Picking Up the Pieces of My Life

By JC Fanfic

Published on Oct 22, 2003


A Work of Fiction by JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications (c) Copyright 2003

Disclaimer: All Characters and situations of this story are fictional. Any similarities to actual living people and actual situations is purely coincidental. All fictional characters and fictional situations portrayed in this work of fiction remains the property of JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications. Republishing of this work of fiction is strictly forbidden unless permission as been given by JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications. Permission granted to Nifty Archives for the sole purpose of posting on the Boy Bands section of the Archives. Permission may be obtained by e-mailing JC Fan Fiction Nut Publications at JC_Fan_Fiction@yahoo.com

Comments are welcome too. Constructive Comments and advice are welcome. Honest opinions are welcome as well. And if you want to vent all over me as long it is good natured than feel free too do that to.

E-mail me at JC_Fan_Fiction@yahoo.com

Picking up the Pieces of my Life Chapter 10

I could tell that Josh was excited to get me home. After a really nice dinner with Donny and me Josh was horny. I could see it in his eyes and his body language. Every time he would brush up against me he had this really cute and naughty glint in his eyes. He was so hot and sexy that It took everything I had not to jump him right then. Donny was sleeping the back seat all buckled into his car seat. "I want you so bad!" Josh said grinning at me. I blushed at the intense look he was giving me. Yea he was hot. "When I get you home I'm going make love to you all night long!" The way he said made me rock hard right then and there. I glanced at the gauge on the car and saw that we were going just below the speed limit. JC followed my eyes and giggled at me. Yea he was being mean. "I want suck your cock at the same time I'm power driving you," JC continued his naughty talk. A surge of desire raged through me as I whimpered a little. "Than when I'm done making love to you we're going to do it all over again." JC licked the bottom of his lip giving him an even hotter look than he had before.

"Stop teasing me," I pleaded with him. He just giggled as he waggled his very sexy eyebrows. I looked down at his crotch and saw that they were tenting. I decided that it was time to be naughty myself. "Two can play at that game," I giggled as I laid my hand on his crotch. Josh moaned softly as I quickly took his rock hard cock out of his straining pants. I bent down and quickly engulfed his cock. He pumped into me driving his cock all the way to the back of my throat. This is where I loved being. Right here between Josh's legs and him pumping in and out of my mouth. I was so happy to be able to give my lover as much pleasure as he wanted to take from me. I worked quickly sucking hard and bobbing up and down. I knew that time was precious. It wasn't long before Josh let out a groan and my mouth was rewarded with shot after shot of his cum. I whimpered loudly as I quickly swallowed every drop. I gently licked him clean and put him back in his pants and patted it lightly and sat back looking all innocent.

"You are so mean!" Josh glared at me. I could see the love behind the glare though. "You wait until we get home."

"Bring it on sexy!" I smirked back at him as I licked my lips clean. "MMMM good desert."

"You are so bad," Josh giggled his very sexy giggle. "I love you."

"I love you too sweetie," I cooed at him. "So what do you want to do for the rest of the evening?"

"Like you really need to ask me that?" Josh giggled again. "I want you so bad."

"Well you have to wait," I giggled back at him. By now we had pulled into the front gate and was soon stopped in front of the house. "I'll put Donny in bed and then I will join you in the pool." I almost laughed at the pout on poor Josh's face. "All in good time lover boy," I said with my naughty grin. "Now be a good birthday boy and go change and go to the pool." I waited until he was safely up stairs before calling out to Kevin. He popped his head out around the corner. "Is everything ready?" I asked.

"Yep, the gang is all here," Kevin said grinning. "Are you sure he doesn't expect anything?"

"Oh trust me," I giggled. "He thinks we are going for a swim and than make love for the rest of the night."

"Do you guys ever give it a rest?" Kevin asked shaking his head.

"Hell no," I snickered. "He is so hot!"

"Yea yea," Kevin said tapping me on the shoulder. "Speaking of which I thought you might want to know that Danny and me are an item now."

"Really?" I asked pleased with myself. "Are you happy Kevin?"

"Yea I'm so happy," Kevin gushed. "Danny is so loving and caring."

"Where is the lover boy now?" I asked happy for Kevin and Danny.

"He is upstairs getting ready for the well you know," Kevin said as he spotted Josh coming down the stairs. By now Donny was wide awake and raring to go again. I shoed him out to the pool area.

"What are two up to?" Josh asked us. I shrugged my shoulders trying to look all innocent. "Uh huh," Josh scolded me crossing his arms across his chest. He looked so hot standing there in his spandex trunks that left nothing to the imagination. I was so going to have fun with him tonight. I reached for the silk scarf that Kevin offered me.

"Here put this on," I demanded. Josh looked confused. "So you can't see silly," I giggled.

"Ohhhhh kinky!" Josh giggled. I smacked his thin but shapely arm. "Ow!" he pouted. I quickly covered the hit with a feather kiss.

"Now come with me," I said as I waved my hand in front of his face. Kevin choked back a giggle and I shot him a glare. "I have to make sure he can't see," I explained my odd behavior to Kevin. He just shook his head and smiled. I took Josh's hand and led him to the French doors that led to the pool. Kevin eased the door open and we led Josh out. "Ok sweetie," I whispered in his ear. "You can take off the blindfold." He whipped the blindfold off.

"SURPRISE!" everyone shouted. The whole gang was there. NSYNC and Backstreet with the exception of AJ and Howie. Trixy came bounding up to Josh and hopped up on his legs begging to get petted. Josh had this really surprised look on his face. I stood on my tippy toes and planted a kiss on his cheek.

"Happy birthday sexy," I whispered in his ear. He looked down at me with a mixture of looks. First there was a scolding look, than that loving smile he always gave me. And last was that incredibly sexy naughty look that told me that a wild night in bed making love was in store for me. I grinned innocently up at him as I snuggled closer to him. "Later tiger."

From Josh's point of view

I felt a tugging on my hand. I looked down to see a shy Donny looking up at me. "Hey Donny," I smiled down at him.

"Here!" Donny said as he shoved a present in my hand.

"Why thank you so much!" I replied as I took the offered gift. "What is it?" I asked as I started to take off the wrapping paper. I had to really work at it because Donny had used a whole role of tape. It was really cute. When it was all unwrapped my eyes filled with tears. It was a picture of Donny and me. We had gone to Disney world a few weeks ago and had a picture taken of us by the castle. A small plaque graced the bottom of the picture. It read, "Happy Birthday Joshy! I love you." I looked at Don and saw his eyes were wet too. I leaned down and hugged Donny tightly to me. "Thank you so much, I'll treasure this forever!" I gave him a quick kiss on his cheek. Donny giggled bashfully as he took off in search of Trixy. I wrapped my arms around the slim naked waist of my lover and pulled him into a passionate kiss. He moaned softly as my tongue invaded his mouth. I deliberately kissed him breathless. I loved that dazed look he gave me after I worked him over with my lips and tongue. "You are in so much trouble mister," I smiled down at him. He just grinned happily up at me and snuggled closer to me. A round of aaawws filled the air as everyone looked at us. The party was great. We all swam and had a blast in the pool. All the while Don and I swam he would brush up against my crotch and give me a completely innocent look. He was driving me wild. Every time I would try to grind my aching crotch in his he would giggle and move away. Finally I gave up and let him have his fun with me. I made up my mind to get him back later. And what fun it would be.

After putting a very sleepy Donny to bed Don insisted on pampering me silly. We ended up in the hot tub after everyone had left. I loved being naked with him. Don was such a pleasure to look at. His rock hard and toned body made me so hot. His seven inch cock was so beautiful that my mouth watered for it limp or hard. He knew the effect he had on me and yet he never teased me with his body, that was of course until tonight. He was always so loving and kind. I whimpered as his hand closed around my shaft.

"Josh?" he asked with his cute puppy dog eyes looking up at me. "You're all hard baby. Can I take care of you?" He licked his lips as he glanced down at my raging hard on. "Please?" he pleaded with me. I whimpered as I nodded. He giggled happily as he lowered his head in my lap. I shivered with delight as his mouth closed around the head of my cock. Don loved to suck my cock. He did it with such pleasure and joy that I had a hard time not cumming within the first few seconds of his manipulation. He glanced up at me while my cock wet with his spit and my precome slid in and out of his mouth. He broke off just long enough to ask me while giving his adorable look again. "Am I doing it right?" I groaned loudly as I nodded. "Lay back my love," he whispered to me. "Lay back and let me love you." I surrendered myself to him completely. Every time he would bring to the brink he would back off and tease me some more. Finally after an eternity he looked at me with what I could only explain as a look of pure lust. "Take me Josh, Take me now and hard and fast," he ordered me as he sat down on my shaft impaling me deep into him with on movement. I let out a muffled scream as his lips came crashing down my lips. I flipped him around in the water and begin to power drive into him. Don just hung on to me for dear life. I was like this possessed monster that had only one thought on my mind. Shooting my cum deep into him. Shooting my seed into my lover. I tuned into his groans and whimpers. I could feel his lips on my neck and shoulders and I could also feel the soft nipping of his teeth as he gave me love bites. Suddenly he tensed up and let out a kitten like yelp and I felt his cock pulse against my abs. I rose up and looked down to see his cock firing off shot after shot of his cum. As quick as a flash I bent down and captured his cock in my mouth. I could only catch the head but it was enough to capture the precious seed that was his. I drove in harder and harder as I sucked as hard as I could. I was dimly aware of Don screaming with pleasure as long hard streams of his cum slammed into my mouth. I swallowed and milked him for all I was worth. Finally I couldn't hold out any longer. I plunged in one finally time probing his prostate gland and fired my load into him. He squeaked out again as he was sent into another orgasm. This time I pulled off of his cock and watched my lover's face as he surrendered himself to his orgasm. What a beautiful sight it was. Finally after we both finished cumming we fell apart allowing the hot water to wash over our sweaty heaving bodies. What appeared to be an eternity I was soon aware of his lips on my stomach, than my chest and finally my nipples. I looked down to see my lover very busy sucking on my nipples. I could tell by his facial expression that he was as happy as he could be. Finally his sleepy eyes looked up into mine. "Hey," he whispered as he let go of my tender nipple. "Did you enjoy?"

"Of course I did," I breathed. "I love you Don."

"I love you too Josh," he said as he laid his head on my chest. "Happy birthday Josh," he whispered as he drifted off to sleep. Ok so now I was in a predicament. He was stark naked and so was I. I looked around to see if anyone was around. Seeing no one around I slid out of the hot tub I gently carried him out too. That was when I heard a gasp. I jerked around to see Danny standing there with his mouth wide open. I glanced down at his swim trunks and saw that he was rock hard.

"Umm sorry," he said blushing. "I didn't know anyone was out here," he stammered not bothering to turn around. Well if he wasn't to embarrassed about seeing me and Don naked than neither was I. I laid Don down and slid on my trunks and slid on Don's too. I looked up to see a disappointed look on his face. I wondered what that was all about. I walked over to the hot tub and released the drain.

"You're more than welcome to fill it again if you want," I said calmly. "You and Kevin might want to use it later." I went to leave when I felt his hand on my shoulder. I turned around and was shocked to have his lips on mine. I quickly pushed him away. "What the hell are you doing?" I demanded.

"Come on Josh," he said with a smirk. "No one has to know." To my shock he pulled down his trunks revealing himself to me. "You know you want me."

"Go to hell Danny!" I hurled at him as I picked up Don. "How could you?" He just shrugged his shoulders. "Stay the hell away from me!" I stormed into the house carrying my love with me. Needless to say I was a wreck. I loved Don so much and to have his younger brother throw himself at me really through me threw a loop. By the time I got Don to bed I was still wide awake. The safe cuddly lovey dovey feeling I had when I started to bring Don up to bed was long gone. Now all that remained was total confusion. What the hell was I going to do? I had to work with this guy. He did good work and I couldn't just fire him. Do I tell Don that his kid brother litterly threw himself at me? God! It would break his heart. Sighing heavily I got up and walked to my study and closed the door behind me and made sure I locked it. That was the first time I had ever locked that door. Usually I left it unlocked with the hopes of Don coming in to try and drag me back to bed. Tonight? Well let's just say I needed to talk to a close friend of mine and for the first time in our relationship I was hiding that fact from him. I was hiding from him that I needed to talk to a friend and that friend couldn't be him, at least not now. A friend that I told that I was gay when he was just fourteen years old. I picked up the phone with tears flowing down my face. I dialed the number and waited.

From Justin's point of view.

Brian lowered his legs and I eased out him still shivering from the orgasm we had both shared. Brian was wild in bed. That is one of the things I loved about him. He was loving, kind and gentle in bed. But when he knew I needed him to be an animal he was and he never let me down. Tonight was one of those times. I laid down beside him breathing heavily still. After a few minutes I felt his lips grace my chest. I looked down at his damp head and smiled. Brian was being his lovable cuddly self just as he always was after we made love. He looked up at me with those incredible loving eyes of his that always made me melt. "Was it good Justin?" I smiled down at him as I pressed my lips to his.

"Always Brian," I sighed happily snuggling up to him. We were perfect right now. You know how that feeling when everything is right with the world? When you could just curl up beside the person you love and fall asleep and sleep forever? Well this moment was that moment. And as it always happens the phone rang. I let out a whimper as I picked it up. I looked at the caller id and smiled softly. "Hey," I spoke into the receiver. We never did need very many words. We connected on a much higher level. Probably because of the conversation we had when I was just fourteen. I waited patiently for him to say what he wanted to say. When I heard the sniffle I knew something was wrong. "Josh?" I asked softly.

From Josh's point of view.

The next morning I awoke with a terrific neck ache. I was laying on the couch and I looked over at the recliner and saw Justin's lanky frame stretched out in it. I still marveled at his angelic expression on his face. He still looked like that scared teenager that had to be convinced to pose on the bed during the video with him in a wife beater. I smiled softly at him as he moaned Brian's name. A pang of guilt raged through me as I realized that I had kept him away from his lover all night long. "Don't be upset about it," a soft voice drifted over me. I looked over at the door way to see Brian standing in it. "You needed him last night. I can understand that dude," Brian smiled softly. I suddenly realized that Don was all the way upstairs and I was down stairs. I quickly excused myself and walked up stairs. I had a lot to talk about with Don. I just hoped he wouldn't kill poor Danny when I was done. I rounded the corner and saw Danny leaning against the wall smirking at me.

"Hey sexy," he purred as he reached up and played with his nipple. "Why did you leave last night?"

"Don't ever call me sexy again!" I hurled at him. "I love Don very much and I have no intentions of ever cheating on him."

"What are you going to do?" Danny asked blocking my way. I shoved him aside and continued on my mission. "Hey!" he shouted after me. "What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to have a nice talk about you to Don," I replied simply. I smiled when I saw his face pale a little.

"You can't--," Danny started but I waved him off.

"You know something little boy?" I asked smirking at him. "You don't tell me what to do. And if you try to tell me what to do again I'll fucking fire your ass so fast that your head will spin. Now I may have to work with you but that is as far as it goes. You got that?" Danny nodded so fast that I thought that his head would fall off.

"You mean I'm not fired?" Danny asked in a shaky voice.

"Hell no! You're not fired. You too good to let go. But make another pass at me again and you will be, contract or no contract!" I said softly as I turned and headed into the bedroom where my lover waited. Once inside I breathed a sigh of relief to find that he was still asleep. I quickly slipped out of my clothes and slid in between the sheets and snuggled as close to him as I could get. Just a little nap. Than I can tell him what happened.

From Don's point of view

I woke to find that I was securely wrapped in Josh's arms and legs. There was no escaping him. Not that I wanted to mind you. I was very happy to be laying next the best looking man in the world who just happened to be naked and very horny. While I let him hold me tight I took time to admire his body again for like the millionth time. Finally he groaned softly and opened his cute adorable eyes. I smiled my naughty grin as I quickly kissed his eyes back shut. He giggled softly and started to grind against me. "You are so bad," I giggled at him as I reached down and took him in my hand. He groaned loudly and tensed up and promptly shot all over my hand. I had to admit that him cumming in my hands was really hot. After he finished making his little, well maybe not little mess I licked my hand clean and than him clean as well. "Wow!" I replied with a cheeky grin. "What a nice surprise."

"Good morning," he said sleepily.

"So you going to tell me why my lover left me alone in this really big and really comfortable and really lonely bed all night long?" I asked kissing his nose. He sighed heavily and sat up in the bed causing the silk sheets to fall away from his slim but formed torso. "What is it sweetie?" I asked as I started to get worried.

"Something happened last night," Josh said looking down. "Dan made a pass at me. He kissed me and than dropped his draweres in front of me." Those words hit me in the gut so hard that it took me a few minutes to breath again. "Please baby say something."

"He always was a jealous little shit," I muttered.

"Is that all you have to say?" Josh asked as he raised his eyebrows in shock.

"I take it you didn't return his pass?" I asked bluntly. "Because I know that you love me very much and you would never want to hurt me like that."

"Of course I didn't return his feelings!" Josh shouted at me as I saw hints of anger creep into his voice. "I almost kicked his ass and told him that if he ever did that again I would fire his ass so fast that his head would spin."

"Good," I replied grinning a small nasty grin. "Now if you will excuse me I have to go kick my little brother's ass."

"Baby don't--," Josh started as he grabbed my hand. I angrily brushed him off.

"This is between Danny and me!" I hurled at him. "Let us settle this between us and maybe just maybe Kevin won't get his heart broken." I stormed out the room after putting on my shorts. I ran down the stairs and into the living room where I saw him snuggling up to Kevin. "Danny," I said as politely as I could. "A word please."

"Whatever you have to say you can say it with Kevin here," Danny said as he placed himself in between Kevin and me.

"Uh uh little brother!" I shouted at him. "Get your fucking ass outside now!" Danny jumped back at my hard words. "And don't bring Kevin into this. This is between you and me!" Danny looked at Kevin for help and Kevin shrugged his shoulders in a helpless movement. Danny sighed and walked passed me and out the back door. I followed him and as I walked into the kitchen I saw Josh walk in with Donny in his arms. Damn him! I shouted to myself. Once outside I walked up to Danny and put my arm around his shoulder and started to guide him away from the sliding glass doors. I heard them open. "Close the fucking door Josh and take my son into the living room now!" Once Josh and my son was free from my sight I turned to Danny. "Well?" I asked.

"Well what?" Danny asked smirking. I jabbed out with my right fist and caught his nose. "Fuck!" he shouted holding his nose. "What the hell did you do that for?" I jabbed out again and caught his eye. "Fuck!" he screamed again. "Stop hurting me!"

"Why?" I asked as I advanced on him. "Why is it little brother that every time I get a boyfriend you have to try and hop into bed with him?" I saw his face pale a little. His right eye was swelling shut and blood was flowing freely from his nose. "Fuck you Danny," I hissed at him. "I love Josh and he loves me. Did you honestly think that he would fall for your fucking crap?" By now Danny was hanging his head in shame. "Don't ever try to come in between us again!" I turned and walked back into the house. Once inside I walked up stairs and stripped off my clothes and stepped into the shower and turned it on. After an hour of showering I climbed out and got dressed and walked back down stairs and into the dinning room. Danny had made his nose stop breathing and his eye was all black now. Kevin looked at me and raised his eyebrows at me in question. I shook my head no and walked over to Josh and sat next to him. He leaned against me and kissed me lightly on the lips. I returned the kiss with passion glaring hard at Danny all the time. Danny finally looked away and this time Kevin caught the exchange. He swore and tossed his napkin down and stormed out of the room. Danny glared at me and stormed off after Kevin. We heard a door slam and heard Kevin's shouting and Danny's shouting too. Yea this was really turning out to be a good day. But hey! I didn't start this! But I sure the hell finished it.

Later I walked into the small office that I had set up for myself and my work with Justin. After an hour of going over reports and dates and schedules I heard a soft knock at the door. I sighed as I looked up to see Justin standing in the doorway. "Can I come in?" Justin asked softly.

"You're the boss," I said gesturing to the chair. "Have a seat."

"We have to get ready for the tour in Europe," he said bluntly.

"Does this mean that you're going to let me get back to work?" I asked smiling a little.

"Yea, I guess, I mean if you're ready," Justin stammered. I laughed at his attempt to tread softly around me.

"Justin!" I said with force. He jerked his head up. "You're the boss! Tell me it is time to get back to work."

"It's time to get back to work," Justin said sheepishly. I shook my head and smiled.

"Ok boss," I replied. "Now Let's go over the schedule." The hours drifted away as we planned out all the last minute details of the tour. By the time we were done the sun was starting to set. I heard another knock at the door and looked up to see Josh standing there. "Hey," I said softly.

"Your boss going to let you have a lunch break or something?" Josh asked grinning at Justin.

"Yea I guess," Justin stammered and I glared at him. "Don get your ass to lunch!"

"Yes sir boss!" I said as I saluted him. I shut down the computer and walked out of my office with Josh. "What a wimpy boss I have. Now I have to train him all over again."

"Hey!" Justin yelped. "I'm not a wimp!"

"Yea yea whatever!" I said in my best diva voice. Josh laughed at us as he planted a kiss on my cheek. I would like to say that we had a nice dinner but that woud be lying. Kevin and Danny were there and Kevin was still very angry at Danny. Danny looked so sad with his swollen nose and black eye that I couldn't help feeling bad what I had done to him. "Danny?" I asked softly. He jerked his head up glaring at me. I pushed what anger was rising down. "We need to talk."

"About?" he hurled at me. Kevin leaned over and whispered something into his ear. Danny blushed and looked ashamed. "Sorry," he mumbled. I nodded and continued to eat.

"So when are you and Justin leaving for Europe?" Josh asked.

"Two days from now," I replied.

"Where is Europe?" Donny asked as munched on his chicken leg.

"It is s place far away from here and Daddy has to go with Justin for his work," I replied. Josh choked back a laugh as Donny glared at poor Justin. Justin cringed from Donny's hard glare. "Donnny," I said in a scolding voice. "It is not Justin's fault so no more mean looks at him."

"Can I come with you?" Donny asked in his cute little voice.

"No sweetie," I replied softly. "You're going to stay here with Josh and Uncle Danny and Kevin and Brian."

"I'll miss you daddy," he said with his lower lip quivering. Yea the kid knew how to get me going.

"I'll call you evey day!" I said in a forced cheerful voice.

"Ok Daddy!" he said smiling his wide and cute smile. Kids, so easy to please. He wrapped his arms around my neck and gave me one of his special hugs that he only gave his daddy. I shivered with delight from the feeling of it. Than he was off running after Trixy laughing his head off at something funny that Trixy was doing. I glanced at Josh and saw that he had that sappy look on his face.

"What?" I asked laying my head on his shoulder. He just shook his head and smiled as he gave me a little kiss on the nose.

"Go talk and make up with your brother," Josh whispered to me. I nodded towards Danny and he sighed a heavy sigh and got up and followed me out of the room. Once in the living room I sat down and motioned for him to do the same.

"I'm sorry, Okay?" Danny said. "I shouldn't have moved in on your guy."

"Danny we love each other like crazy," I said sadly. "Why?"

"Why what?" Danny asked scrunching up his nose.

"Why do you insist on trying to get into the pants of everyone of my boyfriends?" I asked really trying to understand.

"Because somehow you always manage to pick the really hot ones," he said with a small pout.

"What?" I yelped out.

"You heard me," he retorted like a spoiled child. "You always manage to get the good ones."

"What about Kevin?" I asked shocked.

"Yea well maybe this time I got the good one," he said blushing. "I can't belive he is willing to give us another chance after what I did."

"Kevn has had a hard time of it," I said. "But that doesn't excuse you for trying to get into Josh's pants."

"I can't help it," Danny said softly as he hung his head. "He is just so hot!"

"Well hot or not take a cold shower or something," I said with a sympathetic smile. "In the mean time try to make it work with Kevin. He is a looker too."

"Yea he is," Danny said with a dreamy look. "Ummm are we ok now?"

"Yea," I smiled as I gave him a hug. "You may be a royal pain in the ass but as a brother you're all I have."

"I'm sorry I hurt you Donny," Danny said with a sad look on his face. I had to smile at him for his use of my kid name. He loved calling me Donny and did it as much as I would let him.

"Well I'm sorry I hit you little brother," I replied. "Now go back inside and take care of Kevin." Danny nodded and turned and walked back in.

"I love you Don," Josh's voice drifted over me. I shivered with delight in hearing it. "Every day I fall more and more in love with you." I turned and watched as he walked towards me. I noticed that he was wearing his usual sleevless shirt that drove me wild. He also was wearing a very low riding pair of very tight jeans. I could see the start of his very hard abs and I immediately got hard just looking at him. I swallowed hard as he smirked at me. "Like what you see?" he asked as he spun around as if modeling himself for me. I licked my lips and nodded happily. "Well let's go for a walk," he said as he held out his hand to me. I took it eagerly and again shivered at his touch. We walked down to the beach and started to walk on it. I noticed that the moon was out and it lit up the ocean for us. "Ever wanted to make love on the beach?"

"I thought about it," I replied. I looked at him and giggled at the very naughty grin he was giving me. "Why? Are you hoping to get in my pants tonight Mr. Chasez?"

"Not hoping," he replied with an incredible sexy grin. "I know I am going to get in your pants. It is just where it is going to happen that I am wondering about." I blushed and looked down. I could feel the heat from his body as he wrapped his arms around me. Suddenly I wanted to feel as much as his bare skin against me as I could. I turned around facing him and pulled off his shirt and pulled mine off too and pressed our chests against eachother. The warmth and silkiness of our skin felt so good. "I guess means I get lucky tonight?" he asked with his adorable puppy dog eyes. I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his and kissed him slowly. I could feel he was hard as a rock and so was I.

"Make love to me?" I pleaded with him. Josh smiled softly at me as he started to take off my pants. Soon I was laying on the beach with my legs spread apart and open for him. Josh was hovering above me with his erection pointing at my whole. I whimpered softly as he slowly entered me. I was where I wanted to be. Right here making love to my Josh. I was letting him use my body for his pleasure and he was letting me use his body for mine too. I never felt so loved in my entire life as I did right now. For once all was right with the world. I hoped it stayed that way for just a while. Even if it was just a small little while.

3 months later In the Florida Prison.

"Inmate 12463 step forward!" called out the gaurd. Nathan stepped foward and looked around. He had grown to actually like it here. He was lucky to have been with a bunch of inmates who were all to happy to supply him with as much cock as he could ever want. But it was all over now. He had made parole. He was on his way back out to the real world. He made his way to the administration part of the prison. He walked in and picked up his clothes and what little money had with him. He also noticed that there was a brown evelope waiting for him as well. He opened it and peeked in. His eyes widened. It was full of one hundred dollar bills. he slowly closed it and stuffed it in his coat pocket. "The doc wants to see you before you leave." Nathan nodded as he walked into the small office that was the Doctors.

"Nathan," the doctor said bluntly. "I'll be blunt with you. You're HIV positive." Nathan smiled an evil little smile. The doctor shivered as if it had gotten a few degrees colder in the office. Nathan turned and walked out of the office and out of the prison he had called his home for over 3 months. A black limo waited for him. He opened the door and climbed in.

"Hello Nathan," a deep voice said to him. Nathan turned and grinned.

"Hello Kevin," Nathan replied. "What can I do for you?"

"Did you get that envelope?" Kevin asked.

"Yes I did," Nathan replied patting his coat pocket. "What is it for?"

"Money for you to leave," Kevin said bluntly. "Money for you to leave Florida and live a very comfortable life for the remainder of your days."

"Kevin," Nathan said with a small sad smile. "I can't leave. You see Kevin, I love you."


Next: Chapter 11

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