Phoenix Rising Series

By Tony James

Published on Aug 12, 2020


Hi guys, here's part 14 of my fictional adventures with my baby boy a.k.a. Austin Mahone. as always I don't know any of the celebrities mentioned herein. Enjoy!

I Grant Austin's Wish

I woke up slowly. I was so warm and cozy, that I felt like I could lay here forever. Just lie here nuts to butts with baby Austin. His arm was draped over me and I could feel him breathing slow and steady. I assumed that I was the only one awake. I closed my eyes and tried to reenter the realm of dreams. Unfortunately, my stupid bladder made itself known via a pressure in my groin. As if he was in tune with me, Austin suddenly let out a yawn that was much more characteristic of a lion's roar. He squeezed me briefly then rolled onto his back. Stretching luxuriously, Austin said something, but his words were drown in another roaring yawn. Giggling I said, "good morning sleepy Simba." I took the opportunity to put my hearing aids back in. Once they will powered up, I could hear the shower running. The other boys must've gotten up before us. When he finished his stretching, Austin said, "if I'm Simba, does that make you King Mufasa?" "Yes!" I respond immediately.

Austin chuckles and playfully slapped my ass. "I don't know about you, but I have to piss like a racehorse on speed!" I agree with him. Austin slides out of bed while I maneuver myself so I'm sitting on the edge. Getting back into my chair I say, "shouldn't we wait for the other boys to finish in there?" "I doubt very much if the boys will notice or care."

As my wheels crossed the threshold of the bathroom, I realized the reason for Austin's statement. The bathroom was almost completely obscured with steam which I could feel on my skin. Now that I was closer, I could hear not only running water, but also the sounds of three very horny boys as they took care of each other's morning would. "Don't use up all the hot water you guys." Austin called as he helped me to my feet. Technically speaking, I was perfectly capable of standing on my own, but I loved my baby boy touching me. The glass door slid back on its track as Austin held my puppy. A fresh cloud of steam billowed out closely pursued by a voice. "You guys are welcome to join us. There's plenty of room." There's a brief pause as the owner of the voice squints through the steam. "Oh, never mind. I see you boys have already started. The owner of the voice - Nick if I'm not mistaken - slides the door shut again.

I finish pissing, then after I resume my seat, I hold Baby Austin's rod. His hand covers mine and helps to direct the stream into the bowl. Good thing too otherwise it probably would've went all over the floor. I shake Austin's dick and even squeeze it a couple times. "You might not want to do that." Austin is amused. I gaze up at him with an innocent expression on my face. "What? I'm just trying to make sure you don't drip down your legs. Austin is not fooled Buy my innocent act. Ruffling my head fur affectionately he says, "you, Colton Conner, Will be the death of me."

A mischievous grin spreads across my face as I reached out and pushed the lever that would flush the toilet. A second later, I heard a combination of startled yelps and cursing as the water ran momentarily ice cold.

Giggling like little fiends Austin and I return to bed. Cuddling me, Austin said, "I hope you're happy with your wishes." "Absolutely! I am as happy as a kitty with a dozen mice to play with!" Austin started moving his paws over my torso. He played with my nipples. I'm very happy to hear that!" Silence reined in the room for a few moments. Austin continued playing with my tits. My dick was hard between my legs. Presently, Austin spoke again. "I have a wish of my own." "What?" Austin is the one to draw my earlobe between his lips. He nibbled on it as his hand fell to wrap itself around my throbbing member. I shuttered in pleasure. Letting go of my earlobe, Austin murmured, "will you grant my wish? Will you make love to me?"

I didn't have to think. "Yes!" I breathed. Austin sat up and leaned over me. Reaching for the lube on the nightstand, Austin wondered, "what's the best position for this?" "On your side." I advised. "You mite have to do a lot of the work." My tone is apologetic. My baby boy kisses me. "I think I can handle it."

Austin lies down with his back to me. Taking a finger, I trace his spine. He shivers. I stop just before I reach the cleft of his ass.

I slide down in the bed until I am in a position to rim him. Austin gasps as my tongue touches him. I bathe his hole in saliva before easing my tongue inside. Austin is really enjoying the attention if his moans and adorable little whimpers were any judge. I ate my boy open until I was able to fuck him with 2 fingers. "Stick your dick in me! I want it!" He gasped Between moans .

I wanted his ass so I grabbed the lube and spread a generous amount on my dick. "You're gone have to help me with this part. "Whatever you need." I lined my boner up with his hole. Grabbing him by the waste, I pulled him closer. My dick touched his hole and he pushed against it instinctively. The head of my cock popped inside. We both let out cries of pleasure. Austin pushed back again and more of me slid into him. Normally I preferred to be a bottom, but in this case I would more than happy to sink my dick into Austin's hot ass.

I am only about 5 inches so The next time Austin pushed back the remaining 3 inches disappeared into him. Austin needed no prompting from me but just started moving. I felt my dick come to life as Austin's hole squeezed and stroked my length. I was able to thrust my hips a little, but not really enough to get sufficient friction. Baby Austin was doing most of the work, but he wasn't complaining. On the contrary, he was moaning out strings of nonsense syllables. If I didn't know better, I would've thought the poor boy had lost his mind.

I stroked his dick and kept up a stream of encouragement. "Fuck yea Austin! Your ass is so tight. My dick feels so good in you."

I fucked Austin for another minute. When he came, every inch of Baby Austin's sexy body seem to tighten. He shoved himself backward until my rod was buried in his ass balls deep.

I growled and swore as I felt myself explode. My pelvis shoved itself against Baby Austin. I was already as deep as I could go, but this was an involuntary action. I stroked Baby Austin as his milk seemed to spray from his cock like bullets from an assault rifle. I was also pumping my own load up his shoot. I must've shot 7 or 8 times.

We lay together quietly afterword spent. I heard the other boys reenter the room. They must've seen us and deduced what had just transpired, but they left us alone. My dick had softened almost immediately upon the conclusion of my climax, but it was still nestled in the crack of my boy's ass. I felt drained, but in a good way. Yawning, I took out my hearing aids and fell asleep.

Colton Conner, your friendly neighborhood puppy. Follow me on twitter @shadowtiger21 also check out my poetry page

Next: Chapter 15: Phoenix Rising 15

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