Phoenix Rising Series

By Tony James

Published on Sep 2, 2020


Hi guys, here's part 16 of my fictional adventures with my puppy boy a.k.a. Austin Mahone. As always, this is completely fiction although there is some real info about myself in this particular chapter. I hope somebody is enjoying this story. Feel free to email me if you want to.


I woke up with a smile on my face. I lay there and savored the thought that today was the big day. My soon to be husband slept on beside me. I marveled at the thought that Austin Mahone and I were still together after five years. What was more, we were going to be married today.

I stretched then poked my bf in the side. Austin grunted but didn't wake. I leaned over him and kissed him on the lips. The kiss was butter soft. "Wake up sleepyhead. We have a big day ahead of us." Austin reached up and pressed my lips more firmly against his. "I will marry you on one condition." I raised an eyebrow. "What mite that be Mr. Mahone?" He moved against me and I could feel his morning wood. "I will marry you on the condition that you continue to wake me up with a kiss." I pretended to consider. "I guess that is doable, but for how long?" Austin spoke in a whisper. "How about every day of every month of every year of every decade of every century of every millennium for the rest of eternity?" This time our kiss was longer and deeper. "Deal." I agreed breathless.

We both jumped as our bedroom door burst open with a sound like cannon fire. Nick Jonas strolled in as if he owned the place which he did. "Wakey wakey!" He said in a singsong voice. Austin sat up next to me and glared at the other singer. "Didn't your mother ever teach you to knock?" Nick just grinned And shrugged. "She mite have mentioned it once or twice, but I never paid her much attention. I was a rather rebellious kid you know." He paused and I could tell that he was checking us out even if I couldn't see him. Austin and I had slept naked ever since that first night at the Rainbow Shower Inn. We seldom bothered to use the blanket no matter where we were. "Looking good boys!"

Austin threw his pillow at him. Nick dodged it laughing. "Get out of here you pervert!" Austin was also laughing though so I knew everything was okay. "What's the matter Mahone? Growing modest in your old age?"

Austin suddenly leapt from the bed and chased Nick out of the room shouting mock threats of dire retribution. Their laughter echoed back to me from various parts of the large mansion as they chase each other from room to room like silly little puppies.

I shook my head in amusement as I made my way to the bathroom to drain the dragon. My boy was still as crazy at 28 as he had been at 23. I also was still naked, but I didn't worry about it. Baby Austin and I had accepted Nick's offer of a crib while arrangements for our own crib were finalized. Nick had very generously granted us the use of the entire east wing and he knew about our preference for nudity. As long as we were dressed when Nick had company or when we went somewhere, Nick couldn't care less The rest of the time.

Nick had even sprung to make the necessary modifications to the various rooms in order to accommodate my disabilities.

Austin and Nick had ceased their game of cat and mouse by the time I had finished shaving and showering. I found them in the kitchen. They were preparing breakfast kibble. I sniffed appreciatively as I rolled into the room. "Yummy yummy for my tummy! Bacon and eggs." "Bacon, eggs, toast, and potatoes." Mick corrects me. "Ooh! Even better!" I said enthusiastically as I pulled up to my place at the table and parked my chair.

Austin placed a tall glass of orange soda in front of me. He guided my paw to it. "There you are Puppy Cub." "Thanks Boo." Austin brushed my head fur with his lips. "Anytime Baby Boo."

Behind Austin, Nick mimes vomiting into the sink. "Dudes, seriously?" We ignored him.

Breakfast was delicious. The kibble was so good I scarfed it down in about 5 minutes. I actually licked the plate after I was through. Austin and Nick ate their own breakfasts at a more leisurely pace .

After the plates were loaded into the dishwasher, we moved into the living room. Austin and I snuggled on the couch while nikki lounged in the La-Z-Boy directly opposite. "Well, today is special." Nick remarked. I smiled. Austin put his arm around my shoulders. "Do you know, I still can't believe it." Austin said. "It seems like only yesterday I was walking into this crazy boys crib two fulfill his last wishes." Austin toys with my left nipple. "Now I guess I'm stuck with him for the rest of time." "I've never really understood what happened." Nick remarked. "I no we were all together that last night in the Rainbow Shower Inn and we went to see WDW in concert the next afternoon, but after that concert, you boys went poof."

I could feel Baby Austin's gaze on my face and after so many years together my lack of sight didn't prevent me from understanding his unspoken message. Can I tell him? I squeeze his paw signaling my ascent.

Austin drew a deep breath before he spoke. "Nick we've known each other for a long time and I trust you completely. If I didn't I wouldn't be telling you this. Nevertheless, we would appreciate it if you would hold your silence on this matter." Nick leaned forward. Is interest was peaked. "I promise not to breathe a word to another living soul."

I squeeze my boy's thigh encouragingly. "Colt has HIV." Austin paused. "And I have it now also."

Nick sat back stunned. "Well, I'll be Scrappy's granddog!" In spite of the serious nature of the conversation, I couldn't help but giggle. "That's my line."

Nick doesn't seem to hear me or maybe he just chooses not to respond. "How long have you known?" "Seven years." Austin revealed.

"Tigger and I first met way back in 18. He attended one of my concerts and I brought him on stage with me." Austin strokes my sniffer lovingly. "Best decision of my life!" Nick smirked. "Let Lee guess. You brought him back to your dressing room after the concert and fucked his brains out didn't you." Austin shrugged. "What can I say? I was 22, horny and perfectly happy to fuck anything that was willing." "You didn't play it safe." Nick guessed. Austin shrugged again. "It wasn't like I could upload to Colt's servers." "Weren't you worried?" Nick asked. "No." Austin said simply.

I chime in. "I have been through a shit storm in my life. I have dealt with so much that a stupid virus or bacterium frightens me much less than the possibility of an accidental upload. You want scary? Try a baby." "I agree with Colt on this one." Austin said. "He has experienced too much in his 33 years to be frightened buy a stupid micro organism." "Did you tell Mahone before he screwed you?" Nick asked me. "No." Nick Open his mouth and I could tell that he was getting ready to yell, but before he could start, my boo intervened. "Simmer down Nicky. He disclosed after the fact it is true, but I didn't care. Even before I took him to my dressing room, I could tell that he was someone very special and I was determined to hold onto him no matter what. If that meant that I was infected also then so be it."

Nick stood and started to pace up and down the room. "I think you're both crazy and irresponsible. AIDS is a killer. How could you sentence The man you say you love to an early grave?" Nick demanded of me. "You're a fool and a murderer!"

Austin jumped up to confront Nick. " Nicholas Jerry Jonas, you will not speak to my husband like that!" "How could you let him do this to you? Now you won't be around for more than five more years. If you're lucky."

Austin bristles like a porcupine. "I think you're forgetting The little fact that I had a choice in this also. I could have used protection before and after Colt disclosed, but I chose not to because I didn't and still don't care." Nick opened his mouth furiously, but Austin forestalled him. "You are sadly misinformed my friend. What you say was true 30 years ago, but not now. I've done a lot of research on this so I know what I'm talking about and I suggest you do the same before you go shooting your mouth off again."

The men glared at each other for a few seconds then Mick seemed to deflate like an old tire. He hung his head ashamed. "You're rite. I don't know anything about this except for fragments that are 30 years old. I'm sorry Mahone." "Its not me you have to apologize to." Nick comes over to stand in front of me. He touches my paw briefly. "I'm sorry Colt. What I said, I didn't really mean it. I love you just as if you were Kevin or Joey." "That's quite alright." I say with dignity. I gesture for him to bend down as if I was going to impart a secret. When he did, I flicked the end of his sniffer. Nick jerked back with a surprised yelp then laughed. "I deserved that."

We resumed our places and after a few seconds awkward silence, Austin picked up the story where he had left it. "So as I said before, Colt has been positive all his life and for the most part he has taken excellent care of himself. The medications we have today are powerful beyond the wildest dreams of the vets 50 years ago. As long as the person remains faithful to their medication regimen, they can live a normal life span. There are rare cases of patients who are positive but do not have to take medication. The goal of an HIV positive individual is to keep their viral load depressed past the point of detection." "What does that mean?" Nick was an eager student now. "Viral load is the amount of virus in your system." I chip in. "Every Time Austin or I go to the vet we have blood drawn. The viral load is measured by determining how many copies of the virus exist per milliliter of blood. If that number falls below 20, then the individual is considered undetectable."

Austin continues the explanation. "When the viral load is undetectable, the person is still considered to be positive, however the risk of transmitting the disease is extremely low." "Not impossible though right?" "Correct." "How do the medications help you?" Nick wondered. "It depends on the medication in question, but in general some stop the virus from attaching to our T cells. Think of these cells as the watchmen of the immune system. They are the cells that march around our bodies keeping an eye out for suspicious activity and foreign invaders. when they find something that doesn't belong, they rally the troops to do battle. The human immunodeficiency virus is very clever. It's smart enough to know about these watchmen and it tries it's damnedest to take them out." "If The watchmen can't raise the alarm, The troops cannot be mobilized for battle and the virus can have free reign. Other medications stop the virus from replicating."

Nick whistled softly. "How can A person contract it?" I answer The question this time. "Bodily fluids. Most notably blood, cum, pussy juice, and breast milk." "Sharing used needles is one way of possible infection. Not using a rubber while fucking is another way someone could be exposed." Open wounds like cuts carry the risk as well."

Nick's Focus shifts to Austin. "So you became infected by fucking Colt?" "Not quite." Austin replies. "After we left my dressing room, we went back to my hotel and Colt made love to me there. I didn't get tested until after we had fucked several more times." "You said you don't care. What prompted you to get tested?" Austin gave his head a noncommittal jerk. "I don't know, it was just a feeling I had. I ignored it for as long as I could, but one day I was reading online about HIV and I came across something that said The longer a person waits after possible exposure, the more difficult it is likely to be to get the virus under control."

Nick whistles again. "You sure know how to pick em Mahone. You guys still haven't explained what happened when you disappeared."

I began to tell the story. "Depression was my constant companion for the 3 and a half years before I submitted the application that allowed Austin to come visit me. I wasn't quite suicidal, but it was an extremely long night. While I was not at the point of doing myself serious harm, I had reached a point where I was indifferent to my health." "I still want to thrash the asshole who left my Tigger broken and bleeding." Austin exclaimed vehemently. "Chair or no chair." I squeeze his paw. "Down boy. The fuckboy isn't worth going to prison." Austin nuzzled me. "I know that. Besides, if I went to the pound, who would be here to torture Nicky?" "Ho ho." Nick said dryly. "Who is this person you call The Fuckboy?" I scowl. "Please don't capitalize that title!" "The fuckboy was the code facilitator of a group that Colt was attending at the time." Austin explained to Nick while my scowl deepened. "It's A very long story with many pages missing, but in a nutshell, Colt fell hard for that person and he chose to play stupid mind games. I believe it to be the worst experience of his life."

I pipe up. "I had a crush on the fuckboy from the word go." I said.

I started to write about him in my diary a mere 2 days after our first encounter." My lips twisted. "I must've written at least a hundred entries about that boy. I had started horseback riding lessons that self same year and I had fantasies about the 2 of us riding together through the meadows and forests." "Sounds like you two had a great relationship." Nick was confused. "I don't blame you for your confusion." I assure Nick. Tapping my forehead I said, "The thing is that our relationship existed nowhere else but in here. I was falling hard and fast for this guy who also happened to be in a wheelchair."

I stopped talking and Austin jumped in. Colt was already undergoing massive internal reconstruction and the fuckboy only added to that."

"Massive internal reconstruction?" Nick repeated. "I was in the process of coming out at the time. As part of this process I withdrew from the church, Celebrate Recovery, and I started hooking up with random guys from CL."

I waved my paw dismissively. "Never mind all that for now! We were talking about the fuckboy. First, he tells me he wants to be my friend and then he doesn't answer my texts or emails. He was already driving me crazy by the time he showed up at my crib with little warning." I cringe and Austin holds me close. "You don't have to continue." I sniff. "Yes I do. I started it. Now I have to finish it."

Taking a deep shuttering breath, I resume my tale. "It was August 11, 2013 when the fuckboy showed up at my crib. He had hopped on a bus which dropped him off at the north campus of UB and drove himself to my crib from there in his power chair. He came in response to an email I had sent the night before. At first he said that we couldn't date because of his position as Mr. Gay Pride of Buffalo. He said maybe after his term was over the following year, then we could date." Austin snorts in disgust. "Two faced bastard!" "What do you mean?" "Well, I can't be absolutely sure because chunks of that nite are missing from my memory, but after he made this declaration, he asked me to kiss him."

I pause gathering my thoughts. "The kiss was my first and it was game changing. Ever since I can't bring myself to kiss another guy lightly.

The act of kissing carries too much emotional weight. In fact, kissing is the most intimate experience that 2 people can share. Put another way, I would rather suck a dick then kiss the self same guy. The most memorable moment of that nite was when I stood braced by his chair with my arms around him. I cannot convey how powerful that experience was. I felt my heart open and I surrendered it to him in that very moment. We kissed again and I felt so naked and vulnerable."

I raised a paw to forestall any questions. "No, we didn't have sex although we came close. Subsequently, he disappeared from my life and out of desperation I confided my feelings to the other facilitator of the group." My voice grows brittle. "She promised that she wouldn't breathe a word of what I told her to anyone except the fuckboy. I had hoped she could serve as an intermediary between me and him since he was refusing to respond to me directly." "What happened?" Nick's voice was barely more then a whisper. I give a bitter laugh. "She fucking betrayed me! That's what happened. A few days after she had made this promise, I get a call from none other then Shevy's supervisor. She asked me to come in for a meeting to discuss the situation. Needless to say, this whole breed of dog drove me to the edge of madness. My love for him turned inward and began to feed upon itself. It metastasized into an obsession."

Thirty seconds ringing silence greeted the end of my story. Austin and Nicky sat frozen as though carved from stone. I could tell that Nicky was bursting with any number of questions, but to my intense relief, he restrained his curiosity.

I allowed the silence to spiral for another 30 seconds then resumed speaking. "Moving on. I hadn't taken my pills in eight or nine months so the virus regained a great deal of strength." "It was kicking your ass." "Not quite," I demurred. "It was close." "Yes it was." "I also started to go off kibble." "No fucking way!" Nick ejaculated. "You, Colton Conner. The Fluffy Puppy. You always want second and even sometimes third helpings at every meal! My household staff is reduced to tears every time they go hunting because the cost of food alone runs into the hundreds. You fucking love kibble!" "I was amazed too when I arrived at the hospital and they told me that Tigger was refusing all meals."

It was my turn to be shocked. "I don't remember you visiting me there. "I couldn't since I wasn't strictly related to you yet." I huffed. "Typical fluffyheaded behavior." "I learned from Colt's Aunt Chris about his condition." "I was admitted by my primary vet after I had failed to show up for my appointment for the 12th time in a row. They kept me for a few days, but then I signed myself out. I was over 21 at the time so they were powerless to detain me. I returned home and waited for my baby boy."

Nick rose to his feet. "I'll be right back." Silence prowled the room in his absence. When Nick returned he carried a bottle of Corona. "Isn't it a little early for a drink?" Austin teases. Nick flips off the cap and takes a deep slug. "You guys are enough to make a preacher drink." Austin chucks a sofa cushion at him, almost knocking the bottle out of his hand.

Nick took another swig from the bottle before he said, "I confess myself confused. If you weren't eating, how could you have had the strength to do much of anything?" He grinned slyly. "From what I remember, you were pretty energetic."

Austin laughed. "This boy can take dick better than you can. His energy and creativity know no bounds. We've had sex everywhere and in every imaginable position. Top, bottom, 69, rimming, toys, bondage, roleplay.

You name it, we've done it. We've even gotten off in semi-public.

Public bathrooms, rest stops you find by the side of the road. In the woods. The park. We've even had sex on the beach by which I don't mean the drink. Sometimes I can't keep up, but I'm not complaining."

"I'm a regular cockhound." I take Austin into my hand. "I'm a regular cockhound." I repeat. "As long as The cocking question happens to be this one."

I lean over and kiss Austin's dick before letting go. "My appetite returned full force about a year before I met you. That was when Baby Austin called me for the first time. You were a scrappy little thing back then." I shove Austin playfully. "I was not!" "You had defluffed by about 50 pounds." "Don't exaggerate." I scold my baby. "It was much closer to 20. Maybe 25. That's not much when I was 214 to begin with. Anyway, I more than made up for it after your phone call." I grin. "Actually, it's a wonder I'm not 400 fluff." "Give it time." I shove Austin again. He lands on the floor laughing. "Suck me!" I growled playfully.

Austin crawls toward me like a dog. I felt his hot breath on my crotch then I was in his mouth. I gasped. My dick rapidly swelled as Austin began to suck on it. I loved getting a BJ like any other gay guy. Especially if the guy giving me head happens to be my boyfriend. However, I wanted to save up a little extra for after the ceremony. "Stop!" I groan and shutter as Austin Took me balls deep. "I up...shit!" My thoughts dissolved into a haze of desire.

Five minutes later, I poured my seed down my boyfriend's throat. He swallowed every drop and clean me off afterword. "Sorry baby boo." Austin apologizes as I come down from my orgasm. "I no you wanted to save up for tonight, but your dick looks so tasty and it's been a week." He looked up at me. "If you want to spank me you can. I've been a bad little boy." Austin didn't sound apprehensive. If anything, he sounded hopeful. I knew my boy too well to fall for his trick. "Uh-ah. No way Austin! If I spank you, next thing I know my dick will be up your ass and we'll be too exhausted for the ceremony. More specifically for our private celebration."

Austin sighed theatrically. "Ah well. At least I tried." "Better luck next time buddy." The voice of Nick Jonas made us both jump. We had completely forgotten he was still in the room. Nick continued. "I could be wrong, but I believe when Colt said `suck me' he was using that phrase figuratively. You know, like when somebody says bite me." Austin smirks. "I knew that. I was just really hungry for his dick." Nick chuckles. "You boys are too much!"

Austin cuddled me as he explained the rest of the situation to Nick. "Well, as you know, we were only contracted for a day and a night." It was Austin's turn to grin slyly. "Those were the rules set down by the Make-A-Wish foundation. I excepted the application of course, but I used my own resources. I chose to use my own money, transportation, even personnel. I don't like strings." He winked. "The truth is I did not come to Colt's crib because of a silly contract. I came to his crib because I was in love with him even then and wanted to make his dreams come true. I dare say I succeeded."

Austin held out his hand and Nick gave him the bottle. After drinking deeply, Austin passed the bottle back. "Ah, much better!" Nick put the bottle up to his lips, but discovered it was empty. "Thanks a lot Mahone!" Still grumbling under his breath, Nick left the room to fetch himself another bottle. When Nicky returned with 2 bottles - One of which Austin accepted - he went on. "Colt had recovered much of his strength by the time that you met him, but he was still not 100%." "I was probably at 99% capacity." I agree as I plucked the bottle from Austin's paw and Took a large gulp. Next second, I was coughing and spluttering as the liquid burned my throat. I had been reclining against Baby Austin's chest, but sat up quickly. Austin rubbed my back and encourage me to breathe.

When I had finally caught my breath again, I glare in Nicky's direction with watering eyes. "What the fuck was in that bottle?" "It's just Corona." Nick tells me. I grimace. "It doesn't taste like beer to me. Cat piss more like." Both Austin and Nick laughed. Nick fetched a glass of water for me. After I had drained it, I fell completely normal again.

Austin went on with the story as though there had been no interruption. "Puppy Cub enjoyed our company and our various activities, however, the traveling and physical exertion's took their toll. We departed that evening after the concert to go into seclusion for a short time."

Colton Conner, your friendly neighborhood puppy. Follow me on twitter @shadowtiger21 also check out my poetry page

Next: Chapter 17: Phoenix Rising 17

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