Picking Up the Pieces of My Life

By JC Fanfic

Published on Apr 10, 2004


A Work of Fiction by JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications (c) Copyright 2004

Disclaimer: All Characters and situations of this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people and actual situations is purely coincidental. All fictional characters and fictional situations portrayed in this work of fiction remains the property of JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications. Republishing of this work of fiction is strictly forbidden unless permission as been given by JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications. Permission granted to Nifty Archives for the sole purpose of posting on the Boy Bands section of the Archives. Permission may be obtained by e-mailing JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications at JC_Fan_Fiction@yahoo.com

Comments are welcome too. Constructive Comments and advice are welcome. Honest opinions are welcome as well. And if you want to vent all over me as long it is good natured than feel free too do that to.

E-mail me at JC_Fan_Fiction@yahoo.com

Trial By Tears: Chapter two (A Continuation of the Picking up the Pieces of My Life Series)

"To sparkly!" I said as I pointed back to our room. I watched as Josh stomped back to our room. I giggled as I watched his sparkly outfit shimmer in the light. I had to admit that the form fitting sparkly shirt really showed his ummmm very nice chest and abs. But I wanted him to look hot and sexy without being obvious. Obviously my sexy sweetie had other plans. I could hear him grumbling all the way out in the living room. You see Josh was going to be on MTV this coming monday. And I of course wanted my sweetie to look really hot and really sexy but I wanted him to look good too. I had sent him back a total of six times so far to change. Kevin was sitting in the chair with Orlando sitting in his lap. They both were wearing amused looks on their faces. Justin was trying really hard not to laugh too much. Danny and Chris were looking back at Josh and me like we were both nuts. "What?" I finally asked putting on my most innocent expressions. "I have to have Josh looking really good when he goes on MTV."

"I think you just like the thought of him taking off his clothes over and over and over again," Kevin snickered.

"Yea well that too," I snickered. "Speaking of which I'm going to go and see how he is looking, umm doing." I flipped them off as I heard them all laughing at me. Finally I walked through the bedroom door. "No way!" I announced as Josh picked up the feathered thing from hell. "Put the feathered feaky thing down and step away from it!" He looked back at me with this really guilty look on his face. "No feathers!" I scolded him.

"But," Josh started.

"No buts!" I said grinning at his helpless expression. "You're way to hot to be wearing feathers."

"But everything I try on you don't like," Josh complained. I spotted a pair of jeans that Josh looked hot in and I picked them up and tossed them to him. "These are too tight!"

"No there not," I argued with him. "They are just right."

"You can see my ass really well," Josh yelped out.

"I know," I giggled naughtily. "And among other things." I laughed full out when I saw the blush on Josh's very cute face.

"You are being bad," Josh giggled back. "What shirt shoud I wear?" I picked up a white t-shirt and a black pull over sweat shirt that zipped up in the front.

"There," I said with pride. "Now my sweetie is going to look all hot and sexy for MTV!"

"You're really happy about me being on MTV aren't you?" Josh asked as he wrapped his arms around me. I stood up on my tippie toes and kissed him on his nose.

"Yes I am," I said as I laid my head on his chest. "I'm also very proud of you and very happy for you that you're releasing your CD too."

"How proud are you?" he asked with that wild naughty look he always gave me when he was getting horny.

"Very very proud," I purred as I slipped my hand down his pants and gently took hold of his cock. "And do you know what I do for you when I'm very proud?" I asked as I slipped up his shirt and kissed his rock hard abs.

"Ummmm no?" Josh asked swallowing hard. I ran my hand up his shirt and tweaked his nipple. He let out the cutest whimper.

"Well as soon as you take off all of your clothes and I get off mine you're going to find out," I purred as I slid off my shirt.

"Daddy!" shouted Donny's voice from the hall. Josh let out this really cute whimper. I kissed him quickly and slid my shirt back on. I opened the door and Donny came running in. "Is Daddy Josh releasing a CD?"

"Yes he is," I smiled down at him.

"What's a CD?" he asked looking up at Josh.

"It's a thing that you play music on," Josh replied. "You've seen your daddy put those round things in the car's stereo haven't you?" Donny's head nodded so fast that I honestly thought that maybe his head would fall off. "Well that is a CD."

"Ok," Donny said happily as he turned and ran back out.

"What was that all about?" Josh asked me. I shrugged my shoulder as I turned and walked over to his dresser and started to rummage around his jewlry. "Ummm what are you doing?" He had this worried tone in his voice.

"Accessorising dear," I replied as I handed him two more necklaces and a silver chain for his wrist and a sweat band and braclet. "Here put these on." Josh looked at them and back a me only to find that I was rummaging around in his box of rings. "Are you going to wear mine?" I asked hopefully.

"I never take it off," Josh replied. showing it to me on his left finger. "And I'm not taking it off now."

"You should switch hands sweetie," I replied.

"No!" Josh said loudly. "I'm not taking it off and I'm not switching hands either!"

"But--," I started.

"I love you," Josh said softly as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him. "I want that ring to stay on for ever!"

"But what if people asks what it means?" I asked still looking worried. Josh smiled down at me and kissed me on the fore head.

"Than let them," Josh replied smiling down at me. "If they ask what the ring is for than I am going to tell them. And than I'm going to drag you on stage and introduce you to the world." This is where I panicked.

"You can't do that!" I yelped out. "Your career!" The hurt expression on his face almost tore me in two. "You would sacrifice your career for me?"

"In a heart beat sweetie," Josh replied. "You mean the world to me. And if the day comes that some one flat out asks me if I am gay and if I have someone special in my life than I'm not going to lie. I'm going to tell them the truth. Now let's get you ready to go too." It was at this point that I realized that I was going with Josh.

"I'm going?" I asked shocked.

"Of course you're going!" Josh replied grinning his usual naughty grin.

"Auugghh!" I screamed. "What am I going to wear!" Josh giggled as he picked up the feathered freaky thing. "You've got to be kidding!" He just laughed some more and tossed it aside. Three hours later my out fit was all picked out and we were both packed and ready to go. We even had time for some really hot sex. I kissed him on his bare shoulder. "What time do we leave?"

"In a few hours," Josh mumbled. "You can take a nap if you want too." As much as I wanted too I realized that I had too much to do. I slid out of bed and walked over to the shower. "Rats," Josh grumbled. I turned back and laughed at the pout on his face.

"You going to join me in the shower?" I asked.

"More sex?" he asked grinning widely.

"Well duhhh!" I giggled out. He actually beat me to the shower.

"God I hate flying," I grumbled as the plane started to roll down the runway.

"I love flying!" Donny's voice sounded from beside us. I looked down at him. He was all smiles and was busy looking out the window. "I hope Trixy and Spot are all right!"

"They are going to be just fine with Danny," I said soothing him. Donny was very worried about leaving Trixy and Spot all alone. But Josh and I both assured him that they would be fine. We finally bribed him with gifts for the puppies to get him to agree to leave them at home. "Aren't you excited about Josh being on TV?"

"You're going to be on TV too Daddy!" Donny exclaimed using his out door voice.

"Inside voice little buddy," I chuckled at him.

"OK daddy!" he whispered loudly. I heard Josh and Justin giggle loudly. "You're going to be on TV too Daddy!"

"Yes son I'm going to be in the audiance," I assured him.

"Will I get to see you?" he demanded.

"Maybe you will , maybe you won't," I said. "It all depends on whether the camera catches me or not."

"If I have anything to do about it you will," Josh silky voice drifted over me. The plane started it's assent into the sky. I shut my eyes really tight and grabbed the seat rest and squeazed really hard. I felt Josh's hand close around mine and I relaxed just a little. "Oh by the way I asked Chris to meet us at the hotel later tonight."

"Oh really?" I asked. Little note, for you all. Chris and I didn't really know eachother. I had seen him a couple of times but really didn't have time to really bound with him. Joey was great. He would stop by and talk with Josh and me and play with Donny and the puppies. He even brought his daughter over a couple of times to see "Uncle Joshy". She was a cutie. "Is any of the other guys going to be here too?"

"Lance and Joey will stop by on Wednesday morning just before the CD drops," Josh said with his eyes shinning.

"You're excited aren't you?" I asked squeasing his hand. He nodded. "Well you should be sweetie, you've been working on it for a long time. I'm happy for you."

From Danny's point of view

"Ok let me clear up some things," the Doctor said as he sat down. "You're worried that your "T"Cells are up. That is a good thing." I watched as Chris breathed a sigh of relief. "But we still want you in the hospital for a few days for some tests. We have to get you on some new meds. Overall you're very healthy. We want to regulate your diet and your work out routine and get you on some diatary supplements to add to your diet. If you continue to take excellant care of your self and don't compromise your immune system you should be able to live a perfectly normal healthy life."

"So a high "T" Cell count is a good thing?" Chris asked raising his eyebrows.

"Yes," the Doctor confirmed. "So let's get you admitted and up to your room. You're going to be very busy over the next few days."

"Can Danny stay?" Chris asked with a worried expression on his face.

"Of course he can stay," Doctor Smith smiled. "We understand that this is a very stressful time for you. So if you have friends or loved ones to help you than we encourage that. Infact we even have rooms where your friends of loved ones can sleep over." Chris breathed a sigh of relief and I laid my hand on his shoulder and he smiled that really cute and shy grin of his. "Now what do you say we get you settled?"

From Don's point of view.

"Do you want to lay down for a little nap before meeting Chris?" Josh asked me as he stuffed the remainder of his clothes into the dresser.

"You sound if I should be worried about meeting him," I said frowning.

"Well Chris is not very comfortable with my choices of lifesytles," Josh sighed heavily as he sat next to me. He leaned against me and laid his head on my shoulder. "I just want you to be prepared for him not to be too happy to meet you."

"I'm not going to let him wreck what we have Josh," I said sternly. "And I want you to promise that you won't either."

"I love you sweetie," Josh said earnestly. "And if Chris is to pig headed not to see that well than that is just his fault. His life would be richer if he got to know you and Donny. If he chooses to be a jerk about it than so be it." A knock at the door startled us both. "That must be Justin or one of the other guys," Josh replied kissing me on the lips. The Kiss continued for a few more seconds before the pounding continued.

"Ummm Josh?" I asked softly as he continued to work his magic with his mouth. By now his mouth was on my neck sucking hard. "The door?"

"Let them come back," he mumbled in between a mouthfull of my flesh.

"Josh open up!" called out a voice that I really couldn't place.

"Fuck!" Josh muttered through his teeth. "It's Chris!"

"Is he early?" I asked watching Josh's face closely.

"I was supposed to meet him not the other way around," Josh shot out looking a little pissed. "This is so like him! Always manipulating the situation around him."

"Come on Josh!" Chris shouted through the door. "I really need to talk to you."

"Just a minute!" Josh sighed as he stood up and smoothed out his clothes and glanced in the mirror.

"You look fine," I said giving him a quick hug.

"I know I do but I just wish he had waited until tonight like I asked him too," Josh replied pouting a little. I kissed his pouty lips and than gently but firmly pushed him towards the door. He opened it and Chris walked in.

"It's about time," he muttered.

"What are you doing here Chris?" Josh asked with some hostility in his voice. "I thouhgt I asked you to meet with me tonight?"

"I know you did but I have to go back to florida tonight," Chris replied. He glanced at me and than looked back at Josh as if I was just a fly on the wall. I tried not to let it bother me. "You ready to give this act up?" I could feel Josh tense up.

"What act are you talking about?" Josh asked.

"This I'm gay and I'm happily involved with someone with a child and now I get to play daddy too," Chris replied. Ok now I was getting pissed.

"It is not an act," Josh said in a small voice. It was plain to me that Chris was used to manipulating Josh. "I love Don and his son and we are going to have a life together." His voice was still small and didn't sound convincing at all.

"How old are you Josh?" Chris asked.

"You perfectly well how old I am," Josh threw back at him.

"Don't you think it is time that you grew up?" Chris asked frowning.

"Wait a minute!" Josh shouted at Chris. "I called the meeting not you!"

"So?" Chris hurled right back. "You need to grow up and get over this gay thing."

"It is not a gay thing," Josh said frowning. "And I don't see you ganging up on Justin. He is gay too and involved."

"Yes it is!" Chris hurled back at him. "And as for Justin I would expect that from him. He is still a child. But you're almost thirty. Being gay is wrong and it is disgusting. How two man can have sex together is just sick!" I moved to get at Chris and Josh stopped me. "Step back faggot" Chris hurled at me. Josh made a sound like he had been hit in the stomach. The look on his face was like someone very close to him had died. "You're only here for one reason and one reason only and that is to ride this gravy train as far as Josh will let you."

"Why you--," I stuttered only to have Josh shake his head at me. "You know something? I'm not going to stoop to your level. I love Josh very much. And he loves me. And yes we do plan on getting married and yes he has expressed an interest in raising my son together. And if you have a problem with that well tough shit!"

"You can't talk to me like that!" Chris stuttered.

"I think you really need to go," Josh said quietly.

"What?" Chris yelped out. "You're tossing me out?"

"Yes Chris I am," Josh said sadly. "I'm tossing you out. When you are ready to accept my relationship with Don than maybe I'll let you back in."

"Fine!" Chris hurled at Josh. "I'll leave you and your faggot boy friend alone." With that he slammed the door as he walked out. The room was really quiet as Josh stood there looking at the closed door. I stood there wondering what the hell to do. Finally I heard a small whimper. It shocked me back into action. I looked over and saw Josh's shoulders shaking with sobs. He turned to me with the most helpless expression on his face that it tore me to shreds. I gathered him into my arms and led him to the bedroom and laid him down. I moved to leave him alone only to have him grab me.

"No!" he said frantically. "Stay."

"I'm just going to check on Donny and see how Justin and Brian are doing and make sure that we aren't disturbed," I said kissing his wet cheek. "I'll be right back. I left the room and closed the door and quickly walked across the hall and peeked in on Donny. True to form he was out like a light. It was past his nap time anyway. I than left the suite and walked across the hall and knocked on the door. Brian opened it and smiled a small smile. I walked in and frowned at Justin. He was sitting on the couch with his hand in a bucket of ice and his face was red and his eyes were wet. "Chris?" I asked softly. He nodded. I looked at Brian. "I'm going to be spending the after noon and most of the evening with Josh. Can you make sure he isn't disturbed?"

"What happened?" Brian asked.

"Chris said some really hurtful things to him," I sniffled. "Josh is really taking it hard. I just want to spend as much time with him before this new CD thingy gets going." After being assured by both Justin and Brian that we wouldn't be disturbed I headed back into the suite and walked into our room. I crept into the bedroom and saw the sweetest thing. Donny was in bed with Josh. Josh had his arm around Donny and they were asleep. They were both ontop of the blankets. As much as I wanted to be in bed with Josh and making love to him right now I knew that I couldn't interupt their special time. Donny was good at picking up on peoples' mood and would always try to cheer them up. I leaned down and kissed Josh on the fore head and than kissed Donny on the cheek. I than headed out into the living room and sat down on the sofa and picked up the remote and switched the TV on. After flipping through the channels for a while I started to dwell on what Chris had said. After about fifteen minutes of stewing about it I got madder and madder. By the time the knock at the door startled me back to reality I was fuming. I stomped to the door and opened it. "What?" I hurled out.

"Ummm I'll come back if now is a bad time," Joey's voice sounded. I looked up to see him standing there with a worried expression on his face.

"Are you ok with Josh being gay?" I demanded as I blocked Joey's way into the suite.

"Of course I'm happy with him being gay," Joey replied with confusion written all over his face. "It is who he is. And besides eversince you came into his life he has been the happiest that I have ever seen him."

"Well tell that to the troll freaky type person Chris!" I snapped.

"Ummmm Ok," Joey said carefully. "Can I come in?"

"You're not going to yell at him are you?" I demanded glaring at Joey. He actually backed up a step or two. Oh yea I was in protective mode again. No one was getting near my Josh unless I was sure they were not going to bash him again. This was his special time. Chris had already to tried to ruin it for him. I was ready to beat up the next person who tried to do it again. Ummm maybe not beat up. After all Joey could probably squash me like a bug. But I could still glare him down if I wanted too.

"No I'm not going to yell at him," Joey replied. "Now I think I really do need to come in and you need to tell me what happened. I find Justin crying on Brian's shoulder with his hand in an ice bucket and you calling Chris funny names. Was he just here?"

"Yea he was," I said letting him in. "And he was so mean." At this point the whole thing caught up with me and the tears started to flow. "He was saying all these hurtful things to Josh and if you could've seen the look on poor Josh's face God it tore me to pieces!" By now I was sobbing. I felt two strong arms envelope me and I fell against his chest and let it all out. After about five minutes of crying I stopped and sniffled loudly and than blushed. The front of Joey's shirt was all wet. "I'm sorry," I sniffled.

"Hey no worries," Joey said smiling a soft smile. "Now why don't we sit down and you tell me what happened."

From Joey's point of view.

It has been an hour since Don told me the whole messy story. He had started crying again and I held him in my arms and let him cry himself out. Now the only problem was that he was now snuggled in my arm sleeping soundly. I really didn't have anywhere to be so I just held him and let him sleep. Now don't get me wrong. I like girls. But even I had to admit that Don was a hottie. And Josh was so lucky to have him. I heard the bedroom door open and watched as Josh walked out into the living room.

"Hey JC," I said softly. Josh looked over at me and his eyes widened.

"Dn't worry," I said quickly. "He just needed a shoulder to cry on. As you can see he umm cried himself to sleep. I didn't have the heart to wake him."

"When did you get in?" Josh asked sitting at the other end of the couch. He gently picked up Don's feat and legs and placed them on his lap.

"About fifteen minutes after Chris tried to fuck things up," I muttered. "Why can't he be happy for you?"

"Because he is on this mission to prove to me that my homosexuality is just some sort of game," Josh sighed. "He really hurt me this time."

"I know Josh," I said sadly. "And he really hurt Don too. I'm going to have a talk with him."

"Are you sure that will help?" Josh asked frowning.

"Probably not," I muttered. I heard the door open again and I watched a shaggy haired four year old walk into the room. He frowned at me as he walked over to Josh and climbed up beside him and leaned against him. "Hey Donny," I said softly smiling at him. He hid his head in Josh's chest playing shy.

"He is always really shy after he has waken up from his nap," Josh explained kissing Donny on the top of his head. Donny whispered something in Josh's ear all the while looking at me suspiciously. "No Donny," Josh giggled softly. "Joey is not trying to steal your daddy from me." I had to laugh softly too. "He is just here being your daddy's friend." It guess we were making to much noise. Don opened his eyes and looked at me and than looked at Josh. Josh smiled lovingly down at Don.

"Did you have a good sleep?" Josh asked softly. Don eased him self up so that he was sitting. He leaned against Josh and Josh wrapped his arms around his shoulders.

"It was ok," Don said yawning as he snuggled closer to Josh. They did make a very cute couple. "So what are you doing here Joey?"

"I'm here to support Josh on his CD," I replied. "You nervouse?" I asked Josh.

"Very," Josh admitted.

"Hey Don," I called out. "Please tell me that you watched Josh pack?"

"Oh yes I did," Don giggled.

"And there are no feathers?" I asked

"Nope," Don replied.

"No annimal prints?" I snickered out. Don shook his head and giggled some more. "And please tell me no sparkly things?"

"No Josh was a good boy and didn't pack any of those things," Don laughed. "Although he did model a bunch of stuff for me. But I made him pack normal stuff."

"You guys are just mean," Josh pouted some more. A soft knocking at the door interupted our conversation. Don went to open and swore.

"Get the hell out!" Don shouted.

"I want to talk to Josh," Chris's small voice sounded.

"You're not getting near him," Don hurled at Chris standing in front of him. "You've already hurt him enough today!"

"Please I want to apologies," Chris pleaded. Don still glared at him as Chris walked past him. "Josh?" Chris asked. "Can we talk?"

"You don't have to if you don't want too," Don instructed JC as he bounced infront of Chris again blocking his way. "You're not getting anywhere neer him!"

"I'm not going to hurt him," Chris started.

"To late troll boy!" Don hurled back. I couldn't help it. I snickered loudly. Josh snorted as he tried to stop himself from laughing. "You've already hurt him and like it or not you're not going to get near him!"

From Don's point of view

"Oww!" Chris yelped as he started to hop around the room holding his ankle. "You're little brat kicked me!" I could hear Joey laughing and Josh snickering. I looked down at Donny to see him glaring up at Chris.

"You go away!" Donny demanded. "You can't hurt my daddies!" I could tell that Donny was really mad at Chris.

"Donny!," I said sternly. He looked guiltily up at me. "You know you're not supposed to hurt people." I said sternly but softly.

"But he hurt you and Daddy Josh!" Donny said his eyes getting wide and wet. "I don't like it when people hurt you." I knelt down so that I was eye level with him.

"Do you remember when you kicked Kevin?" I asked softly. He nodded and sniffled. "Is Kevin our friend now?" Again he nodded. "You have to apologies to Chris. You can't hurt people like that. That is wrong." Donny stuffed his hands in his pockets and stomped over to Chris and glared up at him for a few seconds.

"Sorry I kicked you because you hurt my daddies!" he said in a sassy tone of voice. Now Josh and Joey really did laugh. I hurled a glare at them and they stopped laughing and looked guilty.

"Donny!" I said in a scolding tone of voice. "That is not an apology!"

"I don't want to!" Donny pouted as he crossed his arms across his chest. "He is not sorry he hurt you!" By now poor Chris was looking at the floor with a really guilty look on his face.

"Time out mister," I said as I pointed to his room. Donny stomped out of the room and slammed his bedroom door. That was the first time he had ever did that before. It surprsied me to hear him slam the door like that. Josh stood up and walked over to me and kissed me on the lips.

"I'll go talk to him," Josh whispered to me.

"No," Joey said softly. "I'll go talk to him. You two have stuff to talk about with Chris."

"Are you sure?" I asked Joey. Donny could be a handful when he wanted to be. And something told me he wanted to be a handful tonight. He was really upset. Chris had hurt his two daddies and he was not a happy little boy.

"I'll be fine," Joey smiled. "Remember I'm used to dealing with Justin." That got a smile out of Josh and Chris. I glared hard at Chris and he had the mind to at least look down and guilty. Joey crept into the other room and I turned to Josh. He was standing there staring at Cris as if Chris was going to blow up or something.

"Let's sit down," I suggested. Josh nodded and sat down on the couch and I sat next to him and wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close. "Now what do you want to say Chris?"

"I really need to apologies," Chris said softly. "I had no right to judge Josh or the love that he has with you and your son. I know he is gay and I still have problems with that but I'm going to try and work on it."

"Did Justin knock some sense in you?" I asked bluntly.

"He did manage to get a hit in before Brian pulled him off of me," Chris said rubbing his jaw. "I don't want to loose my two brothers."

"And you have a brother in law and nephew to get to know," Josh quipped. "You're going to love Donny, he is such a cutie."

"Hey what about me?" I yelped out.

"You're sexy," Josh said wiggling his eyebrows. "Oh and you're cute too."

"Will you give me another chance?" Chris asked me.

"I'm all for second chances," I replied. "But hurt my Josh again and I'll have to hurt you back."

"What about Donny?" Chris asked rubbing his ankle.

"Give him time," I said softly. "Donny is very loyal. And he can't stand to see his little family hurt. But over all he is a good little boy. He likes to make friends. And if you play your cards right he might want to be your friend too." After having our talk we made up. Donny came out later and apologiesed to Chris and to me. Chris finally left to catch his plane back to Florida. Joey left too but promised he was get in touch later. The three of us had a nice dinner and watched a movie and finally Donny passed out and Josh carried him to bed. While Josh was putting Donny to bed I was in the room getting ready for some sex! Yea I know I'm bad. Now must get undressed for a hot lovemaking session with Josh.

From Josh's point of view.

After putting Donny to bed I walked back to our room. I smiled at the sight. Donny was all naked laying on the bed. He was staring out the window with a very serious expression. I decided that at that moment he was the most beautiful person on the face of this earth. I glanced down at his cock and licked my lips. "Hey," I said softly startling him. He looked at me and grinned. His cock started filling with blood at once and soon it was rock hard. "Can I join you or is this a private party?"

"I'm waiting for my fiance," Don said with a naughty glint in his eyes. "We're going to have wild sex."

"Oh really?" I asked smirking. "What does he have to say about this?"

"Well he has to hurry up and pay attention to me and take off his clothes and get busy," Don giggled out. That was all I needed. I had learned a long time ago that when Don was horny it was impossible to escape him. I eagerly stripped out of my clothes and slid into bed with him. The instant our flesh came in contact with eachother I was rewarded with a small moan from him. I glanced down at his cock and yerned to take it in my mouth. "Kiss me," Don begged me. Who was I to argue? I folded my arms around and pulled him close causing our two cocks to grind against each other. I could feel the wet stickiness of his precome leaking onto me. I pressed my lips to his and was rewarded with his tongue sliding deep into my mouth. He started to grind his crotch in mine. I didn't want this end too fast. I broke away and moved to his neck and sucked on that for a while. Than I moved to his chest and nipples. After sucking on them and chewing on them for a few minutes. After leaving a few hickies in place I moved to his rock hard abs and kissed them and tongued them until he went nuts with lust. Finally I reached my goal. It was pointing at me with a very shinny head and a huge drop of precome sliding down his shaft. "Please?" he whimpered out.

"Please what?" I asked looking up at him.

"Suck me please?" he pleaded. I reached out my tongue and snatched the drop of precome before it disapeared in his pubes. The instant I got a taste of him I went in for the kill. Wrapping my lips around his quivering shaft I lowered my head so that his entire length was down my throat burying my nose in his soft bed of pubes and inhaling deeply of his clean yet musky smell that could only come from him. Hearing my lover moan with pleasure brought great happiness to me. That was all that mattered to me right now. Giving as much pleasure to my sweetie as possible. By now I was aware that Don was gently thrusting in and out of my hungry mouth. I reached down and took hold of his tender balls and gently squeazed them. He let out one of his cute whimpers and a huge drop of precome came out of the head of his cock. I greedily swallowed it all. I could tell by the tightness of his balls that he was getting close. I eagerly sucked harder and urged him to thrust harder until finally he let out this loud groan and I was rewarded with shot after shot of his hot cum. I quickly swallowed every drop that he had to offer. Finally the flow subsided and I gently licked him clean. I than snuggled up to him and kissed him on the lips. His tongue shot into my mouth and hungrily grabbed up all the remains of his cum. He broke away with a dreamy look on his face. "Wow!" he breathed out. "That was ummm great!"

"I'm glad you enjoyed it sexy," I purred laying my head on his chest. I could feel and hear the rapid beat of his heartbeat. I snaked out my tongue and stabbed at his nipple. It looked really yummy and in no time at all it was in my mouth. I was hard now. Very hard and I wanted release.

"Make love to me?" Don asked. I reached for a tube of lube and he shook his head no. I frowned in confusion. "I'll do that," he smiled lovingly at me. He than slid his beautiful body down so that he was face level to my aching cock.

From Don's point of view.

Staring at it I was breathless for a few seconds. Josh's cock was truly a work of art. I closed my eyes in silent prayer to thank the Gods for making him so beautiful. Josh's soft frustrated growl brought me back to the mission at hand. I giggled a naughty giggle and slid his engorged cock into my mouth. The first moan from Josh made me hard all over again. The taste of his flesh on my tongue sent me into over load. I was ready to sell my imortal soul for one night of passionate love making with this man. Oh wait, I already had him. Right where I wanted him. His cock buried down my throat. I would've kept going but I remember that I wanted him to take me. After lubing him up really good I slid back into position and lifted and spread my legs. With him over me like a conquering hero ready to lance his prey made me feel so vulnerable that a sexual high rushed through me that I let out a whimper and rose my hips at him. Josh took that as a sign and slid into me with one swift thrust. I arched my back and whimpered loudly as his large manhood invaded me. I welcomed the mixture of fullness, pain and pleasure. There was no feeling like this in the world. I opened my eyes to see my lover looming over me. "You ready?" he asked with his voice husky with lust. I nodded without making a sound. I shivered with lust as I felt his cock being withdrawn from my tight whole. Than he powerthrust back in. The head of his cock stabbed at my prostate gland sending waves of pleasure through me. I guess my moans and shivers was enough to let him know that I was indeed ready. Josh settled into a steady pace of thrusting in and out and he made sure that he pinged my prostate gland with each thrust. I was soon in a state of sexual haze just barely hanging on to the reality of the fact that this gorgeous sex God was making love to me. After my second orgasm of the night I felt my lover shudder violently as he pounded into me even faster. Than I felt the welcome heat of his seed slamming to me coating my insides with the essence of Josh. Another orgasm racked my tired body with such intensity that it almost caused me to black out. The next thing I knew he was out of me and lovingly holding me and kissing me and telling me in that loving voice that he loved me. At some point I had drifted off to sleep and woke in a start as I felt my self touch really warm water. I eyes fluttered opene to see Josh standing over me with his hot naked body revealed for the whole world to see. "Hey," he said smiling his cute sexy smile. "I thought you might want a nice long bath," he said as he slid in behind me and wrapped his arms around my chest. I leaned back so that the back of my head was leaning against his chest. "You were so good tonight," he whispered to me as he nibbled on my ear.

"You were great too," I said looking up at his incredible blue eyes. "What time is it?"

"Just past one in the morning," Josh replied.

"But--," I started to say only to have his lips come crashing down on mine.

"Shhhhh," he said as he put his finger against my lips. "This night is about you. I want you to be pampered and loved all night long. His finger felt so good resting on my lips that I did the next logical thing. I opened my mouth and sucked it in. Josh's eyes lit up with his usual loving smile. I could also feel him getting hard again.

"Please?" I asked pushing up against him. Josh smiled softly as he slid into my tender whole again.

The next morning I woke to Josh being wrapped around me. I tried to get free to use the bathroom. Josh's face screwed up in the cutest pout as he struggled in his sleep to hold me to him. "Baby," I said softly. "I have to go pee." The pout remained but he did let me go. I quickly slid out of bed and hobbled to the bathroom. The feelings of Josh being in me a total of three times last night came back to me. Josh was like an annimal with me. I blushed at the memory of it. I quickly relieved jr and padded back to the bed. I smiled at the sight. Josh had moved over to my side of the bed and was hugging my pillow to him. "Trade you for the real thing," I teased him. He opened his sleepy eyes and smiled his sexy smile at me.

"Hey," he said with his voice still heavy with sleep. The sound of it made me want to ravage him again. But alas I knew that we didn't have the time. My sweeties CD was being released tomorrow and today he was going to be on MTV!

"Hey yourself sexy," I smiled down at him. "Go shower and make yourself pretty while I order breakfast," I instructed him as I leaned down and kissed his pouty lips. I quickly threw on a pair of sweat pants and walked out into the living room of the suite and picked up the phone and proceded to order a huge breakfast. I made sure that I had all of Josh's favorites. He finally walked out of the room with a pair of shorts and a wife beater on. His hair was still damp and God did he look sexy as hell. "I'm going to take my shower now. Breakfast should be up in a few. If Donny gets up he has pancakes for his breakfasat," I said softly as I kissed Josh on the lips.

"Hurry back," Josh said looking at me with his incredible blue eyes of his.

"Promise," I smiled back. I quickly showered and dressed in comfy clothes and headed back out into the living room. I frowned when I saw Justin and Brian here too. Donny was sitting between them playing with Justin. Brian was talking quietly to Josh. I growled softly and Josh looked up with the cutest expression on his face.

"You're back," Josh said grinning widely at me.

"Yea I'm back," I replied still pouting.

"Why are you pouting?" Josh asked frowning.

"I wanted some alone time with you," I whispered to him and kissed him lightly on the cheek. "I don't want to share you."

"Well you're going to have to today," Josh replied snuggling up to me. "After MTV we have a couple of Launch Parties to go too. Than tomorrow is the launch date so we'll have some interviews and tv spots to do."

"My sweetie is high demand," I sighed looking all dreamy eyed. Josh laughed softly as he kissed me lightly on the lips. "Ok I'll share you just for the next couple of days." A knocking at the door interupted our thoughts. I got up and answered it and roomservice wheeled the breakfast cart in. Soon we were all eating our morning meal. I of course hogged Josh the whole morning long. The rest of the day we were very busy. Justin and Brian agreed to watch Donny for Josh and Me as we went the MTV studios. I was so proud of Josh on TV. He looked so hot! He knew it too. He kept glancing over at me and smiling his cute smiles at me. This was his special day and I was so happy for him. Once the show started Josh turned into this different person. His smile was different and his acting really came out. He was very polite and so very sexy. But it was the kind of sexiness that I remembered when he was in the height of NSYNC days. The sexiness he reserved for me was totally different. It came time for the question and answer period and the girl right infront of me got to ask her question. I knew that I had made on TV so I figured that Donny was going crazy right about now. I could see the naughty look on Josh's face. Finally it was all over. I managed to slip back to his dressing room. I knocked on the door and the door flew open and Josh grabbed me and pulled me in. His lips were on mine and he was kissing me breathless like he normally does. "You were great!" I giggled at his eagerness.

"It felt great!" Josh said with his eyes sparkling. "It was so good to be back in the spotlight again. And I loved being able to share it with you!" It was at that time my cell phone rang. I looked at it and frowned. It was a number that I hadn't seen since after my Wife's death and Funeral. My mother's number. I answered it.

"Hello?" I asked softly.

"Donald?" my sister's voice sounded in my ear.

"Liz?" I asked suddenly very worried. Liz was supposed to be in Europe right now promoting her book. For her to interupt her tour met only one thing. This wasn't good news. "What's wrong with mom?" Josh's arm wrapped around my shoulder and he pulled me close.

"You need to get home Donald," Liz said with her voice cracking. "Mom is in bad shape. She is not expected to live through the week."

"I'm on the next plane back to Colorado," I said as my heart started to beat really fast. "Liz?"

"Yea Donald?" Liz asked back.

"Tell her that I love her and that I am um sorry," I said as a tear formed in my eye.

"You can tell her yourself little brother," Liz said in her soft voice. "Get here fast and bring Danny too."

"I promise," I whispered as I clicked off the phone. I turned to Josh. "It's my mom, she is dying." Josh wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him. I relished the feeling of closeness to him for just a few minutes. "I um gotta call the airport for two ticketts."

"I'm going with you," Josh said firmly.

"No you're not," I said shaking my head no. "You're going to stay right here and go through with your Album launch. You can join me later. Right now this is your time. You need to be here for you fans and enjoy your fame and attention."

"I don't want to," Josh said softly. "I want to be next to you. You're hurting baby and I can't stand it." I smiled softly up at him and kissed him lightly on the lips.

"I'll be fine sweetie," I whispered. "I'll have Donny and Danny with me. You need to be here."

"I know I have to but I'd rather be with you," Josh replied still looking sad.

"I love you sexy," I replied forcing a smile. "Now we need to get back to the hotel and explain this to Donny and than I've got to get going."

Two hours later in the VIP lounge Josh was hugging me tightly. My shoulder was wet from his tears. "Josh, it's going to be ok," I said softly into his ear. "Just get out there when you can. And try to enjoy your time in the spot light sweetie."

"How can I?" Josh sobbed. "My fiance is going to loose his mother and I can't be there for him."

"Josh you are here for me," I said as a few tears flowed down my face too. Usually I'm pretty strong about these sort of things. But when Josh starts to cry than well I do too. "I'm going to be fine, and you're going to be fine too. You have a responcibility to your fans. They need to see you all sexy and happy. Can you do that for me?" Josh sniffled and nodded. I kissed him fully on the lips. "Good, now I've got to go sexy."

"I'll be there be tomorrow night," Josh promised.

"I'll be looking for you," I promised back.

"Flight 209 to Colorado boarding first class passengers at gate A10," the announcement came over the speakers.

"That's our flight," I said to Donny and Danny and Josh. "I'll call you when we land."

From Josh's point of view.

"How is Don doing?" Justin asked me as we walked into my hotel room.

"I haven't heard from him since he left yesterday," I replied. "He promised he would call me."

"He is probably going nuts Josh," Justin said as he touched my shoulder. "He knew today your CD was getting released and he didn't want to bother you."

"Bother me?" I shouted. "I'm his fiance! I'm supposed to be worried about him! I love him!"

"I know you do Josh," Justin sighed. "But he is only thinking of you. He knows you are all involved with the CD. He wants you to do what you have to do now. If you can't concentrate on your job then you're going to fail as an artist!" I had to admit that Justin's words made sence. He smiled a soft smile at me and pulled me close to him in a hug. "Besides you're going to see him later tonight." Yea that was right. I was going to get to see him tonight. Tonight I would be with my lover and taking care of him like I should.

From Don's point of view early the next morning

"How is she?" I asked Liz as I walked into the hospital room.

"She's been asking for you," Liz said softly. "You'd better hurry, cause she doesn't have much time left." A cold stab of fear shook me as I walked to her bedside. Once I got there the old feelings came rushing back. The hateful things she had said to me begin to take it's toll on me again. I quickly pushed that away. This was not the time to hold grudges. I sat down on the chair next to her bedside.

"Mamma?" I asked softly. "I'm here." Her eyes fluttered open and I didn't see the disaproval or the hate that I had saw in them before. Instead I saw something that I thought that I would never see in her eyes. Shame and the yearning for forgiveness.

"Donny," she sighed. I had to smile at her name for me. To mamma I was always Donny. That would never change. "Can you forgive an old foolish woman for being so stubborn?"

"There is nothing to forgive Mamma," I whispered forcing the tears away. There was no time for that now. Mamma needed me to be strong. And strong I would be. "You need to conserve your strength."

"Rubbish," she scolded me. "I'm dying and I can use my strength for whatever I want too." I had to smile at her stubborness. "There that is better," she said sighing She looked around as she was hunting for someone. "Where is that adorable grandson of mine?"

"He is out in the waiting room with his Aunt Liz," I replied. "Do you want to see him?"

"Please, and send him in alone please?" she requested. I nodded as I turned and walked out to get Donny. This was going to be long day. After bringing Donny to see his Grandmother I quickly went over the list of relatives and started to make phone calls to get them here as quickly as possible. Some of them weren't too happy to hear from me but when they discovered the reason for my call their attitudes quickly changed. Four hours later I was still on the phone comforting mom's sister. They had been fighting for over ten years and hadn't spoken to eachother for over five.

"Dammit Aunt Theresa!" I muttered into the phone. "This is not about you! This is about mamma. She needs to see you and you need to be here for her. You two have unfinished business. Now get your ass on the plane and get over here!" I heard Liz snicker and I glared at her. She had conned me into making the phone calls. I looked at the clock and saw that it was just past two in the afternoon. Donny was curled up on the waiting room sofa sleeping. He was so tired out. After being told his Maa ma was going to die he had his crying jigs but he was holding himself together. Ralph, Mom's brother was another story. He was a mess and his dits of a wife was no help at all. I comforted him as much as I could. This was going to be a long few days. Oh well no sence in complaining about it when there was lots of work to do.

From Josh's point of view.

I got off the plane and headed for baggage claim. Donny had sent a car for me and left instructions on my voice mail to come straight to the hospital. I was so worried about him. I hated to see him in such pain. The only thing I wanted to do is wrap my arms around him and hold him. Finally I spotted my luggage and I grabbed it and handed it too the porter and we headed out to the street. I heard Justin complaining about me going to fast. I slowed down to let him catch up. Brian was following him too and all of us wore somber expressions on our faces. The members of the press managed to find out that we were here and were here to try to catch a interview. But we kept our somber expressions on our faces and kept our heads down and hurried through the airport and to the street where a limo was waiting. We quickly deposited our luggage in the trunk and climbed in. Finally I breathed a sigh of relief. We were on our way to the hospital. I was so looking forward to being with Don. He needed me so bad.

Later at the hospital we finally make it up stairs and into the waiting room. Everyone was crying their eyes out with the exception of Don. He was the model of complete calm.

"Yes," Don said calmly. "I'll be there later this afternoon to make the arrangements. And thanks Sammy. I really appreciate this. I know how Mamma loved you so. She would be very happy to know that you were going to prepare the funeral." He hung up and looked around. His eyes met mine. They were dry. They were alittle tired but dry. "Josh!" he exclaimed. "I'm so happy you could make it." He sounded like he was welcoming to a party or a back yard barbacue. "Come and meet the rest of the family!" Justin and Brian gave me a worried look. Something was not right. Don wasn't morning the death of his mother. I quickly walked across the room and gathered him up in a embrace. I kissed his cheek softly trying so hard to fight the tears from falling. "How was the interviews?" he asked calmly. I wanted to shake him and scream that his mother had just died and I didn't give a fuck about the interviews. But instead I just answered him.

"They were fine," I replied putting up a brave front. "I was so worried about you."

"I'm fine Josh and you need to concentrate on yourself. I have the rest of the family to worry about right now," he said brightly. "We really need to get Donny to the house so he can be put down for his nap. Than we need to head over to the funeral home to take care of the arrangements. You all can stay at the house if you want."

"I'm going with you," I said firmly. "You need me."

"Fine that would be ok too," Don said calmly. Again I wanted to shake him. But I didn't. I had to figure out a way for him to cry for his mother. He was holding it inside and that was not like him, or so I thought. It was like he had turned into this busy bee running all over the place helping everyone but himself. This was going to be a very long week.


Next: Chapter 18: Trial by Tears 3

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