Phone Call

By ten.xoc@seirotskd

Published on Apr 15, 2023


Legal Stuff: I don't know NSYNC or any other celebrity mentioned. While real people are the basis of characters, they are characters here and do not represent the real lives, thoughts, or feelings of the real people. Again, these are characters based on them, not the real people themselves. If you are too young, or live in a location where it is illegal to read stories that include love between men, read no further! Like that would have ever stopped me...

A Phone Call -- Chapter 12

Life sucks big time. Yes, I know, you've heard it from me before, but right now it is really bad. It's been four weeks now since my birthday party. In those four weeks, I have spent exactly ten days in the same city as James, and even less actually in his company. I'm going crazy from withdrawals. Not drugs, not alcohol. James withdrawals.

We talk on the phone at least twice a day, but lately that only seems to make it worse. I hear his voice, but I want to feel his touch. I'm horny and want him there, but even more I just want to feel his arms around me or my arms around him. I've cried myself to sleep the last three nights, and it doesn't look like it's going to get much better.

Let's see, what's been going on? Well, a lot. I finished the last of the script a full week ahead of schedule. JMS gave me a pat on the back and a plane ticket. I had no idea there were so many details involved in location shoots. I vowed that I'd be very careful about ever writing one again (location shoots that is). Then we had casting calls. Do you know how many aspiring actors there are in New York and LA? My god! Try spending 12 hours a day looking at hundreds of people reading for a single part. No wonder they keep pictures with their resumes. That's the only way I remembered half of the good people we saw.

Then there's having to pick between three or four people who would all be perfect for the role. Then there's the person auditioning for role A when they would be perfect for role B. But will they take the role you want them for? Don't forget that I wasn't the only person making this call. Luke and Rupert were the other two with me and boy did we have some disagreements! Majority ruled though, and I was voted down a couple of times.

Chad showed up auditioning for a role. You know, I had written this role in the original movie script with him in mind. I'd expanded it for the min-series and for the series. A playboy bartender that would do anything for the right price, and anyone he liked the look of in bed. The character was a totally corrupt person with no morals or scruples whatsoever. Chad was perfect in the audition, and he was cast unanimously. I wondered how bad he'd react to the running gag I had planned. Two or three times a season, the episode would start with him in Medical being treated for a sexually transmitted disease. My plans for the last episode had him dying of one that was incurable. What was worse, would be that none of the other characters would even care. There'd actually be a party celebrating the fact that he was dead. Of course he didn't know all that, and I hadn't the heart to tell him yet. I'd save that for down the road. I know he saw it as a breakout role where he could establish himself as a bad' buy instead of the poor little cute guy who always got stepped on or dealt with angst'.

Oh, did I mention that when I delivered the draft of the script, I got paid the remaining $350,000 of my contract for that script? I invested most of it immediately and was soon seeing my investments making me enough money to almost live on them. James helped with that, pointing me to a good investment firm.

What about Manuel? He got a job. He went with Luke and I to the special effects company we'd hired. While there, he got into a discussion with the owner about different methods they employed in the software, and next thing I knew, he was being offered a $100k/year deal. He was now working on the graphics for my show. Let me tell you, having your best friend working on your dream sure makes things easier. When they tell him something that conflicts with what I've told him, we find out about it. This resulted in a manager being fired at the company, and Manuel took his place (not without griping, resisting, and almost quitting...but he did take the job).

Josh and he are still together. They are not an exclusive couple like James and I, but they are a couple. They moved out last month into a condo next door. I've seen them come home with two women, one woman, two men, and one man, and combinations in-between. I stopped keeping track, but the visitors are always gone by morning. Whatever works for them, as long as they both are happy, and they are happy.

All of NSYNC spends some time out here. Johnny got them into a studio off and on over the past month, and for the next two, to work on their next album. Justin is wrapping his solo tour and is eagerly looking forward to getting back with the guys. Guess he's been a little lonely (he even asked me if I had any female friends like Manuel. Told him they'd be too ugly. He laughed).

James has been busy between NSYNC and his own company. When I'm in LA, he's in New York. When I'm in New York, he's in Tennessee. I've actually been to Orlando twice now to interview performers for certain roles. He was in LA at the time. I'm ready to scream, and so is he.

As if that wasn't bad enough, we begin shooting next week. Yes, we actually start production. I've got about 50 pages of revisions to go through, but we'll be rolling cameras next week. Why am I so upset right now? Because except for those revisions and a couple of meetings, I have the next four days off and James is in Mississippi.

Oh, yeah. His mom. She threw an absolute fit about me. James has been trying to mend his fences with her, but she keeps knocking them down. She hates me with a passion, and I don't even know why. James seems to think that she believed Josh and him had been a phase. She played the loving mother until they broke up. When he ended up with another guy instead of a girl, her secret dream was broken. I don't know, but he's back there on business at his home there, trying to only deal with her as necessary.

So, here I am in our condo, sipping on a cup of coffee in the later morning, looking over script revisions. That's when it happened. Yes. The phone rang. Want to know why this story is called `A Phone Call'? Because it only takes a phone call to change your life, and I keep getting damn phone calls. Want my phone? I just might give it to you. Not James though, I'm keeping him forever.

"Hi! Dave." I said into the damn cell phone. This new one Manuel had bought me was too damn small!

"D..D...Dave!" A voice wailed. At first I thought it might be my sister, but something was really odd sounding.

"This is Dave, who is this, what's wrong?" I said softly, gently.

"Th...this is Nat...Nathan." The voice stammered out, a little more under control Nathan, Jean's son. My former co-worker's gay wait, he just turned 15-year old son.

"Nathan, bud, what's wrong?" I asked, very concerned.

" dad." He said, then started bawling again. It took a while, but started to get him calmed odwn when a voice on his side told him he was out of time. I told him to call collect. He did call me back, collect on the condo phone.

"Nathan, tell me what's wrong, bud." I said gently.

" dad." He said, his voice showing a lot of effort to control. "He caught me and Timmy doing it in the back yard."

"I take it he didn't react as well as your mom?" His parents were divorced.

"No. He hit Timmy. That's when I jumped on him and Timmy got away. Then dad hit me."

"How bad?" I asked calmly, not letting him hear the anger that was building inside me.

"My eye was black, my nose bleeding, and the doctor said I cracked a rib. But...that's not the worst part." He said. His voice started steady then got worse towards the end.

"What happened next, Nathan?" I asked gently.

"He dragged me through the house, out to the truck. He drove me home to Mom. He was yelling at her. He said she'd made me into a faggot!" he was wailing now.

"You know better, Nathan." I reassured him.

"I know, but Mom didn't like that, so she started yelling at him that it was all his fault. I didn't want my parents to fight!" he was on the edge of wailing now.

"Parents fight for their own reason, Nathan. It is no one's fault but their own." I was running out of sayings here.

"Well that's when he shot her." He blurted out in one big rush.

"Is she..." I couldn't say it I was so shocked.

"Yeah." Nathan said sadly. "That was two weeks ago."

"Two weeks!" I exclaimed loudly, then resumed a calmer tone. He did not need me raising my voice at him. "What happened after he fired?"

"I ran and he SHOT AT ME!" Nathan wailed. He cried for several more minutes before calming down enough to continue. "I ran next door and the neighbor called the cops, but he came over there before they arrived. Mr. Velasquez had his shotgun and when my dad broke down the door, he shot him."

"Oh my god, Nathan. Are you and your sister doing okay? What can I do?" I asked, my brain reeling. I'd lost my own parents, but not at the same time and not to domestic violence!

"The police didn't arrest Mr. Velasquez, but they put us with my Aunt." He said, crying again.

"Is that good or bad?" I asked him. I thought I knew the answer, but I wanted to hear it from him.

"Good for my sister, bad for me." He sniffled.

"Why?" I asked succinctly.

"She's Mormon." He answered. "She thinks I'm possessed or something. Last night they were all out at some church function, and I found some pamphlets for a place in Utah that says they can cure gay people. I'm not sick, I don't need to be cured!"

"Damn, those places still exist?" I asked aloud, and he was off crying again. "Where are you now, Nathan?"

"On Mill Avenue." He answered. I knew where he meant. It was in Tempe, near the college and a favorite hang out of homeless teens.

"Okay, do you have enough money for the bus?" I asked.


"Good, take the bus to the airport. Call me back when you get there. I will be flying in and meet you there. If we don't get a hold of each other, WAIT for me in the baggage claim. Blend in with the crowd, don't draw attention to yourself, okay?"

"Okay." Nathan said softly. "You're really coming out here to help me?"

"Yes." I told him firmly. "I promised your mother I would help you if anything ever happened, and you're a good kid. You deserve all the help anyone can give you."

That started him crying again. This time it was in relief though. I could feel the pain he was going through, and just hearing those words from someone helped him get himself together. He hung up and was heading to the bus right away. I picked up my cell phone and called good ole trusty Peter.

"Peter, get me on a plane to Phoenix within the hour." I told him, then hung up. I didn't have time for pleasantries. I forwarded the home phone to the cell phone, packed a bag (yes, I got my own clothes this time. I also packed a suit), transferred files I might need to the new laptop, and I was off in the car. As I drove to the airport, I called James.

"Hey you." His voice was tired, and from the background noise I guessed he was in make-up. NSYNC was taping a show for VH1, or was it MTV? I forgot which.

"Heya love." I told him. "I've got a problem."

I proceeded to rapidly fill him in on my phone call from Nathan. He expressed his horror at what had happened, and what was possibly happening. He finally asked what he could do.

"That's why I'm calling, James." I told him. "You see, there's a likelihood that the only way out of this is for me to get custody of him. It'll be tough for a lot of reasons including I'm gay, and I'm not a relative. But I do know one of the things the court is going to look at is home life. That means who is in the home, and what relationship they are to each other."

"Oh, couldn't we..." He began, then stopped. "We don't want to lie in court. If that ever got out, it'd be worse than just the basic story. EVERYONE EXCEPT NSYNC PLEASE LEAVE."

That last was shouted, and I heard a lot of murmuring going on I the background. I heard a call buzz in and while James was telling the group what was going on, and what I was thinking about doing, I put him on hold. The call was Peter giving me a flight number that took off in 30 minutes. I thanked him and switched back to James just in time to hear something that had me in tears. Not a good thing on an LA freeway, but that's what happened.

"...So it is unanimous?" James was saying.

"Yeah," I recognized Chris' voice. "One of us coming out is more than worth saving one kid's life. Hell, if you wouldn't do it I don't know if I'd want you in the group."

"Oh my god." I breathed into the phone.

"You heard that last I take it?" James said into the phone.

"Yes." I whispered.

"Good, here's what you missed then. Do what you need to do to get him out of the situation he's in. If you need more money, you have all of my money...and the band's money as you just heard them yelling. If that also means that I have to come out there for court, I'll drop everything. We're not going to announce anything, but if the press catch a hold of it, we're not going to deny it either."

"What will Johnny say?" I asked. James repeated my question aloud and I heard Johnny telling me to get my ass out to Phoenix.

"I love you so much." I told him. Okay, the last few weeks was hell and I was missing him, feeling separated, distant from him, but right then I knew that neither one of us had lost any of the love we felt for each other.

"I've got your back, my love." James said. "But there's something I should probably tell you now. The condo in LA and the house in Phoenix, your name is on the title now. I went ahead and changed it last week. I was going to tell you in person, but...well.."

"We haven't seen each other since then." I finished for him. "I would object, but right now it will probably help, so I can't say anything but thank you. I'm parking the car now."

"Okay, call me as soon as you have news." He said then hung up. I was stunned as I made my way inside and got my tickets from the counter. I had no checked baggage, and boarding commenced as soon as I got through security, so I was seated right away. Lately I'd been flying so much that even first class was feeling cramped and tired.

A little over an hour later, the plane had landed and I was rushing my way through Sky Harbor International Airport. I rode the escalator down to the baggage claim area, looking for Nathan when I felt something collide with my side. I nearly fell over since I'm not use to short, fifteen year old kids rushing and grabbing me into hugs like that.

He was crying, so I took him over to some chairs and sat down with him leaning against me crying his eyes out. A police officer looked at us for a moment but I smiled and mouthed `He'll be okay'. The officer walked off at that point. Once Nathan had calmed down, I went over to the car rental places that lined the baggage area. The first two didn't have any SUV for rent, but the third did. I wasn't worried about cost anymore as I whipped out my brand new platinum card and rented a vehicle for three days. I'd extend it if necessary.

Nathan was silent as we got out to the rental lot, and stayed silent as we started to drive. I turned on the air conditioning immediately since I was no longer use to the 100+ degree Phoenix weather. The thermometer on the vehicle reported it as 104. I looked over at Nathan, and he was looking out the window, but his skin had all the signs of dehydration. My first stop was a Circle K where I bought water, Gatorade, and some minor food stuffs. I hoped Peter had the foresight to call the food delivery company and get some food in the house.

From the way Nathan sucked down the Gatorade and water, I knew he was grossly dehydrated. He also smelled. That was when I noticed he didn't have a backpack.

"Nathan, do you have clothes?" I asked him.

"Not with me." He said quietly, looking down at his shoes. I took the next exit and we ended up at one of the local malls. Nathan protested as I walked into Structure, but got quiet as I told him to pick two pairs of pants, three shirts, and underwear. I then added socks as an afterthought. He picked fast, after I shooed him from the sales rack and I paid for them immediately. We were back in the car and heading to the house in no time.

It had been over a month since either James or I was home, but luckily the cleaning service had been by within the last few days. They were on a monthly cycle unless we were here, then it was weekly. I looked in the fridge, and sure enough Peter had gotten it stocked sometime within the last three hours. I smiled as I pulled out some chicken breasts and potatoes. I was willing to bet Nathan hadn't eaten since last night either. When I asked, he surprised me.

"They only let me eat lunch at school." He said, looking down. "They don't want to waste good food on devil spawn."

I cooked the food, trying to chat with him, but he kept on drawing up inside. I was wondering what was wrong, when he let out a big sigh and began disrobing. I stared in shock until he started to pull his underwear off. I knew what was going through his mind, but I just couldn't face it at that moment.

"Nathan, if you want to change into your new clothes, the shower's upstairs. Feel free to use it while I finish dinner." I said kindly.

"Um, aren't you going to..." He said hesitantly, looking down at himself. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and walked over to him until we stood inches apart.

"If I, or anyone else tries to get you to have sex with them in return for helping you out or against your will, I want you to call the police and turn them in. That is wrong and no one should get away with it. If they tell you no one will believe you, they are lying because people will believe you."

"But Uncle..." he started to say, then clammed up. I suddenly realized the situation was a lot worse than I'd thought. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and pushed childhood memories aside. I was in the present, and I learned from the past.

"Did you uncle force you to have sex with him?" I asked Nathan.


"Then who did?" I asked him. He stared at me for a moment and I knew he was about to deny it, all teenagers always denied whatever an adult said. "Don't lie to me Nathan. You get one chance with me, and if you ever lie to me and I find out, you will find out that I never forget a lie, and never believe the liar again. I promise you right now, I will never lie to you, please do me the honor of treating me the same."

"It was Uncle Daren." Nathan whispered. His face was red and tears trickled down his face, but he was looking me in the eyes. Good.

"This is the uncle you've been living with?" he nodded his head. "When was the last time?"

"Yesterday, before they all took off. We were out working in the garage." This time he did hang his head. "He said all faggots wanted his cock."

"Did you?" I asked.

"Ewe, he's old!" Nathan nearly screamed, then smiled at me. "No."

"Have you taken a shower or bath since the last time?" I asked him.

"" he said and hung his head.

"What happened? Was it oral, or anal, or something else?" I asked, making my voice as gentle as I could.

"He...he fucked me." Nathan said, hanging his head.

"Did he use a rubber?""

"No" Nathan said, hanging his head even more.

"Nathan, I'm going to have to ask you to do something that is going to be very hard for you." I explained very calmly. He was crying now, and reached out for me. I hugged him as I continued speaking.

"I meant what I said earlier about anyone doing that to you deserving jail. Your uncle is supposed to be caring for you as a parent, and instead he's abusing you. That is wrong. I want to tell you this. You know James and I are a couple, right?"

"Yeah." He whispered through his tears.

"Good, I talked to him about this after I hung up from you in LA. NSYNC took a vote and they are all supporting whatever we need to do to take care of you. That includes if James gets outed in the process."

"Why me?" He asked.

"Because we all believe that one kid, especially one that we know and like, is worth it. We have a chance to help because you called me and asked for that help. I'm not going to turn you down, and neither are they."

"Wow." He said softly. "What can I do?"

"That's the first step, Nathan. We help each other out, each doing what needs to be done. The first thing for you to do is to get your old clothes back on. I know they're dirty, but I'll bring some of the new ones with us. We are going to the hospital."

He immediately got a scared look on his face. I hugged him again as he started crying even more fiercely. When he calmed down some, I resumed.

"We have to get the authorities involved in this, it's the only way to get you legally away from your Aunt and Uncle, and that's why I'm here. While you are talking to the doctors, I'm going to be calling a lawyer. We're going to hire the best lawyer my money, and NSYNC's money can buy. You know how lawyers are, the more they cost, the better they are. We're going to have a better lawyer than your Aunt and Uncle could ever hope to have.

"We will?"


"Then what?"

"Depends on you." I told him. "If you want, you can come out to LA and live with me and James. We'll be happy to have you as long as you agree to live by our rules."

"What kind of rules?" He asked, and I could see his wariness.

"1) No sex between adults and minors so long as you live with us. That means anywhere, not just in our home. 2) You will follow the directions we give you regarding your behavior at home and in school. 3) you'll go to school. 4) you will do chores and other duties as assigned when they are supposed to be done. Everything else is negotiable."

"TV?" he asked.

"Negotiable." I told him. "You have to move in first, and in order to do that, we have to document what was done to you by your uncle."

"Do you mean this?" He asked softly.

"Nathan, you've known me for three years. Have I ever lied to you?"


"Then why would I lie to you now?"

"Because everyone's been lying to me." He snarled.

"Have I?"

"Not that I can tell."

"Then take a chance." I whispered. He looked me in the eyes for a long time, then got dressed in the clothes he'd previously discarded. I turned off the sink and the stove and led him outside back into the heat. I wanted nothing better than to cry, but it wasn't time yet.

The drive to the hospital was short and quiet. The emergency room was full, and I despaired of getting Nathan in quickly when I spotted someone walking through that I knew.

"Dr. Westbrooks!" I called. He was a former city council member who had gone back to emergency medicine after he hit term limits. He stopped and smiled when he saw me, shaking my hand.

"Dave! I heard you went off to LA to be in the movies."

"Write them, actually." I answered. "I'm here because I've got a big problem on my hands and we need to get the professionals involved."

After that, I told him everything in detail. His face blanched and he looked over at Nathan with concern in his eyes. He motioned over a female nurse, talked to her quickly. She went over to Nathan and started to talk to him. He shrugged her off until he looked at me and I nodded.

"You know we can't let you go back there until Social Services sees him, don't you? Dr. Westbrooks asked me.

"I know, which is why I will be out here using my cell phone to hire Nathan the best lawyer a Hollywood writer can afford." I said angrily.

"You know, I always had a lot of respect for you." He told me. "But I'm going to have to say this and I don't want to offend you."

"You want a blood sample for DNA comparison? Or swab?" I asked him, and he looked a little startled.

"How did..."

"Because if I was in your shoes, I'd be making damn sure to cover all the bases. Because when this all goes to court, I want to be able to have plenty of evidence that keeps those bastards from trying to shift the blame to me!" Okay, now I was venting some of my anger.

"Calm down, Dave. C'mon back we'll collect saliva and blood samples. I'll need you to sign a release form, but we won't be charging you for this." He said, lightly touching my arm.

I followed him to the hospital lab where they immediately took the samples, and as I witnessed, sealed them with evidence tape. If that tape was broken, the samples would no longer be valid. I walked back into the waiting room and dialed a number from memory. Luckily, she was working late.

"Sharon, this is Dave." I spoke briefly.

"Dave?! How have you been?" My old acquaintance asked. I'd helped her out big time one time, and now I was cashing in on the favor.

"Good. I've got a bad situation here. There's a kid whose family I was friends with for years. He's fifteen, gay. Father killed mother when he found out, then was later killed by the neighbor."

"I remember the case. I saw it on the news." She said cautiously. She knew me and hard luck cases.

"Right, well, I have reason to believe the kid has been sexually abused by his Uncle and mentally abused as well."

"Dave, you have to report this." She said, her voice firm.

"Already in process." I told her. "We're in the hospital right now and he's being examined."

"Good call. What can I do?"

"He wants to come out to LA. Most of the rest of his family is very religious, so he won't be comfortable with them. I need a lawyer who can make it happen."

"Davey, that's gonna take one hell of an attorney. How much can you afford?"

"Off hand, I'd say 10 to 15 million dollars." I threw out.

"WHAT! You're not that rich from one deal."

"No, but I've got friends who'll help."

"Shit. I was thinking 60-70 grand tops."

"Then I'll cover it myself, easily." I told her. "That's less than one episode."

"Okay, I'll make some phone calls, give me your number." She said, and I exchanged numbers with her. That was when I heard some yelling from inside the emergency room and Nathan came running out. He was dressed only in a hospital gown and was crying. Two nurses, an orderly, Dr. Westbrooks, two security guards, and a woman in a dark blue suit were chasing after him. I barely had time to brace myself before he crashed into me, wrapping me in a death grip.

"Nathan!" the woman said sharply as he tried to crawl inside of me. He was crying, his sobs filling the waiting area. I looked at Dr. Westbrooks and he motioned towards the back area. I put my hands on Nathan's shoulders and pulled him against me, returning his tight hug.

"Hey, bud." I said softly. "Let's go back here and talk."

He nodded his head against me and we shuffled towards the back area. Dr. Westbrooks had taken the woman in a suit by her arm and led us back into the emergency room area. He directed us into a small, private room and Nathan started moaning as soon as we entered. I saw why immediately and turned so that my body blocked the view.

"Who are you?" the suit lady asked me. I correctly interpreted her question to also mean `And what relation are you to the boy?'

"I'm Dave Young." I told her, my voice steady. My left hand was now rubbing Nathan's hair, trying to comfort him as he cried against me. "I'm a friend and co-worker of his mother. I'm the guy he called today after he ran away from his aunt and uncle. I'm the guy who flew out here immediately from LA, and who he told what had been going on in the home that he had been placed. I'm the guy who brought him to this hospital, and I'm the guy he ran to when he got scared. Who are you?"

"I'm Laura Mann." She said, drawing her shoulders back. "I'm his Social Services representative. He's under my care."

"Actually, he's under my care at the moment." The doctor said. "I told you we were not ready for you to come in yet, but you insisted."

"His case is high profile..." she began, but he cut her off.

"Right now he's a scared young man who needs medical attention. That comes first." He told her, his voice brooking no argument. Then he turned back to the scared young man. Nathan had always been short, and even now was barely 5'5".

"Nathan." The doctor began, his voice friendly. "Nathan, we have to do an exam on your bottom now. I know it's going to hurt, but it is necessary if we're going to help you."

"Nathan." I said as he started to shake his head no. "Listen to me, they need to do this if there's any chance of you putting the man who did this behind bars. Remember what I told you?"

"You said people like him should be in jail." Nathan mumbled, but loud enough for everyone to hear.

"That's right. What he did, using you for sex was wrong. The doctor here is going to be documenting what has happened to you, but he needs your help."

"Will you stay? Please?" he asked, looking up into my eyes. I looked first at the doctor, who nodded, then at the Social Services lady. She looked from me then back to him and finally nodded.

"Okay, I'll stay." I told him. I helped him up on the table, and watched as the nurse helped prepare the rape kit. If you've never seen one before, count your blessings. As the doctor prepared to begin the examination, Nathan was lying on his stomach. I sat in front of him and kept eye contact. I wracked my brain for something to say, and started telling him a story about an incident a few weeks ago.

"It was one of the few times that James had been in town at the same time as me, and we went out to the Hard Rock Caf. Of course, it was all of NSYNC plus Manuel and I as well as Luke Perry.

Naturally, we'd gotten in easily and had a wonderful lunch, with Chris and Joey playing jokes off of each other. Then when we walked outside, we ran smack dab into the middle of a high school tour group. I don't know who was more surprised, the kids or us. Luke, Manuel and I tried to act as barriers as the guys ran for the vehicles, but that failed when one of the girls recognized Luke. He had to run too as they tore his shirt off.

This had actually been my first exposure to the rabid pack of fans syndrome, as Joey described them. As Luke took off, Manuel and I were left alone and sauntered over to my red Mustang. I hopped in and started driving when there was a loud thud, followed by two more. I looked behind me, and Chris was on the floorboard in back, with Joey on top of him. Josh was lying in the backseat. All three were panting heavily. They were followed a moment later by Justin and finally James. James was tiring and barely managed to get a grip on the edge of the rear seat. I peeled off and was well on the way to safety when Manuel asked a stupid question.

"Where's Luke?"

We found him a few blocks later, his back all scratched. We came back for the other cars later that night, and all of them were looking around like there were boogeymen in the shadows. Poor Luke was the worst of them all. He'd never had to deal with fans that crazed before. As he got out of the car, Chris, Joey, and I are all yelled at the same


The poor guy jumped about five feet and was running for his SUV before he realized we'd been the yellers. He flipped us the bird as he got in and drove off. The three of us were laughing so hard that I didn't see the cop pull up behind me. The damn cop thought we were looking for cars to steal. Made us all show him our ID and everything. Then he demanded autographs from Joey and Chris."

Nathan was laughing and barely realized when the doctor began the most, personal part of the examination. He focused on me throughout the story and kept a smile on his face even during the worst of the exam. It wasn't until Ms. Mann spoke that he frowned.

"Oh, come on. It's not good to fill the boy's head with stories of celebrities you've never met. Just because you live in LA doesn't mean you automatically know everyone." She said in a haughty tone.

"Here, look at my phone." I told her, taking it out and handing it to her. "Look at my contacts list. You'll see James as #1. That's Lance Bass. After him is my best friend, Manuel. Looking down the list you'll see JMS who is J. Michael Straczynski, a major director. Then you'll find Luke Perry, JC Chasez, Chris Kirkpatrick, Joey Fatone, Justin Timberlake, Chad Allen, Tom, a senior V.P. of Korvan Studios. Rupert Wainright, a director, and a few more people whose names you might recognize. Feel free to call any of them if you want."

She didn't get a chance to reply, because the phone rang at that moment. She handed it back to me, her face a little white and I saw Luke's name flashing as the caller. That was when I realized he had no idea where I was, and I was supposed to be calling him while I was on the plane.

"Hey, Luke." I said softly. I glanced at Nathan who was smiling at me. "I'm sorry about missing the call. I had an emergency that was a little higher priority."

"I heard." He replied. "Peter called to tell me you were canceling all your meetings. Lance called him while you were in the air and relayed what was going on. Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Yes, please. The meeting tomorrow with the studio to review marketing, and the cast meeting. Can you cover them or postpone them, please?" I asked. He said he'd take care of them, and hung up. I looked over at Ms. Mann and spoke to her.

"Sorry, that was the Luke Perry I don't know. I left LA so fast that I didn't get to cancel or reschedule some meetings for my show. I'm a Producer and head writer for a new series coming out in a couple of months."

"Oh...uh...I'm sorry..." She started to say, her face even more white.

"Next time, don't immediately discount what someone says." I reminded her.

"This is a high-profile case." She started, and I shushed her with a motion of my hand. I didn't want to upset Nathan with talk about this until the doctor was done. Which of course, he announced a few moments later. I immediately went back to Nathan, who had turned over and was now lying on his back. His eyes were closing, and I noticed his breathing was becoming more even.

I turned back to the doctor, who whispered that he had given Nathan a mild sedative. He motioned for us to follow him, and I walked behind Ms. Mann as we left Nathan's room. He led us down the hallway until we reached a small lounge, and he led us inside. We all sat down and waited for him to speak. He took a deep breath before beginning.

"Mr. Young, I have to ask you a personal question first." He said softly. Ms. Mann looked at me as I nodded my head.

"What is your natural hair color?" Okay, that was an odd question.

"It's turned more of a blondish/brown as I've grown older." I said honestly.

"Including your pubic hair?"

"Yes. It's actually a light brown." I said, blushing a little. Ms. Mann was looking at the doctor with narrow eyes.

"Based on what you told me when you first saw me today, what I know about you from your time with the city, Nathan's obvious trust in you, and strong evidence that you are not involved in the abuse that has taken place, I'm going to share my finding with you and Ms. Mann at the same time.

"Nathan has been sexually abused, and from the amount of scarring forming in his rectum, it's been over a recent period of time. I would say it's been going on for less than month. I found semen traces and black pubic hair in his rectum which are now evidence and will be provided to the proper authorities. Ms. Mann, you need to hear from Mr. Young what he shared with me earlier, and what prompted me to call you."

"Go ahead, Mr. Young." The woman said, her voice carefully neutral.

So, I told her the whole story. I started with how I first met Nathan, through his mother at work: our contact over the years, and the recent conversations regarding his sexuality at my Good-bye Party. I then told her about the phone call, what he said, how he sounded, and my immediate actions. She was taking notes the entire time. I then told her about meeting him at the airport, taking him home, his dehydration, and then what he told me at the house.

"We left so quick that if you want to go by and check, you'll find the chicken, potatoes, onions, and carrots still sitting on the counter. I didn't want to waste any time."

"So he offered himself to you?" She said after a moment's pause.

"Yes, and that was when I gave him my lecture. That was what led me to believe he had been abused, and my subsequent drawing the story out."

"Why didn't you immediately take him to Social Services when you landed in Phoenix?" She asked.

"Because I wasn't sure what the real situation was. I wasn't sure about his claims that they were going to send him to an Institution in Utah, and I wanted to be more sure."

"Do you see something wrong with their desires to cure their charge?" She said, referring to Nathan.

"Yes, I do." I told her. "The APA has denounced techniques used by these institutions. They usually cause more harm than good."

"What would you have done if, without the abuse having come up, you found that they were indeed seeking to ship him off to this institution?"

"I would have hired a lawyer for him, and for me. Sought an injunction against the forcible detention of Nathan in any such facility."

"You wouldn't have just taken him back to LA." She asked, cocking her head to the side.

"No." I said firmly. "That would be a flagrant violation of the law and could be interpreted as kidnapping."

"What you have already done could be construed as kidnapping as well." She argued, technically correct since Nathan was a minor.

"And what court would convict?" I asked her confidently. "My actions were, and are consistent with a concerned friend who is trying to help a troubled teen in a bad situation. Forgive me, I know Social Services seeks to do its best by the kids in your care, but you have set procedures for situations like this, and I highly doubt they would have found much. I just found out that a friend was murdered by her husband because he found out his son was guy. He tried to kill that young kid, who I've spent time with and care about. Of course I was going to do something. Bending the law is one thing, though. Outright violation like taking him out of state without custody is entirely different."

"I tend to agree with you, Mr. Young." She said softly, her expression becoming almost friendly. "I just wish every runaway teen had a guardian angel like you. Based on what you've told me, and the doctor's statements, I am going to remove him from the custody of his Aunt and Uncle. I'll also be contacting the DA about pressing charges. The question is, what happens with Nathan while all this goes on, and what happens long term."

"Isn't he old enough to have some say in this situation?" I asked her softly, not daring to just up and speak my mind.

"Well, yes, if he has several people, preferably relatives, but even family friends, that want custody, he can choose. The only problem is, this particular branch of his family was the only one willing to take him in, and now that door is closed." She said, her voice a little sad.

"Would I be considered a friend of the family?" I asked, laying some of my cards on the table.

"You could be, but I'd have to know more about your home situation." She said cautiously.

"Ask away." I told her, trying to be casual even though I was extremely nervous at this point. I wasn't a lawyer, but I did realize that getting her approval would help in any attempt to help Nathan.

"First, where is your residence?" She asked, turning a page in her notebook.

"My primary residence is currently in Los Angeles. I also have a home here in Phoenix that is our `getaway' home."

"Our?" she asked picking up on my slip immediately and looking at my left hand. "Are you married?"

"No" I said weakly. Okay, I make mistakes when I'm nervous and don't have time to plan exactly what I'm going to say!

"Girlfriend?" She asked, and when I shook my head continued, "Boyfriend."

"Yes." I said slowly.

"What does he do for a living?" she asked casually. She had a poker face on, and I was not expecting such a casual reaction. I relaxed a little.

"He's a singer." I told her.

"Is he successful?"

"You might say that." I answered, realizing I might as well give her a full answer instead of beating around the bush. "His name is James Lance Bass and is in the group NSYNC."

"Does he know that you are here now and that his name will be in an official report?" She asked next, catching my eyes with her. I took a deep breath and returned her gaze.

"Yes. I called him as I was driving to LAX. He was with his band recording a show on VH1 or MTV, I can't remember which. They discussed it and everyone agreed that helping Nathan out was worth the risk to their career."

"That was before you found out about the abuse?" She asked, still holding my gaze.

"Yes, at the time all we knew was that he ran away and that his family was considering sending him off to Utah." Silence filled the room for two minutes at least. She was tapping her pen on her notepad and looking at me. I wanted to fidget, but stopped myself.

"Mr. Young, do you know a young man named Lonnie Baker?" She asked me. Her question threw me for a loop. There was no way I could have expected this.

"Yes," I said slowly, not sure how this would play out. "I met him in a bar two years ago. He was...selling himself, trying to get off the streets."

"What was your involvement with him?" She pressed, and Doctor Westbrooks was leaning forward now, watching us carefully.

"I paid him his nightly rate, took him home and gave him a place to sleep." I told her after taking a deep breath.

"Did you have sexual intercourse of any kind with him?" She asked.

"No. I felt sorry for him. He didn't belong in the place he was at. His eyes still had a trace of innocence in them."

"He visited me last week." She said softly. "I was his case worker when he was Nathan's age. He was shifted around from family to family, then ended up on the streets when he was 18. A sweet kid with a bad lot in life. I lost contact with him when he turned 18. Last week he came into my office wearing slacks, a white shirt and a tie. He said he wanted to thank me for trying so hard to help him. He apologized for not listening to me. He told me about this guy he met, named Davey. Apparently this Davey picked him up at a bar, took him home, and wouldn't have sex with him. Then the guy offered him a place to stay the next night. Two months later, Ronnie had his GED, a job, and was in school. He just graduated from community college last December, got a job in the office of the construction company, and is going to start ASU in the fall. He's going to study Architecture, and get an engineering degree. This kid who never lived in one place for more than a few months and has a long juvie record is going to be an Architect."

"Thank god," I whispered. "I always thought he could make it, he only needed a little boost at the right time."

"Here's his number." She said, pulling a card out of her notebook. "Give him a call sometime, because he wants to thank you."

"I will." I said, taking the card from her and putting it in my wallet. I had to resist the urge to call him immediately. I'd moved shortly after he moved out and lost contact with him.

"I also need to apologize to you." She said softly. "You didn't deserve the way I treated you before. I was just working on the information that I had an abuse case here that was high profile and..."

"Many times the abusers are the concerned guy or woman out in the waiting area." I finished for her. "Apology accepted."

"Mr. Young, if I were to recommend that you be given temporary custody of Nathan, do you think you would consider a more...permanent arrangement?"

"Ma'am," my voice was firm, now, and confident. "Nathan has a home with me until he's ready to go to college, and I'm paying for that period, whether he lives with me or not. He'll have a place with me, and my family, for as long as any of us live."

"That's what I wanted to hear." She said, smiling. "Please call me Laurie."

"And my name is Dave." I told her, shaking the hand that she now held out. Dr. Westbrooks excused himself, stopping to squeeze my shoulder. Laurie immediately picked up her cell phone and called a number. After a moment, she was talking to a judge based on her "Your Honor" every time she ended a sentence. Meanwhile, my phone rang. It was James, asking for an update. I asked him if I could call him back in a little bit, but that I had mixed news. He didn't sound happy, but gave me his love and ended the call. Laurie was waiting for me, her hand over the mouthpiece of her phone.

"The judge wants to speak to you for a moment." She told me, holding out her phone.

"Yes, your honor." I said after taking the phone from her.

"Mr. Young, I have a glowing recommendation for temporary custody of a minor known as Nathan Killmer. Am I correct in understanding that you are willing to take this responsibility?"

"Yes, your honor, I am."

"Good, good. Do you have the financial resources to support this youngster, and can you provide him housing with his own room?"

"Yes, your honor, I can. I currently have $108,000 in my checking, another $300,000 in investments, and a home here in Phoenix."

"I understand that you work and live primarily in LA and are currently putting your business on hold to help."

"That is correct, sir."

"Good, the court appreciates your willingness to help. I also understand that you will wish to petition for permanent guardianship?"

"Yes, sir."

"I'm glad to hear that. Ms. Mann will be filing her full report later this evening. Do you have an attorney?"

"I should shortly."

"Excellent, I'll want to see the paperwork prepared by your attorney tomorrow. We'll hold a hearing tomorrow afternoon for temporary custody. Please be advised that you cannot take Nathan out of state until after the hearing. I'll issue the order specifically allowing travel to California after that, if it is granted. You will also need to agree to hold all court proceedings here in Arizona and be present as required by the court."

"I can abide by all of those instructions, sir." I told him, shaking out how easy this was turning out.

"Good, put Ms. Mann back on please." I handed her the phone after thanking him and leaned back in my chair. A long sigh escaped my lips as Laurie chatted for a few more minutes. She hung up after a moment and smiled at me.

"Welcome to the world of being a parent." She said, shaking my hand.

"Oh god." I groaned as the door opened. The figure in the door smiled.

"Did someone call my name?" the tall, older, and decidedly overweight man said with a jovial smile.

"Stookey!" I exclaimed, surprised. I'd taken a course taught by this, one of Arizona's leading attorneys.

"I heard you needed a lawyer and was willing to pay top dollar." He said, shaking my hand. He looked over at Ms. Mann, and shook her hand. "I don't think this will be too bad. This lady is actually a decent one."

"Coming from you," she said with a smile. "I'm not sure if that is a compliment or an insult."

"Compliment." He said confidently, setting his briefcase down. Okay, it wasn't a briefcase. You know those airline luggage bags that have the little handle that extends and wheels? It was one of those.

"You don't play around, do you?" Laurie said, turning to me.

"Not when the life of someone I care about is on the line." I said quietly.

"Nathan's going to be fine." She said with a smile. "Why don't you go see him now? I will inform Mr. Stookey here of the judge's orders."

"You've already been in contact with a judge?" Stookey said, his face showing surprise.

"Yes, and he just granted Mr. Young temporary custody. He wants a hearing tomorrow." She told him.

"Good god, I don't believe it. He brought out the big guns and other side surrendered before they got to the battlefield!" We all laughed, and he told me to go see Nathan. I made my way back to the room, only to walk into a scene out of a nightmare.

A dark-haired woman was at the nurses station in front of Nathan's room, screaming that she was going to see her devil-spawn nephew right this instant! There was an orderly nearby and I could see security approaching. I chose the better part of valor and let the hospital security staff escort her out. I moved cautiously into view as she left and the orderly immediately stepped aside to let me in.

I panicked when I first opened the door. Nathan was nowhere to be seen. I almost went screaming to the nurses station when I decided to look behind the table first. I found him there, huddled into a ball, sobbing. My heart leaped into my chest and I bent down and wrapped him in a hug. He immediately latched onto me.

"I won't go back there!" He wailed.

"No, you won't." I said calmly. "The judge has given me temporary custody. We have to go to a hearing tomorrow so I can take you home to LA, then we'll work on making it permanent."

"You mean it?" he asked, his voice cracking.

"Remember my promise to never lie?" I asked gently.

"Yeah. I can't wait." He said, smiling. It was like the sun coming out from the clouds.

"Well, the doctor has to release you before we go to the house here in Phoenix, then we'll get something to eat and get ready for tomorrow."

"Okay," he whispered, getting up off the ground and sitting back down on the table. I told him to wait here, I was going to get his new clothes from the car. On my way out, I ran into the doctor, who told me that he had now been officially informed of my custody and that he was ready to sign Nathan out to me. I asked him to wait while I got the clothes. There was no sign of the Aunt, for which I was grateful. I returned with the clothes and left Nathan to change while I signed the paperwork. By that time, Stookey had reappeared with Laurie and had some more papers for me to sign. He was also quite insistent (good naturedly) on getting my billing address. (A few months later I got his bill...for one dollar. I never did pay it. I sent a check and it never got cashed.)

Ten minutes later, I was driving my new son home. I know there's a difference between guardianship and adoption, but from that moment on, I thought of him as my son. We stopped at an Arby's for food (his choice) and made our way home. While he ate, and I nibbled, I picked up my phone and called my boyfriend.

"What's going on?" he asked me anxiously.

"Nathan's here now." I told him smugly. "I've been given emergency custody, and tomorrow I expect to have temporary custody and be able to take him to LA. The Social Services case worker is recommending that I be given full custody as well."

"Wow, and, um...I don't want to sound selfish...but" he was stuttering.

"I don't know. You'll have to be listed in some of the paperwork, but unless a reporter really digs, I doubt they will find anything." His sigh of relief as I spoke was audible. Then his tone got excited.

"Can I speak to Nathan?" he asked. I told him yes, and handed the phone to Nathan.

"Hello?" he said around bites of food.

"Uh huh. Yeah. Thanks, I appreciate this. I won't be trouble...really? Kewl! Okay, see you then!" Nathan's side of the conversation was short, but his smile was tremendous as he handed the phone back to me.

"This is going to be fun!" James said once I had the phone.

"Yes, but also a lot of work."

"That's your job. I get to spoil him" James was still laughing.

"We're going to have a little chat." I said sternly.

"Does this mean we're going to fight and have make-up sex?" He leered through the phone. I could hear choruses of `Oh, gross', so I knew at least a few of the guys were there.

"Maybe." I said, smiling. That's the best part of our arguments, besides them never lasting more than an hour or two.

"Good. We've had a little discussion here and there's going to be a break for the next two weeks. Well, we'll still be working in the studio, but no traveling."

"Thanks." I breathed into the phone. I missed him and needed him, especially now. Plus it would help Nathan if we were both there.

"Yep, now he's going to have Poppa James, Uncle Chris, Uncle Joey, Uncle Josh, and little brother Justin to play with and spoil him..ow!" I could just imagine Justin hitting him as he said that last part. I couldn't help but laugh.

"I love you." I said softly.

"I love you too." James said, then I hung up. I looked over the table at Nathan who was grinning broadly.

"I think things are looking up for me." He said, still smiling.

To be continued.

I know, not much NSYNC. Don't worry, they come back soon. Also, we're approaching the end of this storyline. It's about 3 chapters away, and there will be some time jumping like this chapter in the next few.

Next: Chapter 13

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