Physics of Infatuation

By Remy

Published on Jul 26, 2006


His shoulders were broad, a good deal wider than mine. His neck was nearly as wide as his head, covered in short cropped hair. The t-shirt hugged his back and showed his arms, muscled not from the gym but from an honest day's work. The cargo jeans were baggy and sagged enough to give the imagination a workout.

One word summary: He was thick.

"You're first quiz will be next Monday," the nails on chalkboard voice piped into my daydream.

"Fuck," I could hear my objection of affection sigh.

The class was Elementary Physics, not a subject I was fond of. Actually, I downright loathed the class, the teacher had yet to acknowledge her affinity for other women and the blond bubblegum squad would never shut up. However, by some gift of genetics, the class was a cakewalk. I was currently being shunned for throwing off the grade curve.

I took my time putting my stuff away so I could watch the guy in front of me get up and walk out of the room. Standing, his boxers showed. I was hoping for briefs, but I wouldn't complain about the sights.

I started packing up when I heard him say to the professor, "Is there any way I can get some extra help for the test?"

Determined not to do any work herself she saw me walk by, "Ask Alec to tutor you." Staring, I couldn't help but think that in a past life I must have rescued orphans to deserve this, "He has the highest grade, sure he could spare some time for study group." Now that she had pawned off her responsibilities, she fled from the classroom at full throttle.

Now, I can describe the back of his body quite while. He was probably the reason for my good grade. I never attended my classes on a regular basis, but with him sitting two seats ahead of me, how could I resist? Getting a good look at the front made the backside pale in comparison.

He had the palest blue eyes that reminded me of ice. His jaw was pretty square and chiseled and the t-shirt, oh how that t-shirt just made my pants uncomfortable. I wanted to say something clever, maybe a bit sarcastic to offset the drooling, but all I could come up with was, "Hi."

"So do you think you could help me out?"

Why yes I could!

"Uhm, I don't know. I'm really not that good at this stuff," I stammered. Smart, I thought, how about I tell him I'm an idiot and then I have no leverage to sit here and talk to him.

"If you're not good, then I'm a complete moron," he pulled out a piece of paper and a pen, "Here's my number, give me a call sometime later and maybe we can figure out a time to study this weekend," he folded the paper and stuck it in my hand.

He walked out of the room before I had time to say anything in return. Okay, so let me get this right, you want my help and I have to do the calling? In any other circumstance I think I'd be pissed, for now I was a bit too thrilled to care.

The rest of my day was extremely uneventful, another fun filled day of sociology and history. I decided to save a trip walking home and hopped the bus and pulled out the sheet of paper. To say that it had been on my mind all day would be an understatement. I was a bit nervous about calling him. Not only did I know nothing about physics other than how to read the text book (which the bubblegum squad should consider learning) I was going to tutor this beefy guy.

"It's Chaz, what's up?"

"Uhm, hey, it's Alec. I figured I'd give you a call on the way home to see when you're available this weekend." There, that sounded vaguely harmless.

"I was supposed to go out, but looks like the plans are off until the guys call," he paused, "are you free tonight?"

Let me think about it, watching TV, maybe a shower and a lot of daydreaming, "Not really."

"Oh," he said with disappointment.

"Oh, I meant, I'm not doing anything. Planning on ordering out and watching some TV for the rest of the night."

"Would you mind if I came by to get some help studying for the test?"

"Sure," I said. I gave him the address.

"I'll swing by and pick up something, I'll be there in an hour or so."


Okay, so I had the world's hottest guy swinging by my place. I don't live in any lap of luxury, the apartment was decent, in a crappy neighborhood and not high on the lists of places I would want to live. However, it was home for four years of college.

I made it home in a few minutes and flipped on the television as I went about straightening up the place, doing some dishes and picking the laundry up off the floor.

I figured I might as well change into something a bit more comfortable. I threw on a pair of cargo jeans and a tank top. Staring at the mirror I was kind of happy with the image shooting back at me. I had a buzzed head, short goatee and some soft muscles showing through the shirt. No comparison to the guy coming over, but I could definitely hold my own.

I grabbed my physics book and tossed them on the couch figuring he'd probably want to study and not just have me stare at his chest. Maybe I could just steal quick glances?

I sat on the couch and started watching the TV until there was a knock at the door. I hopped up and figured it was time to start a very awkward and unfulfilling evening. I unlatched the door and peaked out to see him standing there looking down the hallway.

"Hey," I said.

He walked into the kitchen and I shut the door. Before I had time to put the lock in place he spun me around and pinned me to the wall, "Whoa," I gasped, "What the hell?"

Chaz had this killer smirk that dripped mischievousness. He put all his weight against me, locking me against the wall. I tried to pretend I didn't notice the bulging biceps and tried to push back, "What hell is wrong with you?"

"Alec, let's just admit it," he leaned in and pressed his lips hard against mine. Okay, forget the fact I was pinned to the wall. I kissed back opening my mouth forcing my tongue into his. One of his hands reached behind my head pushing me harder against his mouth.

There was a sense of urgency from both of us. He took his hands off me long enough to peel his shirt off his body. His body was beautiful, covered in a light dusting of dark hair. His body was extremely muscular with some soft padding.

He grabbed my hand and pulled my shirt over my head. He leaned against me trapping me against the wall again, our chests starting to glisten from sweat. I grabbed his neck pulling him back against my lips as he started fidgeting with the buckle on my jeans. I reached down and grabbed his belt unfastening it with skilled precision and unfastening the button.

He looked up at me and started kissing my neck letting his teeth drag against my skin. He grabbed my ass with his paws and bit down until I couldn't tell if it felt good or just flat out hurt. Either way, I was living out a fantasy.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

I racked my nails down his back and he let out a low moan. I braced my foot against the wall and pushed him back from me. I started kissing his chest, biting his flesh as I let my tongue trail down his furry stomach. As I reached my knees I grabbed his pants and pulled down. The bulge in his boxers looked well in proportion to the rest of his body. I grabbed the side of his underwear and began sliding them down.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

My eyes opened as I shot up, "Fuck."

I shook my head looking around, "Holy shit, I need to start taking more naps."

Part 2 will come shortly. Feel free to email any comments or suggestions to

Next: Chapter 2

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