Phoenix Rising Series

By Tony James

Published on Jul 26, 2020


Hi guys, here's part 13 of my fictional adventures with my Puppy Boy aka Austin Mahone. In case you're new, I don't know any of the celebs mentioned. This is a fun chapter because Baby Austin gets a facial. Oops, I didn't mean to let that slip. Oh well, the kitty cat is out of the bag now. Enjoy!

Austin Gets A Facial

I roll Colt into the bathroom. He is continuing his fascinating life story. I feel deeply impressed by this crazy boy's strength and courage. If I had walked through a shit storm like he has, I don't think I could've emerged from it unstained. Colt was scarred, but he battles on. I'm shaken out of my reverie by a knocking on my head. " Mission control to Austin. You copy?" I grin and flick Colt's right nipple. "I'm listening." I assist him to stand. My hands drop to his belt and I undo Colt's jeans while he tells me about breaking his self imposed policy of social isolationism. Those are his exact words. "For years, I was content to stay friends with only Sue and an old BOCES teacher. The Blasdells tried to encourage me to interact more with my peers, but for many years I did not want anything to do with them. That changed in the summer of 09. So like, I was sitting at a picnic table outside with my aid during summer school, when I became aware of some puppies sitting at the next table over. I don't know how or why, but the desire to join them overcame me. The next day, I joined the table and the rest is history!" Colt's jeans hit the floor and I grope his monkey ass. He swats me giggling. Damn, I love making him laugh! Colt sits in the shower chair I had Dillon purchase especially for this adventure and I pull off his jeans. Throwing them outside the bathroom, I say, "now your turn." The words are hardly out of my mouth, when his hands are undoing my belt. My 23 yo dick - always looking for an excuse to jump to attention - rises to this occasion magnificently. Fuck me, but I want this boy's rod up my ass! I kick off my jeans. Colt's hand tries to sneak between my legs as I step into the stall, but I catch it just in time. Sliding closed the glass stall door, I wag an admonitory finger. The gesture is lost on him of course, but I verbalize it for him. "Naughty naughty! You'll get caughty." I take down the handheld shower head. Aiming it at the floor, I test the temperature. When I'm sure it won't scald him, I direct the spray at Colt's chest. He jumps and lets out a bark of surprise. I mean that he literally barks like a dog. It is so fucking adorable! Colt makes a wild grab for me but I am easily able to avoid him. " give me that you dumb dog!" Laughing I say, " what's your problem?" "You're A complete fluffhead! That water is cold enough to freeze the tits off a corpse." "What do you mean?" I ask check in the water again. Jumping jack rabbits! He's right. The water is so cold that my skin breaks out into goose bumps and my balls feel as though they're trying to crawl back into my body. Hastily turning the knob the other way I checked the water again. This time it's too hot and I yelp myself. The next minute is spent twisting the stupid knob this way and that, but I can't seem to find a happy medium. One way, the water is frigid to the point where I feel like I'm going to turn into an ice statue. The other, the water is so hot that I feel like I'm in a sauna run by a psychopath Who boils his victims to death. Finally, I get the temperature to the right setting. The brat has been giggling nonstop this entire time. I hang the showerhead on the hook aimed down on us. Taking the soap, I begin to wash the silly puppy. Colt is furry enough to be a dog, but his skin is healthy. "Now that we're not going to freeze or burn our balls off, why don't you tell me the rest of your history?" Giggling again, he says, "I never knew you were so funny." "I'm A regular comedian." I assure him. Colt starts talking again as I soap him up. I love touching his muscular shoulders and arms. He thinks that no one will ever love him because he's too old and fluffy, but I believe the opposite is true. He's got so much to offer, Mr. right just hasn't come along yet. He's smart, funny, a great sense of humor and he's easy to get along with. What's not to love? Oh, and let's not forget the fact that the boy can suck a dick like nobody's business. Colt takes me through the next few years. "The Summer of 10, I went up to Massachusetts to attend A program designed to teach Blind and visually impaired puppies how to be more independent. They mean well, but for me at least, it was difficult to apply their teachings when I was still trapped in The Kennel." I gently lift his arm to wash the pit. He starts squirming. "What's The matter?" "Stop tickling me!" I wasn't trying to at first, but now I am. "Tickle tickle tickle!" I sing as I tickle his armpit and he swats me again. I resume washing him because I am more interested in feeling him up then tickling him. "In November of 11, I finally broke free of the kennel and got my own crib. That's a whole breed of dog in and of itself." I move my soapy hands over his chest. I can't resist flicking his nipples. I love playing with nipples and Colt's are particularly sensitive if stimulated by somebody else. He keeps talking, but I can feel his tits harden under my fingers and I know something else must be hard as well. "I finally broke free of the fucking Kennel in 11. My independence was glorious but it was also daunting. I went from being under somebody else's dominion to being completely autonomous." "That had to be an adjustment." I agree while soaping up his other arm. "It was! I went from having all these people around me to being alone. I made the transition slowly and gradually over the course of 8 years. Now I won't have it any other way." My hands drop to his tummy. They long to drop lower, but I won't allow that. Not yet. "I still have an aid come in twice a week, but it used to be 7." "What does she help you with?" I ask. "Does she pet your puppy?" I'm trying to be a smart ass and he knows it. That comment earns me a poke in the tummy. "Sarah's a great aid, but can you say ewe?" I rub my soapy hands over Colt's furry tummy. He has a beer gut going on, but that just means there's more for me to love. More for everyone to love. "So what does she help you with?" I asked seriously this time. "I am very independent, but there are A few key areas in which I need help. Preparation of kibble is one of those areas. I can't cook worth a damn and if I tried, I would probably burn the crib down. I can use the microwave though." "So does Sarah make your meals for you and you eat them while she is there?" "No. She makes up 4 or 5 plates and puts them in the fridge covered with saran wrap. I just throw them in The microwave when I'm ready. She also does like housekeeping, banking, and she goes after puppy chow." " you mean she goes to the grocery store and gets food?" I clarify. "That's what I said." I shake my head chuckling. "You are definitely something else!" My hands can't resist The siren call anymore. Colt jumps a little as my soapy hand moves over his dick. As I suspected, he is hard and leaking. My hand glides up and down his length. The soap provides lube though I know it isn't good for his skin. Soap does funny things to the skin if not used properly. Plus I really don't want soap in my mouth. My mom cured me of that desire when I was about 12 and I talked back to her 1 too many times.

I stop stroking just long enough to rinse him off completely. When I'm sure every last trace of soap is gone, I direct him to stand. As he Stands, I get on my knees. I had Previously instructed Gerwyn to put a water proof mat on the floor of the stall. I was quite comfortable as I gazed up at the large balls hanging above me. "I'm thinking I need a creamy facial. You down?" "Hell yea!" Colt's response is little more then a whisper.

Reaching up with my tongue, I gave those orbs a bath. Colt moaned out. I moved my hand over his throbbing cock. I sucked one of his balls into my mouth. Normally, I would take both but there is simply no way. They're both roughly the same size as an egg you would get from the store. I am not a python. Colt appreciates my efforts anyway. I hear a moan and feel a few drops of precum fall gently on my hair. "I Watch your mouth! Take care of Timex!" I almost burst out laughing at the reference, but I know that would've ruined the mood, so I restrain myself. Letting the ball fall from my mouth, I captured is dickhead instead. I sucked on it and was rewarded with a moan and a fresh trickle of precum. Colt thrusts forward involuntarily seeking to bury himself in my mouth. I want his dick as much as he wants to give it to me. Putting my hands on his ass, I pull him closer, impaling myself on him. Hands are on my shoulders. Colt is limited by his physical disabilities but that doesn't stop him from trying to fuck my mouth. I was quite adept at the art of cock sucking though and had long since conquered my gag reflex. I could take dick like a pro. I also knew when to inhale and went to hold my breath as well as how to breathe through my nose. All of these thoughts flash through my mind in only a few seconds as Colt moved his hips in the best thrusting motion he could manage. I also moved my mouth up and down his cock whenever he fancied a break. I pushed myself off his rod. "Baby Austin!" Colt whimpered. I chose not to respond verbally. Instead, I sucked on the head of his tool. I loved the taste of both dick and cum. I made sure to dip my tongue into his piss slit. "Fuck yeah! Suck that dick boy!" When I was sure that Colt was close enough, I replaced my mouth with my hand. Stroking his dick with one hand and fondling his balls with the other, I encouraged The impending explosion. "Shoot it! Shoot it! Shoot that load!" Colt's entire body locks as his climax hits. "Fuck yea! Fuck yea!" Colt's pleasure is apparently too great for words because he soon dissolves into inarticulate noises. His dick swells and cum blasts out. I had aimed it to my face and his nut butter splattered across my cheeks and chin. I hastily directed it at my open mouth and a couple shots streaked across my tongue. They were salty but very tasty. I felt myself erupt. My seed seemed to pour out of me in one unbroken stream. I hadn't even touched myself once since I had fucked Colt in the elevator. I shuttered as The last of my own orgasm subsides. Colt collapses into The shower chair and I use is softening dick to soak up the jizz on my face. I gently suckle his soft member to clean him off. When I'm sure I got all traces of Colt's orgasm, I get back on my feet. The water is still running and it still at a comfortable temperature, so I wash Colt for real this time and once he recovers, Colt washes me. I can tell by the way his hands linger that he enjoys touching my smooth skin. I already know the answer, but I asked the question anyway. "Why did you call your dick timex?" He gives me a look like he was wondering if I had lost my mind. "Isn't it obvious? Timex is a brand of watch. My cock takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin'." I chuckle. "Only you!" "So what would you like to do next?" I ask as Colt and I snuggle in bed a few minutes later. We are both still naked naturally. Yawning, he answers, "right now I wanna sleep for about 10 hours. After that, I'm not sure." I pull him against me even tighter. "Ok Puppy Bear. You have a good long sleep and we'll talk more in the morning."

-- "If we die, we will die in battle ... together" MK2 Lu Kang CHECK OUT MY BLOG: HOUSEOFSURPRISES.BLOGSPOT.COM

Next: Chapter 14: Phoenix Rising 14

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