Picking Up the Pieces of My Life

By JC Fanfic

Published on Mar 1, 2005


A Work of Fiction by JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications (c) Copyright 2004

Disclaimer: All Characters and situations of this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people and actual situations is purely coincidental. All fictional characters and fictional situations portrayed in this work of fiction remains the property of JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications. Republishing of this work of fiction is strictly forbidden unless permission as been given by JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications. Permission granted to Nifty Archives for the sole purpose of posting on the Boy Bands section of the Archives. Permission may be obtained by e-mailing JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications at JC_Fan_Fiction@yahoo.com


Comments are welcome too. Constructive Comments and advice are welcome. Honest opinions are welcome as well. And if you want to vent all over me as long it is good natured than feel free too do that to.

E-mail me at JC_Fan_Fiction@yahoo.com

Picking the Pieces of my Life: Chapter 18

From Don's point of view.

"What happened to all the dirty dishes in the sink?" I asked Josh looking around. Infact that entire kitchen was spotless. And I knew that JC and I had left the kitchen in a mess. "Josh sweetie," I said looking worried. "Is our Ben a clean freak?" My remark made Josh laugh softly. "Josh! He is Fifteen years old getting ready to turn sixteen in a couple of days. He shouldn't have to worry about cleaning my house. He should be having fun."

"Don't question it sweetie," Josh said as he kissed me on the cheek. "Just go with the flow."

"Speaking of going with the flow I'm going to wake up Ben and see if Jesse got in ok," I replied. I headed down stairs to wake up Ben. I ran into a sleepy Justin and Danny as they walked past me. "Good morning," I said cheerfully. They grunted something that I couldn't really understand. I finally reached the guest room and I knocked on the door. "Jesse?" I called out softly. I didn't get an answer. "Jesse?" I called out again. I guess he was in the shower. I headed to Ben's room and knocked on it and opened the door. That was when I got the shock of my life. There laying in bed with his arms and legs wrapped around my foster son was Jesse McCartney. I looked at Ben and smiled. Ben was so cute and so relaxed. And Jesse was a cutie too. Than that was when I started to panic. I quickly left the room and ran up stairs. "Oh my God!" I gasped out. "Ben is in bed with Jesse!" I yelped. "What are we going to do?" I looked at JC standing there leaning against the counter with a rare cup of coffee in his hands. He smiled softly at me. "Josh! what are we going to do?" JC walked over to me and took me in his arms.

"We are going to go down stairs and see what is going on first," Josh said softly kissing me on the lips. "Than we are going to sit down and talked to Ben and make sure that he knows what he is doing." On the way out of the kitchen he grabbed the camera.

From JC's point of view.

I couldn't help but smile at Don. He was so cute when he was all worried. But for some reason I knew it was going to be all right. When we got to Ben's door Don knocked on the door and opened it. The sight was adorable. Ben was laying in bed on his side with Jesse Wrapped around him. Both of them were fully clothed and asleep. I quickly took a picture of them. You know for black mail material. After we were back up stairs I tried to calm a very nervous Don. "Sweetie it is going to be just fine."

"But they are sleeping together. They just met!" Don insisted.

"They are sleeping sweetie. They're not having sex," I reason with them. "And they looked so cute!" I cooed as I looked down at the replay on the camera. "Infact I am going to print these pictures so I can show them to Ben when he gets up."

"You're really not taking this seriously," Don said frowning. "Ben just got out of the hospital yesterday. Is he ready to jump into a relationship?"

"I don't think he is jumping into anything. I'll tell you what I think. I think two teens got up in the middle of the night, got the munchies, raided the kitchen and than went back to the bedroom to play video games and fell asleep," I tried to reason. "Trust me sweetie, no sex happened in that room last night." I could see the weight lift off of Don's shoulders. "Now can we eat breakfast?"

"Daddyyyy!" Donny whined. "I'm hungry!"

"I guess we should start breakfast," Don quipped.

"What's for breakfast?" Justin piped up as he and Danny walked in. I noticed that Danny was walking really funny. Justin gave Danny kiss on the forehead. Danny blushed and looked down. "We're really hungry!"

"Well no wonder you're really hungry," Ben piped up as he and Jesse walked in Both of them had really bad cases of bed head. Ben looked so tired that I couldn't help but feel sorry for them. Jesse looked almost as bad as Ben. Jesse giggled and looked at Danny and smirked. "Some people really want to sleep you know."

"Yea we're sorry about keeping you up so late," Justin said softly. "So I see you and Jesse met."

"Yea we met," Jesse replied softly. "We actually met last night trying to get some sleep."

"Oh that reminds," I spoke up. "I've got a picture to show you guys." I said passing the eight by ten photo I had just printed out.

"Awww aint they cute!" Danny cooed at the picture. Justin snatched the pictured and awwed over it too. Ben finally snatched it and looked at it and blushed.

"I want to see it too!" Jesse demanded. Ben reluctantly handed the picture over to Jesse. He looked at it and smiled while looking at Ben. I could see Justin doing a happy dance in his head. It was obvious that Jesse was definately taking a shine to Ben. And I could tell that Ben had the hots for him too. They were standing so close to eachother with out touching eachother. It was so cute. Don finally sighed and walked up to them and took Jesse's hand and Ben's hand and made them hold hands.

"There much better," Don said grinning. Ben and Jesse looked at each other and smiled shyly and blushed and looked down. "Awww aren't they soooo cute!"

"Ok sweetie," I stepped in hoping to stop him from embarassing Ben and Jesse to death. "Stop making them blush. You two hungry?"

"Starving!" Ben said rubbing his tummy. "What's to eat?"

"Food as soon as you all clear out so I can cook it," Don scolded us as he hearded us all out. I wanted to stay and help him cook but Justin voluntered to help. He wanted to talk about work related stuff to him. So we all headed out into the living room to watch tv. When we got there we were surprised to see Donny very busy with Usher. Usher had this help me look on his face as he was trying to hang up a giant bat on the ceiling.

"No no!" Donny exclaimed with his little hands on his hips. "In the center!" Danny hurried to help Usher. In the mean time Donny latched onto Ben and Jesse recruiting them in helping decorating the house. It was so cute to watch them in action. Ben and Jesse never really strayed to far away it was obvious that they were really forming some sort of bound. What kind of bound that was was yet to be determined. "Daddy Josh!" Donny interupted my thoughts. "When can we carved the pumpkins?" I looked down and smiled at him. He was holding one. It made a cute picture. And I of course had to take a picture of it. The Pumpkin was really big and Donny's little head popped up over the top of it. Like I said it made a really cute picture. It was so obvious that Donny was excited about halloween. You couldn't help but get excited with him. "I want to decorate the whole house!"

"And we will Donny," I smiled down at him "But right now we have to eat breakfast. You need to eat a big healthy breakfast and don't forget you have your nurse comming today." Donny's face took on a down cast look when I mentioned the nurse. It was another reminder that this fight for his life was far from over. I hoped that the visit went well at least for today. It did us a lot of good to see him all happy as he ran around the house decorating it. Poor Usher and Danny and Ben and Jesse were really getting an eary morning work out as Donny bossed them around.

"Umm JC?" Jesse asked me softly.

"Yea?" I asked back. I saw him cast a look of sympathy towards Donny. "He has leukemia."

"Ohh," Jesse said his eyes getting wet. "I hate to see little kids all sick. They shouldn't have to worry about this kind of stuff."

"Jesse!" Donny said pulling on his hand. Again I was amased how quickly Donny warmed up to Jesse. But than again Donny warmed up to people really easy anyway. I mean after all he was a cutie. "Come on and help me!" Jesse laughed and allowed him self to be pulled outside to help Donny with something. Only God knows what Donny had planned.

"Where is Jesse?" Ben asked looking around. I pointed to outside. He smiled and hurried outside. I watched and snorted back a laugh as I watched Donny and Jesse wrestle with a very large inflatable Frankenstien Monster. Thankfully Ben was there to help. Yep today was going to be a lot of fun.

"AuuuugghhH!" I jumped when I felt a pair of arms surround me. I turned to see a naughty Don snuggling up to me. "Oh it's you!"

"Yes sweetie," Don giggled. "Justin had to go take a shower and now I need some help in the kitchen." He gently but firmly pulled me along. When we finally got to the kitchen he leaned me against the counter and pressed his lips to mine and kissed me breathlessly. "Now stand here and look pretty!"

"I thought I was supposed to help?" I asked frowning.

"Oh you are," Don said giggling. "I need eye candy this morning."

"Oh so that is all I am good for," I giggled.

"Oh no you are much more than just eye candy," Don said as he cracked eggs into a bowl. I walked over to help him. "No, you are supposed to look pretty."

"I want to help," I whined.

"Ok beat these eggs for me," Don said as he handed me the bowl of cracked eggs and a whisk. "And than go back to looking pretty." I sighed as I beat the eggs with the wisk. I watched as Don worked in the kitchen. As usual he was wearing a sleevless shirt. I enjoyed watching his lean but well formed muscles work under his skin. "You done?" he asked looking back over me. I nodded. "Good now look pretty." I just laughed as I leaned against the counter. It was obvious that Don was in one of his moods again. Than I got this relly naughty idea.

"Ohhh Don?" I asked. He jerked his head around to look at me. I slid off my shirt and tossed it to the floor. He swallowed hard and turned back to the stove. "Is this enough eye candy for you." I walked up to him and lifted up his shirt and pressed my chest to his back. "Well?" I pressed on.

"You are being a bad boy," he scolded me. I giggled softly and backed off. "I love you."

"I love you sweetie," I said as I walked back to my counter and leaned against it. About minute later I was standing there in the nude. Don turned around and yelped and dropped the spatula on the floor. I giggled as I allowed myself to get hard. He licked his lips and walked towards me.

"Daddy!" demanded Donnie.

"Oh shit!" I yelped as I grabbed my clothes and dived into the pantry. I could hear Don laughing his head off. I quickly dressed myself grumbling to myself about no sex this morning. I stepped out and started laughing at poor Don. Donny was trying to convince him to dress up as a mummy. It was really funny watching Donny trying to wrap his daddy up while his daddy was trying really hard to cook breakfast. I decided to step in. "Umm you two having fun?" Don looked at me with this really cute help me expression on his face. "Donny?" I asked softly. I knew I was going to regret this. Oh the things I did for love. "Ummm Daddy wants to be dracula."

"But we need a mummy!" Donny insisted as he continued to happily wrap his daddy as Don gave me a help me look. I grinned and snatched the camera and snapped a picture of Donny trying to wrap his daddy up like a mummy. Don growled softly at me and gave me this really cute help me look. Yep I was sunk hook line and sinker. Sighing heavily I looked at the happy little boy who was fighting for his life. This was his day. In fact every day for now was his. Every day while he fought this cancer thing was his.

"I have an idea," I piped up. "Why don't I be the mummy and you can wrap me up!"

"Ok Daddy Josh," Donny quickly agreed. I winked at Don and laughed as I heard him whimper softly. I promised to make it up to him later. But right now I had to convince Donny that dressing me up like a mummy this early in the day wasn't such a good idea. Like I said the things I do for love.

From Ben's point of view.

This little Donny was a cutie. After he came back happily from the kitchen he latched onto Jesse and drug him out of the house. I of course had to follow them and see what they were up too. I wasn't disapointed at all. I sat down on a bench and watched as Donny bossed Jesse around. I thrilled at Jesse's laugh as Donny was trying to explain something to him. Jesse turned and smiled at me. God his smile drove me wild. He was sooo cute.

Ohhh man he caught me looking at him again. Jesse grinned at me as he continued to work on the scarecrow thingy that Donny had him working on. It was really cute to watch him take orders from a four year old. But he was such a sweetie. He followed the four year old around and helped him in everything he did. I followed them around too helping out wherever I could. Finally Don called for breakfast. It was nice to eat in a normal house with normal people. "Hurry!" Justin ordered me as he shoved an empty plate in my hands. "You better get busy or you are not going to get anything to eat." I grabbed my plate and headed for the buffet. I of course sat next to Jesse. I was amazed at the amount of food he could put away. Than I remembered he was a singer and a dancer. He was used to working out all the time. No wondered he had this mega appetite. Speaking of appetites I was hungry too so I dived in. I was starting to look forward to helping Donny and the rest of the house get ready for Halloween when Justin reminded me that today was indeed going to be very long.

"Ok Ben time to go shopping!" Justin exclaimed rubbing his hands together. "Come on Don, Jesse and Danny."

"Do we really have to do this?" I pleaded with Josh. Josh just shook his head and laughed. "What?" I asked. I was actually getting scared. I had heard on the internet about Justin's famous shopping sprees.

"Don't worry," Josh soothed me hugging me. "It is going to be just fine."

"I'm glad you think so," I muttered. "You're not the victim here."

"Come on it will be fun!" Justin said all smiles.

"Yea we have to get all the stuff a typical fifteen-year-old boy needs," Don said grinning. "Plus it gives me a good excuse to shop!"

"Yea me too!" Danny piped up.

"Yea I could use some new threads too," Jesse added. So this was it. This was gang up on the new kid. Oh well I'll just have to grin and bear it.

Much later.

"Here try this on!" Jesse demanded as he shoved a shirt in my hand.

"And this too!" Justin ordered as he tossed a pair of pants at me.

"When you finish trying those on try these on too," Don said pointing to a huge pile of clothes. Oh yea this was going to be a long day. "Come on come on, time is a wasting!"

After an hour of trying on clothes.

"Next we hit the electronics store!" Don announced.

"Why me?" I whimpered.

"Hey!" Don said wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "My very cute and adorable Foster Son needs to be fly!"

"I'm not really going ot get around this am I?" I asked the guys all surrounding me. They all shook their heads no. "Fine but I am not getting any tattoos or peircings!"

"We'll see," Justin said with a smirk.

"Yea he would look realy hot with an ear ring," Jesse said grinning a wide and innocent grin. He looked like a kid who was having the time of his life. He was having the time of his life shopping for me. I had to admit a very happy Jesse was a very sexy and cute Jesse.

"No ear ring!" I insisted. That was when he won my heart hook line and sinker. He gave me the pout of all pouts. That was it. I was in love. "Oh no not the pout!" I groaned out.

"Did it work?" Jesse asked grinning hopefully.

"Fine!" I grumbled. "One ear ring and that is it!" Everyone seemed very pleased about the fact that they got one peircing out of me. For the rest of the morning and part of the afternoon I was pulled from one store to another. They made sure that I got all my favorite music cds replaced. Jesse had so much fun autographing his for me. That started the rest of the guys autographed the cd too. I let them have their fun.

"Ok, time for your peircing!" Justin reminded me. "Oh and we have to do something with the hair!"

"What's wrong with my hair?" I yelped.

"Nothing sweetie," Don replied. "It just needs to redone according to Jess and Justin. Why don't you three have fun at the palor while I go call Josh."

"You can't let me go in their with those three guys!" I begged. I looked back and saw the very naughty grins on Justin's, Danny's and Jesse's faces. That was when I got real nervous. "I'm not going to get out of this am I?"

"Nope!" Justin said gleefully grabbing my arm. "Come on Jesse, let's have some fun!"

From Don's point of view.

I watched as Justin, Danny, and Jesse dragged poor Ben off to get his hair redone and his ear peirced. Poor Ben he looked like he was going to the executioner. It was so cute. But right now I had to call Josh. I needed to know how Donny was doing with Usher and him. We had left those two alone with Donny. And as much decorating that Donny was doing I was little worried just how tired Josh and Usher was going to be after Donny was done with them.

From JC's point of view.

I was in the office that Don had set up for me. I was working on a piece of music for my next CD, that is of course if there was going to be another solo cd. I looked up out the window and giggled at the sight of Donny running by the front window with a very large plastic pumpkin in his arms. The pumpkin was almost as large as he was. Thank God it was plastic. Usher was chasing him around with an extension cord. I watched in amusement as Donny sat it down and stood back with his little hands on his hips. Trixy and Spot was sitting looking at the pumpkin and back at Donny. Donny shook his head and trotted over to the pumpking and picked it back up and trotted over to the otherside of the yard and sat it down and stood back and looked at it again and nodded. Usher heaved and sigh of relief and proceded to help Donny plug it in. Usher was such a good sport staying here and helping Donny decorate the house for the halloween party. I snorted back a laugh when I heard Spot and Trixy barking. I also heard the deep laugh of Usher and the high pitch giggles of Donny. Yes today was definately turning out to be fun. Especially since the doctor gave Donny the green light to be a kid for the day. The Dr. Ratigan and his nurse had already come and gone. They assured me that Donny was doing as well as could be expected. He was going to have to go back into hospital in a week for another dose of Chemo. Donny wasn't at all happy about that and he shed a few tears over it but I was able to cheer him up. Of course Dr. Ratigan got invited to Donny's halloween party and he swore that he was going to come. So that did a lot to cheer up Donny. Now he was busy running around the yard with plastic ghosts and pumpkins and skeletons as tall as me and recruiting an international R&B star to help him hang them from trees. Then came the inflatable monsters and Usher was following him around helping his new little friend. I had managed to steal a few pictures of the two of them working together. The alarm sounded and I realized that I had to be the bearer of bad news. It was time for Donny's nap. I got up and walked to the front door and walked out. The smell of fresh air hit me as I stepped onto the front porch. I had to smile at the sight. The front yard was really looking scary, in a cute kiddie sort of way. "Ok done," Donny announced to the world. I looked to my left and spotted them as they stepped away from the larger than life inflatable dracula.

"Thank god," Usher sighed as he wiped the sweat from his brow. "You are a slave driver little dude."

"The house has to look scary!" Donny announced with his little hands on his hips.

"Well this looks really scary!" I spoke up making my pressence known.

"Hi daddy Josh!" Donny exclaimed loudly as he ran up to me and hugged my leg. "Did we do a good job?"

"Yes son, you and Usher did a wonderful job!" I said winking at Usher. "Now it is time for your lunch and your nap."

"Oh do I have too?" Donny pleaded with a pout. Usher choked back a laugh. "I'm not tired!"

"I know you're not sweetie but you need your rest and I know for a fact that Usher is tired. You don't want to get tired out before the halloween party now do you?" I reasoned. "All of your friends are going to be here."

"Oh no I don't want to be tired. I'll take a nap Daddy Josh! I promise!" Donny promised as his little head knodded up and down so fast that I honestly thought that maybe his head would fall off. "And Usher should take a nap too so he won't be tired too!" Usher tried really hard not to laugh but failed.

"Good," I smiled as I hugged him. "Now be good boy and eat your lunch."

"Ok Daddy Josh!" Donny exclaimed as he took off running to the house.

"Does he ever slow down?" Usher asked as we walked into the house.

"Yea he does," I replied. "And he will go alot slower in a few weeks I'm afraid."

"You guys are so brave," Usher said as he frowned. "I don't think I could handle having a son that is that sick. He is such a cutie and to have so sick must be heartbraking."

"It can be," I said stiffly. "But seeing his little smile and hearing him laugh reminds us just how special he is."

"He is a special little guy," Usher agreed.

"Ever thought becomming a dad?" I asked.

"I don't think I could ever be any good being a dad," Usher mumbled. "I don't have the strength or the courage to do something that big."

"You are so great with Donny," I reminded. "I think you would be a great daddy some day."

"Well time will tell," Usher replied. "But right now, I don't think so."

"You might change your mind," I replied. "Well I gotta little boy to put to bed."

"Yea I gotta make a few calls and get back to work. This extended vacation is about over," Usher said with some regret. I watched as Usher walked out of the room.

"Daddy Josh!" demanded Donny. "Come eat lunch with me!" I had to talk to that boy. He was getting to be really bossy. It was cute and all. I walked into the kitchen and had to smile. He was trying to fit the entire peanut butter and jelly sandwhich in his mouth all at once.

"Here let me cut that in half sweetie," I suggested as I took the sandwhich from him and cut it in half and gave it back to him. I poured him glass of milk and cut up an apple for him. After making sure he had a reasonbly healthy lunch I got my lunch ready too. It was a simple salad and glass of ice water. Yea I know I'm skinny as a rail but Don loved me that way and I was going to stay this way. Besides I looked sexy skinny and I liked being sexy. I know it sounded vein but what the hey! That is what my lover liked and what he liked is what he got. It took me a while to get Donny fed and snuggled in bed for his nap. After several trips to the water cooler and several chapters of Harry Potter Donny finally drifted off to sleep. I went back to work. I had a song I wanted to get done before the gang came back home. I knew that once they got back home it was going to be impossible to get any work done. Soon I was engrossed in my work and was really bopping to my music when I felt a pair of lips grace my bare shoulderblade. I looked up to see the loving and tired eyes of my sweetie staring down at me. "Hey love," I said softly pulling his head down so I could get access to his very sexy lips. After kissing him rather breathlessly I let him up for air and smirked at the dazed look on his face. "Did you have fun shopping maxing out all of your credit cards?"

"Tired," he mumbled as he sat down next to me and laid his head on my shoulder. "What are you working on?"

"Another song," I replied.

"Can I hear it?" he asked yawning widely.

"No sweetie," I giggled. "You can't hear it until I am done with it. Why don't we go up stairs and lay down for a while before the party?"

"Ok," he said yawning again. "But only for an hour. I have so much work to do before the party."

"Yes sweetie," I replied as I stood up and pulled him up too and walking up stairs to our room. I was anxious to feel his bare flesh against mine. No! Not sex! I just wanted to be close to him is all. "We'll just sleep long enough to recharge your batteries."

From Ben's point of view.

"I don't know if I like it," I said as I stared into the mirror. I saw a platnum blonde kid staring back with black streaks in his hair. This was Jesse's and Justin's idea. I saw the glitter of the diamond earing catch my eye. "I guess it looks ok."

"OK!" yelped Jesse. "You look really really hot. I would so do you!" It came out so fast that none of us really expected it. Than the uncomfortable silence filled the air. "Ummm did I say that out loud?" Jesse asked cringing.

"Umm yea," I replied grinning. "Why would you want to do me?"

"You are so hot," Jesse admitted blushing.

"You're hot too but I'm a big nobody!" I argued. I saw the confusion and hurt rage across Jesse's face.

"No you're not," he said with his face frowning. "You are not a nobody!"

"Yes I am," I muttered. Jesse took his strong hands and grabbed my shoulder and turned me around so that I was facing him.

"Don't ever say that again!" Jesse scolded me. "You are really hot and cute and sweet and can I kiss you?"

God I wanted to hear him ask me that since last night when I first laid eyes on him. There was only one answer for his question. "Yes!" I blurted out. Jesse got this really wide grin on his face. Than he got real serious and took my face in his hands and gently brought his lips to mine. The second they touched I couldn't help it. I let out whimper as the emotions raged through me. I loved the feel of his lips on mine. I felt his tongue gently probing my lips. I wondered briefly if I wanted this and than I heard his soft little moan and I threw caution to the wind and parted my lips. Wow! What a kisser. His tongue darted into my mouth probing and tasting everything it could get too. I couldn't help it. I let out a little whimper as my tongue joined his. I tasted him too and I got dizzy from the taste and feel his lips and tongue. I noticed something else too. Jesse had gently but firmly pushed me onto the bed and was taking control of the situation. I was laying on the bed with him on top of me. He was grinding into my body and his hands were on the side of my waist. I was so hard that I thought I was going to cum right than and there. I could feel every inch of his body as he ground into me as the kissing got hotter and hotter. This was way better than jerking off. Way better than anything I had ever dreamed of. Finally he broke away looked at me with a dazed look. "ummm wow!" I gasped out. Yea I know it wasn't the greatest thing that I had ever said. But wow was the only thing that came to mind.

"Yea umm what you said," Jesse said shaking his head as he laid down beside me. "Soo this is what it feels like."

"What feels like?" I asked still reeling from a ll emotions raging through me.

"Love," Jesse whispered. "I mean I feel so alive. I mean I think I love you!"

"I think I love you too," I blurted out. "God you are like this really hot kisser!" We were quiet for a few minutes.

"I want to love you," Jesse whispered as he propped himself up on his elbow. "I mean I'm pretty sure that I love you but I want to be sure."

"Me too," I agreed looking into his eyes. He was sooooo hot! "So where do we go from here?"

"We date!" Jesse said grinning really wide. "I want to have fun going on dates and hanging out and stuff. You know doing what normal teens do."

"I would really really really like that," I babbled. He giggled and looked down and blushed. God he was soo cute when he did that.

"What's so funny?" I demanded as I yawned reallly wide. This really made him laugh. "What?" I demanded pouting.

"You're so cute," he said looking up at me through the hair that hung in his eyes. "I love the way you said really like three times."

"I didn't want there to be any misunderstanding," I quiped. Jesse just smiled and shook his head. I yawned again. That had to be really impressing. Yawning in my new boyfriends face. He just laughed. "Hey it is not my fault that you guys took me on a shopping spree."

"Want to take a nap?" Jesse asked his eyes sparkling.

"Yea that would be nice," I said as I laid down on the bed. To my surprise Jesse gave me another kiss. This one was as good if not better than the first. I was definately going to enjoy kissing him.

"Ok, sleep tight," Jesse said as he walked out. "I'll wake in a couple of hours." I was so happy! I had been kissed twice by a great looking boy. And he liked me too! I wanted to stay awake and think about this but I couldn't. I was so sleepy. Finally I drifted off to sleep.

From Justin's point of view.

I watched as Jesse rock to his music he was working. I noticed that Jesse was really really happy. I decided to find out why. I walked into JC's make shift Studio and sit down next Jesse. "So why are you in such a good mood?" I asked lifting the head set off his ear.

"I kissed him! Oh my God. Oh my God, I kissed him." Jesse blurted out. "I'm in love!" I couldn't help it. I had to laugh at him. He was so adorable. "He is so cute! And not to mention a really good kisser! And he is really reallly hot too" Jesse thought back to when he kissed Ben. He had kissed boy before. Usually it was really quick. Not much passion. Just a quick peck on the lips and maybe if you were really lucky maybe a little tongue. But with Ben he was great. He allowed Jesse to take control. That was how Jesse wanted it. He wanted to control the kiss. And at the same time he wanted Ben to control the kiss too. It was a mutual exchange. And Ben could do all of those things. He was such a sweetie. When Ben whimpered as Jesse's tongue parted his lips Jesse thought he was going to cum right than and there. To think that he had managed to make someone react that way to something that he had done made Jesse really think. He loved the idea of him being able to make someone do that. A hand waved in front of him and he shook his head. He saw Justin's smirk and he blushed and looked down. "I umm think I love him," Jesse finished.

From Jesse's point of view

"Good," Justin said softly. Than something happened. Justin got this real serious look on his face. "Don't hurt him. Ben has been through a lot of crap lately. His parents threw him out when they found that he was gay. He tried to commit suicide and ended up in the hospital. Than his parents decided to keep him than they changed their minds at the last minute. It was hell for him. So if you love him than treat him right. Cause if you don't love him and you're just using him for sex. I gotta tell you that some people in this house are not going to take kindly to that. You might end up with a sore ankle."

"Sore ankle?" I asked confused.

"Yea Donny doesn't like people hurting people he loves," Justin said with a small smile. "He's been known to kick people in the ankle who hurt his daddy or his friends. Donny is very loyal." I had to smile at that. I could see Donny doing that. You could see it in his eyes. He loved his family and his friends.

"Don't worry Justin," I said grinning. "I'm not going to hurt him. We want to date and stuff like that. We want to get to know each other really well."

"Good for you," Justin replied. "I'll let you get back to your music." Justin gave me a quick hug and left the room. I turned back to what I was doing. In no time at all I was enjoying the beat to my music and was lost again in my music.

From Don's point of view.

I woke to find myself wrapped up with Josh. I tried to get out from under him but he had a hold on me that wouldn't let go. "Josh," I said softly. He grunted and held on tighter. "Josh!" I said louder.

"Don't go," Josh mumbled in his sleep. "I'll get cold." I giggled at his repsonce. He was so cute when acted like that.

"Josh I have to go to the bathroom," I whined. He eased up on his hold and I slid out from under him. I looked back and smiled at him. He had snatched my pillow and had hugged it close to him. And he had slid over to my spot. I kissed him on the fore head and trotted off to the bathroom. After a quick shower and a clean change of clothes I decided to go and see how our foster son was doing. I walked down stairs to the down stairs apartment. What I saw made me smile. Ben was sitting in the middle of the bed with this dazed look on his face. His stuff was all around him. "Don't know where to start?" I asked sitting next to him.

"Yea I kinda don't know where to start," Ben said shaking his head.

"Why don't we start with your computer," I suggested. I had made sure that Ben had the best computer desk for his computer and printer.

"Did you have to get me a lap top too?" Ben asked scruching up his nose.

"Yes I did," I replied with a grin. "You're going to need a portable computer for your school and stuff. You're also going to need to lap top to load all of your music on so you can listen to your music while you are doing your computer stuff."

"Ummm ok," Ben replied still not sure. "This is a lot of stuff."

"All stuff that a teenager needs to be cool and ready," I replied with a grin.

"Yea but why?" he asked scrunching up his nose. "I mean a digital camera?"

"Yea for your special dates with Jesse," I replied grinning. "Smile!" I instructed him as I snapped a quick one. After it finished recording I looked at it. "You're cute," I said showing it too him. He just blushed. "Well you are." He blushed deeper.

"Ok stop making him blush," spoke up the voice of angels.

"Sweetie!" I exclaimed looking back to see him standing there looking all hot an sexy. "What are you doing up?"

"Well I woke up and found that the bed was empty. Someone decided to leave me all alone," Josh replied with a pout. He walked across the room and sat next to Ben. "So what are you two doing?"

"We're getting his stuff put away," I replied as I dumped a bag of clothes on the bed. "And you are just in time to help!"

"No sweetie," Josh replied. "Remember, I have a date with Donny so he can wrap me up as a mummy."

"Oh yea," I giggled. "He is going to hold you to that you know."

"Yea I know," Josh smiled. "He sure loves halloween." It was at this point where we heard the thunder of little feet. In about five seconds Donny came bounding in with Trixy and Spot running behind him.

"Ok Daddy Josh!" Donny exclaimed. "You have to let me make you a mummy." Ben stiffled a laugh. Josh glared at him and than laughed softly. "Come on Daddy Josh!" Donny whined. "You have to get ready for the halloween party."

"Speaking of which don't you have a dracula Costume to put on?" Josh asked me.

"I have to finish helping Ben," I said looking at Ben.

"I'll help him finish," Jesse's voice sounded from behind us. Ben's face lit up with a big grin. Josh and I and Donny decided to make a hasty retreat to leave the budding love birds alone. Josh went one way with a very excited Donny and I went the other way to get ready. Yea tonight was going to be a really long and fun night.

Later that night at the party.

"Hello stranger do I know you?" I asked a man who was wrapped from to head to foot in bandages.

"You so owe me for this," Josh muttered under his breath.

"You make an adorable mummy," I giggled softly. The door bell rang and I opened it and saw that it was Lance, Joey and Chris. Chris sneered at me and I flipped him off. "Welcome Lance and Joey."

"Thanks for enviting us," Lance said with his usual southern manners. Joey just wrapped his arms around me in a hug. "Where is Josh?" I pointed to the mummy standing by the candy dish handing out candy to the trick or treaters. He was having so much fun. "Donny's work?" Lance asked raising his eyebrows.

"Oh yea," I snickered. "Donny has been keeping this house jumping all day long. He wanted to do me as the mummy and Josh voluntered."

"Yes dear and you still owe me for that," Josh's silky voice whispered in my ear. I moved to kiss him and he stopped me. "Make up dear," he gently reminded me. "Don't want to mess that up."

"You are such a worry wart," I said patting him in his cute face. "Now be a good boy and show Lance around the haunted house."

"Come on Lance," Josh said grinning. "I'll take you around the house. I think you will find that it has been made up pretty good. Donny been running us all around like a little slave driver getting the place ready."

"Yea I've noticed the house looks scary," Lance said. It was at this point that Usher made his appearence. Lance's eyes latched onto Usher's. I saw the spark and I grinned. "What?" Lance asked trying to act all innocent.

"I'm going to hook you two up," I said matter of factly. Lance got this really cute scared look on his face. Usher just looked confused. It was soo cute.

"Why don't you stay out of their buisness," Chris sneered.

"Why don't you fall of the face of the earth," I sassed back. "What are you doing here anyway. I thought I flushed your invitation down the toilet."

"Nice thoughts love," JC's voice drifted over me.

"I am thinking of nice thoughts," I replied sweetly. "Like how I whish he would explode right now."

"Now sweetie," JC's soft scolded me.

"Ok," I said looking up into his pleading eyes. "I'll behave."

"And you behave too Chris," Lance scolded Chris.

"Now it is time for you to get to know Usher," I replied with a smile.

"Ummm what about the tour?" Lance said looking frantically at Josh.

"Posh posh," I said grinning my usual naughty grin. "The tour can wait. Getting you and Usher to fall in love can't wait."

"Help?" Lance said looking at Josh.

"Sorry," Josh giggled. "But once Don starts with his matchmaking it is nearly impossible to get him to stop."

"Usher!" I called out getting the tall dark beauty's attention. "Come on over here for a minute." Usher flashed me a charming grin and walked over. "Usher, you know Lance," I said poking poor Lance in the side. I could tell that Lance had the hots for Usher. It was written all over his face. "So get busy you two and fall in love."

"Rather blunt isn't he?" Usher asked Lance.

"Yea he is," Lance agreed. "So you in town for long?" I did a happy dance inside my head and left the two alone to get aqquainted. My work as the master match maker was done. Now I had to find where else I could get into trouble. I didn't have far to look. I spotted Orlando and Kevin making out really hot and heavy. I walked up to Kevin and tapped him on the shoulder. Kevin growled softly and looked back at me. When he saw who it was his face broke out in a grin.

"Oh hi," he said giving me a hug. "How are you doing?"

"Fine," I replied. "So when are you two getting married?" I demanded with my hands on my hips. Orlando choked back a laugh.

"Why do you want to know?" Kevin asked with his eyes twinkling.

"Because Josh and I have already set a date. We are getting married on Chirstmas Day," I said looking smug. "Come on, out with it. When are you two getting married?"

"We haven't set a date yet," Kevin replied.

"Do you love the very cute elf guy from Lord of the Rings?" I asked. Orlando blushed and looked helplessly at Kevin.

"Of course I love Orlando," Kevin replied softly kissing Orlando softly on the lips. I turned to Orlando.

"And you love the really tall and cute sexy backstreet boy named Kevin?" I asked sternly.

"Ummm yes," Orlando stuttered out.

"Good than it is settled! You two are getting married. You may now go back to making out," I replied with pride. I left to see how Ben and Jesse was doing. After all I had to make sure that all the love birds were happy. I found them in a corner snuggling. Jesse was sucking on Ben's neck. That was going to leave a mark. "Ahem!" I coughed. The look of shock on Jesse's face made me giggle. "What are you two doing?"

"Ummm nothing," Jesse said quickly. I looked at Ben's neck and saw a very nice hickey.

"Nice hickey," I commented. Ben's face instantly turned beet red. "Continue." I continued to walk around making sure that all the guests were happy. Than I got lonely and went in search for my dark haired beauty. Only problem was he was all wrapped up in mummy wraps. No skin available to suck on. Oh well that will have to wait until after the party. I spotted him talking to Lance and Usher. I noticed with glee that Usher had his arm around Lance's shoulder. Lance looked very happy standing so close to Usher. I walked up to Josh and tapped him on the shoulder. "Hi!" I said grinning up at Josh.

"What are you up too?" he asked me.

"Nothing," I replied innocently.

"Yea right," Josh giggled. "I saw you making the rounds off all of our guests."

"Well I had to make sure that all the love birds are doing what they are supposed to be doing," I replied deffensively. "And making sure that all the cute guys are attatched. Like Usher and Lance. Don't they make a cute couple?" Lance blushed and Usher just giggled.

"You are bad," Josh scolded me. "Have you seen Ben and Jesse?"

"Yes they are snuggled up on the couch making out," I said happily.

"And you are ok with this?" Josh asked me surprised.

"Of course I am happy with it," I replied. "Why do you ask?"

"Well this morning you were worried about Jesse hurting Ben," Josh reminded me.

"Well that was before I saw them together," I replied. "They are so cute! And besides Jesse would never hurt Ben."

"I hope you are right," Josh said softly. "What about Donny?"

"Oh Justin and Danny took him Trick or Treating," I replied happily. "He looked so cute in his little Justin costume."

"You mean he went as Justin?" Lance asked giggling. "I hope you took pictures."

"Ben took them," I replied.

"Walk with me love?" Josh asked. He slid his arm through mine and I snuggled up to him. "I think it is time to get this make up and wraps off."

"Oh really?" I asked immediately thinking all sorts of naughty things I could do to him. "And than what?"

"I thought about cleaning the bathroom," Josh said with a straight face.

"What?" I asked shocked. "Clean the bathroom!" By now he was laughing his head off. Lance and Usher were laughing too. While they laughed at me I pouted. "Fine!" I gave him the silent treatment for a few seconds. Than I looked up at him. "Are you planning on cleaning it in the nude?"

"You are impossible!" Josh laughed. "Come on and help me take this make up off and than we can have fun."

So that is how our halloween party went. We all had a lot of fun. I knew that I was going to get lucky tonight. I wondered about Lance and Usher. Would they be able to fall in love. I mean I could see the spark between the two of them. Lance was a hottie. Usher had the hots for any hot white boy. I had found out long ago that Usher liked cute white boys. Justin even went so far as to bottom for him. And as far as I knew Justin didn't bottom for anyone. Usher had the hots for Danny too but he respected the love that Justin and Danny shared. Now I had managed to fix him up with Lance. Lance was single and was such a sweetie. I hoped that if they did get together that Usher would treat him with love and respect. Cause if he didn't I just might have to sick little Donny on him. I smiled softly as I remembered just how exited Donny was go to be going trick or treating with Justin and Danny. Donny looked so cute with his little Justin coustume. He even had some of Justin's dance moves down. Justin and Donny had put on a little dance off before leaving. Seeing him so happy almost made me forget that he was fighting for his life. Like I said almost. Seeing Justin gently combing out the hair that fell out from his small head brought tears to Justin's eyes. I tried so hard not to cry infront of Donny. I managed to hide the tears. After Donny was all decked out in his little "Justin Costume" I let loose in the comforting arms of my lover. Than Donny announced that he was going to dance like Justin and he was good. He and Justin put on a good show and cheered us all up. I heard the bathroom door shut and quickly dried the tears from my face. I didn't want Josh to see me crying. After all he wanted to play tonight and tonight was definately going to be about him.

"What are you thinking about?" the voice of my lover drifted over my shoulder. I looked back to smiled. There standing in all of his naked glory was Josh. He was so beautiful that my voice stuck in my throat. For some reason I couldn't think of anything to say. "Ummm cat got you tongue?" Josh asked as he laughed softly.

"Ummm no," I squeaked out.

"Well why don't we come to bed," Josh said holding out his hand. "I'm going to get lonely in that big bed all by myself." By now he was standing right next to me. I could feel the heat from his body. "Besides I want to make love to you." I know that we had made love so many times before but some reason tonight I felt like a virgin. I took his outstretched hand and allowed him to pull me up. "Let's take off some of these clothes," Josh whispered as his pearly white teeth nipped at my bare nick. I whimpered at the small amount of pain. "You taste so good," he whispered as he managed to pull off my shirt. I arched my back his mouth and lips found their way to my hard nipples. He took them into his mouth and sucked on them and nibbled on them with his teeth. First one and than the other. Than I shivered with desire as his lips traveled down my abs. I groaned his name as his tongue dove into my belly button. I felt his hands working as fast as he could with my belt. Finally he jerked it free dropping it to the floor. I felt him work the button and than I felt the zipper slide down. "There it is," Josh said grinning a naughty grin as he looked up and licked his lips. His hands pulled my jeans down and than he jerked my boxer briefs down finally freeing my aching hard on from it's prison. "Baby," he whispered softly. "You are so beautiful." He took my cock in his hand and I moaned his name again. "Yes baby let it out. Tell me what you feel," Josh softly spoke. "I love you Donald Smith. I want to spend the rest of the night making love to you."

"Take me Josh," I pleaded with him.

"In good time love," Josh said with a hint of naughtiness in his eyes. "First I get to play and tease you all night long." I whimpered hoping to get my way. "Oh to hear you make that sound over and over again." Josh giggled as he slid my cock into his warm mouth.

"Josh!" I called out grabbing his shoulders to keep myself from falling over. "Please?"

"Please what?" Josh asked. "Do you want to cum?" I groaned in responce. "What was that?" Josh asked as he continued to slide my cock in and out of his mouth. I whimpered again. "I'm having a hard time understanding you Donny boy. You'are going to have speak english." By now I was delirious with desire and lust.

"Make me cum," I pleaded with him.

"All in good time love," Josh laughed as he took me by the cock and led me to the bed and pushed me roughtly onto the ice cold sheets. I shivered with desire as I watched his form hover over me. He growled as he lept onto me pressing his lips to mine and grinding his crotch into mine. I surrendered myself to him. For some reason Josh was being this really wild and crazy stud. I didn't question it. I just submitted to his ways. I knew before long he was going to riding me into heaven all night long. All I had to do is hang for the ride. I would let this stud ravage me and use me for his pleasure for as long as he wanted too.

From Ben's point of view.

"God you are so hot," Jesse said softly as he reached out and touched my bare chest. I shivered at his touch. This was the first time I had ever allowed another boy to undress me. Jesse wanted to see me naked. I know it sounded silly. But I wanted to see him naked too. He asked me if he could undress me while he kissed me. I had to admit that I wanted him to take my clothes off. I wanted him to control me. His lips pressed up against my mine. His tongue was trying to get in. He was making these really cute whimpering noices. I was being naughty and not letting him in. Finally I took mercy on him and I giggled softly as I parted my lips to allow him in. He pressed his bare skin against mine. God it felt soo good! His nipples were hard just like mine and scraped against mine. I looked at his face while he was kissing me. His eyes were closed and he had this really dreammy look on his face. I noticed that his hands were on my back rubbing up and down. My hands were on his back too rubbing up and down too. His hands dipped down into my pants and paused as if asking for permission. It was at this point that I decided to throw caution to the wind. I nodded and he slid his hand into my pants and cupped my right but cheek. God it felt so good. He broke away and looked at me with the most adorable look in his eyes. "Are you ok?" he asked earnestly.

"I'm fine," I smiled shyly to assure him. He reached around front and slowly undid my belt. I was so hard that I thought I was going to cum. He finally pulled my belt free.

"If I'm pushing to far let me know," Jesse whispered as he kissed me again.

"I'm fine Jesse," I whispered to him. I shivered with lust as his hands found the waist band on my boxers and shivered as the cold air hit my buttocks. Finally he pulled them down past my cock. It popped free smaking my flat stomach. Jesse took a sudden breath in. I blushed at the expression on his face.

"You are so beautiful!" Jesse breathed as he knelt down infront of me. My cock was just a mere inches infront of him. I wanted him to take my cock in his mouth. But he didn't. He stood up and took my hand and placed them on his pants. "Your turn." He smiled a crooked grin that drove me totally nuts. I smiled softly at him and begin to take off his pants. Finally after getting them stuck a few times I finally got them down and off. I looked up at him and shivered again with lust. He was so beautifu standing there with only his boxers on. I reached out for his waist band on his boxers. This was the final step. One piece of clothing seperated us from seeing eachother naked for the first time. I wanted time to stop. I wanted this moment to last forever. I know we had promised to wait but the unspoken question in each other eyes both said yes. I was going to loose my virginity to night to this beautiful boy and it was going to heaven! "Go ahead and take them off." I looked up to see the pleading look in his eyes. I reached up and touched the material that hid the part of him I wanted to see. I took hold of the waist band and gently bulled down. The light color of his pubic hair showed first. I let one of my fingers run through it. He shivered and I giggled. Finally it popped free. He was about six inches hard. It curved slightly upwards and veins encirlced it. The head of his cock was a light purple in color. I watched in awe as it throbbed gently in time with his heart beat. "Go ahead and touch it if you want," his gentle voice drifted over me. I reached out and gently wrapped my hand around it. This was the moment I was waiting for. To touch a boy like this. The head of his cock begged me to slip into my mouth. But I didn't. I wanted this to last. Jesse reached for my hand and I allowed him to pull me up. I guess I had a small pout on my face because he smiled. "Don't worry you'll get better aquainted with him later." He smiled that cute sexy crooked smile that he always smiled. "Right now I want to hold you." He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. Do you remember the first time your skin came into contact with another person's skin. I mean all the private parts touch each other's with nothing hiding it? There is a shiver that rages through your body that only happens once in your life time. This was that moment for me. I felt ever inch of him as he pressed his slim and hard body agaist mine. He whimpered loudly as he gently but firmly pushed me to the bed and than shoved us both into the soft confines of the matteress. I almost came right than and there but some how short of a miracle I didn't. I didn't want my first orgasm to be wasted. I wanted it mean something. "Are you really ok with this?" Jesse asked as he brushed a stray hair from my face.

"Oh yes," I whispered. "I am definately fine with this."

"So do you?" Jesse asked softly as he kissed my lips.

"Do I want to what?" I asked grinning.

"Do you want to make love?" Jesse asked with his eyes wide and full of hope. He was so beautiful and innocent looking that I didn't dare tell him no. I wanted him to be my first. I wanted him to slide into me and make me part of his world.

"Please," I whispered to him. "Please make love to me," I pleaded with him. He smiled softly down at me and pressed his lips to mine. I knew that this was going to be the night that I would remember forever. I was about to submit to the boy of my dreams. I knew that my virginity was his and I was going to give it freely and willingly to him.

From Justin's point of view.

"Is he asleep?" Danny asked. I looked to the back seet in the booster seat and smiled softly. Donny was all snuggled up with an oversized teddy bear sound asleep.

"Yep," I replied softly. "Out like a light."

"Good cause when we get home and put him to bed I want to make love to you all night long," Danny replied with naughtiness in his eyes. "I mean if that is ok with you."

"What and keep poor Ben and Jesse up again all night?" I asked grinning lovingly at Danny. He and Don had one thing in common. That was sex. He was horny. And from Josh said, Don was just as horny. They were always ready for sex. When we got home and managed to put a very sleepy Donny in bed we headed up stairs to go to bed ourselves. "Baby I'm going to take a shower to get this ink off," I said to Danny.

"Oh no you don't sexy," Danny ordered me. "I like those tatoos on you." I had the tatoos that used on my movie Alpha Dog painted on my body. Danny loved them. And now it seemed that he wanted to have sex with me with them on. I turnd to look at him and was shocked to see him naked already. He was rock hard and ready for action. I had to smile at his eagerness.

Needless to say the sex was really hot. I looked down at Danny sleeping soundly in the bed. I had to smile at him. He looked so innocent sleeping. Looking at him like that one would not believe that he was a annimal in bed. I looked at the wall shocked to hear Ben moan out loud. I tried hard not to laugh but failed. It had seemed that Ben and Jesse was having fun themselves. I laid back down and snuggled up to Danny. In a flash he was all wrapped around me. It was obvious that he had no desire to let me go. I sighed happily and resigned myself to being his captive for the night. Yea like I would really complain.

From Ben's point of view

"Oh God Ben," Jesse whimpered as my lips closed around his shaft. The minute I tasted his cock I knew I was sunk. This was a taste that was all new to me. But the taste and texture and feel of his cock sliding down my throat seemed so natural that I immediately went all the way down. Jesse looked down at me as I swallowed him whole in complete shock. his intire body shivered as he tried to comperhend the feelings that were raging through him. I was bound and detirmened to give him what he wanted. I wanted to pleasure him in every way possible. I knew what he wanted. Jesse wanted to make love to me. The thought of him on me and in me made me so hard that I was having a hard time not cumming. I came so close to shooting that I had to calm down several t ime. It was fun to watch Jesse growl at me frusturated when I would stop and just gaze up on him. I could never get tired of watching him. He wasn't overly buff. I was probably built better than he was. I mean I was cut more than him. I had a lot more definition than he did. But there was an innocence about him that made him really really sexy. The way he smiled drove me wild. The way he pouted really made me crazy. To hear him whimper and know that I was the reason for that sound. I never in my wildest dreams ever dreamed that I could make another boy make that sound. Speaking of sounds, my sweetie was making a quite a few sounds now. I eased off of him and giggled at his groans of frusturations.

"Now," I pleaded as I laid back and spread my legs. "Please Jesse, make me yours?" I watched as Jesse laid down on top of me. The feel of his body pressing against mine sent me into over drive. I felt it comming and this time it was to much. I shivered violently and whimpered loudly as I felt it happen. I had my first orgasm brought on by the touch of another man. But this was not how I wanted it. I saw the look of shock and awe rage across Jesse's face. He looked up and watched in amazement as my cock shot long streams of cum across my chest and abs. Tears came to my eyes as I realized what had happened. I tried to move but Jesse wouldn't let me. I finally started to sob. The pain that raged across Jesse's eyes was to much for me. I managed to push him off and I ran for the bathroom grabbing my boxers first. Once there I slid them on and sat on the bathroom counter and burried my head in my arms and just let loose. God I felt so dumb! I was such a whimp. I should've been able to control myself. I heard the frantic knocks on the door and I heard Jesse's frantic voice. Finally there was silence. I waited for about five minutes when I heard a soft knock.

"Ben?" Justin's voice sounded.

"Oh no," I whimpered. God I was so embarassed. "Go away!" I sobbed.

"See he hates me," Jesse sobbed.

"No he doesn't hate you," Justin said softly. He knocked again. "Ben sweetie, you're going to have to open this door and let me in."

"I can't!" I shouted. "I'm so dumb!"

"No you're not," Justin replied. "Let me in so we can talk." I got really quiet thinking that maybe he would go away. I groaned loudly when I heard the door click and the door open and Justin walked in. He put the flat head screw driver on the counter. "Sorry for breaking in but I was getting worried." Jusitn sat next to me. "So you want to talk about what happened?" I shrugged my shoulder. "You know when I first made love I came before I could do anything. I was so embarassed. I thought I was like this really lame guy. And I thought I messed everything up."

"You're just saying that!" I muttered. "You're like this really hot guy. You would never mess up your first time."

"What makes you think that when I had sex for the first time that I had it all together?" Justin asked. "Man I was such a basket of nerves that I thought I was going to throw up. I wanted it to be perfect."

"Yea but I wanted to make this a really special time for Jesse," I sighed leaning against Justin. "I mean he is soo good looking. And when I saw him naked I just couldn't help it!"

"Yea he is a hottie," Justin replied. "But sweetie, he loves you. And he not going to let this premature orgasm ruin anything. He is really upset that you're in here and not letting him in."

"How do I prevent it from happening?" I asked looking up at Justin.

"Take it really slow," Justin. "What were you doing before you came?" I blushed not wanting to tell him. "It's ok." Justin said softly. "Trust me cutie, I've heard and probably done it all before."

"I was ummm you know sucking him," I said softly blushing.

"Did you enjoy that?" Justin asked.

"Oh yes!" I said eagerly. "It was so much fun. But I was so worried that I was going to mess it up."

"Was Jesse enjoying it?" Justin asked. I nodded. "See? This sex thing is going to work out just fine. All you have to do is just slow down. Let what ever happens happen. Sex is beautiful. Jesse did tell me that he thought it was really hot to see you cum like that."

"He said that?" I asked scrunching up my nose.

"Oh yea trust me," Justin said grinning his trade mark grin. "He loves you like crazy. And he wouldn't do anything to hurt you." I heard a light knock at the door. I opened it and saw Jesse standing there all scared. "Umm I'll leave you two alone," Justin said kissing me on the cheek. Justin quielty left Jesse and me alone.

"Umm hi," Jesse said suddenly shy.

"Hi," I replied back. "I'm so sorry that I messed this up."

"Messed what up?" Jesse asked. "You were hot!"

"I was?" I asked shocked.

"Seeing you cum was like really beautiful and to think that I made you cum like that was like was ummm well ummm wow!" Jesse said with his eyes sparkling. "I wanna see you do it again!"

"But you didn't get to cum," I said sadly. That was when he got his usual cute half grin and half smirk on his face.

"Do you want to make me cum" Jesse asked.

"Yea," I said suddenly very shy. Jesse took my hand and brought to his boxers and I shivered as I felt his erection.

"Than will you ummm you know?" Jesse asked looking hopeful.

"Suck your cock?" I asked. Jesse nodded looking down. "With pleasure!" Justin was right. I took it slow. I loved the feeling of having Jesse's cock sliding in and out of my mouth. I also found out that I could do some pretty wild stuff with my mouth lips and tongue. I thrilled at the kitten like yelps that Jesse would make when I deep throated and swallowed at the same time. In no time at all I had him whimpering and moaning and swearing my name like crazy. When he finally did cum I refused to let him take his cock out. I wanted to taste him. I had heard so many different things about how cum tasted. For me it was great. Yea it was kind of salty with some bitterness to it. But the fact that I was swallowing what made Jesse what and who he was thrilled me like crazy. It thrilled so much that I came myself. This time I wasn't embarassed. I just let it take control of me. I moaned around Jesse's quivering shaft as I swallowed everything that Jesse had to offer. Finally after gently licking him clean I let him fall out of my mouth and looked down and looked sheepishly up at Jesse. He looked down at me and giggled. "Hey!" I said with a pout. "It is your fault you know."

"Oh really?" Jesse asked with his trade mark smirk. He reached out and scooped up some of my cum and sucked it off his finger. "Yummy!" I laughed at him. "Come on, let's take a shower?"

"Together?" I asked eagerly.

"Yea cause I still have to make love to you," Jesse replied as he touched the side of my face. A thrill raged through me as I thought about this really cute boy taking control of my body. He was so gentle when he first entered me. It hurt like hell at first. He cried when he saw the tears on my face. He wanted to stop but I wouldn't let him. And boy was I glad that I insisted. When he got all of it in me it stopped hurting and started feeling really really good. I mean wow! I was definately going to love having sex! Jesse turned into this really hot sex monster. He was thrusting in and out of me as fast as he could. I loved it. I knew he was getting close because I could feel his body getting really tight. And his moans were all most nonstop. "God I'm so close!" he whimpered out. He went to pull out.

"Stay in!" I begged him.

"Are you sure?" he gasped out. I nodded. "Ohh Ben!" he groaned out. "I'm cumming!" I felt the first blast shoot inside of me. I started to cum too. I came really hard and really long. Jesse kept shooting his load deep inside of me. Finally we both stopped shooting. He pulled out and I was sad from the lost. "Don't worry," he smiled seepily at me. "I'm sure I'm going to be putting it in a lot more." Yep he was right. We bathed eachother lovinginly. After drying each other off we slid into bed and wrapped our arms around eachother and drifted off to sleep.

From Josh's point of view.

Now it was my turn to go from room to room and make sure that every one was ok. First I stopped at Donny's room. I had to smile. He was all snuggled up in his bed. He had just about every stuffed annimal in his room in his bed. I gently pulled the comforters up around him and kissed him gently. Then I headed for Ben's room. I opened the door and saw that the light was out. I saw that both Jesse and Ben was sleeping in each other's arms. I wondered if they had made love tonight. If they did I hoped that Jesse was gentle with Ben and I hoped that Ben was Gentle with Jesse."

"Yes," Justin's voice answered from behind me. I turned and looked at a sleepy Justin standing behind me. "They made love tonight."

"Were they gentle?" I asked.

"They were sweet," Justin smiled. "Poor Ben came to early and locked himself in the bathroom."

"I remembered a certain blonde hottie doing that when he lost his virginity too," I gently reminded him. Justin blushed. "I remember I had to talk you out of the bathroom."

"I never thanked you for that," Justin said softly. "And for being so gentle with me. You really made it a night for me to remember."

"I loved you back then," I said softly.

"I loved you too," Justin sighed. "But I am really glad how things have turned out. Don is so good for you. And Donny is such a cutie. I'm glad that you and Don allow me into your lives." We heard Ben moan Jesse's name and we snickered. Yep Ben had it really bad for Jesse. "Good night Josh," Justin said kissing me on the cheek.

"Good night Justin," I said smiling. I turned and headed back to the arms of my lover. I walked into our room and looked down at Don. My heart filled with love as I watched him sleep. His face was so angelic and so innocent. It was so hard to believe that I had fallen in love with him. I sat down in the chair and just watched him. I wanted to watch him sleep all night long. So that is what I did. I watched my lover sleep. All night long. At some point I did fall asleep but I enjoyed myself.

The next morning from Ben's point of view. I woke up to find that I had was wrapped up in Jesse's arms and well his legs too. I just laid there and enjoyed the feeling of my lover--- wait ! I said lover. Oh my God I had a lover. I giggled with glee. Jess grunted and snuggled closer to me. That was when I felt something hard poking me in the side. I looked down and saw that at least one part of Jesse was wide awake. I suddenly had an idea. I giggled my naughty giggle and latched onto Jesse's nipple and started to suck on it. In no time at all Jesse was awake. I giggled again when I heard his cute whimper. I looked up at him.

"Yes lover?" I asked him. He looked down at his morning hard on. "You want me to suck on something?" He nodded. I slipped his other nipple into my mouth. It tasted soo good. He growled softly at me. "This isn't want you wanted?" I asked looking all innocent. He growled again. I giggled as I slid down and started to suck on his skin on his abs. Jesse really stared to throw a fit by groaning and grinding against me.

"Ben," Jesse wined.

"Yes sweetie?" I asked all innocent again. By now I could see his hard on. My mouth watered so bad. I wanted that cock in my mouth. "Ohhhhh you want me to do this!" I said grinning. I dipped my head and slipped the head of his cock into my mouth. Jesse yelped really loud and than started to pump his seed into my mouth. I had to quickly swallow before it all leaked out. Finally he was done and I gently licked him clean and than snuggled back up to him. "Well?" I asked. I had to laugh at his dazed expression on his face. "How was your wake up call?" I asked softly as I kissed him on his nose.

"Ummmm Wow," Jesse breathed out. "Now it is your turn!" Jesse snickered as he dove down and slid my cock into his mouth. This was the first time anyone had ever sucked me. Needless to say I would remember this moment forever. Later I was in the bathroom and was looking in the mirror. After all I had to make myself look all pretty for my Jesse. That was when I saw it. A Zit! A great big Zit.

"AUUUGGHHH!" I yelled out. "I have a zit!' I could hear Jesse giggling. "Oh this is soooo not funny!" I whined loudly. "How am I supposed to face you?" By now Jesse was really laughing. "Fine laugh!" I pouted as I walked out covering up the zit with a towel.

"Everyone gets zits sweetie," Jesse pointed out to me. "Even I get zits."

"No you don't!" I sobbed. "You're like this really hot celebrity guy type. You're not supposed to get zits!" Jesse wrapped his arms around and kissed me on the lips. I didn't take me long to forget the zit. Just about the time I was getting really worked up my stomach decided to make it's self known by growling really loud. I wanted a hole to develope and swallow me whole. That was of course until his stomach growled too. He started to giggle and I started to giggle too.

"Let's go up and get breakfast," Jesse suggested.

"Ohh no we can't go in there!" I screeched.

"What do you mean we can't go in there?" Jesse yelped.

"Because we just had sex!" I yelped out. "They are so going to tease us!"

"Come on sweetie," Jesse giggled out. "I'm hungry." Jesse took my hand and led me up stairs. In no time at all we were in the dinning room. I saw all eyes on us. I snuggled closer to Jesse.

"Morning Ben," Don said nicely as he smiled at me. "Morning Jesse." I picked up a plate and handed it too Jesse and picked one up for me too and walked over to the buffet. I guess I was walking a little funny. After all Jesse and I did do it several times last night. I heard Danny and Justin snicker. I put the plate down and walked out of the dinning room and into the living room. God I was so embarrassed.

"Aren't you hungry?" Jesse asked me softly. I looked up and saw Jesse standing there. I looked up at him again and saw the boy that I let make love to me. I let him slid his cock up in me. It was so intimate. I loved him so much. I loved the feeling of his body sliding and rocking over my body. I had never felt so close to anyone. A hand waved in front of my face. I shook my head and looked up into the eyes of a grinning hottie named Jesse. "Come back to the dinning room for breakfast."

"But they know," I said softly.

"So what if they know!" Jesse scolded me. "I want the whole world to know that you are mine! I love you. And if they know that we just had wild monkey sex than so what!"

"Ok," I replied. I took Jesse's hand and allowed him to pull me up and into his arms. After he hugged me and kissed me breathlessly we walked back in to the dinning room. I had to giggle at Justin as he was bopped up side the head by JC and Danny was bopped us side the head by Don.

"No more picking on the new love birds!" Don said scolding them. "It was your first time once you know!"

"We're sorry," Justin said looking all sheepish at Jesse and me.

"It's ok," I replied snuggling up to Jesse. We had breakfast together. I fed Jesse and he fed me. It was so much fun. We got a couple of strange looks from Donny but I didn't care. I was busy planning on spending a nice day with Jesse when he informed me that he had to go back home to get ready to move out here. I was very happy to find that he was going to move out here. I would miss him while he was gone but I knew it was going to be worth it.

Later from Don's point of view.

"Why do you have to leave?" I asked Josh as he packed his suitcase.

"I'm doing a commercial for GAP," Josh reminded me. "I'm only going to be gone for about a week."

"But a whole week with out you," I pouted. "But than my sexy boy friend will be on TV!" I said brightly. "But I'll still miss you," I said returning to my pout mode.

"I know it will be hard sweetie," Josh replied. "But this is for my career. And I do have to keep working you know."

"I know you do," I replied. "I'm just going to miss you is all."

"I'll call you several times a day," Josh promised me. We heard the honking of a car horn. "My limo is here love," he said kissing me. He turned and knelt down and gave Donny a long hug and kiss and hugged and kissed Ben too. Jesse and Josh were sharing a limo to the airport. So after they left and Usher and Lance left the house was really quiet. All that was left was Donny, Danny, Justin and me. I already missed Josh. I looked over and saw the long faces on poor Donny's and Ben's face that my heart went out to both of them.

"Come on you two, let's go have Pizza!" I suggested happily. Both Donny and Ben liked the idea. So we went to the local pizza hut for Pizza. After lunch we went home and than I went back to work with Justin. He was doing some guest appearence on Snoop Dog's CD.

Later that night I finally got a phone call from Josh. I could tell he was so tired. "Hey sweetie," I said softly. How are you feeling love?"

"Tired," Josh replied. "The comercial is going to be fun and all I get do some singing."

"Is the money good?" I asked going right into business mode. I could almost see the smile on his face. "What?" I asked acting all innocent. "I have to make sure that they are paying you what you are worth!"

"I know sweetie," Josh chuckled softly. "Yes they are paying me very well. How is Donny and Ben doing?"

"Donny is sleeping. He is getting ready to go into the hospital tomorrow for his chemo treatment. Ben is not happy about going back to school. But when I told him he was getting a tutor he was very happy," I replied. "Donny wants me to tell you to hurry home and that he and Trixy and Spot misses you." Josh laughed loudly at that comment. It was so good to hear him laugh. "I miss you!" I said with a pout. "I want you home."

"I miss you too sexy," Josh said softly. "But I'll be home by Friday evening."

"Donny will be out of the hospital by then," I replied. "And Ben's lover boy will be b ack in town by then. So things should be back to normal and we can start planning our Turkey Dinner."

"Oh joy," Josh replied. "Than we can start getting ready for the spend fest," he muttered.

"Joshua Scott Chasez!" I scolded him. "You know Christmas is a very special time of the year for us all!"

"I know sweetie," Josh said softly. "I'm guess I am feeling a little blue because you're home all alone having to deal with Donny's illness and all."

"We'll be fine sweetie," I replied. "You sould tired baby. Why don't you get some sleep?" I waited to hear an answer from him. "Sweetie?" I asked softly. "You still there?" I could just barely hear his soft snores. "Good night love," I whispered to him. I had a feeling that it was going to be a very long week. I got up from the chair and headed up stairs. I walked into our room and started to laugh softly. Our bed was full of one Ben and one Donny. Well I guess I wouldn't be lonely after all.

Three weeks later from Ben's point of view.

"Oh my God," Don exclaimed. "Oh my God!"

"What dad?" I asked as I quickly tossed out the rest of the coffee. Don came running in and grabbed my hand and started to pull me towards the living room. "What?" I asked again. By now I had gotten used to Don. He was always getting really excited about something. And it usually had something to do with either Josh or Justin.

"Josh is on TV!" Don squealed with happiness. Don had too much coffee this morning again, thankfully I hid the rest of the coffee. And he had seen Josh's commercial on TV three times today already and each time he would get so happy and do this really freaky happy dance thing. Even I had to admit that he was cute. "Come on!"

"Dad," I whined. "I've seen it three times to day already and the day is not over. Besides I have to get ready to meet Jesse at the airport."

"Oh that's right," Don said as he bounced around the house. "Do you have your clothes picked out?"

"Yes Dad," I sighed.

"Do you look hot?" Don asked.

"Daaaad!" I groaned.

"Hey!" Don retorted. "You have to look all hot and sexy for your boyfriend!"

"I'm picking him up at the airport and then we are going to his apartment and than we're comming over here for dinner," I reminded him.

"AAAUUUUGGGHHH!" Don queened out. "The dinner!" He dashed into the kitchen. I turned and headed to the door. Josh came bounding down the stairs.

"What was the shouting about?" Josh asked looking confused.

"That would be Dad panicking about dinner and yea and he drug me out to the living room to see your commercial three times today, four times yesterday and three the day before," I replied grinning. "Oh yea I hid the rest of the coffee for you."

"My hero!" Josh cooed at me as he kissed me on the cheek.

"Daaad!" I whined as I wiped my cheek off. "I've got to pick up Jesse at the airport."

"Ok well drive carefully," Josh said as he kissed me again. "Oh and thanks for hiding the coffee." Than he ruffled my hair.

"AUUUGGHHH!" I screeched as I ran back up stairs. "Don't mess with the Hair!" I could hear Josh laughing.

Thirty minutes later I was at the airport waiting on my sweetie. I sat at a booth with a cappacino. This was the first caffine drink I had. I mean I had soda and all but this stuff was great!!! Thank God for Gormet coffee and starbucks! Ok Josh and I were going to have to talk about me hiding the caffine in the house. If anything we were going to get more. MMMMMMM time to get another one! I looked around for my waiter. I growled softly when I didn't see one. I was about to stand up and throw a hissy when a shadow crossed over me

"So what's a cute guy like you doing in a joint like this?" the voice of angels said behind me. I slowly turned around and saw the love of my life. "Hey cutie," Jesse said grinning widely.

"No time to talk. Must have more of Cappacino!" I said frantically. Jesse giggled his cute giggle. "Hey this stuff is really good!"

"Ummm ok," Jesse said raising his eyebrows. "But can we go home first?"

"As long as we stop by a coffe shop so I can get some more of this stuff!" I said.

"Ummm sure," Jesse said. "Should I be worried?"

"No no," I said as I finished my cappacino. I looked into the empty cup and pouted. Now Jesse really did laugh. "What!" I yelped. "This stuff is really really really good!"

"I know it is sweetie," Jesse giggled. "Come on let's go."

From Josh's point of view.

I walked out of my make shift study in time to hear Ben car drive up. I smiled. It was going to be great evening. Ben was the happiest when Jesse was around. The door opened and Ben walked in with a couple of bags in his hands. "Oh Dad!" Ben said grinning. "Here take this!" He shoved the two bags in my hand and than turned around to go back out. Jesse walked in with a box. I looked at it and groaned loudly.

"Yes," Jesse sighed. "Your foster son has discovered the wonders of caffine and all the neat drinks that you can make with the stuff."

"Ohhh dear," I sighed. "Now I have two caffine addicts in the house." I walked into the kitchen with the bags that Ben gave me. I smiled at Don as he was opening doors and closing them. I saw the coffe filter out. "Looking for something?" I asked.

"You and Ben are ganging up on me aren't you?" Don asked glaring at me.

"Well we were," I replied sheepishly. I handed the bags to him. He looked into them and squealed with happiness. "Jesse has a new Coffee machine too." Jesse was already opening the box up and pulling out the packing. I left them alone to find Donny. I knew where to find him. I quietly walked into the living room. It was dark in the living room and the TV was on. Cartoons were playing. I looked at the couch and I could feel the tears already started to flow. I choked them back. I looked down at him. He was a small child anyway but since he had gotten sick he had lost even more weight. "Hey little dude," I said softly. He looked up at me and smiled. All of his hair was gone now. "How you feeling?"

"Good," he said with his usual wide smile. "I got to see you on TV."

"What did you think?" I asked as I slid in beside Donny. He quickly snuggled up to me. I pulled the comforter around him so he could stay warm. As time went on he got weaker and weaker. He tried so hard to keep his spirits up but it was so hard for him to do it.

"You looked great!" Donny said still grinning. "You sounded good too."

"Well I am glad that you think so," I replied. "So what is my little man watching on TV?" He shrugged his shoulders. I knew something was bothering him. I leaned down and kissed him gently on the forehead. "Ok tell daddy Josh what's wrong."

"It's Unca Justin," Donny said looking up at me with those really big soulful eyes of his. "He never comes and sees me anymore." His little eyes filled with tears and I moved quickly to wipe them free. "I miss him Daddy Josh." I was wondering when he was going to pick up on that. Justin had stopped comming by to see him. Danny still came by to see him all the time but Justin had stopped. I knew Justin had a problem with being around sick people. And now it was starting to hurt Donny. I was going to have to talk to him about it and I wasn't going to enjoy it." "Doesn't he love me anymore?"

"Oh Donny," I said trying real hard not to cry myself. "Justin loves you so much. You see Justin has been real busy with his work right now."

"Ok," Donny said as he yawned really wide. I could tell that he was hurt. It was at that point that I decided to find out why Justin was avoiding Donny.

"Why don't you go to sleep," I suggested to him. He nodded and snuggled even closer to me and was soon sleeping soundly. I was content to lay there and hold him. But I did make up my mind to call Justin and have a nice long talk with him. After making sure that he was sound asleep I got up and headed back up stairs and dialed Justin's number. He answered after the third ring.

"Be here at Donny's place in one hour!" I ordered him and than quickly hung up. I didn't want to give him a chance to back his way out of this. Five seconds later the phone rang again. It was Justin. I answered it. "No Justin, no excuses. Get here in one hour!" I hung up the phone again. After making sure that Justin was indeed on his way I headed back down stairs to see what my family was up too. I walked into the kitchen and was surprised to see that the coffe supplies had been put away. The new coffe machine was one of thos fancy jobbers that I would need a college degree to operate. There was a fresh pot on and out of curiostiy I tried some. It was really good. Forty five minutes later I was on my fourth cup. I was now officiallyl addicted to this stuff. Oh well. At least Don and Ben will be happy.

"So trying to steal my habit?" Don's voice sounded from behind me.

"Guilty as charged," I said looking sheepish. Than I put on my serious face.

"What is it love?" Don asked as he sat at the table with me.

"I've asked Justin here," I said bluntly.

"Josh don't," Don said shaking his head.

"Don't what Don?" I asked harshly. "Don't demand from Justin an explanation? Don't ask him why he can't stand to be near Donny anymore?"

"Justin has to work through this himself," Don said softly.

"And in the mean time our son goes through hell wondering why his uncle doesn't come around any more?" I hurled at him. "Dammit Don, Donny is fighting for his life. He shouldn't have to worry why his Uncle doesn't want to spend time with him anymore! And dammit I want answers!"

"Two swear words in one sentance," Don said smiling a little. "You're taking this very seriously." The door bell rang and I sighed and got up and walked to the back door. "That would be Justin."

"Why doesn't he use the front door anymore?" I asked as I yanked the door open.

"This had better be good!" Justin snapped at me.

"Donny!" I hurled back at me. "You and I are going to talk about Donny!" Justin's face took on a guilty look. "Yea you know Donny, the cute little boy who thinks the sun rises and sets on you! The cute little boy who looks up to you and the cute little boy who is in the living room wondering why his uncle doesn't want to be with him anymore!"

"You wouldn't understand," Justin said softly.

"Try me," I said just as softly. "You might be surprised.

"I can't stand to see him like that!" Justin shouted.

"Indoor voices!" Don snapped at both of us. "Donny is sleeping and I don't want him to hear you two arguing!"

"Sorry," we both mumbled sheepishly.

"Donny loves you Justin," I said sternly. "He needs all of his loved ones right now."

"It hurts," Justin said with his voice quivering. "I love him too and it tears me up to see him so sick!"

"I know it does Boss," Don said speaking up for the first time. "I'm his father and God it kills me too. But we have to put on our brave faces and our brave smiles and make sure that little boy in there knows that we all love him sick or well we love him and he has to know that!" By now tears were flowing freely from Justin's face. I pulled him into a hug until he got him self undercontrol.

"Where is he?" Justin asked sniffling.

"He is in the living room napping," I said pushing in the direction of the living room.

From Justin's point of view

I walked into the living room and looked at the couch. There he was, Donny Smith, the little boy who had stolen my heart. He had gone through so much crap in the last year and few months. He was sleeping soundly. He was a small child anyway but now he was so much smaller. His frail body looked so small in that huge sofa. I choked back a sob. "I can't do this."

"Yes you can boss man," Don said softly in my ear. "You love him and he loves you. He needs to know that his favorite adopted uncle loves him." I walked over to him and slid in next to him. I was amazed that he didn't wake up. He just wrapped his little arms around me and snuggled close to me. "Stay here until he wakes up," Don ordered me in a tone of voice that told me that he was not taking no for an answer. "Oh and don't make plans for Thanksgiving. Because you are spending it with us." I swallowed hard and nodded.

I don't know how long I stayed with Donny but I was enjoying it. I heard Donny grunt and I looked down at him. His eyes were open and looking up at me. "Hey buddy," I said grinning.

"Unca Justin?" Donny asked. "What you doing here?" He was still sleepy and was leaving out words. It was so like him.

"Well I wanted to spend some time with my favorite little dude!" I said grinning. "So you want to do something?" He shrugged his shoulders. I knew he wasn't feeling good. "Or we can just lay here and watch cartoons." He smiled and nodded. He looked so frail and weak that my heart ached for him.

"Unca Justin?" Donny asked.

"Yes little dude?" I asked back.

"Am I going to die?" he asked softly. The fact that he asked me that question chilled me to the bone.

"Why do you think you are going to die?" I asked.

"Well mommy got really really sick and lost her hair just like me and she died," Donny replied looking scared.

"Ohhh Donny," I sniffled. "I hope that you are not going to die. I mean you are getting the best medical care in the whole wide world. There is no way that God would let a cutie like you die."

"Promise?" Donny asked looking up at me with those great big eyes of his.

"Sweetie," I sighed pulling him closer to me. "I can't promise you that. What I can do is promise is that I will be right here by your side helping you in any way I can. I love you little dude. And I want to see you grow up. I want to see you learn how to ride a bike and kiss your first girl--"

"Ewwww Yucky Unca Justin!" Donny giggled.

"Oh you won't feel the same way in a few years sweetie," I laughed. "So what kind of cartoons do you want to watch?"

"Sponge Bob!" he giggled. "He is soooo cool!"

"How would like if I took to go see the sponge bob movie?" I asked. To see his eyes light up like his did my heart good.

"That would be soo cool Unca Justin!" Donny squealed.

"What is all the comotion in here?" Don's voice sounded from behind us.

"Unca Justin is going to take me to see Sponge Bob!" Donny said clapping his hands together.

"Well that sounds like fun," Don said grinning at me. "Dinner is ready in five minutes."

"You need any help?" I asked Don.

"No," Don replied. "You and Donny can stay here and watch your cartoons." Don headed back out. I looked over at Donny and saw that he was engrossed in the show. I sighed happily and watched it with him. I just hoped that he could beat this leukemia thing. He was too cute to die. I made up my mind that God and I were going to have to have a serious talk later tonight. But right now I had to spend some quality time with my Adopted Nephew Donny.

From Don's point of view.

I was in the kitchen putting the food in bowls. I also had two plates of food for Justin and Donny. I also asked Josh to set up two tv trays in the living room so Justin and Donny could spend some more time together. "So when are the rest of the guys comming over tomorrow?" Josh asked.

"For what?" I asked confused. Josh smiled at me and shook his head. "What?" I asked again.

"You did it again didn't you?" Josh asked as he walked up to me and wrapped his arms around me and kissed me lightly on the lips.

"Did what?" I asked. I was at a complete loss as what it was I was supposed to remember.

"Ummmmm Thanksgiving?" Josh giggled.

"AAAAUUUUUUGGGHHHHH!" I yelped. "What are we going to do? How will I do all the shopping? How many people do we have comming? Where is my coffee?" By now Josh was laughing hysterically. "Why are you laughing at me?"

"You my dear are so precious," Josh said softly. I heard the door open and watched in amazement as Ben and Jesse came walking in with bags of food. "I sent them on a shopping adventure."

"Yea you were so busy with the house and trying to keep Donny healthy and keeping me happy that I decided to help you with thanksgiving dinner," Ben said with a grin. "It is my way of saying thank you for everything you are doing for me." Yep I was right. Ben was a sweetie. "Now all you have to do is sit back and let us do all the work."

"But but," I stammered.

"Yes dear you have a very cute butt," Josh whispered in my ear. "Trust me. They know what they are doing. And my suggestion to you is don't look a gift horse in the mouth."

"I'm not going to win this argument am I?" I asked looking at Ben and Jesse. Both had very pleased looks on their faces. The both shook their heads no. "Ok that I guess I'm on a vacation of sorts. I'll take my dinner in the living room with Donny and Justin."

"Do you mind if a very good looking guy joins you?" Josh asked looking hopefully.

"As long as that very good looking guy is you," I replied smirking."

"Who else would it be?" Josh said grinning. "Come on sweetie, what do you say? Can I have dinner with you and Donny and Justin?"

"Yea sure," I said grinning back. "Come on sweetie."

"But what about dinner?" Josh asked. Ben came up and tapped Josh on the sholder.

"You and Dad go into the living room and relax. Jesse and I will take care of everything," Ben said as he gently but firmly pushed us towards the living room. "Now go and have fun."

"I guess we have to do what our foster son says," I said smiling softly at Josh. We headed into the livng room and we were greeted with Justin's and Donny's laughter. I frowned a little when I heard the weaker laugh of Donny. He was getting weaker every day. We were going to have to take him back into the hospital. His red cell count is dropping and sapping his energy and jeopordising his inmune system. But for now Donny wanted to have fun and that was what we were going to do. I looked over at Josh and saw tears in his eyes. I wiped them free and he smiled a t me. "Soo can anyone join this party?" I asked as I sat down next to Donny. "What are you two watching?"

"We're watching Lord of the Rings now," Donny said snuggling up to me. To my surprise Justin snuggleg up to us too. Josh sat next to me and snuggled up to me. It was very very nice. Ben and Jesse brought our food in and we dug in. They retreated back to the kitchen to start working on the Thanksgiving day dinner. I also smelled coffee in the kitchen too. It smelled so good. But I knew I had enough coffee.

"Well what is going on now," I asked.

"Orlando is riding the crazy elephant thingy," Donny explained. "He is soo cool!" It had seemed that Donny had discovered a new hero.

"Well I am glad you think he is cool," I smiled down at him. "You know he is coming over for Turkey day?"

"He is?" Donny asked grinning widely. "He is Cool!" By now all of us were laughing.

"Yea he is isn't he?" I asked back. "And he is also in love with Kevin."

"Are they going to get married like you and Daddy Josh?" he asked.

"We hope so," I smiled at Josh.

"I'll tell him he has too," Donny replied matter of factly.

"Oh dear," Josh sighed.

"What?" I asked acting all innocent.

"Now he is a matchmaker too," Josh giggled.

"Oh hush you," I replied. "Speaking of weddings," I said looking naughty. "Don't we have one to plan?"

"What about Donny?" Josh said frowning. "Don't you want to wait until he is healthier?"

"No," I replied firmly. "He needs to know that we love eachother and we are going to be family for always."

"Ok that is the way we are going to go than," Josh replied.

"Whacha ya talking about?" Donny asked.

"We were just planning our wedding," I replied. "And I know a little boy who is going to be my bestes man."

"Who?" Donny asked looking confused.

"Why you of course!" I said hugging him. I loved hugging Donny. Only kids gave you the really special kind of hugs. And Donny knew how to give those very special hugs. "How about you giving daddy Josh one of those special hugs?" Donny smiled widely and hugged Josh too.

"So when are you getting married?" Justin asked.

"Christmas Eve," Josh and I both replied at once. Justin just smiled and shook his head. "What?" I asked acting all inncoent.

"You two are such a pair," Justin giggled. "And I'm happy for you. So do I still get to be your best man?" he asked Josh. "Or do I have to start tickling you again?"

"No Justin," Josh smiled. "You don't have to tickle me. You are still my best man."

"Cool," Justin smiled happily. "See little dude? You and I get to be bestes men together!" Donny squealed with happiness. It did all of our hearts such good to see him with a smiled. By this time our food had arrived along with the drinks so the four of us settled down to watch the rest of the Return of the King.

From Ben's point of view.

I watched in amusement as Jesse read in over the cook books on how to cook a thanksgiving day dinner.

"Ummmm I think we are going to be in over our heads," Jesse said looking scared. I couldn't help it. I giggled. "Oh and you're not scared?"

"Sweetie," I said kissing him on the cheek. "We are going to fine. We are going to cook this dinner."

"I've never cooked anything this big before!" Jesse squeaked out. "I mean this is a chance for me to make an impression! I really don't want to mess this up!" I wrapped my arms around his narrow waist and kissed him on his very cute nose.

"You could never mess anything up," I replied as I kissed him on his lips. "Here is what we are going to do. We are going to follow my grandmother's rule."

"You never talked about your grandmother," Jesse said.

"She's dead," I replied sadly. "She died about a year ago. But she taught me how to cook and all that stuff. And my sweetie, I am going to teach you everything that she taught me."

"And that would be?" Jesse asked scrunching up his nose. He looked so cute when he did that.

"Follow directions and don't use the old bachelors way of doing things and burn things to a crisp. And that is keep the tempterature down and let the food cook slowly," I replied with a grin. "Keep the temp about 25 degrees below what you're supposed to cook it on and nine times out of ten you won't burn it. The main rule is simple. The higher the heat means you are going to burn it and not cook it faster."

"Yea but it looks really really hard!" Jesse squeaked out again.

"It's not hard at all," I tried to presuade him. "Trust me, we can do this." Than it happened. Jesse got this really cute and naughty look in his eyes. I knew what was comming.

"So what do I get if I do this cooking thing for you?" Jesse asked with his trademark smirk.

"What does my sexy boyfriend want?" I asked walking up to him and gently rubbing his kahki clad crotch. He groaned softly. "What was that?" I asked kneeling infront of him and unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his pants and soon had his limp cock out. "MMMMM this looks tasty," I said grinning up at him. I leaned forward and slipped the head of his cock into my mouth. Mmmmmm taste good too," I giggled. Almost immediately his cock got hard as a rock. "Ohhh I think he wants to play." Jesse whimpered softly. "Are you getting excited baby?" I asked looking up at him. He whimpered again and nodded his very cute head.

Five minutes later I was licking my lips and grinned up at a very dazed and relaxed Jesse. "So we going to do this crazy turkey day thing or not?"

"Ummmm yea," Jesse squeaked out. Yea like I said, Jesse is soooo cute!

"Good now let's put the turkey in the refridgerator and the other stuff away. Than I am taking my sexy lover out ot a movie," I smiled at him as I gently put his cock back into his pants.

"And dinner too?" Jesse asked grinning. I nodded and kissed him gently on the lips. "And more sex?" Jesse asked still grinning.

"Of course more sex," I agreed. Hey! And time I get to have sex with my lover and get to be naked with my lover was worth it. "Now come on and lets go!" I grabbed his arm and pulled out into the living room. I walked up to Dad. "Umm can Jesse and me go the movies?"

"As long as you are home and in bed by twelve," Don said. "Remember you don't have classes tomorrow."

"Yea we know dad," I replied. "And we promise." I gave both of my foster dad's a kiss and Donny a hug and kiss too and then we headed out for a evening out on the town. I was so looking forward to spending time with Jesse. Jesse had been gone for over a week and I was in serious need to be with him. I had worked extra hard with my tutor and was getting "a's" on all my subjects. Donn and Josh were so happy with me. I was so happy that I had been selected to live with them. I hoped that nothing changed. Even though I missed Brad so much that I would stay up late and cry for him at night I knew that over the long run I was much better off here than I was at home.

"So what movie do you want to see?" Jesse asked.

"Sponge Bob!" I said gleefully. Jesse snorted back a laugh. "What?" I asked with my hands on my hips. "I like sponge bob!"

"Ok we'll watch sponge bob but it is going to cost you," Jesse said smirking.

"What will it cost me?" I asked.

"You'll see," Jesse said grinning.

"Does it involve sex?" I asked eagerly.

"I'm not telling," Jesse giggled.

"Fine!" I pouted.

"And stop pouting. That is not going to work either," Jesse giggled some more. "Come on I want popcorn."

Back at Don's and Josh's house from Don's point of view.

As usual we were all snuggled on the couch in front of the fireplace listening to music. Josh had his arms wrapped around me and was giving me kisses on the fore head and shoulders and lips. The door bell rang and I growled at it. "Maybe it was the wind," I said as I snuggled deeper into Josh's arms. The door bell rang again. I let out a soft whimper and Josh laughed softly as he tried to get out of my arms.

"I'll get it!" Josh called out. The door bell rang and Josh opened it. I heard him say hi to someone and I assumed that it was someone that I knew. So I went back to throwing popcorn at Justin. Donny was joining in on the fun and ganging up on me with Justin. "Ummm Don?" Josh asked softly. I saw an elderly man standing there. "Ummm this is Charles McCartney, Ben's grand father." I had a feeling that things were going to be very different from here on out.

Two hours later we hear Ben's car drive up.

"It seems the boys are home," Josh said as he got up and went to the door. The door flew open and a very hyper Ben and Jesse came bounding in. "Did you two have fun?" Josh asked smiling at the flushed faces of the two teens.

"Yea we had fun," Ben exclaimed. "Jesse and I went to see Sponge Bob!"

"Ummm Ben, there is someone here to see you," Josh explained as they all walked into the living room.

"Grampy!" Ben exclaimed as he litterly hopped into Charles arms. "I missed you so much! How is Brad doing? I never get to see him any more. How is mom? How are you doing? I keep wanting to call you but I just don't have much time anymore. Oh and I have a boyfriend now. His name is Jesse! Jesse say hi to my Grampy!" By now Ben's grandfather was laughing a deep and hearty laugh.

"Oh my Benji," Charles laughed. "So many questions in such a short time. I saw Brad this morning and he says hi and he misses you. Your mother says hi too. I am doing fine. I still miss your grandmother so much. And might I say it is about time you found a boyfriend." He turned to Jesse and looked him up and down. "What a hottie!" Jesse instantly blushed and looked down. "Don't hurt my grandson young man!"

"Ummm yes sir," Jesse stammered. Charles laughed and hugged Jesse. Jesse gave Ben a help me look. Ben just shrugged his shoulders.

"So what have you two been up too?" Charles asked as he finally released Jesse.

"Nothing to much," Ben said suddenly shy.

"So I see," Charles said softly as he nodded knowingly. "I hope he was gentle on you."

"He was," Ben said grinning lovingly at Jesse. "Isn't he cute?" Ben asked looking up at his Grandfather. "We love each other Grampy!"

"Than I am very happy for you son," Charles said.

"What are you doing here?" Ben asked.

"Well when I found out that the jackass of son I have turned you away I had to see how you were doing. I am very happy to see that you are happy," Charles said.

"Josh and Don have been really great," Ben babbled on. "Oh and you have to meet Donny. Donny is their son. He is sick right now and he is so cute." I had to admit watching Ben interacting with his grandfather was refreshing. Ben was so happy.

"Soo ummm why are you here?" Ben asked.

"Well I want to let you know that part of your family still cares for you Benjamin," Charles said softly. "I'm very upset with your father right now. You see he is thinking that if he disownes you he will garnish my good favor and that I will leave him my estate. But what my son doesn't realize is that I too am gay." You could've heard a pin drop in the room.

"But you were married to Grandma," Ben stammered.

"Yes I did marry your Grandmother and I had a son," Charles said softly. "Back then it was very easy to hide one homosexuality. And I did. And during that time I have created a vast ammount of wealth. I have several very successful businesses. Your father knows that I am not long for this world. He wants my money. Sadly he is not going to get it. I'm leaving everything to you and Brad."

"I don't want money," Ben said sadly. "I want you." Charles laughed softly. "It is not funny!" Ben said with a pout. "You can't die!"

"I don't plan on dying just yet," Charles said hugging Ben. "But we must face facts that some day I am going to die. I want my money to be given to my grand children. I don't want that selfish self centered gay bashing ass of an son that I have to get it all."

"But why me," Ben asked looking confused. "I'm just a sixteen year old brat." Jesse snorted back a laugh when he heard that. Charles smiled softly. "Well I am."

"Yes that may be true," Charles said softly. "But I venture to say that you are a very good young man. I can see that you are a very loving and caring person. I see how Don and Josh love you like their own. I see how Jesse looks at you. I think I am going to be doing the right thing by leaving everything to you and Brad. That is why I am here. I want to make sure that you are prepared to take on the duties of being one of the richest men in the country when I am gone. And to prepare for the biggest battle of your life. When your father finds out what I have done he is not going to be happy at all."

"But how am I supposed to handle all of that money?" Ben asked. I could tell he was getting confused. "I mean I haven't even finished high school yet. I still have to go to college! I guess I should take some business courses and stuff. I'm lousy at math so I guess I should beef up on that too." Ben continued to ramble on for the next few minutes about what he should and shouldn't do and whether or not he was ready for something that big or not and how he didn't want to dissapoint Grampy. Charles nodded at Jesse who grinned his trademark grin and took Ben in his arms and kissed him breathlessly. We all laughed at poor Ben's expense. He took in stride though. "Oh are you going to stay for Thanksgiving Day dinner?" Ben asked with out breaking stride.

"I would love to if it won't be to big of a bother," Charles said looking at us. Josh and I both nodded.

"Come on Grampy you have to see my room," Ben raddled on. "Well actually it is not really a room it is more like an apartment. Come on lets go!" Ben was pratically dragging his poor Grandfather down the stairs. Jesse fell in step behind them. I knew it was going to be a very interesting few days. Now that the room was pretty much empty again I turned my attention back to Josh. I snuggled up to him and kissed his neck and started to suck on it. To hear his soft moans was music to my ears. I giggled as I inspected my handywork.

"Did you give me a hickey?" Josh asked looking sternly down at me.

"Yes I did and might I say that it is a very nice one at that," I replied snuggling up to him. Josh just laughed softly and wrapped his arms around me. "It is so good to see that Ben still has some family left to love him."

"Yea he was so cute with his Grandfather," Josh agreed. "I loved the way he called him Grampy. That was so adorable."

"That is our Ben," I sighed. "Cute lovable and adorable."

"Daddy?" asked a sleepy voice. We both looked up to see Donny standing there with his larger than life Teddy Bear in his arms and his big Star Wars Comforter dragging behind him. I could tell by his tear marks that he was up set about something. Josh scooted over and patted the seat in between us. Donny shuffled over to us and climbed inbetween us. I covered him up with his comforter and set his Teddy Bear beside us. Donny immediately snuggled up to us.

"What is wrong buddy?" I asked kissing him lightly on the top of his little head.

"I had a scary dream," Donny said softly.

"Want to talk about it?" I asked. He shrugged his shoulders. We saw a shadow cross over us and looked up to see a equally sleepy Justin.

"Oh there he is," Justin said grinning. "What's wrong little dude?"

"I had a scary dream," Donny said still holding on to me.

"Want to talk about it?" Justin asked sitting next to me. He leaned against me for support. Donny just shrugged his shoulders. He yawned really wide. "Want to go back to bed?" Justin asked. Donny held up his arms and Justin picked him up and managed to grab his teddy and comforter. I gave Donny a quick kiss on the cheek and Justin one too. Soon Josh and me were back all snuggled up on the sofa. Just as we were getting into our hot and heavy make out session we heard the door bell ring.

"Go away!" I demanded.

"Don!" Josh scolded while giggling at me. "That was not nice!" He opened the door adn found a tearful Lance standing in the doorway. "What's wrong Lance?"

"He is upset because his parents won't accept our relationship," Usher's voice spoke up. He was standing behind Lance. He was laden down with two luggage bags.

From Josh's point view

"I thought your parents were ok with you being gay," I said softly as I guided the distraught Lance into the living room.

"They are ok with me being gay," Lance said sniffling. "They just don't want me being with a black man."

"You have got to be kidding!" Don yelped out. "That is sooo like the 19 century! Let me call them! I'll straighten them out! Nobody hurts my friends!" Oh dear, it seemed that my sweetie was going into his usual protective mode. I quickly wrapped my arms around and managed to steer him away from the phone. "Lance is hurt and I have to do something to help him!" Don pouted as I looked into his eyes. I saw a mixture of emotions raging through him. I saw love and hurt and alot of anger. I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his and gave him one of my usual kisses. When I parted my lips from his I smiled at his usual dazed look on his face.

"All better?" I asked softly placing my forehead on his. "Lance needs us now. He needs us to support him. I know you want to go all protective on him and that is fine. But these are his parents we are talking about. This is something that they are going to have to work through on their own."

"But Lance is hurt," Don said his eyes getting wet. "I can't stand to see him or any of my friends hurt." I quickl wiped a tear free.

"I know you do sweetie," I smiled softly down at him. "We have to let Lance do this on his own. We can love him and offer him our shoulders for him to cry on. But in the long run this is something that he has to handle." Don nodded and placed his head on my chest. I smiled at Lance and I could see he breathed a sigh of relief.

"So you guys staying for turkey day?" Don asked pirking up. "Cause we have plenty you know." Lance looked at Usher and Usher just shrugged his shoulders. "Come on," Don pleaded giving Usher and Lance his patented puppy dog eyes. Lance sighed.

"Ok we'll stay," Lance finally agreed.

"Good," Don said. "Now lets find you two a place to sleep."

"We can stay in a hotel," Lance started.

"Yucky!" Don grumbled. "No family member of mine, adopted or not is going to stay at a hotel. Not on thanksgiving. No sir. You are staying right here. We have plenty of room." Before I could say anything Don had drug poor Lance out of the room and was showing him the guest room. "See it has a king size bed! That way you and Usher can get busy!"

"Don!" I yelled out in shock.

"It is ok," Usher said shaking his head. "It is obvious that Don cares deeply for his friends. Besides it is funny to watch him go all crazy like this."

"Yea it is cute to watch him," I had to agree. "So you want some coffee?"

"You drink coffee?" Usher asked shocked. "I thought you spent most of your time trying to hide it from Don."

"The key word is use to," I giggled. "After Ben and Jesse ganged up on me with Don I called it a lost cause. So what do you say, want to get hyped up on caffine?"

The next morning from Don's point of view.

"Have they been going at it all night long?" Josh asked as he glared at the wall. You could hear the gentle thumping of the bed against the wall. That was the way it was for most of the night. Lance and Usher had been making love all night long. I stiffled a laugh when I heard Lance groan out Usher's name.

"Oh did my sweetie get enough sleep?" I asked looking down at Josh. His hair was all messed up and his eyes were all red rimmed. "I'll tell you what. You lay here and get some more rest. I'll go down stairs and get breakfast ready and bring it up." I had to giggle when I watched him snuggled up to my side of the bed hugging my pillow to him. I couldn't help it. I stayed until he fell back asleep. It was heaven to watch him sleeping. Josh was absolutely beautiful when he was alseep. I had to litterly tear myself away and walk out or otherwise I would be there forever. I walked down the hall in time to see Lance and Usher walk out. Both had their shirts off. "Good morning love birds," I smirked at them. "Get much sleep?" Lance turned beat red. Usher just grinned sheepishly. "I'm going down to fix breakfast. You two want to help?"

"Sure," Usher replied. "Let me go get a shirt to wear." Lance just mumbled something about needing a shower. Usher giggled as he walked back into their room. Once we made it down stairs I smelled the elixer of life. Coffee!!!!!!!!!!! I hurried into the kitchen and grabbed a mug and poured me a cup.

"Mmmmmm Heaven," I sighed as I hugged the cup to me.

"You two are so bad," Jesse snickered as he pointed back at Ben who was hugging a cup to himself too. I had to admit it made a very cute picture. "Umm what are you doing in the kitchen anyway?" Jesse asked with his hands on his hips. "This place is off limits to parental figures!"

"But I have to fix my sweetie breakfast!" I argued. Jesse took me by the shoulders and guided me to the dinning room. There I saw the dinning room table all decked out with breakfast food. I looked back at the kitchen and saw that it was spotless! "How do you do that?" I demanded pointing at Ben. Ben just grinned and shrugged his shoulders. I grabbed a plate and started to put all of Josh's favorites food on it. Jesse handed me a tray to put it on and he also handed me two steaming cups of coffee. I happily carried my loot upstairs and into our little haven. When I got the door I heard the welcome sound of Josh's laugh. I also heard the laughing of my Son and his adopted uncle Justin. I walked in and saw them all piled on our bed. "Ummmm where do I sit?" I asked still holding the tray. Justin moved aside to allow me in. I set up our tray between Josh and me. "So what is my sweetie doing up?" I asked as I slipped a grape into his mouth.

"We are playing with Daddy Josh!" Donny exclaimed loudly.

"Well why don't you and Uncle Justin go down stairs and get breakfast. Cause right now I want to have breakfast with my sweet heart," I said grinning at Josh. Josh slid over and patted the bed next to him. I knew some how this was going to turn in a sex thing and I was very happy to do it. Justin rolled his eyes and Donny made a yucky noise as they made a hasty retreat from our room.

"So what are Ben and Jesse up too?" Josh asked me.

"Well Ben is hugging a cup of coffee to him and Jesse is playing watch gaurd and making sure that the kitchen is free from parental figures," I replied. "I'm starting to get worried about them. Do you think that they are going to be able to pull off this thanksgiving thing?"

"Oh I think they are going to just fine," Josh assured me. "Now get busy and eat so we can make love before getting up and watch the Macy's day parade."

"Sounds like a plan to me," I replied. I quickly started to feed Josh. He just grinned and shook his head. "Hey!" I scolded him. "I have to see my lover naked on Turkey Day!"

From Ben's point of view.

"Oh this is going to be sooooo good!" I squealed as I pushed the rooster back into the oven. "Now all it has to do is brown. How are the potatoes coming?"

"I'm not sure I doing this right," Jesse said looking helpless. I looked over his shoulders and smiled. Jesse was doing fine. I kissed him on the cheek. "I'm not good at this stuff."

"You're doing fine sweetie," I assured him. "Now make sure you add the butter and the milk." Jesse looked so worried as he poured the milk into the pot of potatoes.

"How goes the feast?" Grampy asked.

"Dinner is almost ready," I replied. "Now you are kinda sorta a parental figure so you have to leave." I gently but firmly pushed him out of the kitchen.

"When is dinner?" Lance asked as he walked in with Usher. I had to admit that they were a really hot couple.

"In a few," I said as I handed him a handful of plates. "Make yourself useful." Lance shrugged as he took the handful of papers and walked into the living room. I handed Usher the silver ware.

"Hey how they get to help?" Don demanded peaking in.

"They are not parental figures!" I scolded him. "Go back to snuggling with Dad!" I heard the hyper barking of Spot and Trixy. Than I saw Donny being carried on the shoulders of Justin. Poor Donny. He was so sick now. Well he was doing pretty good today. But he was so tired all the time. He was "supervising" the decorating of the Christmas tree. It was so cute to see him bossing Justin and Danny around. They actually wrapped him up in garland. I had heard about how his daddy had done the same thing to him last year. The Christmas Decorations were going up but they weren't allowed to light the tree or the outdoors until after dinner. Donny was going to be so exited to see the lights on. He was all smiles. But I could see the sadness in everyones elses eyes as we all realize that maybe this was the last christmas that my little foster brother was going to be spending with his little family.

"You are sad," Jesse said softly as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Look at him," I sniffled pointing at Donny. "He is so sick and yet he is trying so hard to be happy and be cute and he loves christmas so much." By now I was in tears. Jesse just held me and kissed me gently and whispered in my ear that everything was going to be all right. "How do you know?" I demanded. "You're not God!" Jesse jumped back looking hurt. "Don't make promises you can't keep!" I saw the hurt in Jesse's eyes and suddenly was embarassed that I got upset at Jesse. "I'm sorry, I'm just upset that poor Donny is so sick."

"I know you are sweetie," Jesse whispered in my ear snuggling up to me. It felt so good to be held by him. I felt so safe and so comfortable. "Donny is so lucky to have you in his life," Jesse said softly as he kissed my neck. "Now we have to finish dinner so we can all light the christmas tree for him. We have a job to do. We have to spend as long as we can to make that little boy as happy as possible. So let's get dinner on the table."

From Don's point of view after everyone had eaten.

I looked around the table and saw that everyone was so happy. Josh smiled softly at me and I couldn't help but blush slightly. His look told me that he was so in love with me. I knew now that beyond any shadow of doubt that Josh was my soulmate. He loved me and I loved him so much. I looked at

"Ok everyone time to light the tree!" I announced. Justin picked up Donny and put him on his shoulder. I took Josh's hand and together we all walked into the living room. Justin handed Donny the light switch attatched the chord. Whenever you are ready sweetie," I said softly looking up at Donny. He grinned his litte smile and he got this really cute naughty look in his eyes as he turned on the switch. You could hear everyone take a breath in as the whole room lit up. I had to say that this was a very pretty tree. And my son had done it again. He had won the heart of everyone in this room into helping him decorate his house.

"Ok now we go do the outside!" Donny exclaimed. We all had to laugh at him. He was already making plans as who was going to do what on the outside. For some reason my eyes filled with tears. Here he was making plans for decorating the outside of the house and at the same time he was fighting for his life. Josh's eyes fell on me and I saw the love in his eyes and the concern. I quickly wiped the tears from my eyes and forced myself to remember that Donny needed to see his daddy happy. I quickly walked up to Josh and wrapped my arms around him. Donny's smile was so worth it.

Later after Donny had been put to bed and Ben and Jesse were safely tucked away in their bedroom and Grampy had been taken to the airport and was on his way back home. Justin and Danny had gone back to Danny's house and Lance and Usher were snuggling on teh sofa Josh tapped me on the shoulder. I looked up into his eyes. "Let's go up stairs," Josh suggested. "I want to spend some quality time with you." I quickly took his hand and walked up stairs with him. In no time at all we were all naked and snuggled in bed watching the fireplace. "Did you enjoy today?" Josh asked softly as his lips caressed my shoulder. I shivered with delight as I felt his breath on my bare skin.

"Very much," I replied.

"I noticed your tears a few times today," Josh gently reminded me.

"Yea I was upset about Donny," I admitted looking up into his loving eyes. "He is trying so hard to be brave. I mean here he is fightin for his very life and he is still making time to do the things that he loves to do. He is such a brave little boy." By now I was sobbing softly. Josh just held me and made sure that I was loved. At some point I fell asleep in his arms. I'm sure that Josh wanted to make love to me tonight but right now I needed to be held and loved. And Josh did that for me. Yes I was right. I had indeed fallen in love with my soul mate. Christmas was right around the corner and that also met that we were going to get married.


Next: Chapter 23

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