Picking Up the Pieces of My Life

By JC Fanfic

Published on Nov 7, 2004


A Work of Fiction by JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications (c) Copyright 2004

Disclaimer: All Characters and situations of this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people and actual situations is purely coincidental. All fictional characters and fictional situations portrayed in this work of fiction remains the property of JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications. Republishing of this work of fiction is strictly forbidden unless permission as been given by JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications. Permission granted to Nifty Archives for the sole purpose of posting on the Boy Bands section of the Archives. Permission may be obtained by e-mailing JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications at JC_Fan_Fiction@yahoo.com

Comments are welcome too. Constructive Comments and advice are welcome. Honest opinions are welcome as well. And if you want to vent all over me as long it is good natured than feel free too do that to.

E-mail me at JC_Fan_Fiction@yahoo.com

Picking the Pieces of my Life: Chapter 17

From Josh's point of view

Three weeks later in Don's home town in Don's home town hospital we have begun the long and painful task of getting Donny better. Don had decided to camp out in the hospital room. Poor Donny was trying so hard to be brave. He had made a lot of friends at the hospital. He was a little charmer with the nurses too. One very bright aspect of this whole thing was that I was now officially out of the closet. I came out the night that we found out that Donny was sick. I wanted everyone to know that I loved Don and Donny. I wanted to show everyone that I was here to stay.

"Mr. Chasez?" a voice sounded from behind me. I turned and saw the social worker standing next to the door leading into Donny's room. "Do you have a few minutes?"

"Sure Mss. Crebauckle," I replied politely.

"Shall we go into the conference room?" she asked gesturing to the empty room. I nodded and followed her in. I wondered what she wanted. "Your partner is running him self too thin," she said bluntly. "He hasn't left the room in over two weeks. I don't think he is eating right. And well he needs a break from this."

"From this?" I asked raising my voice slightly. "This happens to be the fight for his son's life."

"I know and I'm sorry that didn't come out right. What I am trying to say is that if your lover is going to be effective at helping his son through this he is going to have take better care of himself. And you are going to push him in that direction," she explained.

"This is not going to be easy," I sighed.

"And I don't envy you in your task," she replied with a small smile. She got up and left the room. For the last three weeks Don had dedicated his entire life to his son and his health care. I had not seen him cry one tear or smile at one joke. The only time that he did smile was when his son would be cheerful enough to act like his old self. But other than that Don showed basically no emotion at all. And speaking of emotion. I can't even remembered when Don and I were intimate with each other. Don slept at the hospital with Donny and I slept at home. I was lonely and I wanted my Don back. the Social worker was right. We needed to find a balance between us and Donny's illness and we needed to find it fast. Sighing heavily I reached into my pocket and pulled out my cell and dialed up Justin's number.

"Justin?" I asked when he answered the phone. "I need your help with something. And it is not going to be easy." After explaining everything to him I hung and stood up and walked out into the hall and into Donny's room. I smiled at the laughter that came from the room. It always did me good to hear Donny's laughter. I peaked around the corner in time to see Danny and Usher teasing poor Donny. Donny was all flushed with laughter. "Hey Buddy," I called out. He jerked his head towards me all smiles. "Are these two dudes picking on you?"

"We're having fun," Donny said giggling as Danny continued to lightly tickle him. I heard the bathroom door open and out walked my lover. He had obviously taken a shower. "Hi Daddy!"

"You need to take a nap sweetie," Don said sternly.

"But Danny and Usher were going to set up the play station for me," Donny complained.

"Ok but after they set it up and after one game it is nap time for you," Don relented. Yea like anyone could possibly say no to that little tyke.

"You look tired sweetie," I said softly.

"Not now Josh," Don said glaring at me. "I'm not leaving and I'm not going anywhere until Donny is better."

"You really don't have a choice in the matter," Justin's voice sounded from behind us. "You have other responcibilities that you have to tend too."

"I'm not leaving Donny!" Don shouted. I watched Donny's eyes widened with fear. I smiled at him to let him know that everything was fine.

"Outside now," Justin hissed at Don. He grabbed his arm and guided Don out. I followed them out into the hall. I could tell that Don was really pissed. He stopped and leaned against the wall. "No outside in the park across the street," Justin ordered. Surprisingly Don followed him out. I followed him out too. The leaves were out in full color. We had moved back to Denver Colorado and Don was really enjoying the fall weather. Me? well it was cold!!!! I mean really Cold. I was used to california and Florida weather. I pulled my jacket around me in a vain attempt to keep me warm. Don did grin at me and shook his head. The reason we had moved back to Denver and back to his town house was an expert that had handled Don's case when he was a teenager. He didn't trust anyone else to take care of Donny but him. Dr. Ratigan was the name of this Doctor and according to Don he was great. "Sit down!" Justin ordered Don. Don glared at him for a few minutes before finally giving into Justin's demands. "You need to rest."

"I'm resting!" Don complained.

"Like hell you are!" Justin shot back. "You haven't had a break from that hospital in over three weeks. You really think you are doing Donny any good half dead on your feet?"

"I'm fine!" Don muttered.

"No you're not! You need about 48 hours away from the hospital!" Justin instructed.

"But what about Donny!" Don exclaimed. "I have to be near him!"

"You don't trust us to take care of him?" Justin accused him glaring hard at him. The look of hurt raged through Don's face. I almost caved and was so tempted to take his side but I knew that Justin was right. "How dare you! We all love Donny like our own. Let us take some of the load! Let us help!"

"Is this what this is all about?" Don demanded.

"No!" Justin shouted. "What this is about is that you are wearing yourself out. You're not doing yourself or Donny or JC any good wearing yoruself to death!"

"Fine I'll go home and rest for two days!" Don muttered. "But if anything happens to him!"

"You will be the first to know!" Justin said quickly holding his hands up. "JC, take your lover home and make sure he gets plenty to eat and a long hot bath and than put him to bed!" Justin turned around and stomped back into the hospital. I turned to Don.

"Were you in on this too?" Don asked his eyes blazing.

"I'm not going to lie to you. I am for you to get some rest. Sweetie, I know that you are worried sick over poor Donny. We all are. But we have to take time for ourselves. Cause if we don't we are going to wear ourselves out and than what kind of help could we ever hope to be to Donny? I got as much invested in this relationship as you do. I love that little boy like he was my very own." I put as much passion in this as much as I could. I wanted him to know how much I loved him. "I'm worried about you baby." I said softly looking at the ground as a tear flowed down my face. I felt him touch me. I looked into his eyes and shivered at the pain, love and devotion that poured out of him. Poor Don he was never any good at hiding his feelings. Just look into his eyes and you knew excactly where he stood on anything. A cold wind blew and made me shiver. He giggled softly. "What?" I asked pertending to be hurt. "It is cold out here."

"Well than I think we should get home and get you warm," he said with a real smile on his face. He reached out with both arms and I walked into them and shivered with desire as he wrapped his arms around me. "I'm sorry," he said softly.

"Hey," I whispered to him as I kissed the top of his head. "You have nothing to be sorry for. You love your little boy and right now he needs all the love and support he can get," I replied kissing his lips. "Now let's get home before I turn into a popsicle!" This time I got a laugh out of him. The first one I had heard in a very long time.

In the hospital in another part.

"Ben?" A voice asked a young teen sitting on the bed. His shaggy head jerked around. He was pale but very good looking. His blonde hair really stood out and accented his grey eyes. "The social worker would like to talk to you. Is that all right?" He shrugged his shoulders. "I'll take that as a yes." The nurse stood aside and a sober looking younger man walked into the room.

"Umm Ben I talked to your parents," the man started. "The simple fact is that they have terminated their parental rights to you." A cold stab of fear raged through the teenager. "We're going to have to put you in foster care."

"My mom and dad don't want me?" Ben asked his voice quivering. "But what about Brad?"

"You're not to have any contact with your twin brother," the social worker said. That did it for Ben. The tears started and then the anger. By the time it was done they had to sedate him and place him in restraints. The Social worker stepped out of his room shaking his head. Turning to the doctor he said softly. "How any family could disown a son just because he is gay is beyond me."

"Where are you going to place him?" the Doctor asked.

"Well it won't be easy. He is fifteen years old. Most people want some one much younger. There is one person that might take him in. Actually he would be perfect for him. He is Gay and is currently engaged to a gay celebratity," The Social worker said softly.

"You must mean Don Smith," the Doctor spoke up. "You know his son is battling leukemia don't you?"

"No," the social worker shook his head his face falling into disapointment. "How is his son doing?"

"Well Doctor Ratigan is handling his case. Right now Donny Jr. is holding his own. I just wish we could help Ben McCartney," Dr. McCallister said sadly.

"Maybe there is a way that Mr Smith can help us," the Social Worker said with a thoughtfull look on his face. "Who is the celebrity he is engaged too?"

"Joshua Chasez," Dr. McCallister replied.

"Perfect!" the Social Worker replied. "I do believe that JC expressed a desire of becomming a foster parent too. Do you think you can set up a meeting with them?"

"I'll see what I can do," Dr. McCallister promised.

Back at the town house from Don's point of view.

"Is my sweetie all warm now?" I aksed looking down at JC all snuggled up on the overstuffed sofa infront of the fire place with a steaming cup of hot chocalate in his hands.

"Very warm now but now I'm all lonely," JC replied with a small pout. "I really want you sitting next to me snuggling up to me."

"I was wondering when you were going to ask me to join you," I replied happily as I slid nest to him and snuggled up to him. "So what do you want to do now?"

"Make love?" JC piped up with his usual naughty and very sexy grin.

"Oh we will be doing a lot of that Mr. Horny Toad," I giggled as I rubed his crotch causing him to moan softly. "Oh I'm sorry, did I make you all exited?" Yea I was teasing him but I loved doing that to him. It usually meant really really hot sex later. "But right now I want to snuggle with you and just be with you." Just as we were getting really comfortable the doorbell rang. I whimpered softly. "Maybe they will go away," I said laying my head on his chest. The mean old door bell kept ringing. I growled at it as I got up and walked up to the door and opened it. A young nervous looking man was standing there. "Can I help you?"

"Chad Riley," he replied. "I'm a social worker at the hospital. I was wondering if I could have a moment of your and Mr. Chasez's time."

"Is it Donny? Is he all right?" I asked already starting to panic.

"No, this isn't about Donny," Chad replied quickly. "I'm actually here on a completely differnt matter."

"Please come in," I said quickly as I stood aside to allow him in. "Come into the living room." We walked into the living room and I spotted poor JC laying on the sofa trying really hard to relax. "Umm Josh, this is Chad Riley, a social worker at the hospital. He would like to talk to us about something." Josh being the polite gentleman he was he quickly stood up and walked over to Chad and shook his hand.

"What can we do for you Mr. Riley?" Josh asked softly.

"Well I'll get right to the point. Both of you have expressed interest in becomming foster parents. Now I am aware of your son's illness but this is a very special case. The boy is fifteen years old and gay and has tried to commit suicide and his parents have just signed over their parental rights to the state. Basically he needs a home that is willing to allow a very open gay fifteen year old young man into their lives." Both Josh and I were silent as we both thought about what Chad had just said. Finally I took a deep breath and looked at Josh. To my surprise he nodded his head.

From Josh's point of view.

I didn't have to think about it too long. This kid needed our help. Even though we were going through hell trying to make sure that Donny got the best care he could get we both knew that this kid needed our help and our love. I looked at Don and nodded. He saw him take a deep breath and nodd too.

"We would like a chance to meet him," Don spoke up first. "We love kids, and it doesn't really matter how old he is or if it is a boy or a girl. I expressed an interest in being a foster dad because I wanted to help kids. So if this kid vibe with us than I think I speek for both of us when I say we would like to give this a try." The smile on Chad's face lit up the room.

"Well I can't tell you how much I appreciate this," Chad exclaimed. "How about a meeting tomorrow morning at nine?"

"Why not tonight?" Don asked.

"Ben found out that his parents didn't want him anymore. He took it really bad. We had to sedate and restrain him to keep him from hurting himself," Chad said sadly. "The poor kid has been through hell. So when you see him tomorrow be prepared." I saw the hurt rage through Don. He hadn't even met this kid yet and he was already throwing him self into this foster dad thing. Hell I even felt bad for him. Tomorrow we would have a chance to really get to know Ben and what kind of life he had. But for tonight at least we had each other. And I planned on taking full advantage of our night.

At the hospital From Justin's point of view

"Where is my Daddy?" Donny demanded. He was not a happy little camper. His IV had gone bad and the Lab Tech had spent over an hour trying to start a new one. After over ten more tries Donny had enough. I politely guided the frustrated Lab Tech out of the room and went back in to do damage control. "I want Daddy!" Donny whimpered as fresh tears rolled down his face.

"Sweetie, Daddy is at home resting," I replied softly. "He has been here over three weeks with out a break. He is at home recharging his batteries. He will be here in for a visit tomorrow."

"Am I going to get a new IV?" Donny asked with fear in his eyes. "I don't like those needle things."

"I know you don't want a new IV but you have to have one," I explained to him.

"But it hurts," Donny whimpered. "I don't want one!" Over the last few weeks Donny had been so brave. He never cried when he had his blood drawed or a new IV started. Even when he was getting so sick with the chemo he was so brave. But tonight he decided that enough was enough. He wanted to go home, he wanted his daddy and he wanted no more IV's. We all expected it. Now all I could do is hold him and comfort him. I let him cry his little eyes out. At some point he fell asleep. When I knew he was sound asleep I ushered the tech back in. This time he hit the vein the first try. I was thankful that Donny stayed asleep through the whole thing. After his IV was running again I stepped out to find my lover. I didn't have far to look. Both Danny and Usher was at the chapel. I was surprised that Usher would be caught dead in a hospital chapel. I walked behind Danny and laid my hand on his shoulder. He looked up at me with a smile on his face.

"How did it go?" Danny asked.

"It took eleven tries to get it started. Donny was not a happy camper. He kept asking for his daddy," I replied wiping a tear from my eyes. "I can't stand to see him in pain." I looked at the cross hanging on the wall. "Some times I really have to wonder just what kind of God would allow a cute little boy like Donny to go through as much pain and heartache as that little boy has gone through." By now tears were really starting to flow. Thankfully Danny was there to hold me. After I stopped crying on poor Danny's shoulder I sat down and yawned really wide.

"We should go home and get some sleep," Danny suggested.

"I don't want to leave Donny," I replied. "But you're right, we need to get some rest." Together the tree of us headed out of the hospital and climbed into the waiting limo and headed home. We were all dead tired. It would be good to go to bed and sleep. But knowing Usher he would want to have sex again. I had made up my mind that there would be no sex tonight. All I wanted to do was wrap my tired body around my lover and drift off to a blissful sleep.

The next morning from Don's point of view.

The sun light hit me in the face. I winced as I looked around. I was in bed and it was missing Josh. I looked around for him and heard the shower running. Now it had been weeks since I had seen my lover all wet and naked and wet and naked-- wait I said that already. Hey! I'm horny! Stop laughing at me! Needless to say I was stark naked when I walked into the bathroom. I was already to hop into the shower when I heard something. I thought it was Josh continuing with his shower. I giggled as I pulled the door open and that was when I got the surprise of my life. There was Usher sliding his eleven inch cock up into Danny as hard and as fast as he could. Justin was kneeling at Danny's feet sucking on his cock. "AuuuuggghhH!" I screamed. Usher just looked over his shoulder and grinned at me.

"Want to join us?" he smirked. I quickly shut the shower door and hurried back to our room. Josh was standing by the doorway grinning at me.

"Well?" he asked. "Did you like the show?" I shuddered at the memory of my little brother getting doubled teamed by Justin and Usher. "Yea I know I got the same surprise too."

"How long have they've been going at it?" I asked slipping a pair of boxer briefs.

"Every morning and every night," Josh sighed. "They are leading a very healthy sex life."

"I just don't want Danny hurt," I said softly as I laid my head on Josh's shoulder. I shivered when I felt his lips kiss my neck.

"So why were you all naked in the bathroom anyway?" Josh asked. I looked up in time to see the naughty look cross over his eyes.

"Well I thought it was you in the shower," I pouted. "I wanted to get frisky."

"We can still get frisky," Josh said eagerly.

"You are a bad boy!" I scolded him. Even though the thought of having Josh all naked and making love to me did have it's appeal. "But we have an appointment." The look of dissapointment almost made me change my mind. I kissed his adorable pouty lips and rubbed his crotch. This got one of his cute little whimpers that drove me nuts. He knew it too as he giggled. "Let's go eat breakfast and than head down to the hospital."

"You're supposed to stay away from that place," Justin's voice sounded from the bathroom. I looked back to see all three of them walking out of the bathroom. Danny was glowing and he wore a very big grin on his face. Usher looked very pleased with himself and Justin looked very relaxed.

"We have an appointment with the social worker," I explained to him. "Than we are going to visit Donny and than we'll be home by noon."

"What's the appointment for?" Justin asked.

"Foster Parents," Josh piped up.

"Are you still on that kick?" Justin asked rolling his eyes. "Don't you have enough to worry about with Donny?"

"This guy really needs our help," I spoke up. "And if we can help him than I want too." I could tell that Justin was not happy about this at all. "It will be fine."

"No it won't!" Justin hurled at us. "Donny needs all of your help right now. He doesn't need to share his time with you with some street urgent!"

"He is not a street Urgent!" I shouted right back. "And how dare you cast judgement. You're gay and out to your parents and they are happy for you. They love and support you. Ben doesn't have that. His parents disowned him. He has no one! And like it or not we are going to help him!" I brushed by him and stomped into the bathroom and started to take my shower. Some times Justin could be very self absorbed with himself. I heard the shower door slide open and felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked back to see Josh standing there all naked. "Not now Josh," I muttered.

"Shhhh," Josh said softly in my ear. His arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me close. I was surprised to find that his cock was not hard. "I just want to hold you love," he whispered in my ear. So who was I to argue. Besides it felt good being held by him. His soft lips kept raining these little kisses on my shoulder and neck. Despite everything I felt my cock get hard. "May I take care of you?" he asked me as he reached around me and took hold of my cock. I moaned softly. Josh slid around me and knelt at my feet and slid my cock into his mouth. I reached for his only to have him gently move my hands back to the sides. "This is all about you love." I decided to allow Josh to do his thing.

Later at the hospital.

Josh and I stood behind the glass that looked into the observation room. We were waiting to see Ben. We had been warned that he might be combative or hostile. The door opened and he walked in. I looked at Josh and saw the sympathy in his eyes. Ben was about five feet four inches tall. He had really shaggy blonde hair. He was slim but had some definition to his slim form. He was a very attractive young man. His eyes looked at the mirror and he gave a small smile and wave. I choked back some tears. "Shall we go meet him?" Chad asked. I knodded and took JC's hand. We all walked to the door and opened it and walked in. Ben was sitting down with his back to us. "Ben?" Chad's soft voice drifted out. Ben looked back. "This is Don Smith and JC Chasez, they want to meet you and talk to you."

"Why?" Ben asked. "Why would they want to meet a dirty little fag like me?"

"Now you listen to me young man," Josh said with conviction. "You are not a dirty little fag. You are a very beautiful person who deserves to be loved. So there will be no more talk about that." Ben chewed on his bottom lip for a few seconds before casting his eyes downward and knodded. "Good," Josh said sternly. "Now I am JC Chasez and this is my fiance Don Smith." That got his attention. He jerked his head around in shock. Josh laughed softly. "Yea you heard right, we are gay and we are engaged to be married. And we would like to talk to you about becomming your foster parents."

"You mean you would let me live with you?" Ben asked scrunching up his nose. "I mean wouldn't I be in the way?"

"Oh it would take some getting used too," I spoke up as I sat down across from Ben. "But Josh and want to help . We heard about your story and decided to help."

"When would I move in?" Ben asked his eyes lighting up.

"Well if everything goes well we can take you home today," Josh replied. "That is of course if you want to live with us."

"There is something else you should know," I added. "I have a biological son. He is four years old and has leukemia." I saw the look of sympathy cross over Ben's face. I knew at that moment that this was going to work out just fine. "Oh yea and we have two dogs too." His eyes lit up again. He looked so cute when his eyes lit up like that.

"Well I'll get the paper work started," Chad said. Chad stepped out of the room.

"So what kind of music do you like?" Josh asked Ben as he sat down next to me. Ben blushed and looked down.

"I think he likes yours," I whispered to Josh. This got a giggle from Ben.

"I do like yours," Ben suddenly gushed out. "I like pop music, like Bsb and NSYNC and Jesse McCartney and Aaron Carter---." Once he got started there was no stopping him. Twenty minutes later he finally stopped talking. Josh was grinning from ear to ear.

"So how do we pick up your stuff?" I asked. That was when I got mad.

"I don't have any of it anymore," Ben mumbled. "Dad burned it all up. He said that stuff was for faggots." Silence racked the room for just a few minutes before Josh said the magic words.

"Well than, I guess you are just going to have to take Ben shopping for all of the things he needs," Josh piped up. "And take Justin with you. You know how much of a kid he is."

"Yea and let's not forget about Danny too," I quipped.

"Who is Danny?" Ben asked.

"My kid brother," I replied. "He and Justin are seeing eachother."

"You mean Justin is gay too?" Ben asked in shock.

"Yes Ben, Justin is gay too. But since you are going to be a part of this family you have to keep it confidential," Josh explained to him. "Now as soon as Chad gets back with the paper work we can get out of here."

"First there is someone he has to meet," I reminded Josh.

"Oh yea Donny," Josh nodded. "How are you about meeting rambuctios little boys?" Ben shrugged his shoulder and looked confused. "Don't worry about it. You'll do fine." Josh snickered as he reached out and messed up Ben's hair.

"Hey! Watch the due!" Ben whined smaking Josh's hand away and than spent the next five minutes trying to fix his hair back the way he had it. Yep he was a typical teen and I think were were all going to get along just fine. Once we had the paper signed and Ben was all packed, which wasn't much, we all headed out of the secured ward and headed down to pediatrics to meet Donny. I wondered what Donny was going to think about having a foster brother to play with.

From Justin's point of view.

"Unca Justin stop!" Donny giggled loudly. You see I had decided that Donny needed to be tickled to death. Well not to death actually but it was good to hear him laugh after last night. Donny seemed to be doing better this morning. So much better that the doctor was talking about maybe letting him go home today. I finally let him up and watched as Donny scooted away from me and into the clutches of his real Uncle Danny who basically started where I left off. It was really funny as Donny started to giggle again. The door opened and Don and Josh walked in and walking in behind them shyly was a young man, maybe fifteen years old. He was slim and only about five feet four inches tall. He had really blonde hair and grey eyes. He was young but very good looking. I wondered for a few mintues who he was. Than it dawned on me. This had to be this Ben person. "Hi Daddy!" Donny exclaimed as he struggled to get away from Danny. Danny ruffled Donny's hair and let him up. To see Donny in Don's arm all smiles did my heart good. I noticed that Danny was looking at his hands. I looked at them too. That was when I saw it. Black hair. Donny's black hair. Don saw it too and tried really hard to be brave. His eyes filled up with tears. He hugged Donny close to him and Josh put his arms around his little family. Poor Ben was standing there looking lost. I decided to step in and help Ben out.

"You must be Ben," I said grinning my most charming grin. "So you're going to be living with Don and Josh?" Ben nodded looking shy. "Do you talk?" I asked joking. "Cause if you don't that would be good too. Cause Don talks enough for all of us."

"Hey!" Don said grinning his thanks at me. "I don't talk that much."

"Yes you do daddy!" Donny giggled. That got everyone laughing and the fact that Donny was loosing his hair was momentary forgotten.

"So do you?" I asked Ben again. Ben got this really confused look on his face.

"Do I what?" he finally asked. His voice was pretty much normal. But his facial expression was so adorable.

"Cool," I smiled wrapping my arm around his shoulder. "He does talk."

"Justin, be a good boy and stop picking on Ben," Don scolded me.

"I'm not picking on him," I said pouting. Ben giggled and blushed looking down. "He is so cute when he blushes."

"Help?" Ben asked Don with a helpless expression on his face.

"Ok ok," I laughed. "I promise to behave."

"Who are you?" Donny asked Ben.

"Ummm my name is Ben and I umm I am going to umm," Ben stammered. Finally Josh decided to step in to help.

"Ben is going to be living with us for a while," Josh replied for Ben.

"Why?" Donny asked looking confused.

"Because he doesn't have a home right now," Josh continued.

"Why?" Donny asked still looking confused. Josh sighed and looked at Don for help.

"Because we are going to be foster parents to Ben," Don replied. "He needs a home and we are going to be there for him."

"Is he going to be like a big brother for me?" Donny asked looking up at Ben as if inspecting him. Poor Ben looked worried as if he might not pass Donny's inspection.

"Well yes I guess you could call him that if he wants you too," Don replied.

"Will you?" Donny asked Ben. Ben swallowed and looked at Don. Don nodded.

"I would love to be your older brother," Ben replied grinning really wide.

"Cool," Donny replied as he held up his arms. Ben looked confused. "Big brothers are supposed to hug their little brothers," Donny informed him. This brought a smile to Don and Josh's faces. Ben leaned down and hugged Donny. I knew at that moment that everything was going to be just fine.

"So Ben," I started as we all headed out to the car. "What kind of music do you like?" Twenty minutes later Ben was still jabbering about all of his favorite music. Turns out that Ben was gay and was interested in every boy band and cute singer out there. I also found out that his father had destroyed his cd collection when he found out that he was gay. I also found out that Ben had tried to commit suicide when his family shunned him. I really felt bad about being so hard on him before I even had a chance to get to know him. I decided right then and there that I would help him out in any way possible.

"So do you have a boyfriend?" I asked casually.

"No," Ben replied. "I'm really not looking."

"What?" I asked shocked. "A hottie like you and not attatched?"

"I'm not a hottie," Ben said blushing.

"Oh no you're a hottie," I argued back. "I can help you find a boyfriend!"

"I thought we left matchmaking to Don," Josh said to me.

"Well I can help too!" I argued. "It will be fun. Oh by the way I'm taking you shopping!"

From Don's point of view.

I was watching poor Ben and Justin talk back and forth. Justin had decided that Ben needed to go shopping. I was so happy that Justin had taken a shinning to Ben. I thought we might have problems with Justin about Ben but it seems to have passed. Now Ben had let it slip that he had this huge crush on Jesse McCartney. Justin's eyes lit up.

"Hey I know Jesse!" Justin gushed. "He is single and looking!"

"Yea but he is not gay," Ben blurted out.

"Oh he is gay and trust me he is going to love you," Justin replied. "let me set up a date with you and him?" Ben looked at me helpless and I was mean and just grinned. "Come on you two will make a really really cute couple!"

"But he is like this really big celibrity type person and I'm just this dir--," Ben started but stopped when he saw the scolding look that Josh gave him.

"You are not a dirty fag," Josh said sternly. "That is a lie that your father told you. Because he can't accept the fact that you are gay and happy with your choice. Now I don't want you to say that ever again. Understand?"

"Yes sir," Ben said looking down.

"And don't call me sir," Josh said grinning "You make me feel really really old."

"Ok I promise not to make you feel your age," Ben said with his eyes sparkling with mischief.

"Ok good," Josh started than it dawned on him. "Hey!" We all started to laugh at poor Josh's expense. At least we got to see a side of Ben that he had been hiding.

Finally we were home. Donny was upstairs resting in his old room. We had redocorated his room to reflect his latest interest. Now he was really into this star wars thing. So Justin and Danny and Usher had banded together to redecorate his room in all of the latest Star Wars stuff. It was really cute to see the look on Donny's face when he walked in. Ben was down stairs marvling at all the space he had. Josh and I decided to kick poor Justin, Danny, and Usher out of the down stairs apartmen and they were now sharing the guest room. Ben had a large bedroom, living room and a kitchen and full bath. I have to say the look on his face was so worth it. Josh was strangly quiet when we got home. I wondered what that was all about. I looked over and saw him looking at me with a frown. I decided to take matters into my own hands so to speak. I walked up to him and leaned down and kissed him on the lips. His soft moan told me at least he still was connected to his senses. "Walk with me love," I ordered him as I took his hand and walked out the front door. We headed down the street. The leaves were all out in full color and houses were all done in halloween decorations. That reminded me that we still had to decorate our house. But that would have to wait. Right now I had to find out what was bothering my lover. When we came to the lake shore that was on the property I sat down on the bank and patted the seat next me. "Sit so we can talk," I instructed him. Josh sighed and plopped down next to me. I wrapped my arms around and pulled him close. "Ok talk to me lover boy," I smiled at him.

"When are we going to get married?" Josh asked bluntly. "I mean that is all we ever do about this marriage thing is talk. I want to get married. I'm tired of waiting!"

"I'm ready to get married," I blurted out. "I've always been ready. I was waiting for you."

"Why?" Josh asked. "You know how I feel about us."

"Than let's set a date!" I blurted out. "I mean let's really set a date. A real honest to god date!"

"Christmas!" Josh exclaimed.

"A Christmas Wedding?" I asked shocked.

"Yea right here in Colorado with the snow and the rockies and all the christmas stuff," Josh added. "I want a Christmas Wedding!"

"Ok that sounds good!" I agreed. I watched as a huge weight was lifted off of Josh. He visably relaxed. He snuggled up to me and I kissed him on the lips. "You're cold aren't you?"

"I'll get used to it," Josh replied. "Just as long I have you snuggle up too every day night."

"That sounds like a plan," I agreed. "Now what do you say we go home and see how our family is doing?" So together we walked back to the house. When we got there We could hear music coming from down stairs. I soon discovered that Justin and Usher had already started to rebuild Ben's lost CD collection. Josh and I snuck down stairs to see what our new foster son was up too. We were not disapointed. It became very plain to us that Ben was a very atheletic young man. He was dancing all over the place and he was good. I mean Justin Timberlake and Usher good. We waited until the song was finished before we started applauding. He took it like most teens. He glared at us and blushed. "You're very good."

"You were not supposed to be watching," he grumbled. "Umm thanks for letting me live here and all."

"Are you comfortable?" Josh asked. Leave it to Josh to act all concerned. Well he really wasn't acting. It was in Josh's nature to be concerned about everyone but himself. "Oh yea Don and Justin are taking you shopping tomorrow."

"Umm I can't afford to go shopping," Ben mumbled suddenly finding the carpet really interesting.

"OK you really need to start thinking about this foster parents thing a little more different. Money is not a option for us. You are our responcibility now. We want to take care of you. You know provide you with everything that you need," Josh explained. "And since Don and Justin are major shopaholics they are the best drag you shopping."

"Josh!" I whined. "I am not a shopping holic thingy!"

"Yes you are sweetie," Josh continued to tease me. "So you and Justin have lots of fun tomorrow taking our foster son around and getting all of the things that a normal Teenager needs." I knew I wasn't going to win this one so I just let Josh have his way.

"We're going out to dinner, I announced. "Ben since this is your first night here you get to decide where we are going."

"Planet Hollywood!" Ben announced. Josh and I busted up laughing.

"Planet Hollywood it is than," I replied. "We leave in fifteen minutes." I decided that I needed to see Donny. I headed up stairs to his room. I walked into his room and smiled at the sight. He was all nuggled up in bed with both puppies. Than it dawned on me. He was supposed to be kept in a virtually germ free enviroment. I realized that this was not going to be easy. "Donny sweetie?" I asked. He sat up and rubbed his sleepy eyes and looked up at me. "Hey buddy, how are you doing?" He wrapped his little arms around me.

"Better now that I am at home," he said softly. "I hate being sick."

"I know you do sweetie," I said holding him close. "But we are working really hard on getting you well sweetie. And this is going to take time. I am really really proud of you son," I smiled down at him. "You are so brave while you are in the hospital."

"But why do I have to be sick?" Donny asked. This was the first time he had asked me that question. How do I answer it?

"I don't know sweetie," I replied. "All I can say is that God has a plan for us all. We have to accept the things that God puts down infront of us. We have to work at keeping as healthy as possible. Which means that we have to dicuss some things that you are not going to like buddy." Trixy decided that this was where he needed to make his pressence known. He laid his head on my lap and looked up at me with those huge puppy dog eyes. "You have to be in a germ free invoroment. Well as germ free as we can make it. That means that the puppies can't sleep with you for right now." I knew by the look on Donny's face that he wasn't happy about this at all.

"I don't want to be sick anymore!" Donny shouted with tears in his eyes. Trixy picked up on his little masters mood and growled softly in agreement with his little master.

"I know you don't sweetie," I tried to comfort him. "But the fact is you are sick and we need to take steps to get you well again."

"Will I get to see Trixy and Spot again?" Donny asked with his little bottom lip quivering.

"Oh of course you do kiddo," I smiled down at him pulling him close. "You just can't sleep with them any more. We have to keep your bedroom and your bed clean too."

"Ok," Donny said still looking sad. He turned to Trixy and petted him. "You can't sleep with me anymore." Trixy grunted and huffed. "I know you're not happy but that is the way it is." Donny was being his brave self again. I was so proud of him.

"You ready for dinner?" I asked.

"Where are we going?" Donny asked brightening up.

"Planet Hollywood," I replied.

"I like Planet Hollywood!" Donny said grinning widely. He reached around and picked up a Tennessee ball cap and put it on his head. He looked so cute with it on.

"I see Uncle Justin has been busy," I said as I looked around the room. It had seemed that Justin and Danny had filled the empty spaces with ball caps and matching jackets and pants. I had to choke back tears because I realized what the ball caps were for. Donny was lossing his hair and he would need the ball caps. It hurt me so much to see my son go through what I had to go through. I still had my old ball cap from my cancer days. It was packed away in a old box in the attic. I was glad those days were over for me. But now my son had to endure them as well.

"Daddy!" Donny's voice intruded on my thoughts. "I'm ready!" I looked down and smiled softly at him. He was wearing a jacket that his "uncle Justin had bought him. It matched the ball cap he was wearing. Leave it to Justin to make sure that Donny was all uumm as he put it, "FLY".

"Ok son," I forced a smile. "Let's go eat." I took his small hand and led him down the hall and down stairs where I met Josh and Ben. "We're ready to go," I announced. "What are Justin and Danny doing?"

"They are going to meet us at the resturant," Josh informed as he took my hand. I noticed that Donny had latched onto poor Ben and was busy talking his head off to him about something. Ben started to laugh and Donny joined in. I was so happy that the two of them were getting along so well. Donny needed Ben in his life and it was plain that Ben needed more people in his life too. I had a feeling that this crazy thing that Josh and I had started was going to work.

Later from Danny's point of view.

"I'm leaving tonight," Usher's soft voice drifted over to us. Justin was busy sucking on my neck giving me a hickey. His lips popped off of my neck making a wet smaking sound.

"Why?" Justin asked. I could detect a small amount of disapointment in his voice. Yea the sex was really hot. I was not into at first but when Justin convinced me to share with Usher they opened me up to a bright new world of sex. It was great. Grant it I missed having Justin all to myself. But Usher was a great lover. And the nights with him and Justin were great. They made me see that sex was great again.

"I need to get back to the land of living," Usher replied. He looked at me and smiled softly. I guess he could see that I was a little sad. "But we can have a great night tonight." I smiled at him and than snuggled up to Justin. Justin grinned too at the prospect of having a great threeseome with one of the hottest pop stars in the land. "Oh yea we will make it a night to remember."

"Let's do it at a hotel," Justin suggested. "With Donny home now and Ben trying to get settled in it wouldn't be a good idea to scar them."

"Sounds like a plan to me," Usher said grinning. "Just make sure that it has a hot tub." After a few phone calls Justin made sure that the room was all ready. When he was making the phone calls I allowed my mind drift back to when Usher and Justin first made love to me at the same time.

Flash back.

"Come on sweetie," Justin cooed at me. "It will be so much fun."

"I don't want to share," I said frowning. "I mean how do we know if Usher is clean. I just went through that nightmare with the last guy I was with."

"He is clean sweetie," Justin tried to assure me. "He has a copy of latest tests."

"Ok I'll do it but he has to wear protection," I compromised.

"That is cool with me," Usher said grinning his usual seductive grin. "So when do we do this crazy thing?"

"Tonight would be good," I piped up. Well as we all know it didn't happen that way. That was the night we found out that poor Donny was sick. But the next night was really really hot. Turns out that Usher could do things with his well let's just say that I was hooked. He knew it too.

Back to the present.

I looked at Usher and I saw the look in his eyes. I looked at Justin and he nodded. I always asked for permission before I ever did anything with Usher. I loved Justin very much didn't want to jepordized anything that we had. I knelt at Usher's feet and reached into his pants and pulled his cock out of his pants and slid it down my throat. To hear his soft moans and to feel his hands on my head guiding me up and down on his shaft sent me into over drive. I felt Justin's hands on my pants and felt him pull them down. I moan softly when he slid into me. In no time at all I was in heaven again. Getting it from both of them. Usher came first shooting his usual copious load down my hungry throat. Justin's load soon followed Usher's deep in me. After being kissed breathless by the two of them as they cleaned me up we arrived at the resturaunt. After making sure we were presentable we walked in and at once we were almost mobbed by the girls there. They were mostly interested in Justin and Usher. They of course were very polite and sweet. Finally we made it to our seat where we met with Josh, Don and Donny and Ben. As usual they table was radiating with love and happiness. Donny was sitting next to Don wearing his ball cap he got from Justin and of course he was also wearing the little outfit that Justin had picked out. Hell I was wearing what Justin picked out. Leave it too Justin make sure that we were all dressed up and ready for a night out on the town. Donny's high pitch giggles rang out through the reasturant causing several other patrons to smile foundly at our table. "Having fun?" I asked.

"So Danny?" Don asked grinning. "Can you tell me why six is afraid of seven?"

"Gee older brother I don't know," I replield.

"Cause seven eight nine!" Donny giggled out. "My doctor told me that this morning!" Donny was so happy that he could tell a joke. By now Justin and Usher had gotten to the table too. I have to say that tonight was shapping up to be a good night. The only dark side was taht Usher was leaving. I was going to miss him. He had a really hot body and god was he good at using it. But he was more than just a hot guy. He was a sweetie too. The way he treated Donny in the hopsital really showed us all just what kind of a person that Usher was. When Justin got the idea to redecorate Donny's room Usher spared no expense making sure that it got done. I could still remember when the toys showed up. Usher spent most of the time playing with them. Yea Usher was a good guy. And I was really going to miss him.

"What are you thinking about?" Justin's silky voice drifted over me.

"About us," I replied snuggling up to him. Justin shot me a look that reminded me that he was not out like JC was. I smiled softly and scooted over just a little. He smiled an apologetic smile. "I was thinking about how much a great Daddy you're going to make."

"Oh really?" Justin asked raising his eyebrows.

"Yea look at how you are with Donny," I replied. I was dying to wrap my arms around him so bad but I knew that I couldn't do that. So I had to resign myself to be as close to him as I could. I guess I had a small pout because the next thing I knew I felt his hand slid into mine. I beamed up at him and he winked at me. I did a small happy dance inside my head. Yea I know I was acting like a 16 year old but it was fun.

"So you think I will make a good daddy?" Justin asked with a hint of naughtiness in his eyes. I nodded while taking a sip of my soda. "Want to practice making a baby tonight?" I spit my soda out all over the front of me. Justin giggled as he handed me a napkin. I glared at him. "You have to admit that it will be a lot of fun trying."

"You are bad," I scolded him. "But you are right, it will be alot of fun trying."

"So what are you two talking about?" Don asked. I decided to be naughty and see just what would happen.

"Oh Justin and I are going to have a baby," I piped up. Yep it was worth it. JC's soda went shooting across the table. Then he went into this coughing fit. Don glared at me as Justin and I giggled our heads off. "Well we're sure going to try."

"Does that mean you're going to get all mushy?" Donny asked glaring at us.

"Yes Donny," Justin said softly.

"Ewwww Yucki!!!" Donny announced. The rest of the guys just giggled at our expense.

"Well we're going to have a lot of fun trying," I replied with a pout.

"I love you," Justin whispered in my ear. "Now be a good boy and eat something." I grinned cheekily up at him and started to eat my dinner.

"Walk with me tonight?" JC asked Don. "The moon is full and the I want to walk."

"Sounds like a date," Don said as he snuggled up to Josh. I was jealous. Justin gave my hand a light squeeze so I forgot about Josh and Don. Until they mention the magic word. "Oh yea we can't forget about Halloween," Don said rubbing his hands together. "What do you want to go as Donny?"

"I want to go as Dracula!" donny announced. "What are you going as Daddy?"

"I don't know yet," Don said thoughtfully.

"What are you going as?" I asked Justin. Justin looked at me like I was nuts. "For Halloween silly."

"Is that what you are talking about?" Justin asked.

"Yes silly," I replied. "Our family was really big on Halloween."

"What do you all do?" Justin asked.

"Well the first thing we have to do is decorate the house," Don replied. "And Donny is charge of that."

"Oh really?" Justin asked grinning. "This should be fun."

"We are going to make the house really really scary!" Donny exclaimed. "We're going to have the scarriest house in the whole wide world!" Donny announced to the reasturant. This got a few laughs throughout the place. The rest of dinner went really well. Everyone got plenty to eat and everyone was happy. Donny was happy too. His illness wore the little fella out early so Don and JC and Donny left early to put him to bed. So that left Usher and Justin and me to do our thing. Suddenly I really didn't want to share anymore. I looked at Justin and realized that he didn't want to anymore. We looked at Usher.

"Let's go bowling," Usher said with a grin. He understood too.

From JC's point of view.

"He looks so peacefull sleeping," Don said softly.

"I know it is so hard to believe that his little body is fighting for his life," I said looking down at the little boy who had won my heart. "I hope that we are going to be successful at fighting this thing."

"I hope we will win," Don agreed as he slid his arms around me. "Didn't some very good looking guy promise me a moonlit walk?" I looked down at Don's adorable eyes. I kissed him softly on the lips. I loved the way he responded to my kisses. His lips pressed against mine and his tongue lightly begged permission to enter. Me being a good boy decided to let him in. After letting him kiss me and ravage me for as long as he wanted we finally came up for air. I smirked at his dazed look on his cute face. "Well what are we waiting for?" he demanded with his hands on his hips. I took his hand and together we walked out of Donny's room and grabbed our jackets and headed outside. The moon was full and the air was crisp. Really chilly for me but Don seemed to be enjoying it. His eyes were really bright and for once in a very long time he looked really happy. "I love this time of the year," Don said snuggling up to me. I had to admit no matter how cold I got I was very happy to have Don here with me. I loved it when Don snuggled up to me. I had a feeling that I was going to get very lucky tonight.

We were sitting on a swing set swinging softly and holding hands. It was nice just to sit and hold hands. Yea it was very corny sounding but Hey I was intitled to be corny if I wanted to be and right now this very night I wanted to be corny with my lover. The clouds parted and the rays of the full moon broke free. The smell of dead leaves filled the air and a cool crisp breeze blew by us. Don took a deep breath and smiled. I had to admit that it did smell good. But I shivered. He giggled softly. "What?" I asked looking all hurt.

"You are cold," Don said. I noticed that it wasn't a question. It was a statement.

"I'm not a huge fan of cold weather," I answered honestly. "But I have to admit that their are advantages of of the cold."

"And that would be?" Don asked with his eyes twinkling.

"I get to snuggle with you and get lucky tonight!" I said grinning.

"Oh really?" Don asked. "And just how lucky do you think you are going to get tonight?"

"Well I thought that after we finished our moon lit walk we would go back home and light the fireplace, fill the tub with lots of hot water and bubbles and put out the sparkling cider and chocolate covered fruit and than see where it leads us," I suggested.

"I have to admit that it does sound really good," Don agreed. "Shall we continue with our walk." We stood up and I took his hand and continued our walk. "Besides there is another reason for us walking tonight," Don said rubbing his hands together as we walked around the bend and came in sight of the wall mart.

"Wall Mart?" I asked confused.

"Of course sweetie!" Don said grinning. "I have to shop for the trick or treaters and not mention get decorations for the house and our private halloween party."

"How are we going to get all of this stuff home?" I asked.

Don pointed at the waiting suburban.

"Where did you get that?" I asked.

"Hey, I have to be prepared!" Don said grinning his usual naughty grin. "A master shopper is always prepared!" I just laughed and kissed him full on the lips.

"Aww aren't they cute?" voices from behind us said. We looked up to see some teens standing there. Three boys had these really dreamy looks on their faces. "Can we have your autographs?" the blonde one asked bashfully.

Fifteen minutes later we were walking through wall mart shopping. Don was a fast shopper. He already had the candy and food for the party. Now we were headed for the docorations. I shuddered to think what this was all going to cost. Don had insisted on paying for it all. I decided to let him do it with out any argument from me.

From Justin's point of view.

"Yea!" Danny shouted doing his version of a happy dance. "Three strikes in a row! Who's the man?" Usher was laughing at his antics and I just shook my head. Yea I know you were hoping for a hot steamy threesome. But we had decided that tonight was going to be our last night with Usher and we wanted to be fun not full of sex. We wanted to just act just like a bunch of crazy teenagers for a change. We were on our third game and than we were going to head for the arcade for more fun. We wondered what Don and Josh were up too until we found out by seeing them dart into Wall Mart. Danny than informed us that Donny loved Halloween and was they were getting ready for the big halloween party. That was when Danny used his puppy dog eyes and pleaded with Usher to stay one more night. It was so funny to see Usher trying to avoid the famous Smith Puppy dog eyes. It couldn't work with Josh or me and It couldn't work for Usher either. But it was fun watching them try. "You're turn!" Danny said as he took a huge drink from some sort of caffine drink. Yes you heard me right. Both of the Smith Brothers were addicted to caffine drinks. It was so much fun watching them bounce off the walls. And right now Danny was definately bouncing off the walls. Usher groaned as he picked up the ball and rolled it down the aisle. He of course rolled a strike just like Danny did. Now the two of them were doing a happy dance now. "Ok Justin your turn!" I of course rolled a gutter. Bowling was a game that I usually did really well. But for some reason tonight I was rolling gutter balls. I had a feeling that tonight was going to be a very long night. Just as I went to roll another ball my cell phone rang.

"Here sweetie," I said grinning at Danny. "Can you take this turn for me?" I reached into my pocket and took out my cell phone and answered it. "Justin here!"

"Hey Justin!" a hyper voice sounded from the other end.

"Jesse!" I exclaimed. "Hey thanks for returning my call. Have a question for you. You doing anything tomorrow?"

"No not really," Jesse replied. "I'm kinda sorta taking a break from album release."

"You seeing anyone?" I asked thinking about poor Ben. He needed a boyfriend and I was going to get him one.

"Ummm no," Jesse replied with a worried tone of voice. "Are you planning on playing matchmaker?"

"Yes I am," I announced. "And you need a boyfriend and so does a friend of mine."

"Who is he?" Jesse asked.

"Well he is fifteen and really really cute!" I announced. "He is Josh and Don's foster child. You have to meet him. He is such a sweetie and not to mention really hot. And he loves your music and he is really hot!"

"Ummm ok?" Jesse replied still not sounding all that certain.

"We're going shopping. Can you fly out to Denver Colorado tonight?" I asked hopefully.

"Hold on let me ask mom," Jesse said. After Jesse talked to his mother and than I talked to her and we assured that he was going to be safe in my care Jesse was all set to fly into Denver tomorrow. Now all I had to do convince Josh and Don to let Jesse stay with us for the next few days. One teenager was bad enough but two very attractive teens in one house and one of them famous and one of them having a huge crush on the famous one was well let's just say it could get very interesting. I hung up the phone and looked at Danny. He had this really silly grin on his face.

"What?" I asked looking all innocent.

"My matchmaker," he cooed at me softly. "I got another strike!"

"Ok," I announced to the world. "We are going to the arcade to play games and maybe I'll win at something tonight," I grumbled as I watched him take another huge drink of his caffine drink. "And you are drinking to much caffine!" Danny hugged the cup to him possesively. I had to smile because it reminded me of the time when Don had gone through this too. "But I love you anyway."

"Good, now let's go to the arcade," Danny ordered us. Usher groaned loudly as we all headed out to the car. "To the arcade driver!" Danny ordered the driver. Yes tonight was going to be a very long night.

Back at the town house from Don's point of view.

"Are you all warm now?" I asked a very cute Josh who was all wrapped up in comforters. God did he look hot. Can't think of that right now. Right now I was going through all of the halloween goodies with Ben and Donny. "And this is for the front door," I said as I shoved a door hanger in Ben's arms. "And this is for the front porch. And the pumpkins need to be carved." Oh yea I was high on caffine again. "And don't forget the ghosts that we are going to hang in the front yard."

"Is he always like this?" Ben asked Josh looking all worried.

"Only when he has had way to much caffine," Josh giggled. "Like right now."

"Don't take my hot chocolate away from me," I glared at Josh. Josh just giggled and shook his head at me. I was having fun. We had gotten all of the halloween stuff for our part tomorrow night. And I had just gotten word from Justin that we were going to have a late night visitor with us. Jesse McCartney was coming over. He was going to stay over at our place for a few days. Some crazy idea about Ben needing a boyfriend and Jesse needing one. Life was sure getting interesting. I looked over at Josh and smiled at him. Donny had decided that he was tired and hand snuggled up to Josh and fell asleep in his arms. "I'll take him up stairs."

"No let me," Josh said softly kissing Donny on the forehead. "You stay here and continue getting ready for the party." I watched as my very sexy and cute lover and adorable son walked out of the living room and head up stairs to his room. I looked back to see Ben yawn too.

"Ok go to bed Ben," I smiled. "We can finish this tomorrow." He gave me hug and kiss good night. I decided that I needed to clean up before turning in myself. Well not actually turning in but getting ready for a hot night of sex with Josh. I just hope he was still awake. I waited until Ben was down stairs in his little apartment and I headed up stairs to get ready for bed. Once I was in the room I spotted Josh. True to form he was zonked out like a light. Well that was not going to stop me. "Joshy?" I called out as I slipped out of my clothes. Josh mumbled and turned over and continued to sleep. I growled softly as I realized that this was going to take longer than I thought. I slid into bed and gently turned him over and pulled the covers off. I was happy to see that he was naked. His cock was limp hanging between his legs begging for attention. I laid down in between his legs and lightly blew on his limp cock. It jumped and he moaned softly. I grinned at the reaction that I got. I snaked out my tongue and licked his balls. This time I got a whimper from him. I was hard the second my tongue touched his skin. I glanced up at his cock was pleasantly surprised to see that it was standing tall. It looked so beautiful. the veins that snaked around the shaft begged to be licked and nipped at. I gently took the cock in my hand and slid the head into my mouth. My senses went into immediate overdrive as the unique flavor that was Josh assaulted my tastebuds and my sense of smell went into hyper mode too. I couldn't resist a whimper escaped my lips as I begin the long descent down his shaft filling first my mouth and than my throat. His cock slid down past my gag reflex and I swallowed hard. This got another whimper from my sleeping lover, or so I thought.

"God Don," he moaned softly. I looked up at his chisled abs and heaving chest and locked my eyes on his. They were full of lust and love. "The things you do to me." I giggled as my nose touched his pubes. I inhaled deeply relishing in the scent that was his and his alone. Josh's hips begin to move in time with my bobbing. I knew he was getting really close when his hands reached down and took hold of the back of my head and held me captive as he begin to thrust in and out of my mouth in earnest. I knew in a few minutes that I was going to get my reward. I didn't have long to wait when I heard his tell tell whimpers and moans that grew in volume. His cock jerked really hard in my mouth and the first spurt shot all the way to the back of my throat. I quickly closed it off so I could catch the rest on my tongue so I could taste him completely. After all what good is a good blow job if you can't taste your lover's seed? Well I was tasting it and I was enjoying it. All too soon the flow stopped and I gently licked him clean and than snuggled back up to him and kissed him lightly on his nose. I giggled softly at the dazed look on his angelic face. "What was that for?" he asked kissing me on the lips.

"Well I wanted to make you feel good," I said in my most innocent voice. "Oh yea and I didn't get dessert tonight," I replied with my usual naughty grin.

"Well I didn't get my dessert either," Josh said as he flipped me over. Now my naked lover was on top of me. I was surprised to see that he was hard again. "What about me?" he asked as he ground his crotch into mine. I moaned softly. "You horny lover boy?" he asked with a smirk. I whimpered and ground my crotch into his. "What was that sweetie?" he asked as he nipped at my neck. "I didn't quite understand that? Do you want me to suck you off?" He slid down and took my cock into his mouth and started to bob up and down on my shaft really fast. Josh sure did know how to take care of me. In about five minutes I was shooting down his throat too. Now I was ready to go to sleep now but Josh had other ideas. "I want to make love to you," Josh rasped out as he laid back down on top of me. I looked at his lust glazed eyes and knew that I could never refuse him. Josh grinned his usual very sexy grin as he grabbed the bottle of lube and lubed himself up and slid into me. I shivered with desire as his cock filled me completely. "God you are so fucking tight."

"Fuck me Josh!" I urged him. He grinned wickedly and started to pump in and out of me as fast and as hard as he could. Now this was where something happened and I really don't know how it did. I was really getting into Josh drilling me as I usually did and I heard the door knock and this was where I made the mistake. "Come in!" I shouted. Josh stopped and looked at me like I was nuts. The door flew open and I heard a voice shout Fuck! I looked over my shoulder and saw poor Ben standing there with his eyes really wide. He shook his head and closed the door. "Oh God!" I mumbled.

"Talk to him later," Josh grunted out as he continued to drill me. The sex was really hot and wet. Well after the shower and after making sure that Josh was all sound asleep I headed down stairs to see if poor Ben was ok. I found him in the kitchen staring straight ahead with an open can of soda.

"Ben?" I asked softly. He jerked his head around with the same wide eyed look he had given me before. "Do you want to talk about it?" He looked down and shrugged his shoulder. "I'm really sorry that you had to see that."

"I'm not," Ben mumbled. Whoa! Did I hear him correctly?

"You're glad you saw us making love," I asked softly sitting down beside him.

"You made me realize something," Ben said looking at me. "I'm gay. There is no escaping it now. Seeing you two doing it was shocking but seeing you two in love like that and making love like that--, well that is what I want. I want a guy to love me the way you two love each other." I'll say this about Ben. He is honest. "Now all I have to do is find me a boyfriend."

"Well actually I think that Justin is kinda sorta working on that," I replied. "So what kind of guy do you want?"

"This is embarassing," Ben muttered.

"Yea it is but we all have to go through it," I teased him as I messed up his head. He of course swatted my hand away and giggled. "So out with it. Who do you have the hots for?"

"Jesse McCartney," Ben mumbled. "I can't help it! He is sooooooo hot!" He blushed when he said that part. He was so cute that I wanted to take him in my arms and hug him to death. But I decided not to do that. Didn't want our foster son dying of embassasment on the first night. "His voice is sooo hot too. Beautiful Soul is really good. Actually all of his songs are really good," he babbled on. This was the Ben I loved. The one where he threw caution to the wind and let his feelings out and told us what he really thought. After twenty minutes later he was finaly done.

"So what are you going to do if Jesse doesn't feel the same way you do?" I asked. Ben shrugged his shoulders. "I don't want you hurt."

"You mean that?" Ben asked shocked.

"Of course I mean that sweetie," I said softly. "When Josh and I agreed to have you live with us it was because we cared for you. I mean really care for you. I know we've only met less than a day but Josh and I well we're kinda sorta attatched to you."

"What happens when I get old," Ben asked frowning. "I mean right now I'm like this new toy. What happens when you and Josh get tired of me?"

"Is that what you think is going to happen?" I asked shocked.

"Well it did cross my mind," Ben replied.

"That is not going to happen," I answered. "Josh and I don't play games with people's hearts like that. Trust me, Josh and I are going to be around for a long time."

"Is that a good thing?" Ben asked looking a littled worried.

"Only when my lover has had way to much caffine," a sleepy voice drifted over us. I looked up and saw a sleepy Josh standing up. "Or when he busy decorating the house for one of the holidays. Or when he is on some wild scheme and when he drinks to much caffine."

"You already said that," I said pouting.

"Ben," Josh said softly as he wrapped his arms around Ben shoulders. "We love you. And we're not getting rid of you. Now be a good boy and get some sleep." Than Josh kissed him on the top of his head. Ben kissed me good night too and headed down stairs. Josh looked at me with such love in his eyes. "I woke and you were gone," he said with a small pout in his eyes.

"I wanted to make sure that Ben wasn't scarred for life," I said standing and walking into Josh's arms. "Now let's go to bed lover."

"Sounds like a plan," Josh said as we walked back up stairs. We passed the window that looked out over the front lawn. "Justin and Danny are home."

"Is Usher with them?" I asked.

"Yea Usher is going to stay one more night. Danny wanted him to stay for the party tomorrow night," Josh replied.

"It is going to be really crowded in this house," I commented.

"As long as we get to stay in our little peice of heaven," Josh cooed in my ear. "Let's go to bed."

Much later from Ben's point of view.

Ok I've been laying here for over two hours waiting for them to stop! Grrrrrr How horny can they be any way? I mean I knew that Justin and Danny were hot for each other but for two hours. How is a dude supposed to get any sleep anyway. I picked up a pillow and covered my ears with it. I vaguely heard some one knocking on my door.

"What?" I hurled at it. The door peeked open and a shaggy haird cutie stuck his head in. "Oh ummm hi," I mumbled blushing. "Sorry for yelling."

"It's all cool," Jesse said grinning a small grin.

"Oh God Justin!" Danny moaned.

"Some people are trying to sleep you know!" I shouted at the wall. Jesse stiffled a giggle. "Well we are!" I muttered glaring at the wall. The moaning continued and I pounded on the wall. The moaning stopped and than started up again. "GRRRRRR!" I growled at the door. Jesse giggled and I looked at him. Than it dawned on me. Here I was standing on the bed in my boxers and no shirt on shouting at the wall and standing there in a pair of boxers and long t-shirt was the guy of my dreams, my huge crush, my-- ahh the hell with it you get the picture. "Aaaauuuugghhh!" I shouted plopping back down on the bed covering myself up. "God I am so embarassed," I whimpered out loud. "You must think I'm nuts."

"Well," Jesse said. I lifted up my comforter and looked at him. God he was soooo cute. His hair was all messed up and his eyes were soooo cute. It was at this point when I realized that he was waving his hands infront of me. I shook my head and blushed again. "You ok?"

"Yea I'm fine," I mumbled. "Don't mind me I haven't had any sex in a like forever well actually I've never had sex! Ohhh God did I just say that out loud?" By now Jesse was laughing. God did he have a really hot laugh. "I'm going to die of embarassment now."

"I hope you don't," Jesse said cocking his head to the side. His lips formed a little pout. God I wanted to kiss them so bad. "I'm Jesse," he said sticking his hand out.

"I'm ummmm well I'm ummm ahhh Ben!" I blurted out.

"Had to think about that for a while did you?" Jesse asked with that really hot giggle.

"Hey! I can't help it if I am sleep deprived!" I shouted at the wall. The moaning continued. "So what are you doing here anyway?"

"Well Justin invited me," Jesse replied.

"Oh yea Justin is playing matchmaker!" I giggled. "He thinks that we should get together."

"Do you want too?" Jesse asked. I could see the hope in his eyes.

"We barely even know eachother!" I yelped out.

"We can change that," Jesse said shrugging his shoulders. "I mean if you want too."

"You hungry?" I asked.

"Kinda," Jesse replied.

"Let's go raid the kitchen!" I piped up and hopped out of bed and grabbed my t-shirt and than headed out of the room with Jesse following. We walked by Justin and Danny's room and they were still going at it. I pounded on their door and shouted. "Take your time!" Jesse busted up laughing.

An hour later.

"Ohhh man I'm stuffed!" Jesse groaned as he raised his shirt up and rubbed his stomach. I wanted to touch it so bad. "What do you want to do now?"

"Go back to my room and play some video games?" I saked.

"Cool!" Jesse exclaimed. So we were off running to my room. When we ran by Justin's and Danny's room we were meant by silence. "I see the love birds have finally called it a night."

"Yea finally," I sighed. We ran into my room we both plopped down on teh bed and looked up at the ceiling. "So what do you want to do?" I asked. Silence. "Jesse?" I asked. Again silence. I looked over and saw that he was asleep. I grabbed the comforter and laid down beside him and to my surprise he snuggled up to me. Ok this was new. But it really felt good. He smelled good too. He was wearing some cologne and I could smell just a small hint of his natural smell too. His arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me close. I just sighed and let it happen. I loved being close to him. And to think that this was our first night together. I shivered when he kissed my neck in his sleep. Oh yea I was already falling Jesse McCartney in a really big way.


Next: Chapter 22

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