Phoenix Rising Series

By Tony James

Published on May 10, 2020


Hi guys, here's part 4 of my story exploring an imaginary relationship with my fave boy, Austin Mahone. This is fiction. All events depicted herein are products of my imagination. I don't know Baby Austin or any of the other celebrities mentioned. Song lyrics were obtained from or similar sites. Hope you enjoy and feel free to sendme your thoughts. Now, on with the show!

The Rainbow Shower Inn

We pulled up in front of the Rainbow Shower Inn. My puppy and I got out, but the body guards remained to deal with the valet service. The receptionist was the same perky young woman I had met on my one previous occasion. " Mr. Conner!" She exclaims with evident the light. " I'm pleased to see you back here again! Who is your companion?" Her attention shifts to Austin and she lets out a small squeal. " oh my God! Austin Mahone! That can't possibly be you." The receptionist almost overturns her desk in her haste to embrace her young hero. Austin endures the attention with a tolerant smile on his face. After a few minutes of her profuse praise, Austin gently extricates himself from her embrace. "thank you Vallery! I appreciate your compliments and I am happy that you enjoy my music. Unfortunately, Colt and I have a meeting to keep. If you'll be so kind as to tell us where the other boys are gathered, we will be much obliged." Valery doesn't have a chance to respond. A voice suddenly echoes through the lobby. "There you are Mahone! I was beginning to wonder if your ass would show up." A second voice remarks, "Austin's finally here? About damn time! I'm hungry enough to eat a horse." Austin turned me to face the Direction from which the voices had come. " Johnson! Gilinsky! Looking good dudes." Austin bumps fists, then addresses me. "Colton Conner meet Jack & Jack." I was stunned. "Jack & Jack?" I questioned. "The Jack & Jack? The boys who wrote Distraction, Hurt People, and April Bloom?" "Jack & Jack coming to you live from Los Angeles California!" Johnson steps forward. Taking my hand in both of his own, the silly boy lays a soft kiss on it. "Jack & Jack at your service." He says quietly. I embraced first one Jack and then the other. I could tell that Austin wore a shit eating grin when he next spoke. " well, should we all go to the banquet hall now? I'm also starving." "Hold up! Hold up!" Gilinsky says. "We're missing someone. Where the hell is Nick?" Johnson lets out an exasperated sound somewhere between a sigh and a growl. "I told Deb boy to be ready by six sharp and to meet us here." Gilinsky reaches for his phone. He must've tapped on a contact because I did not hear the distinctive tones that would indicate he was dialing. "Yo dude, where are you?" He pauses listening. "You what?" He exclaims in disbelief. "Dude, I told you six. If you needed that much time to get ready you should've started like two hours ago. Uh-uh. Uh-uh. Yeah the lobby. OK we'll wait for you, but hurry your ass up! The reservation is for 6:30 and it's already 6:15." Gilinsky blows out a long breath as he disconnects. " our pokey friend will be down in 10 minutes." He informs us. " what happened?" Austin asks. " Who are you talking about?" I ask at the same time. Gilinsky doesn't seem to hear me. Slipping his phone back into his pocket, he says to Austin, " it would seem that our horny friend hooked up with a few male fans around noon. They've been shut up in his hotel room doing all kinds of stuff since then." Gilinsky grimaces. "Judging by what I heard before I disconnected, I would guess that our boy was still getting his field plowed." Austin chuckles. "Nick can deny it all he wants to, but that boy was born to be a bottom." " I guess while we're waiting for the horn dog we best go to the restaurant so that we don't lose our reservation."

-- "If we die, we will die in battle ... together" MK2 Lu Kang CHECK OUT MY BLOG: HOUSEOFSURPRISES.BLOGSPOT.COM

Next: Chapter 5: Phoenix Rising 5

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