Picking Up the Pieces of My Life

By JC Fanfic

Published on Apr 18, 2005


A Work of Fiction by JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications Copyright 2004

Disclaimer: All Characters and situations of this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people and actual situations is purely coincidental. All fictional characters and fictional situations portrayed in this work of fiction remains the property of JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications. Republishing of this work of fiction is strictly forbidden unless permission as been given by JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications. Permission granted to Nifty Archives for the sole purpose of posting on the Boy Bands section of the Archives. Permission may be obtained by e-mailing JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications at JC_Fan_Fiction@yahoo.com

E-mail me at JC_Fan_Fiction@yahoo.com

Picking the Pieces of my Life: Chapter 20

From Don's point of view.

"Dearly beloved," the preacher spoke. "We are gathered here today to join these two loving men in a loving union. These two men are ready to profess their love and desire to live as life partners." Aiden squealed happily and Josh looked over at him and smiled lovingly. "And their desire to raise their children together as loving parents shows their true depth of love." I leaned against Josh and shivered with love as I felt his hard and lean body pressing up against mine. "Josh and Don will now exchange vows committing their love for each other." Josh turned to me and smiled.

"Oh Don, I love you. I know that I have said those words to you so many times and I never grow tired of hearing myself saying them. I knew from the moment that I saw you when your wife was laying dying that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. And Donny," Josh looked down at the grinning little boy that was my son. "I knew that I wanted to help raise him. He walked into my life and changed my life so much. And then when we found out that little Aiden was my son, well my heart is so full of love." Tears flowed down Josh's face and I reached out and gently wiped them free. Josh took a deep breath and closed his eyes and paused. "I promise to love and honor you, through sickness and health for richer and poorer threw all of life's trials until God calls me home. This I promise you." I remember saying my vow to him and feeling the tears flow and feeling his hands on my face as he too gently wiped the tears away for me.

"I now pronounce you joined," the preacher said softly. "You may seal your reunion with a kiss." Josh's face broke into a mischievous grin as he wrapped his arms around me and pressed his lips to mine. Again I found myself getting lost in the moment. Than we heard the typical yucky noises from Donny. Even Aiden gurgled with glee as Josh continued to kiss me breathlessly. Finally he broke apart.

"Ha ha," he whispered softly in my ear. "Made you blush." The love and the mischief in his eyes made me loose myself in his eyes. At some point I heard the applause. I blushed again and looked down. "I think we have to walk down the aisle now," Josh gently reminded me.

"Oh yea I guess we do have to do the walking thingy," I said. He just laughed as he shook his head and grabbed my hand and we walked down the aisle in the midst of laughing and applause. Finally we were outside of our town house and in the limo and on our way to the reception, dinner party. I leaned against the soft leather seats and sighed heavily. Josh looked at me with those incredible loving eyes of his. "What?" I asked suddenly very shy. I remembered asking myself why because I had been intimate with Josh so many times that I knew every inch of his incredible body and God knows he knew every inch of mine.

"We are not going to the reception yet," Josh rasped out.

"Ummm why not?" I asked swallowing hard.

"Because I'm going to make love to you right here and now," Josh replied as he pushed a button and raised the privacy screen. He than reached for my bow tie and with a couple of quick movements he had my tie off. Than his lips crashed down on mine. This kiss was an urgent kiss that told me that no way in hell would his desire be denied. I allowed him to undress me and he allowed me to undress him. I always enjoyed undressing Josh. It was like unwrapping a present. Finally I reached his boxer briefs and I smiled at his bulge and noticeable wet spot.

"God you are so beautiful," I breathed as I reached out with a trembling hand and touched his waistband. I could feel the heat from his skin and I wanted that skin against mine. I took hold of his last article of covering and pulled them away and smiled at his erection. Standing tall and proud as it always did. It's mushroom tipped head gently pulsing with desire. A huge droplet of precome was sliding down his rock hard yet velvety shaft that begged to be wrapped by me. I quickly removed my boxers and laid down on the soft leather and begged him with my eyes to impale me with his shaft. Josh let out a soft growl as he fell on me. His hot flesh touched mine and I shivered and moaned loudly. I felt the tip of his hot pulsing penis probing my whole. I lifted up to allow him quick and easy access. He moaned softly as he finally slipped into me. I shivered violently as his shaft dove into me. It scraped against my prostate gland sending waves of orgasmic pleasure raged through me.

"God you are so tight!" Josh rasped out as he settled into a steady fast paced fucking motion. This was the Josh that I loved, this was the Josh that I craved. His body moved in time with mine as we both urgently worked towards our mutual desire. He wanted to plant his seed in me and I wanted his seed in me. I could feel the orgasm approaching fast and I knew his was fast approaching too. Josh screamed a muffled scream as his lips latched onto my neck. I felt his cock swell in me and than I felt the searing feeling of his cum slamming into me time and time again. I whimpered loudly as his teeth nipped at my tender flesh and I shot my load against my body. The back of the limo was filled with our mutual moans and whimpers as our orgasms over took our sweating and heaving bodies. We clung to each other until our bodies returned to normal. Finally Josh fell away from me breathing heavily. "Wow!" Josh gasped out. He looked at me and I had to giggle at his hair. It was all messed up. "What?" he asked acting all innocent.

"You my love are a mess," I said grinning at him. "Very beautiful and messy and sexy and beautiful."

"Yea and you are beautiful," Josh said back to me. "I love the way you look right after you make love."

"I don't feel pretty," I replied blushing. "Oh yes my very sexy and adorable husband. You are very pretty," Josh giggled back.

"Mmmm," I sighed snuggling up to him. "I love hearing you call me that."

"I love saying it," Josh replied. The beeping came from the drivers side of the screen. Josh pushed the button. "Yes Driver?"

"Ummm sir we are here," the Driver spoke through the speaker.

"Thank you driver," Josh replied calmly and than precede to toss articles of clothing at me. "Quick put your clothes back on! We'll never hear the end of it we take too long getting out of the limo. I have to say that this is the first time I had seen Josh really panicking. I had to say that it was quite amusing. I started to giggle. "Why are you laughing?" Josh asked trying not to giggle too. "We have to get dressed."

"Ok ok," I said trying really hard not to laugh. "I'll get dressed." We finally put ourselves back together or so I thought. Josh opened the car door and guided me out and together hand in hand we walked into the reception hall. The first thing I noticed was that Justin and Danny both started to giggle. Ben and Jesse looked at the floor trying to look interested in the pattern on the carpet. Kevin and Orlando looked upwards at the ceiling. Lance and Usher just gawked at us. Ok I was confused. "Umm hi everyone," I said casually waving at them.

"Umm hi," everyone said hi back. I felt the tugging of a little hand. I looked down to see Donny looking up at me. "Hi son."

"Hi Daddy!" he said in a really loud voice. Justin moved to snatch him away only he was to late. "Why do you have a different color tie on?" Again with the really loud voice. The look on Josh's face was pure comedy. He reached up and grabbed his tie and I did the same. I looked at Josh's tie and groaned softly. Josh did the same thing. The rest of the room was really quiet as if trying to concentrate on something else. Than I remembered that a little boy needed an answer to his question and Donny always wanted an answer.

"Well we decided to change ties," I said lamely. To his credit and innocence Donny accepted the answer for gospel and didn't question it. He was happily allowed his Adopted Uncle to lead him away. "That was close," I whispered to Josh. His face was still beat red as I was sure that mine was too.

"Well shall we get this dinner going?" Danny said as he parted the crowd to allow us through. The knowledge of Josh and I having sex in the limo on the way to the dinner was quickly put aside as the toasts began. Justin said a very heartfelt and tearful toast to his best man. Danny did the same for me. Jesse and Ben being sweeties did the same for us too. Even little Donny had a few words to say. But than Spot and Trixy had to put their two cents in and draw Donny away from us to go play with his four legged friends. After eating a hearty dinner and kissing Josh several times we finally got to dance. Well I should say we got to share each other with the other guests. I only got to dance with Josh once and I was dying to get him in my arms. I finally got him in my arms and I felt a tap on the shoulder.

"What?" I demanded clinging to Josh possessively. "I'm not dancing with anyone else except Josh." Kevin's deep laughter rang through the air. "Well I'm not."

"Not even for me?" Kevin asked softly. I looked back to see Kevin standing there with Orlando behind him. "Oh yea and Orlando was kinda sorta hoping for a dance too only with Josh. He is afraid you will beat him up if he tries to dance with you so we decided that I would dance with you and he would dance with Josh."

"But I wanted to dance with Josh," I pouted.

"Sweetie," Josh said softly as he kissed me on the cheek. "We have our whole lives together to dance."

"Fine," I relented. "But after this, I get you all to myself."

"Ok love," Josh giggled as he took Orlando hand and allowed Orlando to lead him out to the dance floor. Kevin took my hand and pulled me close. This was the first time I was this close to Kevin. I had to admit that being in his arms wasn't a bad thing at all. I could see why Josh had fallen for him. Kevin was hot. And he was a very good dancer.

"So you finally got hitched," Kevin said softly.

"Yea I guess I did," I said suddenly very shy in this man's arms. I mean here was Kevin Richardson, a trained ball room dancer and backstreet boy. Truth was when I first saw him I had this really big crush. But than I saw Josh. MMMMMmmmm Josh. Oh yea back to Kevin. I remembered when I first met Kevin we were enemies and he gave me a black eye. Now we were friends and I even played matchmaker with him. I had to admit that Kevin Richardson was a very good looking man. Orlando was very lucky to have him. "So when are you two going to get hitched?"

"New Years eve," Kevin said softly. "It is going to be very small and very private. Will you come?"

"I would love to but Josh and I will be on our honeymoon," I replied with regret.

"Where are you two going?" Kevin asked.

"The Mountain side Ski resort," I replied. "The whole family is going to be there."

"What a coincidence," Kevin smiled that warm smile that I had grown to love. "That is the same resort that Orlando and I are going to get hitched." I felt a tap on the shoulder and saw that Josh was now waiting for me to finish. I leaned up and kissed Kevin lightly on the cheek. Kevin to his credit blushed. "Go dance with your groom and may the dance never end for you two." Kevin guided me back into Josh's arms and moved to take Orlando in his. I leaned against Josh happy to be back with the man that I loved. He bent his head down so that his forehead touched mine. I shivered with love as I saw the love and devotion in his eyes.

"I love you Donald Smith," Josh whispered softly.

"Uh uhh," I purred back. "I'm going to change my name to Chasez." The look of surprise on his face was so worth it.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Josh asked.

"I married you and all of you. I want to be Donald Smith Chasez," I replied.

"I love you Donald Chasez," Josh whispered again. I giggled and he rubbed noses with me and than kissed me on the nose.

"I love you too Joshua Scott Chasez," I whispered back.

"So you want to dance," Josh asked me.

"Why of course I do," I grinned. "Shall we?" Josh led me out into the middle of the dance floor and started to waltz me around the floor. The rest of the world ceased to exist for us. For right now it was just Josh and me. In our own little world. The music flowed through us and time meant nothing to us. At some point we realized that it was just Josh and me and Justin and Danny remaining on the floor. I finally looked around and saw that even Ben and Jesse had gone. I would find out later that they had agreed to take Donny home and Aiden home too. After all they had to get Donny home in time to get to bed before Santa came. "I'm so lucky," I sighed leaning against Josh.

"Oh no my love," Josh whispered. "I'm the one who is lucky."

"Oh and why is that?" I asked. Josh pushed his lean and hard body against mine. I could feel that he was rock hard. I too was rock hard. There was nothing more I wanted than to kneel at his feet and give my husband, my mate as much pleasure I could. "God I love you," I whimpered as I allowed his lips to crash down on mine. I allowed him to ravage me for as long as he wanted. Finally he broke away from me.

"Come with me?" Josh asked softly has he held his hand to me. I took it eagerly and allowed him to guide me out of the room. I vaguely remember getting a hug and kiss from both Justin and Danny. Soon I was in the limo on the way home. When we got there Josh carried me up stairs to our room. That was where I gasped with joy. The room was so beautiful. Candles were every where. The bed was covered in red silk. The fireplace was lit and it cast a golden haze around the room. There was soft music playing. I had to smile because it was Jesse's music. So it had seemed that Ben and Jesse had a hand in making this room so nice. I vaguely wondered if it was ok for a sixteen year old young man to get his foster parent's bed ready for what was obviously going to be a night of intense passion and love. "MMMMmmm to many clothes on," Josh mumbled softly as he begin the urgent task of undressing me. What was I to do but to let him. I moved to undress him but he stopped me with a look of love and lust. "No," he said with his usual hint of naughtiness. "I'm going to do everything. Your job is to lay back in enjoy it." Finally I was naked and laying on the very soft silk sheets and comforters. I watched in lust as Josh begin to take off his clothes too. And believe me he made it very slow and pleasurable torture for me but finally my sweetie was all naked and available to me. He laid down on top of me pressing his rock hard cock against mine. I shuddered with desire as I threatened to cum right than and there. "Go ahead," he smirked down at me. "You know you want to," he teased me as he ground his cock into mine again. I whimpered loudly and let loose. Shot after shot of cum came shooting out of my cock. Josh looked down and watched in amazement as my cock fired shot after shot of hot seamen across my heaving abs and chest. When it finally stopped shooting Josh let out this cute little growl and lowered his head and licked me clean and sucking me off to another orgasm again. Josh had yet to cum and I wanted to give him pleasure too. I reached for his cock but he gently took my hand and brought it to his mouth and kissed it. I growled in frustration. Josh giggled and leaned down and captured one of my nipples in his teeth and bit down on it softly.

"Please Josh," I pleaded with him.

"Please what?" Josh asked with his eyes boring into mine. "What do you want?"

"Make love to me?" I begged him. "I need you so much."

"I thought you would never ask," Josh snickered as he quickly slid into me. I shivered with lust and pain and pleasure the part of Josh filled me completely sealing us together as one. "God you feel so good." Josh wasted no time at all thrusting in and out of me. I clung to his plunging body as he drove himself to the mutual goal. I relished his little moans and whimpers and all the words that he moaned and whispered and groaned out to me. Finally I heard the music he always made when he came. A fast series of groans and kitten like yelps and he shivered as his cock slammed into me fast and hard spewing forth its precious load deep into me. I clung to his plunging and trembling body as I too allowed my orgasm to overtake me. He finally came down off of his orgasm and looked into my eyes. God I loved this god of a man. He leaned down and precede to cover my lips nose and eyelids and cheeks with feather kisses. I returned those kisses with the same amount of love. "That was fun," Josh quipped as he grinned down at me. I laughed softly as I pulled him down on top of me sealing us together with my and his sweat and cum. "I guess we should shower."

"And have more fun?" I asked grinning.

"Are you always like this?" Josh asked as he helped me up.

"You should know," I replied. "We've been doing this for over a year now." I heard the clock chime twelve midnight. "Merry Christmas sweetie."

"Merry Christmas love," Josh whispered to me as he guided me to the shower. I knew that some time before this night was over I would be giving myself to Josh again and again. For as much as Josh needed me I would be there to give myself to him. After all what was a good husband for?

From Josh's point of view.

Watching my lover shower was a beautiful sight indeed. But than again anything that my lover did was beautiful. Except when he was scared to death of losing his son. I was still haunted by that look of complete helplessness and fear in my lover's eyes. I never wanted to ever see him like that again. A hand waved in front of me. I shook my head and smiled at Don. "Where were you?" Don asked as he pressed his naked form against me.

"I was thinking about how much I love you," I purred as I nuzzled his cheek. He tilted his head back to give me access to his neck. I giggled softly as my lips latched on his very tasty neck. Soon I had him whimpering softly as I slowly achieved my goal. Finally I released his neck and looked at my handy work. "Mmmm very nice indeed," I purred. "Now it is time to spoil you." I led him out of the bathroom back into our suite. I activated the music and held out my arms. He walked into mine and I shivered at the touch.

"What do you have planned?" Don asked.

"Well after I finished making love to you I think it only prudent of me to make sure that you are as comfortable as possible," I replied laying him down on the soft bed. I picked up his foot and started to massage his feet. Don let out a soft groan. I slowly made my way up his very sexy body and just when I was ready to get really busy I heard a soft snore. I looked up at his face and smiled softly at him. It had seemed that my new husband had fallen sleep. Oh well he deserved it. I gently covered him up and put on my pajamas and walked to Aiden's room. I peaked in and was surprised to see that the little guy was wide awake. He was playing with his teddy bear. It had appeared that Aiden was having a party of sorts. I could tell by his wide awake nature that the little guy was not planning on going to sleep anytime soon and now that he saw me he realized that he now had someone else to play with.

"Hey cutie," I said softly. He looked up at me and grinned widely. "What is my baby boy doing up so late?" He just cooed up at me and grabbed onto the bars of the crib and pulled him self on his little wobbly legs and wobbled over to me. "Oh really?" I asked. He giggled and cooed up at me. "Does little Aiden want to be held?"

"Why are you up?" a voice sounded from behind me. I turned and saw a very tired Ben standing there with a bottle. "Aiden seems to have plans for the night," Ben said gesturing to the bottle. "He won't go to sleep."

"Oh I think I know what he wants," I said as I picked him up and held him to me. I looked down and smiled at his smiling face. I reached for the bottle and tested it to make sure that it wasn't too hot. "You can go back to bed," I instructed Ben. Ben gave me a hug and headed off to bed. "Now let's go to Daddy's room and spend some time with you." Aiden gurgled up at me and cooed happily. I put the bottle in his mouth and he latched onto the bottle and started to suck really fast and really hard. "Easy there little guy," I laughed. Aiden just hung onto the bottle and sucked really hard and he was really noisy. I just sat there on the edge of the bed and held him and watched my son scarf down his late night snack. "I hope I can do this thing right," I said to him. "I really hope I don't mess this up."

"Oh I think you will be a great daddy," a sleepy voice sounded from behind me. I turned my head and saw my sweetie's face peaking out from under the comforters. "You two having a party without me?"

"Hey you," I said softly. "What are you doing awake?"

"Well I woke to find that you were gone," Don replied as he sat up. I had to laugh at his bed head. "Than I see you playing with a very cute little boy. What's wrong?"

"It appears as if Aiden has no intentions of going to sleep anytime soon," I said softly as I took the bottle from his mouth and looked at it and saw that he had scarfed down over two ounces. I placed the burp rag over my shoulder and held him to my chest. I lightly patted his back until he let out a healthy burp. After trying to get him to eat some more and realizing that he no longer had any interest in the bottle and was instead pinching my chest muscles and playing with his teddy bear at the same time I gently laid him down on the mattress and scooted over to where Don was sitting. Don naturally fell into my arms and snuggled closer to me. Together we watched my son play. We both smiled at his little ways of playing. Every once in a while he would look up at me and grinned his usual wide and happy grin. Very slowly it started. His little eyes were starting to get drowsy. Than the yawns started. "I think he is finally going to go to sleep," I said softly as I picked him up and placed him in between our bodies. Don and I laid there and watched him go sleep. It was so much fun to lay there with Don and watch Aiden sleep. I know there are so many other things that Don and I could be doing right now but watching my son sleep was right at the top of the to do list. I'm not sure just how long we were just laying there watching him sleep but at some point I heard Don snoring softly. I smiled at him. Now I got to watch my husband and my son sleep. Oh yea there was no where else I wanted to be.

Four hours later from Don's point of view.

"Daddy Daddy!" Donny exclaimed loudly as he knocked on the door. "Santa came!" Josh groaned softly as he woke up. I quickly checked to see if we were both dressed. That was when I discovered that we had a little guest in the bed with us. curled up next to his daddy was little Aiden.

"Come in Donny!" I called out. The door flew open and not only Donny and the puppies but Ben and Jesse came in too. All to soon our bed was really crowded. Ben picked up a squirming happy Aiden and held him close to him.

"Merry Christmas family," I said smiling at them. I shivered with delight as Josh's arms surrounded me.

"So I see that Aiden finally went to sleep," Ben said kissing Aiden on the cheek.

"Yea he just wanted to stay up and party for a while," Josh said looking down at his son.

"He is cute," Jesse said touching little Aiden's cheek.

"Daddy!" Donny said in his usual loud and hyper voice. "You have to open my present!"

"Ok little buddy," I laughed at him. "Why don't you guy go down stairs and we will follow."

"Promise?" Donny asked looking stern. Ben and Jesse stifled giggles.

"Yes son," I said grinning at him.

"No mushy stuff!" Donny said as he giggled loudly and took off running out of the hall. Ben and Jesse got up and Ben had Aiden in his arms as they walked out.

"So we are all alone," Josh said as he started to nibble on my ear. I shivered and reluctantly pulled away. "But but---," Josh stammered.

"Yes I have a cute but," I said smirking. "But Donny did say order us not to get all mushy."

"Rats," Josh grumbled. "I wanted to get laid this morning." "Oh you will be getting laid sweetie," I giggled back. "And trust me it won't be just one time." I slid on my red silk pajama pants and the matching robe. "Come on sexy," I smiled down at him. "We have presents to open and we have to watch our two sons open their gifts too."

"I think that Aiden is a little young to tearing open presents," Josh snickered.

"I was talking about Ben," I said with a small pout.

"Daddy!" Donny called. "Hurry up!"

"I think our son is getting impatient," Josh said as he slid out of the bed. I swallowed really hard as I saw that he had a hard on. "Come on dear," Josh cooed at me. "Time to open presents."

"Fuck the presents," I muttered as I drop to my knees and pulled his pajama pants and boxers down exposing his beautiful cock. I wrapped my hand around it and gently rubbed my cheek against the hot velvety rock hard shaft. I shivered with lust as the heat of it drove me wild with lust. I paused and stared at it and marveled at how beautiful it was. Josh let out a cute frustrated growl. I giggled my usual naughty giggle and licked my lips and slid his cock down my throat. Josh immediately begin to pump in and out of my mouth. I loved being on my knees servicing him. I loved giving him as much pleasure as I could. I guess the best part of it was hearing my lover express to me how much he loved me making love to him. His moans, his groans his growls and his kitten like whimpers told me that I was doing my duty servicing my lover. And I was going to get my reward. Josh's cock continued to slam in and out of my mouth. Josh's abs tensed up and made him look even hotter. My cock was rock hard and I was fast approaching orgasm. Josh let out a whimper and begin to shoot his cum down my throat. I groaned loudly as I too shot my load too. I swallowed everything my lover had to offer me. His unique taste assaulted my taste buds. All to soon the flow of his sweet cum stopped. I looked up at my love and watched his chiseled chest and abs move as he took deep breaths to come down from his orgasm. By now his cock was softening. Even limp it was still beautiful. It was slick with his cum and my saliva. I gently licked every inch of his super sensitive cock and thrilled at his whimpers as my tongue sought out every drop of his cum. After cleaning up my sweetie I gently tucked him back into his pants and stood up and kissed him lightly on the cheek. "Now let us take a shower together."

"And will we be getting laid?" Josh asked hopefully. I was shocked to see that his cock was rock hard again. I knew there was no way to deny to him of anything. I took his hand and together we walked into the bathroom. I adjusted the water and stepped into the shower and shivered at the warm water cascading down my naked form. Josh slid in behind me and wrapped his arms around me. "Good morning husband," he purred in my ear as he nibbled on it lightly. I moaned softly as I felt the tip of his hot cock probing my whole. He pushed in and the head of his cock slipped past my ring. The rest of his cock slid into me. I smiled as I was joined again with the man that I loved. All too soon Josh was thrusting in and out of me with a passion and urgency that I seldom seem him use. I yelped in pain and pleasure as his teeth nipped at my neck. His lips attached themselves to me and he started to suck really hard as he continued to make love to me. "I love you Don," Josh whispered to me in a lust hazed voice. I could feel his cock swelling in me. "Ohh God I'm so close!" Josh moaned as he continued to suck on my flesh. I knew I was going to have one hell of a hickie. But I didn't mind. I wanted to be marked by him. I wanted to show the world that I was Josh. Josh growled as his teeth nipped at my already tender neck. I felt the hot pulsing cum slamming into me. I arched my back against him and shot my load into his hand. After it was all said and done Josh licked the cum from his hand. "That was fun," Josh quipped.

"Yes it was, now it is time to get cleaned up and get dressed in snuggle clothes and go down and open presents," I said kissing him gently.

Fifteen minutes later we were dressed and headed down stairs to our family. I passed the mirror and blushed at the rather large and noticeable hickie that was on my neck. Josh smirked and winked at me. I blushed even deeper. "You know you like it." Josh giggled. I wrapped my arms around him as we stopped under the missle toe and kissed him deeply. "What was that for?" Josh asked licking his lips.

"Because I love you," I purred.

"Daddy!" Donny demanded. I sighed and looked down and saw my son standing there with his little hands on his hips. "You got all mushy!"

"Yes we did son," I smiled down at him. "I love your Daddy Josh so much. And getting mushy is what we do to express our loves."

"Well I'm not going to get mushy when I get old," Donny said matter of factly. I laughed as I bent down and picked him up and allowed him to wrap his arms around me. "Well I am not!" Donny insisted.

"That is fine sweetie," I said kissing him on the cheek. He wiped his cheek with the back of his hand and made a yucky noise. Josh and the rest of the gang laughed.

Five minutes later. I looked around the living room and smiled. Josh was playing with his son. Aiden was laying on the floor with his little feet in the air and Josh was ever so gently tickling them. Little Aiden's little giggles made everyone in the room smile. Lance and Usher were busy listening to Donny as he was bossing them around on how to play the latest video game. Ben and Jesse was on the loveseat well they were doing what they do best. Snuggling and kissing. Justin and Danny were sitting next to Josh helping him tickle the day lights out of little Aiden. "Ahem!" I coughed.

"Hi Daddy!" Donny said loudly as he tried to get out of Usher and Lances grasps. Usher and Lance had decided that Donny needed to be tickled. And to hear his little laughter fill the room was indeed better music than any other Christmas music I could've ever have heard. Finally Donny got loose and took off running to me. He jumped into my arms and wrapped his arms around my neck and he hugged me with one of his very special hugs.

"Ok Daddy," Donny announced. "It is time for you to put on Santa's hat!" He thrust the Santa hat in my hand and thrust a really goofy looking elf hat into Josh's hand. "This is for Daddy Josh!" He giggled loudly as Josh looked at it like it was going to bite him. "Uncle Justin says that Daddy Josh should wear the goofy hat! He says that Daddy Josh is goofy anyway." Again he laughed his usual happy and musical laugh. Even though it was at Josh's expense it did us all a lot of good to hear him laugh like that again. "Now Daddy can play Santa and Daddy Josh can be his helper!" So it began. With little Donny bossing us around we soon began to open our presents. I noticed that Josh was being very quiet. It was almost as if he was hiding something. Donny was cleaning up like a bandit. To hear his little squeals of happiness as he opened one present after another. And every time he would give the person who gave the gift one of his special hugs. Josh had spoiled me rotten too. He knew I loved sweaters and he got me some really nice ones. He also got me some really nice shoes and he added to my extensive collection of DVD and CDs. But I knew he was still hiding something. I watched with love as Josh handed his son a present. Little Aiden's eyes lit up as he beheld the shinny wrapping and ribbon. But once he realized that the wrapping paper was supposed to come off and then there was a even better surprise waiting under the paper he was soon a pro at unwrapping his presents. He even unwrapped some of Uncle Justin's presents. Justin gave him some just to hear him giggle with glee.

"Ummm it is time for your present," I said to Josh. Suddenly I was very worried if Josh was going to like it. I took his hand and pulled him up and led him to the covered canvas on a stand. "I ummm hope that you um like it." Josh touched the soft velvet covering and lifted it off. Silence racked the room as all eyes fell on the canvas.

"Umm it is blank," Josh said frowning.

"Well I was kinda hoping that maybe you would um like to um do a family portrait for your ummm study," I stammered.

"I love it," Josh said softly. "Now it is time for yours." He took hand and drop a set of keys in them.

"What is this?" I asked frowning. I looked closely at the key and realized that it was a set of car keys. "You were a bad boy."

"I was not," Josh said with a small pout. "I saw you looking at it a couple of weeks ago and I know you. You would never buy it. So I decided to get it for you." Josh finished with a huge grin. He was so happy to buy it for me that I couldn't be mad at him.

"Ok let's see it," I smiled back at him. Josh giggled and grabbed my hand and led me outside. The cold crisp air woke up my senses. A fresh blanket of snow covered everything making the yard look like a winter wonderland. That was one of the reasons I loved Colorado winters. Josh pointed at the large red truck sitting in the driveway. It was a 2005 Dodge Ram 2500. It was one of the most beautiful trucks I had ever laid eyes on. I walked over it and ran my hand along the cold surface.

"So you want to take it for a test drive?" Josh asked grinning. As much as I wanted to take it for a test drive I really wanted to spend more time with my husband and sons and foster son.

"Later," I replied walking into his arms. "Right now I want to spend time with my honey."

"Sounds good to me," Josh said hugging me and kissing the top of my head. "Come on let's go inside and make sure that our family is behaving themselves. Oh yea and don't forget that we have to pack."

"This should be fun," I sighed happily.

Later from Ben's point of view. "Ummm do you think you have packed enough stuff?" Jesse asked frowning at the pile of luggage I had piled up on my bed.

"Oh no," I replied happily as I begin to sort through my CDs. I made sure I put Jesse's CD on the top. Jesse looked at it and blushed. "Hey! I have to have my Jesse music!" I said as I placed it in my cd carrier. "I have to pack my favorite video games too!"

"Are we going to have time to play Video games?" Jesse asked as he looked at the huge pile of video games that I had all stacked up. "And they are sorted?"

"Of course they are sorted!" I yelped out. "Now help me pack all of this stuff!" Jesse sighed and pitched in and helped me pack. Thirty minutes later we were done. "So ummm now what do you want to do now?"

"Well I have to go and pack my stuff now," Jesse replied. "You want to come and help?"

"I would love too," I grinned. "But I have to be home by eleven."

"That's cool," Jesse replied. "We'll have time to pack and have lots of fun making love too." Jesse grinned his usual sexy smirk that I loved so much.

"Let me say see you later to the Parental Units and I'll meet you in the car," I replied giving him a kiss on the cheek.

I walked into the living room and spotted Josh and Don laying on the floor with little Aiden. Aiden was giggling with glee as his Daddy played with him. Donny was busy was playing with one of his new video games. At the same time was giving Justin and Danny advice on how to put his bike together. It was so cute to watch him boss them around and try to concentrate on his game. It had seemed that little Donny had learned the fine art of Multitasking. "Ummm dad?" I asked softly. Both Josh and Don looked up. "Can I go over to Jesse's apartment to help him pack?"

"As long as you are back home by eleven," Josh said softly.

"And try not to pack the whole apartment," Don quipped. Both Josh and Don giggled loudly.

"We are not that bad," I said with a pout.

"Oh yes you are," Don giggled as he snuggled up to Josh. "Now go and have fun." Ok so I was happy. I just got the green light to spend the whole afternoon with Jesse and part of the night. Jesse and I was going to get to have sex in an apartment all alone. This was going to be great.

From Josh's point of view.

"Is he sleepy?" I asked little Aiden. He just yawned widely and looked up at me. "Yes he is! He is a sleepy little boy!" Aiden squirmed happily as he relished the attention that I was giving him. I picked him up and laid him on my chest and true to form as most kids his age do he promptly wiped his nose on my shirt. Don giggled softly at the expression on my face. Aiden just giggled his little happy giggle too. "Oh you think that is funny don't you?" I asked him as I cradled him in my arms and started to tickle him lightly. The room was filled with his little squeals of happy giggles. "Come sweetie," I said softly as I very gently touched his forehead to mine. "It is time for your nap." After taking him up stairs and laying him down and convincing him that it was time to go to sleep he finally drifted off to sleep. I continued to stand there and watch the little guy sleep. I jumped when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned my head and smiled at Justin. "Hey Justin," I said softly as I allowed my son to wrap his little hand around my finger.

"He is so beautiful," Justin said softly.

"Yes he is," I replied as I gently pried my finger from the tight grip that Aiden had on it. "I still can't believe that I am a daddy."

"Yea I know," Justin giggled softly. "So Ummm when are you guys leaving for the resort?"

"First thing in the morning," I replied.

"You still want to take the whole gang with you?" Justin asked looking a little uncertain.

"Yes Justin I do," I replied sternly. "I know that honeymoons are traditionally something that you do alone but with everything that has happened to my little family I really don't want to be separated at this point."

"Yea it is good to see Don happy again," Justin said looking down at little Aiden. He frowned as Aiden stuck his little thumb in his mouth. "I'm so glad that the scared shiftless look is gone now."

"So you noticed it too?" I asked. Justin nodded as he gently pried Aiden's thumb from his mouth. Aiden frowned a little and very promptly put it back in. I giggled softly. "Don't worry we have a couple of years to break him of that habit."

"He'll get bucked teeth," Justin said still frowning.

"That is what braces are for," I smirked at Justin. "And as his father I want him happy. And right now if sucking his thumb is making him happy and comfortable than I'm not going to take that away from him."

"Yea but his teeth," Justin reminded me. I sighed heavily at him. "Hey I'm just worried is all."

"I know you are," I replied. "But sometimes it seems that all you are concerned with is appearances."

"That is so not true!" Justin gasped out. "Ok maybe a little," he smiled sheepishly. "What can I say? I love being surrounded by beautiful people." I laughed full out. "I know it sounds shallow."

"Yea I know," I giggled as I tried to get my laughter under control. "But than again you are a very lucky adopted uncle."

"I am?" Justin asked shocked.

"Yes you are," I replied rubbing little Aiden's cheek. He spruirmed in his sleep. I wanted to pick him up and hold him but I knew the little guy needed his sleep so bad. "You have two very good looking nephews."

"You can say that again," Justin sighed as he bent down and kissed little Aiden on the cheek. "Danny and I are going to home now."

"Sure you two won't come along for all the fun and craziness?" I asked hopefully.

"I really don't want to intrude," Justin said.

"Really Justin," I begged. "We would love to have you. After all you are going to watch out for Ben and Jesse."

"Why?" Justin asked confused.

"Because I would be more comfortable if you were here watching their backs. I don't want them hurt," I replied. I really don't know what I was thinking. I guess I was worried that something would happen to them. Or maybe I wanted to surrounded by friends and family. I wanted everyone to share in my happiness right along with Don and me.

"If you're really sure," Justin said still looking doubtful.

"I'm sure," I smiled up at him. "Now get your ass home and pack."

"What is he packing for?" the voice of angels spoke up from behind me. I turned and smiled. There in all of his sexy glory was my sweetie. He was all flushed and had snow flakes on his hair and shoulders. He smelled of fresh mountain air and I wanted to snuggle up to him right here and now. So that is what I did. I walked right up to him and wrapped my arms around his smaller form and buried my face in his shoulder and inhaled deeply. Yes, it was my Don. My very sexy and beautiful and sexy and cute and sexy yea yea you get the picture. He giggled softly. "You my love haven't answered my question. "What is Justin packing for?"

"He and Danny are coming with us," I replied.

"Cool," Don replied.

"You have been a bad boy," I scolded him.

"What?" Don asked in his cute innocent way.

"You've been in and out and all over your new truck," I informed him.

"Well it is a very nice truck," Don replied. "I was getting it all ready for our test drive."

"You mean you haven't driven it yet?" I asked shocked. I would've thought that he would be all over the town by now.

"Of course not," Don replied "I want to go for my test drive in my new truck with my husband." That was my Don, sweet and adorable and sexy and cute and sexy yea yea yes so sue me! Don is sexy! "So you want to?"

"Want to what?" I asked rubbing noses with him.

"Take a ride in my new truck," Don asked. "Ok," I replied. Don took my hand and litterly drug me down the stairs and out the door. We climbed into the truck and Don started it. It sounded really good. We put it in gear and drove out down the driveway. After what was supposed to be just a half hour turned into several hours. After we had our fun and managed to sneak in some alone time we were back at home. When we walked back into the house and was welcomed with sounds of laughter and activity. We walked into the living room and spotted Donny and Ben playing one of Donny's new video games. Ben was losing miserably. Donny was laughing at him and Ben was being a sweetie as usual and letting Donny have his fun. I looked for Jesse and didn't see him. I did noticed that Ben had a few more Hickies on his neck and shoulders and he was walking a little funny. I tried not to laugh, after all we couldn't embarrass our foster teen son now can we?

"So we are leaving in the morning?" Ben asked as he set the game controller down. Donny giggled as he picked it up and continued where Ben left off.

"That is the plan," I replied. "So you and Jesse all packed and ready to go?"

"Yes and all the stuff is in the other room," Ben replied getting up and walking into the sitting room. Don and I was shocked to say the least. There was a huge pile of luggage. Don just laughed softly. "What?" Ben asked looking all innocent.

"You pack like me," Don giggled again.

"That is a good thing right?" Ben asked grinning his crazy lop sided grin.

"Yes sweetie," Don snickered. "That is a very good thing. That means that Jesse and Josh are going to get a good work out in the morning. Where is Jesse by the way?"

"He is home," Ben replied. "He had some phone calls to make and he had a meeting to take with his agent. Oh yea and he is going to try and make up with his mother."

"And you're not with him?" I asked shocked. Ben and Jesse were basically joined at the hip. It was really cute to watch them.

"No I respect that Jesse needs some alone time," Ben replied.

"Well you need to get some sleep," I suggested. "We have a very busy day tomorrow." Ben gave me and Don a hug and kiss and than headed up to bed. Don and I watched Donny play with his new toys. We didn't want to send him to bed just right now. After all he was just a kid. But than again he was still recovering from his ordeal. The guy needed to get some sleep. "Donny?" I asked softly. He looked up at me with his usual big grin. "We have a really big day ahead of his tomorrow sweetie. It is time for bed."

"Ok Daddy Josh," Donny said cheerfully. "Will you tuck me in?" I was shocked. Tucking him in was usually Don's job. I looked at Don and he smiled and nodded.

"Ok let's go," I said as I stood up and followed him to his room. After making sure he had brushed his teeth and tucking him in. I was heading out of the room when I saw him look up at me with that serious look on his face. I knew that he had something to tell me and it was important. "Yes Donny?" I asked as I sat back down on the bed. "You want to say something?"

"I'm glad you are my other daddy," he said in his usual very serious voice.

"Well I am very glad to be your other daddy," I replied. "You are a very special little boy and I love you so much."

"I love Aiden too," Donny replied. "Ummm Uncle Justin said I had to go to big boy school someday."

"Well you will at some point," I replied. "How do you feel about that?"

"I want to stay home with you and daddy and help take care of Aiden," Donny said with such honesty and earnestly that I almost caved. I smiled softly at him. Every kid his age had tried to con their daddies into letting them stay at home. But little Donny needed to make friends and do the little things that little friends needed to do. After all there was something new to look forward too. Play dates.

"You will like big boy school Donny," I smiled down at him. "You will get to make new friends and have lots of play dates. And you will get to make new friends too."

"But I will miss you and Daddy," Donny tried to reason with me. His little pout was in full force. I almost caved but again I held firm.

"It is only for four hours a day sweetie," I smiled down at him.

"Is that all?" Donny asked. "Ok I guess I could do that."

"That's my good boy," I smiled down at him. "Now give me a hug and kiss." Donny wrapped his little arms around me and gave me one of his very special hugs and kisses on the cheek. I tucked him back in. I walked back down stairs and into the room. I saw Don sitting all alone on the sofa petting Spot. Spot seemed to be enjoying himself garnishing as much attention as he could from his master. I sat down next to Don and begin to pet Spot too. Spot just laid there in Don's lap enjoying all the attention. "I told him," I said softly.

"How did he take it?" Don asked.

"Well he tried to convince me that he didn't need school," I answered smiling at the memory.

"I remember having the same conversation with my dad," Don giggled. "It didn't work at all."

"Well you can't blame the guy for trying," I smiled at him. "We have to face it honey," I sighed with a hint of sadness. "Our son is growing up."

"He is only four Josh," Don looked at me with his patented look that he gives me when I get all sentimental.

"Yea but than he will be starting kindergarten and than he will be graduating from high school and than college," I sniffled. "That's it! He can't get any bigger!" I demanded. Don snorted back a laugh. "What?" I asked shocked.

"He is going to grow up sweetie," Don soothed me. "Just like little Aiden will grow up too."

"Well I don't have to like it," I muttered.

"Yea I know," Don giggled. "Now let's go get some sleep."

"And we will be doing something else right?" I asked reaching down and rubbed his crotch. Don let out a soft groan.

"Yes sweetie," Don smiled at me. "We will definitely be making love.

"Good," I replied happily as I ran up stairs. I heard Don laughing at me.

Later from Don's point of view.

"That was great sweetie," I purred at Josh. We had just finished making love and taking a shower and we were now snuggling on the bed in front of the fireplace. The soft flames filled the room with a golden haze. There was soft music in the back ground and I was happy, a little sore but happy. Josh was a little rough on me. But I didn't care. That was my job. To please my lover and please him is what I did.

"I'm glad you liked it," Josh replied snuggling closer to me. "Was I too rough on you?"

"Just a little but I like it rough sometimes," I replied kissing Josh on the nipple.

"Are you sure love?" Josh asked as he looked down at me. By this time I was very busy sucking on Josh's flesh to give him a hickey. "Ummm what are you doing?" he asked grinning.

"Being very busy," I replied stopping long enough to speak to my honey than I happily resumed my task at hand. A few minutes later I stopped and looked at my handy work. "There! all done!"

"Now it is my turn!" Josh giggled as he laid down on my chest and started to work on my chest too. In to time at all we had matching Hickie. We both laughed at our childbeds but it was fun. We were in love and happy and feeling so comfortable and and^Ö, Well it was at this point when little Aiden decided to wake up. We could hear him jabbering which soon turned into sniffles and a few seconds later it was a full blown wail.

"I'll get up and see what our son wants," I said kissing Josh on the nose.

"I can do it," Josh said quickly. I looked down at him and smiled. He looked so comfortable laying there all naked and sexy. He looked like he could fall asleep any second.

"No," I replied firmly. "You are sleepy and need your rest. I can take care of little Aiden." Josh nodded and snuggled deeper into the soft confines of comforters and mattress. I slid on my boxers and headed out into the hall and into the nursery. There he was. He was standing in his crib crying his little eyes out. He looked so sad that my heart went out to him. "Oh my poor little Aiden," I cooed down at him. "What's wrong little dude?" He sniffled a few times and than smiled a little. "Are you hungry?" He whimpered a couple of times as big tears flowed down his face. "Well let's see what is wrong." After a few minutes I determined that he needed his diaper changed and a late night snack. Now here is the problem. Once he was up he decided that he wanted be up. I watched as he played with his teddy bear and talked to it and than played with his feet. He would look up at me with his incredible cute little eyes and giggle up at me. I of course smiled down at him and that seemed to make him happy. After an hour he was still going strong. I finally picked him up and his teddy bear and walked back into our room. Josh was out like a light. Once Aiden saw his daddy sleeping he started to babble really loud.

"Shhhhh," I said to him softly. "Your daddy is sleeping."

"Da da?" Aiden asked softly. The whole world could've stopped right here and now.

"What did you just say?" I asked softly.

"Da da!" Aiden belted out loudly. "Da da da da!" He seemed so proud of the fact that he was saying something that I understood.

"Now here is the problem," Josh's voice sounded from the bed. I looked at him. "How do we get him to be quiet now?" I laughed as I handed the squirming child over to his Daddy. "Hi there Aiden!"

"Da da!" Aiden belted out along with a long stream of baby talk.

"Really?" Josh asked. "Is that right?" Aiden giggled loudly as he continued to talk to his daddy. I remember the first time that Donny said Da da and I was so proud of him that I too sat up for hours and talked to him. It was one of those special times that only Daddies get to share with their sons. And here I was watching Josh with his son as they replayed this miracle. "Don?" Josh asked. "You still here?"

"Oh yea I'm here," I smiled down at him. I smiled as Aiden grabbed Josh's peck muscle and squeezed really hard. The wince on Josh's face was so funny that I had to laugh. "So have you figured it out yet?"

"Figured what out yet?" Josh asked as he gently removed Aiden's hand from his chest. Little Aiden yawned really wide.

"Figured out how to get him to be quiet?" I quipped.

"Nope," Josh smiled down at his dosing son. "But he is getting sleepy."

"Want me to put him back to bed?" I asked. Josh shook his head no and patted the bed beside him. "Ok this is the last night though."

"I know it isn't good to have your child sleeping with you but he is so cute!" Josh said smiling down at his sleeping son. "Tomorrow we will lower the boom and make him sleep in his own bed."

"He will throw a fit," I informed him. I remember when Pam would put Donny to bed he would throw a major hiss because we wouldn't let him sleep with us. It went on for about a week before he finally resigned himself that his bed was for him and his mommy's and daddy's bed was for them. "But if we hold firm and say no to him he will learn."

"You want me to say no to this little cutie?" Josh asked shocked. Aiden made a cute little grunting noise and stuck his thumb in his mouth and started to suck on it really loud. I moved to pull his thumb out of his mouth. "It won't work. Justin keeps trying and the little guy keeps putting it back in his mouth."

"Well he will have to stop that too or he will get bucked teeth," I said softly as I rubbed Aiden's cheek. He squirmed in his sleep and snuggled closer to Josh. I let out a huge yawn and slid into bed next to Little Aiden and Josh. "In the mean time we have to get some sleep. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow."

"Yea we get to help Ben turn Jesse into his own personal Ski Bunny," Josh giggled.

"You are so bad," I scolded him.

"Well I can't wait to see you in ski gear and all cold and full of snow," Josh snickered. "Good night love."

"Good night love," I replied. Josh turned out the light and we turned down the fireplace and soon all three of us were sleeping very soundly.

The next morning from Don's point of view

"Da da da!" announced Aiden as he looked up at Josh.

"Yes I am your Da da!" Josh said very proudly. "Is my baby boy hungry?" Aiden gurgled as he stuffed his hand in his mouth and sucked on it really loud. "I'll take that as a yes."

"Come on everyone," Justin called from down stairs. "We are all packed and ready to go!" Justin had appointed himself boss of the trip. He was as he put it in charge of making sure that everyone got on the road on time. "Fifteen minutes and counting!"

"When did Justin start worrying about schedules and stuff?" I asked Josh. Josh was trying really hard getting Aiden dressed. I laughed as he growled as he tried to put on Aiden's little snow suit. "Here let me show you how it is done." In three quick moves little Aiden was all bundled up ready for a road trip. He looked so cute an bundled up. Josh let out a happy squeal and picked him and cradled in his arms.

"Ten minutes!" Justin shouted.

"Daddy!" Donny shouted behind us. I turned and saw him standing there in his pajamas.

"Why aren't you dressed?" I asked sighing.

"I can't make up my mind!" Donny said matter of factly. I groaned and took his little hand and took him to his room and in about five minutes had him all dressed and ready to go. We were all down stairs ready to go. Jesse and Ben were standing by the door. Justin and Danny were outside putting the rest of the luggage in the large van.

"Ok who is going in what escalade?" I asked.

"Justin and Danny, Jesse and me in one and you guys in the other," Ben announced.

"Ok sounds good," I replied. "Let's get this honeymoon/vacation started!"

Chapter 21

From Ben's point of view.

"Hi Jesse!" I shouted as I skied passed him. "Bye Jesse!" I giggled loudly as I zipped by him. I was on the slopes and I was happy. I came to a stop and skied back to Jesse. "Hi!" I giggled. He was all cold and cute. He was all dressed up in ski gear. I found out that Jesse could ski but not was well as I could. His true forte was snow boarding. And I could do that too. But since I was convinced that I was supposed to turn Jesse into my own personal Ski Bunny we decided to get that out of the way. "Are you having fun?"

"Watching you go nuts up here is fun," Jesse smiled at me. "And I am having fun skiing too. I'm just not as good as you."

"With practice you can be?" I suggested.

"Yea McCartney," a voice said from behind us. I turned and saw a tall skinny blonde kid. He was dressed in Ski gear too. he was hot. And he looked familiar.

"Aaron!" Jesse exclaimed as he wrapped his arms around the tall skinny blonde kid. Ok so maybe he wasn't really skinny. But he was tall, and very very cute. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here for Kevin's wedding," Aaron replied. He looked at me and frowned. "Ummm can you excuse us. We are having a private conversation."

"Oh no Aaron," Jesse quickly said wrapping his arm around me. "This is Ben, my boyfriend." Aaron looked me over as if he was looking at a prized horse or something. I suddenly wasn't very impressed with him. He snorted and looked at Jesse. "I love him." He snorted again.

"Like I said, Jesse and I really need to talk. Go play or something," he said in a dismissive tone. I wrapped my arms around Jesse protectively and laid my head on his shoulder.

"He stays," Jesse said firmly.

"Fine," Aaron replied glaring at me. I had to urge to stick my tongue at him but managed to reframe myself from acting childish. "So did you two meet?"

"He is Josh and Don's foster son," Jesse replied. "Justin hooked us up."

"You mean he is foster trash?" Aaron yelped out. That hurt. I let out a growl and tried to get away but Jesse held firm. "God what a looser!"

"That is enough!" Jesse hissed through his teeth. "Ben is not trash. It is not his fault that his parents don't like him because he is gay! I love him and I won't have you trashing him!"

"Fine what ever," Aaron snapped in a diva sort of way. "I just wanted to know if you and I could hook up for you know old times."

"If I remember correctly," Jesse growled at him. "You're ideal for old times involved me being naked with you and about three other guys getting it on."

"Yea well Ben can join us too," Aaron said smirking at me. "He looks like he could be fun in bed."

"I don't sleep around on Ben," Jesse snapped. "And we don't share!"

"Fine!" Aaron snapped. "At least let me make it up to you," he directed at me. "Let me treat you and Jesse to dinner." He smiled the cutest smile at me. Ok so he was a charmer too. "Forgive me?" he asked giving me the cutest puppy dog eyes I had ever seen.

"Don't fall for it," Jesse whispered in my ears. "He is a very good charmer. Until that is of course until he has his dick down your throat."

"Hey I am not that bad!" Aaron whined. "At least not anymore."

"Ok we'll come for dinner," I replied. "But for now I have to go snow boarding with Jesse."

We spent hours on the slopes and boy did we have fun. Jesse was really good at snow boarding. He could some really cool jumps and he looked so hot doing them. Finally four hours later we made it back to the room. "That was fun," Jesse said softly as he took off his coat and hat. I had to giggle at his hair. It was every where and man did he look sexy! His face was all flushed. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his narrow frame and stuck my nose in his chest and inhaled deeply. My senses were greeted with fresh air ans Jesse slight hint of sweat and body odor mixed with his cologne. God I was so horny. "You are horny," Jesse snickered down at me.

"And what are you going to do about it?" I demanded rubbing his crotch. "And for the record I'm not the only one who is horny."

"I say we try out that very big and very comfortable bed," Jesse replied looking at me with his same crooked grin that drove me wild.

"Nope we can't," I replied with a pout. "We have to go spend time with my little brothers."

"Oh yea Aiden!" Jesse said grinning widely. "I haven't got to hold him all day!"

"Well let's shower and meet Josh and Don at his room," I instructed him. "And we will be showering alone," I scolded him. The pout on his face was so cute but I held firm. "You shower first." Jesse walked away grumbling about having a hard on that wasn't ever going to go away. It made me feel sorry for him. No I had to hold firm. Little Aiden needed to be spoiled by his older brother and his new adopted uncle Jesse. Oh yea tonight was going to so much fun.

From Don's point of view.

"Ok what is taking your Daddy so long?" I asked looking around the spacious room in our four room suite. "He said he would be five minutes."

"Da da!" Aiden yelped out and commenced with a very long stream of very loud babble. I looked at the clock and saw that it was passed eight. The way things were going it would appear as little Aiden was going to party all night long.

"Did I hear someone call my name?" the voice of angel asked behind me. I turned and gasped at the vision behind me. He was so beautiful. Even little Aiden let out a little squeal and held up his hands to be picked up by his daddy. Josh bent down and scooped up the little boy. Josh was wearing a tux. A black tux and black silk shirt and with black matching bow tie. He was so hot. "Hey Aiden!" Josh said happily as he hugged Aiden to him. "What are you still doing up?"

"Da da!" Aiden said looking solemnly at his father. Than he let out another long stream of babble.

"Oh really?" Josh asked pretending to understand what his son was saying. I sat back and watched as Father and Son talked. I heard a light knocking at the door. I opened the door and let in Jesse and Ben. I had to smile as I wondered if Ben was successful in turning his Jesse into his Personal Ski Bunny. Jesse definitely looked like he was having fun.

"So you guys have fun?" I asked stepping aside to allow the love birds in.

"Oh yea," Jesse replied grinning his usual wide grin. "Ben is an incredible skier." Ben blushed deeply.

"Well did he?" Josh asked wearing a very naughty look on his face. I had to giggle at Aiden who was very busy wiping his nose on Josh's tux.

"Did he what?" Jesse asked confused.

"Did our Ben turn you into his personal ski bunny?" Josh laughed full out. Jesse quickly looked at the floor blushing deeply. Ben just whimpered softly.

"Ok that is enough picking on the lovebirds," I said saving them anymore embarrassment. "Ok Donny is playing in his room. He has had dinner. Try to get him into bed by at least 10. He is still recovering. And this little guy still has to be fed. And from the looks of it he is not ready to go to sleep anytime soon."

"Dad!" Ben wined. "We've taken care of kids before."

"I know," I replied. "I just want everything to be perfect."

"Daddy!" Donny announced. "I'm still hungry!"

"And on that note we will leave you to your babysitting," I said as I took Aiden from his reluctant father.

"Daddy!" Donny announced as he pouted. "I'm not a baby anymore!"

"Oh we're not babysitting you," Jesse said quickly. "We are baby sitting little Aiden and hanging with you." "What is hanging?" Donny asked.

"You know partying and watching movies and stuff, you know just us guys," Jesse quickly amended.

"Cool," Donny said grinning. I heaved a sigh of relief. That was one problem averted.

From Ben's point of view

"Ok newly weds," I announced. "Time to get on with your honeymoon thingy." Jesse laughed. "What?" I demanded. "This is a honeymoon thingy!"

"Yes sweetie," Jesse said kissing me on the forehead. "This is a honeymoon thingy." Don and Josh gave Donny a hug and a kiss. They lavished attention on little Aiden.

"Ok you guys behave," Don said as they shut the door. And all to soon Jesse and I were alone with a four year old and one year old. Silence racked the room until we heard a whimper. Jesse and I looked at Aiden in time to see his little bottom lip tremble.

"Hey little dude!" Jesse said as he picked up Aiden. "Time for you dinner!" And just like that Aiden was squealing with happiness.

"So what do you want to do?" I asked Donny.

"Play video games!" Donny announced taking my hand and dragging me to the tv.

One half hour later.

"Ben sweetie," Jesse called out. "Ummm Aiden doesn't want to eat." I sighed and looked up and started to laugh. "What?" Jesse asked in a irritated tone of voice.

"He is a mess," I replied. "And so are you."

"Well all he wants to do is play," Jesse grumbled.

"Maybe he isn't hungry," I observed. "Why don't we try some actual baby food." I walked into the kitchen area of the suite and started to rummage around the cupboards. "Here is some bananas," I exclaimed retrieving a bottle. "Oh and some strained Carrots." I quickly opened the bottles and handed them to Jesse with a small spoon.

"Ok Aiden," Jesse said looking doubtful. "Let's try some carrots." He took a small a mount of carrots on the spoon and slipped it into Aiden's mouth. About a fraction of second later the carrots came right back out. "Ummm I don't think he likes it." He opened the bottle of bananas. "Here try some of this." Aiden's little eyes lit up as he swallowed the bananas. "Ok he likes that."

"Well he can't just fruit," I commented.

"Does Aiden want to feed him self?" Jesse asked. He gave Aiden the spoon.

"Ummm Jesse sweetie," I said looking very worried. "I don't think that it is a good idea to---," Splat! Than there was the typical giggle from Aiden. I looked over my shoulder and started to giggle too. Jesse glared at me as he wiped the baby food from his forehead. Splat! This time it landed in his hair.

"Aaaauuugghhh!" Jesse freaked. "My hair!" I moved quickly to retrieve the spoon from the very happy Aiden. Splat! Now it ended up in my hair too. I finally managed to retrieved the spoon from him. I tried really hard not to laugh but failed miserably. "Ok this is so not funny!" I looked at poor Jesse as he leaned over the sink with the sprayer trying to get all the baby food out of his hair. I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. I heard a knock at the door. I opened and immediately growled at the person standing at the door.

"Yes Ummm is Jesse in?" Aaron asked.

"What do you want?" I demanded.

"I wanted to talk to Jesse," Aaron said as he elbowed his way into the room.

"Hey!" I yelped out as I hopped in front of him. "You can't just come in here!"

"Relax twinkie!" Aaron sneered at me. I'm not going to steal him from you."

"Hey!" I yelped at him. "I am not a twinkie!"

"Who is it Ben?" Jesse asked as he walked around the corner with out his shirt on and towel drying his hair.

"Wow what a hottie!" Aaron smirked. "You've been working out!" I growled some more. "What?" Aaron asked glaring at me.

"What do you want Carter?" Jesse asked glaring at him.

"I wanted to know if you wanted to go somewhere," Aaron asked hopefully.

"I'm babysitting with Ben," Jesse replied.

"How did he talk you into that?" Aaron asked casting a glare at me.

"He didn't talk me into anything. I love him and Josh and Don are on their honeymoon. And they wanted us to come along so we could watch Aiden and little Donny," Jesse explained. It was at this time that little Aiden decided that he wasn't getting enough attention.

"Da da da!" he belted out. We of course all turned to look at him. He smiled widely.

"Ohhhhh he is a cutie!" Aaron cooed at Aiden. Aiden giggled loudly as he suddenly realized that he now had someone new to pay attention to him. "Can I hold him?" I reluctantly nodded. Jesse and I both watched as Aaron expertly picked up the little guy. "You are a cutie! Yes you are!" Aiden squirmed in Aaron's arms and giggled loudly. Than Aaron's nose scrunched up. "And a smelly one too!" Aiden grinned proudly. "He pooped in his pants!" Aaron said holding Aiden out form him.

"Well change him," I giggled. Aaron looked at me like I was nuts.

"What?" Aaron asked. "You want me to change him?"

"Yes we do," Jesse joined. "Come on Aaron. You want to prove that you are not the cocky little brat that we think you are. This is a chance to do just that."

"I Can do it!" Aaron said as if trying to convince himself. "Really I can!" I pointed to the changing room and he actually looked scared. Jesse and I listened carefully as Aaron and Aiden went in the room. We didn't have to listen too long. "Ewwww this is so gross!" Aaron gagged. Aiden's high pitch giggles rang through. "OH you think it is funny don't you! Hey! Watch where you point that thing! Ewww I got all wet! He peed on me!" By now Jesse and I were rolling on the floor with laughter. It was so funny. About five minutes later Aaron came back out cradling little Aiden. "You are all clean now!" Aaron cooed down at Aiden. "Yes you are! You are so cute!" Little Aiden was sucking up all the attention that he could. "See it wasn't so bad," Aaron smiled. "Now can I talk to Jesse?"

"What do you want to talk about?" Jesse asked taking Aiden from Aaron. Aaron actually looked sad. "Don't worry you can hold him later."

"I wanted to know if you guys can go to a party that they are throwing in the club?" Aaron asked. "It is a gay club that caters to well you know Ummm celebrities and stuff."

"When is this party?" Jesse asked.

"Tomorrow night," Aaron replied. "It is a under 21 party so there won't be any alcohol and stuff."

"So Don and Josh shouldn't have a problem with us attending," I said looking up at Jesse. I was trying to gauge his reaction to Aaron's some what confusing turn around.

"Why the change?" Jesse asked frowning. "I mean this morning you thought that Ben was trash. Now you want to go to a party with him?"

"Ok I was being really really shallow," Aaron said looking sad. "But he is cool. And he is really hot. And I was kinda sorta wondering if maybe he as a cute brother." I snorted back a laugh. "What?" Aaron whined. "I'm looking for a boyfriend."

"To have a one night stand with and bring in your homies and fuck him senseless?" Jesse accused. It was at this point that I realized that there was more to Jesse's and Aaron's relationship than either of them were letting on. I decided to find out.

"I have a twin brother. He looks like me and I don't know if he is gay or not," I replied. In fact I haven't seen or heard from Brad for months." The painful moments of that day must've shown. Jesse wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. "When mom and dad disowned me because I was gay and tried to commit suicide they also told me that I couldn't spend any time with Brad either. But that is ok. I can help you find a boyfriend!"

"Ummm why does the fact that you want to play matchmaker make me nervous?" Aaron asked looking worried. I shrugged my shoulders and leaned against Jesse. He pushed his crotch against my but cheeks and I realized that my sweetie was very very horny.

"Let's meet down in the coffee shop in the morning and I will begin the process of me finding you a very cute and very sexy boyfriend," I said grinning at him. But what I had planned also involved me getting some information as to why my Jesse was so suspicious of Aaron. Aaron was hot and very charming. And I had no doubt that he wanted into my pants in the worst way. But that was never going to happen. At least if I had anything to do with it. The only thing that could possibly make me sleep with Aaron was if Jesse asked me too. I would do anything for Jesse. I loved him. That was what I did. Do what he asks of me with in reason of course.

"Can I come?" Jesse asked still looking worried.

"Of course you can come sweetie," I replied. It was at this time that Donny demanded Jesse's attention to play video games. Once Jesse was out of ear shot I turned on Aaron. "Ok mister it is time for you and me to have a talk." Aaron looked worried. "What did you do to Jesse when you and him were together."

"Nothing!" Aaron yelped out. "We had a very active sex life."

"How active?" I demanded. "And so help me God if you forced him into doing anything--,"

"I never forced myself on him!" Aaron yelled at me. "He wanted and he asked for it!"

"What did he ask for?" I asked.

"Well it was about a year ago," Aaron started.

Flash back to a year ago. From Aaron's point of view.

"Come on let me join you," Jesse pleaded.

"This is not your thing sweetie," I purred as I stroked his erect cock. He whimpered softly. I bent down and engulfed his growing cock. In about fifteen minutes I was swallowing a load from his cock. "All better?" I asked looking up at his face.

"Yea," he breathed out. "But back to the question at hand. Why won't you let me in on your party?"

"Because we will be having a orgy," I replied honestly. "I don't think you will enjoy it?"

"But I want to be with you," Jesse pleaded giving me his patented puppy dog eyes. I sighed happily.

"Fine," I relented. "But you have to understand. You're going to be one of the bottoms."

"One of the bottoms?" Jesse asked looking confused.

"You know," I replied. "The one who takes all the chocks offered to him. You suck and you get funked. It is going to be a large crowd. Don't worry they are all young about our age and clean. Oh yea and it is bareback." I noticed that Jesse's cock got harder. "So now that you know do you still want to go through with it?"

"Yes I do," Jesse replied as he reached for my cock and slipped it into his mouth. "Easy there lover boy. You're going to need all the rest you can get." I tried to pull his mouth off of my cock only to have him growl at me. I sighed and let him continue doing what he did so well.

End Flash back. From Ben's point of view.

"So Jesse was involved in a orgy?" I asked.

"Several orgies. But I never forced him to do anything he didn't want to do," Aaron said. "Than it happened."

"What happened?" I asked getting worried.

"Some one knew he was famous and ignored the honor system about keeping quiet and black mailed him. When he refused to cooperate he was almost raped," Aaron said softly. Tears filled my eyes and I was surprised to see that tears filled his eyes too. "They were so mean to him," Aaron sobbed softly. "After they were done with him they still threatened to out him. Until I offered myself to them."

"I didn't know you did that," Jesse's soft voice drifted over us. "Why did you do that?"

"I didn't want to see you get hurt more than you already had," Aaron sniffled. "I still loved you."

"But why didn't you tell me?" Jesse asked. He sat down next to Aaron and put his arm around him. For some reason I was not jealous or anything. I knew that this was something that Aaron and Jesse needed to work out. If Jesse loved me as much as I thought and believed he did he would come back to me. If he choose to stay with Aaron than I would have to accept that too. I got up to leave only to have Jesse pull me back down. "Don't go?" he asked. I looked into his eyes and saw the pain in them. I couldn't leave him. Not when he was going through this hell with Aaron. I sat down and took his and Aaron's hand. We talked well into the night. Stopping only to put Donny and Aiden to bed. Aaron asked me to let him put Aiden to bed. For some reason Aaron and Aiden formed some sort of bound. Little Aiden started to cry and Aaron walked back in and picked him up talked to him about being a big boy and how big boys had to sleep in there own beds. Aiden just looked up at Aaron with big solemn eyes and yawned really widely and drifted off to sleep. It was cute to watch Aaron with him. He seemed to have a natural talent where little babies were concerned. And I found myself really liking Aaron. Donny was another story on the other hand. He decided that he was going to be naughty. At first he played in the tub forever. Than he got the two dogs all excited and they ran around the suite for almost an hour. Than I put my foot down and very soon Donny was in bed. I had to admit he was cute. Donny was hardly ever naughty so I guess it was ok for this one time. And there was no way I was going to tell his daddy's about this. But alas it was not over. Donny still had a few tricks up his naughty little sleeve. After four drinks of water, three trips to the bathroom, two chapters of Harry Potter and six hugs and six kisses two from each of us he finally went to sleep. We continued to talk late into the night and Aaron and Jesse did a lot of crying. By the time it was over Aaron was wiped and so was Jesse. Josh and Don came home and was very pleasantly surprised that little Aiden was still in his own bed and was sound asleep.

"Thanks for watching the kids for us," Don said to Jesse and me.

"They are a pleasure to watch," I replied. "Little Aiden had a fun time with us and little Aiden had a lot of fun playing with Aaron too."

"You didn't," Josh giggled.

"Yes," Jesse giggled. "Aaron was hosed down by little Aiden's toy fire hose." Poor Aaron looked like he wanted to crawl into a hole and die. "Don't worry Aaron, all of us had to go through this."

"Oh that reminds me," I pipped up. "Aaron has invited us to a party." Immediately Don looked worried. "It is an under twenty one party so there will be no drinking allowed. And it is a gay party too. Geared for celebrity types.

"Where is the party being held at?" Josh asked.

"Here at the lodge," Aaron piped up. "It will be a lot of fun."

"Well I guess it is ok," Don replied. After giving Josh and Don hugs and kisses good night we headed back to our suite. Where I knew we would continue to talk. I was kinda hoping that Jesse would want to do something. I was still very horny from seeing my sexy sweetie looking all hot from skiing and snow boarding.

From Don's point of view.

"Do you think he will sleep all night in his own bed?" Josh asked looking down at his sleeping son.

"I think it is a good possibility that he will," I said wrapping my arms around him. "Now I think it is time for you and me to go sleep in our own bed."

"Is that all we are doing?" Josh asked looking naughty.

"Oh no my dear sweet sexy husband. We will definitely doing more than sleeping," I purred as I slid my hand down his pants and wrapped my fingers around his erection. Josh let out a soft moan. I gently pulled him towards the bedroom with my hand still wrapped around his cock. Oh yea I had him prisoner. And I had no intentions of ever letting him go. After pulling him into our room I precede to take off of his clothes. Poor Josh didn't even stand a chance. I had danced with him all night long. He had ground his crotch in mine all night long. His lips were all over my lips, chin, eyes, neck all night that I was so horny that if Josh had gone straight to bed I would've raped him. Well not really. Hey! I'm horny! You would be too if a hottie like Josh teased you all night long. Oh yea back to my sweet sexual revenge. After undressing my very sexy and somewhat confused lover I pushed him onto the bed. Growling softly I pounced on him and ground my crotch into his. Josh groaned loudly as a huge drop of Precome came seeping out of his cock. I leaned down and greedily licked it up. That was when I smelled him. I mean really smelled him. I grabbed his legs and raised him up so that his rose bud was staring me in the eye. I grinned my usual naughty grin and dove in. I started to rim him like no tomorrow. Josh went nuts. Well I guess he should. I had never done this before. I just concentrated on making my Josh moan and groan as much as I could. I wanted him so dizzy with lust that he begged for me.

"Ohh God Don!" Josh whimpered out. "Please Don!"

"Please what?" I asked grinning at him. "What do you want now?" Josh whimpered. "Do you want this?" I asked as I dove in and slid my tongue as far up his ass as I could. Josh's whimpers turned into high pitch keening noises. Oh Yea I knew I had him. Right where I wanted him. Josh continued to babble on and continued to rim for all he was worth. I loved being in this position servicing my lover. I glanced up at his cock and saw that he was so close to orgasm. I slid my two longest fingers into him and found the place that I so wanted to be. I slid his slick rock hard cock into my mouth so that only the head was in my mouth. I used the two fingers buried deep within him and gently massaged the prostate gland and applied hard suction to his cock head. The result was immediate. A very high pitch and cute sexy yelp erupted from my lover's lips and stream after stream of hot cum erupted from his very tender cock head and flooded my senses. I quickly swallowed everything he had to offer. I clung to his thrashing body as he allowed his orgasm to over take him. Finally after a full three minutes of him cumming in my mouth the flood slowed to a few small spurts. I finally allowed his now drained cock to fall from my mouth. I very gently licked him clean and than scooted back up to him and grinned my most innocent grin at him. "Hi!" I chirped at him. I laughed softly as Josh only answered me with a small whimper. "Was I too rough on my sexy lover?" Again the whimper. I wrapped my arms around him and snuggled closer to him. His body was covered with a light sheen of sweat and it mixed with the smell of his cologne and the light smell of sex in the air. It was somehow very comforting. I guess we laid there in each other's arms for almost an hour before I realized that Josh was looking down at me. "Hi!" I chirped again. I latched onto his nipple and sucked on it for a few seconds.

"Where did that come from?" he asked kissing my damp forehead.

"Well you see there was this certain hottie that kept teasing me all night long," I said with a pout. "You see he has this really hot body and he really knows how to use it. Well he got me so horny that well I kinda sorta lost control." Josh laughed softly as he latched onto my neck.

That was when we heard it. The small cheerful yet sleepy babble. Josh tensed up. The babble continued for about five minutes. He asked for his Daddy for a few times. Than the whimpers started. Than it stopped. Josh looked at me. I nodded. He slid out of bed and walked out of the room. I followed him. We peeked into little Aiden's room and smiled. He was all snuggled up to his teddy bear sound asleep. "Well I gues he has finally figured out that he is supposed to sleep in his own bed," Josh said smiling softly down at his son.

"And our bed is calling us," I scolded him as I gave his package a light squeeze. He moaned softly and turned and led me out of the room and back to our room.

"My turn," Josh said in his usual husky voice. I swallowed hard because I knew that Josh was in control now. It was going to be a very long night.

In Ben's and Jesse's room from Ben's point of view. Jesse finally rolled off of me. I was sore and stiff. Jesse was a wild man. He powerfucked me so hard that I think it surprised not only me but him too. The look on his face was total shock when he saw the cum on my belly and chest. That was two orgasms ago. "Wow!" I breathed out. "Where did that come from?"

"It is all your fault you know," Jesse giggled at me.

"And how is it my fault?" I asked reaching down and stroking his limp cock. Jesse let out a soft whimper.

"Well you made me go skiing with you. I had to watch you make all those really hot moves and you got me all horny," Jesse said with a small pout. I looked down at his cock and grinned happily to see that my baby was all hard again. Oh yea I was so going to have fun with him. And hopefully it was going to last for most of the night. "And you did it again," he said with a small pout. "What are we going to do now? I mean I'm all hard. How am I supposed to take care of that now?"

"Leave that part to me," I giggled as I slid down so that I was face to face with his erect cock. It was gorgeous. All I wanted to so is suck it forever. So I moaned softly and slid it into my waiting mouth and whimpered softly as it slid down my already swallowing throat.

"God Ben," Jesse hissed out. I giggled my naughty giggle and started to bob up and down on it. I took his balls and gently rolled them around in my fingers. They were still slick with his juices and mine too. The smell from his crotch was really heavy and made me dizzy with lust. I was in heaven. I took my other hand and gently massaged his abs. They were really starting to form up. You could make out the beginnings of a great six pack. I tuned into Jesse's little moans and whimpers and they drove me wild with lust. I was grinning up against his leg and he finally stopped me. "Here let me," he said in his husky voice as he turned around so that we were now laying face to face to each other's crotches. Now we could suck each other off. This was a first for me. I shivered as Jesse's lips wrapped themselves around my cock. I continued to suck my Jesse off too. The two of us sucking each other off seemed to spur us on. It was great. To hear him make his muffled moans and whimpers along with mine made me want to cum right then and there. But I didn't dare do it. I wanted this to last. For who? Well not for me. But for Jesse. He was my lover. And I wanted to give as much pleasure to him as possible. Jesse growled softly as if to tell me that I wasn't moving fast enough. I giggled back and went back to work on him. Our thrusts and groans and whimpers grew in volume and the sense of urgency grew too. I was first to cum followed quickly by Jesse.

Later in the hot tub.

"Wow," Jesse sighed. "This ski trip was so such a good ideal." I snuggled up to him and laid my head on his shoulder and looked up at him. He smiled down at me and kissed my damp hair. "Are you all done now?"

"I guess," I said happily. "I mean I think I got it all out of my system."

"Good," Jesse purred as he kissed me lightly on the lips. "So you sleepy yet?"

"I want to stay here for a while," I sighed. A knock at the door made me growl at it. Jesse giggled. "Make them go away," I begged him.

"It is probably Aaron," Jesse replied. "He is probably lonely."

"And?" I asked latching onto his nipple.

"Well can we invite him in?" Jesse asked me with his puppy dog eyes.

"Ok, but I am not getting dressed," I said with a pout. "And I want to snuggle by the fireplace."

"We will do that," Jesse replied kissing me on the nose. He swung out of the hot tub and walked into the living room and opened the door. "Come in Aaron."

"Am I interrupting?" Aaron asked. I could tell by his voice that he was still upset. As much as I wanted to make tonight all about Jesse and me I knew that Aaron needed Jesse.

"No come on in," I called out. "Were in the hot tub." Aaron followed Jesse in looking alittle uncomfortable. "Take off your clothes and join us." The look on Aaron's face was so priceless. "Don't worry, we're not going to do anything. All we are doing is soaking. Go ahead and take off your clothes. I promise you will be so much comfortable." Aaron looked scared. "Come on!" I said grinning as I stood up. His eyes got big. He looked at Jesse and Jesse dropped his towel. "It is all right Aaron," I said softly. Aaron stripped down and I had to admit that he was really hot. And not to mention really hung. I tried not to say anything.

"So what do you think?" Jesse asked.

"About what?" I asked back.

"About Aaron," Jesse asked with a smirk.

"He is hot!" I blurted out really loud. Aaron blushed. "Come on and join us." Soon I was snuggled back up to Jesse with his limp cock resting on my but cheeks. Aaron was sitting in the hot tub still looking all stiff.

"Baby," Jesse said softly.

"Yes dear?" I asked. He bent down and whispered in my ear. "You want me to what?" I asked.

"You know you want to," Jesse smirked. "Please for me?"

"You want me to suck Aaron off?" I yelped.

"I'll fuck you at the same time," Jesse purred. I had to admit that it was hot.

"What does Aaron want?" I asked softly looking at Aaron. Aaron swallowed hard. "If he doesn't want to do this."

"I don't want to mess up what you and Jesse have," Aaron said softly.

"You should know something sweetie," I said as I sat down next to him and wrapped my arms around him. "When my lover asks me to do something I do it because I love him. And I want to make him very happy. And if sucking you off and letting him watch gives him pleasure than I will happily do that," I replied reaching down and taking hold of Aaron's erect cock. I had to admit that Aaron's cock was really really hot. It was way bigger than Jesse's and it looked so yummy. I licked my lips and glanced back at Jesse. I smiled as I watched him reach for the lube. Oh Yea I knew I was going to get it from both ends. I knelt in the hot water and leaned forward and slid Aaron's cock down my throat. Making another person moan in pleasure from me felt kind of strange. But feeling Jesse's lips on my neck and his cock sliding up in me made it all feel so right. Aaron gently moved his hips forward driving his cock deep down my throat. I couldn't help but moan softly. It felt so good to have Jesse giving it to me from behind and Aaron giving it to me from the front.

"You like that sweetie?" Jesse cooed. "You like my cock up your tight ass and Aaron's cock down your throat?" I whimpered in response. "Oh yea you really like it don't you baby? Are you going to be a good lover and swallow Aaron's cum for me ok?" I whimpered again. "Good because I think it will be really hot to see you swallow his cum." Jesse was talking dirty to me and he new I loved it.

"Oh yea suck my cock stud," Aaron smirked down at me. He took out his massive tool and rubbed it along the side of my face. I wanted it back in my mouth and tried to get at it. He giggled and deliberately kept it away from me. I growled at him and to his credit he looked sheepish as he quickly slid his cock back into my mouth. Jesse laughed softly as he continued to slid his cock in and out of me.

"That's my sweetie," he said as he jabbed my prostate gland. "He knows what he wants."

I reached for my cock. "Oh no you don't," Aaron purred at me. "After your done with us it is our turn to drive you crazy."

"Oh yea sweetie," Jesse purred. "Aaron and I are going to take you to heaven again and again and again." So that was how it was. That is how I realized that Aaron and Jesse had become very important men in my life. After tonight I would wake up a changed man. I swallowed Aaron's load for him and I loved it. Jesse and Aaron worked me over with such love and tenderness that I truly thought I had indeed gone to heaven. By the time I went to sleep I had Jesse wrapped around me and Aaron laying with us. I was so comfortable and I didn't ever want it to change. Sadly it was about too.

The next morning from Jesse's point of view.

I heard him cough. I winced at the sound. He sounded sick. I looked at him and he looked sick too. I felt so sorry for him. Aaron looked at me with a worried expression on his face. He sneezed and I tried not to giggle but I had to. He was so cute. He opened his eyes. "Hey sweetie," I said softly as I touched his forehead. I frowned because he was hot.

"Morning," he groaned out. He sat up and started to shiver. I quickly wrapped my arms around him. "I don't feel good," he whimpered out.

"You have a cold," I replied rather bluntly. "You see that is what you get for trying to turn me into your personal ski bunny." Aaron snorted back a laugh. Ben glared at him and leaned against me. "Now here is what we are going to do. You are going to stay here in bed all day long. Aaron and I are going to stay with you and take care of you." Ben looked a little worried. "Hey!" I said with a pout. "We can take care of you!"

"I know," he said sadly. "I just wanted to go skiing again and watch you get all hot and sexy snowboarding again." Aaron giggled. "What?" Ben whined glaring at Aaron clinging to me. "I get to see him look hot and sexy!"

"I know you do sweetie," Aaron said softly. "But right now you are sick and you need to be taken care of." I could tell that Ben was starting to get worried. "Don't worry it will be good." There was a knock at the door. I got up to open it. Donny cam running in before I could stop him.

"Donny come back!" I said panicking. Don looked at me confused. "Ben is sick!" Don's eyes widened with fear. We heard Donnny's high pitch giggles as we saw in relief that he didn't make to Ben. Aaron had intercepted him and had safely removed him from the sick room. He was tickling Donny causing the little guy to laugh.

"What is wrong with Ben?" Don asked still looking scared.

"He has a cold," I replied. "And no you can't go in and see him. You have to be with Donny and Aiden all the time. So you can't go near him." I could tell that Don was not at all happy. Donny is still recovering." Don nodded and kissed me on the fore head.

"That is for Ben," he said softly. Than he got a naughty look on his face. "Quick hide us!" Ok this was a change. So Aaron and I hid them in the bathroom. We waited a few seconds and sure enough there was a knock at the door. I opened it up and started to laugh. Josh was there with shaving cream all over his face.

"Hi Josh," I quipped.

"Where are they?" Josh demanded. I heard little Aiden giggle.

"Haven't seen them," I said too quickly. Josh looked around and walked into the room and straight to the restroom. He opened the door and stepped in. The high pitch giggles from Donny and laughs from Don filled the room with joy. Finally they all came out. "So is someone going to let us in on the joke?" I asked.

"Well it seems that Don and Donny decided to be bad little boys and play a joke on me," Josh replied as he handed little Aiden over to a very eager Aaron. I shook my head. Aaron's face fell. "Why can't he hold Aiden?"

"Because he has been with Ben and so have I," I replied. Josh looked confused until we heard Ben sneezing from the bedroom.

"Oh," Josh said looking worried. "Sorry little fella. But you can't go with Aaron today. He has to take care of Ben today." Aiden just babbled a few times and threw in a couple of da das and snuggled back up to his daddy. It was so cute.

"So what is wrong is Ben?" Don asked all worried.

"He has a cold," I replied. "Aaron and I are going to take care of him."

"What does Aaron have to do with it?" Don asked confused.

"Well Aaron has gotten close to us," I replied. "He is worried about him too." I could tell that Don had some questions to ask. But thankfully Ben interrupted us. I heard him call for me. I looked over in the direction of the room and back to Don.

"Go to him," Don said smiling. "We are going to get out of your hair and get breakfast. Do you guys want something?"

"We were going to order room service," I replied. Don gave me a hug and kiss along with Josh too. Donny wanted to stay and play but we all convinced him not to. Aiden gurgled happily when Aaron gave him a very small kiss. Soon we were left alone again. Ben called for me again. I opened the door and peaked in. He looked so sad. My heart went out to him. His eyes was all red and puffy. I walked in and sat next to him. He leaned against me. "What's wrong sweetie?"

"I feel awful!" he grumbled as he pouted. "I wanted to go skiing with you and Aaron."

"Well you can't because you are sick sweetie. So Aaron and I are going to stay with you and take care of you," I explained to him. This had the opposite effect. Tears started to flow down his angelic face.

"I'm a horrible boyfriend!" he sobbed. "This is supposed to be our special time and I had to go and get sick." I tried hard not to laugh but failed. "It is not funny." I gently wiped the tears from his face.

"I know it isn't," I cooed down at him. "And you need to understand something. I love you and I don't want you to forget it. You're sick and yes this is our little vacation. We will have fun even if you are sick."

"I'm not going anywhere either," Aaron's voice sounded from behind us. "What you did for me last night was way way cool. No one has ever let me in like you did. So you are stuck with us." Aaron grinned widely making poor Ben blush. "Awww he is soo cute when he blushes." Ben let out a small whimper. I decided to come to poor Ben's rescue.

"Ok stop making my boyfriend blush," I smiled at Aaron. "Even though he is really cute when he does it."

"Hello!" Ben yelped out. "Sick guy here!"

"What do you want sweetie?" I asked running my hand through his damp hair.

"I want a shower," he said. "I'm all hot and sticky."

"Ok that is good. I'll help you," I replied.

"And I'll change the sheets for you," Aaron piped up. "And I'll order breakfast."

Later in the shower with Ben.

"I love you sweetie," I whispered to Ben. I know he was sick but he was so good looking. "I would love to make love to you right now."

"You can," Ben said looking up at me with those incredible eyes of his. Leave it too Ben to want to please me.

"You are sick sweetie," I said softly as I gently washed his back. "When you are better I promise we will make love."

"With Aaron?" he asked hopefully. Ok I was surprised. "He is a sweetie," Ben replied. "And you seemed to enjoy it."

"And you enjoyed it too," I replied. He blushed again. I kissed his forehead. I tried to kiss his lips only to have him inform me that he was not going to give me his cold. Even after I pouted he still refused.

"Of course I did!" he beamed. "I mean you are both really really really hot!"

"Are you sure you're ok with sharing with Aaron?" I asked carefully.

"As long as you are ok with it. I mean I don't want to do it all the time. But it is fun," he replied. I noticed that he was shivering.

"Let's get you out of the shower. You're cold," I said quickly as I turned off the water and quickly helped him out the shower and wrapped him up in a huge fluffy towel. After making sure that my very sexy sweetie was all dry we walked into the bedroom. I was surprised to see that the sheets had been cleaned and there was soft music playing. The fireplace was on and Aaron was laying on the bed reading a book. "Well this is nice," I replied. "Come on sweetie," I said softly. "Let's get you under the sheets."

"Will you join me?" Ben asked.

"For a while," I replied. "I'm going to eat breakfast with you. Aaron is going to eat with us too." Ben smiled. After breakfast Ben finally drifted off to sleep. I held him for a while and Aaron headed out to make a few calls. After making sure that my lover was sound asleep I headed out into the living room. I flipped through the channels for a while. I finally found a movie that I wanted to watch and was soon engrossed in it. At some point I fell asleep.

A few hours later from Ben's point of view.

I woke up to find that I was drenched in sweat. The sheets and comforters clung to me. I tried to fling the sheets and comforters off of me. After finally growling at the stubborn blankets I managed to get them off of me and they landed on the floor in a pile. I glared at them while sitting in the middle of the bed. I continued to glare at them as I realized that I wasn't all alone. I heard a giggle and looked up. Jesse stood at the door giggling at me. "What?" I asked. My head was all stuffed up and I ached all over the place. I felt like crap.

"What did those poor blankets do to you?" Jesse asked as he picked them up and placed them at the foot of the bed. I groaned loudly as I flopped back down on the pillows. "How are you feeling?" I groaned again. Than I realized that I was cold again. I growled in frustration and covered myself up. Again Jesse giggled softly.

"What?" I asked again.

"Even when you are sick you are so cute," Jesse said softly as he placed his hand on the side of my face. "Well at least your fever has gone down. Do you feel like some dinner?"

"What time is it?" I asked. I sounded like an old man. I cleared my throat and asked again.

"Just after six in the evening." Jesse replied as he busied himself with straightning out the blankets. "So you hungry?"

"A little," I replied. I slid out of bed and stood. I was a little unsteady but after standing a few seconds I was pretty much back to my old self. "Right now I want to take another shower."

"I'll lay out some clean boxers and jammies," Jess replied. I giggled at his reference to "jammies." "What?" he asked all innocent.

"Jammies?" I asked grinning at him. He shrugged his shoulders and started digging in my luggage.

"I want sweats," I instructed him. "Your's," Jesse looked back at me in surprise. "I like wearing your clothes."

"I like seeing you with out clothes," Jesse smirked.

"Down horny toad," I scolded him. Jesse whimpered softly. "Ok you can shower with me. But no sex. You and Aaron had to much fun last night." He pouted for a few minutes. "Sorry stud," I giggled. He snickered as he broke records in getting naked. His cock was sticking straight out and I wanted to suck him off so bad. But I wasn't feeling good and swallowing a load of cum wasn't in my best interest right now. I rolled my eyes and continued to play the tease. I knew I was going to pay for it later but right now all I wanted to do is get clean. I felt all hot and sticky.

Later from Don's point of view.

"You're worried about him aren't you?" Josh asked me as he kissed my shoulder. We had just finished making love and I was so relaxed. But he was right. I was worried about Ben. I looked up at his loving eyes and nodded. "I think he is in good hands."

"What does Jesse and Aaron know about taking care of my baby?" I said with a pout.

"Well we are on our honeymoon and Jesse and Aaron are taking care of Ben. So that means you can relax and enjoy our stay. Oh and by the way we are hitting the slopes tonight," Josh said with his eyes twinkling. "There is going to be a full moon out tonight so it should be lots of fun. And there is a bright spot to all of this."

"And that would be?" I asked as I latched onto his nipple.

"I get to see you cold and snuggly and sexy in your ski gear," Josh said softly as a soft moan escaped his mouth.

"Well right now I want to get you all hot and bothered," I snickered as I reached for his limp cock. Josh gently but firmly removed my hand from his cock. I whimpered and pouted at the same time. "Oh ok," I finally relented. "I guess it is only fair."

"Only fair for what?" Josh asked.

"Well if Ben got to turn Jesse into his personal ski bunny than it is only fair that you get to do the same to me," I replied with a straight face. This got what I wanted from Josh. He laughed full out filling the room with his musical laugh that I loved so much. "Well it is true isn't it?" Josh looked all innocent. "You do want to turn me into your personal ski bunny don't you?" I slid down so that I was face to face to his cock. It looked so yummy. I snaked out my tongue and licked the head of it. Josh let out a whimper. "What was that sweetie?" I asked in my most innocent voice. "I didn't quite get that." This time I slid his cock down my throat. Now I had him where I wanted him. Josh bucked his hips forward driving his cock further down my throat. I swallowed so his cock slid past my gag reflex. I continued to bob down so that his pupes tickled my nose. I made a humming noise around his rock hard shaft. He trembled and groaned out my name. I pulled off long enough to inform him what I wanted him to do to me. Five minutes later I was laying back licking my lips. Josh laid back breathing hard. I snuggled up to him. "Hi," I purred up at him.

"Hi," Josh gasped out. "You are a bad boy!"

"Yes I am," I giggled out. I jumped up and strattled him and laid down on top of him pressing my lips to his. After kissing him breathless I looked down at his eyes. "I want you," I growled out.

"Oh really!" Josh snickered.

"Yes!" I growled. "Can I?"

"Can you what?" Josh asked still playing the innocent one. I growled as I kissed him again. I ground my hard cock against his leg. "Oh now I get it," Josh giggled. "You want to make love to me."

"Please?" I begged him giving him my puppy dog eyes.

"Well since you said please," Josh replied. Soon I was deep in him. I know I didn't do it very often. But everyonce in a while I did want to be the one in charge. And right now I wanted to be in charge. In no time at all I had Josh moaning and begging for release. But I kept playing him. Finally I let him loose. It was so much fun to watch him cum all over his abs and chest. Seeing him cum like that was so hot that I came in him too. Fianlly we calmed down. And for once I wasn't tired. Usually after a hot sex session I was tired and needed a nap. But not tonight.

"Come on Josh," I called from the bathroom. "It is time for us to go skiing!" Josh groaned loudly as he rolled over in bed. "Come on Joshy!" I whined loudly. I ran to the bed and pulled on his hand.

"Where are you getting all of this energy?" Josh asked. I shrugged my shoulders. There was a knocking at the door. Josh quickly walked into the bathroom and closed the door. I opened it and Donny ran in.

"Hi daddy!" Donny exclaimed. "What are you and Daddy Josh doing?"

"Well we are going to go skiing," I replied. "And you are going to play in the child care area of the club."

"What about baby Aiden?" Donny asked. Well Kevin and Orlando had arrived and Kevin wanted some serious Aiden time so he invited himself to watch him.

"Uncle Kevin and Orlando are going to watch him," I replied. "Cause little Aiden can't go the child care area because he is to little and he won't have fun like you will."

"What kind of fun will I have?" Donny asked looking up at me with those really innocent eyes of his. I just wanted to pick him up and hug him. So that is what I did. I loved the way his little arms wrapped around my neck. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and of course he responded by making his usual yucky sounds. "Daddy!" he whined struggling to get losse. This of course allows me to have the chance to tickle him. And immediately the room is full of his musical laughter and squeals.

"Ok little man," I said letting him loose. "Time to go have fun."

"Ok Daddy!" Donny exclaimed as he took my hand.

"Josh honey!" I called out. Josh stuck his cute head out of the bedroomm. "I'm going to take Donny down to the child care area. Be back in a few."

"Ok love," Josh called back. So Donny and I were on our way to the child care area. Once there I was amazed at how many kids were there. I noticed that Donny was retreating into his shy shell. He clung to my leg.

"Daddy they are all strangers!" he in formed me. I smiled softly down at him.

"I know they are but they are trained to take care of kids. And you will have so much fun. They have toys and crafts and I hear they are also going to pizza and ice cream!" Donny didn't look convinced.

"Well hello there," a females voice sounded. I looked up and saw a very nice looking young lady standing there. "You must be little Donny Smith." Donny hid his face against my leg.

"He is a little shy," I replied.

"Oh he will be just fine," she said grinning as she stooped to his level. "Hey Donny. I'm Angelica."

"Hi," Donny said grinning his cute little grin.

"Are you ready to have lots of fun?" Angelica asked. He shrugged his shoulders. "Well we are going to have so much fun. We are going to play games and make crafts and than we are going to have pizza and soda and ice cream."

"Ummm ok," Donny said still not looking convinced. She extended her hand and he took it. He looked back at me.

"Ok Buddy you have fun ok?" I asked. Suddenly I was a little worried about leaving him alone. That was when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned and saw that it was Josh.

"It will be all right sweetie," he said softly. "He is just going to play for a while. We'll be back in a few hours."

"Is this the way that is going be for now on?" I asked laying my head on his chest.

"It's not that bad," Josh laughed softly. "He is coming back home to us sweetie. Now let's go skiing."

Later from Josh's point of view.

"Hi Josh!" Don yelled at me as he zipped by me. He had been doing that for the last hour. He was having so much fun. He was a very good skier. I had so much fun watching him. I was skiing too and was having the time of my life. Justin and Danny had shown up too. Danny wasn't a skier at all. It was really funny to watch Justin trying to teach him how to ski. Danny kept falling down and pulling Justin down with him. Than they would lay in the snow and snuggle and kiss. I had a feeling that Danny was doing this on purpose in order to kiss and snuggle with Justin. Justin was not complaining. "Hi Joshy!" Don yelped again as he zipped by me again. I laughed softly at him. Don was having so much fun. He looked really hot too. His face was all flushed and he was all smiles. This trip was such a good ideal. I was so happy that Don convinced me to go.

"Help!" Danny yelled as he zipped by me. I laughed as I watched as poor Justin tired to keep up with him.

"Don't sit down!" Justin instructed him.

"How do you stop these things!" Danny screeched. I shook my head as I watched Justin trying to catchup with him. Those two supplied the comedy relief. Finally Through careful instruction Justin coached Danny to a safe stop. Of course they had to congradulate each other by hugging and kissing eachother. It was a really good thing that Donny wasn't here. He would be teasing them so bad. I had to admit it looked really hot. The moon was full and it was so beautiful out with the snow and the clear clear ski. The air was so crisp and refreshing that I inhaled every breath with joy.

"Hi Josh!" Don giggled as he zipped by me again. I laughed as I too took off after him. Tonight was going to so much fun.

Later in the ski lodge sitting on the huge over stuff sofas in front of the huge crackling fireplace. It was so warm and cozy and I was so tempted to lay down in Don's lap and drift off to sleep. We were done skiing and had changed into, as Don put it, "Snuggle Clothes." Justin and Danny had joined us too. We were sipping hot drinks just enjoying eachother's company.

"So did Danny finally figure out the art of skiing?" I asked grinning at poor Justin. He looked so tired. He was laying Danny's lap. He grunted and nodded. "Did he wear you out?" I giggled.

"Hey!" Danny said with a pout. "Stop picking on Justin. He is a very good ski instructer. Not to mention a really hot and sexy one too." Don rolled his eyes. "What?" Danny demanded again looking all innocent.

"Don't worry about those two sweetie," Justin said snuggling closer to Danny. Danny gently stroked Justin's hair. If he continued doing that Justin would be soon fast asleep. But they were so cute.

"Hey sexy," Don purred. I knew that voice. He was hungry.

"What does my sexy husband want?" I asked waving down a cute waiter.

"A big juicy cheeseburger," he looked up at me. "A whole mess of fries and a chocolate milk shake!" I laughed softly at him. Don normaly ate very healthy. But this time he was being naughty. He wanted to have some junk food. And I could never refuse him. I ordered the same thing. Justin and Danny teased us about it until they ordered the same thing. All in all we all had a very good time.

"So I was thinking," Justin said in between bites of his cheese burger. "That tomorrow night we hit the slopes again. Only this time we go snow boarding." I noticed that Don got this really scared look on his face and Danny grinned really wide. Oh yea tomorrow night was going to so much fun.

"Baby," I giggled as I tried to help him into the room. You see Don had decided to celebrate the fact that Danny had finally learned how to ski. He ordered some champaigne. Well now my sweetie was a little tipsy. "Let's get you in bed."

"Ohhh goodie," Don cooed. "Now we get to have sex!" Leave it to Do to have sex on the mind. And when he has had a little to much champaigne he was also very horny. And being that I was his husband it was my very pleasurable duty to take care of him.

Later I looked down at my sleeping lover. He was all snuggled up in bed sleeping soundly. I had worn him out as usual and as usual I was all hyper and couldn't sleep. Little Donny had returned from his play date. He had so much fun. It took us about an hour to get him to sleep. Aiden was out like a light. Kevin and Orlando had played with him so much that he was all wore out too. That was when I heard it. His little babble. I smiled as I gently sid out of bed as not to wake up my sleeping lover. I sneaked out of the room and into the nursery. He was standing up in bed grinning his very cute sleepy grin. "Hey little man," I smiled down at him.

"Da da!" he belted out grinning widely. I of course had to pick him up and cuddle him close to me. He rubbed his little nose on my chest. He continued to babble and carry on his little conversation with me. It was soooo cute. I of course listened to him very carefully. I carried him to the living room and laid down on the sofa. Aiden cooed happily as I sat him on my belly. He laid down and snuggled up to me and in about five minutes he drifted off to sleep. As much as I wanted to sleep too I knew I couldn't. I got up and gently carried him back to his little room and laid him back down. I slid his teddy bear in his arms. He hugged it tightly too him and I bent down and gently kissed him on the cheek. Part of me told me I had to get back to bed to sleep with my lover. But the really big part of me wanted me to stay and watch my son sleep. He looked like such an angel. He was curled up in his portable crip with his little arm wrapped around the teddy bear. His other thumb was stuck in his mouth and he was sucking on it lightly. I gently removed the thumb from his mouth and replaced it with his pacifier. He quickly spat it out and promptly replaced his thumb. Oh well that was another battle that we would have to fight at a later time. I heard my husband call to me. I guiltily stepped out of the nursery and crept back into our room.

"Have fun with Aiden?" he asked wrapping his arms around me.

"How did you know?" I asked in shock.

"I'm a daddy too sweetie. I know these things. And besides how can you possibly refuse that little guy?" Don said grinning smugly up at me.

"How are you feeling?" I askeed as I pressed my forehead up against his.

"Very sleepy," he replied yawning. "You let me drink to much champaigne. I tried really hard not to laugh but failed. He pouted until I took pity on him.

"My poor baby," I cooed down at him. "Now be a good boy and go back to sleep." He snuggled up to me and I wrapped my arms around him and was soon sleeping soundly too.

In another town in another state. Two people meet. One is reasonably tall and the other is short and stubby.

"So what do you want to meet about?" Chris demanded.

"We have to convince Justin and JC to go back into the studio," Lance replied. "We deserve another cd."

"Are you running low on cash?" Chris asked.

"Not really," Lance replied. "But I want Nsync to stay on top."

"Lance Nsync is done," Chris sighed.

"How much money do you have left Chris?" Lance demanded. Chris didn't say anything. "Yea that is what I thought. Had any movie offers?" Again Chris didn't say anything. "Question," Chris nodded for Lance to continue. "Why should Justin continue to make hordes of money and continue to go on with his career with out us? I mean where would he be if it wasn't for us?"

"Are you jealous of Justin?" Chris asked.

"Whether I am jealous of Justin is not the point," Lance replied sighing heavily. "Whether or not we are going to end up poor is the case."

"I don't hear JC or Joey complaining," Chris added.

"Joey and JC are busy playing happy married couples," Lance sassed. "If we are going to continue to be a driving force in music and actually stand a chance at beating Backstreet than we are going to have to take matters into our own hands."

"And why are you trying to recruit me?" Chris asked. "I am happy being out of the lime light. And why do we have to be better than the Backstreet Boys?"

"Because they have a lot of fucking nerve coming back after five years!" Lance exploded. "I mean when we left the scene were the undisputed top dogs! When we left that should've been it! But no! They decided to come back! Do you know what that means?"

"No, but I am sure that you are going to tell me," Chris sighed.

"That means we are officially history!" Lance blurted out. "And I do not like to known as the defunct boy band. That is Backstreet's place not ours!"

"Oh my God!" Chris laughed. "You are so fucking petty!" Lance actually jumped back. "Who gives a rat's ass if Backstreet comes back or not. I'm happy for them! They get to continue with what they love to do. They get to sing! That is what they love to do!" Chris got up to leave only to have Lance push him back down.

"You are going to work with me on this!" Lance shouted at him. Chris got up and pushed Lance back.

"No Lance!" Chris shouted back. "You need to fucking grow up! This is not you! You are a Christian! You don't behave like this!" With that Chris walked leaving Lance in the bar alone. After about five minutes Lance shook his head and got a real confused look on his face. The ringing of his cell phone got his attention. He answered it.

"Hey sweetie," Usher's voice sounded from the other end. "Come home. I'm all lonely."

"Yea umm I'm on my way," Lance replied still looking confused. He shut the phone and put it in his pocket. Lance Bass walks out of the bar with the same confused look on his face after he hung up with Usher. He hailed a cab and instructed him to take him home.

Back at the ski resort. From Ben's point of view.

I woke up wrapped in a whole bunch of comforters. I was really hot. I sat up and pushed the comforters off. I heard a umph and immediately giggled. It had seemed that I had pushed Jesse off the bed. I peaked over the side of the bed and looked down at poor Jesse as he sat up with a bewildered look on his face. "Good morning, I said cheerfully.

"What did you do that for?" Jesse asked as he stood up and sat down next to me.

"Ummm I thought you were a pile of blankets," I admitted. "I'm sorry." He felt my forehead and smiled.

"Well at least your fever is down," Jesse replied. "How do you feel?"

I took stock of myself. My nose was still plugged up. I still had a cough. My throat was still sore. Basically I felt like crap. That meant no skiing today. That also meant no getting to see my Jesse all hot and sexy as he skied and snowboarded today. Jesse sensed my disapointment. "I know you are disapointed sweetie. But you need to get better. And I get to stay here and take care of you for another day." Jesse seemed happy about that. There was a knock at the door. Jesse hopped up and opened it. Donny came running in. "Hey buddy!" Jesse grinned down at the hyper child. "Ben is still sick."

From Jesse's point of view

Donny looked up at me with his little hands on his hips. "I wanna see my big brother," he instructed me. Something told me that the little fella was definately not taking no for an answer. Thankfully Don and Josh showed up with a very happy Aiden.

"Oh oh baby fix!" I demanded as I held out my arms. Aiden squealed with happiness at the prospect of me holding him. In the mean time little Donny was still trying to get in to see his big brother. Don took him by the hand and led him away. I guess he would explain to Donny why he had to stay away from his older foster brother for a while. Meanwhile little Aiden was babbling up at me. I of course listened very carefully. I heard a lot of Da da's and something about well I couldn't understand him. But he was sure happy to be talking to me.

"So what are you going to be doing today?" Josh asked as he took little Aiden from me. I pouted for a few seconds and Josh gave him back to me. I was very happy to have him back in my arms. For some reason I was getting really comfortable around little babies.

"We are not going to do much. Ben is still sick so we will probably stay inside," I replied.

"This is not what he had planned when he planned this little get away," Josh sighed. I looked down at little Aiden as he stuck my finger in his mouth and started to suck. I smiled down at him.

"I know it isn't but I love him. And staying here with him is what I want to do," I repliede. It was at this point that I felt a very small and sharp object peirce my skin. "Ow!" I yelped as I pulled my finger from Aiden's mouth. I gently probed his little mouth open and sure enough there was a very small white tooth sticking out. "Look Adien's first tooth!" I exclaimed. I quickly handed him back over to Josh. Josh peaked in and started to baby talk to him.

"Ohh my!" Josh cooed down at him. "He is a big boy now!" Adien squirmed happily in his arms. "Yes he is!" Don came walking in with a very happy Donny.

"I got to see Ben!" Donny said happily as he ran over to his Daddy Josh and hug him around his leg.

"He didn't get to close," Don assured me. "What's this I heard about Aiden bitting you?"

"Yea the little guy has a tooth," I replied. Of course Josh had to be the proud pappa and show Don Aiden's new tooth. They praised the little guy. He of course took it all in. Oh yes Aiden was destined to be a little drama queen. He was so cute! Speaking of Drama Queens.

"Hello!" Ben called out. "Lonley sick boy friend in here! Come in here and pay attention to me!" Josh and Don busted up laughing. I blushed like an idiot.

"We'll get out of your hair," Josh said letting me kiss little Aiden on the cheek. Don hugged me and little Donny high fived me. After they left I quickly rushed back into our room. Ben was snuggled under the covers looking very comfortable. He smiled his very sweet and sexy grin at me.

"Hi!" Ben giggled. "It is about time you came back in here to spend time with me. I was getting all lonely!"

"Oh really I asked. I wondered why the covers were all the way up to his chin. "Ummm why are you laying in bed like that?" I asked.

"I'm cold," Ben giggled. But I noticed that he had a naughty glint in his adorable eyes.

"Yea right," I replied with a smirk on my face. I gently but firmly pulled the comforters and sheets away to reveal that my sweetie was indeed cold. Because he was stark naked. And he had a hard on. He grinned his usual naughty grin. "Well I can certain understand why you are cold."

"Well I wanted to be naked with my sweetie," Ben explained. "Now get all busy and take off all of your clothes and we can be naked together!"

"Why?" I asked. I mean I liked to possibility of being naked with my lover all day. Than I decided to get naughty too. "I mean what is in it for me?"

"Oh I think we can think of something," he giggled. Yep he was definately feeling much better. He was horny and he would not be denied.

"I think we need to iron this deal out," I said as I leisurely took off my shirt. Ben swallowed hard and this time I giggled.

By the time I was done with Ben he was out like a light. I knew he was still not feeling all that well. I knew he needed to sleep and well I kinda sorta wore him out. I did have to admit it was alot of fun. After showering and donning the big fluffy robes I plopped myself down infront of the tv and flipped through the channels until I found a good show. This was a good time in my life. Not to much drama. Well if you call Ben freaking out every once in a while drama which I didn't. That was Ben. That was my cute sexy adorable Ben. It was amazing that I had fallen in love with him so quickly. I hoped that this would never end.

In Orlando in Lance's office.

"I don't care what you have to do!" Lance shouted into the phone. "My back account is not getting any bigger! It is getting smaller! Kidnap him if you have to!"

"I can't do that Mr. Bass," the man on the other end answered him. "They have security around him 24/7."

"Well than do something!" Lance screamed into the phone before hanging up in a rage. He heard a knock at the door. "What?" he demanded in a nasty tone of voice. The door peaked open and Usher stuck his head in. Lance's face immediately soften. "Hi sweetie," Lance cooed at him. He walked into Usher's open arms and allowed the larger man to envelope him in an embrace. It made Lance feel safe and loved. "Hey beautiful," Lance purred as he kissed Usher on the nose. "What are you doing here?"

"I thought I would take this really cute tall blonde hunk to lunch," Usher purred back. "I mean if the really tall cute blonde hunk is available."

"Oh I think he is," Lance giggled. "Let me finish up here." Lance at down at his desk and looked around. He looked confused almost lost. He shook his head and looked up at Usher and saw the concern on Usher's face. Lance quickly shut down his computer and called the secretary and informed her that he would be out for a few hours. "Ok all ready," he said beaming a smile at Usher. Just as they were leaving his phone rang. He picked it up.

"Mr. Bass," his secretary answered. "Kevin Richardson from the Backstreet Boys is on the line for you."

"Thank you Candie," Lance replied as he picked up the other line. "Hey Kevin, how is it going?"

"Going just fine Lance," Kevin's deep voice sounded from the other side of the line. "I was just wondering if you and Usher were comming to the wedding."

"Wouldn't miss it for the world," Lance smiled. "Got the plane tickets all ready. We leave later tongiht."

"Good," Kevin said happily. "I guess we will see you at the resort." After exchanging good byes Lance hung up.

"Ready to go and eat?" Usher asked. Lance nodded and allowed Usher to take his arms and guided him out of his office.

In New York just as Chris was leaving his office a dark van pulls up along side him. He looks at it and shruggs his shoulders. It was when the door opened and grabbed him and pulled him inside did Chris realize that something was truly wrong. He struggled to get free but felt the sharp end of an needle in his arm and soon passed out. The last thing he remembered was one of the masked men saying. "Tell Jimmy we have him!"

In Usher's car Lance's phone rings. Lance's face hardens and he answers it.

"We have him boss," a voice replies.

"Good," Lance replies. "Keep him on ice until I can talk to him." Lance turns off his phone.

"Who was that love?" Usher asks softly looking lovingly at Lance. Lance shakes himself as if in a daze.

"Just some friends playing a pratical joke," Lance replied looking confused. Usher frowned too. It didn't sound like a joke. But he looked at Lance's innocent face and let it go. Lance met Usher's eyes and smiled his very sexy grin at him. Usher smiled back. "So where is my very sexy stud taking me for lunch?"

"It's a surprise!" Usher said cheerfullyl. He laughed full out when he saw Lance's pout. "And Pouting my dear will not work."


Next: Chapter 25

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