Picking Up the Pieces of My Life

By JC Fanfic

Published on Aug 9, 2004


A Work of Fiction by JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications (c) Copyright 2004

Disclaimer: All Characters and situations of this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people and actual situations is purely coincidental. All fictional characters and fictional situations portrayed in this work of fiction remains the property of JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications. Republishing of this work of fiction is strictly forbidden unless permission as been given by JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications. Permission granted to Nifty Archives for the sole purpose of posting on the Boy Bands section of the Archives. Permission may be obtained by e-mailing JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications at JC_Fan_Fiction@yahoo.com

Comments are welcome too. Constructive Comments and advice are welcome. Honest opinions are welcome as well. And if you want to vent all over me as long it is good natured than feel free too do that to.

E-mail me at JC_Fan_Fiction@yahoo.com

Trial By Tears: Chapter 4

From Josh's point of view A couple of months later middle of June

Well it is now the middle of June and I wish I could say that Don returned to his normal cute adorable sweet self. He has gotten better but he still has a long way to go. He still hurts so much from the loss of his mother. I try to be there for him but some times I don't think that I am doing enough. Justin says I am doing fine. Donny is getting better too. I think he is mainly upset because his daddy is upset. Donny is a very loyal son. Don took more time off at the order of his boss, Justin, and was raring to get back to work. Today was his first day back. That brings us to the present time. This is Donny's last day of pre school before the summer break. Don had decided to let me sleep in like the sweetie he is. I heard a huffing noise and looked down to see Spot and Trixy sitting beside their little master. They were both hiding their faces in their paws. I was about to ask them what was wrong when Donny spoke up.

"Daddy Josh!" exclaimed Donny. "Look what Daddy did!" I looked down and started to giggle. But Donny wasn't amused. He stood there with his little hands on his hips. I guess I should explain. Donny had one shoe on and was dressed well like a person who was color blind. Nothing matched. That meant only one thing which also meant that I was in for a very long and well interesting day.

"Where is your daddy?" I asked still grinning.

"He is in the kitchen looking for more coffee," Donny said with a pout on his face. "The bus is coming and I look funny!"

"Well we can't have that now can we?" I asked still giggling. "Come on buddy," I said reaching for his hand. "Let's get you dressed properly." After making sure that Donny was dressed to his satisfaction I kissed him good bye and sent to his little pre-school bus than I turned my attentions to my lover. I walked into the kitchen in time to see him slam the cub bard door. "Looking for something?" I asked leaning against the door jam.

"No," he replied playing innocent. I spotted the Dunkin Donnut Dunkaccino cup on the counter. He spotted me looking at it. He quickly tossed it into the waste basket. I giggled. "What?" he asked looking all innocent. I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close and kissed him. I slid my tongue into his mouth and grinned to myself. My sweetie was on a mission today and that mission was to drink caffeine all day. I proceeded to kiss him breathless again. I loved the way he whimpered softly and lean into my touch. I loved the fact that the taste of his dunkaccino was still on his lips and tongue. Yes I did make a good detective. Not that I needed one in this case. Don could never hide anything from me. Although it was fun to watch him try. His small hips ground into mine and I shivered with delight with the feeling of his cock getting hard from me and my kisses. I broke away and giggled at his dazed look on his very cute and sexy face. "What?" He asked looking all innocent.

"You my dear have been a bad boy," I smiled down at him and than licked my lips.

"What did I do?" he asked still playing innocent.

"You know what caffeine does to you sweetie," I giggled again.

"I can't help it!" he whined. "It tastes so good!"

"Your son was really upset with you this morning," I snickered.

"Why was he upset?" Don demanded. "I got him up and bathed him, dressed him, fed him and and ummm and well-----." He looked around as if he was lost. Than he looked back at me with those incredible eyes of his. I wondered what was on his very sexy mind. I was not disappointed. "Can I help you?" Now I really started to laugh. "What?" he screeched at me.

"You sound like that crazy fish on finding Nemo!" I giggled. "And for the record Donny was dressed like he was going to a circus or something. So I am cutting you off sweetie."

"You can't!" he protested sticking his bottom lip out in a pout. I almost caved but held firm.

"Even though the sight of you going nuts on caffeine high is really cute and funny, yes I do have to cut you off," I replied. "Justin called."

"What did he want?" Don asked still pouting.

"He wants to talk to you about something," I replied. "He wants to know whether you can meet him over at his house this morning."

"Sure," Don said too quickly. I could see the wheels turning in his head.

"And no!" I scolded him.

"What?" he asked again giving me his adorable puppy dog eyes.

"No caffeine!" I giggled.

"Fine!" he muttered. "Than no sex for you tonight!" With that he stomped out of the room. I thought of what he said for a few seconds. He wouldn't do that would he?

"Hey Sweetie!" I called after him as I ran to catch up with him. "That crack about no sex. Did you really mean it?" I ran into the bedroom after him. "Don!" I whined loudly. He turned to me and gave me his naughty look and looked down. I could see that he was rock hard. "Yes?" I asked grinning. "Do you want me to take care of something for you?" I could see the lust in his eyes and I walked up to him and pulled his pants down in one quick jerk. His rock hard cock was now pointing straight up. "But I thought I wasn't allowed to have sex," I said teasing him.

"Please?" he pleaded with me. I felt myself getting weak and I knelt down in front of my lover. Soon I had his cock down my throat making sweet love to him. Yea, no sex, right. Like That would ever work. "Ohhh Josh," Don whimpered as his hips bucked forward and drove his cock further down my throat. I quickly swallowed the precome that flowed out of his cock. "You feel so good," he sighed out. By now I was bobbing up and down really fast. After all he had to be at work this morning. Couldn't have my baby being late now can we. I gently took his balls in my hand and massaged them causing Don's whimpers and moans to grow in volume. I loved to hear him make his music as I made sweet love to him. I could tell that he was close. "I'm gonna cum Josh," Don squeaked out.

"Than cum," I said winking up at him. I quickly engulfed his cock again and just in time. His tight body shuddered violently as his cock exploded in my mouth flooding me with his tasty seed. I quickly swallowed every shot he had to give me. I was so hard that I almost came too.

"Don't cum!" Don ordered me as he pulled out of my mouth. "Stand up!" I swallowed hard and stood up. He reached down and pulled my shirt off and licked his lips as he gazed at my chest. "God I love your chest!" For some reason that made me blush. "And when you blush you are so goddamned sexy!" He placed his hand on my chest and felt my heart beating fast and hard. "Are you all worked up?" I swallowed hard and nodded. "Well we can't have that now can we?"

"I wanna fuck you!" I blurted out. Don just giggled and continued to look and touch my chest and abs. "Doooooonnnnn!" I whined in frustration.

"Yes?" he asked in his completely innocent voice. I reached for my waist band only to have him smack my hand away. "No!" he scolded me. "My toy!" He leaned forward and slipped one of my nipples into his hungry mouth and started to suck on it. "MMMM," he moaned softly. "You taste good." Again I reached for my waist band. "No!" he scolded me again nipping at my neck. "My toy!"

"Ohhh so that is what I am to you," I snickered at him. "Just a toy?" Don just giggled with delight as he pulled my shorts down finally freeing my cock. He quickly licked it once sending shivers up my spine. "Jesus!" I grunted out. He just looked up at me and winked. "I wanna fuck you so hard!" I growled at him. He lie down on the floor and spread his legs exposing his tight little hole to me.

"Well?" he asked giving me his puppy dog eyes. He looked so sexy laying there all exposed to me and submissive to me. I growled loudly as I shoved my dripping hard cock deep into him. His moan with pleasure and pain sent a thrill through me. I didn't give him a second to recover. I quickly pulled out and shoved back in. He moaned again and wrapped his legs around my waist pulling me deeper.

"You like that baby?" I asked nipping hard at his neck. He arched his back and whimpered loudly. I continued to slam into him thrust after thrust. "You like it when I fuck you hard with my cock?" Don arched his back to meet my thrusts. His tight little body was shinning in a sheen of sweat and that made him look even more hot. Suddenly he let out a really cute yelp as his cock started to shoot its precious load. I quickly picked up my pace pinging the hell out of his prostate gland sending him into more whimpers and I watched with glee as more cum came slamming out of his already sensitive cock. Finally I too couldn't take any more. I shoved in one last time and screamed out his name and shot my load into him. "Ohh yea!" I growled out. "Take my load up your tight little ass!" This only served Don to cum even harder. I loved making him nuts with lust. It took us a few minutes before calming down. Finally I reluctantly pulled out of Don. "I love you sweetie," I whispered to him as I moved a stray hair from his angelic features.

"I love you too," he replied with a grin. "Now I have to take another shower." His little lip stuck out in a small pout.

"Oh yea like you really didn't want me to have my way with you." Don just grinned at me and blushed. "Want some company?" I asked with a naughty look in my eye.

"No," Don said grinning. "Cause if I know you I will never get to work."

"Oh yea and no more coffee for you sexy," I grinned cheekily down at him. The look of surprise was sooo worth it. He stomped off mumbling something about me sleeping on a couch tonight. As long as Don was sleeping with me I had no problem about sleeping on the couch. But some how I knew that he wasn't talking about us both sleeping on the couch. I glanced at the clock and saw that it was only 8:30. That gave me plenty of time to make up with him.

Later from Justin's point of view.

The phone rang and I picked it up. "Speak!" I called out.

"Don't let him near the caffeine!" Josh's voice blurted out.

"Is Don on a caffeine high again?" I asked grinning.

"Yes he is," Josh giggled. "You should've seen Donny this morning it was so funny. No but seriously. Don't let him have anymore caffeine. He's had his daily limit for the day." I knew there was a very funny story behind this comment.

"Well I just put a fresh pot on," I blurted out.

"Throw it out!" Josh yelped. "He will drive you nuts all day long."

"Josh I'm sure Don will be fine," I laughed. "Gotta go! Don just pulled up."

"Keep him away from the coffee!" Josh called out one last time before I hung up. The door open and a smiling Don walked in.

"Good morning boss!" he called as he rushed by me. Yep Josh was right; Don was certainly hyped up on something. He made a bee line to the kitchen. "Got coffee?"

"I just put a fresh pot on," I called out as I walked into my office. Two minutes later Don walked in carrying his cup of coffee. "Josh called," I quipped. The guilty expression on his face was so worth it. "He says you dressed Donny for the circus this morning."

"Josh is being mean!" Don grumbled as he drank some more of his coffee and than sighing happily hugging the steaming cup to himself. "He says I had too much caffeine!"

"Maybe he is right," I said casually. He shot a glare at me and clung possessively to his cup of coffee. "Don't worry your cup of coffee is safe."

"My hero!" Don sighed batting his eye lashes at me. "Ok time for me to get back to work!" I noticed that he was looking very comfortable this morning. He also had this very dreamy look in his eyes. That meant only one thing.

"You got laid!" I accused him. It was so worth it to see him spit out his coffee. "Hah! I knew it!"

"So what if I did," Don said playing innocent but blushing bright red. He looked so cute when he blushed like that.

"Ha ha!" I giggled. "Made you blush!" He just shook his head and drank some more of his coffee and continued to look all googly eyes at a picture of Josh. "Hellooooo!" I called out. "We're supposed to be working."

"Ok boss," he sighed as he blew a kiss at the picture. I groaned loudly. "What are we doing today?"

Three very long hours later--

"So any way I was thinking that maybe you could go on a tour of interviews," Don babbled on. "Oh oh oh oh this is really great and and you should really consider having MTV do a Cribs thingy on your place. And you should try to get on Good Morning America, and you should really start thinking of laying down more tracks for your next cd, oh and have you decided on what movie you're going to do? and don't forget the 4th of July! Oh and you should buy yourself a new set of clothes! And do something different with your hair and and-------," he babbled on and on and on. That was two pots ago.

"Ok that's it!" I shouted as I snatched his cup of now luke warm coffee and tossed it in the sink. I walked to the refrigerator and took out the largest bottle of water and handed it too him. "Drink this!"

"You're cutting me off aren't you?" he looked at me with a pout on his face. Josh was right about something. Don did have a very cute and adorable pout. But I held firm.

"Yes I am!" I replied. "If I did everything on your list I would be dead in a year! Now be a good personal assistant and drink the water!" He looked at the water and glared at me as he took the lid off and preceded the drink half of the bottle. "Have you ever considered switching to decaf?"

"YUCK!" he muttered.

"There is no difference in the taste!" I argued back.

"Is too!"

"Is not!"

"Is too!"

"Is not!"

"Is not!"

"Is too" I blurted out before I realized what I had done. Don just giggled smugly. "Hey you cheated!"

"Who cheated?" Josh's voice sounded from the doorway.

"He did," I snickered. "I'm trying to convince him to switch to decaf."

"So he is driving you nuts is he?" Josh asked with a very smug look on his face.

"Yes he is, now be a good friend make him stop drinking coffee!" I replied.

"Well it looks like he stopped drinking any way," Josh quipped as he glanced at his lover as he guzzled the water I gave him. "Oh and by the way there is a difference in how the decaf taste."

"My hero!" Don cooed at Josh throwing his arms around Josh and kissing him on the cheek. "You get to have lots and lots of sex tonight!" I groaned loudly as I turned my attention at Donny who was just walking in.

"Daddy dressed me funny today!" Donny exclaimed loudly. He looked at his daddy and Josh being all mushy and shook his head. It was such a typical kid move that I busted up laughing. "They are yucky!"

"They are in love little dude," I corrected them. "How was the last day of pre-school?"

"It was fun. Michael is soooo cool. He has all these really cool toys and stuff. And he wants me to come over to his house and play!" Donny babbled on.

"Is Michael your friend?" I asked grinning down at the exited boy.

"He is my bestes friend!" Donny replied.

"I thought I was your bestes friend!" I said pretending to be hurt.

"You're my uncle!" Donny replied matter of factly. "That is different!" Just as Donny and I were getting into a really good conversation we heard Don groan. I looked back to see him lay his head on Josh's chest.

"I don't feel so good," Don groaned.

"What's wrong sweetie?" Josh asked all concerned.

"My head hurts," he whimpered.

"I told you it was all that caffeine you drank," Josh lightly scolded him.

"You shouldn't have let me drink all that caffeine," Don moaned. I choked back a laugh and Don glared at me before laying his head back on Josh's chest.

"Ummmmmm I tried to get you to stop," Josh replied grinning.

"Well you didn't try hard enough," Don replied. "This is all your fault." By now Josh was really laughing. "What?" Don asked rubbing his temple.

"You are so cute," Josh giggled. "Are you done here?"

"No I am not," Don replied. "I still have to convince Justin to change his look." I groaned and shook my head and Josh continued to snicker. "What?" Don asked still acting all innocent. "He has to look good. And what kind of PA would I be if I didn't make sure he looked good!"

"Yea but we can do this tomorrow can't we?" I asked hopefully.

"Fine," Don muttered. "I'll be here bright and early boss. And make sure you get laid tonight!" Josh howled with laughter and I shot him a glare which only made him laugh harder. "You're way too uptight."

"Hopefully you will be off your caffeine high," I giggled.

"Can I stay with Uncle Justin?" Donny asked Don.

"I don't mind!" I said eagerly. I loved spending time with him. Donny was such a cute little guy.

"Ok but he has be home in time for bed," Don said sternly. "I'll pick him up say about 7:30?"

"How about if I bring him by?" I asked. If I knew these two they would be in bed most of the day making love. Those two were such horny little bunnies.

"Fine," Don said kissing Donny on the cheek. Donny made a yucky sound which prompted Don to tickle the daylights out of him. "You be a good boy for Justin."

"Ok daddy I will!" Donny exclaimed in his out door voice.

"And please use your indoor voice," Don said wincing. "Take me home lover boy," he said as he lightly tapped Josh on the shoulder.

"We get to have sex right?" Josh said eagerly.

"Yes dear," Don sighed. "Right after I get rid of this headache."

"Oh my poor baby," Josh cooed at him.

"Ok you two go home before I gag on all the sweetness!" I ordered them making gagging noises.

Later from Josh's point of view.

"My head hurts," Don whimpered again. I tried to scold him for drinking so much coffee but once looking at his face I couldn't.

"Well, let's get you upstairs in bed," I said smiling softly down at him.

"But what about your sex?" Don asked me with tears in his eyes.

"That can wait," I replied kissing on his forehead.

"What are you going to do while I'm in bed?" Don asked.

"I have some work to do in my office. I have a couple of ideas for a new song and I want to get them down on paper," I replied. "Now no more stalling. You need rest."

"Tuck me in?" Don asked. After tucking him in and making sure that he was asleep I headed down to my office to get to work. I heard a knocking at the door and opened it and saw Kevin and Orlando standing outside.

"Hey guys," I smiled at them. It was so obvious that Kevin had finally found a perfect boyfriend for him. "Come on in."

"Is this a good time?" Kevin asked looking around for Don. "Where is Don?"

"Don is in bed," I replied smiling at the memory of this morning's events.

"Ok I gotta hear this," Kevin replied with a grin.

"Don decided that he was going to ignore all the food groups with the exception of one," I sighed. "Coffee, and now he is paying the price for it."

"Ummm ok," Kevin said looking confused.

"I take it you've never seen Don on a caffeine high?" I asked. Kevin shook his head no and Orlando just frowned at me. "It was really funny watching him bounce off the walls for a while. But now he has a killer head ache."

"We can come back later if you want," Kevin said with humor in his eyes.

"No it's all right," I said quickly pulling him into the living room. I made them sit down and sat down myself. "So how is the love life?" Orlando blushed and looked down. "Ok ok spill the goods!" Kevin laughed his deep laugh and shook his head. "What?" I demanded. I knew there was good gossip to be had and I wasn't going to stop until I got it. Wait! I sound just like Don. Oh well. I'll scold myself later. I saw a glitter of metal and I looked down at Orlando's hand. There on his left ring finger was a huge ring. It was a very large simple band of Platinum with a ring of diamonds around it. "What is that?" I asked pointing at his ring. He blushed and tried to hide his hand but I snatched it before he could move it.

"We ummm kinda sorta got engaged," Orlando said shyly.

"Ohhhhhh I'm so happy for you!" I squealed. Ok ok, now I really am sounding like Don. "Have you set a date? Who gets to be the best man? Where are you going on your honeymoon?" I watched as Orlando's eyes got really big. "What?" I demanded. "This is really good gossip!" By now Kevin was laughing really hard. "Fine don't tell me the details," I muttered pouting.

"Ok ok," Kevin said still giggling. "I'll tell you everything."

Fifteen minutes later I got all the goods. "So any way," Orlando said snuggling closer to Kevin. "That's the whole story. We are getting married in the fall. And Brian gets to be Kevin's best man and I haven't chosen mine yet." A sad look crossed over his very cute face. "My family won't be coming on the grounds that they don't approve of my choice of life style." My heart went out to him as a tear flowed down his face. Kevin was quick to wipe it free and than pull him closer to him and kiss him lightly on the lips. "So I haven't really chosen one yet."

"Well it is just going to have to me," I demanded. We continued to talk about everything under the sun. I was so happy for Kevin. He had finally found the love of his life. And from the looks of things he wasn't going to mess this one up.

"Josh?" a sleepy voice sounded. I looked up to see Don standing there in his robe. I looked at the clock and was shocked to see that it was over three hours.

"What are you doing up?" I asked patting the seat next to me. He sat down next to me and leaned against me. "Kevin and Orlando got engaged."

"When's the wedding?" Don asked while yawning. Kevin snickered at Don. "What?" Don asked acting all innocent.

"They know about the coffee sweetie," I smiled down at him.

"Ok that is nice that they know about my over dosing on caffeine, I want to know all the really juicy gossip." By now Kevin was laughing really hard and Orlando had a scared help me look on his face. "Oh and who gets to be the best man?"

"I'm asking Brian to do that," Kevin replied.

"How about Orlando?" Don demanded. "Have you picked one out yet?"

"Ummm no," Orlando said quietly.

"Well if you need any help deciding just ask," Don replied. "Oh by the way, you were really really hot in Troy."

"Ummm thanks," Orlando mumbled out still blushing.

"I really like the sex scenes!" Don continued.

"Help me?" Orlando pleaded looking up at Kevin with these really cute help me eyes of his.

"He looks so cute when he blushes," Don teased him.

"Now Don," I said scolding him. "Be a good boy and stop teasing poor Orlando."

"But it is so much fun," Don replied with a small pout.

"Want some coffee?" Orlando asked with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Fine!" muttered Don. "Go ahead and pick on me about my coffee problem." Kevin and I shared a laugh with Orlando and watched as Don continued to pout some more. We heard the door shut and watched as Danny and Chris walked into the room. "Hey little brother," Danny grinned happily as he wedged him self in between Don and me. I growled at him and just grinned a cheeky grin and planted a kiss on Don's cheek. "You're happy today."

"Yes I am," Danny sighed as he flashed his left ring finger.

"What is that?" Don asked frowning. I could feel the tension building.

"Chris asked me to marry him," Danny replied happily snuggling up to Don.

"How the hell can you do that to him?" Don demanded. "Have you forgotten that you are HIV Positive?"

"No I haven't forgotten that," Chris said surprisingly calm. "I live with that fact every day and will have to face that fact for the rest of my life."

"And you had to drag my brother into it as well?" Don hurled at him. "Or hasn't he had enough heart ache as it is?"

"Donny," Danny said with his eyes wide. "We love each other."

"He is going to die someday!" Don shouted at Danny. "Are you prepared to say good bye to him?"

"No!" Danny shouted back. "But I do love him! And I want to spend whatever time he has on this earth with him. Dammit Donny! I deserve to be happy!"

"I know you do sweetie," Don said claming down. "But I just don't want to see you get hurt again."

"You can't protect me forever big brother," Danny said softly. "Please Donny, I love him. I want to be with him."

"This is going to end badly," Don said with a tear running down his cheek. "I don't want you to have to go through that."

"I know how much you loved Pam," Danny said softly. "But knowing what you know you now would you change anything?" Don whimpered softly as he recalled the final days with his wife. I could see the pain coming back. "I'm sorry I brought it up."

"No," Don said sadly. "I loved her and I don't regret marrying her."

"I feel the same way about Chris as you did about Pam," Danny replied. "Please Donny I have to do this." Silence racked the room for a few minutes before Don finally nodded and pulled his little brother into a tight hug.

"Ok ok so when is the date?" Don asked with forced cheerfulness.

"We haven't set one yet," Danny replied pulling Chris to him. "We are kinda thinking sometime in the fall."

"How about a double wedding?" Don asked looking at me. "We were thinking of sometime in the fall too." For the next hour we talked about possible wedding plans. And Danny and Chris found out about Don's caffeine fit this morning and had to tease him about it for a while before I stepped in.

"Hey guys," I spoke up getting every ones attention. "What are we doing about the 4th of July?"

"Why don't we have a cook out at the beach house?" Don asked me. "We haven't been there in so long."

"You mean my place at California?" I asked. Don nodded. "That sounds good to me. It is private so we won't be disturbed."

"You all want to come?" Don asked the rest of the gang.

"Sounds like fun," Kevin said.

"We're in," Danny replied after getting the ok from Chris.

"Good than it is settled," Don said snuggling closer to me. It was at this point that I realized that another important day was coming up soon.

"Sooooo," I said looking down at my lover. He looked up at me with those incredible loving eyes of his.

From Don's point of view.

"So what sweetie?" I asked enjoying the fact that I was in Josh's arms. I was so comfortable right now and didn't want to go any where.

"So I have to take a certain four year old shopping tonight," Josh said with his eyes getting that really sexy naughty glint in them.

"For what?" I asked confused.

"For Daddy's day silly," Josh replied kissing me on the nose. I rolled my eyes. "What?" Josh asked pretending to be hurt. "I wanna take Donny shopping for you to get you something really nice for Father's day!" I knew that there was no way I was going to get Josh to drop this.

"Ok you get to take Donny shopping and so do I!" I said grinning widely.

"What for?" Josh asked looking confused.

"Well you are his daddy too," I replied. "Or did you forget Daddy Josh?"

"Oh yea I forgot," Josh said blushing. "You don't have to get me anything."

"Yea like Donny would let you get away with that kind of thinking. You know full well he is going to want to get you something," I giggled.

"Ok if it will make Donny happy than he can get me something," Josh replied with a grin. "Speaking of which, call Justin and let him know that I am picking him up so I can take Donny Daddy Day Shopping." He leaned down and kissed me fully on the lips. I moaned softly as his tongue pressed my lips apart. Kevin coughed softly and we reluctantly broke our kiss.

"Yes?" I asked glaring at him.

"Orlando and I are going to go," Kevin said kissing me on the top of my head.

"Come back tomorrow for a cook out?" I asked.

"Sounds like fun," Kevin replied. "What time?"

"Any time after 12. We have to break in our new pool," I replied. I heard the door shut and I knew that Josh had already left. "Make sure you bring Orlando too."

"Ok," Kevin laughed. "We'll both come." Soon the house was empty with the exception of Danny and Chris, but they had retreated to Danny's room. I had the whole living room to myself. I dimmed the lights and lit the fireplace and turned on some soft music and snuggled down in the very soft sofa and tried to get some more sleep.

From Josh's point of view.

"What are we going to get Daddy?" Donny asked. I looked down and saw that he was really exited.

"Well I was thinking about getting your daddy a movie so you and him could watch together tomorrow night," I replied. "It will be a special way for you and your daddy to spend together. Don't you think?"

"What kind of movie are we going to get?" Donny asked clapping his little hands together.

"Well you know how much your daddy loves Lord of the Rings?" I asked taking his little hand and walked into the movie store.

"Yea Daddy likes that crazy elf guy!" Donny announced to the world.

"Yes Daddy does like the elf guy," I replied. "Do you know who he is?" Donny shook his head no so fast that I thought it was fall off. "It is Orlando."

"Nuu uuuuhh," Donny informed me with his little hands on his hips looking very stern. Well as stern as a four year old could possibly look. "Orlando has curly hair and the elf has long golden hair!"

"He wore a wig for the movie sweetie," I informed him.

"Oh ok," Donny replied with a thoughtful look on his face. We walked up the display case where the Lord of The Rings DVD was. "There it is Daddy Josh!" he exclaimed out. "Now we can get that for Daddy!"

"Smile!" called out a voice. I jerked my head around in time to get hit with a bright flash. "Thanks for the info and pic Daddy Josh!" sneered a nasty looking reporter/photographer. "So is this your son?" the reporter demanded. Donny's eyes got real big as he wrapped his arms around my leg.

"No comment!" I blurted out. I noticed that the manager of the store was running over. "I'm just doing some shopping."

"Why did that little boy call you "daddy Josh?" the reporter persisted. By now Donny was really scared now and I could hear him whimpering for his daddy. "Are you gay Mr. Chasez?"

"Is there a problem Mr. Chasez?" the manager asked.

"Get him out of here," I muttered.

"Ok buddy," the manager boomed out. "Time to leave."

"I have a right to ask him anything I want too. The public has a right to know!" the reporter shouted. "The public has a right to know if JC Chasez is gay or not!"

"No fucking comment!" I shouted at him. I reached down and picked up Donny and cradled him close to me. His little arms wrapped around my neck. I could feel his little hot tears on my neck too. I saw red. No one made Donny cry and gets away with it. "Get him out of here now!" By now my body guard had arrived with the mall security. They roughly grabbed the photographer and escorted him out of the store.

"Sir there is a room in the back of the store if you want to go there and sit and calm down," the manager said softly. I nodded and allowed him to escort me back there. Once there I sat down with Donny in my lap. "I'll leave you two alone." I nodded again and continued to hug Donny to me.

"Daddy Josh?" a small voice drifted through my tortured mind. I looked down to see a little boy whose face was wet with tears and full of questions and fear. "What did that man mean when he asked if you were gay?"

"Not now Donny," I said softly putting my head in my hand.

"But daddy Josh--," Donny persisted.

"Not now!" I shouted at him. I immediately regretted it. The look of shock and hurt raged through his little face and that tore my heart in two. He hung his head and remained silent. I waited a few minutes before kissing him on top of the head. "I'm sorry buddy," I whispered. "I had no right to yell at you."

"I'm sorry for making you yell," Donny sniffled.

"I tell you what," I said forcing a smile. "Let's finish that shopping we were going to do." I could tell that Donny was no longer really happy about shopping. After buying the DVD we wanted to get Don I headed out the front door of the shop. That was when I spotted the sea of reporters and cameras. "Shit!" I muttered as I quickly backed tracked into the store.

"Um sir?" asked my body guard. "The owner of this store said we can use the back door."

"Ok let's get out of here," I muttered picking up a very scared Donny. His little arms wrapped around my neck tightly. "A little looser buddy," I said softly. "I have to breath you know." He loosened up. Once we were out of the store we spotted the car and we made a mad dash for it. Thankfully we made it there before the reporters did. Once in the car and buckled in I started it and took off. I heard the phone ring and I quickly answered it. "Hello?" I asked softly.

"Josh?" asked a voice that I loved to hear. Only problem was I could hear the fear in his voice.

"Don?" I asked swallowing hard. "What's wrong?"

"There are a whole bunch of reporters here. They keep asking me if you are gay," Don sniffled out. "How did they find out? I thought we were so careful." I could hear the panic in his voice. As upset as I was about just about being outed my heart went out to him.

"I haven't been outed yet sweetie," I said in a soothing voice. "The only thing that happened was Donny called me Daddy Josh at the store and a nasty reporter heard it."

"Donny was there?" Don squeaked out. "How is he?"

"He is a little shoke up but doing better," I replied. "I'm on my way home."

"No!" Don shouted. "Don't' come here! There are reporters all over the place! If you come here than they will know!"

"I'm not leaving you all alone in that house!" I replied sternly. "I can tell you are upset!"

"But Josh if you come here they are really going to start talking. Than your career will be ruined!" Don said in a panicked tone of voice. I had never heard him like this before. "What are we going to do?" I thought about it for a while than came up with a solution. I told him about it and than hung up and called Kevin.

Later from Don's point of view.

I paced the length of the living room. Every once in while I would peak out the window and look out. The sea of reporters had grown. It had been over an hour since Josh had said good bye to me. He had some sort of plan and was busy putting it into motion. I was so worried about Josh. Finally I heard the door bell ring. I wanted to ignore it but something told me to check it. I opened it and almost laughed. There standing in a Dominos pizza uniform was Orlando. He was holding two pizza boxes and looking really foolish. I quickly ushered him in and managed to push the door back shut laughing evilly at the fact that I had snapped the door shut on a few hands.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I leaned against the door.

"Quick no time!" Orlando said. "Get some stuff and we'll head out the back door!" We ran around the house like we were crazy and got together a bag for Josh, Donny and me and than took off out the back door. We ran out the back gate and down the back street and than into a waiting car. The minute I slid into the seat I was grabbed by a pair of arms that I knew so well. I leaned against him enjoying the momentary feeling of him so close to me.

"Thank God you are safe," his worried voice sounded in my ear. I looked up into his eyes and was shocked to see them wide with fear.

"What happened Josh?" I asked softly.

"A reporter spotted us at the mall and followed us. He over heard Donny call me daddy Josh," Josh explained. "When I refused to answer the questions he fired at me he must have called the others. I'm so sorry Don," Josh sniffled. "Now I've fucked up your life!" I was shocked.

"Baby," I said softly kissing him on the nose. "You didn't fuck up my life."

"Yes I did," he wailed. "Everyone is going to know that you are gay and you are living with me as an open gay man and now they are going to try to take away Donny!" Silence racked the limo. So that is what he was all worried about. He was worried about me losing Donny. He wasn't at all worried about his career. I looked up at his tear streaked face and saw real panic and real fear in his eyes. I pulled him down and pressed my lips to his and kissed him breathless. I felt him fight me initially but finally he whimpered softly and gave in to my kiss. When I broke away I saw the cute dazed look on his face that I fell in love with.

"Are you feeling better?" I asked rubbing my thumb across his bottom lip. He swallowed hard and nodded quietly. "Good, cause I got to tell you a few things and I want you to listen real good. First things first. You didn't ruin things for me and Donny." Josh opened his mouth to argue and I pressed my lips to his again and repeated the breath taking kiss. When I broke away he grinned sheepishly. "You going to let me finish?" He nodded sheepishly. "Good boy, now as I was saying. This is none of your fault. This is the fault of a greedy reporter who will do anything to get a story and that includes scaring a little boy to get his way." Josh nodded quietly. "And this is the way we are going to handle this. We are going to Kevin's place and stay there for a few days and when all of this nonsense dies down than we will go back home."

"I want to come out!" JC blurted out.

"Josh," I sighed. "You don't have too. It is none of their business whether or not you are gay. Do a press conference and tell the press that. I'll be there and after the press conference is done we stand up holding hands. If they can't figure it out by looking at us than they are dencer then I thought they were. The point is we don't have to cave to their stupid and demanding little demands. It is none of their fucking business!"

From Josh's point of view.

Don just said fuck! Oooops. I guess he is starting to get pissed. "I'm sorry," I said softly looking down. I was so scared for him and Donny.

"Josh look at me," Don said sternly. I looked up and was shocked not to see anger but love and understanding. "You have done nothing to be sorry for sweetie." He leaned up and kissed me on the lips. After being kissed breathless I looked down into his eyes. Again I was struck at how incredibly good looking Don was. His almost blue black hair was shinning in the sun. His soft brown eyes that had so much love and concern pouring out of them. I wanted to lay him right down on the soft leather seat and make love to him right here and there but the big bad Orlando was here too. Oh wait he just rescued Don. Can't pick on him now can we? "I don't want this to ruin our time together on Daddy's day."

"He was so excited about getting you a Father's day gift," I replied grinning. "But now you don't get to go shopping!" I could feel the tears starting to flow.

"Yes we can!" Don replied looking very naughty. "You and the rest of the guys are going to disguise me!" Orlando let out a choking noise. "What?" Don yelped out. "These guys use disguises all the time!"

"This should be really good," Orlando snickered. Don shot him a glare and snuggled closer to me.

Later from Don's point of view.

We had just snuck back in to the house from our shopping trip for Josh. Don was so hyped up on soda and pizza that I knew that I wouldn't be able to get him to sleep for ever. He ran up to his old room to hide his Daddy Josh's present. He blew by Kevin and Orlando coming down stairs. Orlando's hair was all messed up and he was flushed. That meant only one thing. I snickered and looked at Kevin. He just looked down. Orlando on the other hand just blushed really bright red. It was so worth it. "Where is Josh?" I asked.

"He is in the living room with Justin," Kevin said with a worried expression on his face. I knew something had happened. I quickly headed there and lightly knocked on the door. I peaked in and saw Justin laying on the couch with his head in Josh's lap with tears running down his face.

"What's wrong?" I asked softly.

"Brian is an ass!" Josh muttered. I frowned confused. "Justin caught him in bed with another guy. Justin threw Brian out."

"Who was the guy?" I asked getting angry.

"His band mate Nick," Josh replied. "And they were doing it right on Justin's bed!" Ok remind me to hunt down Nick and beat him up for Justin.

"I'm so sorry Justin," I said softly as I sat at the other end of the couch picking up Justin's feet and laying them in my lap. "I know how much you cared about Brian." But inside I was thinking of really neat ways of getting back at Brian for hurting Justin. I quickly pushed those thoughts away and concentrated on making Justin feel better. After sitting up with him for over three hours holding him and letting him cry it all out we finally got him in bed and asleep. Josh decided that we shouldn't leave him alone. So Josh slid in beside Justin on one end and I slid in on the other end. Together Josh and I snuggled up against Justin and held him for the rest of the night.

The next morning from Justin's point of view.

I woke to a feeling of being surrounded by bodies. I jerked up and looked to my left and saw Josh snuggled up to me. I looked to my right and saw Don snuggled up to me as well. I smiled softly as I realized that they didn't want me to be alone last night. I heard Don moan Josh's name and grind his crotch in my side. My eyes widened in horror as I realized that Don had a morning hardon and he was humping me in his sleep. "Don!" I whispered loudly. Josh opened his eyes and looked up at me. "Josh help!" I whispered pointing at Don. By now Don had this really dreamy smile on his sleep.

"Oh yea Josh give it too me!" Don moaned loudly in his sleep. Josh giggled loudly.

"This is not funny!" I whispered loudly glaring at Josh. "If he nuts on me you are in so much trouble!"

"Ok slid out and I slide in," Josh replied giggling. "You go down stairs and get some breakfast while I take care of horny toad here." I managed to slide out of bed without waking Don. Josh grinned a naughty grin as he slid into my place. I groaned loudly and quickly made my way out of the room. I knew that Josh and Don were going to be a while.

From Josh's point of view.

"Don?" I asked my sleepy lover. He just moaned again and continued to hump me. I didn't want him to waste his orgasm on the side of my leg. Oh no I had other plans for that load. I quickly scooted down so that my face was face to face with his raging hard on. I quickly pulled down his boxers and engulfed his cock. I whimpered loudly as he bucked his hips forward driving his throbbing cock further down my already swallowing throat. It happened so fast that I didn't even realize it. Don let out a whimper and his cock spewed forth its precious load. I quickly swallowed every delicious drop. Finally the shooting stopped and I gently licked him clean and tucked him back into his boxers. I scooted back up and smiled at the fact that my lover was still out like a light. "Sleep tight sexy," I whispered to him as I slid out of bed and padded off to the shower. After making myself all pretty I walked back into the bedroom and smiled again. There all snuggled up next to him was Donny. I kissed them both and than headed down stairs to make sure that Father's day Breakfast was all ready. Oh yea and we still had to pack for the trip to the beach house. This was going to be a very long day.

Later from Don's point of view

"Daddy Daddy!" yelled a very hyper and excited Donny. I groaned loudly and turned over and pretended to be asleep. "Come on Daddy! Wake up! You have to eat your father's day breakfast and than open your present!" I could tell that he was so excited about today being Father's day. I opened one eye and saw him standing beside the bed grinning. I heard two barks and looked down to see the puppies looking up at me. "Come on Daddy!" Donny demanded.

"Ok ok," I groaned loudly. "I'm getting up." I sat up and stretched. Donny seemed to be convinced and took off running out of the room. I smiled and lay back down.

"Oh no you don't," a scolding voice sounded from the door. I looked up to see my sweetie standing there looking down at me. "Time to get up."

"But I'm still sleepy!" I whined loudly.

"You can sleep when we get to the beach house in California," Josh continued to scold me. I noticed that Josh looked really sexy this morning. I was hard immediately. I whimpered a little and revealed my tented boxers. "Oh no you don't!" Josh scolded me. "No sex for you this morning. You have breakfast to eat." I decided to let Josh have his way. I got up and showered and dressed and headed down stairs. I spotted Justin sitting in the living room watching the news. He looked up and blushed and looked away. I wondered what that was all about. I sat next to him and laid my head on his shoulder.

"Hey you," I said softly. "You doing any better this morning."

"Ummm yea," Justin squeaked out.

"What's wrong?" I asked snuggling closer to him. I was in a cuddly mood today and well Josh was in the kitchen with Donny getting breakfast ready. So Justin was going to have to do.

"Nothing," Justin said quickly.

"Have you heard from the ass?" I asked frowning.

"Yea he tried to call this morning," Justin sighed. "He wanted to explain." By now Justin was snuggling up next to me.

"Well I would love to explain my foot up his ass," I muttered. "He hurt you Justin. And I don't like that!"

"I'm so lucky to have a friend like you," Justin replied kissing the top of my head. "But promise me something?"

"Anything for my son's adopted uncle," I replied giving him a crooked grin.

"Promise me you won't go postal on Brian?" Justin replied as he gave me a little pout of his own. He knew how to manipulate the situation to his advantage too.

"Fine," I muttered frowning. "But if he starts something I'm gonna have to lay him out."

"Deal," Justin relented. "Now what was that all about this morning?"

"What was what all about?" I asked frowning.

"You were humping me in your sleep!" Justin explained to me.

"I was what?" I asked horrified.

"You heard me!" Justin snickered. "You moaned out Josh's name and was humping me!"

"I'm so embarrassed," I moaned softly. Justin just wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close.

"Don't worry," Justin giggled. "Nothing bad happened. Josh got me out of there before you had a chance to make a mess on me." I whimpered as my face turned beat red.

"Are you picking on my boyfriend?" the voice of my savior asked. I looked up to see Josh standing at the door wearing a very amused grin on his face.

"Justin is embarrassing me," I said pouting.

"Bad Justin," Josh giggled. He walked into the room and held out his arms. The invitation was too great to resist. I got up and walked into his arms and shivered with delight as his arms encircled me. His lips came crashing down on mine kissing me breathless. When he broke apart he smiled down at me. "Happy Daddy's day," he whispered to me in his very sexy voice. "Now come eat breakfast."

Later just as I was headed up to take a nice long soak in the tub with a certain cutie the door bell rings. I happily open it and than promptly slam it shut.

"Hey!" Brian's voice sounded from behind the door. "Let me in!"

"Go away!" I shouted back at him. "You hurt Justin!"

"I really need to talk to Kevin!" Brian whined.

"Fine!" I growled at him. "Since this is his house and all." I opened the door and glared at him as he walked by. Nick was with him too and he at least had the decency to shy away from my look of death glare. "What is he doing here?" I demanded glaring at him.

"We both need to talk to Kevin," Brian explained.

"Stay away from Justin!" I shot at him.

"Stay away from who?" Justin's voice sounded from the hall. He came out with a hyper Donny on his shoulders and took one look at Brian and Nick and his face fell. "I've got nothing to say to you," he said softly to Brian.

"We didn't come here to talk to you Timberlake," Nick sassed him.

"Hey!" I shouted at him. "Lay off of him now!"

"And what are you going to do if I don't?" Nick asked walking up to me really invading my personal space. He wanted a fight but he wasn't going to get one. At least not with Donny around. Thankfully Kevin saved the day.

"Cool it Nick!" Kevin's voice boomed out. "In my study now!" Nick actually stuck out his lip in a pout and slinked off. As he walked by Kevin Kevin's hand shot out and smacked Nick in the back of the head really hard.

"Ouch!" Nick whined. "That hurt!"

"Ahhhh shut up!" Kevin hurled at him. He looked at Justin and me and grinned. Justin blushed and looked down. I of course gave Kevin the thumbs up. I looked over in Justin's direction and saw him looking longingly at Brian. His eyes were bright with unshed tears. I quickly guided him into the living room. By the time I got him there he was crying again.

"Why?" he asked as fresh tears flowed down his face. "Why can't I find someone who will love me and stay faithful to me?" I noticed in the corner of my eye that Donny was watching.

"I'm sorry Justin," I whispered hugging him. "I'm sorry that Brian is an ass and can't keep his dick in his pants."

"Well I don't need him," Justin muttered wiping his tears off.

"Yea I know," I replied grinning. "I know! I can find you another boyfriend!" Justin got this really scared look on his face. "Hey!" I yelped out. "I know how to pick all the really cute ones!" Justin still looked worried. "Now tell me what you like in a cute guy!" Justin sighed and sat back in the sofa. "Hey! A happy and in love Justin who is getting laid on a daily basis is a cute and adorable Justin!" Josh walked in and heard what I said and snorted back a laugh.

"Help?" Justin pleaded with my lover.

"Sorry," I replied grinning. "But when I start matchmaking no one can stop me." Donny came running into the living room and hopped up in the sofa next to Justin. He had a very angry look on his face. A second later Brian and Nick came limping in.

"Your son kicked us in the shin!" Brian yelped out glaring at Donny. Justin started to laugh followed by Josh. I was so tempted to laugh too but choose not too.

"You hurt Justin!" Donny shouted at Brian as he hopped off the sofa and headed towards Brian. Brian actually backed up a couple of steps. Trixy and Spot growled softly at Brian. Thankfully Josh picked up the upset Donny. "Let me go! They hurt Justin!"

"Donny!" I called out to him. He looked back at me with a guilty look on his face. "You know better not to kick people!"

"Don it's all right," Justin said softly laying a hand on my shoulder. "He was just trying to protect me."

"Well he did it with violence!" I retorted. "That was wrong young man!" Josh put him down and guided him over to me. "Now what are you going to do about it?"

"Apologies?" Donny said softly.

"That's right," I replied.

"But Brian and Nick didn't apologies for hurting Justin!" he replied with that stubborn streak.

"You're not going to apologies are you?" I asked him softly. Donny little lips started to tremble. "Come here," I said holding out my arms. He climbed up into them. After calming him down I managed to get him to apologies to Brian. He didn't apologies to Nick. I didn't push it. I didn't like Nick at all. He had a mean streak in him.

"Your kid is a brat!" Nick sassed me again when Donny was safely out of the room. "I outta beat his ass!"

"Ok that's it!" I shouted as I stood up and headed towards him.

"Bring it on Twinkie!" Nick shouted back as he headed towards me. Thankfully Kevin roughly yanked him back.

"Enough!" Kevin's voice boomed out. "Nick go home!" Nick glared at me as he grabbed Brian's arm.

"I'll be out in a few," Brian mumbled.

"Ok sweetie," Nick said as he pressed his lips to Brian's and shoved his tongue down Brian's mouth. When he broke away he gave Justin a nasty sneer than he grabbed his crotch. "Cause Nicky Jr. needs some play time with you." Brian blushed and looked down. Nick strutted out of the room and out of the house.

"Can I talk to you?" Brian asked Justin.

"I really don't want to," Justin said softly.

"Please?" Brian pleaded.

"You heard him!" I hurled at Brian. "Go away!"

"Don," Josh scolded me. "They really should talk this out."

"I'll be fine," Justin replied softly.

"Are you sure?" I asked. Justin smiled weakly and nodded. I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and followed Josh out.

"Where are we going?" I asked Josh.

"Up stairs," Josh replied with a grin.

"Oh really?" I asked looking naughty. "What will we be doing when we get upstairs?"

"Packing," Josh replied.

"Fine don't have sex with me today," I grumbled with a pout.

From Justin's point of view.

"I'm so sorry," Brian said softly.

"Was he worth it?" I shot at him.

"Nick and I love each other," Brian said glaring at me.

"What about us?" I demanded.

"It was good while it lasted. But you spent too much time away from home," Brian said trying to excuse himself.

"So you decided to bring Nick in my house and let him shove his cock up your ass?" I yelped out. Brian opened his mouth to say something but I stopped him. "Listen, I don't want to hear it. You obviously have a problem with being faithful to one person. So do me a favor and leave! I don't want to see you ever again!" The look of hurt almost made me change my mind. But I had to follow through with this. Brian had proven that he couldn't be trusted. I watched as my former lover walked out of my life forever. I could feel the tears start. I tried so hard not to allow them to fall but I couldn't. I tried to keep my sobs quiet but that didn't work either. In no time at all Don's head popped out from the hall. He saw my tears and was at my side immediately. He was a small person than I was. But his arms encircled me and I welcomed his comfort. At some point I fell asleep while Don held me.

Later from Don's point of view.

"How is he?" Josh's worried tone of voice sounded in my ear.

"He is still sleeping," I replied. "He had a really hard cry so I think he will sleep for most of the afternoon. We should really start packing for California."

"You still want to go?" Josh asked.

"Yea we need to go more than ever now," I replied. "There has been so much pain and heart ache that we need some time to ourselves and some enjoyment too." I looked up at Josh and saw the love and the concern in his eyes. I know it was silly to think about it but god did it ever make him look soo sexy. I leaned up and kissed him lightly on the lips. He smiled softly as he laid his forehead against mine. He knew that I loved to do that. It was a simple expression of love that we both shared. "Come on sexy," I purred at him. "It is time for you to take a nice long nap with me."

"And what are we going to be doing during that nap?" Josh asked with his usual naughty glint in his eyes.

"Oh I think we can think of something to do," I replied giving him my most innocent expression.

Later that night

"Don?" Justin's tired voice sounded. I shook myself alert and looked up from his schedule.

"Yea boss?" I asked taking a sip of water.

"Why don't we go to Hawaii?" Justin asked. "My treat."

"You don't have to do that," I replied.

"Yea you're right," Justin said with his usual grin. "But I want too. I want to spoil my friends."

"How do you think Josh will feel about it?" I asked.

"Oh he will throw a fit about it at first," Justin replied shrugging his shoulders. "But when I pout and give him my puppy dog eyes he will cave."

"You are so bad," I teased him. "Speaking of Josh I should wake him up."

"He is still sleeping?" Justin asked.

"Yea well I kinda sorta wore him out," I replied grinning sheepishly.

"TMI!" Justin yelped out covering his ears. I laughed as I headed up stairs. Once in our old bedroom I looked down at the sleeping figure. He looked so much like an angel sleeping that I really hated to wake him up. But hey! I needed some attention!

"Josh?" I called out softly. He groaned and turned over hugging my pillow to him. I giggled softly as I slid in beside him. "Joshy?" I asked sliding my arms around his narrow frame. Again he grunted as he tried in vain to maintain his hold on sleep. Finally he raised his shaggy head and turned around. "Hey," I said softly as I rubbed noses with him.

"Hey," he replied. "I'm hungry."

"Well than let's get up and eat dinner," I replied kissing him on his lips.

"Uh uhh," he said with that very sexy naughty look on his face. "I'm hungry for you."

"Well no more sex for you today," I replied kissing him back. "You wore me out." The pout on his face was sooooo cute but I held firm. "Besides Justin was to discuss something with us."


"So it is settled than," Justin said grinning.

"Yea you get to spoil us rotten," Josh sighed. He leaned against me and I of course wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close. We perked up when we heard the door bell ring. I heard Kevin's deep voice mention Danny's name and heard Danny voice. >From the sound of it he wasn't here on a social call.

"He is in here," Kevin's voice sounded. I looked up and saw my little brother walk in. His eyes were red from crying. He was pale as a ghost and shaking like a leaf.

"Danny?" I asked getting up and walking towards him. I stopped just short of him and looked at him closely. I recognized that haunted look in his eyes. It was the look of total loss. The look you had when you lost someone very close to you. "What happened?"

"Chris had a doctor's appointment today. He wasn't feeling good and they ran tests and we found out that his HIV status had progressed to AIDS," Danny said softly. Tears were still falling. "We went home and I only left him alone for a moment when it happened." By now the tears were falling faster. "Donny, he shot him self!" His knees crumpled under him and I moved quickly to catch him. "He is gone Donny!" Danny wailed as he buried his head into my shoulder. "My sweet Chris is gone!"

From Justin's point of view.

Seeing Danny heart broken really got to me. I really didn't know him that well but he had always been so nice to me. I couldn't help but feel for him. Don and Josh finally got Danny calmed down enough to eat something and than go to bed. Than I watched as Don fell apart again. Don had so much pain in his life. I wanted to know how much more he could take. Josh was silent as he sat up on the back deck and looked over the back yard. Donny was snuggled in bed with his daddy taking care of him. I sighed and walked into the house. For some reason I headed up stairs into Danny's room. I looked down at his sleeping form. For the first time I saw how good looking he was. I mean really good looking. I don't know what possessed me to do it but I slid off my clothes to my boxers and slid into bed beside him. He latched on to me like a life line wrapping his arms around me. At some point I fell asleep holding him. I remembered wondering to myself. When was this trial by tears going to end?


Authors note: I am starting a new life. I'm going to driver's school and hopefully get my cdl and become an over the road Truck driver. This will mean much fewer postings from me. I do plan on keeping up with the story. So keep looking for me!

Next: Chapter 20

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