Phoenix Rising Series

By Tony James

Published on Apr 12, 2020


Hi guys, here's the first part of my third story about baby Austin. As always, this is fiction. I do not know any of the celebrities depicted herein. All lyrics in this story are the property of the musicians and were obtained from or similar sites. hope you like it and please let me know what you think.

The Beginning

9:41 PM 7/10/2019

I gaze up at the ceiling blindly. The room is silent except for the music playing softly through my Amazon Echo. I lay in my big boy bed and cuddle a plush puppy to my chest. All around me r grouped other plush animals.

I gaze blindly up at the ceiling. My Note 10 + sits in its charger next to my bed. The phone chirps and I reach for it. It's a message from Butter Fluffer. I double tap on the audio message. My x sounds serious. "Hey man, what's up?" I smile to myself. Fluffer Nutter knows as well as I do that this will probably be the last time we talk.

I don't bother to record a message back. Instead, I tap on his number. I had long since placed it on my very first home screen. Marshmallow picks up after only 2 rings. "Hey!" I say. "Hey!" He says back. "What's up?" I ask. "Not much. Just on Youtube and stuff. You?" "Just waiting for my Puppy to arrive. He should be here any minute." "Well hopefully you're dressed. Wouldn't want to offend him on your very first date." He kids me. I smile into the phone. "Butter Fluffer, Butter Fluffer, Butter Fluffer. I'm sure he's seen lots of guys naked. Besides, he's going to c me naked before it ends. That's part of the deal." My x clears his throat. "Yea you have fun with him. Call me later to let me no how it went."

I wait sensing there's more. Marshmallow is silent for a long time before he chokes out, "listen man, I just wanted to let you no that I still love you and what happened between wasn't your fault." My voice is gentle. "I no that Lambchop. Love you too buddy."

My phone chimes again signaling an incoming text. I no without even looking that its from my Puppy. "Gotta go!" I tell Joshua my second x boyfriend. "He's coming." Josh tries to make a joke. "I'm sure you guys will be hot, sweaty, and sticky before he leaves. I chuckle softly. "I don't no if this old dog is up for that but I'll try. After a few more exchanges we disconnect.

My ears prick as I hear distant voices. My heartbeat picks up a little. The deadbolt on my crib door disengages with a soft snap.

I lay in my perpetual darkness listening as the door opens and the man of the hour crosses the threshold. He moves confidently through my dark apartment. All at once, he's standing in my bedroom doorway. I smile and speak his name softly. "Baby Austin."

Austin Carter Mahone is silent for a minute. "Wow, sure is dark in here." I sensed movement and a warm hand is placed on my cheek. "Hey baby boy! You ready to party down?" I nod though I'm not sure if he can see the motion in the darkness. His hand drops to my bare chest. He plays with the thick fir there. "Well first things first. Where are your clothes?" I pout. "Baby Austin! You are a bad boy." A chuckle rumbles from his chest. "I've been called that a time or two." His lips r on mine. The kiss is soft yet not without meaning. Austin's mouth tastes fresh like toothpaste. I reach up and thread my fingers through his head fir. Its soft as a puppy. The kiss only lasts for a few seconds. When we break our liplock, Austin murmurs, "that was great! We should definitely do that again." He sighs. "We have places to go. Things to do. People to see."

I know he's right so I answer his original question. "My jeans are over there on the shelf across from my bed. Shirts are there also." "Got them! Any preferences as far as color or anything?" "Nope." "Arizona jeans." He observes. "I bet they were made in Phoenix. "Boxers?" " don't wear those." "Briefs?" "Uh-ah." "Anything?" "I've been going commando since 2012." Austin whistles softly. "I like a rebel."

The star dresses me quickly and efficiently. There's only one awkward moment when he toys with my flaccid dick. I poke his arm. Austin understands the unspoken reprimand. "Did you come on your own?" I ask as baby Austin helps me to sit on the edge of the bed. I could practically hear his eyes roll as he answered. "I would've preferred to come on my own, but studio execs. You have no idea how fucking annoying they are." I giggled as Austin dropped the f bomb. It wasn't as though I had never heard it before. It was just I could never imagine my baby boy ever using it. Austin was grinning as he got into the game. "I can't even go to the john without a security detail." His voice dropped conspiratorially. "Crazy fucking Mahomies mite b hiding in a stall just waiting to pounce and strip me of my innocence at any moment." " you still haven't gotten your cherry popped yet?" I blurt out without thinking. Immediately, I want to snatch the words back, but it's too late. Austin lays a finger over my lips. "He whispers, "shh. I never kiss and tell." I lick his finger. "They have to get in line!" I said and we both chuckled. "I brought two security guards, but don't worry. They're well paid to keep their mouths shut. They can help us in whatever way we require."

I am able to climb into my chair myself. Austin hands me The puppy I was cuddling when he arrived. "What's his name?" I smooth my finger over one soft ear. "Scott." Austin pets Scott too. "Hi buddy. Ready for the adventure of a lifetime?" "Woof woof!" I have Scott reply. "Would you like to take anything else with you?" Austin asks. "My overnight bag is already packed and sitting on my living room table." I grab my phone from its charger and I'm already to go. Baby Austin rolls me out of my bedroom after I give Alexa the command to stop The music.

When we reach the living room, Austin introduces me to his security guards. "Colt, these are my bodyguards. Gerwyn. Dillon. Meet our Guest of honor Colt." I shake hands with the 2 men. I can tell them apart instantly. Gerwyn has a Texas twang. Dillon has a mellifluous voice that could melt concrete.

"It's great meeting you!" Gerwyn says. "I concur!" Dillon agrees clapping me on the shoulder. "You must be mighty special." Gerwyn remarks. " our boy Austin doesn't usually grant individual audiences like this." I can hear the grin in his voice when he adds in a stage whisper, "did you have to promise him you would suck his dick before the night was out?" "Fuck up Gerwyn!" Austin is also grinning even as he says it. "Just because Dillon here still won't go down on you doesn't mean you had to be jealous of me." Gerwyn winces. "Dude, that is such a low blow." Austin chuckles at the unintended double entendre.

My interest in the conversation must've showed on my face because Austin proceeds to provide an explanation. "These two Neanderthals were assigned to shadow me ever since I signed with Universal Public Records way back in 12 and I haven't been able to shake them since." "You know you love us Mahone." Dillon interjects. Austin does not egg knowledge his words verbally, but continues to address me. "They've also been boyfriends like since forever." "How long is forever?" I ask. "Gerwyn fields the question this time. "Well son," he says in his Texas drawl, "I don't rightly remember. My boy Dillon and I were tight even back in the days of the dinosaurs. That would be around 15 years ago now. What would you say Puppy Cub? Dillon disagrees. "You were always lousy at remembering anniversaries. It's been at least 25 years that I've been stuck with your sorry ass. He gives Gerwyn a playful shove. "Sometimes I wonder how you managed to remain organized in the Mesozoic era. You would be completely lost without your iPhone." Although the words r cutting, I can hear the love and respect behind them.

Austin moves to stand behind my chair. Placing his large paws on my shoulders, he proceeds to massage them. "What you say we get this show on the road?" I agree enthusiastically. "Baby Austin, I would like to take The rest of the animals on my bed." He squeezes my shoulders. "You got it." Austin briefly disappears into my bedroom again and reemerges with an arm full of plushys. At my request, Austin adds these animals to my overnight pack. I ask Dillon and Gerwyn to make sure that my electronics r unplugged. One by one my PlayStation, my TV, my air-conditioner, toaster, and bedroom fan r deprived of life. My Puppy kills the lights as we leave the apartment. We mite or mite not return.

Next: Chapter 2: Phoenix Rising 2

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