Phoenix Rising Series

By Tony James

Published on Aug 23, 2020


Hi guys, here's part 15 of my story about my puppy boy a.k.a. Austin Mahone. if you've made it this far in the story, I'm going to assume you know it's all fiction. this is another short chapter, but next week it will be longer. I hope you enjoy it and don't forget to email me if you wish,

Jaden I awoke abruptly as something soft hit me in the back. I could hear a voice talking to me, but without my hearing aids, I couldn't make out the words too well. I scrambled to put them back in. When they were powered up, I could finally understand what Johnson was saying. "Wake up sleepyheads. The day's awasting." Austin grunted beside me. "Quit making that racket ." "Good afternoon do you too!" Gilinsky remarked. "Don't worry," Nick added. "We already ordered room service. They should be here shortly with a proper country breakfast."

Austin sat bolt upright. His voice was clear of any traces of sleepiness. "Did you say something about food?" Nick chuckled. "I thought that would interest you." Johnson is grinning broadly as he begins to enumerate the individual items that were ordered. "Let's see... scrambled eggs with melted cheese. Juicy strips of bacon. Cheesy potatoes." "Don't forget the toast with melted butter and grape jelly." Gilinsky reminds his bf.

Austin is up and out of bed so fast that it seemed like he had disapparited. Gilinsky was too slow to block my Texan. He was trapped in a headlock and Boo-Boo gave him a nugie. "Ouch! Ouch! Stop that you're hurting me." But Gilinsky was laughing as Austin wrestled him to the floor. My crazy boy sat on Gilinsky's chest and started to tickle the other boy. "Please stop! Stop tickling me! I...can't...breathe."

Austin stopped and got off Gilinsky. "That'll teach you not to torture me with talk of food."

At that moment, a knock sounded on the door and the voice called out, "room service." I looked at the other boys. Not one of us was wearing a stitch of clothing. "I think the largest of us should answer the door. Give the worker a little extra tip." I looked at Nicky slyly. He noticed my look and put up his hands defensively. "Uh-ah! No way Mahone! I'm not into random stuff." "Kill joy." I sighed and went hunting for my jeans.

Pulling open the door a minute later, I found a very sexy black boy with a room service cart. The cart was loaded with a half dozen covered dishes, but I had eyes only for The employee. The young man was about my height and my age. He had a thick mop of fair hair and bright green eyes. My gaze dropped to study the rest of him. Instead of a shapeless uniform, this kid wore a black t tucked into black jeans. Both of these articles molded themselves to every contour of his body so well, they may as well been grafted on. My dick sprang to life as I beheld The Adonis.

Our gazes met and I could tell by the smirk on that handsome face that my inspection had not gone unnoticed. "You like?" Licking my lips nervously, I said, "you're not wearing a uniform." Immediately I want to kick myself. Of all the stupid things to say! The kid just laughed. "I'm not really an employee of the hotel. I just heard that my favorite musicians were staying in this suite and I had to meet you guys." "Oh." I said stupidly." The kid laughed again. "I'm not an employee, but I do have your food so can I come in? I won't stay long." "Hey Mahone, what's taking you so long?" The voice makes me jump and snapped me back to reality. Its Johnson and he sounds annoyed. "Get your hot buns back in here."

Nick suddenly appears behind me. "What you doing Mahone? Checking for exploding eggs?" He chuckles at his own joke, but his laughter dies as he finally registers the room service kid. Whistling softly he says, "hotdamn! If I had known we would be getting a visit from an Angel I would've called my stylist first." I finally noticed that Nick is still as naked as the day he was born. It's the kid's turn to stair as he took in every detail of Nick Jonas. Nick extended a hand. "Nicolas Jerry Jonas and you are?" "Jaden." Jaden's voice is horse. "Well Jaden. Why are you just standing in the door way like a stuffed puppy? Bring in the food." Winking Nick added, "I wouldn't say no to your fine ass neither.

Nick bumped me out of the way. Jaden was flustered as he pulled the cart in after him. Closing the door, I trailed after the 2 boys. The events that took place next are for another story.

Colton Conner, your friendly neighborhood puppy. Follow me on twitter @shadowtiger21 also check out my poetry page

Next: Chapter 16: Phoenix Rising 16

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