Phone Game

By Roe St. Alee

Published on Apr 18, 2019


Phone Game Chapter 5 By Roe St. Alee

This story contains sexual content involving college age males. If this offends you, or this material is illegal where you live, please leave this page immediately. This story is a work of fiction, and any similarities to real life people, places, and situations is purely a coincidence.

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"The more I think about it, the more I go back and forth. This is the time to get out there and live it up. Make new friends, meet new people, try new things. Everyone is out there doing it and I should jump right in. But then I come back from the other side and change my mind again.

"If I get everything out of the way now I can focus more on the harder stuff later. Once I get into more of my studio work I'll want less of a class load and more time to work on bigger projects. Plus if I decide to study abroad or do something cool I don't want to be worried about taking more classes..."

Josh goes on from there. From what I gather he's thinking about frontloading his coursework into his first two years, leaving a few easy classes to take as a junior and senior. Trying to scheme on how to best enjoy and make the most of all four years at Walton College. I thought about the same thing a little bit, but decided not to.

That's what I think he's talking about, at least. I got the jist of it. But I'm not really listening.

I'm thinking about the note.

[See you around, Jake.]

There's no question that the note was for me. It had my name on it.

But who wrote it, and what does it mean?

I suppose on the surface it means that someone is going to see more of me this year. But what that actually means depends very much on who sent it.

My first thought is that it came from Corey. She said that to me. Twice, now that I'm remembering. Once at the end of lecture, and again at the activities expo. And she's not wrong. She'll definitely be seeing me around.

That's my first thought, but possibly just because it's the one I'm hoping is true. Because it could have come from anyone.

Calvin said something similar to me, as did Professor Lowry, and even Kyle Bang. And all of them had perfectly normal reasons for saying it, and even leaving me a note isn't that crazy to imagine. It's my first day of college, and all of them legitimately seem to want me feeling welcome.

But there's something about it.

Something is making it hard to push the note out of my mind and focus on my conversation with Josh. Something about the tone of it.

And not even the tone, if we're being honest. The implied tone. Or as much implied tone as a four word note can hold.

And maybe implied tone isn't the right idea either. It's not the tone, or the words, or anything else I can objective put my finger on.

At the end of the day, it's just my gut.

Something about it feels heavy. Like it's important. Like the person who wrote it really went out of their way and made it a point to send me that note. Like there's a meaning behind it beyond those four words written on the paper in my pocket.

"Dude, are you even listening?"

I jolt when I hear Josh's words. I won't pretend, because I wasn't.

"Sorry," I say, "I was a thousand miles away. Just thinking about..."

I trail off, unsure if I'm ready to share all this. Josh's voice did more than shake me out of my thoughts, it also put things a little more into perspective. It's less that I don't want to share something important, and more that I don't want to let on how seriously I'm taking some silly little note I found on the back of a chair.

"I get it," says Josh with a smile. "It's been a big day. Not an exciting day, maybe, but a big one." He turns to look at me. "Did you feel at some point like this was actually our first college lecture? Like we should have been taking notes?"

I return his smile, which is almost impossible not to do.

"Exactly," I say. "I was thinking the same thing."

"Plus," he adds, side eyeing me, "blondes can be very distracting."

I instantly feel my cheeks getting hot. How did he notice? We only talked for ten seconds, and Josh doesn't even know the part about her being my boss, or my suspicions about...

A new thought suddenly crosses my mind.

What if Josh is involved?

If Corey is indeed the one who wrote the note, then it makes sense. Josh might have put the note on the chair after Corey gave it to him.

It makes sense, since she wasn't in the lecture hall after lunch, and it answers another question that I've been rolling around in my brain.

It was weird to me that after we talked at the paper, she came back in and put the note there. Plus, she was taking a risk as to whether or not I would sit in the same place. Instead, she just grabbed Josh at some point while I was in my advisement session and asked...

Shoot. I'm doing it again.

Off in my own world with my thoughts, and Josh just said something to me. What did he ask? I heard it, but my brain was someplace else...

"Corey," I say. "It's Corey."

His subtle nod tells me that I got it right. He asked what her name was.

"Nice," he says. "If it was me, I'd be just as distracted. She's cute."

"Yeah," I reply, "totally."

That's another thing I'm already starting to appreciate about Josh. The way he says things like that. It doesn't make me jealous or worried or anything. It wasn't a challenge, or a statement of his intent. He's just saying that she's cute and he approves that she is the one distracting my thoughts. I can't disagree with him.

Ther other great thing is that he doesn't seem to mind that I wasn't paying attention to him talking about his classes.

"She's actually going to write for the paper, too," I say. "I saw her again during the expo."

Josh rubs his hands together like he's really savoring the information. "That's a good sign," he says. "It's all about face time with a girl like this, so it's a good start that you know you'll be seeing each other around."

I gulp, as my mind wanders back to the note.

"But don't waste any time," he says, "because you need to strike while the iron is..."

As we approach the main doors of our dorm with a small pack of other freshmen coming back from orientation, Josh notices the look on my face and stops.


I try to feign a puzzled look, but I've never had much of a poker face.

"There's something else, isn't there?"

With the note on my mind already, it's impossible to stop thinking about it. I'm not quite ready to tell him about it yet, especially since I don't know who it's from, not to mention the fact that Josh himself could be a suspect.

But my brain isn't done spinning in circles. I start to wonder if Corey lives in our building. There are only three dorms that are generally reserved for freshmen, so chances are good. And if she lives here, then the middle of the entryway definitely isn't the best place to talk about our dating prospects.

I hold up a finger to Josh and he nods knowingly, holding our silence until we're at least on our own floor, safely within a males-only section of the building.

"So, what is it?" he asks.

Again the note flashes through my head, but that's not what I was thinking of. Not this time, anyway.

"We're not just working together at the Monitor," I say. "She's actually going to sort of be my boss."

Josh's jaw drops, and then twists up into a huge grin.

"Dude," he says with reverence, "that is amazing."

He opens our dorm room door and shakes his head.

"It really is amazing, Jake. It's technically not even the first day of school and the story of your freshman year is already practically writing itself. At this rate, you are gonna have one hell of a time in college."

He raises his eyebrows and looks me up and down with an air of scrutiny.

"I knew we were going to be cool when we met," he says, "but you might be running circles around me out there. Promise we'll still be friends when you have the most epic freshman year of all time?"

I smile sheepishly. He has a point, although I wouldn't go that far.

This is exactly what I was hoping for in college. A chance to get away from my less-than-social self in high school and try something new. Try being someone different, and acting like I really belong here.

And here I am, day one. A cool roommate who, for whatever reason, thinks I'm cool too. A pretty girl who not only seems to be showing interest in me, but who I might actually have a shot with.

And if you really want to break it down, I am now technically on a first name basis with the most popular kid at our school.

But more importantly it's not just me saying all this stuff. Josh just said we were friends, and whether he placed that note on my chair or not, he agrees that I'm not making this whole thing up about Corey. He's on the same page. Maybe she's into me.

I hop up on my bed and watch Josh as he rifles through a bunch of his stuff, which in the course of twenty four hours has gone from non-existent to messily occupying the majority of the space under his bed.

"I'm gonna pop over to my brother's place to grab another bag of stuff," he says. He glances down at his phone. "I should be back in plenty of time for our hall meeting. It's at eight, right?"


I'm glad he said something. Even after Calvin mentioned it earlier today I had almost forgotten about it. There's supposed to be pizza, so I'm looking forward to it.

"Did you want to join?" he asks. "You can meet Marsh and check out his place if you want."

I take my own opportunity to check the time.

"Nah," I say. "I'm going to try to squeeze in a run before the meeting, and I want to make sure I have time to shower."

Josh wrinkles his nose. "Good call. Don't be the smelly guy on the first day."

I laugh. While our floor is just a bunch of other dudes, I don't want a reputation.

Josh slings a mostly empty duffel bag over his shoulder and does one more look around the room.

"Alright," he says, turning back to me, "see you around."

As he steps out I feel like laughing at myself.

"See you around," I mutter, more to myself than to Josh.

It's a common turn of phrase. Everyone says it, probably five or ten times every day, and even more so on a day when you're meeting a hundred new people that you will, undoubtedly, be seeing around.

Without thinking, the note is back in my hand and I'm looking at it. The handwriting isn't a useful clue at this exact moment, but I carefully etch the lines and curves of each letter into my brain for future reference.

It's exciting, one way or the other. If it's a harbinger of a friendship, a working relationship, or something romantic, it doesn't really matter. It's a good sign no matter what.

But something about it makes me know, or at least think that I know, it's the latter. It has an air of romance, or at least attraction to it. Maybe that's what I was feeling before when I felt a sort of weight about the note. My gut tells me that the person who wrote it is interested in getting to know me in a very specific sense.

Even just holding the note in my fingers, it excites me. My heart is beating a little faster, and I can feel a strange tingling of excitement in my stomach. And it spreads from there, downward, a little lower...

What am I doing?

Is merely holding a random scrap of paper making me horny right now?

But it isn't just a random scrap. All of my instincts are telling me it's more, and all of those instincts seem intent on sending blood from my heart directly down into my groin.

I was going to go for a run, but this presents another, much different opportunity for me.

Josh is almost sure to be gone at least an hour, and I can always cut a run short if I need to. With my first bit of alone time in a few days - I was fairly smothered by my parents in my last week at home - I'm excited for a chance to do this.

I reach down and can feel the already half-hard bulge in my athletic shorts, contained in place by my boxer briefs but clearly aching to be released.

I take a last look around, as though someone might still somehow be in my room, and then I take off my shirt. I run my hand across my chest and stomach, letting the sensations of touch radiate through my body.

Midway through reaching down to my waistband I stop. I'm still holding the note. Something about it.

I set it down on the desk to my left and take a breath. Now's the last chance to stop if I want to. I only need a few minutes, and I don't think I'll be interrupted. It's not good to stay pent up all the time, right?

I slide my shorts and underwear down in one motion and my cock springs upward, inflating more with every beat of my heart.

Looking down at it, I take a second before I lock my hand around it. There's no doubt. It is fully hard, and I am more than ready for a chance to relieve myself. It sticks straight out, at a slight upward angle, lightly throbbing, awaiting my hand.

I reach down and grab it, shuddering a little at the first touch. It's warm and stiff, and I slide my hand up and down all six and a half inches of it, relishing the pleasantly familiar sensation of masturbating.

I am going to enjoy this.

I close my eyes and go into my own head, searching for a classic fantasy. There are a few girls I knew in high school that I usually think about when I'm jacking off. I conjure up an image and...

But I can't quite find it.

I've done this at least a hundred times - what teenage boy hasn't - but something stops me. I can't quite do it. The familiar images just aren't forming in my mind.

I smile to myself. It's a good thing.

I'm in college now. And part of the whole reason I decided to come to Walton in the first place was to get away from high school. Good or bad, I consciously wanted to leave the whole thing behind and forget about it. The people, the town, the school, the social groups, and even this. Even my high school fantasies.

It's been a good run for peeling down Jess Pruit's skirt over her perfect ass, or getting a face full of Kiera Maddingly's amazing tits, which just came out of nowhere during our sophomore year. I've drained myself thinking about that countless times, and it's been great. But it's time for something new. I'm here now, and I don't need to think about those people ever again.

Instead, I close my eyes, fix my grip around my dick, and think of...


She's attractive, even if I haven't seen much of her at this point. Her blonde hair, thin waist, and decent butt would definitely look good naked. She was wearing leggings today, and her legs had a good shape to them too.

I imagine her milky skin, fully revealed to me. Her breasts aren't large, but they suit her. I think of myself pushing into her from behind, bending her over and cupping my hand around her right breast, feeling it's soft weight in my hand as she moans.

Her expression is always so smug, almost with a resting half smile, like everything she sees amuses her. But in my head it looks different. I replace it with a breathless expression, losing control with pleasure, gasping for air as we...

I open my eyes and take a second to catch my breath.

It wasn't me.

It wasn't my usual fantasy. Corey was there, but she wasn't pushing me down onto a bed to rip my clothes off, or straddling me on an office chair, taking control and letting me have it. Those are my usuals. But this time it was different.

For one brief second in my mind, she wasn't with me at all.

She was getting fucked by Kyle Bang.

I take a breath and pull down hard on my dick, feeling tingles of pleasure radiate outward from my groin.

It's a weird thing to admit, but I have to. It only made me hornier.

As if I needed more evidence, I look down at my penis, even harder than before, throbbing lightly in my hand.

It's ok to think about other people while I jack off. I don't even really mind that it was a dude. My fantasy is about Corey, and it only makes sense that my brain filled in the details with the biggest, best, and most impressive specimen it could dream up. And in that case, the most obvious choice in the world is Kyle.

I close my eyes again and it only takes a second.

Kyle's hand on the back of Corey's head, buried in her hair and pushing her down and forward. She's bent over her desk at the Monitor, moaning gently with each thrust of his hips. He slides in and out of her, easily holding her body in place, fucking her powerfully, like a man.

I feel the warmth spreading from my balls and into the rest of my crotch. I'm getting close.

His skin, dark against hers, sharply outlining his muscles in the dim light of the office. He ass and thighs contract in time with his thrusts, as he barrels into her again and again, skin slapping against skin.

His body tightens as Corey lets out a final moan, and he buries himself in her all the way to the hilt. He holds against her, lifting the entire backside of her body off the ground as he... I empty my load all over the edge of my bed.

My brain starts coming back to reality and I grab my shirt to wipe up the mess. As I catch my breath, I have to think. That was kind of weird.

I can't be worried about it though. That's where my brain went, for whatever reason. And even though it maybe wasn't where I would have taken it if I had been able to fully control my jack off fantasy, it worked. And that's what matters.

Kyle is a big deal, and I've seen him both days that I've been here. He obviously has some sort of effect on everyone around him, so why would I be different? It's normal that he was on my mind, albeit a little less so if you factor in that I had my dick in my hand at the same time. But it's not like he ever needs to know.

An hour deep into this meeting, and I'm starting to think I might not make it.

Not as a student, or as a resident on our floor, which is called the Judson House. But simply as a person who stays awake through the entirety of Calvin's presentation.

We started with pizza, which obviously held my attention without issue. And then it was an icebreaker, which wasn't half bad, as I got to learn the names and a little bit more about all the guys who will be living on our floor.

But since then it's been nonstop Calvin, going on and on about all the rules, activities, resources, and schedules for everyone living on our floor. And it is a lot of information.

By the time I'm starting to sense that we might possibly be wrapping it up in the near future, I'm ready for bed. A forty minute run, a belly full of pizza, and all that on top of the fact that I was lucky enough to snag a spot on one of the big, plush couches in our common room? That's a recipe for a snooze if I've ever heard one.

"Look, it's college. I know it is. And I was a freshman too once, if you can believe that. But it's just like Kyle said this morning, if you can remember that far back. We're all here to help you make the absolute most out of your time at Walton College."

Calvin looks around the room possessively, almost proudly.

"And that includes each other. We need to support each other, and have each other's backs. And that all starts right here, in this room. Look around, and see the people who will be your cohort, classmates, and coworkers while you're here. But more importantly, your neighbors, advocates, and friends."

I feel myself start to perk up a little at Calvin's speech. Maybe he has more charisma than I gave him credit for.

"And we can all help do that by keeping each other safe, healthy, and happy. By looking out for each other and letting me or another person on our res-life staff know whenever there's a problem. Got it?"

There's a mildly enthusiastic murmur of understanding in the crowd, but something about Calvin's speech makes me smile.

It's him in a nutshell, really. He is a leader in some ways, and there's something about him that gives him authority. He's captain of the cross country team and an RA. He has a knack for it.

But on the other hand, he's a bit of a dork.

A few guys have questions, but most of us are ready to go. When we're dismissed a few minutes later, the crowd quickly disperses, with only a short delay as everyone swings through the pizza line one more time to grab an extra slice for the road. It's only about 60 feet back to my room, but you can never have too much pizza.


I turn to see Calvin waving me over. I reluctantly separate my pizza from my face and make my way to him.

"Are you able to come to practice on Thursday?" he asks once I wade through the rest of our floormates to reach him. "Totally fine if you have another commitment, but the first practice is a good chance to meet everyone."

I nod and mumble something that sounds vaguely affirmative through a mouthful of lukewarm dough and cheese.

"Perfect," he says. "I saw you went for a run before our meeting, too. Did you remember your key this time?"

I smile. It's his `large-and-in-charge' personality I'm getting this time, apparently.

"That's good," he says, "because I can't be in charge of you twenty four hours a day, even you if want me to be."

Even acting serious, I can tell he's joking around. Putting on a show for the handful of remaining guys in the common room. I'll let him have it this time.

"I remembered it," I assure him.

He yawns and glances down at his watch.

"I'll clean up, you go ahead and get back to your room." He gives me a wave goodnight and starts tidying up the area. "We're excited to have you running with us. We'll have a ton of fun this year."

I say goodnight and step away quickly, as I see Josh has started the walk back to our room as well. He was waiting for me for a minute, but must have given up on Calvin letting me go.

As I fall in behind him, he's talking to another guy. He's shorter than either of us, but certainly noticeable, as he has a brilliant shock of bright red hair. You would almost think he dyes it if his complexion didn't suit it so well.

I remember him from our introductions during the meeting. Scott. I remember him less for his hair though, and more for how he's dressed.

He was one of the few people at the meeting not wearing pajamas, but he went even further than that. He's not dressed up, per se, but even a quick glance tells me that his outfit was not cheap. It's too fitted, too sleek, too sharp looking. It's weird to say, but between his height, fair features, and his attire, if I were to pick him out of a crowd I would have to describe him as `cute.'

Scott is regaling Josh with a story about his parents and something they were doing when they dropped him off, but unfortunately I missed the first half while I was talking to Calvin. Josh is cracking up, and I feel strangely bitter that I'm not in on the joke.

We get to our door, which is on the right, and Scott stops with us.

"Nice," Josh says, "you're right across from us."

Scott looks back at his door and nods.

"Cool," he says. He looks over at me. "Jake, right? You're Josh's roommate?"

"Yeah," I say. "I guess we're neighbors."

"You guys want to hang out? It's not even ten yet, and I unpacked my Wii this afternoon."

Josh shrugs. "Sure," he says, "sounds like fun."

Scott leans over to us and glances up and down the hallway. "Since we're neighbors," he says, "I can tell you what I really have in my room though."

I feel my heart skip a beat. I know college is a time to try new things, but I'm not feeling that adventurous tonight.

He sticks his tongue through his teeth and smiles mischievously. "I have an N64 with Mario Kart."

Josh practically squeals with delight and Scott shushes him.

"Keep it down," says Scott. "I only have four controllers, so let's try to make this our little secret." He winks at us and I feel a big goofy grin materialize on my face. "At least for tonight."

"Hell yeah," says Josh. "I'll be cool."

Scott and I both laugh and I feel silly for getting nervous earlier. This guy is alright, I don't need to be anxious every time someone talks to me.

"I'm just gonna hit the bathroom then I'll be right back," says Josh.

"I'm grabbing my water and then I'm in too," I say.

Scott nods and keys into his room, while Josh practically runs down the hall to the bathroom, not wasting any time. This is going to be fun.

I turn around and reach out to open my own door, which is recessed a few feet into a little alcove. I stop the instant before my hand touches the knob.

I didn't see it earlier, because I hadn't looked in toward my door at all.

On a small piece of paper, taped to the middle of our door, someone has drawn a smiley face.

It's a silly little thing. A resident in the hall trying to be friendly, or maybe Calvin spreading a little floor spirit out to some of his residents. It could just as easily be a random note as it could be for Josh.

But it's for me. I am one hundred percent sure.

Because I instantly recognize that this note is on the same paper as the note I got earlier today.

I smile excitedly and pluck the note off my door, tucking it into my pocket.

Maybe Josh is right.

At this rate, I'm going to have one hell of a time in college.

In the next chapter: First day. Another visit from an old 'friend'. Another...

Next: Chapter 6

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