Phoenix Rising Series

By Tony James

Published on Jun 8, 2020


Hi guys, well, here's part 8 of my fictional adventures with my baby boy AKA Austin Mahone. As always this is just made up. I have know personal knowledge about the sexual prefences of anyone mentioned herein. I would like to know if anyone is reading this so feel free to drop me a line.

The Hotel Room "Well, if it isn't Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb!" " very amusing." Austin says dryly. "Awe get that stick out of your hot ass and have some fun." I listen to this exchange with an amused smile on my face. We had finally arrived at the hotel room after our tryst in the elevator. The other boys were sprawled out on the 2 couches. Jack & Jack were tangled together on one couch and Nick had a couch all to himself. The air was smoky and smelled strongly of pot. I had taken a few puffs, when the pipe was passed around, but it really wasn't my breed of dog. When I had admitted this, The other boys had just about bust a gut, they were laughing so hard. " what's the matter with you fluffheads?" I asked, annoyed. The levity mounted. Austin and I shared the queen sized bed. Austin snuggled close. " don't pay any attention to them. They're just Neanderthals with more length than brains." "Ooh, what a wit!" Nick exclaimed. " not your reed of dog." Johnson exclaimed gleefully. " I'm definitely going to have to remember that one. Hey Nick," he called across the room. "you want another screwdriver?" "Nah." Nick responded. " I would preferred to have a few cosmos." He was silent for a moment then said, " screwdrivers aren't really my breed of dog." The immature jerks heehawed. Rolling my eyes, I drained The last few drops from my own Margarita. "I'm surrounded by idiots." My impersonation of Scar was spot on. We passed a few minutes just enjoying one another's company. Presently, Jack & Jack began to grope each other. They seemed completely unconcerned about the fact that there were other guys present. They began stripping off article by article. "Dudes!" Nick exclaims. Johnson surfaced from suckling his boy's nipple Long enough to say, " you can join us if you like. We don't mind." " what are we?" Austin suddenly demanded. " pieces of chopped liver." Nick chuckled as he began to undress. " judging by the way you guys looked when you came in, I reckon your balls are pretty empty." Nick joined the Jacks and it wasn't too long before I could hear the unmistakable sounds of man sex. I shifted slightly as my dick started to inflate. Austin had ditched his shirt as soon as the door was safely closed behind us. I had copied him. Now I ran my fingers over his torso. His nipples were erect and I lazily played with them. Austin was obviously turned on by watching the three boys finger, suck, and fuck each other. As if I needed any more confirmation, when I put my hand into Austin's lap, I found a huge tent. I started to unzip his jeans intending to give him a bj, he stopped me. " I don't want to make love to you here and now." I felt slightly hurt by his words and reclaimed my paw. Austin seems to realize his mistake and hastens to rectify it. He catches my paw in his and says, "damn, that came out wrong. All I meant was that a hotel room is pretty impersonal. Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe you would want me to make love to you in your own crib?" Mollified, I nod. Across the room, Nick is being fed dick from both ends. I feel my dick throb in my own jeans, but ignore it best I can. Austin gets up from the bed briefly and when he returns, he places something on my chest. It's a dog collar. I poke him playfully. " what's this about?" " it's a fetish collar. It even comes with a leash. I thought we could have some fun with it when we get back to your crib." I buckle the collar around my neck. "Arff arff." I bark. The threesom collapses into an exhausted heap. The two jacks had poured their seed down Mick's throat and bred his hot ass. " can I have another margarita?" I ask Austin. He flicks my sniffer. " I don't know, can you?" I scowl. "Yes you dickhead." Austin rises chuckling. "You're getting pretty demanding. I mite have to start charging you extra."

-- "If we die, we will die in battle ... together" MK2 Lu Kang CHECK OUT MY BLOG: HOUSEOFSURPRISES.BLOGSPOT.COM

Next: Chapter 9: Phoenix Rising 9

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