Picking Up the Pieces of My Life

By JC Fanfic

Published on Dec 3, 2003


A Work of Fiction by JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications (c) Copyright 2003

Disclaimer: All Characters and situations of this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people and actual situations is purely coincidental. All fictional characters and fictional situations portrayed in this work of fiction remains the property of JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications. Republishing of this work of fiction is strictly forbidden unless permission as been given by JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications. Permission granted to Nifty Archives for the sole purpose of posting on the Boy Bands section of the Archives. Permission may be obtained by e-mailing JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications at JC_Fan_Fiction@yahoo.com

Comments are welcome too. Constructive Comments and advice are welcome. Honest opinions are welcome as well. And if you want to vent all over me as long it is good natured than feel free too do that to.

E-mail me at JC_Fan_Fiction@yahoo.com

Picking up the Pieces of my Life: Chapter 11

"Home!" I exclaimed as I walked into our house. Josh giggled at my happiness. I could hear the thunder of little feet. I counted down the seconds before I saw him running full speed across the hard marble floor.

"Daddy, Daddy!" Donny exclaimed as he lept into my arms. I grunted happily as his weight pushed me back. Thankfully Josh was there to hold me up. "I missed you!" Donny announced. "Don't ever leave again!" I noticed that he was glaring up at poor Justin.

"Donny," I scolded him. "This is my work. And Justin is my boss. I have to go where he goes. It is how I pay the bills."

"Yes but I miss you!" Donny insisted. "I don't like it when you are gone all the time."

"Well your Daddy has a couple of months off now," Justin said kneeling down so that he was eye level at Donny. "And I am really sorry that I had to take your Daddy away." Justin give Donny his most sorrowful look. Donny looked at Justin for a few minutes before giving Justin a big hug. After Donny was done with the hug he took off running to find his puppy, only his puppy wasn't such a puppy an more. Trixy was quite large now towering almost as tall as Donny. I could hear Trixy's loud almost dog barks as he and Donny were running around the house. I looked up at Josh and he just shrugged his shoulders. "I'll leave you guys alone now," Justin said as he gave me a quick hug and kiss on the cheek. When the door closed finally leaving Josh and me all to ourselves I fell into Josh's waiting arms shivering with happiness as he arms wrapped around me. Josh's lips crashed down on mine and I whimpered from the feeling of his lips against mine for the first time in over three months. Josh was making these really cute grunting noises as he continued to kiss the daylights out of me. I just stood there with my arms wrapped around him pulling him as close I could. I was really enjoying our time alone when I felt a small hand tugging on mine. I whimpered softly and broke away and looked down at my son.

"Yes son?" I asked softly.

"You guys are yucky!" Donny said with a frown on his face. "I want to eat lunch!" I giggled softly when I heard Josh whimper softly too.

"After we feed him and put him down for a nap than you and I can make love all afternoon," I whispered to him. I watched in amusement as Josh took Donny by the hand and swung him up on his shoulders and took my hand and led me to the kitchen. I do have to believe that was the fastest lunch I had ever seen prepared in a very long time. All too soon my son was snuggled in bed taking his nap. I looked up at Josh who was watching Donny sleep.

"He is so innocent," Josh whispered. "Were we ever that innocent?"

"Oh I would love to think so," I replied by wrapping my arms around his narrow waist. I noticed that it was easier to wrap my arms around him. "You've lost weight," I commented as I pressed my lips to his neck. That worried me a little. Josh was skinny enough as it was. He didn't need to loose any more weight.

"Well I don't eat to well when you are gone," Josh said looking down at his feet. I couldn't help but smile at him. He looked just like a little kid who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. I kissed him on the forehead.

"Well I'm home now sweetie," I said as I nuzzled his nose with mine. "Promise me you will eat more?" He looked into my eyes with such love that it shook me to the core. He nodded quietly as he placed his forehead against mine. I loved that gesture so much. It was like the most private and most intimate gesture that we shared. "I love you Josh," I smiled into his blue eyes that drove me nuts.

"I love you too," Josh replied. His usual naughty glint in his eye was appearing again and I knew it was time to let Josh have his way with me.

"Ok love," I said softly. "Time for Josh Jr. to come out to play." Seeing the grin light up his beautiful face was worth it all. Three hours later I woke up to find myself wrapped up in his arms. There was no way I was getting free. I could if I wanted to wake him. But looking at my angel sleeping so peacefully made my heart melt. So I just laid there letting him hold me while he slept. It gave me chance to get reaquainted with his beautiful body. I frowned when I saw how much more his ribs showed. I wasn't too happy about Josh not eating. I ran my fingers over his pec muscles and ribs and down to his tight rock hard abs and just when I was getting wake up his cock I heard him giggle down at me. I growled softly having been interupted on my mission. I looked up at him and saw his sleepy eyes looking lovingly down at me.

"Having fun?" his sleepy voice drifted over me. I smiled sheepishly up at him. "What are you doing?"

"Just getting aquainted with you again," I replied as I snuggled up to him.

"You were great," Josh smiled down at me. I could feel him getting hard again.

"Want to go another round?" I asked as I turned over to give him better access to me. I felt his hard cock slide into me and heard his whimpers as he started to thrust in and out of me. Soon I was in heaven again as my lover made sweet love to me.

Later I walked down stairs with Josh in tow. I glanced back at him and saw that he was still tired. I giggled at him.

"Stop picking on me," he pouted.

"You love it," I snickered at him. "Man you were like some kind of energiser bunny or something."

"Who is a energiser bunny?" Kevin's voice sounded from behind us.

"Josh is," I replied as I wrapped my arms around him. "And now he is going to eat dinner."

"Good," Kevin spoke up. "He's been skipping a lot of meals when you were gone."

"Can we not talk about my eating habits?" Josh glared at Kevin.

"We're just worried about you is all," Kevin said a little deffensively. "Any way I can't stay for dinner. I have to pick up a friend of mine."

"Any one we know?" I asked.

"Nope," Kevin said way too quickly. I knew he was lying. But than again it was his business who he saw. Not ours. But for some reason I knew that this was not going to turn out good. Josh and I headed into the dining room as Kevin quickly left the house.

"I wonder who he is picking up?" Josh asked as he sat down at the table. I sat down next to him and reached for his hand. Once I got it I rose it to my lips and kissed it tenderly.

"Don't really care," I said softly. "Right now all I am interested in is spending some well deserved time with my very sexy boyfriend."

"You two are hopeless," Danny's voice came from behind us. "You would've thought you two had been seperated for years instead of just three months."

"Leave the love birds alone Danny," Justin said as he walked in with Brian. I noticed a few extra hickies on Brian's neck. I giggled and Brian blushed and looked down. "We were bored and decided to come by and bug you two," Justin explained their sudden appearence.

"Want to join us for dinner?" I asked.

"What's to eat?" Justin asked looking around seeing the lack of food.

"We're going out to celebrate our homecoming," I announced.

"Good idea," Josh agreed with me as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him. "Where are we going?"

"You pick," I smiled up at him.

"Planent Hollywood!" Josh said with a huge grin on his face. I giggled at the moans from the other guys."

"Hey!" I said loudly to protect my man. "If my sexy man wants to go eat at Planent Hollywood than that is where we are going to go!"

"Thank you sweetie," Josh cooed down at me.

"You're welcome sexy," I cooed right back up at him.

"You two are so mushy that I'm going to catch a cavity from your sweetness," Justin gagged. This earned him a bop on the back of the head from his lover. "Hey! What was that for?"

"Don't pick on the love birds," Brian said in our deffense. "They've been apart for over three months. So they get to act all sweet and mushy." Josh was so cute as he stuck out his tongue at poor Justin. Justin just shook his head and looked down. "Now are we going to go and eat or what?"

"I'm ready to eat," Josh said as he kissed me on the cheek.

"Well let's get Donny and go," I smiled up at him.

An hour later from Kevin's point of view.

"What the hell do you mean you still love me?" I demanded at Nathan. "We were never a couple! So how the hell can you say that you love me?"

"I can't help how I feel," Nathan said softly. "You were all I thought of while I was in prison."

"I have people on the inside Nathan," I said glaring hard at him. "For someone who swears he loves me you sure did spend a lot of time on your back and on your knees servicing your jail buddies."

"Well I was horny!" Nathan said in deffense of himself. "I can't help it. But I do love you Kevin!"

"What is your status?" I demanded.

"Status?" Nathan asked looking confused. "What do you mean?"

"Taking as many cocks as you did and having little if no protection you know percisely what I mean!" I demanded. I was suspecting that he was up to something. And I was going to find out what he was up too.

"I had a test taken before I was released. I'm negative," Nathan said with a very honest look on his face.

"Well just make sure you have your self checked in another six months," I advised him. "Now I have given you a lot of money. Take it and leave. I don't want to see you again."

"Why Kevin?" Nathan asked. "You afraid I'm going to tell Donny what you had planned for him?"

"Sorry Nathan," I said shaking my head sadly. "I make it a habit not to allow myself to get in a position where I can be black mailed."

"I have no intentons of leaving. But I will take the money," Nathan said sweetly. "It should be enough to get me started."

"Why won't you just take the two million and leave town for good?" I pleaded with him. "This revenge thing is not you."

"How the hell do you know what is my thing or not?" Nathan hurled at me. "Because of you I got tossed in the clink."

"It was your idea to knock off Don in one night! I wanted to do it nice and slow. But no! You were horny and wanted in JC's pants right away. So you got what you deserved! And I didn't want him dead. I just wanted him out of the way," I reminded him.

"What about now Kevin?" Nathan asked me. "How do you feel about Don now?"

"I like him," I admitted. "He is sweet and like or not he is perfect for JC."

"That wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that you're shoving your cock up his little brother's ass does it?" Nathan smirked at me.

"We love eachother," I hurled back at him. "And we make love to each other."

"Yea I'll believe it when I see it," Nathan snickered.

"Where can I drop you?" I asked as I got tired of this game.

"Drop me at the hilton," he replied. "I'm going apartment hunting this afternoon." By now I was tired of having this talk with Nathan. I instructed the driver to take him to the hotel and than headed home myself. I had a lot to think about. And I was missing Danny a lot.

At the reasturant

"So are you enjoying yourself?" Josh asked me.

"Any time spent with you is a very good time," I smiled at him. I heard the high pitch giggles of Donny and glanced over in his direction. He and Justin were having some kind of napkin war. From the looks of the number of napkin wads in his hair and shirt Donny was on the loosing side. I coughed gently and they both gave me these really cute guilty looks. "Are you two having fun?"

"Yes Daddy!" Donny giggled.

"Well just make sure that you two clean up after yourselves," I said kissing him on the top of his head. I turned to look at Josh and shuddered at the amount of love pouring out his eyes. "I love you," I whispered to him.

"Ditto," Josh replied grinning his usual naughty grin. You know the kind. The kind that almost makes me want to rip off his clothes right here in front of everyone.

"Daddy!" Donny exclaimed loudly. I growled softly and Josh giggled at me.

"Yes son," I said with as much love as I could muster.

"Is tomorrow turkey day?" he asked.

"Oh shit!" I yelped.

"Little ears love," Josh said softly.

"I forgot all about thanksgiving!" I blurted out. I guess I was a little loud because some of the patrons in the reasturant laughed softly at my outburst. "We have work to do!" I demanded as I quickly threw some money down on the table and grabbed Donny's hand and pulled him out of the booth. We were half way out of the resturaunt when I heard Josh and Justin and Brian giggling their heads off. I turned and saw them sitting in the both grinning at me. "Come on you three!" I demanded. "We have work to do!" They followed me out to the car still giggling. They continued to tease me about my little outburst until Josh realized that I wasn't laughing anymore.

"Baby?" he asked concerned. "What is it?" I tried to hold back on the tears but couldn't. Once one escaped my eyes the rest quickly followed. Justin was quick to distract Donny while Josh pulled me into his arms. Once there I let it out. After a few minutes I sniffled loudly and blushed and looked sheepishly around. "You ready to tell me what that was all about?"

"Later," I whispered to him motioning to Donny. He nodded as he soon understood what I was going through. I had made it through the smaller holidays but now that the really big ones were upon us I was hit really hard. I knew that Donny would be hit too. This was the first Thanksgiving with out Pam. If I was already falling apart how would poor Donny react? I shivered with comfort as I felt Josh's hold tighten around me. I loved being held by him. It gave me such a feeling of comfort and security. I looked up into his incredible blue eyes and saw nothing but love in them. "I love you Joshua Scott Chasez."

"I love you too sexy," Josh whispered as he kissed me lightly on the forehead. "Now what do you say that we go shopping for a turkey!"

"I love turkey!" Donny blurted out.

"Oh and why is that?" Justin asked.

"Because as soon as we are done with the turkey than Santa comes!" Donny squealed clapping his little hands together. Leave it to an innocent three year old to lighten the mood.

"Yes son," I smiled softly at him. "Than Santa comes." The rest of the ride to Wal Mart was pretty quiet after that. When we got there I divided the group into two groups and sent them on their missions. Donny suspecting that his daddy was upset insisted on going with Josh and me. After a little over an hour we had everything we needed for our Thanksgiving day feast. Once home we unloaded our goods and Justin and Brian said good bye even offering to take Donny home with them for a "Sleep Over." Donny was happy to go with his two "Adopted Uncles" and begged me to let him go. I of course relented and let him go. Once he was gone Josh turned to me.

"Ok now it is time to have that talk," he said seriously. "Go upstairs and change into a nice comfy pair of pajamas or something. I'll start the fireplace." Josh headed into the living room and I walked up stairs and was soon changed into a pair of silk boxers and a silk robe. After getting all ready I headed down stairs. I had to admit that the feeling of the silk against my skin was very erotic. I heard soft music playing in the living room. Once in I saw that Josh had turned off the lights and was laying on a pile of furs infront of the fire place. He was stripped down to his boxers. I had to admit that he was hot. "Come and lay with me love," he whispered. I slid off my robe and stretched out on the furs allowing Josh to wrap his arms and legs around me and pull me as close to him as he could. I shivered as his hot flesh touched mine. "I love you Don," Josh whispered. "I hate to see you in pain."

"I'm sorry I had a melt down tonight," I said softly as I snuggled up to him.

"Now you listen to me. You have done nothing to be sorry for. You're hurting because you are missing Pam this time of the year. And you know that Donny is really going to miss his mommy when Thanksgiving and Christmas comes around," Josh replied. "I'm here for you sweetie. And if you'll let me I want to be here for Donny too." I don't know whether it was the closeness and love that I felt or what but I started to cry again. Josh just held me and kissed me and told me over and over again that he loved me and that everything was going to be all right. At some point the tears stopped and I started to return the kisses. The kisses became almost frantic and soon we were naked and Josh entered me like a man starved for love. I welcomed him into me again and again until my love shuddered and moaned my name as he shot into me. I too shot my load inbetween our two sweaty bodies.

A few minutes later I noticed that I was alone. I looked around for my lover and saw him walking towards me with a couple of towells. I let him clean me off and than he handed me a flute of sparkling cider. He took one too and we sipped on the cool cider and watched the fire flicker and listen to eachother's heart beats and the soft music playing in the background. At some point I fell asleep in Josh's arms.

From Josh's point of view.

The fire light from the fire place played across Don's face. He was a picture of innocence laying there nestled in the confines of the pile of furs. I could still see the sadness that he was feeling on his angelic features. How I longed to take away his pain. I could do that for a short period of time. I loved making love to Don. It made us both forget about the world around us. For a brief few moments all that mattered was us. Me making love to Don. Listening to him moan and whimper in pleasure was just like getting a very small glimpse into heaven itself. But than reality sank back in. He was still hurting from the loss of his wife and most importantly he was still hurting because his son was going through his very young life with out his mommy. That alone was enough to bring me to tears. I wiped one free as I looked down at my lover. I heard the front door open and I quickly slipped on my boxers and Don's robe and made sure that Don was covered up. The door opened and Kevin walked in. "Hey," I said softly.

"Oh hi," Kevin said shocked at seeing us by the fireplace. "Is Don sleeping?"

"Yea," I said blushing. "I'm afraid I kinda sorta wore him out." Kevin just smiled and shook his head as he whispered good night and quietly left the room. I moved quickly and turned off the fire place and picked up Don and carried him up stairs to our room. After making sure my sweetie was all snuggled in bed I slid in between the sheets and wrapped my arms and legs around him. After all I couldn't very well have him escape now can I? For the longest time I laid awake holding my lover. I though about a great many things and the one thing. I wanted a relationship more permanent than what we had. I wanted to ask Don to marry me. But was he ready? Was he ready to leave his life behind? A life that included his wife? Another thing that kept coming back to me was Donny. God, how I loved that little boy. He was such a cutie. He filled my life with such joy. Everytime he would call me Joshy I would feel all warm inside. I wanted to be his other Daddy. I wanted to help raise him.

"Hey," a sleepy voice drifted over me. I looked down and saw a pair of sleepy eyes looking adoringly at me. "Why aren't you sleeping sweetie?"

"I was watching this really cute guy sleep," I replied. "Why are you awake?"

"I felt that you were watching me sleep," Don replied. "What are you thinking about?"

"About how much I love you," I rpelied. "Are you happy?" Don sat up in bed looking at me with his intense blue eyes.

"Of course I love you baby," Don said looking a little confused. I shook my head and took Don's hand and placed it on my chest.

"I know that you love me," I said softly. "That has never been a question. I asked if you are happy?"

"Of course I am happy!" Don exclaimed grinning. "Why do you ask?"

"Well today you were so sad," I explained.

"I was sad because I realized that the firsts were fast approaching," Don explained matter of factly. I scrunched up my nose in confusion. Don giggled as he kissed me on the nose. "The first Thanksgiving and the first Christmas with out Pam," Don explained. "Not because I'm hurting all that much, I mean I am but I was really thinking about poor Donny."

"Oh," I said frowning. "Do you expect it to be really bad for him?"

"I hope not," Don said softly. "I hope that he is going to be all right. I expect him to cry some. I just don't want him hurt. I love him Josh."

"I know you do sweetie," I said as I pulled him close. "I love him too. That is one of the things I was thinking about. I want this to be more permenent. I want us to be well I ummm well ---," I stammered. He cocked his head to the side waiting for me to finish. "Marry me!" I blurted out. The look of total surprise on his face was priceless. His eyes were wide and his mouth was wide open in shock. "Well?" I asked grinning my naughty grin.

"Yes!" Don blurted out too. Than I was all wrapped up in his arms and his lips were crushed against mine in a very passionate kiss. "Yes yes yes yes!" he said over and over again. Finally he stopped kissing me and looked up at me with a cute little grin on his face.

"You will?" I asked shaking my head in dibelief.

"Yes I will," Don said blushing. "I love you Josh. I want to share my life with you completely."

"Well you know that this won't be legal to the world don't you?" I asked sadly.

"We'll go to Vermont and do it," Don replied with a naughty grin. "I want to have a big wedding!"

"So do I!" I agreed.

"But what about your celebrity status?" Don asked worried. "If we plan a big wedding than it is bound to get out."

"Let it!" I replied. "I want to go public! I want the whole world to know that I am in love with you."

"But your career," Don gasped. I noticed that his eyes were getting large. I also saw the fear in them.

"Don," I said softly. "I love you. I want the whole world to know. I'm tired of hiding the closet. It is time that the world knows that I am gay. I'm gay and in love with this really incerdible man. Please Don I want this."

"Are you sure?" Don asked again. I leaned down and kissed him fully on the lips driving my tongue deep into his mouth. His body melted against mine and whimpered. That was all I can really remember because the rest of it was lost in the lovemaking that we engaged in. By the time we were done we both fell asleep.

The next morning from Don's point of view.

"Wakey wakey!" Josh's voice sounded above me. I grunted and turned over. "Baby?" he asked in his sexy voice. "I have a surprise for you." I grunted again and turned over again. I heard Josh sigh and than he took my left hand and slid something cold and very heavy on my ring finger. I opened my eyes and looked down at it. "Do you like it?" Josh asked with a worried look on his face. I held my hand up to the light. There on my finger was the biggest ring I had ever seen. There was a huge diamond on a very manly ring. The diamond was surrounded by saphires. Tears filled my eyes as I looked into his loving blue eyes.

"I love it," I sniffled. "And I love you too." Josh leaned down and kissed me fully on the lips again. After being kissed breathlessly he released me.

"Let's go down and show the rest of the house," Josh said as he took my hand.

"Nope," I said with a naughty look in my eyes.

"Why?" Josh asked.

"Because I'm horny!" I said with a smirk. "And if I knkow you, and I do, you're horny too." With that said I pushed him back onto the bed and jerked his boxers down. "Yep!" I said with glee. "You're horny! And I am going to take care of my very sexy fiance first." He let out this really cute whimper as I scooted down so that I was face to face with his raging hard on. I shivered with lust as I reached out and touched it. It was hot and hard and I loved the silky yet hard and strong feel to it. It was Josh. All wrapped up in 8.5 inches of male throbbing flesh. I moaned with desire as I slid my lips over the head of his cock. Josh groaned loudly as he lifted his hips off of the bed driving his cock deeper into my mouth. This was where I wanted to be. Right between Josh's legs making love to him with my mouth tongue and lips. I worked fast because I wanted to hear his whimper when he released his seed down my throat. I didn't have to wait. He let out this really cute yelp and his cock twitched in my mouth and the first spurt hit me in the back of the throat. I backed off and relished the taste and force of his cum. His taste filled my senses as I too whimpered loudly and shot my load into my boxers. He always had this effect on me. The feel of his tight body quaking and shivering and his moans and whimpers and the fact that his hands were wrapped in my hair holding me as a willing hostage between his legs would always through me into orgasm. Finally his flow stopped as mine did too. I gently licked him clean and slid out of my boxers and took his hand and led him into the shower. I giggled at his still dazed look on his angelic face. But once I started to wash him he respounded. Soon his cock was rock hard again. I turned around so that my ass was pressing up against him. "Fuck me Josh," I ordered him. He growled as he latched onto my lips and drove his cock deep into me. The force of that first thrust caused me to scream into his mouth. Josh begin to slam in and out of me as fast and has hard as he could. He wrapped his arms around my waist and one of his hands around my dripping cock and begin to jerk me off. "God Josh!" I rasped out. "You are so fucking hot!"

"You too stud!" Josh wrasped into my ear as he bit down on my earlobe and sucked it into his mouth. "I'm close baby."

"Fill me up with your cum!" I begged him.

"You want it?" Josh asked smirking that incredible sexy grin of his. "Beg for it baby!"

"Please Josh," I whimpered. "I want to feel your cock jerking in me and feeling me with your hot cum. I want to feel it slam into me and than run out my ass and run down my leg. Please Josh. Fill me up!" Josh let out a shuddering growl and bit down on my shoulder and his cock started to pump it's load deep into me. The heat of his cum slamming into my guts sent me over the edge and I shot all over Josh's hand and the shower wall. All too soon I felt the gentle feather kisses on my bruised shoulder and neck.

"I love you Don," Josh whispered as he started to suck on my neck. I sighed happily and allowed him to mark me as only he knew how. "There!" he said with pride. I turned around and kissed him on his lips.

"Now be a good boy and clean me off so we can get dressed and go eat some breakfast," I scolded him. He kissed me again and pressed his body against mine making sure that every part of his body was pressed up against mine. I shivered with pleasure and let him have his way with me. After a half hour of him gently and lovingly cleaning me and sucking down another orgasm from me he pronounced me ready to meet the world as his fiance. I blushed and looked down.

"You are so beautiful!" he breathed out.

"Stop it," I giggled.

"Nope and you can't make me!" Josh giggled back. "Come on let's get dressed."

After dressing we left the room and walked down the stairs and walked into the living room. Josh was a sweetheart and hired a cook to cook our thanksgiving feast. So really good smells were coming from the kitchen. He guided me into the dinning room where a buffet table was all set up for us. We each took a plate and filled it and sat down with the others. Justin and Brian were here too having brought Donny home. Kevin and Danny were being all cuddly at one end of the table. Donny was busy eating his pancakes. Justin looked at me and smirked at my new hickey. I blushed like a fool and snuggled closer to Josh. Josh shook his head at Justin and kissed me breathless. There was lot's of teasing and ewws and awws and I of course blushed even more. Finally Josh cleared his throat. "Umm can I have everyones attention please?" Every looked at us. Josh took my left hand and kissed it making sure the ring was visible to everyone. Silence racked the room. "Ummm I asked Don to marry me and he has accepted."

"Well it is about time," Kevin said simply as he continued to eat.

"I'm happy for you," Danny said smiling at me.

"Does that mean you're going to be my daddy too?" Donny asked looking at Josh with big eyes.

"Only if you want me too," Josh said seriously.

"Yippppeee!" Donny exclaimed loudly. "I get to have two Daddies!" A ripple of laughter rang through the room. The subject quickly progressed to when the wedding was, where the wedding was and who was going to get to be best men. JC looked at me with a little fear in his eyes.

"They love you and they will support you in any thing you want to do," I urged him. "But most importantly do this for you not for them." I leaned forward and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. He leaned forward and gently placed his forehead against mine. We shared a private moment for a few moments before he looked up at the table. All eyes were on us. For some reason I blushed and looked down. Awws filled the air and than the jokes started in on how cute we were. Finally Josh held up his hand for silence.

"Ummm I have something else to say," Josh said softly. The room grew silent and he squeazed my hand.

"Don't tell me that you are going to do what you think you are," Justin said with a hard edge to his voice. I quickly looked into his eyes and was shocked to see them glaring at me.

"I'm going to come out," Josh said softly.

"Dammit!" Justin shouted as he stood up and stormed out of the room. I heard Josh sniffle and I immediately wrapped my arms around him. His head lowered onto my chest as he sobbed quietly. The rest of the room was quiet. I felt Donny's small arms wrap around us too. The comfort he added was what helped Josh to stop crying and take a deep breath.

"Excuse me," Josh said softly as he pushed back his chair and quietly left the room.

"Ok so now what?" Danny asked softly.

"Now we wait for Justin to pull his head out of his ass," Kevin muttered.

From Josh's point of view.

I walked out onto the back deck and spotted Justin sitting on a bench in the gazebo. Sighing heavily I walked up to him and sat down next to him. "You ok?" I asked softly. He looked at me and I saw that his eyes were wet. "Talk to me buddy."

"Why do you want to come out?" Justin asked in a small voice.

"Because I am happy," I replied wrapping my arms around him. He leaned against me. "I want the whole world to know just how happy I am."

"But what about us?" Justin asked glaring at me. "I mean what happens if the public thinks that because there is one gay in Nsync than there is probably more?"

"Why would they think that?" I asked shocked.

"Come on Josh!" Justin hurled at me. "If you come out they are going to assume that I am gay too. My career is fucked!"

"Is that the only thing you think about Justin?" I asked trying really hard to keep my voice calm. I didn't want this to turn into a fight. Justin looked down for a few moments before looking up.

"No that is not all I think about," he replied softly. "I'm also thinking of the assholes out there that are going to have a field day with you."

"Let them," I said waving my hands. "Justin I'm happy. I'm really happy for the first time in my life. I have found my soulmate! I love him so much. I don't go a second a day without thinking of him. So if there are a few ass holes out there that want to fuck with my happiness than I say let them!"

"Are you sure about this," Justin said with a tear rolling down his face. Out of habit I reached out and wiped it free. "There are some really fucked up people out there. And I don't want them hurting you or Don or that little boy."

"I won't let that happen," I said solemly. "I love that little boy in there too. And I love Don so much." Justin was silent for a few seconds before he launched him self into my arms.

"I happy for you Josh," he whispered in my ear. "I'll stand behind you and support you and Don in anyway I can."

We were quiet again before Justin looked up at me with that famous naughty grin he had. "What?" I demanded.

"So I get to be right?" Justin asked still grinning at me.

"You get to be what?" I asked pretending to be confused. I knew what he wanted but I decided to have some fun with him. Still grinning that very cute naughty grin of his he dug his fingers into my side and started to tickle the daylights out of me. Soon we were rolling on the ground laughing our fool heads off. "Stop!" I pleaded. By now he was sitting on my chest.

"I'll stop when you say yes!" Justin ordered me as he continued to tickle me.

"What are you doing to my man?" Don's voice sounded from behind us.

"I'm tickling him until he says yes!" Justin replied.

"Yes to what?" Don asked giggling.

"I wanna be his best man," Justin said casually as he continued to tickle me.

"Josh honey," Don said scolding me. "Be a good boy and say yes to Justin."

"Ok ok!" I gasped out. "You can be my best man!" Justin got this really proud look on his face as he got up and helped me up and gave me another hug.

"I love you man," Justin said as a tear rolled down his face again. Again I wiped it away.

"I love you too Juju," I said with a twinkle in my eye.

Later from Don's point of view

I looked at Josh sleeping on the couch. Snuggled up to him was my son. You see we had just finished eating our Thanksgiving dinner and Josh and Donny was napping. Kevin and Danny had insisted on going out and finding a Christmas tree. Justin and Brian had brought down all the Christmas Decorations from storage and was sorting. Me? Well I was sitting on the couch with Josh's head in my lap. The fireplace was going and I was all warm and snuggly inside. I glanced down at the huge engagement ring that Josh had given me. Finally I had moved on with my life. Finally I was ready to commit to Josh fully and completely. I was happy. Truly happy for the first time in a very long time. And this Christmas was going to be the best one I had ever had. For you see I was sharing it with Josh. My lover and soulmate. We were starting our lives together as lovers and my son was really exited about being a part of Josh's life, his "other daddy" as he put it. I heard a huffing noice and looked over at Trixy. He was stretched out in front of the fireplace napping too. Yep, it couldn't get better than this. I sighed happily and snuggled deeper into the sofa and continued to watch my new family napping.


Next: Chapter 12

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