Phoenix Rising Series

By Tony James

Published on Jun 14, 2020


Hi guys, here's part 9 of my fictional adventures with my baby boy AKA Austin Mahone. I don't know Baby Austin Jac/Jack, or Nick Jonas personally, nor do I know anything about their sexual preferences. Please feel free to drop me a line.

Pillow Talk

Austin is gone for a minute. When he returns, he places a second Margarita into my paw. I take a sip while Austin fetches another beer for himself. When the sexy boy settles himself next to me again, I place a hand on his tummy. He covers it with his own. We don't say anything for a while, but presently Austin asks me about myself. I find this to be a curious question and I say so. " well naturally I have read the dossier on you that was supplied with your application - Standard procedure don't you know - but I want to hear about you in your own words. " isn't it a little late for that?" I ask. "I mean, we've been together all day and you've sucked and fucked me." He places his hand on my cheek. Turning my head to face him, he lays a gentle kiss on my lips. " I won't try to force you to answer, but I'm curious." He starts tracing my lips with his finger. "Think of this as pillow talk." I feel myself melt beneath his touch. "You know I can't refuse my stud anything." I take a deep breath then begin. " I was born in Buffalo New York and spent the first 5 and a half years with my mom and brothers." " Younger or older?" " both of them are about a decade older than I am." "Any sisters?" "No. Our mom didn't bake any sisters." Under my hand which was still on his tummy, I felt the chuckle. " you and your Coltisms." Austin had switched to stroking my sniffer. " please continue." " well, I don't actually remember much of that time. Only brief flashes some of which have no continuity. Others are without a linguistical substructure." "Send again?" " in other words, some of my memories were encoded as pictures because I did not have the language skills at the time and I can't articulate them now." "Ah ok, I'm picking up what you're throwing down. Proceed." "Hold me Baby Austin?" "Of course." We shift so we were spooning. I take Austin through the following years. I tell him about how my mom died when I was 5 and a half. I tell him about my guardians the Greens. I told him about how they weren't very good at their appointed task. I told him about how Cynthia was suspected of stealing my money. " you were a minor." Austin points out. " you didn't have money." I cringe and poke him again. " please don't insult me baby Austin. I hate that word! It is so degrading. Degrading and condescending." Austin licks my bare shoulder. "Sorry baby. I didn't mean to insult you. I'm just seeking clarification." "Fred and Cynthia were entrusted with the task of caring for me once my mom was unable to do it herself. They were given money by the state to help in this task but some of that money was misappropriated." "How so?" " I only lived with these people for about six months. My dad was granted visitation rights at this time. On the weekends I was permitted to stay over at his crib." " what does this have to do with Cynthia?" Austin was clearly confused. " I'm coming to that. " my dad always preferred to call ahead to ensure that someone was home before walking me back. That faithful Sunday night there was no answer and repeated attempts to make contact failed. It was at this point then my dad decided to keep me." I stopped talking. "Go on." Austin urges. "I'm still listening." " my throat is dry." I tell him. I leave the shelter of his arms only long enough to take a drink from my Margarita. Settling against him again, I continue my story. " I won't bore you with all the details. Suffice it to say that my dad won his case. Subsequent to this victory, it was discovered that Cynthia had been stealing money from me and using it for drugs." "Bitch!" Austin growled. " The next 4 and a half years were spent with Kent." " Who was Kent? Your boyfriend?" Austin teases. I make a face. "Eew, old balls! No thanks." "Balls are balls." Austin points out. " not if they belong to your father!" "Oh. Um..." " exactly." I say. " why do you use his name instead of his title?" "Kent - my father - is not a bad man, however, he is poisonous to me." We are quiet for a moment. I'd take advantage of the lull to take another drink from my margarita. "What happened?" Austin's voice is quiet. I snuggle deeper into his arms. " we were like the north and the south during the war over states' rights. He claimed the living room and I claimed the bedroom. During the 4 and a half years I lived with him as well as for the next 7 or 8 years I had---" I hesitated, searching for the right word or phrase. "Issues. I had issues with my behavior." "Like a disorder or something?" I peck his cheek. "You're sweet, but no. I had anger management issues." "Awe honey, we all deal of anger. It's part of the human condition. That does not mean..." I lay a finger over his lips. "Shh! Let me finish." Austin drew my finger across his lips as if he were zipping them closed. I giggled. "Silly Austin!"

I resumed the story from where I had left it. " have you ever read The Shining?" " yes. Well actually no, I saw the movie." " well in that movie there was a hotel. The hotel had an ancient heating system in the basement consisting of a furnace and a boiler. You had to be super careful to vent the System on a daily basis or else risk the whole hotel going gaboom." I paused to make sure Austin understood, then continued. " I was like that ancient boiler only I didn't have a convenient release valve. If I did, I didn't know how to use it." "So you went gaboom?" "Yes essentially. I would often erupt into fits of rage. I would scream, yell, throw stuff, hit people - the whole kitten caboodle. Kent tried his best, but he was not good at controlling his own temper." Austin inhaled sharply. " did he ever hit you?" I was surprised that Austin was so quick to make that connection. " A couple of times, but mostly it was verbal abuse. Once he threatened to throw me out the window. I've always hated school and there were a lot of mornings with my dad just didn't want to fight with me. Actually, it's kind of amazing that I was never busted for truancy. One morning, he was bound and determined I was going to school, come hell or high water. As usual, I was difficult, so my dad literally drag me out of bed by the arm. I didn't have a conventional bed at the time. Hights frightened me so Kent put together a makeshift bed. It was a bunch of blankets and stuff layered on top of each other. It was only a few inches off the carpet. I don't remember much about that morning except that I fell on my side in the doorway and got a brush burn from him dragging me across the rug. Afterword, he was sorry, and he told me to get it treated by the nurse at school. He asked me not to tell them the truth. I was to tell them I got it from playing around."

"One Christmas I snuck my present from its hiding place before the date. It was a little Transformer by The name of quick strike. When Kent discovered what I had done, he broke the beast head off the Transformer and popped me in the mouth. Austin's arms tightened around me convulsively. " I would like to kill him!" Austin's voice is low and full of steel. " no child should be subjected to a monster like that!" I squeeze his hand. " Kent might have been a monster of sorts, but I escaped with little physical damage. After the second or third time he hit me, Kent realized that he didn't have what it took to raise a disabled child and that's how I ended up in The Kennel." "The Kennel??" Austin tried to suppress it, but a snicker escaped anyway. I took another swig of my Margarita. "Yes, The Kennel." I repeated firmly. "I'll tell you about that in a minute, but first let me tell you about Sue." "Full speed ahead." " all my life, I've had a kind of - affinity - for adults." I grimace. " I shouldn't use the word adult. Adults always have been and always will be my enemy. I hate and mistrust them for what they put me through. I have an affinity for grown-ups that persists even to this day." It was Austin's turn to need a little break. When he returned from taking a leak, Austin drained his beer and got him self a third. When we had resumed our previous positions, I preceded to tell him about Sue. "I'm not sure how it happened, but Sue and I became friends after I saw her on the elevator one day. I learned that she was also a resident of the self same apartment building Kent lived in. Somehow I learned she owned an old game boy that was still in black-and-white and it was through this medium that our friendship was forged." Austin whistled. " I don't think I've ever seen one of those dinosaurs. I've heard tell of them though." "Sue provided me with not only her friendship for 16 years, but also a sanctuary from Kent." Austin whistled in amazement. " 16 years! That's more than half my own lifetime." "You're only a few years younger than me, but what truly separates us is a golf of experience. I don't just mean the obvious fact that you are an international celebrity, but you know things. You've have had experiences I can only guess at. I've never felt like that with a grown-up. I suppose it must come from having so much contact with them while I was growing up and little if any contact with puppies my own age." "You said Sue provided you with a sanctuary. How did she do that?" " after our friendship was strong enough, I was able to spend a few hours at her crib a couple times a week. We baked cookies, played with my Transformers, read books and generally hung out. In a nutshell, I think Sue was the mother I lost, the older sister I never had, The grandmother I never knew - all rolled into one." " talk about pressure. " what happened to break your friendship after 16 years?" I drained The last of my margarita and asked for a third. After Austin had refilled my drink and we were once again spooning, I answered his question. " I am actually not entirely sure what happened. I came out in 2013 and as part of this process I was hooking up with random guys from CL. At first, I was upfront with them about my condition but then after one too many rejections based on nothing but that, I stopped being so forthcoming." "Sue didn't like that." Austin guessed. " no she didn't. She didn't really like that. I don't think it was so much that I was hooking up with random guys, although that was a concern. I think it was more to do with the fact that I refused then, and still refuse now to use protection." "Ah, that makes sense." I turn in his arms to face him. "I prefer ignorant as opposed to knowledge when it comes to MSA. Actually, I don't feel it's any of my business if the guy I'm hooking up with has anything or not." I drew in a deep breath. "Sue tried to reason with me, but if there's one locked room in the entire palace of my heart, my condition is it. You probably already know from reading my dossier about my condition and I told you the last time we hooked up. I took a couple of sips. "My condition was not my only impediment during this time. There were a few guys - not many - Who took one look at me and they were off like a shot." My tone became bitter for the first time. "A lot of guys only have to hear HIV or AIDS and they run screaming for the hills. These idiots didn't even no I was HIV-positive, but they still fled like a bunny rabbit flees the hound." Austin squeezes me briefly. "Wow, that sucks like a chest wound." Any idea why?" I gave a bitter laugh. From across the room, one of the boys grunted in his sleep, but I ignored him. "Oh yeah! I know exactly why they took off like a bat out of hell." I paused for dramatic effect. " they took one look at me and fled for no other reason then they saw my chair. They didn't see a gay guy. They didn't see a sexual being. All they saw was the fucking chair. They saw the fucking chair and it was an instant turn off!" My voice rose. " do you have any idea how much that hurts? Do you have any idea how it feels to be judged and condemned for something you had no control over in the first place? I was born this way! I didn't have a fucking choice!" I felt the rage and pain that always underscored discussions of this nature rising to the surface. "If I had contracted the disease from contaminated needles or from being fucked by a poz guy, then maybe things would b different, but I was born with it." I felt the tears coming. "I want to have value as a person with his own unique eccentricities and talents, but I also think it might be nice at least once in a while to b regarded as a gay man who has certain needs equal to those without disabilities. It might be nice at least sometimes to b desired for only my physical attributes." I gave voice to a thought I hadn't shared with anyone else. "That won't happen. I'm too old and fluffy. Nobody wants me! Not even just for a quick fuck." I stop to gulp down the rest of my drink. There was a burning in my throat that had nothing to do with the alcohol. when I had swallowed the last drop, I resumed. " when you have been treated as I have been treated, like a goddamn leper, you quickly learn that beggars can't be choosers. I was already contaminated by being disabled. I was not going to throw away the chance to have sex just to claim a moral high ground. I deserve that chance just like every other guy. Not just a chance to get sucked or get fucked or whatever, but also to be valued as a person. I withhold that information out of fear of rejection and I don't give a fuck if you understand that or not! It's my choice!" I'm crying openly now. Tears had been falling silently for the last few seconds. Austin held me to him while I cried. I took comfort from his touch. After another minute, I quiet down. Austin kisses away my tears. "I'm right here. I ain't going nowhere!" Sniffling, I say, "sorry Puppy Cub. It seems as though I always cry when I am with you." Austin chuckles. " don't worry, you are not the first one to cry on me. I tend to have that effect on fans." He considers then says, "maybe its my angelic face, or my magnetic personality." I give a watery chuckle and tweak his sniffer. "It's probably just your big head." I'm silent for a moment. "I'm sorry! Did I say your big head? I meant your little head." Austin growls playfully and ground his crotch against mine. Austin is already sporting a bone and I quickly feel my own dick respond. I push against him lightly. "Woe there hornboy! I haven't finish my story." Austin is still grinding into me and the thought that our dicks are separated by nothing more than the material of our genes is very distracting. "You could tell me the rest after you suck me off." He suggests. "I feel your pain, but you said it. I don't want to make love here and now. It's too impersonal." My honey bunny growls again - in disappointment this time - but subsides.

-- "If we die, we will die in battle ... together" MK2 Lu Kang CHECK OUT MY BLOG: HOUSEOFSURPRISES.BLOGSPOT.COM

Next: Chapter 10: Phoenix Rising 10

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