Picking Up the Pieces of My Life

By JC Fanfic

Published on Jan 7, 2004


A Work of Fiction by JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications (c) Copyright 2004

Disclaimer: All Characters and situations of this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people and actual situations is purely coincidental. All fictional characters and fictional situations portrayed in this work of fiction remains the property of JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications. Republishing of this work of fiction is strictly forbidden unless permission as been given by JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications. Permission granted to Nifty Archives for the sole purpose of posting on the Boy Bands section of the Archives. Permission may be obtained by e-mailing JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications at JC_Fan_Fiction@yahoo.com

Comments are welcome too. Constructive Comments and advice are welcome. Honest opinions are welcome as well. And if you want to vent all over me as long it is good natured than feel free too do that to.

E-mail me at JC_Fan_Fiction@yahoo.com

Picking up the Pieces of my Life: Chapter 14

"Pssst!" a voice whispered in my ear. I jumped at the sound of it. "Are you having fun?" I turned and smiled up at Josh.

"Of course I am having fun," I replied grinning as I quickly snaked my arms around his narrow waist. "My prisonere!" I giggled.

"Is there a ransom note?" he asked smirking.

"Nope," I replied pulling him onto my lap. "Want you all to myself."

"We have a house full of guests sweetie," Josh lightly scolded me. We had just finished moving into our little house and was having a house warming party thingy and combining it with New Years. Everyone had showed up to help us celebrate. And Josh and I were very busy making love in every room in the house. With the exception of the kitchen and Donny's room. I was currently trying to get him to let us make love in the kitche. But he was being stubborn! Grrrrr!

"But we haven't done it in the kitchen yet!" I pouted. Josh laughed fully and rolled his very sexy and cute eyes. "What?" I said allowing the pout to grow fully. "You promised we could do it in every room in the house."

"Yes sweetie," Josh said grinning softly down at me. "I did, but not now. We have a house full of guests."

"Don!" Kevin said as he walked into the kitchen. His arm was wrapped around a very good looking guy. I frowned as I tried really hard to remember who he was. "I want you to meet my date. Don Smith, meet Orlando Bloom," Kevin said with a smile.

"Haven't I seen you before?" I asked as I shook his hand. He blushed and looked up at Kevin. Kevin giggled and nodded.

"I'm an actor," Orlando said still blushing. "You know from Lord of the Rings?"

"You're that really hot elf!" I blurted out. "I love you in that film!"

"Thank you," Orlando said still blushing.

"He is really cute when he blushes," I said smiling at Kevin. "Are you going to keep him?" Poor Orlando was really blushing now.

"Sweetie, stop teasing Kevin's date," Josh scolded me.

"Spoils sport," I said pouting. By now Kevin and Orlando were laughing.

"Yep," Orlando said smirking. "You're right. They do act like an old married couple."

"Oh really?" I asked frowning at poor Kevin. "And what else did you tell him?"

"Don't worry," Orlando said grinning. "The rest was really good stuff."

"Good," I replied. By now Orlando was standing right by me. He smelled really good. He was also very well groomed as well. And his taste in clothes was really good. He was really hot! "So tell me how did you two meet?"

"It was the day after Christmas," Orlando sighed with a dreamy look on his face. "We actually bumped into each other."

December 26, 2003 from Orlando point of view

"Watch where you're going," I muttered glaring at the towering man infront of me. "Oh sorry," I mumbled as I soon recognised him. Standing over me was Kevin Richardson. "I guess I wasn't watching where I was going either," I smiled sheepishly. Kevin stuck out his hand and I reached out and took it. I shivered at the electricity that shot through us both. He helped pulle me up.

"Can I buy you a drink?" Kevin asked me as his piercing green eyes gazed down at me. He was slightly taller than I was. "That is if it is ok for you to accept a drink from a Backstreet Boy." He smiled when he said that and let me tell you that smile sent shivers down my spine. Kevin was even hotter in person.

"Yea I think my reputation will survive one drink from a member of a boy band," I giggled.

"Not just any boy band," Kevin snickered back.

"Yea yea," I shot back still grinning like a fool. "Hey didn't I hear that you guys are going back into the studio?"

"Yep you heard right," Kevin replied grinning. "It is going to be so good to get back to work."

December 31, 2003 from Don's point of view

"From that moment on it has been love at first sight," Orlando said snuggling up to Kevin. Kevin just grinned a very happy grin as he pulled Orlando closer to him.

"Well I'm happy for you Kevin," I gushed. "Maybe this time you will keep him," I muttered still angry about what Danny had done to him.

"Hey," Kevin said softly. "I don't blame you for what Danny did to me."

"I know but it was me who brought him into your life," I said sadly. "I just want you to be happy."

"I know you do and I love you for that," Kevin said kissing me on the cheek.

"And you!" I barked at Orlando. He was so cute as he jumped back a couple of steps. "Kevin is like an older brother to me. Don't hurt him!" Orlando gulped and nodded quietly. I shivered as I felt Josh's arms encircle me again. "Hello," I smiled up at him. Something you should know. I had been drinking some champagne. I get a little tipsy even after one drink. And Josh being the bad boy he was taking full advantage of it.

"Hello your self sexy," Josh said as he lowered his head and nipped at my neck. "MMMM very tasty," he giggled as he kissed the spot he had bitten. At some point Kevin and his new date had left us alone. "So you want to do it in the kitchen?" Josh asked with a wild and sexy look in his eyes. I swallowed hard and nodded. "Well why don't we get started?" Josh whispered as his lips came crashing down on mine. I whimpered softly as I allowed his lips to work it's magic. We were really getting into it good when we haard a gagging noice. I growled softly and looked down to see a very sleepy little Donny standing there with one arm wrapped around his teddy bear and another one wrapped around Trixy neck. And right at their side was Spot. He was sitting next to Trixy and looking up at us with big trusting eyes with his little tail wagging just as fast it could.

"You guys are yucky!" Donny complained. "Daddy! I'm tired. When is the New Year getting here!" Josh snorted back a giggle and Trixy huffed and Spot whimpered. It was a moment right out of precious moments.

"In another hour sweetie," I said ruffling his hair. "Now be a good boy and go play."

"Are you and Daddy Josh going to get all mushy again?" Donny demanded with his little hands on his hips.

"Yes we are," I replied truthfully. Josh was grinding his rock hard crotch against my but cheeks. Thankfully Donny couldn't see it.

"Ewwwww!" Donny whined loudly. "Come on Trixy, come on Spot! Let's go play." Donny ran to the kitchen door and swung it open and Trixy and Spot ran to catch up with him. "Daddy and Daddy Josh are getting all mushy!" he announced to the guests. I blushed deeply and Josh started to laugh really hard. Everyone else who had heard him tried to look really busy. A few snickers filtered their way back into the kitchen.

"I'll think we will wait till after the New Year," Josh wisely suggested.

"Yea I think that will be a good idea," I relented. Josh led me out of the kitchen to a sea of applause and cat whistles. I wrapped my arm around Josh possesively. "Yea yea, I giggled. "Take your minds out of the gutter," I scolded them. They just laughed louder. "Josh tell them to stop picking on us!" I pleaded with him.

"Ok y'all," Josh said grinning. "Stop making my fiance blush."

"My hero," I smiled up at him. We were standing in the living room of my new house that Josh had gotten me. I looked around to see Justin and Brian, Nick and his lover. Aaron Carter had shown up to help ring in the new year too. I had to admit that he was a hottie. A little young for me but hot none the less. He had a really cute guy hanging on his arm too. Kevin was sitting on the sofa snuggling with Orlando Bloom. They looked so cute sitting there all alone.

"Yo Josh," Nick's voice sounded from beside us. "Whacha doin?"

"Trying to get my CD released," Josh replied. "The current date is the 26 of January. I hope it doesn't get pushed back."

"It better not," I said. "Josh has been working his tail off for over a year on this project. He deserves to have his talent showcased."

"Yea I know what you mean," Nick said. "Just make sure that Jive doesn't shove it in a back corner or something. That is what happened to me."

"I loved your CD," I popped up. "It had this really cool 80's vibe to it."

"Really?" Nick asked perking up. "That was the vibe I was going for. I was hoping that people would see it that way."

"Shame it didn't get as much coverage as it should've gotten," I added. "But if you want some honest critism I would love to give you some." In no time at all I was very busy giving Nick my two cents. He was being very polite listening to what I had to say. At some point I noticed that my sweetie had escaped me. I looked around to see him standing at the door frowning. It didn't look good when he said in a very loud voice.

"Get out!" he exclaimed. "And don't come around here again!" A hand shot out caught Josh in the eye than a foot shot out and kicked Josh in the gut really hard. I heard Josh let out a groan as he hit the floor. Danny than pounced on my Josh and started to beat on him. That was it for me. I saw red.

"Fuck!" I shouted as I took off running towards the door. When I got there I saw Danny and Nathan standing there trying to get in. "You fucker!" I shouted at Danny as I jumped on him and started to punch him. Nathan than jumped on me and started to punch me too. By now Kevin, Orlando and Justin had arrived and were pulling Nathan off me and me off Danny. I had blood running out of my nose and I knew that I was going to get a black eye. "Let me go!" I shouted at Orlando who was holding me back. "I wanna kick his ass!"

"I know you do but you can't," Orlando told me in a stern voice.

"But he hit Josh!" I argued with him as if that would change his mind. It didn't. I continued to struggle to get out of Orlando's grip. I had to admit that he was strong. By this time Josh had gotten up. "Let me go!" I hissed at Orlando.

"Do you promise to behave and not go after your brother?" Orlando asked me.

"Yes I promise," I blurted out. Orlando than let me go and I of course immediately went after Danny again punching him in the jaw. It made a real nice smacking sound. Danny swung at me again hitting Josh in they cheek as Josh tried to pull me away. That really pissed me off as I tried to tackle him.

"Fuck!" Orlando blurted out as he and Josh grabbed me.

"Get him into the other room," Kevin ordered Orlando. I was still struggling to get loose. Finally Orlando swore and picked me up and tossed me over his shoulder and carried me into the living room.

"Put me down!" I shouted. "He hit Josh. He can't get away with that!"

"Your son is watching!" Orlando hissed in my ear. That was it. That was the only thing that calmed me down. By this time Kevin had Danny and Nate in another room cornered by half the guests. "Are you going to calm down now?" I nodded not saying anything. I looked up to see Josh standing there looking worried as hell. He didn't have a mark on him. "You're bleeding," Orlando said handing me a tissue.

"Baby," Josh said with his voice trembling. "Are you ok?" I wanted to hold him so bad but Orlando was in the way taking care of my wounds. Finally he moved aside after giving me a make shift ice pack for my eye. The second that Orlando was out of the way Josh was in my arms. "He hurt you!"

"He hurt you first," I sniffled as I looked him over. "What was he doing here anyway?"

"He said something about showing you who was boss," Josh said shrugging.

"Well he had no right to hit you like that," I said glaring at Danny who was still being held back by Kevin, Justin, Brian and Nick and Aaron. "Go away!" I shouted at him. Orlando Bloom moved to block me from going after Danny again and I glared at him only to have him glare right back. I decided to stay mad at Danny and not Orlando.

"Fuck you!" Danny shouted at me. I moved to get up only to have Josh stop me.

"Baby don't," Josh pleaded. "No more fighting." I looked into the eyes of Josh and saw the fear in them. I also saw the pain that he was feeling at seeing me fight. Josh hated to fight. He had always told me that there was other ways to settle things. Hurting another human being just wasn't the way to go.

"Fine just get him out of here," I sniffled. I heard a small sniffle and looked up to see Donny standing beside me looking all scared. Tears flowed down my face when I realized that I had fought in front of my son. "Get him out of here please?" I pleaded with Orlando.

"If I leave you alone are you going to go postal on him again?" Orlando asked. I shook my head no and sniffled loudly. He nodded and walked over to Kevin. Kevin took one arm and Orlando took the other and they rushed him out of the house. He continued to swear and cuss at me and Josh. Nathan followed him looking very pleased with himself. I turned to poor Donny. "Hey buddy," I said softly. He launched himself into my arms. "I'm so sorry you had to see that."

"You're eye is hurt," Donny said very worried.

"I know sweetie," I smiled down at him. "But daddy Josh is going to take care of me. Why don't you go show Orlando your toys." Yea I was being mean. But I needed some alone time with Josh. Orlando looked scared to death. "Don't worry Bloom," I snickered. "He won't bite."

"Come on Lando!" Donny exclaimed as he grabbed Orlando's hand and pulled him along. Orlando gave Kevin this reallly cute "help me" look as Donny drug him out of the room. Kevin snickered as he followed his new boyfriend. Now I had Josh all to myself. I pulled him down so that he was sitting right beside me.

"Are you ok?" Josh asked looking at my eye. "You have a black eye."

"Yea I know tell me about it," I grumbled. "I'm sorry I hit him," I sniffled out. "I know how much you hate fighting. But he was hurting you. I couldn't just let him do that to you. I love you and I wanted to protect you."

"My hero," Josh sighed as he pulled me down so that I was laying on the sofa beside him. I loved being held by him like this. I could feel his very hard body pressing up against mine. "I love you, and yes I hate fighting. But you didn't have much choice," he whispered in my ear as he bit down on my earlobe causing me to groan softly. "God I want to make love to you right now." A light knocking at the door made us look up. Josh growled at the door and I glared at it. It was Nick.

"You guys ok?" he asked looking concerned.

"Yea we're fine now," I said snuggling closer to Josh. "Thanks for your help."

"Hey," Nick said grinning. "Anything to help a friend of Kevin's. Man I would hate to get on your bad side. You are one hell of a scrapper," Nick said giggling.

"Well he went after my sweetie!" I pointed out. "No body does that and gets away with it!" My emotions were still running high. My heart was pouding a mile a minute. I held on to Josh trying really hard to calm down. I didn't want to calm down. I wanted to go after Danny and Nathan and kick their asses again. But Josh just held me and whispered into my ear that he loved me. I hung onto those words until I was calm again. I looked at the clock and sniffled again. It was ten minutes after midnight. I had missed New Years.

"What is it sweetie?" Josh asked softly.

"I missed New Years!" I wailed into his chest. "I wanted to kiss you on New Years."

"Well the way I see it is still new years and I haven't had my New Year's kiss from my very sexy lover," Josh said as he leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. I shivered as I felt his rough lips crush against mine. This was how I loved Josh. Him pressing up against me and kissing the daylights out of me. I eagerly welcomed his tongue into my hungry mouth. We continued to kiss eachother for a few minutes before he broke away. "Happy New Year sweetie," he smiled lovingly down at me.

"Ummmm wow um Happy New Year to you too," I gulped out.

"Daddy, Daddy Josh!" Donny's high pitch voice yelled through the room. "Is it New Year's yet?"

"Yes buddy," I smiled down at him. "It is New Years."

"Happy New Year Daddy!" Donny giggled out. "Happy New Year Daddy Josh!" Trixy and Spot was running around us all barking and yipping and getting into the act.

I gathered my son into my arms and let him hug me around the neck. "Happy New Years buddy!" I said to him smiling and kissing him on the cheek. Josh wrapped his arms around the two of us and hugged us both.

"Happy New Years family," he said softly his eyes wet with unshed tears.

"I love you Josh," I whisperd to him as I put my forehead on his. "God do I love you."

"I love you too Don Smith," Josh whispered back as a tear flowed down his angelic face.

"Hey," I said softly. "What is this crying?"

"Can't help it," Josh sniffled. "I'm just so happy. I have a wonderful man to love and great little boy who let me into his life. I'm so full of love and happiness." I sighed happily as I wrapped him closer to me.

"Daddy?" Donny asked.

"Yes son?" I asked back.

"When are you and Daddy Josh getting hitched?" Donny asked. Josh snickered softly.

"Where did you hear that word?" I asked giving Josh a scolding look.

"Justin says you and Daddy Josh are getting hitched!" Donny said very pleased with himself.

"Well we haven't decided yet," I told him. "But as soon as we do you will be the first to know."

"Ok daddy!" Donny said in his very loud outdoors voice. "I'm going to bed now!" With that said Donny took off running up stairs to his new bedroom. Trixy ran behind him barking loudly. Spot just sat down looking up at me with those incredible puppy dog eyes of his.

"Are you tired too little buddy?" I asked down at him. He barked loudly. "You ready for bed?" Again he barked. "Well let's take you out to go the bathroom and than get you in your little play pen and in bed." I picked him up and held him close to me. His little pink tongue darted out and caught me on the nose. Josh let out a giggle. "I'm going to take him outside so he can use the little puppy's room.

"When you're done putting him to bed come up stairs and put me to bed too," Josh said with a look of pure lust in his eyes. I swallowed hard and quickly took Spot out side. It was clear and the stars were out in full force. I walked around to the back yard and sat on the lawn furniture and watched as Spot ran around the back yard to find his special spot. Finally after about fifteen minutes he came back up to me and put his front paws on my leg.

"You ready to go back in?" I asked as I scooped him up. Again his pink tongue darted out and caught me on the nose again. "You are such a cutie you know that?" He barked and squirmed in my arms. I was very happy that he was a part of our little family. I took him back in and got him all settled and than showed the rest of the guests out and locked up and set the alarm and rushed up stairs. In no time at all I was in bed with Josh. "Happy New Year Love," he rasped out as he slid into me. I arched my back to give him complete access to me. I wanted all of him. And all of him was what I had.

Across town from Danny's point of view

"Why?" I sobbed into Nate's shoulder. "I wanted to make up with my brother and tell him the good news."

"Give him time sweetie," Nate said as he kissed my bare shoulder. We had just finished making love and like always before it was really great. "In the mean time we have eachother. We don't need anyone else." We were snuggled on the overstuffed sofa in front of the fireplace. The Christmas tree was still up and very pretty. I was still sore from Nate's intense love making. "I'm sorry you didn't get the new year that you wanted."

"No it was fine," I quickly assured him. "I was with you and we got to make love. And that was so special to me."

"And it was so special to me too love," Nate said in his silky soft voice. His lips came crashing down on me again as he slid into me again. I loved the way he made love to me. In no time at all he was slamming into me with all the passion and love that he had to give me. I submitted fully to him and offered everything that I had. He screamed out my name as he plunged into me one final time and I felt his cum blast into me. A small part of me wondered if we should've used protection. But he loved me. He would never do anything to hurt me. Would he? I looked at his face and smiled softly up at him. He looked just a like a sleepy child that had just played really hard. I pulled him down and kissed him fully on the lips.

"Come on sweetie," I cooed up at him. "Let's go shower and than I want to hold you all night long."

"Sounds great sexy," Nate said as he kissed me lightly on the nose.

From Josh's point of view.

"Don!" I shouted as I plunged into him one final time. "God I love you!" I shivered violently as my cum shot out of me and into him. He shuddered and whimpered loudly as he blasted his load in between our hot bodies. I collasped onto his sweaty body breathing hard. I shivered with delight as I felt his lips grace my shoulder. "God that was great!"

"Yes it was wasn't it?" Don asked smiling up at me. "Now let's get you all cleaned up." I got up and pulled out of him. He took my hand and led me to the bathroom. In no time at all I was being bathed and loved by Don. I was in heaven as his hands gently moved across my tired body. Everything was right with the world. Nothing could ever go wrong with our lives. Finally everything was falling into place.


Next: Chapter 15

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