Phoenix Rising Series

By Tony James

Published on Sep 20, 2020


Hi guys, here's part 18 of my story about my fictional adventures with my baby boo. There's actually one more part to go, but this is the climax of the whole story. Hope you enjoy!

Commitment Ceremony

Soft music is playing as I walked down the hall to the ball room. It was odd to hear my own voice issuing from the powerful sound system. "What's up? What's up? What's up? What's up?

Usually I'm cool enough, but

Usually I don't see someone

That look like they could be the one, one

Don't wanna be forward

Don't wanna create an awkward moment

But you got me frozen

Can't get my feet to do what I told 'em


Baby, your body make me wanna cut loose

But when I try, I analyze a little too much

Baby, 'cause your body makes me wanna tell the truth

So, by the way..."

I smile to myself. Puppy Cub had chosen this piece and it couldn't have been more fitting. As I step into the ball room, I hear myself start the chorus.

"I can't help it, I want you more with every innocent touch

The more I say we're just friends, the more I wanna explode

Every time we're alone, I try to speak, but I choke

Can't say it when it's just us

'Cause you make me so anxious."

My gaze sweeps the room. Black and gold streamers hung from the ceiling and a disco ball had been spray-painted to match. A large circular table had been placed directly beneath the ball. It was draped in a pure gold table cloth.

My eyes were drawn to the mural which spanned one entire wall of the large room. It was the only departure from the black and gold color scheme. The magnificent sceen was divided into several panels and depicted a phoenix from birth to death and rebirth. My eyes traveled over the beautiful painting. I saw the phoenix bursting into flames as the sun set in the background. The earth was sprinkled with its ashes.

The next sceen showed the phoenix poking its wrinkled and rather ugly head out of its own funeral pyre. The stars twinkled in the velvet nite sky behind it. The last panel showed the wondrous bird soaring joyfully in a clear blue sky. The sun was just beginning to caress the earth below with its golden fingers. The eternal bird had glorious scarlet and gold plumage. Brilliant though the new sun was, it paled in comparison.

The phoenix was otherworldly in its beauty.

I stared transfixed at this breathtaking portrait for several long seconds. Finally, I tore my gaze away and noticed that our few guests had already been seated. Colt's aunt and brothers were present and I waved to them. They waved back beaming. I saw my mom and threw her a little wave as well.

The large double doors facing me swung open and 3 people entered. Johnson and Gilinsky rolled my boo into the room. They stopped just inside the doors.

The track changed as Jack & Jack helped Colt to his feet. It was Promise Me by the crazy boys themselves.

"No, I never rush

I never jump

I'm not the type

So look in my eyes

And tell me the truth tonight

I'm reaching for proof 'cause I

Can't mess around with someone like me

If it's safe to love you, then promise me

I'm getting too high to fall

Feel naked and vulnerable

Gon' lay it down for me honestly

If it's safe to love you, love you

Then you should promise me."

The 2 Jacks flank my Conster as he begins walking. I start moving forward also, my gaze never leaving the face of the most special man in the world. My boo has his head held high and a broad smile illuminates his handsome face. His eyes are looking rite at me. Even though I know he's blind, I have the strangest feeling that he can see me. Something tells me that just for this one brief moment, the vail has been lifted from his eyes.

We reached the table at the same moment and stood just gazing into each other's faces. "You are so beautiful." He whispers as tears fill his eyes. "I've always known it." I reach out and gentlyg wipe away his tears. They are tears of happiness and I feel a burning in my own eyes.

Our efficient steps forward. "Ladies and gentlemen. Today it is my proud duty to unite these two faithful souls. They have learned one of life's most precious lessons. "The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love, and be loved in return. Amy Tan said once "I am like a falling star who has finally found her place next to another in a lovely constellation, where we will sparkle in the heavens forever. These two souls will shine in the night sky as they face the world together. I wish them the very best and now it is time for these 2 Young men to say something to each other." The efficient steps back. The entire time he had been speaking our gazes never left each other.

I reached into my pocket and drew out a model of a phoenix. It was hand carved out of rose quartz. The stone of universal love. Conster mirrors my action. I went first. ""Colton Conner, I love you. You are my best friend and my biggest fan. I'll take you anywhere

I'll put you on a throne

I'll lay down my heart, I swear

And I'll make sure that you'll never be alone!"

I held out the little phoenix. "This phoenix represents my love for you! Just as the phoenix bursts into flames and is reborn from the ashes, so my love for you burns and is renewed every day."

Conster accepts the little figurine and offers the other one to me. "Austin Harris Mahone, I love you. You are my best friend, my biggest fan, and my cutest puppy. Just like this bird, you allowed my love to soar once more. Today I lay my heart at your paws and trust it will remain safe there.

Just as you rescued me from the darkness, I promise to always and forever be the torch that guides you out of the prison of twilight. I will b your rock, your standard, your refuge. I promise to love you always and in all ways. I will celebrate your triumphs with you. Commiserate with you over failures. When you stumble, I will support you. My arms will be your castle. My heart, your staff. These things I promise you until such time as the phoenix burns and does not rise from the ashes."

My vision blurs as tears fill my own eyes. I gently take the phoenix.

"I'm ever yours!" I whisper. The efficient steps forward for the last time. "I declare you bonded for life."

We share our first kiss as husbands. Soft music began to play as I slide a hand to the back of Tigger's head and held his lips pressed to mine.

I am only dimly aware of the applause of our guests. The song which underscores this significant moment is I'll b your man by Mc'Fly.

"I've been all around the world

I've never met a boy

That does the things you do

And puts me in the mood

To love you and treat you right

So come here and close your eyes

And lie back, release your mind

And let the world fall down while I'm by your side

I'll be your man through the fire

I'll hold your hand through the flames

I'll be the one you desire

`Cause I want you to understand

I'll be your man.

I walk around the table. We put our arms around each other. The moment is magical. Jack and Jack still flanked him, but Colton doesn't need their support. He is standing on his own. Just as his sight had been restored briefly, so too, his legs seemed to have healed completely.

Nevertheless, Jack and Jack still maintained a precautionary grip on his shoulders.

Conster pulls away slightly. His gaze is still miraculously clear. My Boo's face is radiant with joy. Conster' lips move forming the words which he had taught me. "Te amo boo!" A grin splits my own face as I repeat the Latin phrase. "Tea amie bo." Conster smiles as I fumble the words deliberately. Placing a finger on the end of my sniffer, my boo whispers, "you're a terrible linguist."

When our lips meet again, Conster slips his tongue into my mouth. This deep kiss surprised me as we had never kissed like this before. The sensation of his tongue exploring the interior of my mouth sent fireworks exploding inside my head...and elsewhere. My heart swells with love until I think it my burst. I know I will never ever forget this night.

A powerful crack of thunder suddenly roared through the room. Startled, we break apart. I gaze around the room for the source of the disturbance. The culprit was not difficult to find. Nicky stood in one corner of the room holding a shotgun in both hands. The twin barrels were pointed straight up. Smoke unfurled from the twin muzzles and drifted away lazily. The idiot had blasted away a chunk of the ceiling with the 12 gage. Chips of marble and plaster dust lay on his head and shoulders. He grins at me and I scowl back. "Why the fuck did you do that?" I demanded as my hubby rubbed his ears. Nick shrugged. "It's traditional to fire a shotgun at a wedding. Chase away any evil spirits you know." "That wasn't in the script!" I growl. Still grinning, Mick lowered the weapon to rest on the floor. "Improvisation is the father of success." "Barking!" Conster exclaims still rubbing his ears gingerly. "Barking!" I agree. "Howling mad."

Colton Conner, your friendly neighborhood puppy. Follow me on twitter @shadowtiger21 also check out my poetry page

Next: Chapter 19: Phoenix Rising 19

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