Phoenix Rising Series

By Tony James

Published on Jul 14, 2020


Hi guys, here's part 12 of my fictional adventures with my puppy boy aka Austin Mahone.

In case you're new, i don't know Baby Austin, Nick Jonas, or Jack/Jack. Feel free to drop me a line.

The Kennel "The family who took me in after I was sprung from the hospital had the surname of Blasdell. Blasdell is also a town located in the boonies." "Never heard of it." Austin admits. "I wouldn't expect you to know of it. The family had a home in collins. I'm sure you've never heard of that town either, but it doesn't matter." "Why weren't you released back into your father's custody?" "Kent voluntarily surrendered me, though at the time, it felt more like being abandoned. Actually, most of the reason why I was in the hospital for so long was because I was waiting for a foster home to become available. The Blasdells were great people with over 20 years experience raising foster kids. They were a wonderful family with strong Christian beliefs. Been never abused any of us in any fashion." I found Austin's lips and started tracing them with a finger. "I tell you all this, so that you can have an honest and unbiased view of the situation." "You've given me the exotruth, now it's Time for the endotruth." I was surprised. "Wow, I've never heard a real person ever use those terms. Yes, what I told you about the family thus far is exotruth. that was how the family was in reality. Now I'm going to explain to you the endotruth. How I perceived them in my feelings about them." I begin this part of my story by explaining to Austin how I had been the subject of a surgery to implant a G-tube in my tummy. Taking his hand in mine, I placed it on the area. "I hated the fucking tube!" Austin ran his fingers over the scar. "The tube was implanted in an effort to combat your malnutrition." Austin surmised. I reach up and pat the top of Austin's head. "Very good. You have been paying attention." "Do I get a gold star?" He asked hopefully. "You'll get something sure as shootin, but later. Every night the tube was connected to a pump which furnished me with extra nutrition." I grimace in disgust. "It was similar to an IV. This process was known within the Blasdell crib as nightly feedings. Sometimes the feed would become disconnected from the machine resulting in a milky mess." "Weren't you able to eat by mouth?" "Yes, but that wasn't good enough. I was apparently under weight and the feedings were provided as a means to supplement what I ate by mouth. Of course, they should've just given me 4 cans of Bud every night. That would've fluffed me up quick enough." "I know of something else that would've fluffed you up." Austin is smirking. "Dude, get your mind out of the gutter!" I laugh. "I maintained then and still maintain that I didn't need the fucking tube or the feedings!" I drank deeply. "I was right! All of my Fluff Tests which I have taken over the last 8 years have shown that I have steadily fluffed up. I fluffed up without that gross stuff. Of course, nobody believed me! I don't know how many times I told them that." My tone grows bitter again. "They were the adults which naturally meant that they knew everything. Their word was law. Of course, they were required to adhere to the orders of the vet, but that doesn't change the way I feel. They forced the tube and the feedings on me. Much later, the vet prescribed a medicine because they claimed I had osteoporosis or that I was in danger of developing it. Of course, it was for the rest of my skeleton and not the bone I care about." Austin snorts, but makes no comment. I continue as though there had been no interruption. "The Blasdells enforced the medicine. I hated taking it!" "Did it taste awful?" "No. By that time I was taking pills. No, the reason I hated it was simply that I didn't need it, but if I tried to refuse the damn pill or the feeds I was punished. They would steal my tape player, limit or remove my phone privileges, and otherwise make my life hell." "Endotruth?" "Endotruth." I confirmed. "They took away your tape player?" "They knew how much it would hurt me to b deprived of my books so in their mind, this was a just punishment for trying to resist the Will of the Almighty Adult!" I stop and take a deep breath. "Sorry Baby Austin. I know I'm probably giving you the impression that the Blasdells were strict authoritarians who were only too happy to make my life miserable, but that is not true." "Endotruth." He reminds me. "Endotruth." I agree.

-- "If we die, we will die in battle ... together" MK2 Lu Kang CHECK OUT MY BLOG: HOUSEOFSURPRISES.BLOGSPOT.COM

Next: Chapter 13: Phoenix Rising 13

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