Phoenix Rising Series

By Tony James

Published on May 17, 2020


xHi guys, hopefully you guys are enjoying this story where I explore a fictional relationship with my baby boy AKA Austin Mahone. If you are, let me know. As always, I don't know Baby Austin or anyone else mentioned in this story. Feel free to send me your thoughts, I promise I won't bite grin.

Kibble The Iris Café was located on the ground floor. The hostess was gracious as she first greeted then led us to our booth. Austin and I sat on one side of the mahogany table while the two jacks slid in on the other side. The hostess took our drink orders - we all wanted beer - then she disappeared. While we waited, Austin described the restaurant to me. The lighting was soft as its source originated from hanging sconces which were evenly spaced throughout the room. The decor was all in bright primary colors, but rather than being garish, The ambience was cozy and romantic. I nuzzled Austin's hair. In spite of everything that we had done, Austin still smells fresh like he had just stepped out of a long shower. We passed the Time before our drinks arrived in comfortable silence. I breathed in the scent of Austin's head fur. His hand is on my thigh, but his touch was comforting rather then arousing. Turning his head, Austin captures my lips with his. The kiss is soft as a newborn kitten. " I will make love to you." Austin's murmured promise warmed my lips. " looking forward to it." My reply was just as soft.

The waitress appears. She sounds cheerful when she speaks. "Hi, my name is Penelope and I'll be your waitress tonight." Penelope is silent for a moment then she whistles softly. " wow, the stars must be shining down on me. Four hot guys in one booth. I'm a lucky girl. What can I get ya fellas?" Jack and jack placed their orders, but my boy had not yet had time to read me the menu so I didn't know what was on it. Penelope quickly ran down the list of favorites and I chose The premium chicken tenders with barbecue sauce as an appetizer. I chose the sizzling chicken skillet with red potatoes and Broccoli as my main course. I asked for extra mushrooms. When Penelope left to put our orders in to the kitchen, Austin took my hand. At first I thought he just wanted to hold it, but then I felt something being placed on my palm. I roll the object between my fingers. It seems to be a capsule of some kind. " what is this?" Austin leans into me and whispers, "don't worry baby boy. It's perfectly safe. Just a little something to get you ready for later." Although I trusted my baby, I was still not sure. " what does it do?" Austin nudged my hand toward my mouth. " go on take it. It's just Horny Goat Weed. You've taken it before I believe."

I nod. " yes I have. I normally take two." A second capsule is placed on my palm. I take them one at a time using my beer to wash them down.

Just as I swallowed the second capsule, Penelope returns with our kibble. "Kibble kibble kibble!" I say happily as Austin Cut up my chicken before starting his own meal. He had the same thing I did only without the extra mushrooms. Austin and I are through with our meal when Johnson stands up abruptly. "Nicholas Jerry Jonas, get your fine self over here!"

A new but familiar voice joins the table. " you bitches didn't wait for me?" Nick Jonas clicks his tongue. " we would've waited," Austin says, "except that we never know how long you're going to be once you bend over." " how dare you suggest such a..." Nick begins to say in tones of outrage, but Johnson cuts across him. "Ah fuck up Nicky and sit your hot ass down!" Nick blows out a breath as he squeezes in next to the pop rap duo. "I'll have you know that I've just finished rehearsing for tonight. Have to be in top form." Gilinsky snorts. "Sure you were. How many loads did you swallow this time? Twelve? Fifteen? Twenty five? I bet your ass is as lose as a leaky pipe." "Dude, you in the wrong line of work." Johnson chimes in. "I think you should be a fluffer." "Hell no!" Nick exclaims. "Dude, if I do porn, I wanna be in the lead role." "What's the matter Nicky?" Gilinsky teases. "You don't like sloppy seconds?" I heard a thump followed by a cry. "Dude, you got brass knuckles or something?" "Brass balls more like." Johnson said laughing. "Fuck up you twit!" Nick growls.

Austin must sense my slight misgiving for he mutters out the side of his mouth, " don't worry about it. They're always like that."

Nick steals a handful of fries from Gilinsky's plate and finally seems to notice me. "Well, Who do we have here?" I extend my hand in the Direction of the voice and almost send my beer bottle toppling to the floor. Austin rescues it just in time. Sounding amused, Austin effects the introductions. " The one and only Colton Conner AKA Fluffy Puppy, meet Nicolas Jerry Jonas, bottom boy extraordinaire." Austin grunts as Nick kicks him under the table. " don't pay any attention to him." Nick tells me. "Mahone is just jealous because I get more action than he does." Austin changes the subject. " hopefully you boys are ready to provide a private concert." "Of course we are!" Johnson huffs , sounding offended. "We're not amateurs." Nick adds. " what you boys talking about?" Austin flicks the end of my sniffer. " we thought we would put on a private show. Each of us perform in our best material." "Ooh, that sounds like fun!" I say enthusiastically. We rise from the table. Jack & Jack help me back into my chair. "Since you were the last one here," Gilinsky says to Nick, " you can pay the bill!" He sounds delighted. Nick grumbles good naturedly as he extracts is MasterCard from his wallet. " you all me Gilinsky." Pausing for a moment of reflection, Nick then says, " I think a blowjob would be sufficient." "Dream on!" Gilinsky exclaims emphatically. " I ain't getting on my knees for nobody except for my buddy here." Gilinsky slings an arm around Johnson and they share a brief kiss. Austin gasps in mock horror. "Dudes, get a room!" Jack & Jack flip Austin the bird as we make our way out of the restaurant.

-- "If we die, we will die in battle ... together" MK2 Lu Kang CHECK OUT MY BLOG: HOUSEOFSURPRISES.BLOGSPOT.COM

Next: Chapter 6: Phoenix Rising 6

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