled. "I'll do it and make you look good and me like an ass!" We both knew that Don was blowing off steam. "But you owe me huge!"

"How about this afternoon off?" Justin quipped. "You know with pay?"

"Deal," Don said gleefully as he picked up the phone and dialed the plaza back. After he got off the phone him and Justin walked out of the office to go into Justin's office to meet with a record exec. I sat there looking out the window when my cell phone rang. I picked it out of my pocket and answered it.

"Josh here!" I blurted out.

"Josh?" asked a familiar voice. I winced when I heard it.

"What do you want Kevin?" I asked rolling my eyes.

"I want to talk to you," Kevin said. "We haven't talked in a few weeks and I was wondering if we could talk."

"We really don't have anything to talk about," I said looking at the door hoping and praying that Don would walk in.

"Yes we do," Kevin said with a trace of anger reaching his voice. "I still love you."

"Well I don't!" I shot back. "I'm in love with Don now so leave us alone."

"I can't do that," Kevin replied. "I won't let you go Josh."

"Well you're just going to have to figure out a way to let me go,' I hurled back at him as I clicked off the phone. "Fuck!"

"What is wrong Josh?" Justin asked from behind me.

"It is Kevin," I muttered. "He still wants me!"

"What are you going to do about it?" Justin asked.

"I'm not going to do anything about it. If he can't get the message that I don't want him anymore than that is his problem not mine!" I replied. "Where is Don?"

"He is on the phone in my office. He should be done in a couple of minutes," Justin replied. "I noticed that he was walking a little slower today." I could feel my face getting hot and I saw Justin smirking.

"Yea well we ummm had some umm fun last night," I murmured.

"Good," Justin replied. "I'm glad to see you happy. It has been so long since you've been truly happy. Does Don know?"

"No," I replied. "And I don't want him knowing either."

"What if he finds out?" Justin asked. "Don't you think he has a right to know?"

"Yes he does and I will tell him when I am ready," I replied looking harsh at Justin. "And not before!"

"Ok ok," Justin said quickly holding his hands up in defeat. "I just thought that Don could help you out. I mean I can still remember all the nights you came over crying--,"

"Justin," I hurled at him my eyes stinging with unshed tears. "Just drop it ok?"

"Ok, I'll drop it for now. But just for record I'm not supporting you in hiding this from Don. Especially when he could help you through this." Justin replied softly.

From Don's point of view.

I hung up the phone and walked out of Justin's home office and over to mine.

"Good," Justin replied. "I'm glad to see you happy. It has been so long since you've been truly happy. Does Don know?" I got the feeling that I was hearing something I wasn't supposed to hear. I should've left but like a dummy I stood there listening to them. In a way I am glad that I did.

"No," Josh replied. "And I don't want him knowing either."

"What if he finds out?" Justin asked. "Don't you think he has a right to know?"

"Yes he does and I will tell him when I am ready," Josh replied. I could tell that Josh was getting agitated. "And not before!"

"Ok ok," Justin said quickly holding his hands up in defeat. "I just thought that Don could help you out. I mean I can still remember all the nights you came over crying--,"

"Justin," Josh shouted at him. I could tell by his voice that he was almost ready to burst into tears. What the hell was he hiding? "Just drop it ok?"

"Ok, I'll drop it for now. But just for record I'm not supporting you in hiding this from Don. Especially when he could help you through this." Justin replied softly. I quietly walked back a few steps and turned around and walked briskly into the office. I deliberately put a smile on my face.

"Hey sexy!" I chirped. "You miss me?"

Josh came to me with open arms and wrapped me up in them and kissed me full on the lips. "Of course I missed you," he smiled at me. "Now are you done for the day?" I looked at Justin.

"Go ahead love birds," Justin laughed. "I'll bring Donny around the house about five this evening."

"You don't have to watch him you know," I said looking at Justin to see if he was upset.

"I like Donny," Justin said shrugging. "I really enjoy spending time with him. Besides I know what you two are going to be doing anyway. And no three-year-old should be exposed to that." Josh and I both blushed and hurried out of Justin's place and into his car. Once we were out of Justin's house I turned to Josh.

"Josh?" I asked. I knew I was treading on shaky ground but I had to know. "Did Kevin do something to you?" Josh jerked his head around and I saw the fear in his eyes. "If you don't want to talk about yet I understand." I reached over and placed my hand on his leg. "I know things like this can be hard to deal with. I just want you to know that I am here for you whenever you are ready to talk."

"I won't lie to you and say he didn't do anything to me. I don't want our relationship to be based on lies. But," Josh paused looking at me briefly with tears in his eyes. "I'm not ready to talk about it." I knew he was hurting so bad and I wanted to help him.

"I understand," I mumbled. "Don't worry I won't bring the subject up again until you are ready to talk about it."

"What seems to be the problem?" the officer asked Josh.

"There is a man in my house that is not wanted or invited. I want him thrown off my property," Josh informed the police officer. I heard the door open and saw Kevin step out onto the porch. He walked down the stairs and headed over to us.

"What's going on?" Kevin asked acting all innocent.

"You're what's going on!" Josh hurled at Kevin. "You were told to stay out of my house and yet you seem to keep coming over. Now I am going to take legal action." Turning to the officer standing behind us. "Please remove this man from the premises. If he resists arrest him for trespassing."

"Umm I'm afraid you are going to have a problem doing that," Kevin said smoothly. "You see my name is on the mortgage." Ok now my heart did drop to the bottom of my stomach. "So you see I have just as much right to be here as you do. I would say if anyone is trespassing it is your little boy toy and his brat."

"You have got to be kidding!" Josh shouted at Kevin. "You know dam well I pay the mortgage on this place. We just put your name on it so you could live with me!"

"Like it or not," Kevin said with a gleeful grin on his face. "I have every legal right to be here. And on the note of legalities I want Don and his son out of my house!"

"He is my guest and so is his son. And since my name is on the mortgage too he stays!" Josh shouted. This was where I decided to step in.

"There is no way I am living here with him!" I informed Josh. "If he stays than I am out of here! I'll just go get my stuff!"

"Well I am coming with you than!" Josh said to me all the while glaring at Kevin. "Oh yea and since you want the dam house you can pay for the fucking thing!"

"You're name is on it too!" Kevin hurled back.

"Yea well since I covered the mortgage for the first three years than you got it for the next three years!" Josh hurled back. I could tell that Kevin was not expecting that. I remembered something else too. Kevin wasn't really working at the time. His group hadn't come out with a cd in almost three years. I guess Kevin hadn't thought of that either. "Guess you're going to have dip into your savings and investments to cover the mortgage."

"I'll fight you on this!" Kevin retorted.

"Go ahead!" Josh shot back. "I have all my records documented and they clearly show that I've made every payment on this place since the first day and you haven't paid a cent! Who do you think the judge will award the house too?" Turning to the now totally confused officer. "I'm sorry I called you out here. It appears that this is Mr. Richardson's house and we will be leaving. Oh by the way Kevin dear the next house payment is due tomorrow."

"But but," Kevin stammered.

"But nothing!" Josh shouted at him. "You wanted the fucking thing now you can have it!" Josh was shaking with rage and I knew he really didn't want to leave his house. He loved it. I sighed and looked at Kevin and Josh. Kevin was still gloating because he thought he had gotten rid of me. Josh was looking at me with fear in his eyes afraid that I would leave him. I sighed heavily knowing full well I was probably condemning our relationship to certain death.

"We're staying," I said softly. Josh jerked his head towards me in shock.

"What did you say?" Josh asked.

"I said we are staying," I repeated looking hard at Kevin. "That is of course if you want me to." I made sure I directed that part to Josh.

"Of course I want you to stay. But here?" he asked glancing at Kevin. By now the cop had left. "This is not going to be fun Don."

"I know it won't be fun," I replied as I placed my hand along the side of his face. He sighed and leaned into my touch. "But I love you and I won't let him drive you from the home you love." Turning to Kevin. "So what is it going to be Kevin?" I was putting him on the spot and he hated it.

"Well I guess we could um learn to get along," Kevin said softly. "But just stay the fuck out of my way!" With that said he turned and walked into the house. Josh sighed heavily and walked into my outstretched arm. I was shocked to find him trembling. Josh Trembling? Why was he doing that? He had always been so strong around me. He was like this huge pillar of strength that I had relied on for so long.

"Joshy?" I asked softly. "What is it baby?" I bent down and kissed his bare neck. "I want to help you if you will let me." Josh looked at me with those incredible blue eyes overflowing with tears and I melted right there. Tears came to my own eyes as I wiped his away. "What has got you so upset?" He just buried his head into my shoulders sobbing quietly. I held him while he cried softly. Again I was filled with this feeling of dread. Something was wrong. Josh had just about admitted that to Justin and Justin knew something too. Something that they were not ready or willing to tell me. I sighed heavily. I looked at Josh again. By now he had stopped crying. He still had that sad little puppy dog look on his face but at least the tears had stopped flowing.

"I have to tell you something."

"What?" he asked softly.

"Not here," I said softly as I took his hand and led him around back. You see I had found a very nice quiet sitting spot that I sometimes came too when I wanted to be alone. It was down a step stone path and it curved around some bushes and into a secluded spot. In the secluded spot was a wood bench. I sat down on it and patted the seat next to me.

"How did you find my favorite spot?" Josh asked smiling.

"It is quiet and I love it here," I said blushing.

"Good," Josh said breaking out into a even larger smile. "I was hoping that you would like it here too. Now what did you want to tell me?" I looked down and thought about me evesdropping on their conversation. Tears of shame started to flow down my face.

"I did something that I am ashamed of," I said softly. I looked up into his loving eyes. "After I was done with the phone call in Justin's office I headed back to mine. And that was when I over heard you and Justin talking. I didn't mean to over hear, it is just that I heard your tone of voice and how sad it was that I thought something was wrong."

"What did you hear?" Josh asked looking worried.

"I know something happened to you and you feel that you are not ready to talk about it just yet. But I wanted to be honest with you and let you know that I know that something is really bothering you and I want to help you through it. That is if you will let me," I hoped beyond hope that he would. I felt his finger tips on my chin and I glanced up into his eyes. He slowly lowered his lips to mine and I shivered with pleasure and emotion when his lips came in contact with mine. I really don't know how long the kiss lasted but as usual when Josh kissed I kinda sorta lost all track of time. We stopped when we heard a gentle coughing behind us. We looked back to see Kevin standing there with Trixy at his feet. "Yes?" I asked trying hard to be nice.

"I just wanted to know what you guys wanted for dinner and to tell you well ummm Trixy doesn't really like me," Kevin said softly. "He keeps growling at me." Trixy saw me and Josh and trotted over to us and begin to garnished as much puppy love as he could get.

"Well he has to get to know you Kevin," I said as I continued to play with the pup. By now he was laying on his back making these cute puppy grunts. "Now be a good boy and make nice with Kevin." Trixy walked slowly over to Kevin and sat up and looked up at him. Kevin reached down and scratched him behind his ears. That did it. Soon Trixy was a ball of puppy mush as Kevin continued to spoil him rotten. Josh and Kevin talked about where to put his stuff and how we were all going to try and get along with each other. Kevin even apologiesed to me and even gave me hug. Once Trixy was sure that we were all friends he trotted off with his new friend and Josh and I got back to what we were doing.

"Now where were we?" Josh asked.

"What happened to you?" I asked bluntly.

"Promise you won't get mad and go off on him?" Josh pleaded.

"What did he do to you?" I asked already getting mad.

"We were in love at the time," Josh said. "We had a fight and he had been drinking. I should've known better than to push him but I was mad and I didn't care at that point."

"What happened?" I asked taking his hand into mine.

"He raped me," Josh said softly. Tears started to flow down his face. I wanted to gather him up in my arms and hold him and cradle him. He fell into my arms and I wrapped them around him holding him as tight as I could. "We broke up a few weeks after that. We tried to get past that dark time but we couldn't. So we called it quits."

"That bastard," I whispered harshly.

"Please," Josh said softly. "He is so sorry he did that to me. He cried for days and even tried to turn him self into the police but I wouldn't press charges." Josh actually laughed softly at some memory. "We even argued about me pressing charges against him. He wanted me to and I didn't want to. I still loved him so much and I couldn't hurt him like that. We both went through hell trying to get past what had happened. After we called it quits Pam called and that was when I met you and fell in love with you." He looked up at me and grinned widely. "And I've been going forward ever since than."

"What do you want from me?" I asked. I saw the confusion on his face. "What do you want me to do about Kevin?" I clarified.

"Don't fight him on this. This is in the past and I have dealt with it and moved on. Kevin is still struggling with it. He still loves me so much," Josh replied. "I know you love me and he knows that I love you."

"Part of me so angry right now," I know I was being truthful. "Part of me wants to beat him up so bad." A surge of hurt crossed Josh's face. "But that part of me is being over ridden by this incredible sexy man that I love so much. So I will not beat the crap out of him. What I would love to do is take you upstairs and undress you and make love to you for the rest of the afternoon." Josh eyes lit up at the prospect of making love. I stood up and offered him my hand and he took it eagerly. We quickly made our way to our room and in no time at all he was naked and I was too. Soon Josh was on top of me thrusting in and out of me as fast and hard as he could. I loved this part of Josh. The part of Josh where he threw caution to the wind and made love to me with a passion that I had only dreamed of.

"I love you!" Josh yelled out as his cock exploded deep with in me. I clung to his quaking body as the throes of orgasm over took him. I loved Josh like this. Whenever Josh came it was like a small door of heaven opening and letting out an angel. That was what Josh sounded like to me. His groans and high pitched yelps drove me wild with lust. It was a beautiful sight indeed. After a few minutes he eased out of me and looked down at me and a look of disappointment crossed over his angelic features. "You didn't cum."

"That's ok sweetie," I smiled down at him. "Just as long as you did is all that matters to me."

"Well it matters to me," Josh said as his eyes took on a naughty glint. In no time at all he was sucking down an orgasm from me as well. After he finished cleaning me up he snuggled up to me. "There!" he said with a very pleased look on his face. I held him close with my arms wrapped around him until he was breathing heavily. I knew he was sleeping. I eased out from under him and slid on some boxers and quickly showered and dressed and walked out of our room and down the stairs. I walked into the living room and sank into the very soft sofa.

"Is he asleep?" Kevin asked from a chair facing the flickering fireplace.

"Yes he is," I replied carefully.

"Good cause I think it is time that you and me had a talk," Kevin said as he turned around and faced me. He gestured to the seat across from him. I got up and walked over to the chair and sat down. He poured me a brandy and handed it to me. I took a sip and found it was very good. "Do you love him?"

"Yes I love him," I replied. "I love him very much."

"I love him too," Kevin replied.

"He knows that," I wondered where this was going. "But he also knows that he loves me very much too. And he knows that what you had with him is over."

"How do you know that?" Kevin asked bluntly. "Do you know how deep our love was?"

"He told me," I replied.

"Than can you trust him not to fall for me again?" Kevin asked me bluntly. "I mean all I would have to do is make the right moves and I could have him again."

"And you would let yourself into a situation where you would rape him again?" I asked quietly. Yea it was my trump card and I used it. So what. I wanted to know where this jerk stood. If he was looking to destroy what Josh and I had I wanted him to know that I was willing to fight for it. He took a sudden breath in and for an instant hate filled his eyes. But only for an instant. Than pain and hurt and humiliation filled his eyes. His eyes filled with tears and few of them rolled down his cheek. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought that up," I quickly back pedaled. "I had no right too. Please forgive me."

"No it is all right," Kevin said sniffling. "What I did was wrong. I had no right to force myself on him."

"Why did you do it?" I asked. "I mean when I look at Josh I see this incredible good looking man. Someone to be loved and cared for. I could never dream of hurting him. I would rather plunge a knife into my own heart than to hurt him."

"Do you think I enjoyed doing that?" Kevin sobbed. "When I realized what I had done to him I wanted to kill myself!"

"Josh told me the hell you put yourself through," I admitted. "But you still hurt him and for that I am so angry at you. I love Josh with everything that I am! Anyone who hurts him now or in the past has to deal with me."

"What are you going to do?" Kevin asked with a hint of fear in his eyes. He remembered how easily I managed to control him when he attacked me.

"I am going to do what Josh wants me to do," I replied softly. "I'm going against my better judgement and forgive you and try to move on. But understand this. I love Josh and if you ever hurt him again --, well let's just say that it will not be pretty!"

"I really don't want to fight you," Kevin said holding up his hands.

"Good," I replied. "Because I really don't want to fight you either." I took a glance at the clock and saw that it was almost time for me to get JC up. After all we did have a dinner to go to. "If you will excuse me." I got up and headed out of the living room.

"Don?" Kevin called from behind my back. I turned to look at him. "I'm so glad we could have this talk. I think we have reached a understanding now."

"Yea I think so too Kevin," I replied. "Now I have a sleepy lover to wake if we are going to be ready for Justin when he comes." Kevin just nodded and I quickly walked up stairs and crept into our room. There he was. Josh was stretched out in bed. The sheets had been lowered so that his chest and abs were exposed. His eyes were still closed and his expression was that of an angel. I hated to wake him but I had no choice. I slid off my shirt and shorts and boxers and slid into bed with him. To my delight he was rock hard. I licked my lips and quickly scooted down so that I was face to face with his gorgeous cock. I tenderly licked the shaft causing him to moan softly. I giggled softly as I continued to torture him. I lapped up the huge drop of pre-come that pooled in the hallow of his abs. Once I had a taste of him I quickly slipped the head of his cock into my mouth. He naturally thrust his hips forward and I opened my mouth and throat to allow his shaft in. I whimpered softly as his cock slid down my throat. The head of his cock tickled the back of my throat.

"Ohhhh Don," he moaned. I looked up to see his sleepy eyes looking down at me with a mixture of love and lust. "That feels so good." I took his cock from my mouth and slipped one of his balls into my hot wet mouth. Josh let out a soft high pitch yelp and arched his back forward. "Fuck!" he whispered. There is a secret you should know about me. I was one hell of a cock sucker in my day and it was all coming back to me. After bathing his cock with my spit I moved back to his cock. Attacking the head and sliding my tongue across the slit whole I relished the wonderful sounds coming from my lover. I could tell that from his moans and the fact that his cock was swelling even larger my lover orgasm was so close. I wanted his cum down my throat. He moved to take his cock from my mouth and I growled up at him. He sheepishly put it back. I continued to give him pleasure until he shivered out an intense orgasm. I greedily sucked down his seed and relished every taste of it. After tenderly cleaning him up I slid up to him and planted a kiss on his nose.

"Did you have a good sleep?" I asked.

"Yea I did," Josh replied kissing me back. "But the wake up call was even better. But why did you stop me?"

"Stop you from what?" I asked all innocent.

"I wanted to make love to you," Josh said softly.

"I wanted you to cum in my mouth," I replied. "I wanted this to be all about you and the pleasure I could give you."

"But what about you?" Josh asked concerned. "What about your pleasure?" He reached down and took my now limp cock in his hand and started to stroke me lightly.

"What about my pleasure?" I asked giving him a naughty look. "What do you have in mind Joshy?" Josh swallowed hard. "Well Joshy?" I asked again. "I'm all hot and horny and Jr. wants some fun. What are you going to do about it?" Josh growled softly and dove under the covers and engulfed my cock in one gulp.

From Josh's point of view.

Making love to Don is heaven to me. Even the smallest thing I do for him like sucking his cock gives me so much pleasure. I love to hear him moan and feel his body twitch. Speaking of wich I guess I should really pay attention to what is going on. Don let out a gasp and his cock swelled even larger than the last time. "Cum for me baby," I said looking up at his chisled chest. That did it for him. Shot after shot of cum filled my mouth. The salty sweet taste that belonged only to my angel assaulted my taste buds. I moaned loudly as I swallowed his precious gift he offered me. All the while he came his body twitched and bucked on the soft sheets and comforters. Finally the flow stopped and I tenderly licked him clean. After making sure that he was all clean I snuggled back up to his still trembling body. I slipped his nipple into my mouth and sucked on it for a few more seconds.

"Wow!" Don breathed looking down at me. "That was umm great!" I had moved to his neck and was now sucking on it. I savored the salty flavor that his skin gave me. "What are you doing?" Don asked. I could hear the humor in his voice. "Sweetie," he giggled. "You're going to give me hickey." I broke apart for the small amount of time making sure that the loud sucking noise filled the air. I looked up to his smiling eyes and I winked at him. Yea I know that I am sexy as hell. And yes I play it to a tee.

"I know stud," I giggled as I dove back down and sucked the tender flesh back into my mouth and continued my mission. After a few more minutes of intense sucking I looked at my handi work. "There!" I said with glee. "All done. And it is perfect if I do say so myself." I laid my head on his chest to listen to his heartbeat.

"You are so bad," Don chuckled. "I whish I could give you a hickey!"

"Who says you can't?" I asked smiling at him.

"The time for one. Come on stud," he giggled. "Time to get into the shower and cleaned up. Justin and Donny will be here shortly." I watched as my angel slid out of bed and padded over to the bathroom door. I whistled at him. "Behave mister!" he turned around giving me his scolding look. I whimpered back at him and stuck out my bottom lip in a pout. I knew that Don couldn't resist those. He caved, and sighed. "Fine," he replied. "You can shower with me." I know that I had just cum less than thirty minutes ago but I was hard immediately as I followed him into the bathroom. The minute his back was turned and the water was just the right temperature I grabbed onto his shoulders and pressed my lips onto his shoulder I guided my cock into his whole. He reared back and moaned softly. "Baby," he whimpered softly. "We don't have time for this."

"It will only take a few minutes," I grunted out as I started to pound in and out of him.

From Don's point of view.

Josh was right. It only took a few minutes of the most intense fucking that I had ever had for him to cum. I came too in his hand and now he was happily licking it up. I also had a new hickey too. "That was hot Josh," I gasped out. "Now we have to be good boys and get cleaned up." I spent the next fifteen minutes washing my angel and he spent the next fifteen minutes washing me. After wrapping ourselves up in a big soft fluffy towell we headed back into the bedroom to get dressed. Or should I say Josh dressed me. He spent the next twenty minutes throwing clothes at me having me model them. He finally nodded in sastisfaction. Than it was my turn. That took another twenty minutes too. Before to long we were looking very hot. I picked up my bottle of Gravity and spritzed some on me. Josh snatched it and spritzed some on him too. Than he started to play with my hair. I had to remind him that we didn't have time but he insisted. Finally he gave me a kiss on the nose signaling that he was done. I turned and looked at the mirror. I had to admit that I looked hot. "You look so fucking hot!" Josh said with just a hint of lust creeping into his voice.

"Do I have to pour ice water on you?" I scolded him.

"I can't help it you make me horny just by being in the same room as me," Josh replied pouting some more.

"That is not going to work mister!" I scolded him. "Now come on, let's get down stairs. Justin and Donny is going to be here any minute."

From Justin's point of view.

"Don?" I called out.

"He is still upstairs with Josh," Kevin's voice sounded from my left.

"What are you doing here?" I demanded.

"He lives here," Don's voice sounded from my right. I watched as Josh and Don walked in the room hand in hand.

"Daddy!" squealed Donny as he launched him self at his father. Soon Donny and his dad and Trixy was a mass of laughs, arms and paws and little puppy barks. "I missed you Daddy!"

"I missed you too buddy," Don smiled at him.

"What's that?" Donny demanded pointing at the huge hickey on Don's neck. Don immediately blushed and moved to cover it up. I busted up laughing and so did Josh. Donny looked at us like we were nuts. "Does it hurt?" he asked looking very serious.

"No buddy," Don assured him. But to add to Don's embarrassment Donny insisted on kissing "Daddy's Boo Boo" and making it all better. By now Josh and I were laughing our heads off. Donny decided that we were all nuts and took off down the hall with Trixy fast after him barking like crazy.

"So where are we going for dinner?" Don asked me. "Oh and can I bring Josh with me?" I had to smile at how cute they looked together. It was obvious that Josh had dressed Don and Don had dressed Josh. They were so cute together. And by the looks of Don Josh was busy marking his territory.

"I thought we would do a casual thing," I replied. "Where would you two like to go?"

"Planet Hollywood!" they both said than promptly busted up laughing.

"Ok but we will have to bring Donny along," I said. "His sitter bailed out on us.

"I'll be--," Kevin started.

"Cool," Don replied quickly. "Donny would enjoy spending time with you and Brian. Plus Planet Hollywood is his favorite place to eat next to McDonalds." I glanced over at Kevin and saw just a hint of disappointment cross his features. "When do we have to leave?"

"In a few minutes," I replied. "We should call ahead and make sure they can seat us."

"Don't give them a choice," Kevin blurted out. "Just show up and make them seat you."

"That wouldn't be polite," Don said softly to Kevin.

"I guess you're right," Kevin said as he quickly back pedaled. "Well have fun. JC can I borrow your studio? I have a song I want to work on."

"Sure," Josh replied. "We should be back in a few hours."

"I'll be fine," Kevin replied. After getting Donny cleaned up and dressed we all headed out for our dinner meeting with Brian. I was looking forward to spending another night together with friends. I looked at Josh and Don all snuggled close together. A small pang of jealousy went through me. Finally I had enough.

"Find me a boyfriend!" I blurted out cutting off their kiss. The looks on their faces was so funny that I busted up laughing. I laughed even harder when Donny came to my rescue.

"Yea Daddy!" he yelled out. "You and Joshy find Justin a boyfriend!"

"Gee ummm well umm," stammered Don.

"Are you gay?" JC asked with a confused look on his face. I nodded quietly. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"Well I really wasn't sure until recently," I admitted. "But I'm not ready to come out the rest of the guys just yet."

"So what kind of Boyfriend are you looking for?" Don asked. I could see his eyes sparkle at the prospect of being able to play matchmaker for me.

"Well I don't know," I said suddenly feeling shy. "I guess he would have to be really cute and all."

"Ok well who do you know that is out?" JC asked.

"Well Lance is but he is head over heals in love with Nick Carter," I replied.

"What about Brian?" Don asked.

"He is still getting over his divorce from Leighanne," I replied. "He is cute and all and really my type but I don't even know if he swings my way you know."

"Well I can find out for you," Don replied grinning.

"Are you playing Matchmaker?" JC asked grinning down at Don.

"Of course I am!" Don replied happily. "We have a mission. We have to find Justin a Boyfriend!"

"Oh dear," Josh sighed shaking his head. "This is going to be fun." Don on the other hand sat back with a huge grin on his face.

"Ok Justin," Don spoke up still grinning. "Tell me what kind of guy you're looking for. And I know he has to be cute and all. But what kind of personality does he have to have?"

"Well he has to be really cute and have a great sense of humor and he has to be really cute, sensitive, easy going, honest and really cute," I replied. "Oh and did I mention he has to be really really really Cute?"

"Yes you did," Don said rolling his eyes. "Ok how about Brian?"

"Why do you keep mentioning Brian?" I asked. "I don't even know if he is gay."

"Hand me your phone," Don asked holding out his hand.

"Umm Justin," JC said in a warning tone of voice. "I wouldn't do that if I were you."

"Why?" I demanded suddenly feeling very worried.

"Because I have to call someone," Don replied with an innocent look on his face. So against my better judgement I surrendered my phone to him. After poking a few buttons he held the phone up to his ear. "Hey Brian!" he said grinning a very naughty grin. "Are you gay?"

"Don!" I hissed at him. Donny just giggled as he scooted closer to his daddy. Josh gave me a, "I tried to warn you" look.

"You are!" Don replied gleefully. "Are you looking for a boyfriend?" Again a pause and I used the moment of silence to hurl death glares at Don and he just kept grinning at me. "So you are looking! Good, Listen I'm bringing someone to the dinner that is looking too." Again a pause and by now I was trying to figure a way out of the moving limo. "Yea he is really cute. A bit annoying and all but really cute."

"Hey!" I yelped out. "I'm not annoying!"

"You want to talk to him?" Don asked. "Ok here he is." He handed me the phone.

"I'm going to kill you," I whispered at him. He just grinned and placed the phone in my hand. I reluctantly put the phone to my ear. "Umm hello?" I squeaked out.

"Justin?" Brian asked surprised.

"Umm yea it's me," I mumbled.

"So you're ummm you know umm gay?" Brian stammered out. I imagined a cute blush on his face right about now.

"Yea umm are you?" I asked hoping that he really was."

"Yea I am," Brian replied. "So you're looking for a date?"

"Yea I umm am, are you?" I asked.

"Yea I am, umm do you think that maybe we could umm go out?" Brian asked. He sounded so cute asking.

"Yea I gess we could do that," I replied. "So I'll see you at dinner?"

"Yea I guess you will," Brian said. "See ya."

"Yea bye," I replied clicking off the phone. After I placed the phone in my pocket I launched myself at Don and started to tickle the daylights out him. "You are so mean!" I hurled at him.

"Hey!" Don said in defense of himself. "You are lonely and need some loving! So I found you someone."

"Yea I guess you're right," I replied. "Thanks."

"You're welcome, now let me and Josh get back to our snuggling," Don giggled as he wrapped his arms around Josh and pulled him down for a long kiss.

From Don's point of view

I was quite pleased with myself. I had managed to find Justin a date. Now I had to Josh all to myself and we were busy snuggling and talking quietly to ourselves. I could hear Donny and Justin goofing off. I shivered as I felt Josh's lips grace the back of my neck. "So are you proud of yourself?" Josh asked.

"Very," I giggled. I looked up at him and was amazed again at the blue eyes that he had. They were definitely the sexiest part of him. I could stare at them all day long. They were so full of love and humor and just a hint of naughtiness that I wanted to tear off his clothes and have my way with him right than and there. I leaned up and kissed his bare neck and got a soft moan from him. I continued to kiss on his neck and getting him all worked up. I was thinking of giving him a hickey when a buzzing sound interrupted us. Josh pushed the button.

"Sir," the driver's voice sounded from the speaker. "We're here." I growled at the speaker and Josh busted up laughing.

"Why did you growl at the speaker?" Josh asked me.

"Because he interrupted our snuggle time," I pouted.

"Well when we get home I'll make sure we snuggle all night long," Josh promised me. I also knew that snuggle usually meant love making too. So I was happy. "Now let's go eat." We all headed into Planet Hollywood and was directed to our table. Brian was already there. I saw Justin smile sheepishly at him and Brian looked down and blushed. Oh yea! This was going to be a fun evening. After sitting down we all placed our orders for our drinks and Josh and Justin had to get appetizers.

"So did you have a chance to look over the lyrics?" Brian asked Justin. I immediately went into work mode. I pulled out my Palm Pilot and begin to jot down notes.

"Yes I did," Justin replied looking side ways at me to ensure that I was doing my job. Josh thankfully took Donny out of the booth to give him a tour of the place. "I really like it. I think that we can do something with it."

"Well I'm not happy with it," Brian replied with a small pout. It was cute and I noticed that Justin grinned at it too. "That is why I want you to work with me on it. Do you think you will have time to look at it tomorrow?"

"I can do it on the plane," Justin replied sticking his pen in his mouth again. I growled at him and he quickly removed it looking guilty. Brian giggled softly.

"I see you have him trained well," Brian said to me grinning.

"Well I do try," I replied winking at him. "He is such a handful."

"Yea I know tell me about it," Brian laughed.

"Hey!" Justin said pouting. "Stop talking about me!"

"Ok we'll stop talking about you if you promise to have coffee with me later this evening," Brian said with his eyes sparkling.

"Ummm yea I ummm would love to," Justin stammered. I snickered.

"Ouch!" I yelped as Justin kicked me under the table. "That hurt!"

"Well you deserved it," Justin said looking all pleased with himself. I went back to taking notes all the while thinking of mean ways to get back at Justin.

"What are you doing this weekend?" Brian asked.

"Well it is Memorial Day." That got my attention. I was hoping that we had the weekend off and I was not disappointed. "Probably nothing. Maybe have a cook out."

"That sounds great," Brian replied. "Do you want to pool resources?"

"Cool," Justin threw back at him. "JC has the biggest place and the best grill. Let's ask him if it is ok to have it at his place."

"Have what over at who's place?" Josh asked from behind us. He put his hand on my shoulder and squeazed lightly.

"We want to have a cook out this weekend," Justin said as he bounced in his seat. He reminded me of a kid who was getting his wish.

"That sounds like fun," Josh said as he sat down next to me. "Who's place are we having it at."

"Our place has been volunteered," I told him.

"Great!" Josh grinned. "I was hoping that I didn't have to go anywhere this weekend. So what is on the menu?" For the next few minutes while waiting on our food we discussed the menu. I realized that this was going to be a fun weekend. I had Josh with me and my son Donny was all happy and excited about the cook out. I wondered if we would have time for sex. Yes Sex. We definately would need for time for sex. "Your horny again," Josh giggled in my ear. "Wait until I get you home." Yes I was right. This weekend would definately be one to remember. At least that is what I thought.

TBC E-mails! I must have E-mails. Please?

Next: Chapter 4

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