Physics of Infatuation

By Remy

Published on Aug 9, 2006


I woke sometime in the morning; it's always hard to tell with the thick curtains drawn. I had to do a double take to see who was touching me. Here I was thinking it had all been another dream. I was on my back and Chaz's arm was draped across my stomach and his body pressed up against mine.

I reached up and put my hand on his hand lacing my fingers with his. I didn't want to move from that spot, but I also wasn't thrilled with the idea of him waking up with the desire to kick my ass. So I gave his hand a squeeze and watching his face waiting for a reaction.

His eyes began to flutter open, "Morning sunshine," I said.

He blinked a few times and I could tell he was trying to figure out exactly what was going on. He looked so innocent as he realized he was in bed with another man. He didn't move his hand from my stomach as I felt his body tense trying to wake up his muscles.

"How's your head doing?"

That got a smile out of him, "I've had worse mornings," he said as he closed his eyes again resting his head back on the pillow. I could feel his fingers twitch on my stomach but he made no move to take his hand away, "Damn you're hairy."

What do you say to that?

His hand began rubbing my belly, which was quickly getting a reaction. I looked him in the face, "Time to get up." I started to sit up on the bed but his hand kept me from moving. The guy was built and apparently he knew how to use it.

I turned and looked at his face and was surprised to see a worried look come across his face. Now, I wanted to be concerned, but there is a straight man in my bed, half naked and giving me that face, I knew what was about to happen.

I leaned against him and kissed him.

It began as a soft tender kiss, neither of us overly sure what was going to happen after this. I moved my hand to side of his face and brushed it against his stubble as he started opening his mouth, darting his tongue back and forth in mine. I pulled back enough to bite his lower lip and look at the expression on his face. He still had a bit of that worried look, but it was mixed with his body language that was determined where this would go.

I kept kissing him as I moved my body on top of his until I was straddling his waist. I grabbed both of his wrists and held them down over his head as I moved from his lips to the side of his neck. His skin had a light salty taste as I trailed from his neck to just below his collarbone and gave him a light bite. His body pushed up against me but he made no attempt to stop me.

I continued kneading on his chest leaving a small bruise as I moved to his nipple. His eyes were closed but his face was losing that worried expression. His nipples were covered by his chest hair, making for a perfect target. I licked his nipple and heard him gasp driving me to give him a tender bite causing his body to writhe under my weight. I quickly began working on his other nipple and felt him growing underneath me.

I wasn't sure how far this was going to go. I wanted to ask him what he was comfortable with. I've learned from my mistakes; when it comes to straight guys letting you take advantage of them, keep your mouth shut and go until they make you stop.

I slide down his legs so that my face was hovering over his red boxers. I could see through the slit that he was a fan of keeping himself trimmed. I licked against the material watching his head tip back. I started nibbling on his dick through the material and massaging his sack.

I reached into the slit and hefted his dick and sack out into the open and was surprised and delighted by the sight. He was uncut and only the tip of his dick showed through. He was about six inches and just thick enough to make it a challenge.

I could see him peeking out from under his eyelids to see what was about to happen and I couldn't disappoint him. I pulled back his foreskin and licked just underneath the head and put just the head in my mouth, continuing to lick the shaft as his hips bucked trying to get more in my mouth.

I pulled down his sack and sank all the way down on his dick letting the head push its way into my throat. I kept deep throating his dick, letting the skin slide back up around the head each time. Pulling back up I could his breath starting to speed up. I was in no rush to have him cum and end this.

I kept giving his dick small strokes with my hand as I began licking his balls, taking each one into my mouth. My hand was being coated in precum and I licked it off and started working on the head of his dick again while I jacked him off. This boy leaked a lot and turned out to be quite tasty.

I put my hands under him and grabbed his ass swallowed him to the hilt and let my throat work on his head. His hips began pumping up into my mouth and I could feel his body starting to tense.

Then he did something out of the ordinary.

"I don't wanna cum yet," he said lifting my chin, bringing me off his dick. He lifted my head towards his face and wrapped his arms around my back forcing my body close to his. I pressed my lips against his and began exploring his mouth again. He rolled us over so that he was on top of me, his weight pushing me back into the bed.

He slid down the bed until his head was just above my dick. His hand wrapped around the shaft and gave me a soft squeeze forcing more precum for the tip of my dick. I decided it was time to speak up and try to stop the post-sex-guilt, "You don't have to."

He didn't respond and just kept looking at my dick slowly stroking me. If he kept it up I was going to cum pretty quick. In a clumsy movement he tried to take my entire dick in his mouth. Now, I'm not too shabby down there, a little longer than him and a bit thinner. He gagged and came back off my dick and I could see the tears welling up in his eyes.

"Would it be redundant to say I've never done this before?"

I couldn't help but laugh. He smirked back at the levity of the situation. I took his hand and wrapped it around the base of my dick, "Now try."

He mouth was incredibly hot and wet as he began going up and down on my dick. He was far from an expert, but just the thought of him working my dick made up for it. He kept jacking my dick as he licked around the head.

I stopped him for a moment and spun around so that I can get at his dick. I lowered his boxers so they were around his knees. He went back to blowing me as I started working his dick back into my mouth. His pushed his dick as far as it would go into my mouth and starting sucking my dick again. He started to face fuck me while working more and more of my dick into his mouth.

I loved having this beefy guy slide in and out of my mouth with such force. I reached around and started massaging the area just behind his balls and he started pushing even harder. It wasn't going to be long before he came.

I let my finger run over his hole and I could hear him groan around my dick. I pushed my finger into his ass to the first knuckle and I could feel his dick expand in my mouth. He started to try and pull out and I pushed my finger in further holding him in place.

He shot several huge streams down the back of my tongue and I had trouble keeping from gagging on such a huge load. I continued swallowing as his hips stopped thrusting and managed to get it all.

I figured it was over at that point but he surprised me again as he continued stroking my dick. I kept licking the head of his dick as I writhed from his administrations. It was only a few moments before I shot all over my stomach, his face and his chest, one of the biggest loads I've ever worked up.

He rolled off me and laid next to me keeping his hand on my knee. I had to wait for a few before I could speak, "Wow."

I turned around and looked at him as his eyes opened back up. He had the most content look on his face and I couldn't resist leaning in to kiss him. He began kissing back and slowly backed off, "I'm thinking it might..."

"You have a free pass."

He just looked at me perplexed.

"Go ahead and head out. No hard feelings," I knew it was going to happen. He was too sweet a guy, I couldn't help but let him off the hook, "and I'll see you at school on Monday."

He got up out of bed and I could hear the faucet in the kitchen turn on. I could hear him moving around and then I heard the door open and shut. I've hooked up with a couple of straight guys before; I should have known this one wasn't any different. But if that was the case, why did I have an odd feeling about this one.

Saturday went by fast enough as I spent most of it in a daze. Sunday evening came around and I started thinking about school the next day. Had I made a huge mistake? Was this one of those things where we'd avoid each other at all costs? Or worse, would it warp into a story about me coming onto him and getting shot down? Either way, I think I could live with it.

I could hear my cell phone go off letting me know I had received a text message. I flipped it open and it read, "Pg 239 #2 ans 437." It took me a bit looking at it, the number didn't ring a bell, and then I realized it had to be from Chaz. I felt the tension in my shoulders give way. I hadn't realized I had been so worried about what was going to happen.

I flipped open my physics book and looked at the problem. I smiled seeing that he had gotten the answer right. If nothing else, he'd hopefully pass the test.

The day passed on and that night I received another text and I noticed the number this time. Was he still studying physics? The message read, "Midnight too late?"

I had no idea what he was talking about but I was hoping he was asking about coming over, so I quickly typed back, "Not at all." I waited for a few minutes but there was no message back. Almost four hours of waiting to see what might happen at midnight.

I tried to go about my night routines but found that every time I started something I kept thinking about him. I finally gave up and just flipped on the television and let the hours pass by. It was close to 11:30 when there was a knock at the door, a really, really loud knock.

I opened the door to see Chaz standing in my doorway leaning against the doorframe to keep himself up, "Man, what the hell happened to you?"

He could barely keep his eyes open and I could smell the alcohol on his breath, "I couldn't drive home," he stumbled into the kitchen, "and I owed you an apology."

He was in no condition to try and stand let alone form coherent thoughts, "Come in and sit down." I put an arm over my shoulder and helped guide him to the couch and he fell back barely able to keep his head up.

"Quite the booze hound aren't we?"

He looked at me and I could tell he was trying to sort through a lot of stuff in his head. He kept starting to say something and stopping. Finally I decided I had to interject, "Look, I understand, how about we talk about this when you're sober. I'll call you a cab."

"I don't want to go."

Okay, I was all for the other night happening. It was great. However, what little decency I stilled contained wouldn't let me mix it up with a guy who couldn't spell his own name. He might be hot, but even I couldn't take advantage of him.

"You really need to sleep this off. We can talk tomorrow."

He looked up at me with puppy dog eyes and I felt all resolve just melt. The poor guy was apparently going through something that I had no clue about. I flipped off the TV and sat down next to him and just waited until he was ready to talk.

"Fuck man, I don't want to go," he kept saying.

"Chaz, you can stay here if you want, I'm not going to kick you out."

"If I sober up, I'm not going to be able to talk about this shit." I sat silent waiting for him to talk. Apparently he was having some issues, and I had an idea of where this might go, so I just let him take his time to talk.

"I'm a bit drunk," understatement of the century, "so just bear with me. What happened," he couldn't look me in the face as he talked, "it was ok."

This, I wasn't entirely expecting. I wanted to let him know it had been amazing, but I decided I could add to the conversation later. Right now, the lug needed some silent support.

"In class I knew you were staring at me," shit, I was obvious, "I don't know why, nobody ever does that to me." He mumbled to himself for a moment and then I could see his chest heave as he started crying. He was trying his hardest to keep me from noticing, but being drunk made subtlety a bit difficult.

He paused for a moment and looked me in the eye, "I'm drunk. I was an ass yesterday and you just sit there that worried look on your face. Why?"

How do you answer that? It wasn't exactly the time to say, "Hey, you're really hot and I wanted to see you naked." I didn't know what to say, so I opted out for the easy route, "Get some sleep and we'll talk about this in the morning."

He nodded, "Uhm, can I sleep with you?"

"Yeah," I helped him stand up, "you're more than welcome to." I helped him into the bedroom and laid him down on the bed. I untied his shoes and tossed them on the floor. He started trying to take off his pants without much success so I helped him pull them down and put them with his shoes. He'd have to sleep with his shirt on; there was no way I could lift him to take that off.

I stripped down to my underwear and thought it better to leave them on and keep this from becoming an awkward situation. I crawled into bed and my head just spun from the weird night. Was he trying to come out to me? Or was this a drunken stupor mingled with some hormonal drive? Who knew?

I felt the bed move as he got up. I thought he might be leaving when I heard the water in the bathroom turn on. After a few minutes I could feel him crawl into bed with his back to me. I could feel him move and then felt his hand on mine as he drew it onto his naked chest. I moved a bit closer and fell back asleep with my head resting on the edge of his shoulder.

Part 4 will come shortly. Feel free to email any comments or suggestions to

Next: Chapter 4

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