Phoenix Fire

By Andy Darko

Published on Mar 26, 2007


I am not affiliate with Marvel or any of its subsidiaries. I just wrote the story because I love the X-Men.

This is a homosexual story that does involve sex between men. If that offends you, leave.

Phoenix Fire pt. 1 by Andy Darko (Dedicated to Kenny B.)

The room was thick with sweat, the smell of sex lingering throughout. I wiped a waterfall of sweat out of my face and whipped my auburn hair out of my eyes. Our lips locked tightly as his masculine hands gripped at my body. This was what I wanted. The pleasure, the eroticism, the feeling of him buried inside of me. He leaned back against the chair as I gyrated on his hips, making him growl appreciatively. I held onto the back of the chair as we fucked, squeezing it hard enough to break it. As I looked down into his ruby tinted glasses, he said my name.


I tossed my head back in ecstacy. He said my name again, this time more insistent. "Gene."

I lunged forward, pressing my lips to his. "Gene!"

Wait. What?

My eyes snapped open and I heard a tremendous crash. I found myself staring at Scott Summers, the lover in my apparently delusional fantasy. He had my face cupped in his hands, eyebrows furrowed as if worried. "Are you okay?"

I was panting and sweating, like the dream had been real. My heart was trying to beat its way out of my chest. "Wh-what?"

He let go of me and indicated to the room. It was a total wreck. The table was overturned, the sofas were standing up in corners, all of the books had left the shelves and were strewn across the floor and every decorative item was in shambles. The only things intact

were the sofa I was curled up on and the television I had left on. "Oh, no," I whispered. "I did it again,"

"Gene, it's okay," Scott reassured. "Your powers are just... lashing out. Have you considered training with the Professor yet?"

"No," I said sternly. "I can't use these powers. You saw what happened,"

"Gene, it was an accident. If you just-


I felt a sting of power shoot out. Sure enough, one of the couches splintered in two, the top half whizzing over our heads into the wall behind us. I took Scott's momentary distraction to jump off of the couch and out of the room. As I floated down the hallway (it was the only time I consciously used my powers), I sighed deeply. It had been almost ten years that I had been at the School for Gifted Youngsters, a.k.a. Mutant High. I had spent nine years struggling to get my powers under control. And, all it took was one split-second for that to be destroyed.

My name is Gene Grey. At twenty-one years old, I am one of the oldest people at Xavier's School. Unlike Scott and Ororo, however, I chose not to become a teacher. I was more of... a residential advisor. I made sure the kids got to their classes on time, didn't kill each other and kept things legal. I had been a member of the X-Men, Xavier's form of mutant police, but had left that part of me behind. Now, I simply used my telekinesis to float around the house. As for my telepathy, well, I don't use that anymore.

I knew that I would eventually have to return to the living room and clean it up, but I couldn't stand to be around Scott. It was a publicly known fact that the two of us had feelings for each other, but neither of us had technically admitted it to the other. Scott didn't really have to admit to me how he felt. Before the incident, my telepathic powers could feel the emotion radiating from him. Yet, for some reason, I never went for it. I think I was afraid of what might happen.


I turned to see Kitty Pryde running up to me. "What's up, Kitty?"

"Bobby and John are at it again," she huffed. "I think they're about to go at it, powers and all,"

I sighed. "Where are they?"

"Game room,"

I left Kitty behind, gliding downstairs and into the game room where, to no one's surprise, Bobby and John were squaring off. I could see a welt on the side of John's face and Bobby was sporting a nice shiner. The rest of the room was standing around, basically cheering on the fight. "What's the problem, gentlemen?"

They whipped around, immediately dropping their fists. Even though it was a well-known fact that I didn't use my powers,

people generally assumed that I could if need be. And, that was a daunting thought. John scowled at me, then shouldered Bobby out of his way. "Fuck this shit." He made for the doorway, but was cut off by a narrow red beam hitting the doorframe in front of him. I slowly glanced over my shoulder to see Scott readjusting his glasses. "I believe Gene asked you something."

"Oh, now you're going to sic your boyfriend on me?" John spat, glowering at Scott. I felt a surge of anger that resulted in the pool table cracking in half, sending the billiard balls rolling around the room. All of the students in the room took a cautious step back. "John, will you just tell me what's going on here?" I said calmly. "I'm sure we can resolve it,"

John squared his jaw before shoving past Scott and I, muttering curses under his breath. Scott began to follow him, but I took his arm. "Let him go," I said. "He'll calm down in time." Scott glanced at John's shrinking figure before nodding silently. I turned to Bobby who was holding his eye, using his power to cool it gently. "What happened?"

"I don't know," he sighed. "We were playing pool and John made some accusation that I was cheating and... well..."

"I've told you a million times, Bobby, don't provoke him. We have enough trouble with him without you adding fuel to the

fire. No pun intended,"


I looked around at the room. "Lights out. All of you. And, the game room is off limits for a week." There was a simultaneous uproar of objection. "Hey! Next time you decide to stand around like a bunch of spectators, you'll think again. Go to bed. And, if I so much as hear one word of dissent, I'll make it a month,"

The group trudged past looking crestfallen. Kitty lagged behind and asked quietly, "Me, too?"

"If I let one person off the hook, it'll be favoritism. Sorry, Kitty,"

She sighed and headed off to her room. I glanced at the remains of the pool table and sighed. I had to get my powers under control. They were so linked to my emotions that it was impossible for me to go a day without breaking something or turning a room into a disaster area. I felt Scott move up behind me and place a hand on my back. "You all right?"

"Fine. I'll clean this and the living room tomorrow. Can you just... keep the kids out of the rooms for me?"

Scott nodded as I turned to leave. He surprised me by taking me by the hips, his face looming closer and closer. I placed a hand on his chest to stop him. "Scott... please. I... I just can't,"

"Why not? We all know-,"

"We all know what? That I have feelings for you and vice versa? Or that my powers are so far out of control that I've

become a walking wrecking ball?" I said. "What do you think would happen if I got involved with you, Scott? That everything would become peachy keen? That my powers would magically simmer down? I'm sorry to disappoint you, but that would only be more fodder for my telekinesis to go haywire,"

He hung his head. "Then, let the Professor help you,"

"The only thing he could do to help me would be to bar these powers permanently,"


"I'm going to bed."

Defeated, he let me go, saying nothing. I regretted being that harsh with him, but it was the only thing I could do. I couldn't get attached to Scott. Only bad things happened to people I got attached to and I didn't want to be responsible for hurting him. If anything happened to him...


I had just reached my door when the Professor's voice resonated in my head. <<Yes?>>

<<Can I see you in my study please?>>


I trekked down the hallway and back downstairs, rubbing my temples. This day was never going to end. As I raised a hand to knock on the large maple doors of the Professor's office, his voice rang out. "Come in, Gene,"

I entered silently, not sure what this impromtu meeting was about. As I slid into one of the plush chairs across from his desk, he smiled kindly. "How are you doing today, Gene?"

"I'm tired," I replied honestly. "Between the kids and... other things, I just... have no energy,"

He nodded and leaned forward on his desk. "And, how are things with Scott?"

I paused, unsure of how to answer. "They're... the same as they've always been. Non-existant,"

"How is it that one of my brightest and best students has become so reclusive?" he asked abruptly. "When I first met you, you were so scared of your powers, but so willing and eager to learn how to use them. And, over the years, you became a master of those abilities. You did things that I've never seen any telekinetic do before. Your control was immeasurable. Yet, now... now, you won't even use your powers to so much as lift a book."

"You know why I can't," I replied, feeling the blood rush to my cheeks. Xavier was like a father to me and to hear him sound so dissappointed was crushing. He folded his hands together and studied me carefully. "Gene, what happened was not your fault."

The windows behind him cracked. "Then whose fault was it?"

"You were doing what you had to do in order-"

"Don't. Please... don't."

He wheeled around the room and stopped next to me. "It was a choice you had to make, Gene," he continued. "You can't blame yourself for doing what you did,"

I buried my face in my hands. "Please stop."

"I will not stop until you are willing to admit-,"

"I killed her!" I cried. The windows blew outward, the chairs next to me crumpled and all of the Professor's books flew from the shelves. Yet, none of this phased him in the least. He leaned over and placed a hand on my shoulders as I did all I could not to cry. "I lost control," I whispered. "I swore I would never lose control. And, I did. And, because of me, she died."

"Then why not train again? Why not gain control?" he asked in a low voice. "Your powers have been fighting you for these past months, striking out at every emotional uprising. And, you've become... hollow, lifeless in an attempt to shut your emotions down. That's not what I taught you, Gene. I taught you to quell those feelings, to use your powers constructively. And, we can do it again,"

"I... I don't know if I can..."

"Think about it," he said serenely. "And, when you feel you're ready, we'll begin again." I nodded in a non-commiting sort of way. The Professor patted my back gently. "Get some rest. Tomorrow is a big day. You'll need your rest,"

"What about your office? And the living room?"

He smiled. "The living room is fine. Jamie has already cleaned it up."


"Ah, yes. He's one of our new students. Likes to call himself 'Multiple Man'. Quite a talent. But, you'll meet him tomorrow. As for my office, I was thinking of redecorating anyway. Sleep well, Gene,"

I sighed, then padded out of the office. I wasn't sure if I could commit to training again. Her face still lingered in my head, haunting my thoughts, a constant reminder of how much power I actually wielded. I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I didn't realize I was standing next to my bed, dressed in a white tee and baggy pants. It didn't surprise me. My body was pretty much running on automatic these days. Yet, I didn't feel like I could sleep in my bed. There would be no peace there for me. Instead, I left and walked two doors down the hall, knocking gently. When no response came, I knocked harder. A groggy voice answered. "Hold on,"

The door opened a few seconds later and a surprised face looked back at me. His brown hair was messy and his muscular body, clad only in a pair of red boxers, was sagging. He had been asleep, that much was obvious. He readjusted his ruby glasses as if I was a hallucination. "Gene. Wha... is everything all right?"

"I... couldn't sleep. Can I..."

He swung the door open, ushering me in. "Yeah, yeah... come in,"

Scott closed the door behind me and stood, awkwardly. I steeled myself, then stepped forward into his six foot three frame. I kicked off of the ground, lifting myself the few inches and kissed him. It was a simple kiss, but that was all I needed. He rested his hands on my waist and returned the embrace. When we parted, I lowered to the floor, staring downwards, unsure of what to say. "I've waited for that for a long time," he whispered, hands still on me.

"Me, too,"

"Um... do... do you want to stay here tonight?"

I finally looked up. "Please."

He nodded, a small smile on his face as we climbed into the bed. I shuffled into his body, enveloping myself in his arms, our legs entwined. Then, as an afterthought, I used my powers to pull the covers over us, turn off the light and take Scott's glasses off, placing them on the nightstand. I could sense his surprise. "I think I'm going to start training with the Professor," I whispered. Scott smiled. I could tell. "I'm glad to hear that,"

"I don't want to hurt you," I said suddenly.

"What do you mean?"

I bit my lip. "Nothing."

Scott left it at that, pulling me closer into his body. For the first time in months, I had a peaceful sleep. No nightmares. No raging powers. Just peaceful, comfortable sleep.

Well, that was the first chapter! Let me know what you think!

Next: Chapter 2

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