Picking Up the Pieces of My Life

By JC Fanfic

Published on May 15, 2003


Picking up the Pieces of My Life Chapter Two A Work of Fiction by JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications (c) Copyright 2003 Disclaimer: All Characters and situations of this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people and actual situations is purely coincidental. All fictional characters and fictional situations portrayed in this work of fiction remains the property of JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications.

Republishing of this work of fiction is strictly forbidden unless permission as been given by JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications. Permission granted to Nifty Archives for the sole purpose of posting on the Boy Bands section of the Archives. Permission may be obtained by e-mailing JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications at JC_Fan_Fiction@yahoo.com

Comments are welcome too. Constructive Comments and advice are welcome. Honest opinions are welcome as well. And if you want to vent all over me as long it is good natured than feel free too do that to. Warning: This first few chapters are very sad. But I promise as the story goes along it will get happier.

E-mail me at JC_Fan_Fiction@yahoo.com

Chapter Two

"Daddy?" Donny asked in his sleepy voice. "When are we going to get there?" Three weeks have passed since We've laid Pam to rest. We were now on a plane to Orlando Florida. Where we would begin our new life. Well Donny was all excited about starting our new life. And he had been asking me every five minutes if we were there yet and I very patiantly told him no and that we had a little more to go. Finally the captain's voice sounded over the loud speaker and saved me.

"Good afternoon," the captain's voice sounded over the speakers. "We will be landing in Orlando International Airport in five minutes. The Temperature is a nice 76 degrees and sunny and clear. Thank you for flying Delta Airlines." The fasten your seat belt sign came on. I quickly fastened Donny's seat belt and than fastened mine. Donny loved to fly. And landing and take offs were his favorite part of it all.

"Is JC and Justin going to meet at the airport?" Donny asked. He was hoping that Justin would be there. He and Justin had become best buds and he had missed Justin while we were packing and renting out our town house.

"No buddy," I replied. "Justin is out of town right now. He has to get ready to go on tour." Donny's lip stuck out in a small pout but thankfully it didn't stay out for long. All too soon we were tredging through the airport. We had our bags and were searching for our ride.

"Daddy!" Donny exclaimed. "There is our ride!" Sure enough there was a man standing there with a sign with our names on it.

"We're the Smiths," I said with a grin.

"Come with me please," the driver said. "I'll take you to the house so you two can get settled. Mr. Chasez won't be there when you get there. He says to make yourself at home."

I had to admit that it was a nice quiet ride over. I had time to think about things too. Like what was I going to do for a living? Yes I was still mourning Pam. But JC was on my mind a lot too. So much so that I had taken to listening to his music all the time now. Donny teased me about it but I didn't care. JC was a very attractive man. So attractive that I really don't think he knew just how much so. That was the way it was with truly attractive men. They really didn't know or understand just how good looking they were. And that was sexy. They carried themselves in a reserved way. Now Justin knew he was hot and it showed in everything he did. The way he walked, the way he dressed, the way he carried himself. Oh enough about him. Let's get back to JC. I was going to be living at JC's house in Orlando. He actually had two houses. One in California and one in Florida. He spent most of his time in Orlando which was fine by me. While I was doing my thinking I watched as we pulled into a gated community. The houses were nice. I noticed that the first few houses were rather small. But as we got further into the community I noticed that the yards got bigger and the houses got larger. Finally we pulled up to a very large house. "Mr. Smith," the driver said. "We're here." I looked at the large house. It was all in white and stucco. Very attractive. I also noticed that there were lots of windows in it. Very large floor to ceiling windows. This was a nice place and I would've hate to have seen price tag on this place. I stepped out of the limo with Donny following. "This key will get you into the house. Mr. Chasez should be home with in the hour. Your belongings will be delivered to you later this week."

"Thank you for everything," I said softly.

"Think nothing of it sir," the driver said softly. "It's been a pleasure to assist you in your time of need." I watched as the limo drove away and out of the gate. I turned to look down at Donny who was standing there with this wow _expression on his face.

"Well," I said smiling down at him. "What do you think of this place?"

"Big," Donny exclaimed. "Where is my room?"

"Well I don't know," I smiled again. "What do you say we go in and find out?" I took his hand and we headed up the walk and was soon standing at the door. I took the key and turned the lock and the door swung open. We stepped in onto a marble entrance hall of sorts. Right in front of us was a staircase and above us was a huge crystal chandelier. Off to the right was set of large wood doors. I smiled at the taped signs on them. It said, `welcome home. This way to the living room.' I pushed them open we walked in. I could tell at once that this room would not be a room for Donny to be playing in. I also grinned again at the all the signs on the furniture. I also spotted a envelope on the coffee table. I picked it up and looked in it. I pulled out a letter.

Dear Donny,

Welcome home. I hope that you had a nice flight. As you can see I have taken to labeling everything in the house. I know it is corny but what the hey! Take the stairs to the second floor and you will find a room all the way down the hall to your left. That is yours. The one across the hall is Donny's. I thought that being in a strange house he would love to have his Daddy across the hall from you. Get some rest. I'll be home in about three hours from the time you arrive. Oh yea and there is a puppy in the kitchen. His name is Trixy and he will need feeding and taken out. Can you do that for me? This is his second day here so he is new too.

Love Josh

I smiled at the fact that he had signed it that way. "Well Donny," I said looking down at him. "What do you say we go feed the puppy and let him out so he can do his stuff?" Donny's eyes lit up at the word puppy. I laughed as I took his little hand and led him through the house. After about five minutes we finally heard the puppy barking and we followed the sound. Once in the kitchen spotting the little fella was easy. He was the little bundle of happy barks and licks and whimpers squirming in Donny's arms and Donny was laughing his little head off too. Upon close inspection of the puppy I discovered that the puppy was black lab. After taking the little fella out so he could do his business and making sure he was happy and fed we headed up stairs to retire for a nap. Donny was still missing his mommy so I let him nap with me.

From JC's point of View

After unlocking the door I smiled as I heard the yapping of poor Trixy. To hear the little fella you would've thought that he was abused or something. I quickly went to the kitchen and picked up the squirming pup. He was sure glad to see me. His little pink tongue was lapping at my face just as fast as he could go. "Easy there guy!" I laughed. "Where is Donny?" I asked him. All I got was more wet puppy tongue on my nose. "Ok what do you say we go find him?" I tucked him in the crock of my arm and carried him up stairs and down the hall. I lightly knocked on the door and opened it a crack. There he was. Laying across the mattress and curled up next to him was Donny Jr. My breath caught in my throat as I once again beheld how beautiful he was. "Donny?" I asked softly. He grumbled and turned over. I giggled softly and gently placed Trixy on the bed. He walked over to the sleeping child on his little wobbly legs and was soon covering the child in kisses. Donny woke up giggling which in turn woke up his daddy. "Hey," I said suddenly feeling shy. "Umm did you have a good sleep." Don yawned widely and nodded. I sat on the bed next to him and he laid his head on my shoulder. "How as the trip over?"

"It was ok," he replied. "When did you get in?"

"A few minutes ago," I replied. "So you want a tour of the place?"

"Yea that would be nice," he replied. "I'll just throw on some clothes and meet you down stairs?" Donny asked.

"Ok," I smiled back. "I also want to talk to you about an idea I have."

"Oh really?" Donny asked grinning. "What is it?"

"Well it's kinda sorta a surprise," I replied grinning. Donny had an infectious grin and when he smiled it made me want to smile too. "Now hurry up. Oh by the way there is a play room across the hall for Donny." Don nodded as he slipped on a pair of shorts. I turned and headed down the hall and down the stairs and walked into the living room. I frowned at the pile of boxes in the corner. I picked up the phone and dialed a number. I swore quietly to myself when the voice mail picked up. I waited patiently for the beep. "Hey," I glanced up the stairs to see if Don was coming yet. "This is JC, I really need you to pick up your stuff. I have a house guest staying for a while and I need the extra space."

"Hey JC," a deep voice said as he picked up the phone. "What do you need?"

"I really need you to pick up your stuff," I sighed. "I have a house guest moving in and I really need the extra room."

"Found a replacement for me already?" came the nasty reply.

"That is not it and you know it!" I hurled back. "He is really going through a rough time right now. He just lost his wife and is trying to sort out his life right now. And on top of it all he has a three year old son that he is trying to raise all by himself right now. I was friends with his wife and she asked me to help him out. Not that it is any of your business anyway!"

"Ok ok," he replied sheepishly. "Don't worry, I'll be out later this afternoon to pick it up." The phone went dead and I sighed heavily. Just hearing his deep soft voice again brought me back to when we were lovers. I shook my head to clear my thoughts.

"Hey," came another soft voice from behind me. It wasn't as deep as his but I had fallen in love with it all the same. I turned and saw his very slim figure glide across the carpet. "Running a storage bin here?" he grinned pointing at the huge pile of boxes.

"No," I replied frowning. "Just some stuff that my former lover hasn't moved out yet. And I just got off the phone with him and let's just say that the talk wasn't all that nice. But enough about my problems let's talk." I sat down on the soft sofa and motioned for him to do the same. He sat next me and I could feel the heat from his body. He was wearing a pair of shorts and a sleeveless shirt that really accented his muscles. I inhaled deeply and could just make out his scent. Needless to say it drove me nuts.

"Sorry," he said blushing. "I haven't had time to shower yet."

"No," I replied quickly. "No need to be sorry. You actually smell kinda nice." I mentally slapped my forehead for saying that and blushed when I saw his little smirk. "So you want to know what I want to talk to you about?" He shook his head no. "Well I have a job for you."

"Oh really?" he asked perking up. "What kind of job?"

"Well it requires working with Justin," I said as I started filling him in. "He has a need for a personal assistant. You know, someone with your skills. I've talked to Rich today and he said he was really sorry that you left. And he had nothing but good things to say about you. He wants you back but I told him that was probably out of the question. Justin will be by shortly to discuss the job further with you. So what do you think?"

"I thought Justin was out of town," Don stated.

"He got back in last night and is in for the next week or so," I replied. "So Donny will be happy to hear that. I know how much they like each other."

"How much traveling will this job require?" Don asked. "I would like to spend as much time with Donny now that I'm a single dad." It pained me to see the sorrow cross over his angelic face. I wanted to take him in my arms and kiss his sorrow away so bad but I was on a mission. And that mission was to get Don back in the swing of things fast.

"Well why don't I explain that to you," a voice came from behind us. I looked up to see Justin walking in with Donny riding on his shoulders. Trixy was walking behind them with his tail wagging. It was obvious that Trixy was not going to loose his new found buddy. As soon as Justin put Donny down Trixy jumped up on Donny. Donny's giggles filled the room and brought an immediate grin to Don's face. "I take that JC filled you in on the basics?"

"Well he just said that you would need a PA but hasn't mentioned hours involved or salary or benefits," Don replied. "I'm assuming that is where you come in." I decided to take Donny and Trixy out of the room and let Justin and Don talk over business.

"Why don't you two stay here and talk while I take Donny and Trixy out. I want to show Donny the swimming pool." True to form Donny's eyes lit up at the prospect of a swimming pool at his disposal. I took his hand and led him out through the front door and we headed back around back to the pool.

From Don's point of view.

"So you going to accept my offer?" Justin asked as he sat down across from me. He was wearing a sky blue pair of shorts and a skin tight sleeveless shirt. He knew he looked good. I couldn't really tell if he was really all that conceited or if he was just doing part of his performance act.

"Well how much does the job pay?" I asked looking him in his eyes. I was really trying not to look at his chest and abs. "And what type of benefits come with it?"

"Well I was thinking maybe 75 grand a year with your standard benefits package. You know medical and dental a 401k and three weeks vacation," Justin replied quickly. "Will that be good?"

"More than good," I replied with a grin. "What will the hours be like?"

"You will work a pretty standard work week. Pretty much 9 to 5 Monday through Friday and on call after hours," Justin replied. "I have a tour coming up in the summer so I will relying on you for a good part of that. That will be the time that I will require you to travel. And you will receive comp time for long extended periods of travel. Oh yea and you can bring Donny along too if you want. I would recommend doing that so the little guy doesn't get to lonely."

"That sounds good Justin when do I start?" I asked.

"How about a week from today?" Justin asked. "That will give you some time to settle in here and maybe see the sights. Speaking of sights, I was kinda wondering if maybe we could do Disney World with Donny and JC." I had to laugh at the hopeful _expression Justin's face. "What?" he asked trying to act all innocent. "Can't a guy want to play once in a while?"

"Yea I guess," I grinned. "But I have this feeling that you are really wanting to spoil a certain three year old boy."

"Well I can't help it," Justin replied with just a hint of blushing coming to his cheeks. "That little guy has been through to much crap for a kid his age and deserves to have fun."

"Speaking of fun," I spoke up as I spotted Trixy walk by the doorway with Donny hot after his trail. "What is the deal with Trixy?"

"You'll have to ask JC about that," Justin replied too quickly. "That was his idea."

"Ask me what?" JC asked.

"He wants to know why you got Trixy," Justin giggled.

"Well I like dogs," JC said way to quickly. "And I wanted one."

"Riiiiiight," I said grinning. Both of them had guilty looks on their faces. "You happen to get a puppy just when a certain three-year-old boy comes to live with you?"

"Ok ok," JC caved. "I got the puppy for him. You have to admit that they do make a good team." I saw the hopeful look on JC's face that I didn't have the heart to scold him. "SO you going to take Justin's job offer?"

"Way to change the subject Mr. Chasez," I giggled. "And yes I am going to take his job offer."

"Good," JC replied with a grin. "That means it is time to celebrate!"

"Celebrate what?" a deep voice spoke up from behind me. "And who is this?" I turned and watched as Kevin Richardson came strolling in. I could tell by the look on his face that he didn't like me at all.

"Donald Smith," I said politely as I stuck out my hand. Kevin looked at it like it was a piece of trash. I was surprised because I had heard that he was really friendly. Especially with his fans. "I'm a fan of your music," I added trying to get a smile out of him. Instead all I got was a sneer. "Ok!" I screamed in my head. "I'm burning all of the Backstreet Boys CDS!"

"So this is the trash you replaced me with?" Kevin snickered. Ok now I was mad. I could feel my fist ball up. I was really close to punching this guy out. Than my sweetie came to my rescue. SIGH I LOVE JC!!

"Shut up Kevin!" JC hissed. "He is not trash!"

"Yea whatever!" Kevin said in a typical diva voice. It was so out of place for him that I couldn't help but snicker at him. "What the fuck are you laughing at?" he demanded.

"You," I snickered again. "What is your problem anyway?"

"You're my problem," Kevin said as he came up to me. He was built better than I was and could probably hold his own in a fight. But I was banking on the thought that he didn't have any combat training. I knew martial arts. "What rock did you crawl out from under?"

"Ohhhhh big words for a country hick like yourself," I snickered. "Did your mommy teach you that?"

"Back up boy!" Kevin hissed at me.

"Or what?" I demanded. I noticed that Justin's hand was on JC's shoulder. "What are you going to do about it?" I never saw the swing coming. The next thing I knew I was laying on the floor holding my eye. "Ok so you can hit big deal," I snickered as I shook my head trying to clear the cob webs. Kevin came at me again and this time I was ready for him. Moving like a cat I pounced on him and had him on the floor with out so much as making a sound. I had his arm pinned behind him. "You might have a good right hook Mr. Richardson but I'm betting that is all you have in your little country bag of tricks. Now you are in my good friend's house. And I don't like it when people are rude to me or to my friends. So here is what you are going to do. You're going to apologies to JC and Justin and to my son and than you are going to take your sorry ass away from here!"

"Actually Don," JC said in a small voice. "I asked him to come by and pick up his stuff."

"Well he can take his shit and get out," I said calmly as I let Kevin up. "Now I have to find some ice for my eye." Kevin moved out of my way and I looked into his eyes. I saw a lot of anger and some fear in them. I reached for JC's hand and he took mine. A shiver ran through my body as his flesh touched mine. I quickly left the living room before I decided to pound on Kevin some more. Once we were in the kitchen I sat down in a chair and sighed. "What a dick!"

"Please," JC said pleadingly. I looked at him like he was nuts.

"Please what?" I demanded. "Please let him beat me up? Please don't stand up for myself?"

"Kevin is strange," JC said as if to apologies for Kevin's actions.

"Don't!" I hurled at JC. "Don't you dare apologies for that ----," I stopped talking because I was starting to see red. "I need some ice for my eye." I guess it was at that point that JC noticed that my eye was starting to swell.

"Oh man!" he whined. "Why did he have to hit you?" I noticed that his eyes were bright with unshed tears. "I otta beat the tar out of him!" By now he was standing in front of me poking and prodding my eye. I endured his well meaning inspection of my eye. "It is going to be a shiner," he said softly. "Let me make an ice pack for it." I leaned against the counter as I watched JC run around the kitchen getting a dish towel and making an ice pack. "Here put this on. That should take some of the swelling down. In the mean time I am going to go and make sure that he is out of here!"

"JC?" I asked quickly. He stopped and turned to look back at me. Again I was struck at how beautiful he was. His blue eyes were so full of love and compassion and mischief that I wanted to pounce on him right than and there.

"Yes?" he asked.

"Umm do you umm what to umm talk about us?" I asked quickly feeling the blush return to my face. "Umm I guess we haven't really talked much since the night before the funeral."

"Yes I do want to talk to you," JC said softly. "But I want to do it alone and not with all this stuff going on."

"How about tonight when Donny is in bed?" I suggested. JC's face broke out with a grin that lit up his entire face.

"I would like that very much," JC replied. He than crossed the kitchen to where I was and took my face in his hands and brought his lips down on mine. It wasn't a mind blowing kiss but it was a very nice one. After he broke away he giggled at my dazed look on my face. "I love you."

"I love you too," I replied without thinking. Than it hit me. I had just said that I loved JC. And it seemed perfectly natural for me to feel that way. I smiled a huge smile and felt the blush again and this time I didn't care. By the look on JC's face it seemed that he didn't really care either.

"Ahem!" coughed a voice. I looked up to see Justin standing there grinning. "He is gone."

"Who is gone?" JC asked with a dreamy look on his face. I snickered.

"Kevin is gone," Justin replied winking at me. "I helped him load his stuff and he is gone now." JC shook himself awake and Justin did laugh this time. "You two have it soo bad."

"We do not," JC said pouting.

"Yes we do," I agreed with Justin. "And you know something Justin?"

"What?" Justin asked.

"I don't care," I said as I wrapped my arms around JC again and pulled him close to me. "For once in a long time I am happy. Very happy."

"Good now why don't we talk about that celebration you spoke about earlier?" I asked JC.

"Yea that sounds like a good idea," Justin said. "Are we going out?"

"Nah," JC replied rubbing his hands together. I noticed that Justin got this very worried look on his face. "I'm going to fire up the grill and we are going to have a cook out!"

"Umm are you sure that is a good idea?" Justin asked worried.

"Why?" I asked Justin. I was sure I was about to find out something funny about JC.

"That was along time ago!" JC shot at Justin glaring at him.

"It was not!" Justin giggled. "It was just a week ago!"

"What happened?" I asked.

"JC can't grill," Justin giggled some more.

"I can too!" JC said softly. "I can't help it that the hot dogs burned."

"It don't take an hour to cook hot dogs" Justin giggled again. I decided to come to JC's rescue.

"Well that is good," I said quickly. "I like them burned!" JC grinned at me and mouthed `thank you'.

"Besides we are not having hotdogs!" JC said with a small pout. "We're having burgers!"

"We are?" came a booming voice. The next thing I knew was this bear of a man came into the kitchen carrying Donny upside down. Donny was giggling his head off and Trixy was trotting next to him barking his high pitched little bark.

"Don meet Joey," Justin said as he rescued Donny. Donny's face was all blushed from the excitement. Whatever Joey was doing to him he sure was having fun. Justin put him down and Donny took off running out of the kitchen calling for Trixy. Poor Trixy started to run but stumbled over his four paws. He looked around to see if we had seen it and than gathered what dignity he had left and trotted off after his new pal. "Joey meet JC's new boyfriend Don Smith!"

"You mean the Don Smith?" Joey asked grinning a huge grin. "Dude it is so good to finally meet you!" He grabbed my hand and pulled me into a bear crushing hug. "Man I'm sorry to hear about your wife. If there is anything I can do for you and Donny let me know."

"Umm thanks," I mumbled looking at JC. He just grinned a cheeky grin and shrugged his shoulder.

"Now what is this I heard about burgers?" Joey asked rubbing his hands together.

"Well JC is going to cook out again," Justin said winking at Joey.

"Did you call the fire department and have them on standby?" Joey asked grinning.

"Hey!" JC exclaimed pouting. "I'm not that bad!"

"Yea," Joey said grinning. "We're just picking on you. Come on Justin I want to show you something." He grabbed poor Justin around the shoulders and drug him out of the kitchen.

"Umm wow!" I exclaimed. "Is he always like that?"

"Who Joey?" JC asked as he started to pull out food from the refrigerator.

"Yea him," I replied as I walked closer to him. "Do you need help?"

"Yea could you cut up these vegetables for me?" JC asked as he thrust a handful of food in my hands. I put them on the kitchen counter and looked what he had handed me. A tomato, lettuce and two onions. In about five minutes I had them all cut up and laid out on a platter. I looked over at JC who was busy making hamburger patties. "All done?" he asked. I nodded. "Want to make a pasta salad?"

"Sure," I said as I thought about making my famous Ranch and Bacon pasta salad. I set about looking for the ingredients to make it. In no time at all I had all the ingredients to make it. All to soon I was engrossed in making the salad. So engrossed that I didn't see JC sneak up behind me until he pressed his lips against my neck sending shivers up and down my spine. `JC," I said in a scolding tone of voice. "Behave!"

"Nuuh uhh," JC said in a childish voice that drove me wild. "Don't want to." I picked up a cherry tomato and turned and popped it into his mouth. He sucked my finger in with it and sucked on it all the while giving me a naughty look that drove me nuts with desire. I reluctantly pulled my finger from his mouth.

"You are bad!" I said kissing him lightly on the nose. "Now let's finish Dinner."

"Yes Dad," JC said grinning. I put the pasta salad in the refrigerator and followed him out onto the deck. He walked over to this huge grill. "See my baby?" he asked proudly gesturing at it.

"Do you really need one that large?" I asked running my hand along the smooth stainless steel.

"Oh yea I need it," he said as he lifted the lid and started to light. Soon he had the grill full of burgers. I notice that there was more burgers than we could possibly eat. "Oh I forgot to tell you that we are having company over."

"Who?" I asked.

"Oh just the rest of NSYNC and the Backstreet Boys," he replied.

"Umm is Kevin going to be coming?" I asked quietly. I had just gotten a black eye from him and wasn't looking forward to another one.

"I don't think so," JC replied. "At least I hope he has the common sense to stay away."

"What if he does show up?" I asked.

"Well since I planned this party a few weeks ago I guess we will just have to be polite and pray that he doesn't start anything," JC answered as he started to flip the burgers. I heard a huge splash and looked back in time to see Justin in the pool with Donny. Donny loved to swim and was having a blast with Justin.

"Well I see that Donny is going to love it here," I snickered.

"Are you ok with them being here?" JC asked looking at me with those loving and caring eyes. "If not I'll tell him to go home."

"No," I replied quickly. "Don't do that. It will only ruin the party for everyone else."

"You sure?" JC asked again. I nodded as I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close. "I like this."

"Like what?" I asked giving him my naughty look now. Yea I was horny and wanted some action but I knew that JC wasn't ready for that yet.

"Us being close," JC replied as he leaned forward and kissed me lightly on the lips.

"Hey," a voice said behind us. I looked back to see Nick and Brian walk up. Nick had a grin on his face and Brian had a small frown on his face. "You must be Donny," Nick said sticking out his hand. "I'm sorry what Kevin did to you."

"Yea umm he had no right to do that to you," Brian said with a small smile. "Especially after everything you've been through." I was a little blown over haven only met Brian a few minutes ago.

"Thanks," I mumbled. I heard the back door open and heard footsteps behind me.

"What are you doing here?" JC asked in a very cold and hard voice.

"Umm I would like to talk to Don," came a deep soft slightly accented voice. I turned and came face to face with Kevin. His eyebrows furrowed when he saw the shiner.

"Maybe he doesn't wan to talk to you!" JC hissed standing in front of me.

"JC," I said softly touching his shoulder. "I'll be fine." JC looked back at me with pleading eyes and I almost caved. "Trust me I'll be fine."

"Ow!" Kevin yelped. "What was that for?" Kevin demanded looking down. I looked down to see a very mad looking Donny glaring up at Kevin. "Why did you kick me?"

"You hit my Daddy!" Donny shouted. I heard stifled giggles around the deck. I wanted to laugh too but didn't dare. "You are a meanie!"

"Donny Smith!" I said loudly using my scolding voice. "That is not nice!" Donny looked up at me with a guilty _expression on his cute face. "You apologies now!"

"But Daddy!" Donny whined. Trixy growled at Kevin too and this time I did laugh softly. "He hit you!" I sighed and bent down so that I was eye level with him.

"What have I always said about violence son?" Donny's lip stuck out in a pout. "Well?" I asked again.

"I'm not sposed to hit people," he said softly. "I'm sorry daddy."

"Tell that to Kevin," I instructed him. Donny turned to Kevin and looked up at him. Trixy was still growling at poor Kevin. I glanced over at JC and saw his smile on his face.

"I'm sorry Kevin," Donny said earnestly. Kevin knelt down so that he was eye level with Donny too.

"I'm very sorry for hitting your daddy too," Kevin said softly. "I would really like to be friends with him I he will let me." By now Trixy had figured out that Donny wasn't mad at Kevin anymore and had stopped growling at him. He was just sitting down and inspecting Kevin as if he was trying to decide that Kevin was for real. "I'd like to be your friend too if you will let me."

The deck area was quiet as we all waited to see what Donny would say. Trixy jumped up and put her paws on Kevin's leg. Kevin reached down and scratched behind his ears. Trixy let out little happy grunting noises. This seem to be enough for Donny. "Ok," he said with a shy bashful smile. "You can be my friend." Kevin's face lit up with a grin. I had to admit that he was a very good looking man. "But no hitting my daddy!" Kevin nodded with a serious look on his face. I breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of Kevin and Donny making up. But I could't help but wonder just what it was that Kevin really wanted. I had a feeling that before the night was over I would find out.

"Well I see that one tragedy was avoided tonight," JC's voice drifted over me. I nodded not saying anything. "What's wrong?" I looked over at Kevin who was standing with Brian and Nick and talking quietly. "Still wondering what he is doing here?" I nodded. "Well I am sure that he wants to try and make up for what he did to you today."

"I'm not so sure Josh," I replied. JC smiled widely at my use of his name. "What?" I asked scrunching up my nose.

"I like it when you use my first real name." He bent forward and kissed me lightly on the lips. I felt the tugging on my hand. I looked down to see Donny staring up at me.

"Yea buddy?" I asked.

"When are we going to eat?" he asked looking at the hamburgers cooking on the grill.

"In a little bit," I smiled down at him. "In the mean time why don't you find Justin?" He smiled and nodded and ran off to find Justin. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked back to see Kevin standing there. He wore a sorrowful face. "Yes?" I asked coldly. He cringed at my tone but I held firm. "You want something?"

"Umm yea could I talk to you in private?" Kevin asked gesturing to the house.

"Are you sure youw want to talk to him?" JC asked looking concerned.

"Yea I think we will be fine," I replied. I followed Kevin into the house and into the living room. I sat down in the very soft sofa. Kevin sat next to me. "Ok Kevin what can I do for you?"

"I wanted to say how sorry I am for acting like I did earlier today," Kevin said looking down at his hands. "I had no right to attack you like that. I was hurting because JC is obviously moving on and I was well--- I 'm all alone now." I looked hard at him and tried to decide if he was telling the truth. As I looked at him I brought myself back to when I was loosing Pam. Yes I was gay, I had resigned myself to being gay a long time ago. I had also resigned myself to being married to a woman and having a son too. I long resigned myself to being with a woman for a good part of my life. But fate had handed me another card. This card was vastly different from the card I had chosen from the deck of cards of life. This card allowed me to be who and what I was and that person was Donald Smith who was in love with a man. A man who had be brought into my life by my dying wife. Now the question presented itself to me. Was I to accept that card and follow my heart and walk into Josh's arms? Or should I turn my back on fate and leave Josh and try to live my life with out him. I looked hard at Kevin and saw a man who had once loved Josh. But this man had cheated on him. This man had discarded the fact that Josh loved him. This man was some one who had hurt some one I cared about.

"I'm sorry you are alone Kevin," I said softly. "But what do you want me to do about it?"

"Try to understand," Kevin replied softly. "JC and I had something special. And I fucked it up. I still love JC very much. That is not going to change." My stare grew hard and cold but Kevin brought his hand up. "But I understand that JC's feelings have changed towards me. He may not love me as he once did and I respect that. But at the same token I want to be a part of his life."

"I'm not stopping you from doing that," I said in deffence of myself. "If Josh wants to remain friends with you I am not going to stop that."

"Have you told him that?" Kevin asked pleading. "Have you told him that it is ok for him to be my friend?"

"No I haven't," I admitted shaking my head. "I didn't think that I needed to tell him that. I thought that he could make up his own mind about his feelings. Question?" I asked and Kevin nodded. "Do you want me to talk to him about this?"

"Could you?" Kevin asked again with that same pleading look he gave me a few seconds ago. I thought long and hard about this. Do I risk telling Josh to go ahead and be friends with Kevin and risk losing him? Or do I keep quiet about this and let Kevin deal with this all by himself. "I'll understand if you don't want to get involved."

"No Kevin," I said quickly. "I'll talk to Josh, but I'm not going to make any promises." I heard a noice behind us and I looked up. It was Josh with his apron on and a smile on his face. "Hey Josh," I said smiling. "Dinner ready?"

"Yea, you two going to come and eat?" JC Josh asked. "Donny has already woofed down two burgers. There won't be any left if you two don't get out there." I took Josh's out stretched hand and shivered at the touch. I must of had a dreamy look in my eyes cause I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked back to see Kevin with smirk on his face.

"What?" I asked trying to act all innocent.

"You have it so bad for him," Kevin snickered. I blushed and looked back at Josh. "I hope you two are happy together."

"Thanks Kevin," Josh bent down and gave me a kiss on my lips. "Now let's go eat!"

The food was great and the company was great too. Brian and Nick sat with Josh and me and asked me a ton a questions. I politely answered as many as I could. They were mostly about how I was going to raise Donny alone and what kind of school I was going to send him too and even if I was going to start singing.

"What's so funny?" Josh asked me.

"Me sing?" I asked elbowing Nick. "Dude I can't cary a tone if I tried! No I think I will stick with just helping you singer types with your schedules and stuff."

"Yea but this isn't going to last forever," Nick said seriously. "At some point this boyband stuff is going to die down."

"Hello!" I giggled. "Take a look around Nick." I gestured around us. "You've got Justin doing his own thing now. JC is breaking out and you broke out on your own too."

"Yea well mine was a total flop!" Nick sighed glaring daggars at Justin.

"Like hell it was!" I yelped out. "I have your CD. And I've gotta say that it is one of the best ones I've heard in a long time. I sincerely hope that you are planning on cranking out more new material."

"Yea but I've only sold a few thousand copies," Nick complained.

"Well don't blame it all on your talent," I interjected. "It is not your fault that your managing company bailed out on you. My advice to you is to find you another record company to represent you."

"Ok so you're blunt as hell," Nick quipped.

"Yea well someone has to be," I replied. "You got royally screwed when you released your solo cd. I mean don't get me wrong, I'm Justin's new PA and all but Jive knew what they were doing when they orchastrated the release of your CD and the release of Justin's to be so close together. It was not coincidence if you know what I mean. To put it simply Nick. You were set up and set up big time."

"What?" Justin yelped as he sat down next to us. "What do you mean Nick got screwed big time."

"You did too Justin," I replied. "Come on dude think about it. Jive times the release of your cd so close to Nick's knowing that it would turn into a battle of the "boy band" members. They wanted to see which one would win out. Only problem was they stacked the deck in your favor."

"How the hell can you say that?" Justin demanded looking pissed. There something you should know about me. I'm honest. Dead honest. Even to my boss.

"Think about it boss," I replied calmly. "How many people do you know get as much coverage before your first single was even officially released?" Justin to his credit nodded for me to continue. "Think about it. MTV had you on the MTV awards. They had you perform your single even before it was released to the public. They had you all over the place putting the spot light on you long before your cd was even completed. Did we see Nick all over the place. No! Like it or not Boss, you and Nick were played against eachother and Nick was set up to fail. Only problem was Nick didn't really fail. He has picked up some more fans. Grant it it was not as many as your fan base. But he did break out into a new arena as did you. But your releases were so clouded and directed at your old market that it showed in your solo attempts."

"I guess you have a point," Justin replied. "But how do we move beyond this? I mean are we always going to be compared to the Boy Bands that we were?"

"Probably," I replied. "That is why you have to really work over time to get your name and music known for other than just NSYNC or Backstreet. It is going to take a lot of hard work but it can be done."

"You got any ideas?" Justin asked frowning.

"I got some, but I rather talk about them later," I replied. "Right now I want to swim."

"That sounds like a good idea," Josh spoke up with his eyes shining with delight. I honestly thought he went along with the idea just to see me with out my shirt. Well that could be true. Hell I was looking forward to seeing him without his on. Josh and I quietly walked into the house and up stairs to get changed. I was in my room when I heard a knock on the door. Tossing my t-shirt aside I turned and looked at who was knocking at my door. It was Josh. He was already changed and I have to say that seeing him without his shirt drove me wild! He was thin but it was very obvious that he worked out. He had a very nice six pack and defined chest and pec muscles. His chest narrowed down to a v shape and his hair graced his shoulders. His nipples were dark brown about quarter size that just begged to be bit and sucked on. I looked down at his legs and saw the light dusting of hair that covered them. I took a quick peak at his package and than up to his abs and licked my lips at the sight of his treasure trail that snaked down into his swimming trunks. "See something you like?" he asked with his eyes twinkling. I immediately felt my face turn beat red. I looked down and concentrated on putting on my trunks. I felt a pair of fingers on my chin and I looked up at him. Once again I was trapped in those pools of blue eyes. "You are so beautiful," he whispered as he kissed me lightly on the lips. I let out a small moan as our bare chests came in contact with each other. My cock was istantly hard and I could feel his cock rubbing against mine. I allowed his tongue into my mouth and soon I was in a state of bliss as his tongue and lips were torturing my mouth lips and tongue. I shivered as his teeth lightly bit down on my bottom lip. I jumped back and yelped as I felt his hand reach into my trunks and grab hold of my aching cock. It felt so good to have another man touching me in that way. As much as I wanted this to continue I knew that neither of us were ready. I gently but firmly pushed him away. I smiled and kissed him on his pouty lips.

"Let's wait until we are both ready and until we have time to do this thing right," I whispered kissing him on the nose. "When I give myself to you I want it to be special and not with a house full of guests. He bit his bottom lip and was silent for a few minutes. At first I thought that maybe I said something wrong. But when he looked up at me and gave me that sweet smile of his I knew that I had said something right.

"That is the best thing I've heard for a long time," Josh whispered. "I do love you Donny and I want to make love to you so bad. But you're right. You just lost your wife a month ago and you are not ready to move on to anything like this yet. And besides we still have to have that talk about where we want this to go."

"Yea that's right," I replied. "But right now I would love nothing more than to watch your sexy body work in that pool."

"Yea well your's isn't ugly too you know," Josh said to me giving me a smirk. With that said he turned and headed out the door. I looked down to see that my cock was still rock hard.

"Easy there junior," I teased it. "No fun for you tonight." After a few minutes my hard on eased up and I walked down stairs and out onto the deck and soon was diving into the pool. For the next few hours we all swam and had fun in the pool. Finally the guests left and soon JC and I were all snuggled up on the sofa staring at the flickering flames in the fireplace. Donny was sound asleep in his room and Trixy was quietly snoring in his little puppy bed in front of the fireplace. I was leaning against JC and his arms were wrapped around me. We were in our boxers and had both decided to go shirtless. It felt good to have flesh to flesh contact again. JC's hair was still wild from his shower. His lips graced my bare shoulders.

"So you want to talk about this thing?" he asked softly in my ear.

"Yea I guess we should talk about it," I sighed.

"I love you," JC said earnestly. "How do you feel about me?"

"I love you too," I replied bluntly. "I know that I've just lost Pam and all but I can't help how I feel. I do love you. And I'm starting to wonder how my life would be with you in my life. And I don't want to think about how my life would be without you."

"What should we do about it?" JC asked. "I mean I am sure you can tell that I want to make love to so bad right now."

"Yea I can feel jr. poking me in the back," I giggled. I loved the feel of his cock poking me in the back. I was happy that JC was comfortable enough with his sexuality to have a hardon touching another man.

"Yea I'm sorry about that," he quickly apologiesed.

"Don't be," I replied. "I love feeling you. I haven't felt another man's arousal in so long."

"You want to do something about it?" JC asked and I knew that he was wearing that incredibly sexy naughty look on his face right now.

"We should talk about Donny," I said softly.

"Oh yea," JC said getting serious real fast. "How is he going to react to us being together as a couple?"

"I don't know but I think he will be ok with it. But I think that we should hold off on doing anything until he knows about us and is ok with it," I suggested.

"But we can still hold each other and kiss and snuggle right?" JC asked in a hopeful tone of voice. I had to smile at his eagerness.

"Of course we can," I replied as I gave him a long and lingerling kiss. After we broke apart he pulled me closer to him and laid his head on my shoulder. We both remained that way until the fire died out in the firplace. Finally his lips on my bare shoulder woke me. I glanced around and saw that it was already past 1:00 in the morning. I was wrapped in his arms and very comfortable and secure. I didn't want to be anywhere else.

"Hey," he whispered in a sleepy tone of voice. "You want to retire for the night?"

"I don't want to be alone tonight," I whispered.

"But what about your son?" JC asked softly as he planted a light kiss on my eye lid.

"I'll make sure we are up long before he gets up," I replied. "I want to hold you all night long."

"That sounds wonderful," JC replied. He stood and held out his hand. I reached out and took it. It seemed so natural to take his hand and hold it as he led me up stairs and into his room. We slowly undressed each other and allowed each other to explore each other with our lips and hands and fingers. Finally we eased into the soft confines of his master bed. The soft sheets caressed our skins and we were soon wrapped in each other's arms. "I love you Donny Smith," he whispered to me.

"I love you too Josh," I wispered back as I planted a soft kiss on his lips. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and drew him close to me. Soon I was asleep in his arms and he asleep in my arms.

From JC's point of view.

I stayed awake listening to Don sleep. Try as I might I couldn't sleep. There were just to many things on my mind. Like for instance, would I be a good influence on Donny? He was such a sweet little boy and he looked up to his daddy so much. I still remembered the heart broken little boy I saw when his mommy had passed away. I shuddered with emotion as I remembered how tenderly his father had taken care of him. Fatherhood seemed to come naturaly for Don. If we got serious would I beable to take care of Donny the same way? Donny liked me but I could tell he was still a little uncomfortable around me. I sung out of bed and walked quietly from the room. I slipped down the hall and peeked into Donny's room. I had to smile. There he was sleeping in his bed with his arm wrapped around his teddy bear. I heard a grunt and looked closer. Again a smile tugged at my lips. Trixy had taken his spot at the foot of Donny's bed. I really don't know how long I stayed there staring at the little boy and his dog sleeping but at some point I found myself getting sleepy too. I turned and headed back up the hall and crept into the my bed and snuggled back up to the sleeping angel that was in my bed. He let out a soft moan and immediately wrapped himself around me. I also noticed that one of my favorite parts was poking me in the stomach. I smiled as I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

"Joshy?" asked a sleepy voice. "Joshy?" he asked again. I shook myself awake and looked around. I found myself staring at a little boy. It was Donny. His hair was all messed up and his arm was wrapped around his teddy bear.

"Hey Buddy," I smiled at him as I sat up in bed. I glanced at the clock and saw that it was just past eight in the morning. "What are you doing up already?"

"Trixy is making whining noises," Donny mumbled out.

"Well that is because the little fella has to go use the bathroom. Why don't you and me go let him out?" I asked as I slid out of bed.

"Um Joshy?" he asked softly. "Why is my daddy sleeping with you?"

My heart stopped as I realized that Don had not woken up early and had not made it back to his room. "Well umm he was lonely," I blurted out. "Now let's say you and I go let Trixy out?"

"Ok Joshy," Donny said with a sleepy smile. At some point I realized that he was calling me Joshy. I had to smile at it becuse it was cute. I looked back at the sleeping form of Don. I really wanted to jump back in bed and wake him up by making sweet love to him. But the tugging of a little boy's hand and the whimpers of an excited puppy alerted me to the fact that work had to be done. For the next five minutes we walked Trixy around the yard so that he could do his duty. Once he was done he trotted happily back to the house. Once inside I asked Donny what he wanted to do next.

"Cartoons!" he exclaimed. "Sponge Bob!" I smiled at his eagerness as I led him to the living room and turned on the tv and to my luck I found Sponge Bob. I sat and watched Donny watch the silly cartoon and laughed when he did. I was starting to like the idea of a happy three-year-old in my life.

"Hey," another sleepy voice sounded behind me. I turned and smiled brightly at the sight behind me. There in his half naked glory was Don. "You and Donny having fun?" he asked as he sat down next to me and laid his head on my shoulder. I loved the feeling of closeness but I saw Donny staring at us with wide eyes.

"Umm Don?" I asked looking down at his sleepy eyes. "I think there is a little boy that is going to need an explanation." Don looked confused for a few seconds before fear showed in his eyes. "Ummm yea he woke me up and wanted to know why we were in bed together."

"Shit," Don muttered.

"Little ears sweetie," I whispered to him as I kissed the top of his head. I glanced over at Donny to see his eyes still wide as ever. "Why don't you come up here with us buddy," I said. Donny walked up to us and climbed up in the couch and snuggled up to his daddy. "Do you have anything you want to ask us?"

"Yea," Donny said in a small voice with that little boy's shrugg.

"Well go ahead and ask," I said in a soothing voice.

"Why do you and Daddy act like my mommy and daddy used too," Donny blurted out. I made the mistake of looking down into his eyes and shivered at the honesty in his little eyes. I knew that whatever we said to him it would have to be the truth. Thankfuly Don spoke up at this point.

"Well umm you remember how much I loved your mommy?" Don asked carefully. Donny nodded. "Well I love Josh like that too."

"But Joshy is guy," Donny said scrunching up his nose.

"Sweetie," Don said quickly. "There is something you need to understand about love. Love doesn't know men or women. Love knows when two people love each other. Whether it is with a man or a woman it is ok and beautiful. And right now Josh and I love each other."

"So Joshy is going to be like my other daddy?" Donny asked bluntly.

From Don's point of view

Don't you just love it when kids ask the really hard questions? Josh had this really cute surprised look on his face. I tried so hard not to bust up laughing. I kissed Josh lightly on the lips.

"Relax sweetie," I soothed him. Turning back to Donny. "I would love for Josh to be part of our lives. But that is for Josh to decide. If he wants to be your other daddy than I would be really ok with that. But the important question is this. How do you feel about it?"

"I like Joshy!" Donny said with a huge smile on his face. "He is really nice!"

"We don't have to make this decision right away. We still have to get to know one another," I spoke quickly. "Why don't we have the rest of this conversaton a little later?" Donny nodded his head so fast that I thought it would fall off. I felt Josh relax beside me. Donny thought that maybe he had spent to much quality time because Trixy let out a small bark and Donny clammored down from the couch and took off running after him. I turned to Josh and slid my hand up his shirt and rested it on his left peck muscle. I could feel the slow steady beat of his heart beat.

"I love you," I whispered to him.

"I love you too," Josh replied.

I continued to watch Donny play with Trixy and at some point was aware of a pair of lips gracing my bare shoulder. Now where did my shirt go? I distinctly remember putting on my shirt. I looked up at Josh and he was wearing that very naughty look on his face again. "What are you doing mister?" I asked kissing him on his nose.

"Taking off your clothes," he said mater of factly.

"What about Donny?" I asked.

"Oh that is going to be taken care of right about---," Ding Dong! "Now!" Josh finished with a pleased look on his face.

"Hey anyone home?" asked a hyper voice.

"Justin!" squealed Donny as he stood up and ran out to the front door. Soon he was running back squealing with delight as Justin chased him back making monster noises.

"How come I get the idea that this is a planned thing?" I asked raising my eyebrows at Josh. Josh leaned down and kissed me full on the lips.

"Because my dear I'm not waiting another day to make love to you. I am planning on seducing you all day long," Josh replied with that incredible sexy look on his face. I whimpered in response and he giggled. "Now be a good boy and say see you later to Donny and head up stairs take off of your clothes and be prepared to be pampered all day long." As if to press the issue he kissed me full on the lips again and slid his hands down my pants and wrapped his hand around my cock. I moaned softly into his mouth. "Now go," Josh giggled. I walked over to Donny.

"Hey Buddy," I grinned down at him. Justin was wearing a naughty grin on his face too. I blushed a deep red knowing that he knew that Josh and I were going to have sex like bunnies all day. "Where is Justin taking you today?"

"We're going to see Mickey Mouse!" Donny said grinning. I leaned down and wrapped my arms around him and hugged him close.

"Ok well you have a good time," I replied as I kissed him.

"You have fun too," Justin giggled. I blushed again and turned and ran up the stairs.

Once I was up stairs I was shocked to see that the bedroom had been transformed into a room of love. Candles were every where. There was soft music playing from some where. Satin purple sheets were on the bed and I noticed that placed discreetly on Josh's beside table was a tube of lube and a pile of condoms. For some reason that made me blush.

"You're not naked yet," a soft voice whispered into my ear. I jumped and looked around to see a very naked Josh. He took my breath away. He was just as I had imagined him very slender yet built and toned. His cock was about eight inches long and a huge drop of precome glistened on the tip of it. I couldn't help but lick my lips. "Like what you see?" he asked as he took my hand and guided it to his cock. My hands wrapped around the hot pulsing part of Josh that drove me wild. I gently stroked Josh a couple of times. He moaned softly as he reluctantly pulled my hand away. I growled softly and pouted momentarily. "Uh uhh," he giggled softly. "This is my turn to torture you." I found myself being pulled into his warm and hot embrace. "I love you Don," he whispered into my ear. "You ready to made love to like you have never been made love to before?" I nodded. "I didn't hear that sweetie," Josh said as he bit down on my earlobe.

"Yes," I wimpered weakly. I heard him giggle as he eased my pants and boxer briefs down. The cold air made me shiver a little. Again I felt his teeth scrape against my shoulder.

"What was that?" he asked in a husky voice. I jumped when I felt his hand close around my cock again. "Do you want me to make love to you?"

"Yes!" I shouted out. "Take me now!"

"That I understood," Josh giggled again. "But we have to take this slow." I whimpered in protest. My cock was so hard right now and I thought I could blow my load at any second. "I want this to last." He moved away from me and looked at me from top to bottom. "God you are so beautiful!" I gazed at him too as I took in his naked form too. I swallowed hard as he approached me again. He reached for my hand and I gave it too him. The touch of his warm hand closing on mine sent shivers up my spine. I allowed him to lead me to the bed and I slid onto the silky sheets. They felt so good to my skin. I stretched out and looked up at Josh. He slowly stretched his naked body across mine. When his flesh came in contact with mine we both let out a groan. His lips came crashing down on mine and his tongue dove into my mouth. I instinctively bucked my hips grinding my aching cock into his. He held me down and attacked my neck muscles hard attatching his lips to my skin and sucked hard. All the while his lips and teeth worked my neck his hands were every where touching and caressing my body. He made sure he stayed away from my cock. My hands were busy too. I was finally getting to touch this beautiful man every where I wanted too. Finally he stopped sucking and nipping and moved to my nipples and started to suck on them. I tried to move my hands down to his shoulders but he placed them at my side. He looked up at me and the look he gave me made my cock twitch with pleasure. It was a naughty look mixed with lust and desire. "Keep your hands to your side sweetie. Let me take you to heaven." Than with a soft growl he slid down to my abs bathing them with his wet tongue. I was reeling with the many emotions searing through my torutured body that I didn't even realize that he had engulfed my cock. It wasn't until I was shooting down his throat did I realize that he had my cock in his mouth. He whimpered with pleasure as he swallowed every shot I offered him. Everytime I would shoot down his throat he would suck it down causing even more waves of pleasure to sear through me. Finally he let my now limp cock fall from his lips. "So did you like that?" he asked grinning up at me. I noticed a small droplet of my cum still on his bottom lip. His tongue snaked out and licked it up and he grinned his naughty grin at me.

"That was ummm great!" I sighed. "But what about you?" I asked looking down at Josh's long and hard cock.

"Well I was kinda hoping that maybe you would umm let me make love to you?" Josh asked hopefully.

"You know you don't have to ask me that," I replied. "I would love nothing more than to have you make love to me." I shivered with pleasure as Josh laid back down on top of me. I loved to feel his hot flesh resting on mine. Soon Josh was all hung up with kissing and caressing me. He finally reached for the tube of lube and squirted some in his hand and warmed it up for me. Than he slowly inserted two of his fingers. I moaned softly at the intrusion. He worked them in and around until I was stretched out far enough. I heard the distinct sound a plastic wrapper being tore opened. I watched as he expertly rolled the condom onto his rock hard penis.

"You ready love?" he asked looking deep into my eyes. I nodded and jerked suddenly when I felt the head of Josh's cock touch my whole. "I'll be gentle love," Josh assured me as he begin to push into me. It was the moment I was waiting for every since I had fallen in love with Josh. The pain was intense but I tried not to show it. I guess a few tears drifted down my face because Josh stopped pushing. "I'm hurting you!" he gasped out as a few tears cascaded down his face too.

"No!" I blurted out. "You're not hurting me. It has just been a while sweetie," I smiled at him trying to reasure him. I had come this far adn I was not going to give up. "You're in now just let me get used to your size," I pleaded.

"Ok but only if you're sure," Josh agreed. His face was so full of concern and love that I knew from that moment on that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. His blue eyes looking down at me was free of the mischief that he once had. All that remained was the beautiful love and devotion that he had for me. I nodded for him to continue. He pushed forward gently and slid in the rest of the way. This time there was no more pain. Only a feeling of fullness. I loved it and realized just how much I missed it. "You ok?" Josh asked with concern written all over his face.

"Oh yes sweetie," I breathed out. "I'm fine. For the first time in a long time I am fine." Josh eased out of me and than pushed back in. I could feel every inch of him, every vein and ridge of his beautiful cock. I shivered when I felt the head of his cock nudge my prostate gland. A small whimper escaped my lips. Josh grinned down at me as he lowered his body on mine pressing his lips against mine. I was in heaven as Josh continued to thrust in and out of me. The room was full of the sound of his body moving against mine. You could even hear the soft wet sounds of his cock sliding in and out me. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and pulled him closer. I noticed that Josh thrusts were getting more and more frantic. I realised that Josh wasn't going to last for very long. I wanted this to last for as long as I could. I gently slowed him down so that he was stopped. He looked at me with confusion in his eyes. "I want this to last for as long as we can," I smiled at him. I noticed that his forehead was wet with sweat. His hair was plastered against his forehead wet with his sweat. It made him look even hotter. "God I love you," I whispered to him as I captured his lips in mine. He growled softly as he plunged into me again. This time there was no stopping him. His fast urgent thrusts soon drove me closer to orgasm. I yelled out into his mouth and let loose my orgasm. He shivered as the hot liquid splashed inbetweeen our bodies. He grunted loudly and I could feel his cock swell in me. His body begin to jerk and shiver as his orgasm took over. I held onto him as close as I could until he was done quaking. I moaned softly as he pulled out of me. I suddenly felt very empty. I guess he saw the small pout on my face.

"Don't worry," he smiled sweetly down at me. He took my hand and placed it on his still wet cock. "This part of me will always be yours and I promise to put it anywhere you want it." I know it sounded corny but for some reason coming from Josh it was the most beautiful thing in the world. "Now let's say you and I get up and take a nice long shower." He reached for my hand and together we stood up and walked into the master bathroom.

From Josh's point of view.

It was three hours after making love with Don for the first time. I have to say that I am so thankful that we waited until we were both ready. Don was incredible in bed and out of bed too. He wore me out! In the shower we made love again and had to wash off again. I didn't mind if it made him happy. He was so tired after making love again for the third time I had to carry him back to bed. I laid him down and covered him up. I glanced over at him sleeping and my heart swelled with joy. He looked like an angel all snuggled deep into the comforters. I leaned down and kissed him lightly on the fore head and than I swung out of bed and walked naked out of the room.

"Must be nice to have a boy toy to fuck," came a deep voice. I jerked up and glared at the tall form standing in the doorway to the studio.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I hissed at him.

"Wanted to see you," Kevin replied. "I miss you love."

"Don't you ever call me that!" I shouted at him slamming the door. "You gave up that right when you--," I started.

"You're never going to forgive me for that are you?" Kevin asked advancing towards me. "I said I was sorry. What more do you want?"

"I want you to leave," I pleaded. "I don't love you anymore. I love Don."

"That piece of trash?" Kevin snickered. "Please!"

"No! I'm not going to let you bad mouth him again," I glared at Kevin. "I Love him and I want him to be happy. I want you to leave now!" Kevin sighed and turned to leave. "Kevin?" I asked my voice suddenly very cold and hard. He turned and looked at me. "Your keys to the house." He just snickered and kept on walking. "Fine keep the fucking keys! But don't expect to get back in here again!" I waited until I was sure he was gone before sinking to the floor sobbing. I was shaking and trembling with relief that he had left without touching me or Don. The phone rang and I picked it up.

"I'll always be able to get to you," his voice sounded over the reciever. I through the phone at the wall and it cracked in several pieces.

"Fuck you Kevin Richardson!" I hissed as I picked myself up and walked back to the bedroom and looked at Don and immediately went pale so pale that I got sick. There on the pillow next to Don sleeping form was a rose. A dead and broken rose. I picked it up and ran from the room and into the bathroom and threw it in the trash and than bent over the toilet and proceded to throw up. At some point I felt a hand on my bare shoulder. I heard a soothing but concerned voice.

"I love you Josh," Don whispered. "I'm right here and it will be allright." I hung onto his voice like a life line and soon was aware that we now sitting on the edge of the bed. His arms were wrapped around me tight and I could feel wet droplets falling on me. I looked up and my heart broke. Don was crying softly as he tried to comfort me.

"Don?" I croaked out. His eyes met mine and than our lips closed the distance between us and I sobbed again as I parted my lips and allowed him in. For the next hour we softly kissed and carressed each other.

"You better?" Don asked as he stroked my hair. I was laying on the bed in his lap. He was sitting against the headboard. I nodded. "You want to tell me what that was all about?"

"Kevin stopped by," I replied. "He won't leave me alone. He still says he loves me." I whispered out. "I'm scared of him Don."

From Don's point of view.

Hearing Josh say that he was scared hurt me to the core. I looked down at his sleeping form. Once he had told me that Kevin was following him and harassing me he had started crying again. I just held him and caressed him and told him that every thing would all right. The truth was I wasn't really sure if it would be all right. But I was tired of people pushing me and Josh around. After making sure that Josh was sleeping soundly I put on my clothes and walked out of the room and headed down stairs. I heard the welcomed sound of my son laughing.

"Daddy daddy!" squealed the happy child. "I had fun today!" I looked down at his flushed face and had to smile as I bent down and enveloped him in a tight hug. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see the concerned look on Justin's face.

"Let's get you to bed buddy," I said to Donny. He nodded and yawned sleepily and headed up the stairs. I knew that the nanny would take care of him. "We need to talk."

"What happened?" Justin asked.

"Kevin happened," I replied.

"How is Josh?" Justin asked immediately worried.

"He is fine," I replied quickly. "He is up stairs sleeping. But you and I are going to have a nice long talk about just who the hell is this Kevin Richardson and why he has my lover so scared that he got sick and threw up."

"I can tell you some stuff," Justin admitted. "But the rest of it is for Josh to tell."

"Why do I get the feeling that this is not going to be pretty?" I asked sighing.

"Because it isn't going to be," Justin said sadly.


Next: Chapter 3

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