Phone Call

By Chris Gladden

Published on Apr 30, 2008



Phone Call (by Chris Gladden)

If it's illegal to read this where you are, don't. If you're not of legal age, this isn't for you. Both parties to this phone call are over 18 yrs. old.

Comments -especially, from you-know-who -are always welcome. Hey, it's the only reward an author gets. (




You've been writing me about my stories on Nifty. Have you been following directions?

Wolf? How did ---

Do you have permission to call me that?

No. . . No, sir. How did you get this number?

Chris. Ex-cop, remember? You need to quit thinking. Your life of quiet desperation is over. But you need to focus and get with the program.

Yes, sir. Sorry. I'll be better.

Don't promise; Do. Now, did you follow directions?

Yes, sir. I bought the butt plugs, three sizes and have used them all to open myself up.

Good boy. Get the biggest one and drop you pants and undies.

I have it already, sir. . . I wore it to work today.

Even better. Get the pants off. Keep the phone near your face. I want you to pull that sucker out and then shove it back in, in one quick thrust.

hhhh, hhh, ahh. . . . Uhhh, UGH!

How does that feel boy?

Good sir.

Wriggle it around in you. Have you still got that little vibrator you like so much?

Yes, sir.

Good. Get it and those tight tidy-whities you were to buy. Slide the vibrator down the front until it's under you balls and pointing to the end of the plug. Turn it on. The undies should keep it in place. Do you feel it vibrating your balls?

Yes, sir. It's touching the plug, too, and making it tingle inside.

Good boy. Now, did you get the package I sent?

That was you, sir? How did you get this addr----

Chris! Focus!

Yes, sir. I got the rubber cock, sir. It's really big.

Just like my 8+ inches.

You put markers on the top of this one, sir. It's 9 inches.

Are you turning me down for a rubber dick? They don't make 'em in half sizes. And, anyway, I'm thicker and the head is bigger, so you'll still feel me as I pop inside.

Yes, sir. No disrespect meant, sir. Shall I take the plug out, sir, and stick the dick in?

No, Chris, you shall not stick the dick up your hole. The plugs have opened you up plenty down there. The cock is for your throat. 'Class, We'll be working on you gag reflex and deep throating technique today.'

Yes, sir.

Start licking that dick, boy.

mmmm. . . .mmm. . . .mmmmm

Lick along the shaft. Let it slide over your cheek as you lick it down toward the balls. Nice balls on that rubber dick. Give them a suck.

mmmm. . . .tasty, sir. I wish this was you, sir.

Not till you can take it all, down to the balls, boy. Now, slide the head in your mouth. Kneel down. Tilt your head back, so your mouth lines up with your throat. Take as much as you can. Take note of the markings and tell me how far you get.

mmmm. . . mmmm. . . . mmmmmmm. . . . gak!. . . . I did it, sir! I got half of it in before gagging. I never thought it would---

Good, Chris, but you're only half way there. Get a pillow. Lie down on your side. Got it?. . . .Good. . . Now, can you still feel that vibrator? Relax. Run your hand over that bulge in you panties. Slide it up and pinch you nipples, Hard! Take you fingers in your mouth and suck. Imagine those are my fingers. Lick and suck them as if they were my dick. I'm thrusting my fingers in and out. Can you feel that, Chris?

mmmm. . . mmm. m.m

Chris, take the fingers out. Answer me properly.

Yes, sir. I can feel you here with me.

Good boy, Chris. Now, we're going to take that dick down your throat. Chris, you've been doing a great job following orders. But this is very important. You will be pushing the dick down far enough to block your airways. When you feel lightheaded, you are to take it out and breathe. Do not wait for my order! I'm not there, yet, to watch out after you. OK?

Yes, sir. I'll be careful

Good, now, you're head should be on the pillow. Tilt it back. Line that mouth and throat back up. Lock the phone between the pillow and your ear. You have permission to use the other hand to stimulate yourself as you wish. I suggest running it over you chest and throat. (You should be able to feel that dick stretch your throat.) Concentrate on the sensations from your hand and that vibrator. When you ready, start sliding the dick in.

ohhh, . . . . mmm. .. . . mm. . . mmmmmm

Good, now as you reach the back of the throat, swallow. Don't let the throat tighten. This is your meal and you want it to slide down to your gut. Swallow, swallow, swallow as each inch slides in. . . . . .ahhh, hhhh.hh. . . . . uhhhh, uhhhhhhh. I have to breathe, sir, but I made it with just two inches to go!

Perfect for the first go. I'm proud of you, Chris.

I. . I think I'll need your help, sir, to get the last bit in.

It's good that you let me know your needs. I can't help if you don't tell me. Let's try this. You're in the same position, but you're lying across my lap. My bicept is you pillow. I'm stroking your hair. You feel me?

Yes, sir.

Good, now relax in my arms. Let all tension flow away. I'm wrapping my fingers in your hair and gently pulling your head back. I'm gonna feed you that dick. Are you ready?

Yes, sir.

I'm sliding it in, remember to swallow. Feel my fingers pull at your hair and rub you scalp. Take it, Chris. You can do it, boy. Just those last two inches to go and you can have my tasty meat for your next meal. That's it. Tell me when those rubber balls touch your chin. Focus. Remember the vibrator. Feel my arms around you. That's me sliding down your throat. Take me, Chris, take me!

I did it, sir. I did it! I had the whole thing inside me! Oh, how I wish that was really you, sir. You'd taste so much better. You'd smell better too. And you could shoot straight down into my gut. You'd be---

Chris, Chris!. . . I'm so glad you made it to this point. You're really my boy, now. Now, get up and open the front door.


Chris, I'm on my cell phone right outside the door. Get up and open it.

Yes, sir.

And, Chris. . . you can call me, Wolf.

Yes, Wolf.

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