Physics of Infatuation

By Remy

Published on Aug 11, 2006


The morning came fairly quickly and I could feel Chaz pushed up against my back. His hand was rubbing my chest, playing with the hair, "Morning," he said in very quiet voice.

"How are you feeling?" I asked looking at him from the corner of my eye.

"I've been worse," he said, "headache will keep me from doing this for a while." He nuzzled against the back of my neck, "How are you?"

I've never been one to just let things go, a lesson I should probably learn, "Confused."

"Yeah," he said, "about last night, I'm really sorry for coming here like that. I wanted to talk. I guess after last night, I still need to do some talking."

I wrapped his hand in mine, "I'm all ears."

I don't think he had been ready for me to open up the subject right away. I'd try to be tactful, but class was in a couple of hours and I thought I could speed the process up a bit. I could hear his breathing change a bit and I started getting worried he had fallen back asleep on me.

"I can't say I ever thought of doing something with a guy before," he paused, "but you got me a bit curious. I saw you checking me out the first day of class," he could see my grin, "Honestly, I nobody ever looks at me like that. I'm always the big guy, the best friend, that guy that everybody calls when they need a friend, not the one they drool over."

"I never drooled."

"Like Hell," he gave my hand a squeeze, "It kind of felt good to have somebody be into me. So when the opportunity presented itself, wanted to see how everything else would feel."

His voice shook at the last statement. I've always wondered where the gray area is between gay and straight and I think the guy lying next to me could fall somewhere in there. However, I couldn't leave well enough alone, "What about the girlfriend?"

I could hear the sigh, "I love her," he paused, "would it be bad if I just said I don't know?"

I couldn't help but be the nice guy and offer him the out, "When I first saw you in class, I couldn't help but think you were one of the best male specimens I had ever seen. I would have done just about anything to get in your pants."

"I don't think I've ever been a sex object to somebody," he voice sounded a bit surprised. I wanted to hit him; his innocence just made him all the more attractive.

"Is it just about sex for you?"

The loaded question.

He pulled my shoulder so I rolled over, facing him I could see the seriousness in his eyes, "I don't know."

He lowered his head and looked away from my face. I put my hand on his neck and guided his face back to mine, "Let me know when you figure out," I leaned to his face and kissed him lightly on the lips, "until then, how about we just go with the flow."

I would have done anything to keep that smile on his face. He wasn't naive, but he was innocent. A thousand emotions crossed through his face at once, but pressing my lips to his, I could feel one particular emotion rise to the surface: lust.

He began kissing me, biting my lower lip. I lifted my head as he pulled back grabbing his head, kissing him with the utmost urgency. He pushed back hard, bruising my lips as he started to show just how much he had restrained himself before.

As he pulled away, I tried lifting myself to chase him but his hand forced me back onto the bed. He grabbed both of my hands and pinned them above my head as he started nipping at the side of my neck. He continued to push the line of pain and pleasure as he bit down on my chest just below the collarbone. I arched my chest up, watching him stare back at me as he continued worrying his teeth on my skin.

He rolled on top of me, straddling my legs as he continued kissing my chest. I wanted to struggle against him and be more of an active participant, but despite trying, there was no way I could move with him holding me down. In one swift move he positioned his legs between mine so that my legs were hugging around his waist.

I could feel his dick pushing against my boxers just below my sack. I could feel him pushing his hips against me, grinding himself against the fabric of our underwear. I started pushing back, listening to him sigh every time he made contact.

He kneeled between my legs, lifting them towards his shoulders so that he could pull off my boxers. His rough hand grabbed my dick and started working the tip, "Damn," I said as he started stroking my dick up and down.

I reached down between my legs and pulled his dick through the slit in his boxers and started working his foreskin up and down. It was amazing watching the muscles in his arm work, jacking my dick. He leaned down and we started kissing, pushing back and forth on one another. I wrapped my hands around his neck forcing his entire body to rub against mine.

His dick was pushing into the crack of my ass with each stroke. Generally I don't bottom, but I figured I might not get the chance again with Chaz, so I let my inhibitions seep out. I wrapped my legs around his waist, driving my heels into his ass making him pushing further into the crack of my ass.

He was oblivious at my attempts as he kept rutting away at my crack. I grabbed his shoulders and made him stop so I could reposition myself under him. I lifted my legs into the air and I could feel his dick rubbing over the entrance to my hole. I wiggled up against him and could feel his dick sliding along my hole.

The sweat was starting to bead along his skin making him glow. He pulled his hips back a bit and aligned himself to my hole, "Are you sure?" he asked in his bedroom voice.

"Go slow," I replied with a bit of lust in my voice.

I could feel his muscles tense as he gently pushed his hips forward. The sweat eased the pain a bit as his head started stretching my unused opening. His dick felt a lot wider than it looked. The pain was bearable, but it was definitely there. He held still for a few moments and waited until I nodded.

I could feel the head push in and the pain let up a bit. I had forgotten how difficult it could be to shove something that big up my ass. I dug my heels in and his dick pushed into my ass in one smooth motion.

"Holy shit," he said.

I grabbed his head and began kissing him. His eyes stayed closed and he bit his lower lip as he rotated his hips, "Fuck, feels amazing."

I squeezed down on him and he let out a moan. I could feel his dick rub against my prostate and mine started leaking precum between us, "Feels good at this end too," I said. He started pulling his dick out and thrusting back in a little at a time. I could feel my ass relax against the girth of his dick.

He wrapped his hands around my thighs and began pulling almost all the way out and pushing back in. The sensation was amazing, feeling him slide in and out of my hole. I had forgotten how good it felt to have my ass fucked.

The hair on his chest was matted down from the sweat as he fucked my ass. He leaned down to kiss me as he kept driving his dick into me. The sweat on his stomach felt amazing, sandwiching my dick between us.

He must have been gaining some confidence from my moaning; his face showing a determined look. He arched his back so that his stomach was pushing down on my dick creating even more friction. His dick found that sweet spot, pushing against it over and over again.

I tightened my ass and could feel my balls begin to pull up, "I'm going to," I started cumming before I could finish the line. I could feel it spread between us and start running down my side as he squeezed his eyes shut and pumped away.

"Almost," thrust, "there," thrust again. He continued a few more times, his face with a look of concentration. I could feel his dick expand as he worked his load into my ass. He began slowing down and slowly pulled out.

"Holy fucking shit," he said wiping some of the sweat off his head.

I could see the cum coating the hair on his stomach, "I take it you approve," I said with a devilish grin.

"Hell yeah," he sat back on the bed, "I think it's time for a nap now!"

I just laughed. He looked completely spent, and for myself, I didn't want to move. I was covered and just wanted to bask in it a little bit longer. I looked over at the clock, shit, class was in just a bit, "We need to shower or I'm going to be the reason you fail."

"Not a bad reason."

I gave him a shove, "Off to the shower."

Thanks for the positive response and criticisms guys! There is one more chapter to go for this story, but don't worry, I've started writing others as well. If you'd like to send me a comment email me at and if you'd like to be notified of new stories mention it in your email. Hope you're spent!

Next: Chapter 5

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