Phoenix Reborn

By Adam Mcdonald

Published on May 16, 2009


All the same disclaimers and restrictions apply.

We left Carinos, Nick drove, and I was left in the backseat to consider what that waitress said to me. I couldn't be a mutant! I would have had some inkling about my powers by NOW! I mean I was 23 and aside from that moment when I stood up to help Tim, I have never shown any special talents! I've simply gone about life as anyone would.

I went to college, partied, graduated, got a good job, and learned how to grew up. Nothing special! I can't even find some hot guy to hit on! I'm perfectly normal! If it wasn't for the crazy dreams I have been having, I wouldn't have given what that waitress said a thought, but her words still lingered in my mind.

"What if I'm wrong," I wonder, "what if I AM a mutant and I just didn't get it?!" There's nothing wrong with that, but what if I could have done something THAT day with my powers and I ... NO! I did what I could, and I can't keep blaming myself! This had been going on for 5 years, and I still won't let it go! I was there, a tragedy took place, and I'm not responsible for it!"

<then why did you help stop it?>

"I DIDNT!" I tyell in my head, "The police showed up and arrested those involved!"

"No, I didn't," I reasoned, "The shooter missed him!"

<then what happened to the gunman?>

"He ran off!"

<or did you MAKE him disappear?>

"ENOUGH! I'm DONE!" and as I said that, the voice disappeared.

"You alright?" asked Nick, "You seem way lost in thought."

"Yeah, I'm fine," I murmer, "I guess the day has gotten to me."

"Its ok, sweetie," Cindy says as she turns back to look at me, "This is a hard day for all of us; it's been a long 5 years."

Without betraying my emotion, I nod, "Yeah, I know ... Just caught up in the past."

That seems to placify Cindy, so I put all other emotions out of my mind and try to enjoy the rest of the ride, yet I think back, still troubled ... "Why would our waitress think I'm a mutant when I'm not? And why NOW on THIS day?!"

My thoughts suddenly run aground as Nick pulls up to the parking lot of our old school.

My heart leaps into my throat and my blood feels as cold as ice ... THIS is where it happened ... This is where Tim died!

It suddenly dawns on me that I've avoided this place for 5 years now. It's as If I can't face the spot I lost him! Yet I feel guilty because as much as I miss him, my lover, his mom and dad must have been going through the worst hell of all! I mean burying your own child ... What greater torture is there than that?

I try to shake off my own self pity, and emerge from the car and walk slowly towards the memorial service. I hope I've grown enough and look a bit different from when that horrible memory happened.

You see, for some reason, people think I helped stop the massacre, when all I know is I tried to protect Tim. The rest if that day is a blur. I don't want false praise for something I didn't do! I passed out! I wasn't brave; yet some people seem to think I did something special.

To be completely honest, if I could have done ONE thing that day, I would have let them shoot ME! I have very few people I would die for, but Tim was one of them.

We take our seats as the ceremony starts.

The usual politicians and speakers start to fill the stage and bloviate about the 'horrible loss of both human and mutant life", and I manage to ignore all the bullshit being spewed about what happened. Nick catches my eye and shrugs sadly as he understands the true story of that day.

There is a brief pause as the last speaker says, "And now I wish to present to you, our keynote speaker, Mr. Charles Xavier."

I snap my head up as that name rings a bell since Nick has always mentioned him with such high regard.

See, after high school, Nick followed through on his promise about going to this 'School for Gifted Youngsters' despite the fact he was an adult, and he kept in touch and explained that this 'Xavier' and his school taught him a lot and helped him find his place in humanity.

So as much as I had ignored the speeches presented before us, I sat up and listened to what this man might have to say.

I was disappointed at first, to be honest. I expected this 'great person', but was greeted by this frail-looking man who rolled up in a motorized wheelchair.

I would have stood up, laughed, and walked off if it were not how much Nick had extolled this man's virtues to me.

"Ok," I thought, "Lets hear what he has to say."

He looked a bit nervous before saying:

"Hello, I am Charles Xavier, and I am a mutant."

His opening was met by quiet murmurs from the crowd.

He continued:

"I have spent my life working in the hope mutants and humans can live their lives together as brothers and sisters without strife. I regret the fact that on this site, five years ago, we faced acts of violence that helped tear our communities apart. Both our mutant and human friends suffered mortal losses here, and ... and."

Suddenly, this 'professor' dropped his head. As he gained composure, he looked back up and continued:

"We all mourn our friends and loved ones lost. But I call on you to show compassion and forgiveness to the misguided souls who vented their anger here this many years ago."

"Fear is one if the most powerful emotions for mutant and humankind alike. Those who succumb to it's trap are to be pitied and mourned for their inability to see aside our differences and what combines us all as humans ... Mutant or not.

Acceptance is the key! Accept your sister! Accept your son! Accept your father with love in your heart!

Without love and acceptance, we are no better than those who ruined lives on this day, years ago."

Xavier bowed his head slightly before continuing, "Mutants and humans alike must find common ground or neither one will learn from the other's mistakes ... I wish you all well ... let us all go forth with our neighbor's best wishes in hand."

The audience almost stood as one with an ovation, and I finally understood his vision!

Despite how we disagree and see life, we are ALL humans and we MUST work together!

<some must be punished!>

"NO! We are all in this together!" I reply fiercely!"

<I am the end of the end ... ALPHA and OMEGA ... I AM PHOENIX!>

The world goes black.

Part 5 is done ... Feedback please! You all have had some good input, so keep it up ... Thanks again!

Next: Chapter 6

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