Picking Up the Pieces of My Life

By JC Fanfic

Published on Feb 2, 2004


A Work of Fiction by JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications (c) Copyright 2004

Disclaimer: All Characters and situations of this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people and actual situations is purely coincidental. All fictional characters and fictional situations portrayed in this work of fiction remains the property of JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications. Republishing of this work of fiction is strictly forbidden unless permission as been given by JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications. Permission granted to Nifty Archives for the sole purpose of posting on the Boy Bands section of the Archives. Permission may be obtained by e-mailing JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications at JC_Fan_Fiction@yahoo.com

Comments are welcome too. Constructive Comments and advice are welcome. Honest opinions are welcome as well. And if you want to vent all over me as long it is good natured than feel free too do that to.

E-mail me at JC_Fan_Fiction@yahoo.com

Picking up the Pieces of my Life: Chapter 15

From Don's point of view.

I heard the puppy barking in the kitchen. He had been doing that for about a half hour. I groaned as I turned over and looked at the clock on the bedside table. It was just now three in the morning. Sighing I got up and slipped on my boxer briefs and robe and walked into the kitchen and looked at the play pen. There he was sitting on the floor looking all sad. The minute he saw me he bounded over to the fence and stood his front paws on it and started barking really loud. "Shhhh!" I scolded him. "You're going to wake up Daddy Josh!" When I started to talk he started whimpering and wiggling his tail really fast. I had to admit that he was so cute.

"Too late," a sleepy voice sounded from behind me. I turned and saw him shuffling into the kitchen. He stopped at the refrigerator and open the door and take out a bottle of water. He waved it at me and I nodded and he took another one out. I scooped up Spot and carried him over to the kitchen table and sat down. "Does he know what time it is?"

"I don't think so," I smiled softly at Josh. "He is still a puppy. All he knows is that he misses his mommy and his brothers and sisters. He is lonely."

"Take him to bed with us," Josh sighed as he took a drink of water. He looked at Spot who was sitting in my lap. "He is such a cutie," he cooed down at him. Spot wiggled in my arms until I put him in Josh's arms. Josh garnished attention on him for a while than handed him back to me. After drinking his bottle of water he stood up and shuffled his way back to our room.

"Well guess who is sleeping with daddy?" I asked down at Spot. He just looked up at me with those incredible puppy dog eyes and let out a huge yawn. "Ok ok," I relented. "I get the message. You're tired. Come on little fella. Time for bed." I walked back to our room and looked at Josh. "Already asleep," I whispered to him. "Your daddy is such a sleepy head." Spot grunted a contented puppy grunt and snuggled deeper into my arms. I slid under the covers and laid Spot next to us. In no time at all he was out like a light. I soon followed.

From Danny's point of view

I woke being held by Nate. I snuggled closer to him enjoying the feeling of protectiveness from him. Our whirlwind romance was really making me happy. He was so good looking and he loved me so much. I heard him groan softly and I looked up at him. His eyes opened and he looked down and smiled softly. "Good morning love," he whispered kissing me on the forehead. "You ready for another round?" I knew he was horny and well I was too.

"Of course I am ready for another round," I smiled up at him. "But don't you think we should use protection?"

"Why?" Nate asked frowning. "We haven't been using protection since we started this thing."

"Yea I know, but I was thinking that we really don't know each other all that well. Maybe we should be more careful," I explained. I felt him stiffen up. "Please baby," I cooed at him.

"Please nothing!" he muttered as he pushed me away. "You don't trust me!"

"I do trust you," I said as tears started to well up in my eyes. "I just think that we should both be responsible."

"I suppose you're going to want us to get tested too?" Nate hurled at me.

"I think it will be wise," I said. Than Nate looked at me really hard and very slowly an evil grin slid across his face. At that point I got this really sick feeling in my stomach.

"Too late," he said wearing that ugly smirk. "I can tell you my status right now."

"What is it?" I asked softly as a cold dread of fear slowly sunk in.

"I'm fucking positive!" he laughed bitterly.

"You're what?" I screamed at him. "You knew this and you allowed us to have unprotected sex?" He nodded looking very pleased with himself. "Why?" I asked.

"Because you're Don's brother," he said calmly. "I wanted to get back at him for fucking up my life. I got HIV in prison and I decided to spread my new wealth. Happy New Year sweetie," he laughed.

I was getting sick to my stomach. I ran into the bathroom and threw up. I could hear him laughing in the bedroom. "Ohh God!" I whimpered. "I've got to get out of here!"

"Oh no sweetie," Nate leered down at me. "You're not going anywhere right now."

"Oh yes I am!" I screamed at him as I kicked him in the crotch and took off running. I managed to grab my car keys and wallet and cell phone on the way out. Once in the car I started it and took off. For some reason I headed for Don's place. I knew he was still angry at me and Josh wanted to kill me but I had no where else to go.

From Josh's point of view

I heard the pounding on the door and Trixy barking when I woke up. I growled at the noise and crawled out of bed. I slid on a pair of boxers and some sweats and shuffled out of the room. I looked back to see if my angel was still sleeping. Yep, out like a light. Well he should be. We made love all night long. He was tried. I also saw Spot all curled up and sleeping like a baby too, it was at that point that it all came back to me. The little fella had woken up all lonely. Poor guy he still missed his mommy and brothers and sisters so that would explain why he was all snuggled in our bed sleeping like a baby. The pounding continued. I finally walked down the four steps and opened the door and wanted to close it right away but something stopped me. It was Danny but he was devastated. I had never seen that kind of look in anyone's eyes before. This kid looked like he had been handed a death sentence. "Danny?" I asked softly. "What are you doing here?"

"I don't have anywhere else to go," he sobbed. "I need to talk to Don."

"He is still in bed," I said.

"I'll just go than," the poor guy said with his head hung low.

"No!" I blurted out. "Don't go!" It was at this point that I realized that he was still in his boxers and wasn't wearing a shirt. "Jesus!" I blurted out. "What happened to you?" He just hung his head and sniffled. My heart went out to him. Even after all the crap he had put us through I knew that I couldn't turn him away. "Come in Danny," I said softly standing aside and letting him by.

"Are you sure?" he asked looking at me with those damned eyes of his.

"Of course I'm sure," I smiled a small smile at him. "Come in." He shuffled in and I led him up stairs and into the living room. "Sit down." He sat down in the over stuffed sofa. "Now tell me what is wrong."

"I need to talk to Don," he sniffled. "God I was so stupid!"

"He is still sleeping," I said softly. "Can't you tell me?"

"I'm so embarrassed!" he wailed. "I should've known not to trust him. Don is going to be so pissed at me."

"Why?" I asked. By now I was really confused. I had no idea what he was talking about.

"I slept with him!" Danny wailed again. "I never even asked if he was clean!"

"Who did you sleep with?" I asked.

"With Nathan!" Danny sobbed. "He told me this morning he was HIV positive!" Ok that got my attention.

"Please tell me you used protection," I whispered. He shook his head no as his shoulders shook with sobs. "God Danny," I sighed. "How could you do something so stupid!" This brought forth an immediate flood of sobs and tears. "I'm sorry," I stammered out. "I shouldn't have said that."

"No you're right," he sniffled. "I'm stupid for letting him touch me."

"Do you want me to get Don for you?" I asked rubbing his shoulder. He sniffled loudly and nodded. "I'll get you some clothes too." I quickly got up and headed for our room. This New Year was sure starting out with a bang.

From Don's point of view

"I'm sleeping!" I mumbled into the very soft pillow.

"I'm sorry love," Josh's voice sounded above me. "But you have to get up. Someone is here to see you. It is really important." I growled as I turned over and looked up at my angel. But I didn't see his gorgeous eyes smiling down at me. Instead I saw red rimmed eyes on the verge of crying.

"What's wrong?" I asked sitting up in bed.

"Don is here," Josh started.

"Fuck!" I hissed as I tossed aside the covers. "What does he want?"

"He wants to talk," Josh said as he riffled through my clothes. He picked out a pair of baggy shorts and a tank top. "He came here dressed only in his boxers. He is in really bad shape. You really need to talk to him." I looked at Josh and saw that he was really worried. I sighed and got dressed and followed Josh back out into the living room. I had to smile at the sight. Spot was garnishing all the attention he could get from Danny. Danny was holding him in his lap and petting him. Spot was grunting these really cute puppy grunts. Danny looked at me and I was hit by the hurt in his eyes.

"What's wrong little brother?" I asked as I sat next to him. He leaned against me and put his head on my shoulder and started to sob really hard. Ok so what was I supposed to do? I wrapped my arms around him and pulled as close to me as I could and let him cry him self out.


"Is he asleep?" Josh asked over my shoulder. I looked over and nodded. Danny was snuggled in bed with Spot snuggled in with him. It was really cute. "Now let's go out and talk about this."

"What is there to talk about?" I asked bitterly. "Nathan slept with my baby brother all the while knowing that he was positive. Danny is probably going to be positive at some point. His life is basically over!"

"Don," Josh said softly. "Calm down. A lot has happened in the last nineteen years. Danny's life is far from over. The Meds they have are allot stronger now. Hell look at Magic Johnson. He has been positive for how long?" Ok so he did have a point. But this was my little brother we were talking about. HIV had him now and like it or not his life would be shortened because of it. I had a right to be mad at Nate. I wanted to hurt him but I could tell by the look on Josh's face that He didn't want anymore violence. So I decided to be nice for the moment. Note I said for the moment. "Let's get Donny up and get breakfast and then we can go for a nice walk on the beach and discuss our options.

"Sounds like a good idea for now," I replied wrapping my arms around his very narrow waist and stealing a quick kiss from him.

"I'll start breakfast," Josh said as he slid past me. I sighed and walked into Donny's room. Thankfully Donny was up playing with Trixy.

"Good morning Donny," I smiled down at him. "You ready for some breakfast?"

"Pancakes!" Donny demanded.

"Well I'm not sure what Daddy Josh is--," I started.

"Pancakes it is!" Josh's voice sounded from the kitchen. Something you should know. Josh had gotten much better in the kitchen. I was even starting to trust him to be in the room alone. Yea he still set off smoke detectors and all but that was getting fewer and further between. Besides I loved to watch him panic. It was so funny!

"Ok there you have it," I smiled. "Now why don't you go ahead and take Trixy for a walk and make sure he uses the little puppy's room." After I made sure that Donny was safely out I headed down stairs to talk to Josh. We had a lot to decide. Danny for one. "Josh we need to talk."

From Danny's point of view.

I woke up in a very comfortable bed. I sat up and looked around. I heard a grunt and looked down to see a very cute puppy looking up at me. I stuck out my hand and he gently licked it and crawled up in my lap. I petted him for a little while as I gathered my thoughts. Than it all came back to me. I was at my brother's house. I had left Nathan and he had told me that for over a week we had been having unprotected sex all the while he knew he was HIV positive. A cold feeling of fear clenched my heart I stood up and walked over to the pile of clothes at the edge of the bed. They were sweats. That was a good thing. I had no desire to show off my body any more. I slid them on and headed out of the room. I could hear talking in the kitchen dinning area.

"We can't ask him to leave," Don's voice said softly. "He has been through hell Josh."

"That is what I love about you sweetie," the soothing voice of Josh filtered through the air. "Even after everything that he has put us through you are still willing to be forgiving. No wondered I fell in love with you."

"So he can stay?" Don asked in a hopeful voice.

"Of course he can stay. For as long as he wants too," Josh replied. "He is so lucky to have a brother like you." I walked as loudly as I could down the rest of the hall and into the dinning room. "Look who is up," Josh said grinning at me.

"Hey," I mumbled softly. "Thanks for letting me get some sleep."

"No problem Danny," Don said softly. "You hungry?" I looked at the spread set out. There was Ham, Eggs hash browns, biscuits and a stack of pancakes. If I knew Donny right the pancakes were for him. "Go ahead and grab a plate and help yourself." Don said as he grabbed a plate too. "So how did you sleep?" Spot came running in and ran up to me and sat down and looked up at me as if waiting for me to pick him up. I couldn't resist him. I bent down and picked him up and he snuggled up to me licking me on the chin.

"Really good," I replied. "That puppy is sure cute."

"Yea Spot is a sweetie," Don said casually. I snorted back a laugh. "What?" Don asked with a completely innocent look on his face.

"Ummmm he is black," I giggled.

"So?" Don asked stilling looking very innocent.

"Well ummm he doesn't have a spot on him," I explained. By now Don was giggling full force now. "Why is he named that?"

"Ask Josh," Don giggled out.

"He does too have a spot on him!" Josh blurted out as he gently took Spot from me and held him to him possessively. "See!" Josh turned poor Spot on his back and pointed to the little white spot on his belly. Spot gave me this really cute help me look.

"Ok ok so he does have a spot on him," I relented. I had to admit it was really cute to name him that. Especially since you had to really look to find that one little spot.

"So you want to go the hospital to day and get tested?" Don asked. I cringed at the word tested. "Come on Danny," Don said softly. "You have to get tested. You've got to know if you're positive or not."

"I know I do," I mumbled. "I'm just having a hard time believing that he could do that to me."

"Are you going to press charges on him?" Josh asked.

"Why should I?" I asked.

"Because it is a felony to have unprotected sex with someone knowing that you are HIV Positive," Josh replied.

"I haven't decided yet," I mumbled. Believe it or not I still had feelings for the creep. Josh gave me this really mean, "I can't believe you look." And it looked like he was going to speak his mind. But thankfully Don stepped in to rescue me.

"We don't have to decide anything yet," Don said quickly. "This is still a huge shock to you. Right now the important thing is to get you tested. We have to think about your health."

"There is a clinic down the street you can use," Josh said still frowning at me. "They are discreet so I would go there."

"Let's leave right after breakfast," Don said. About this time Donny decided to make his presence known.

"Pancakes!" Donny exclaimed.

"Did you wash your hands?" Don asked his son. Donny shook his head no all the while wearing this very cute guilty look on his face. "Than go and wash first than you can have breakfast."

"Ok Daddy!" Donny exclaimed loudly again as he tore off to the bathroom. His dog Trixy followed him barking all the way and Spot not wanting to be left out of the action took off running too and barking as he tried to keep up with Donny and Trixy.

"Those three are really cute," I smiled at them.

"Yea they do seem to hit it off really well," Don said as he put three pancakes on Donny's plate and begin to put the butter and syrup on them. "What are you doing for money?" Ok I didn't see that one coming.

"Ummm I still have some left from when Josh paid me," I mumbled.

"Well you need to think about where you want to work," Don said softly. "You're more than welcome to live here for as long as you want but I expect you to work."

"Any ideas as to what I can do?" I asked. I knew I had blew it with Josh. And when Josh didn't answer I knew that I would not be working for any of his friends either. Whatever I did I would have to do it on my own. Time to grow up Danny boy. I said to myself.

"You have a resume right?" Don asked. I nodded. "Well after we visit the clinic we can go job hunting."

"Thanks," I replied. The rest of the meal was spent in a very uncomfortable silence. I was so glad to be out of the house and in Don's car and on the way to the clinic.

Two hours later From Josh's point of view.

"You mean I should give him another chance?" I asked Justin in shock. "God Justin he almost broke Don and me up."

"Yea but I think he is going to be a changed man now," Justin tried to reason with me. "And you have to admit he does good work. Not to mention you will gain major points with Don if you give him another chance."

"Maybe I don't want to give him a chance!" I shouted suddenly very angry. Poor Justin jumped back with a shocked look on his face. "Maybe I'm still fucking mad at him for almost breaking us up!"

"Well at least I know where you stand," Danny's voice sounded from behind us. I blushed deeply because Don was standing behind him too. "It's ok Josh," Danny said sadly. "You have every right in the world not to trust me. I mean look at what I did. I almost destroyed what you and Don had. All I can say is that I am deeply sorry. I know you will probably never trust me again. But you have my word. I'm not going to fuck around with your and Don's relationship anymore. You two are very happy together and you want to be a family."

"Well I for one am happy that you are finally able to see that," Don said softly. "Now you've had a rough day. You want to lay down and rest?"

"Not really," Danny replied. "I should probably check the help wanted ads and see if I can find a job."

"Don't do that," I blurted out suddenly. He jerked his head up looking up at me with wide eyes. "Ummm you can ummm work for me if you still want to."

"Are you sure?" Danny asked scrunching up his nose. I nodded quietly. "Umm thanks, I won't let you down."

"Just keep in mind that Don and I love each other and don't want a repeat of what happened before," I instructed him. "Now that it is settled why don't you get some rest." He gave me quick chaste hug and headed back to the guest room. Spot took off after him. It had seemed that Spot had decided to adopt Danny. I had to admit that it was very cute. I shivered as I felt a pair of arms surround me. I felt his lips grace the back of my neck. "What do you think you are doing?" I asked grinning back at him.

"I am," kiss, "Kissing my," kiss, "My lover," he said as his lips traveled to my ear lobes. I let out a small whimper. "I want you so bad!"

"What do you want?" I asked deciding to tease him. He let out a cute frustrated groan as he rubbed my erection through my jeans. "Ohhh I see," I giggled as I took him by the hand and led him into the kitchen.

"Why are we here?" Don asked. I just giggled as I knelt in front of him and pulled down his shorts and boxer briefs all in one movement. Without waiting to hear what he had to say about that I slid his cock into my hungry mouth. To hear his moans and feel his fingers running through my hair was all I needed to know that I was giving my lover as much pleasure as I could. In no time at all he was shooting his load down my throat. I eagerly swallowed everything he had to offer me. Finally I gently licked him clean and stood up and pulled his shirt off and slid off mine too. I pulled him close pressing my body as close to his as possible. I loved the feeling of his rock hard body against mine. His nipples were pressing hard against my chest. "Wow!" he gasped out. "What was that for?"

"Well I did promise to make love to you in every room in the house. Well since we can't make love in Donny's room cause that would be just so wrong in so many ways than I decided that it was time to make love to you in the kitchen," I explained to him. The look of pure naughtiness in his eyes was so worth it. "May I?" I asked softly sucking on his bottom lip.

"May you what?" he asked looking so sexy with that naughty look on his face.

"Make love to you?" I begged. He nodded eagerly as he laid down on the floor and spread his legs opening himself up for me. I looked down at his flushed face as he eagerly waited for me to enter him. I wasted no time at all sliding into his hot tight body. Feeling him buck up against me as I slammed into him time and time again. This is where I longed to be. Making love to Don. Soon the room was filled with the scent of our lovemaking. Don's body was covered with a thin layer of sweat. His rock hard muscles really showed and it only served to make me even more horny. I could feel myself getting closer to cumming. He let out a soft moan and I felt him shooting in between our sweaty bodies. Feeling his body convulsing under me as his orgasm over took him took me over the edge too. I moaned out his name as I too unloaded into him.

Later from Don's point of view

"Josh?" I called out. "Where are you?"

"In here!" Josh called out. I followed his voice until I walked into his private office. It was down stairs right next to mine. I saw him hunched over his key board shirtless and pounding away at his keyboard making music as always.

"Sounds great!" I said as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders. I shivered with delight as my bare flesh came into contact with his. "That was wonderful!"

"It was great for me too sweetie," Josh whispered as he turned and brought his lips to mine. After a few minutes of being kissed breathlessly he broke away. "Now I must get back to work." I kissed him on his shoulder and allowed him to go back to making his music. While he continued to pound away at his keyboard I looked around. After about five minutes of looking around I decided that Josh's office was well ummm boring.

"Josh?" I asked as I came up with an idea.

"Mmmmmhmmmm?" mumbled Josh. I looked over and frowned as I saw him chewing on a pen. I gently but firmly took the pen from his mouth. "Yes dear?" he looked up at me with a guilty look on his face.

"Let me decorate this place?" I asked.

"What's wrong with this office?" Josh asked with his eyes twinkling.

"Well it is ummm really really white! And well ummm boring!" I said looking around the place. It was white. There wasn't a picture on the wall. His desk was covered with paper and pens. His filing cabinet was well just a couple of boxes stacked up. Not at all the type of office you would expect from a multi millionaire.

"What do you plan on doing with it?" Josh asked with a worried look on his face. His expression was so cute that I couldn't help laughing at him.

"Nothing to drastic," I giggled. "Just a fresh coat of paint and some pictures and some other stuff."

"What kind of stuff?" Josh asked still wearing that scared look.

"Pierre One stuff?" I asked hopefully. I'll let you in on a secret. I'm a huge Pierre One junky. Josh knew it. His worried look on his face turned to an affectionate look. "Can I please?" I begged.

"If it will make you happy," he relented.

"Good!" I said gleefully. "Now you stay here like a good boy and I'll go shopping with Justin and we'll get a whole bunch of stuff!" I gave him a quick kiss and left the room to call Justin.

"Speak!" Justin shouted into the phone.

"Yo Boss!" I shouted back.

"Don?" Justin asked.

"Yea it's me," I giggled. "Hey want to help me with some shopping?"

"What kind of shopping?" Justin asked.

"Pierre One shopping!" I said hopefully.

"Ohhh I love that place!" Justin said. "I'll be there in about fifteen minutes!" I quickly ran up stairs and grabbed my wallet and car keys than I realized that I needed something bigger.

"Josh!" I shouted as I ran down stairs. "Can I borrow your suburban?"

"Sure sweetie," Josh giggled. "Remember to save room for Justin."

"Justin?" I asked trying to act innocent. Josh laughed full out this time. "What?" I asked with a small pout."

"You are to cute," Josh snickered. "Sweetie, Pierre One just happens to be one of Justin's favorite places. So I know that you called him and he is going with you. So just make sure you save room for him."

"Ok I will," I said as I decided to play along. "I'll save the top rack for him. If I run out of room I'll just tie him to the top."

"Hey!" Justin said with a hurt tone to his voice.

"Well I have to save all the room for Josh's stuff!" I said as I wrapped my arms possessively around Josh.

"You two have fun shopping," Josh said as he kissed me lightly on the lips. "I have to finish this piece before Danny gets a hold of it."

"Ok sweetie," I said giving him a quick hug. "I love you."

"I love you too," Josh said as he slipped his head phones back on and continued to pound away at the key board.

"Come on Justin," I said grabbing his arm. "Let's go shopping."

Later from Josh's point of view.

"Don!" I whined loudly out side my office. "Let me in!"

"Sorry sweetie," Don giggled at me. "I'm not done yet!" The door popped open and Don's face appeared. He had green paint on his nose and his hair was all messed up. He was wearing a very tight muscle shirt and I had to admit he looked hot. "I'm almost done."

"How much longer?" I whined some more giving him a puppy dog pout to see if he would cave.

"About an hour, and no that pout won't work," he said kissing me quickly on the nose. The door snapped shut before I had a chance to say anything.

"Rats!" I grumbled.

"What is going on?" Kevin's voice sounded from behind me.

"Don is in my office," I explained.

"And he won't let you in?" Kevin asked looking amused.

"Nope," I said frowning. "He is umm decorating in there."

"One way!" shouted Justin. Kevin and I jumped back as Justin and Orlando walked past carrying a filing cabinet. It was a wood one with cherry finish. I had to admit it was nice.

"Man why didn't you tell me that manual labor was involved?" Orlando said to Kevin. Kevin shrugged his shoulders and gave me a helpless look. "Whatever," Orlando said in his diva voice. "There is three shelving units that need to be brought in. Go help Brian."

"Shelves?" I yelped.

"Yes dear!" Don shouted from behind the door. "You need shelves to display all the stuff I bought!"

"Oh dear," I said as I soon realized that maybe this idea of letting Don decorate my office wasn't such a good idea.

"Daddy Josh!" Donny exclaimed beside me. I looked down to see the four year old and Trixy and Spot staring up at me. "I'm sposed to keep you occpied!"

"You mean Occupied," I corrected him. "And how do you plan on doing that?"

"We're gonna to watch Finding Nemo!" Donny exclaimed. Spot and Trixy barked in agreement. Donny grabbed my hand and pulled me along. I glared back at Kevin and Brian as they snickered behind my back. Soon we were in the down stairs family room. There a large plasma screen television was all set up. Danny was looking at the remote with a helpless expression on his face. I took pity on him and took the remote from him. "Where is the popcorn?" Donny demanded. Danny pointed at the table where there was a large bowl of Popcorn and candy and sodas. It had seemed that Don had all of this planned out.

"Well I guess it is all settled," I said smiling at Donny who was busy getting popcorn and candy for us. So we all settled down to watch Finding Nemo and eating junk food. At some point I fell asleep on the sofa along with Donny and the two pups.


"Let's get a picture of him!" Don said giggling. I heard a click of a camera and I opened my eyes to see Justin standing there with the digital camera looking very pleased with himself. "Hi!" Don said grinning widely. I looked around to see that Donny was snuggled up against me and Spot and Trixy was snuggled together in front of the television set. Danny was curled up in the large overstuffed chair sleeping too. I had to admit it made a very cute picture indeed. "I'm done decorating your office," he said holding out his hand. I carefully maneuvered out from under Donny and took his hand and let him lead me to my office. "Close you eyes!" he ordered me. Being a good sport I closed my eyes and let him lead me in. I stepped into the room and was assaulted with something that smelled very good. "Ok open your eyes!" Don said. I opened my eyes and looked around.

The room was painted in a dark shade of green highlighted with browns. The furniture was dark cherry finish and the art work was very tasteful. I eagerly walked around the office and looked at all the nick knacks he had bought me. There was eagles and deer and a lot of African art as well. All of it was tastefully put together. I looked over my shoulder and saw the worried expression on his face. "I love it," I said softly holding out my arms. He walked into my arms and I shivered with delight as I wrapped my arms around his narrow frame. "Thank you love," I whispered as I kissed his lips. "Thank you so much."

"Now your office isn't boring anymore," Don said with obvious pride. "So what do you want to do for the rest of the day?"

"Spend it with you," I said snuggling up to him. He laid his head on my shoulder.

"Awww aren't they cute?" Orlando's voice sounded from behind us. This made poor Don blush.

"Stop picking on the love birds sweetie," Kevin's deep voice sounded from behind us too. "We're getting ready to head out."

"Thanks for all of your help," Don said shaking Kevin's and Orlando's hand.

"Any time," Kevin said grinning as he guided his lover out of the room. Finally we were alone. Well not quite alone with Donny in the house and Danny too but alone as we could get. I wrapped my arms around Don and pulled him close to me. He looked up at me with those incredible eyes of his. I had to smile at him because the green paint was still on his nose and his hair was still all messed up.

"What are you smiling at?" Don asked me.

"You are so cute," I giggled at him.

"Really?" Don asked grinning. "What are you going to do about me being so cute?"

"Well for one, I am going to take you upstairs and give you a shower," I said kissing him on the lips.

"And than?" Don asked with a naughty glint in his eyes.

"Well I just might have to join you," I replied matching the naughty glint in his eyes with one of my own.

"Oh really?" he asked as he snuggled up closer to me. "And what will we be doing in that shower?"

"Getting you all clean," I giggled.

"And?" he asked with his bottom lip starting to poke out.

"Making love?" I asked grinning down at him.

"Sounds great," he snickered. I took his hand and led him up stairs and into our room. He begin to pull off his clothes and soon he was standing naked in the middle of the bathroom. I gazed upon him and marveled at his very slender yet toned body. His rock hard cock stood straight out making him look so hot. He gazed at me with this incredible innocent look in his eyes. "Well?" he asked.

"Well what?" I asked trying to act innocent.

"I'm the only one naked," he said smirking.

"Well I'm just going to have to change that am I?" I giggled as I pulled off my shirt. I laughed as I saw him lick his bottom lip. "You like what you see?" He swallowed hard an nodded. I slid off my shorts and stood there with only my boxer briefs on. He growled at me softly. "What?" I asked. He growled again. "Ohhh you want me to take these off?" I asked slipping my thumbs into the waist band of my boxer briefs. He whimpered and nodded. I slid them off and blushed as heard him take in a sudden breath. I stepped out of them and stood up and turned around so that my front was facing him. I knew he loved to look at me naked and I allowed him to look at me for a couple minutes before walking towards our bathroom. I quickly adjusted the water temp and stepped into the shower. Don stepped in beside me his cock brushing up against me. I shivered from the touch and turned around and wrapped my arms around him pulled him close. The water cascaded down over us as I bent down and captured his lips in mine and kissed him fully. I relished the moans and whimpers from him as I kissed him for all that I was worth. He was grinding his cock against mine. "Easy lover boy," I cooed down at him. "I want this to last."

Later from Don's point of view.

I woke up wrapped in the arms of my lover. The lovemaking session in the shower was great. We both managed to wear out each other so we had decided to take a late nap. It was dark outside and I sat up and looked around. Josh was sleeping peacefully next to me. I looked down at him and shivered with lust as I beheld how gorgeous he looked. At some point I zoned out looking at him and was startled when I heard his voice. "Like what you see?" he asked in his incredible sleepy sexy voice. I swallowed hard and nodded. He pulled me down and slid over the top of me and kissed me fully on the lips. He also ground his rock hard cock against my abs. I let out a soft moan. "You like that?" Josh asked me in that same incredible sexy voice. I nodded again. "Well than you're really going to love this," he said as he lifted up my leg and slid his rock hard cock up into me. I moaned out in pain and pleasure at the same time. "I love you Don," Josh whispered to me as he latched his lips to my neck sucking hard as he started to slide in and out of me. I was still very tender from the intense sex in the shower but I wanted to please Josh. And if letting him make love to me as often as he wanted made him happy than that is what I wanted to do. I could tell by his thrusts and whimpers and love bites that he was getting close. I was getting close too. I reached down and started to jerk myself only to be stopped by him. "No!" he said scolding me. "I wanna make you cum." I whimpered in frustration and he just giggled his usual naughty giggle. Finally he shuddered violently as he blasted his seed deep into me. To feel him shiver and shudder almost made me cum right than and there but some how I managed to restrain myself. As soon as Josh pulled out his slid down and engulfed my aching cock. It was already very tender from the last orgasm and to feel his lips close down over it made me groan loudly. In no time at all I shot my load down my lover's throat. I watched as his eyes closed with pleasure as he swallowed every drop of my cum. After I got soft he let it fall out of his mouth and moved back up to me. "Hi!" he said grinning widely. "How was that?"

"Great," I sighed happily. Josh opened his mouth and latched on to my nipple when we were interrupted by knocking on the door. Josh let out this really cute whimper and I giggled loudly.

"Daddy!" shouted Donny from behind the door. "I'm hungry!" Josh snorted back a laugh.

"Ok sweetie!" I called out. "We'll be out in a few minutes."

"No mushy stuff!" came Donny's voice. I could just see the expression on his cute little face.

"Ok!" I promised back.

"I guess we should get up and shower and rejoin the world of the living," Josh said with a little disappointment in his voice.

"Is it so bad?" I asked kissing him on his nose.

"As long as you're with me it is great," Josh said snuggling up to me. "But right now all I want to do is lay here with you."

"After dinner you and I have a date in the living room with the fireplace and candles and soft music," I promised him.

"Sounds great!" Josh smiled softly at me.

"But right now we have to get up and shower and fix our son dinner," I said. As I got up I heard Josh sniffle. I looked back at him and saw the tears running down his face. I moved quickly to his side. "What's wrong?" I asked softly.

"You called him our son," Josh sniffled loudly again.

"Yes I did," I smiled at him as I wiped the tears from his face.

"Thank you for letting me be a part of his life," Josh sniffled again.

"Hey," I said soothingly at him. "I love you baby. And Donny loves you too. I love the fact that you want to be a part of his life. And he loves his daddy Josh too."

"I love him," Josh replied smiling.

"I know you do," I said kissing him on his cute nose. "Now let's get showered and in the kitchen cooking before we get into trouble with our son." Josh laughed softly as we walked naked hand in hand into the bathroom.

"More chicken!" Donny demanded. I stopped eating and looked down at him in shock. You see it had seemed that Donny had decided that he was going to be naughty tonight. He pulled both Trixy and Spot's tail. That got him five minutes of time out a piece. Than he sassed Daddy Josh and that got him ten minutes. Now he was using his bad manners. "Daddy!" Donny demanded again. His little bottom lip was sticking out in a pout. "More chicken!"

"Donny Smith!" I said in my most stern voice. "Where are your manners?" He shrugged his shoulders and looked down at his plate. "I asked you a question."

"They ran away!" Donny said loudly. Josh and Danny snorted loudly trying not to laugh. I glared at both of them and they looked down at their plates.

"Donny Smith! We use manners in this house and they can't run away!" I scolded him.

"Yes they can and they did so there!" Donny shouted at me. "More chicken!" I took several breaths and put down my fork. At this point Donny figured out that I was getting mad. "Please?" he said in a small voice.

"Please what?" I asked sternly.

"May I have some more chicken please?" Donny asked in a very small voice.

"Yes you may," I said as I put another chicken leg on his plate.

"Thank you Daddy," Donny said softly.

"So what are you guys doing tonight?" Danny asked softly.

"We're just going to stay in tonight," Josh said as he brushed my hand. "I have to spoil my sweetie tonight." Danny snickered and Donny made gagging noises.

"What are you doing tonight?" I asked Danny.

"I'm going to that support group meeting tonight at the clinic," he replied.

"Support group?" Josh asked confused.

"It is a support group for HIV positive people and for people who are getting tested for HIV," Danny explained. "I still need some help dealing with all of this."

"Do you have your copy of your key?" I asked. He nodded. "Good, because I don't----," YIPE YIPE YIPE! I jumped at the sound. I heard Donny giggling loudly. I looked up to see that he was pulling on poor Trixy's tail. "Donny Smith!" I shouted loudly. He let go of Trixy's tail and looked up guiltily at me. "Come here now!" Donny's lip stuck out and he walked over to me with his head hung down low. "What have I told you about hurting the puppies?"

"Not to do that," Donny sniffled.

"Why are you not supposed to hurt the puppies?" I demanded. He shrugged his shoulders and looked down. "I asked you a question mister!" I demanded again. By now I was shouting.

"Don," Josh's soft voice drifted over to me. "You're shouting."

"Fine you handle it!" I muttered as I got up in a huff and walked out.

"Baby," Josh started. "I just don't want--," But I was too mad to listen to what he had to say. And by now I was in the living room. I plopped down in sofa. I could hear Josh's stern voice in the dinning room. I could also hear Donny's little voice saying yes sir to everything that Josh had to say. Finally I heard his sniffles and watched as he walked past me to the corner that was designated his time out spot. He sat there in his little chair. Poor Spot and Trixy thought that if their buddy was being punished too they should be punished too. So Trixy sat next to Donny and Spot sat next to Trixy. It was the most adorable sight. I quietly got up and got the camera and took a couple of pictures of them. Than I walked back into the dinning room to find Danny and Josh talking quietly to themselves. I sat down next to Josh and laid my head on his shoulder. "You better?" he asked softly. I nodded quietly. "How is Donny?"

"He is sitting in time out," I said softly. "Here take a look." I handed the digital cameral to Josh. Josh looked at the pictures I had taken and laughed softly. "How are you?" He looked down at me with confusion in his eyes. "This was your first time disciplining Donny. That couldn't have been easy on you."

"I didn't like doing it," Josh admitted. "But I could tell that you were stressed and I decided that it was probably best if I stepped in." I wasn't sure how to take that. Part of me wanted to tell Josh to stay out of it but than part of me realized that Josh was going to be a part of this family and Donny loved him and looked up to him. Better that he found out that Josh was also going to punish him when he needed it. "Babe?" Josh asked with concern written all over his face. "You're ok with me being a bad guy?"

"Ok first things first," I said putting my hand on his arm. "You are so not a bad guy. And Donny knows that. You love him like crazy. And I am ok with you disciplining him when it is needed. In fact it is important for us to show an united front on these things."

"Daddy?" asked a soft voice. Josh and I looked over at him. "I'm ready to be good now." Josh nodded and Donny walked up to him and held out his hands and Josh picked him up and hugged him. "I'm sorry daddy for being bad to the puppies." I could see the tears in his little eyes and it almost made me cry too. I wanted to hold him and tell him that it was going to all right but I held firm. Donny had to understand that what he did was wrong.

"Well just so that you don't do it again," Josh said sternly but gently. "As long as you remember that Trixy and Spot have feelings too as do all living creatures. And we must never hurt them." Donny nodded his little head so fast that I had to smile at him. "Now why don't you give your daddy a hug and kiss good night and go up stairs and get ready for your shower and than it is off to bed." I looked at the clock and saw that it was only seven. After Donny was out of the room Josh explained to me that going to be early without dessert was part of the punishment I understood. Josh left the room to help him take his shower. Donny had decided that he was to little for baths anymore. He wanted to take showers like big boys did. After Donny had his shower and was tucked into bed Josh came back into the room. "He wants to say good night to you." I nodded and quickly walked into the his room and saw him all snuggled up in his bed. I knelt at his bedside and wrapped my arms around.

"Good night Daddy," Donny said. I could tell that he was still upset. "I'm sorry for being bad Daddy."

"I know you are sweetie," I smiled down at him as I moved some damp hair from out of his eyes. "Tomorrow will be a new day for us all."

"You're not mad at me anymore?" Donny asked with a worried look in his eyes.

"No I'm not mad at you anymore," I answered. "Now be a good boy and go to sleep." I heard a huffing at the door way and looked up to see Trixy standing there. "Ok you can sleep with Donny tonight." Trixy hopped up in bed and laid at the foot of the bed. I kissed Donny again and than let myself out of the room. I smiled as I saw Josh standing by the doorway. "Worried I was going to cave?" I asked smirking. Josh shrugged his shoulders. "Don't worry, I didn't cave. He needs to understand that you are a major part of his life. And you are going to discipline him too."

"You ready for our snuggle time?" Josh asked grinning.

"Of course I am," I replied happily. I wrapped my arms around his narrow waist and pulled him close to me. "I love you Joshua Scott Chasez," I whispered as I kissed him on the lips.

"I love you too Donald Smith," Josh replied grinning. "Now come on the couch is all cold and lonely." I giggled as we walked into the living room and saw that the fireplace was all lit and ready for us. "Danny is taking care of the dishes." Josh laid out on the sofa first. I laid down in front of him between his legs and laid back against him. His arms encircled me as he rested his head on my shoulder. There we spent the rest of the evening and into the early hours of the morning. I loved this part of night. The part where we get to hold each other and snuggle together. There wasn't too much sexual between us. Just a lot of kissing and massaging and stuff. It was great. At some point I remember Josh turning off the fireplace and than pulling me to my feet and leading me into our bedroom. Soon I was naked and snuggled deep in the arms of sleeping soundly. I wondered what tomorrow was going to bring. I wondered what was going to happen to Danny as he prepared his new life with the prospect of being HIV positive. And most of all I wondered how my son was going to handle all of this. But right now I was happy to be in bed and in the arms of the man who loved me.


Stay Tuned for the second part of the series, Trial by Tears

Next: Chapter 16: Trial by Tears 1

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