Picking Up the Pieces of My Life

By JC Fanfic

Published on Nov 7, 2004


A Work of Fiction by JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications (c) Copyright 2004

Disclaimer: All Characters and situations of this story are fictional. Any Similarities to actual living people and actual situations is purely Coincidental. All fictional characters and fictional situations portrayed in this work of fiction remains the property of JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications. Republishing of this work of fiction is strictly forbidden unless permission as been given by JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications. Permission granted to Nifty Archives for the sole purpose of posting on the Boy Bands section of the Archives. Permission may be obtained by e-mailing JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications at JC_Fan_Fiction@yahoo.com

Comments are welcome too. Constructive Comments and advice are welcome. Honest opinions are welcome as well. And if you want to vent all over me as long it is good natured than feel free too do that to.

E-mail me at JC_Fan_Fiction@yahoo.com

Picking up the Pieces of my Life Chapter 16

"This is great!" Don said as he stretched out on the beach. "You spoil us rotten Justin."

"Yea I know," Justin grinned at us. I frowned and shook my head at him. I was always careful on how I spent my money. Justin seemed to enjoy spending it. This trip wasn't a cheap trip. I figured he had already sank 4 million into it. But it did do us good to see Justin smiling again. I smiled softly at him as I watched him kiss Danny softly on the lips. Yea you heard right. When Danny's lover Chris had committed suicide Justin stepped in and helped Danny through it. As both Don and I predicted they had fallen in love. Danny was really happy today because he had gotten his last test results back and was negative from the HIV Virus and I had a feeling that Justin was going to be very happy too this evening. So we were all in a very good mood. I also noticed that Danny was being very quiet today. I wondered what was that was all about and was about to ask him when I heard the squeal of laughter from Donny and looked over at him in time to see him plop down beside me and start to heap sand on me. It had seemed that Donny had decided that I needed to be buried in the sand. Don giggled too as he hopped up and started to help Donny. Well needless to say the rest of the gang joined in and started to pile sand on me too.

"Well?" I asked looking up at Don and Donny. They had very pleased looks on their faces. "Are you going to help me up?" They both laughed and took off running down the beach. Ok so I was going to plot my revenge later. I looked over at Justin and Danny. I noticed that Danny had a worried look on his face. I wondered what that was all about.

From Danny's point of view.

What if I wasn't good enough for Justin? I thought to myself looking at this god of a man lying next to me. He was so hot and so well built and God I wanted him so much. But it had been months since I had even done anything with a man. Justin was used to having sex on a regular basis. I used to be but after the huge HIV scare I wasn't sure of myself any more. I wanted to please Justin so much.

"Danny?" Justin's voice drifted over to me. I looked down at his inquisitive blue eyes and shuddered at the concern pouring out of them. "What's wrong babe?"

"I haven't been with a man for so long," I replied softly.

"Is that what you're worried about?" Justin asked sitting up and pulling me close to him. I was hard the minute he touched me. "Baby, I'll take as long as you need me to. I'm in no rush for this thing."

"Yea but I want to please you," I mumbled. "I want to be perfect for you." Justin stood up and held out his hand.

"Walk with me," Justin asked.

"Where are we going?" I asked softly taking his hand.

"To our bedroom," Justin replied grinning.

"But," I stammered.

"Don't worry," Justin laughed softly. "I'm not going to ask you to do anything that you're not ready for." I followed him into the rented mansion and up to his room. Yea you heard right. We slept in separate rooms. I wasn't ready to sleep with anyone just yet. I loved Chris so much. When he took his own life almost two months ago I almost took mine too. Surprisingly at the time it was Justin who stopped me. I remembered the day it happened.

June 30,

"Oh God Chris," I sobbed. "Why did you have to leave me alone?" I looked around the beach and looked for my love. But he wasn't here. He had taken his life and was dead. We had spread his ashes out to sea just this afternoon. My heart ached for him. I wanted to hear his laughter and see the crooked grin on his face. But I couldn't see him any more. "I can't live with out you," I sobbed. It was at this point when I decided to do it. I turned and walked back into the house and up stairs and into the bedroom and opened the drawer and took out the lock box and opened it and cradled it in my hand. The cold steal felt comforting to me. I picked up the clip and slid into the handle of the gun.

"What are you doing?" Justin's voice sounded from behind me.

"Leave me alone Justin," I muttered. "This doesn't concern you."

"Yes it does," Justin said seriously. "Danny turn around." I was facing the wall and he couldn't see the gun. "Please turn around."

"Please Justin," I said softly. "Leave me alone."

"I'm sorry I can't do that," Justin replied. I could feel the heat from his body as he walked up behind me. I jumped when his hands landed on my shoulders. "Now turn around!" I turned around and saw Justin's eyes widened with fear as he saw the hand gun. "What are you doing?" I tried to wrench myself away from him. But Justin was stronger than I was and held me fast. "You don't want to do this," Justin said in a hushed voice. "Please Danny; you've got so much to live for."

"No I don't!" I shouted as hot tears flowed down my face. "Chris is gone! I loved him and now he is gone!"

"And killing yourself is going to bring him back?" Justin shouted back. "What about Don and Donny and and me."

"What about you?" I hurled at Justin.

"I like you," Justin blurted out. "I like you a lot!" Ok that shocked the hell out of me. I mean Justin was really really hot and all and I never thought in a million years that I would stand a chance with him. And now here he was standing in front of me saying that he liked me.

"You're just saying that to get me to stop trying to kill myself," I said stubbornly.

"That too," Justin admitted honestly. "But it is true. I do like you. I mean who wouldn't? You're really really hot and all. You have an awesome body and really really cute."

"I am?" I asked. At some point I realized that I was no longer holding the gun. Justin had taken it away from me. It felt like a huge weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. I also realized that I was sobbing. I mean really really sobbing. Than I realized something else. Justin was holding me. His arms were wrapped around me tight and he was holding me. I could hear him saying over and over again that everything was going to fine. I hung onto those words like a life line. At some point I heard Don's and Josh's voices too. The rest was a blur to me. I remembered Don hugging me and crying with me. Josh was scolding me because I wasn't trusting family and friends to help me through this. Than I remembered Justin helping me into bed. I remembered reaching for him and was shocked when he slid into bed beside me and wrapped his arms around me. My head found its way to his chest and I fell into a deep restful sleep. Some where in the back of my head I remembered him saying that he would never leave me and that I would never know loneliness again.

So now you know the whole nasty story about how I almost sank to the level of suicide and Justin pulled me from the edge.

"Danny?" Justin asked. I looked up at his caring face. "You ok?" I smiled softly and nodded. Than I remembered we were talking about sex. I blushed and looked away. "God you are so beautiful," Justin whispered loudly. "What did I do to deserve you?"

"You were crazy enough to try and stop me from blowing my brains out," I muttered. "Now I want to get to the point where we can make love. I'm so fucking scared of putting my heart out there and getting it stepped on."

"I promise I won't step on it," Justin replied. I looked up at him and was shocked at how fast he could look like a helpless little boy and a grown mature man in about two seconds. His eyes were bright with an eagerness that drove me wild with love and lust. He reached out and touched my chest. I had a shirt on and I could feel the heat from his touch. "To much between you and me," he said so huskily. "I want skin on skin." I whimpered as he pulled my shirt up revealing my abs and chest to him for the first time. I wasn't nearly as built as he was. I moved my hands to cover myself up. "Oh no you don't," Justin said as he took my hands and held them down. "No covering that beautiful body up." He gazed openly at me for a few minutes before stripping off his shirt. I swallowed hard as I beheld his body too. Sure I had seen it on the net and in magazines but this was different. I was sitting so close to him and I could feel the heat from him. I could smell his faint smell of soap and sweat and the salt from the beach. It made me dizzy with desire. He took my hand and placed it on his chest and I shivered at the hardness of his chest. I could feel the strong and steady beat of his heart. His skin was tanned and he looked so good that I wanted to slip those quarter size nipples into my mouth and suck them for all they were worth.

"God you are so beautiful," I whispered as I allowed my hand to trail down his pecks and his rock hard abs. He smiled softly at me and leaned down and captured my lips in his. I moaned softly as I surrendered myself to him. And I mean I surrendered myself completely to him. I wanted this god of a man to ravage me for as long as he wanted. I wanted him in every way imaginable. And I had a feeling that I was going to get my wish. I found out in a very few seconds that Justin Timberlake was definitely in a league that was faster and bigger than mine. He was a top. Hell I knew that. Just by the way he carried himself. I felt his hands on my waist band and I shivered with desire and a little bit of fear. The cool air touched my buttocks. I shivered again.

"Shhhhh," Justin's voice sounded soothingly in my ear. "I wanna see you naked." I looked up into his eyes and saw only love with just a hint of lust in them. "I wanna see your sexy bod. All of it. Nothing hiding it or covering it up." I swallowed hard and took that final step. That final step that I was denying myself for the last several months. He eased the rest of my shorts and boxers off. My rock hard cock bounced free slapping my abs. Justin took a sudden breath in as he gazed down upon it. "God you are so beautiful!" Justin said as he gazed up a me. I blushed and he just giggled. "Now you are going to undress me." He took my hand and laid it on his crotch. It was huge. I moved my hand up to the waist band and pulled it down. The sight of his eleven inch cock scared me at first. "Don't let the size fool you. I'll be gentle." I looked up at him again and smiled at his smirk. Yea Justin knew he had a great body. And he knew how to use it to get what he wanted.

"What do you want?" I asked softly reaching out and touching his cock for the first time. Like the rest of his body it was tanned. It throbbed in my hand and a huge drop of precome flowed down the side. Justin's hand found the back of my head and I felt gentle yet firm pressure as he pushed my head down towards his cock. The heat of it was comforting to me. The smell of his unique musk filled my nostrils and I inhaled deeply. I snaked out my tongue and licked up the clear fluid that was running down the side of his cock. His moan and the taste woke my senses up. I had been sexually asleep for so long that I had forgotten what it was like to make a man moan and whimper for release. I smiled my naughty grin that I knew would drive Justin nuts and engulfed his cock. Now grant it Justin's was the biggest one I had tried to deep throat to date. So imagine my surprise when I felt the tickle of his pubes on my nose. The reward of hearing Justin's whimper sent me into orgasm right then and there. I heard Justin's voice take sudden breath in as he watched me quake with an intense orgasm. My cum shot out of my cock and onto his leg. Justin reached down with his hand and scooped some up with his fingers and brought it to his mouth and licked them clean. He moaned again as he begins to lightly thrust in and out of my tight mouth. The feeling and taste of his long cock sliding in and out of my mouth and down my throat made my cock harden again and it awakened the old feelings that I missed when I was pleasuring a man.

"Ohh yea suck my cock Danny," Justin groaned out. "Take my cock all the way down. I'm so close baby!" His voice was trembling and his cock was trembling too. I knew that I was going to get my reward very very soon. I backed off so that only the head was resting inside my mouth. "Ohhh God here I cum!" Justin groaned out. The first blast hit me in the back of the throat. I tuned into Justin's moans and whimpers as his cock continued to shoot ribbon after ribbon of his cum down my throat. I swallowed as quickly and as fast as I could. I didn't want to loose a precious drop of his seed. Finally the flow stopped and I licked him clean and looked up at him. Justin had this reallly dazed look on his face. Than it turned to a look of fear and his eyes started to water up.

"What's wrong?" I asked standing up and placed my hand on Justin's chest. It was covered with a light sheen of sweat. I was so tempted to lick it up but Justin was on the verge of tears. "Please Justin, what did I do wrong?"

"It wasn't you," Justin sniffled. "It was me. I didn't give you a chance to decide if you wanted to swallow or not."

"Hey," I said placing my head on his chest. "You didn't hear me complaining do you?" Justin looked down at me in shock. "It was an honor so swallow your cum and it tasted great!" I giggled at Justin's shocked expression. "I enjoyed sucking you off. Seeing you in pleasure was very enjoyable for me." I glanced down at the remains of my orgasm drying on Justin's leg. "Don't you see what you do to me?" Justin nodded and took my hand and led me to the bathroom. After showering together and wrapping ourselves up in huge fluffy towels we lay on the bed.

"So what do you want to do for the rest of the day?" Justin asked.

"Well I'm kinda sleepy," I replied.

"Want me to really make you tired?" Justin asked with a hint of naughtiness in his eyes.

"What do you have in mind?" I asked reaching under his towel and was shocked to find that he was hard again. This made me hard too.

"Let me make love to you?" Justin pleaded with that little boy expression on his face that made him so damned sexy. Hell There was no way I could refuse him anything. "I mean if you're not ready I understand," he said with a hint of that really cute and really sexy pout that he threw around when he wanted to get his way. I thought about for about a second and made up my mind.

"No," I said grinning up at him. "I'm ready."

"You sure?" Justin asked hopefully.

"Yea I'm ready," I replied. Justin grinned this really hot grin and pulled his towel away and mines too. He lowered himself onto me and I surrendered myself to him. I knew that life was never going to be the same after this afternoon. In one swift move Justin plunged into me feeling me completely with his eleven inch cock. I shuddered with a mixture of pain and pleasure that I had forgotten for so long.

"I love you Danny," Justin rasped out as his lips came crashing down on mine.

Later from Josh's point of view.

"Listen Lance!" I shouted into the phone. "Justin has been working his ass off for over two years now. And he wants to take a break now. I support him in his desire to rest. I would think that you would want our brother to rest up. But no! All you can think about is your freakin bank account! Justin is not a robot! He needs rest!"

"But what about the rest of us?" Lance demanded. "I mean how long do we wait until we get back together? I want to sing again!"

"Nothing is stopping you Lance!" I shouted. "God you are so stupid! Just get your ass out there and sing! You don't need the rest of us do what you want to do! Justin proved that and so did I!"

"You and Justin are very different from the rest of us!" Lance hurled at me. "I'm a fucking base singer! There is not a huge demand for Base Singers going solo you know! He owes us! We agreed to let him do his solo thing and in return he was supposed to come back and do another NSYNC album. He used us! He used us as a fucking launching pad for his solo career!"

"Grow up Lance!" I sighed. "Justin didn't say that he was not going to do another NSYNC CD he just said he was going to take a break for a while."

"The longer he stalls the longer it is going to take us to get back on top. By the time he gets ready to come back the Backstreet Boys are going to back on top and then we are going to have to fight our way back to the top again!" Lance shouted.

"Is this what it is all about?" I asked shaking my head in dismay. "You're fucking worried about the Backstreet Boys getting back on top? God you are so stupid!" That was when I heard the click. "Lance? Lance?" I asked into the phone. "Oh no you didn't just hang up on me!" I went to dial his phone number again when I heard my sweeties voice in the other room. He was speaking rather loudly so I naturally wanted to hear who he was talking too. And trust me I was not disappointed. It had seemed that Don was coming to my rescue. He was chewing out someone on the phone about me. I smiled as I peaked around the corner.

"I would love to know just who you think you are!" Don was shouting into the phone. "JC has really really good hair. The nerve of you people picking on his hair. You people wouldn't know good hair if it bit you on the ass! And what the hell is your problem about his video? His video was way hot! You guys are idiots!! You don't know good music if it bit you on the ass! You owe him an apology!"

"Ummm Don?" I asked looking confused. "Ummm who are you talking too?"

"Not now Josh," Don replied looking at me. "I'm busy chewing out VH1 right now." He turned back to the phone. "And another thing! If you can't say anything nice about JC you really need to stop ragging on him! Or I'm gonna go up there and show you just how hot he really is!" He slammed down the phone. "There! That will show them!"

"Ummm Don?" I asked softly. "Ummm what was that all about?"

"VH1 is picking on you!" Don replied with his eyes flashing. "First they picked on your hair! Your hair is really really hot and really really sexy and they had no right to pick on you. Than they had the nerve to pick on your video! That was a really hot video. I outta make them watch it over and over again for a month until they agree with me. And and--ummmph!" I had to do it. I pressed my lips to his stopping him in mid sentence. What I really wanted to do is laugh at him but I didn't dare. He was in his protective mode and laughing at him would only make it worse so I did the only thing I could. And that was kiss him breathless. Finally he broke away from me and I smiled at his dazed look on his very cute face.

"My little hero," I sighed putting my forehead on his . "Did you get it all out of your system?"

"Ummm yea," Don stammered. This time I did laugh. "What?" he demanded. "Someone has to defend you!"

"I know sweetie," I replied shaking my head. I actually felt sorry for VH1. "Ummm how did you get the number?"

"From your file," Don replied sheepishly. He looked so cute that I didn't get mad. I just did the next best thing. I leaned down and captured his lips in a kiss again.

"Now if you will excuse me," I said grinning down at him. "I have to take a shower. You see two very naughty boys decided to bury me in the sand." Don let out a giggle. "Oh don't worry," I replied grinning at him. "I plan on getting even with you."

"Oh really?" Don asked brushing his hand along my crotch. "And just how do you plan on doing that?"

"Join me in the shower and I'll show you," I replied. The phone rang and I groaned. "If that is Lance again I'm hanging up on him. "Hello?" I asked into the phone.

"JC," Lance voice sounded from the ear piece.

"Lance," I sighed. "I'm not in the mood to hear anymore crap from you."

"But Justin has to come back and do a CD with us," Lance argued.

"Good bye Lance!" I shouted into the phone and clicked it off.

"Lance still throwing a fit about Justin wanting to take a break?" Don asked. I nodded. "Well he will get used to it. Come on sexy, I'll wash my baby all up and maybe if we are lucky we can make love for the rest of the afternoon." I liked the sound of that and followed my very horny lover up stairs. On the way to our room we could hear Justin's and Danny's moans and groans coming from Justin's room. I smiled at Don and Don just shook his head. I was happy that Justin was moving on with out Brian. He and Danny really hit off good. I hoped it was for the long run this time.

From Justin's point of view.

I looked down at Danny. We had just got done making love in the shower and now he was all snuggled up in bed fast asleep. I was still wide awake and amazed at how incredible Danny was. He was so wild and bed and yet very loving. I heard the door bell ring and tried to get out of bed but Danny had wrapped himself around me and was not planning on letting go. Finally after kissing him deeply I managed to free myself from him. I slid a pillow in place of me and slid on a pair of jeans and padded down stair just in time to see the butler open the door. "Hey Bitch!" a familiar voice called out.

"Hey Slut!" I called as I pulled the other man into a tight hug. "What are you doing here?"

"Had to come out and see you," Usher said with his bright smile. "You and I haven't gotten it on in a while."

"Well I'm kinda sorta involved with some one right now," I said blushing.

"That never stopped you before," Usher said rubbing my crotch. I backed off and walked into the living room. "Whoa! This must be serious!"

"It is," I said looking back at him. "After Brian fucked around on me I met this really hot guy and well we kinda sorta fell in love." Usher started laughing at me. "Hey stop laughing at me!"

"How does one kinda sorta fall in love?" Usher asked still giggling.

"Hey stop picking on me!" I whined pouting.

"Who is picking on my lover," a tired voice sounded from the stairs. I looked up and smiled lovingly at the sight. Danny was walking down stairs. He was wearing a pair of shorts and wife beater that really clung to his tight and well formed body. I couldn't help but lick my lips. Usher snickered softly until he looked up and saw Danny too.

"Wow what a looker," Usher said softly.

"Yea and he is all mine," I whispered to him. I walked to the foot of the stairs and waited for him to reach the bottom of the stairs. "Hey you," I said smiling up at him. "I thought you would've slept for at least another hour." Danny blushed and looked down. I heard Usher giggle softly and I shot him a glare that shut him up. "What are you doing up?"

"Well you were gone," Danny said as he reached the floor. I wrapped my arms around him and leaned down and kissed him passionately for a few minutes before we heard a soft clearing of a throat. I broke away and glared at Usher for interrupting a good make out session.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Just wanted to spend time with my favorite bitch," Usher said grinning.

"Hey!" Danny shouted going after Usher. Thankfully I was there to grab him. "You take that back!"

"Baby," I soothed him. "We always call each other names all the time. We don't mean anything by it."

"Are you sure?" Danny asked while glaring at Usher.

"Yes I'm sure," I replied pulling him into a hug. "Usher and I are really good friends."

"Ok I believe you," Danny replied as he laid his head against my chest. "So what is he doing here?"

"I wanted to see what my buddy was up too," Usher replied giving Danny a dashing grin. "And I wanted to see the hottie that has gotten his attention." Oh yea Usher was flirting with Danny and Danny being the cutie he was blushed. "So how long have you two been an item?"

"For about a month now," I replied. "How long are you in town?"

"For a few days," Usher replied. "I was hoping that you and I could hook up."

"Well I don't think that would be wise," I stammered.

"Justin shame on you," Danny scolded me. "Usher is your friend and you should spend time with him. I mean you are on vacation and all so you really don't have any on your schedule right now."

"Ummmm I don't think you understand," I said wincing at Danny. "When Usher said he wanted to ummm hook up well he didn't exactly mean just hang out."

"What did he mean?" Danny asked. By now Usher was finding the pattern on the floor really interesting. "Ohhhh!" Danny yelped out finally catching on. "You mean you wanted to see Justin for sex?"

"Well yea that was the plan," Usher replied honestly.

"Well you can't have him," Danny replied possessively as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I can see that," Usher replied looking all sad.

"Oh and pouting like that won't work either," Danny replied grinning. "That only works with Justin."

"What about sharing?" Usher asked bluntly. I was shocked to say the least. Well than it is Usher we are talking about. When he sees something he likes he goes right after it. Kinda like me. I waited to see Danny's reaction to this comment. He probably thought that Usher was kidding. But I knew better. Usher was serious. We had shared guys before. Like the time we shared Wade between us. Poor Wade couldn't walk or dance straight for almost a week. But what fun we had.

"I'm not into sharing," Danny muttered as he kissed me on the cheek. "I'm gonna find something to eat."

"Ok Love," I replied kissing him back. "Usher and I need to have a talk." Danny looked at me and than Usher and than nodded and walked away. Once I was sure he was out of sight and ear shot I grabbed Usher and pulled him into my office. "What the hell were you thinking?" I demanded. "Danny is not a slut!"

"I know he isn't," Usher replied casually. "But he is hot and imagine the fun we can have if we can convince him to share."

"What if I don't want to share?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Come on baby," Usher said using his most seductive voice. "Don't you miss me?" I swallowed hard. "Come on baby I haven't had any for so long. I miss you." He looked into my eyes and the lust and seduction just poured out of his eyes boring into my very soul. "You know you want me." He smirked as he raised his shirt revealing his cut and hard six pack.

"Ok ok!" I hurled at him through clenched teeth. "I do want you but I love Danny and nothing is going to happen unless he agrees to it and he is involved."

"Cool," Usher replied with a pleased look on his face. "Want to go swimming?" Some how I knew that all three of us were going to end up in bed together. I just hoped that Danny would be up for that. Usher was not one for not getting his way. I shivered with lust as I saw him stripped down nothing and dive into the pool. Yea he was horny and he knew how to use his body to get what he wanted. I reluctantly followed him into the pool. I of course left my swim trunks on. I saw the look of disappointment in his eyes.

From Don's point of view.

Our hot sweaty bodies moved in time with each other. The exquisite pain and pleasure that came from Josh plunging in and out of me raged through my already tired body. This was the second time in less than two hours that Josh made love to me. His moans and whimpers spurred me on. I never grew tired of him sliding in and out of me. I loved the feel of his tight body racking across mine. I could feel the wet stickiness of my cum as it glued us together and made his very sexy abs slick and shiny. I longed to run my tongue across his six pack and lap up the remains of my cum and his sweat. But right now I had a job to do. And that job was to allow JC to dominate me as much as he wanted.

"Oh fuck," Josh breathed out as his teeth nipped at my neck sending little waves of pain and pleasure through me. "You are so fucking tight!" I could feel his cock twitching inside me as he plunged in and out faster and faster. I knew in a few moments that he would planting another load of his cum deep in me. I clenched down making him moan louder again. I loved hearing the sounds that my lover made as he continued to plunge in and out of me. The only thing that mattered to me was the pleasure that JC got from me. My pleasure was definitely taking a back seat to his. Seeing his body tense up and flex and hearing his moans and whimpers and feeling his sweat drip onto my body had sent me over the edge once already. Seeing him in the throes of sexual desire was definitely enough to make me cum with out even touching myself. JC slammed into me really hard driving his rock hard cock against my prostate gland making me yelp in pleasure. "You like that?" JC asked in a raspy voice. "You like my hard cock up your ass fucking you like crazy?"

"Yes Josh," I breathed out. "Fuck me Josh!" I moaned as I arched up to meet his thrusts.

"Oh yea take my cock up your ass. Get ready for another load!" Josh rasped down at me as he continued to bang into me harder and faster. "Ohhh shit!" he growled out as I felt his cock swell in me. My own orgasm was groaning again. "Cum for me bitch!" JC ordered me. I whimpered loudly as I surrendered to his demands and blasted another copious load in between our bodies. "Fuck!" JC shouted as he pulled out and slammed back in and I felt the hot searing feeling of his cum shooting into my guts. I clung to my lover as his body continued to quake and shiver as his orgasm over took him. This was how I loved him. Completely and totally. Finally he rolled off of my tired and heaving body. I waited a few minutes for my lover to calm down.

"I love you," I said softly. JC looked over at me and I shivered with desire when I saw his shaggy hair all wet with his sweat. His face was still slightly flushed making him look really sexy. "You are so God Dam sexy!" I said as I reached out and took hold of his very tired cock. He whimpered softly from the tenderness of it. "Is Josh Jr all tired?" I asked looking down at the now limp cock. Even in it's limp state it still drove me wild with lust. I knew Josh was still tired and hell I was tired too but I said fuck it to myself and leaned down and took his cock in my mouth and cradled it lovingly as I cleaned it off with my tongue. Josh's moans and whimpers filled my senses as I tongue bathed his sensitive cock. Finally when it was cleaned and rock hard again.

"God Don," JC shuddered out. "You're driving me crazy." I just giggled and opened my mouth wider and slid my lips and tongue down his shaft until his entire cock was buried to the hilt. Yes I was being mean. But I wanted my lover to know that I loved him. I loved him like crazy and after this afternoon he was going to know that.

At the pool.

"So how long have you and Justin been dating?" Usher asked me. I was still surprised that Usher was just lounging at the pool stark ass naked. He had a great bod and huge cock. I swallowed hard as I tried really hard to concentrate on the conversation we were trying to have. "You like what you see?" Usher asked seductively.

"Oh I'll admit you're hot," I replied looking him right in the eye. "But Justin is hotter." Justin snorted with laughter. "And to answer your other question, about a month."

"So how many times have you two done it?" Usher asked bluntly.

"That my friend is none of your business," Justin said as he slid in beside me wrapping his long arms and legs around me. I snuggled as close to him as I could get. I raised a shocked eyebrow when I found that he was rock hard. I couldn't help it. I deliberately rubbed up against him. He let out a soft moan and locked his eyes on mine. I giggled and laid my head on his chest. Yea I was being bad. Some how I knew that I was going to pay for being naughty but I really didn't mind. I had an idea that Justin's idea of punishment was something that I would enjoy. I listen to Usher and Justin talk about old times and the future. At some point I had drifted off to sleep. I was so comfortable with the warm sun and all snuggled up in the comforting arms of my lover that, well let's just say that it was perfect sleeping conditions.

From Justin's Point of view.

"Have you talked to him yet?" Usher asked me as he slid on a pair of swim trunks. I had heard Donny running through the house and realized that he was up from his nap. I told Usher it was a good idea if he would put on his swim trunks. I didn't want to scar a four year old to death.

"No I haven't talked to him yet," I replied looking lovingly down at Danny. He had decided to take a nap on my chest. That made me really happy for some reason. I guess it meant that he was very comfortable around me. Comfortable enough to use me as a pillow. The door flew open and out bounded an eager four year old and one puppy and one dog. "Hey Donny!" I smiled up at him.

"Hi, Unca Justin!" Donny exclaimed as he tore around the house. It had seemed that he was on a mission of some sort. The door flew open again and Joey came running out carrying a water gun. Yea Joey was here too. Soon the air was full of Donny's high pitch squeals as Joey started to douse him in water. Yea it was cute. Usher just rolled his eyebrows at me.

"Hey!" I yelped out. "Donny is a very cute and adorable boy!"

"I know he is," Usher said a little defensively. "I'm just not used to seeing you all domestic and all." Just than the door flew open and out walked JC and Don. They were both wearing trunks and had towels swung over their shoulders. Usher's eyes lit up with lust when he saw Donny. He glanced down at Danny and back at Don and than looked back at me.

"Yes they are brothers and don't get any ideas horny toad," I scolded him.

"Hey you can't blame a guy for dreaming," Usher said in defense of himself.

"Hey Justin, hey Usher," Josh said softly. "Sweetie meet a good friend of ours Usher."

"I heard your stuff," Don said politely. He frowned at Usher as Usher looked hard at him as if undressing him with his eyes. I elbowed him in the side really hard. "You're good."

"Thanks," Usher said looking shy. I knew it was an act. He was always playing the innocent naive guy when he was anything but innocent. "So you are ummm seeing JC?"

"We are engaged actually," JC popped up.

"I'm happy for you than," Usher said politely.

"What brings you here anyway?" JC asked.

"Well," Usher replied looking sideways at me. "I was hoping that maybe Justin and I could spend some time together."

"So you want to fuck Justin," JC said casually. Don's eyes shot wide open with shock. "They used to have a thing." Don nodded and pulled JC down in the lounge chair beside him. "You know he is seeing Danny now."

"Yea I know," Usher said with obvious disappointment.

"What you really need is a boyfriend," JC added.

"I can help you find one!" Don spoke up with a naughty glint in his eyes. Suddenly Usher looked worried. I started to laugh. "Hey! I can't help it if I like to match make!"

"We all know sweetie," JC replied kissing Don on the cheek. "But I think that Usher is going to be a hard one to find a boyfriend for."

"Why is that?" Don asked.

"Well let's just say that Usher's tastes are a little more casual than the rest of us. More like he is still sowing his wild oats so to speak," JC finished.

"Ohhh I get it," Don replied. "He is not really looking for a meaningful relationship. Right now all he is concern about is sex."

"Basically," I piped up. I glanced over at Usher and saw that he was looking rather uncomfortable right now. I just giggled and reached over and gave his crotch a squeeze. To my surprise Danny reached over and did the same thing. Usher let out a soft moan and glared at both of us.

"So I guess I don't get to play matchmaker," Don said with a pout on his face.

"Don't worry sweetie," Josh said kissing Don on the cheek. "I bet Usher will let you find him a boyfriend some day."

"But I want to play match maker now," Don said looking hopefully at Usher. Usher looked worried and Danny and I just smirked. "So what kind of hot guy do you like?"

"Help?" Usher pleaded with us. I winked at Dan. Dan thought about it for a while and grinned his naughty grin and nodded too. Usher was about to get his wish. With one simple look I had conveyed to Danny permission to sleep with Usher and for Danny to join us.

"Ok we'll help," I said to Usher. "But you have to do something for us."

"And that would be?" Usher said still looking worried. Danny leaned forward and whispered something into Usher's ear. Usher grinned really wide. "Cool!"

"But later tonight," I instructed Usher.

"What are you planning?" JC asked us. All three of us shrugged our shoulders. "Oh no," JC said shaking his head. "Just keep it down will you?"

"Keep what down?" Don asked looking all confused.

"When they have their fun," JC explained to him.

"Ewwwww!" Don groaned. "You mean all three of them are going to have sex together?" JC nodded. "I hope you use protection," Don instructed Danny. Danny just grinned and snuggled up to me.

From Don's point of view.

We all hung out by the pool together for the rest of the evening. Usher turned out to be a really cool guy not to mention a really hot guy too. And he knew it too. The way he carried himself told anyone that looked at him that he wanted to have sex with just about anyone who would let him. I wondered in the back of my head weather or not that it was safe for him to sleep with Danny.

"Don't worry," Justin said softly as he handed me a plate. We walked up to the table and begin to pile on the food. "Usher is clean. And I know for a fact that he would never do anything to hurt Danny. He knows how much I love him."

"What's up with Usher?" I asked. "I mean he looks happy but I have this feeling that there is a lot more to Usher's story than he is letting on."

"Usher let someone in a long time ago. And that some one betrayed his trust and really hurt him. He hasn't been able to let anyone in for a long time," Justin explained.

"So that is why he keeps it casual?" I asked.

"Yea he keeps it casual so there is no commitment," Justin said.

"How did you get involved?" I asked.

"Well the night that it all came apart for him I happen to be there," Justin explained. "I basically let him have his way with me. Usher is the first one I have ever let top on me."

"You mean you were a bottom?" I asked shocked.

"Yea I was," Justin replied. "Usher needed me in that way and I kinda sorta threw caution to the wind and let him do it. After that he would count on me to help through his rough spots."

"So how is he?" I asked. I couldn't help it. My curiosity got the better of me. I mean Usher was a very attractive man and had a great body. So he had to know how to use it.

Justin got this really dreamy look in his eyes. One that I had never seen him use before. One that I and all of us other bottoms used on a quite frequent basis. "He is great," Justin sighed. "Loving caring and really really hot in bed."

"So what is he planning on doing with Danny?" I asked bluntly. "He is my brother and I'm worried about him. He hasn't had much luck with the men department you know."

"Don't worry, We are not going to push Danny into anything that he is not willing or ready for," Justin quickly assured me. "Usher is not into pain or kinky shit."

"Well as long as he doesn't do anything to hurt Danny," I replied. I felt a hand drop on my shoulder and looked back to see JC standing behind me. I smiled up at him and leaned back to allow him to wrap his arms around me and pull me close to him. I shivered with delight as his lips graced my shoulder.

"Walk with my love," JC whispered in my ear. His crotch ground into my but and I knew that he was horny. It was a nice night out and making love on the beach with him sounded really really great right now. I took his hand and guided him out of our little compound and down the path and onto the beach. "So what were you and Justin talking about?"

"Just making sure that Danny isn't getting in over his head," I replied snaking my arm around JC's narrow waist. "So you're horny," I stated bluntly. I was met with silence. "What do you want to do about it?"

"I want to make love to you on the beach," JC answered me with equal bluntness. For some reason the bluntness made me blush like a school girl. "That is if it is ok with you."

"Oh it is more than ok with me," I replied grinning up at him. The full moon was out and it cast a light blue haze around and god did it make him look sexy as hell. His blue eyes sparkled with lust and desire and his tongue snaked out and licked his dry lip revealing just a hint of his bright white teeth. "Well Mr. Chasez why don't we get busy?" He smiled widely like a kid on Christmas morning took my hand and started to run down the beach. I let him lead me down whatever path he wanted to take me down.

Later from Justin's point of view.

"Unca Justin?" Donny's voice sounded up at me. I looked down expecting to see a bright eye cheerful little boy. But I saw instead a sick little boy. His face was all flushed and his hair was plastered down on his little forehead. "Where is daddy?" I reached down and placed my hand against his forehead and frowned. I turned to Danny.

"Upstairs in the bathroom is a thermometer," I said. Danny nodded and took off running for the stairs. "Come here buddy," I said softly as I picked up Donny. He laid his little head on my shoulder. I could tell he was a sick little boy.

"What's wrong?" Usher asked looking worried.

"Donny is not feeling well," I replied as I carried him to his room. After taking off his clothes and getting him under the covers Danny handed me the thermometer. "Ok buddy," I smiled down at Donny. "We have to take your temperature."

"Is it going to hurt?" Donny asked with his little bottom lip sticking out in a pout. It broke my heart seeing him in such pain.

"No sweetie," I smiled at him. "All you have to do is let me point this in your ear and that is all." I could tell by the expression on his face that he really didn't believe me. "Promise," I added knowing that he knew all about grown up and their promises to kids. He nodded and let me take his temperature. It beeped and I looked at it and got this really scared feeling in my chest. "Usher, please go down to the beach and find Josh and Don." Usher nodded quietly and left the house. I turned to Danny. "His temp is 105." Danny swallowed hard and took Donny's little hand.

"I don't feel good Unca Justin," Donny's small voice drifted up to us.

"I know you don't buddy," I said softly. "Usher's gone to get your daddy and Daddy Josh."

Fifteen minutes later Donny is checking over his son. I could tell by the look on his face that this was not good. "Josh get the car ready."

"What is going on?" JC asked worried too.

"Donny is running a high fever and we need to get him to the emergency room," Don explained. He looked lovingly down at his son and smiled. "Hey buddy," he said bravely to him. "Want to go for a ride?"

"I don't feel good," Donny whimpered out. That was when he did it. His little face turned green and than he promptly threw up on him self. Than he started to cry. Typical kid move but it was painful to see him in such pain. Donny was usually a very happy and healthy child. To see him like this really tore my heart in two. After spending the next hour cleaning poor Donny up and getting him dressed up all warm we got him into the car and headed to the hospital. Usher was great. He stayed with Danny and me as I drove the Escalade following JC and Don. I have to admit. I was scared. Call it intuition but I had a feeling that something bad was going down. I felt a hand on my shoulder and glanced back.

"Don't worry," Usher said softly. "Donny is very lucky to have you all. He is going to fine."

"I just hate seeing that little fella in pain," I replied. "He has had so much in the last year."

"I know," Danny replied. "I don't know how much more pain that Don can take. First his wife dies of cancer--," The rest was said in silence. We all knew in the back of our minds that Cancer ran in both sides of Donny's family. On his father's side and on his mother's.

From Don's point of view.

"So how is he?" I asked the Doctor for the hundredth time.

"His white cell count is really high," the Doctor said. "We're running more tests. I have an idea what is wrong but won't know for sure until we get the next batch of tests back. In the mean time we are going to move Donny up stairs to a regular room."

"He is scared," I said helplessly. "He's never been away from home or from his loved ones before."

"That is why you're staying with him," the doctor said. "Don't worry Mr. Smith. We are going to take good care of your son."

"But you still don't have any idea just what is wrong with him," I reminded him.

"Let's take this into a conference room," the doctor suggested. JC and I followed him into the conference room. The next words out of his mouth sent waves of fear rage through me. It brought back a time of my past that I would just as soon forget. "Mr. Smith your medical records state that you had Leukemia when you were twelve." I could hear JC take a sudden breath in.

"Yes I did suffer from it. It is in remission," I replied. "But what does that have to do with Donny?" That was when I got the stab of fear. "Are you saying that Donny has Leukemia?"

"There is a very good chance that he may have it. All of the signs are pointing to it," the Doctor explained.

"He can't have it," I muttered. "He is so young. And he is all that I have left of my family."

"If he has it is treatable," the doctor explained further. But I wasn't listening. All I was seeing was Donny going through the hell that I went through. The months of Chemo. The weight loss, the loss of my hair. The long sleepless nights of sickness.

"He is only four years old," I mumbled. "To young to go through this." At some point I realized that JC and I were the only ones left in the room. JC was silent as he just looked at me. I locked eyes with him and saw the love and the support in them. I saw a man ready to put everything on hold for Donny. I swallowed hard and stood up.

"Where are you going?" JC asked.

"I have to see my son," I said softly.

"I'll go with you," JC offered. I nodded quietly and vaguely remembered him taking my arm. I felt his arm wrap around my shoulders. "I love you Don," he mumbled into my ear. "We'll get through this baby." We walked back into the hall and we could see the shocked looks on everyone's faces as they watched JC, International Pop Star with his arm wrapped around another man's shoulders. The whispering really started when JC placed a chaste kiss on my lips. "I love you. And we are going to go through this together." I nodded not really realizing what was happening. We reported to the desk and got the number to Don's room and headed up stairs to see him. On the way up in the elevator I leaned against Josh. I relished the feeling of his strong arms wrapped around me. I looked up into his eyes and he smiled softly down at me. Finally we reached the Pediatrics ward and walked into Donny's room. I was thankful to see Justin and Danny in there. Justin was being a sweetie and busy making Donny laugh. The tear streaks were still there. I winced when I saw the IV in his little arm. "It is for his own good sweetie," Josh softly reminded me. I nodded and offered him a small smile. I sat down on Donny's bed and reached out and touched him. In a second he was in my arms clinging to me life I was some sort of lifeline. Time stood still for us. I had no idea how much time had lapsed. All I knew was that I had my son in my arms. And I wasn't planning on ever letting him go.

From Josh's point of view.

"How is he?" Justin asked as he glanced at Don lying beside Donny. Donny had long since fallen asleep. Don on the other hand was still awake. He told me he had no intentions of sleeping until he knew what was wrong with Donny. I glanced around the room and was shocked to see all the stuffed animals and flowers that had flooded the room. All of our friends had rallied to our aid. Even Orlando and Kevin had showed up to offer their help. Thankfully this was a pet friendly hospital and Spot and Trixy was here too. Poor Trixy was a whimpering mess. He caught on right away that his little master was sick and he was not a happy puppy. He had not left Donny's side since Kevin had walked him in. Spot realized that his big master was upset and had latched onto Don too. "Josh?" Justin asked again. I shook myself awake. "How is he?"

"I'm worried Justin," I replied. "I've never seen him like this."

"It is his son that is sick," Justin reminded me. "I'm not surprised that he is acting this way. It is the way Don is. He loves his son."

"I know he loves Donny. I know that he is upset and worried and scared shitless. But he has his health to worry about too. He is not going to do Donny any good if he gets sick worrying about him," I explained.

"Than you're going to have to remind him of that," Justin told me bluntly. "But right now for now Don needs to do this. He needs to be beside his son. After we find out what is wrong with Donny than we can deal with it better and get him the treatment he needs and than we can start worrying about Don." I nodded softly. The door opened and the Doctor walked in. Don looked up at him in fear. It was as if he knew already what was wrong with his son. Spot growled softly at the Doctor. Don quickly quieted him down.

"What is it Doctor?" Don asked swallowing hard. "What is wrong with my son?" The Doctor swallowed really hard and looked around the room. "They are family and they have a right to know too." The Doctor nodded.

"I'm afraid that my fears are confirmed," the doctor said softly. "I'm sorry Mr. Smith. Your son has Leukemia."


Next: Chapter 21

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