Physical Therapy

By leonard webb

Published on Dec 26, 2002



My name is James Williams Jr. but my friends call me J.J. My story begins a couple of years ago when I was a junior in college. I was the starting forward for the University of Oklahoma's Sooners. About mid-way through that season my right knee began to give me trouble. The MRI revealed nothing serious just a spur, which could be fixed with arthroscopic surgery. To have the surgery right away would take me out for the remainder of the season. I decided that since the pain was keeping me from playing my best anyway, I went ahead with the surgery. This way I could begin the following season healthy. A week after surgery I started physical therapy. That's when I met Carlos, he was my therapist. I was attracted to him immediately. I've always been attracted to both sexes. I was twenty-one and he was two or three years older than I was. He was about 5'11 tall and about 170 pounds I guess. His dark eyes and hair were a sharp contrast against his white uniform. When my doctor's office called to make my appointment he recognized my name and had requested to be my therapist. It seems he was a big Sooner fan. He had a gentle manner and he spoke with a Latin accent. He was born in the U.S but his family came from South America. I loved it when he smiled at me, flashing his snow-white teeth, which he did quite often. Anyway for the first three or four visits he never gave any indication that he was interested in me, or men period. Then suddenly one day he told me that he thought I had a nice body. I told him I thought he had a nice body too, at least from what I could tell looking at him in his uniform.

"Your skeen, it is very, very dark. I like it."

He said, smiling shyly.

I looked at him as he continued talking. He said that he'd worked with a lot of black people but none had skin as dark and smooth as me. I wondered if he was coming on to me. I decided to find out. I told him that judging by the hair on his arms I could tell he had a hairy body and I liked that. Carlos looked me in the eye as he placed his hand on my knee and gently massaged it.

"How is the soreness?"

He asked.

"Much better."

I replied, still looking him in the eye.

He smiled and continued massaging my knee. After a few moments his hand moved from my knee to my thigh. My dick began to awaken as his hand massaged its way slowly up my thigh. I lay my head back on the table and closed my eyes as his hand slipped inside the leg of my baggy shorts. My cock continued to harden as his fingers kneaded my inner thigh.

"You like?"

He whispered.

"Ummm oh yeah, that feels good."

I whispered back.

I was glad I hadn't worn any underwear as his fingertips brushed against my balls. We were in a small private room off the main exercise floor. I looked out the open door and saw the other therapists and patients going about their business. I realized if anyone looked in all they would be able to see was Carlos's back and would have no idea what was going on. My dick was now almost completely hard as Carlos fingered my nutts. Seconds later he removed his hand from my shorts and walked over to the door and closed it. I heard a soft click as he locked it. Moving back to the table he hooked his fingers in the waistband of my shorts, I lifted my hips and he slid them down to my knees. He starred for a moment at my now fully hard nine-inch cock rested on my abdomen.

"Beautiful pinga."

He whispered, as his fingers encircled it.

He quickly leaned over and I gasped as I felt the warm wetness of his mouth as it engulfed the head of my dick. The feeling was incredible as his tongue caressed my cock while he slowly took me into his mouth. I looked down and watched as his lips inched down the shaft of my dick. I moaned softly when I felt the head enter his throat, and much to my delight he didn't stop there. I kept watching more and more of my dark manhood disappeared into his face. I throbbed with pleasure as he took me deep into his throat. I stifled my moans of pleasure as Carlos's head began to bob up and down. He really knew how to suck a dick. The pleasure Carlos was giving me was increasing as he continued to suck me. I thought about my girlfriend, who had driven me to therapy and was at this very moment sitting in the waiting room waiting for me. Too bad she don't suck dick like this. I thought to myself. I put my hand on his ass and squeezed the firm flesh through the white cotton fabric of his uniform. The wonderful feelings I was experiencing started to spread from my groin throughout the rest of my body. I knew if he kept it up it wouldn't be long before I would bust a nutt. It was as if Carlos could sense I was getting close. Because he really started to lay it on me. His head began to bob faster and he was taking me even deeper into his throat. Man, that shit was feeling so good now that in a matter of seconds I was ready to blow.

"I'm gonna cum."

I panted.

Carlos moaned and continued his efforts. My body jerked and in spite of myself I grunted loudly when I began to shoot. Carlos clamped his lips around the head of my dick and swallowed again and again as I emptied my balls into his mouth. He kept me in his mouth until my cock stopped throbbing and he'd drank every drop of my cum. My breathing still hadn't returned to normal when he pulled my shorts up and gently tucked my softening dick back inside. I stood somewhat wobbly next to the table while Carlos left to make my next appointment. I was still a little shaky when I walked into the reception area. Carlos told me that my next visit would be at 5:30pm instead of my usual 11:00am.

When I arrived the following Friday at 5:25 my dick was already semi-hard. I'd though about the blowjob Carlos had given me on my last visit all day, and I was hoping I'd get another one today. I had my girlfriend drop me off. I'd call her when I was ready. I immediately noticed that the place was almost deserted. Next to Carlos and me there was only one other therapist and her patient still there. Carlos started me on my usual routine first exercise then twenty minutes of ice. It was while I had the ice pack on that the other therapist finished her patient. Carlos walked her to the door so that he could lock it behind her leaving us alone. When he returned he stopped in the doorway. I'd removed the ice pack along with my clothes. My 6'3" 200 pound frame stretched out on the table butt naked greeted him. I smiled at him as I stroked my hard cock with one hand and rubbed my chest with the other. He watched as my hand moved across my smooth well-defined pecs. Carlos's dark piercing eyes took in my entire body from the top of my shaved head to the bottom of my size 13 feet. He lingered on my chest starring at my big dark nipples, his gaze drifted downward over my smooth flat stomach. He looked at muscles flexing in my arm as I stroked my dick. He began to remove his white coat as he scanned my long muscular legs. He dropped his coat to the floor and pulled his white shirt over his head. I saw his upper body for the first time. The tips of a couple of light brow nipples peeked out from the silky dark hair that covered his chest and stomach. He unbuckled his belt and pulled his pants, underwear and all down around his ankles. His hard dick sprang forward from a thick nest of dark pubic hair, which spread down his legs all the way to his feet. His cock looked to be about six inches and unlike me he was uncut. He stepped out of his pants and moved over to me and as I took his dick into my hand he took mine into his. For a few moments we stroked each other, then he leaned over and took me into his mouth. I put my hand in his bare furry ass as he started sucking me. His hot mouth felt as good this time as it did the first time. Soon I pushed my fingers between his cheeks, he moaned softly as my middle finger rubbed his puckered little hole. I gotta say some good head is O.K But if you ask me. There ain't nothing like sticking your dick in some ass. I'm as ass man, always have been, and always will be.

"I wanna fuck you."

I said.

Carlos didn't say a word he opened the drawer in the stand next to the massage table, pulled out a tube of lubrication, handed it to me and went back to sucking my dick. Removing the top from the tube I applied a generous amount to my fingers and pushed them back between his asscheeks. Gently I began to work a finger into his hole. He moaned softly as the tip of my finger entered him. I worked my finger around in his asshole. As I felt him relax and loosen I pushed my finger in deeper. He moaned again when my knuckle slipped inside him. I continued working my finger inside him. Soon he seemed to relax and loosen up some more. I knew that if I were going to get my dick inside him he'd have to loosen up a lot more so I began to work a second finger into him. Carlos released my cock and began to lick my balls while I continued to work his asshole with my fingers. Soon my fingers were sliding into him easily and I knew he was ready, but his soft velvety tongue felt so good. I let him lick and suck on my balls for a while before I took the tube of lube and applied some to my dick. I'd thought I'd bend him over the massage table and fuck him, but Carlos stopped me as I started to get off the table. It seems he had another idea. He crawled onto the table and kneeling with a knee on each side of my hips. He took my dick in his hand and guided it to his hole as he lowered himself onto me. I could feel the head pressing against his hole.

"Aiee paupi."

He said, as the head of my cock entered him.

I'd only given him two fingers to open him up some. I didn't want to hurt him. But I did want him to feel it. And apparently he was. He'd paused, and I resisted the urge to thrust as he allowed himself to become accustomed to the huge invader. He was muttering something in Spanish that I didn't understand as he started to lower himself again. I could feel his asshole stretched tightly around my dick as it slipped down the shaft. The head of the massage table was elevated some and his cock rubbed against my stomach as he lowered himself. I put my hands on his waist as his ass came to rest on my thighs. I moaned, as his soft insides seemed to undulate and caress all nine inches of my cock. Sending waves of pleasure down my dick into my balls. Carlos was still speaking Spanish I could only catch a few words like; Grande, Negro, and pinga. Carlos began to ride my dick, slowly up then down. Pulling him close to me, I could feel his hard cock rubbing up and down my stomach while he rode me. Sticking out my tongue I lapped his nipple a couple of times before taking it into my mouth. He moaned and slammed his ass down forcing my dick deeper into his pleasure tunnel. I began to thrust pushing up as he pushed down.

"Si paupi, fuck me with your big black dick."

He said.

I intended to do just that. This was some of the best ass I'd had in a long time. I spread his cheeks as he bounced up and down on my cock. His ass was feeling so good that I wanted to get every centimeter of dick inside his warm soft asshole. The sound of bare skin slapping together along with our moans filled the room. Carlos seemed to be in heaven. He was enjoying getting fucked as much as I was enjoying fucking him. He was still speaking a combination of English and Spanish. His head rolled from side to side as I continued my assault on his nipples and asshole. I felt a slick wetness on my stomach as his cock leaked generous amounts of pre cum. Grabbing him by the waist I lifted him slightly and began to thrust into him, slamming my crotch into his ass. Soon my skin was glistening with sweat as I threw everything I had into every thrust.

"Si... Si"

Carlos whispered, each time my hips slammed into him.

I was lost in my own world of pleasure, a world that only consisted of my dick and the pleasure I was getting through it. Carlos's fingers began to dig into my shoulders, his whispers turned to whines and he pressed his body tightly against me. His pre cum, along with my sweat, was causing his cock to slip and slide easily between our bodies. I knew he was close to cumming, and I wasn't far behind him.

"Is this dick good to ya?"

I panted, as I slammed into him.


He whined.

His asshole seemed to get tighter as my cock swelled and became harder inside him. Carlos cried out as my dick penetrated even deeper into his bowels.


He wailed, as his head snapped back. My growls of ecstasy blended in with his wails as his cock spurted between us. I growled again and again as the orgasm caused his asshole to grip my dick with each of his spurts.

I loved having my dick shoved deep inside a man's ass when came, his gripping hole intensified my pleasure ten fold. The aroma of Carlos's cum filled my nostrils. He whimpered as I continued to plow into him his still spasming asshole pushed me closer to the brink. I slammed into him almost knocking him off of me, causing him to cry out.


I bellowed, as I began to fill his ass with my hot cum.

I slammed into him again and again each time with as much force as the last. Volley after volley of my rich cream shooting deep inside his ass. He left my dick buried inside him til I'd completely emptied my nutts. My cum coated cock fell across my thigh with a loud plop when Carlos finally got off of me. I looked down and saw my stomach was covered with his freshly shot load. He got some towels and we quickly cleaned up. We did our own special therapy at least once a week. On my last visit he gave me his phone number and we still got together for over a year.

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