Picking Up the Pieces

By Jessica Taylor

Published on Feb 21, 2001


Author's notes-- Umm this is the second chapter for you people. Actual notes are in chapter 10.

Disclaimer-- Not mine god damn it!!

Site--> http://www.insidebubble.cjb.net

Chapter 11

Who the hell is Kyle?

Suddenly a hand clamped down on my shoulder and I almost jumped a foot in the air. "Chill Nick, it's just me." I heard AJ's raspy voice say.

I turned around to see AJ, Howie and Brian all looking at me. "What happened in there?" AJ continued.

"I don't know. One second I'm telling Kev how I feel, the next he starts mumbling something about a 'Kyle' and him not wanting to hurt me like he did him. And then he ran away." I said as I sighed heavily and ran a hand through my hair.

"Did you see where he went?" Howie asked.

"Nope. And with the way he was running, he could be anywhere by now." I said as I sighed again and collapsed into an armchair.

"We've gotta find him." Brian said urgently. I was about to bite back with a 'duh' but I figured that now wasn't really the place for it. "The best thing to do would be to search the hotel and the surrounding area." He planned out loud.

"Howie and I 'ill go around the area and try to find him." AJ said as he and Howie left the suite.

"I guess that leaves you and me to search the hotel Frack." Brian said as I got up from the armchair. "You search down and I'll search up." Brian said as we both separated to try and find Kevin before he did god knows what to himself.

Brian was down on the 30th floor, where the gym and pool were located thinking that Kevin might have ran into the gym. Frequently Kevin was known for running into the gym and working into exhaustion when he had a problem. But Kevin wasn't in either the gym or the pool area.

As Brian walked over to the elevator, he passed the door for the stairwell. He aimlessly looked through the little window that was in the door, and could swear that he thought he saw what looked like the Kevin hunched over in the landing. Quietly opening the door, he saw that it was in fact Kevin.

Kevin was sitting down in the corner of the landing, tucked into himself like a ball. His long legs were enclosed by his arms, and his head was bowed down. As Brian stood there for a few minutes, he noticed that Kevin was constantly rocking back and forth.

"Kev?" Brian asked finally, breaking the deafening silence in the stairwell. But Kevin gave no response.

Brian slowly walked over to Kevin's crouched form and tried to talk to his cousin again. "Kevin?" he asked as he put his hand gently on Kevin's shoulder. Kevin continued to rock.

Brian sat right in front of Kevin. As he sat down and got closer to Kevin, he heard Kevin muttering continuously "I'm sorry Kyle... I'm sorry... I'm sorry Kyle..."

Brian just sat there watching his cousin. He couldn't believe that this was the same man who was known as the rock of the Backstreet Boys. Right now he looked so fragile that Brian was afraid that if he touched him the wrong way or too hard he would shatter into a million pieces and scatter all over the place.

Brian took a deep breath and tried to reach his cousin again. "Kevin, come on, say somethin'." He said as he slightly shook his cousin's shoulder.

"Bri? Is that you?" Kevin said softly, almost too soft for Brian to hear.

"Yeah." Brian said.

Kevin slowly rose his head. It was a good thing that Brian was already sitting on the ground; otherwise he would have been knocked down by Kevin's physical appearance at that moment. Kevin's eyes were bloodshot from crying, in fact there were still tears brimming in his eyes. He had tear tracks down his face, but the worst part for Brian was to see the look of helplessness that was clearly present in his cousin's eyes at that moment.

"Geez Kev." Brian said, shocked. "Come on, let's get you back to the suite. We don't want to have anyone we don't want to know about this see you right now." He said as he grabbed Kevin's upper arm and helped him up.

Kevin stayed standing just outside the doorframe while Brian made sure that no one was going in or out of the halls. Even though the guys loved their fans, there were certain times that they didn't want to be seen by them, and this was definitely one of them in Brian's book.

Brian took Kevin's hand as he ran to the elevator. Luckily they didn't have to wait very long for the elevator to reach the 30th floor. The two Kentucky cousins entered the elevator, and Brian pressed the emergency stop button, to have some form of privacy while he called the guys. Brian took out his cell phone and pressed the second memory button, calling Howie's cell phone. "Come on Howie, pick up... pick up..." he muttered to himself as the phone rang.

"This is Howie speakin'." Howie's smooth voice came in over the phone.

"D? It's Bri. I found him." Brian said into the phone.

"You found Kev? Is he alright?" Howie asked frantically. As soon as Howie had finished his statement Brian heard AJ's muffled voice, and what was obviously the two of them wrestling over D's cell phone.

"How's Train?" AJ asked, gaining control of the phone.

"He's alive. But otherwise, not so hot." Brian said as he stared at Kevin's back. 'Whoever this Kyle was, he must have had some big impact on Kevin.' Brian thought as he saw Kevin standing there, shoulders slumped surrounded by an air of misery.


"You two just get back to the hotel and the suite." Brian said.

"Already on our way." AJ said as there was a pause, and Brian guessed AJ was giving the phone back to Howie.

"See you in a few Rok." Howie said as he hung up his phone.

Brian took a deep breath as he pressed the first memory button, Nick's cell. "Pick up Frack."

"Hello?" Nick's slightly frantic voice greeted Brian's.

"I found him." Brian said.

Nick let out a large sigh of relief over the phone. "How is he?"

Looking into the reflective doors of the elevator, Brian saw Kevin staring down at the ground looking utterly defeated. As Brian sighed yet again at how small and helpless his cousin looked at that moment, he told Nick, "About to have a mental breakdown I think sums it up pretty well. Whoever this Kyle is or was, has left a pretty big impact on Kev's psyche."

As he finished his statement, Brian heard a door open, which was most likely Nick opening the door to take the stairs up to the suite. "I'm coming." He said as Brian heard the faint call of footfalls on concrete.

As Brian pushed the button to cancel the emergency stop and restart the elevator's ascent, he told Nick, "Just get your ass back to the suite."

"Already being done Bri." Nick said quickly.

"Okay." Brian said as he shut off his phone and placed it in his pocket.

Seconds later, the elevator's bell dinged signifying that the elevator was at the penthouse. Brian sighed, "Come on Kev." He said as he put his arm around Kevin's shoulders and led an almost catatonic Kevin to the suite.

Opening up the door to the suite with the key card, Brian let Kevin in first, and Kevin mindlessly sat down on the couch. After he closed the door, Brian went to sit on the couch right next to his cousin. He could still hear Kevin muttering softly, "I'm sorry."

"Who was Kyle, Train?" Brian asked, but Kevin never heard him.

A few minutes later, Nick barged into the room, out of breath and frantically looking for Kevin and Brian. "Frick? Kev?"

"Right here Nick." Brian said, his eyes still trained on his cousin.

Nick tracked Brian's voice to the couch, and finding the two cousins sitting there, he ran over, sitting on the other side of Kevin and immediately hugging him, bringing Kevin's head to rest against Nick's chest. Kevin didn't resist Nick's hug at all, letting Nick even start running his fingers soothingly through Kevin's hair. "Has he said anything Bri?" Nick asked as he continued to hold onto Kevin.

"Nope. The only thing he does is continue to mutter about Kyle."

"Damn who was this guy?" Nick whispered softly.

"Wish I knew Frack, I really wish I did." Brian said as the door opened violently yet again as AJ and Howie barged in. They both sat down in the two chairs in the room, not saying anything but eagerly looking at their three bandmates on the couch waiting to find out what was going on.

Nick decided to take the initiative and ask Kevin who this 'Kyle' person was. "Kevin?" he said as he gently shook Kevin's shoulder. "Talk to me bro."

For some reason, Nick gently prodding brought Kevin out of his catatonic state. Kevin looked up into Nick's face as he said, "Yeah?"

The four other faces in the room let out huge sighs of relief. "Kevin... who's Kyle?" Nick asked gently as he allowed Kevin to sit up.

Kevin didn't say anything for a few moments, calming down slightly. "Kyle Roberts."

"But that's your alias Kevin. That's not a real person." AJ stated.

"Yes he was." Kevin whispered as he swallowed the large lump in his throat and continued, "He was the first person I ever loved... and I killed him."

Dun dun dun.... uh oh what'd she do now? Oh well you're just gonna have to wait and see. Muwahahaha...

--Jess, skipping off into the sunset

Next: Chapter 12

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