Physical Therapy Series

By Greg Stevens

Published on Mar 9, 2022


Physical Therapy

Fiction by Greg Stevens

This is a work of fiction. All names and places are fictitious.

Physical Therapy -- Chapter 1

"Duffy, come see me after practice" Coach Carlson bellowed across the field. I had no idea what I did wrong this time, but when the Coach says to do something, you do it. I finished out my football practice and headed to his office. "Hey Coach, what's up" I asked, trying not to show any concern.

"I noticed that your back is still not where it needs to be. I want you to see a friend of mine who does some sports therapy" The Coach said, handing me a sheet of paper with the phone number and address written on it. I took the piece of paper and looked at it. This would cost a fortune that I knew Mom didn't have. "It's ok he's seeing you as a favor to me" Coach Carlson said as if knowing what I was thinking.

"Make an appointment" Coach shouted as I left the office. I grabbed my cell and called the number. "Sports and Physical Therapy, Doctor Kennedy's office, how can I direct your call?" The cheery woman stated into the phone as if she had done it a million times before. "I am supposed to make an appointment with Dr. Kennedy. My Coach asked me to call." I said, not sure what other info to give her. "Name" she asked in the same professional cheery voice. "Brian Duffy" but before I could say anything else she put me on hold. "Dr. can see you this afternoon as his last appointment at 4:45pm" The woman said, and then abruptly hung up.

I finished classes and headed over to Dr. Kennedy's office. I had no idea what to expect as I never had to do any physical therapy. A rough tackle made my back a bit sore, but I felt like I was healing pretty well. As I entered the building the receptionist was closing down her computer. "You must be Brian" she said more as a statement than a question. "Yes ma'am" I said, wondering what I should do. "Take a seat, Dr. Kennedy will be with you shortly. I am done for the day" She informed me, then left the office.

"Hi, you must be Brian Duffy,'' the man said coming out of the office. I'm Dr. Kennedy" Dr. Kennedy was 6'1, in great shape, about mid-30s. He was wearing a dark blue polo shirt with "Sports & Physical Therapy" logo over the left pec. He wore khakis and tennis shoes. "Let's get some stats then we can figure out what the problem is." Dr. Kennedy said and began filling out screens on his computer. "Age, height, and weight?" He asked, looking at his laptop. "17 years old, I'm 6'4, and weigh 210" I responded.

Dr. Kennedy took notes as I explained what had happened. He finished asking questions, and I followed him into an exam room. In the room was a weird, padded table with a hole cut out of the top. There were machines on wheels that I assumed he used for physical therapy. "Let's take a look. Take off your jacket, shirt, shoes, and pants." He instructed and moved to the opposite side of the table. "Do you need a gown?" He asked as I pulled off my shirt. "Nah I'm good." I replied. Truth is I was used to being naked with the guys in the locker room.

"Ok, lay face down, you can put your face here" He said, pointing to the strange hole in the table. I lay on the padded table as Dr. Kennedy began to examine my back. He pushed and prodded different areas from my mid back to my lower back, to right above my ass crack. "I need to lower your briefs a bit" He said and tugged the elastic band down below my ass.

Dr. Kennedy continued checking different areas of my back and even down my hips on each side. "I am going to massage this area a bit to see if I can reduce some of the tension." He said, then reached for a bottle and squirted some cold liquid on my back. Dr. Kenned began to move his hands through the slick liquid down my spine starting between my shoulder and down lower and lower to the top of my ass. I had never had a massage and the feeling was intense.

Dr. Kennedy continued to press and massage my back closer to my ass. As he did a strange feeling came over me and my dick began to respond, growing hard between me and the padded table. I closed my eyes tight trying to will it go soft, but Dr. Kennedy's hands seemed to be making it worse. "Ok, let's have you roll over onto your back" Dr. Kennedy said, wiping away the slick liquid from my back.

"Um I should be going" I said, trying to avoid him seeing my boner. "Almost done with the exam" he said, sounding a bit impatient. "Roll onto your back please" he instructed. "I can't" I stammered, I could feel my face turning red and hot from embarrassment. "I have seen it all, don't worry. It happens" Dr. Kennedy said, calmly. I took a deep breath and rolled onto my back, staring up at the ceiling not wanting to make any eye contact.

Dr. Kennedy didn't say anything about my obvious boner, but instead took the liquid he used on my back and put some onto my chest, then began to massage downward. As his fingers trailed over my pecs, I felt like he lingered a bit longer on my nipples, or was it just my imagination? Down over my abs and just above the waistband of my undershorts. As his hand moved over my abs, the palm of his hand grazed my hard cock causing me to take a deep breath.

"Don't be embarrassed. I have seen lots of young men have the same problem. It's easily resolved" Dr. Kennedy said. I didn't know what he meant by "easily resolved" and I looked at him waiting for an explanation. "Want me to show you?" He asked. I wasn't sure what he meant and just sort of looked at him. Dr. Kennedy reached for the band of my underwear and pulled it over my hard cock exposing my thick 8 inch cock. Then he took the bottle of liquid he used on my back and chest and squirted it onto my hard cock.

"Just relax" Dr. Kennedy said and began to stroke my hard dick before I could even stop him "Fuck" I said out loud feeling his hand stroking me. The only hand that ever touched my cock was my own. The feeling was strange and incredible at the same time. Dr. Kennedy continued stroking with one hand and began to run his free hand under my balls, intensifying the feeling. As he stroked me, I couldn't help noticing the large boner snaking down the leg of his Khakis. There was a clear outline of his dick with a large mushroom head and what looked like a wet spot where the tip of his cock might be.

As Dr. Kennedy stroked me, I began to pant as I felt myself getting close quickly. My muscles tightened and my body began to tingle. A couple more strokes and I would lose my load. I closed my eyes tight waiting for the orgasm to come, but just before I reached the point of no return, Dr. Kennedy stopped stroking. My eyes popped open, and I looked at him. Dr. Kennedy gave me a grin.

"Don't stop, please" I said, almost begging. Dr. Kennedy began stroking again and this time, I got close much faster, but still just before my dick unloaded, Dr. Kennedy stopped stroking. Fuck, how did he know? Why was he doing this? In desperation to cum, I reached for my dick.

"Don't touch" Dr. Kennedy said, brushing my hand away. My dick jerked at the frustration he was causing. For the 3rd time, Dr. Kennedy began to stroke my dick. My body tensed again. I knew I was getting close, but I couldn't stand to be teased any longer. I wrapped my hand around Dr. Kennedy's so he couldn't pull it away. A couple strokes and a huge blast of cum shot straight up into the air splattering Dr. Kennedy's dark blue polo shirt. Dr. Kennedy continued to stroke my dick and more cum shot out before falling onto my body and the table.

When my orgasm finally stopped, Dr. Kennedy pulled his cum soaked hand away from my spent dick and cleaned it with the towel as I lay panting on the table. Then he began to clean up the mess on my abs and the table. "You can get up now" he said, as if nothing had just happened. I found my clothes and got dressed. I was feeling very strange and found it difficult to make eye contact. "I think the problem with your back is just some spasms. They can get worse if you don't treat them. I would like to see you back here in 3 days for some additional physical therapy." Dr. Kennedy said, then handed me an appointment card with the day and time written on it. I took the card and left the office.

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Next: Chapter 2: Physical Therapy 2

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