
By P G

Published on Sep 23, 2004


Legals: This story and everyone in it are fictional. Some may be inspired by real people, but the events themselves are made up.

Note I realized that in Chapter 1, I did not adequately describe Phoenix. I gave his stats, but no hair or eye color, I apologize. He has black hair, and green eyes. Also, in Part 1, the scene on the Quad, Alex', is supposed to say Aaron'. I don't know where my head was on that, sorry for any confusion. Now, enjoy #2.

Chapter 2: Moonlight & Starlight

We had been living in the dorm for 2 days, when the dreaded day finally came. Classes started.

At 8am, the alarm clock went off. My eyes snapped awake on the first beep, but it took Aaron a couple more before he finally turned it off. Suddenly the short wrestler stud leaped from his bed and landed in front of me, clad in his traditional short, tight white briefs. He had that nice, thick muscular wrestlers ass, just what I needed to wake me up. I got out of bed as well, but Thor was still asleep. He lay on his bed, naked, his sheet low on his waist, but still keeping him decent. It still lifted into an impressive bulge, showing off his huge piece. His incredible musculature looked so soft in the early morning light, with him resting. He really was nice when he wasn't conscious.

Aaron and I each grabbed some clothes and headed to the showers, just as Thor started to get up. I hurried out the door so as not to subject myself to seeing him naked, which would just give me an awkward boner for the whole day. So, Aaron and I strolled down the hallway in our underwear, exchanging greetings with a couple other guys on our hall. The guys' responses ranged from sleepy grunts, to warm greetings, to lusty looks up and down. Now that I think about it, we must have looked quite hot. The wrestler stud, in his tight white briefs, and me, the gymnast, in my boxer briefs, strolling down the hall, the whole of our beautiful bodies open to the world.

"What classes do you have today man?" Aaron asked, as we walked into the bathroom.

"Chemistry, Literature, and Art History." I replied. "You?"

"Biology and Calc." Aaron said, as he turned to face away from me, and dropped his underwear. I took a brief mental snapshot of his ass -quite nice- and dropped my own. He looked over his shoulder and saw me glance at his ass, and smirked. I looked away, bashful about being caught.

"Dude, I don't care if you look." Aaron said, laughing. "If I had a problem with you seeing me naked, I wouldn't take off my clothes in front of you. Besides, I take it as a compliment that you think I'm worth looking at." With that, he hopped into his shower stall. Our showers were next door, so we kept talking as we both showered.

"I know, I just still kinda feel bad when I get caught leering at my roommate. And by the way, you're not just `worth looking at', your fuckin adorable." Aaron laughed in response.

"Thanks." He said, sheepishly. For someone who liked to show off his goods, he seemed a bit shy about compliments.

"No, seriously man. Those broad shoulders, that hot, V shaped body, meaty wrestlers ass, warm eyes, cute dimply smile, and those nice, full, kissable red lips. You're way fuckable man."

"Stop man, I'm getting all red." Aaron said, throwing a bar of soap over the shower wall at me.

"Yea, stop, I'm getting hard over here." Someone yelled from one of the other stalls. We all laughed at this, and talked about our classes some more before drying up and going out.

Aaron and I went to breakfast, and then parted for our mutual classes. He had his 2 back to back, then he was done. I had 2 back to back, and then Art in the late afternoon.

Chemistry 204 went as expected. It was boring, and sounded like it wouldn't be that easy. I sat next to this cute guy in the front. He had black hair, cool blue eyes, and cute glasses. His name was Bill, and when I groaned at the syllabus, he said he'd help me if I needed him to. I don't know if I will need help, but I will definitely ask him for some anyways. Though I doubted that he had offered the kind of help I wanted him to give.

Literature actually seemed like it might be fun. We had some really good books planned, and like half of the grade was based on participation in group discussion and debate on the topics. I love debates, so that sounds like loads of fun. Can you believe it, was gonna get an A, and actually enjoy doing it!

It was noon when I got out of class, so I headed to the cafeteria. I got some food, and found some guys from my hall, so I sat with them. I sat next to Alex, a cutie with short, spiked brown hair and light blue eyes. I was across from George, the hot black haired guy from the shower on my first night, and Paul, a tall skinny guy with medium brown hair.

We chatted about our classes, and out roommates, and all kinds of shit, until Paul had to leave to go to class. That left me with Alex and George. We kept chatting for a couple minutes, when things started to get odd. Alex got up to get another drink, and suddenly, I felt a bare foot, grinding against my crotch. I looked up across the table at George, who flashed me a dirty grin. My cock got rock hard in no time, and George was working it like a pro. My mind flashed back to that tight, muscular, zero-fat body he had, and a drop of pre-cum squeezed out of my cock. George quickly started up the conversation again once Alex came into view, though he did not stop foot-raping me. This strange setup only lasted about a minute before George got up for a cookie, leaving me suddenly hard, horny, and in need. As soon as George was away, I felt Alex slide closer to me. I looked at him, and when our eyes locked, I felt his hand clasp my hard cock.

"Mmmm, hard already, I see." He said, smirking. He rubbed my cock up and down, feeling its length, gripping its width. His other hand slipped under my shirt to feel my abs, I could tell he wanted to go higher, but couldn't, due to the public place we were in, he stayed under the cover of the table.

Alex whispered in my ear, "Sorry to be blunt but, this is a nice cock you have here. And a hot body I can tell. You just say the word, and you can fuck the shit out of me with this cock of yours. How big is it?"

"7 and a half." I got out between gasps of breath.

"Nice. Like I said, say the word." George got back, and lunch was over. We all walked out of the cafeteria, acting like nothing had happened, and we were all just hall-mates. I wondered if either of them had any idea the other had made a move on me. I doubted it. But the good news was, I was definitely not going to be sex starved this year. The bad news was, I was hard and horny and I needed release. Both my friends left, they had classes, so I knew neither would be able to help me.

I got back to my room, and was actually dismayed to see Aaron there. I had hoped to beat off.

"Hey man." He said, looking at the TV. "How was class?"

"Not too bad. Got a cutie to sit next to in chem. Lit looks like its going to be an argument class. How about you?"

"I liked Biology, its my thing. But Calc is gonna be horrible." he said. "You have any more?"

"Yea, Art History. An hour and a half, and I bet its going to be the dullest shit in the world."

"Haha, yea probably." Aaron and I watched TV and chatted about various shit for a couple hours, then I had to go to my class at 5.

I arrived in class, and sure enough, it was a huge lecture hall. That's 2 out of three, I thought. I sat in the middle, towards the back, my standard spot until I decide if I like a class or not. I looked around at my fellow classmates, and was none too excited. All artsy upperclassmen. They all had their little groups, and were chatting in excited tones about the least relevant things in the world.

After about 10 minutes, in strolled the professor. He was about 6' tall, with short, black hair. He looked about 40, but he was still in shape. Class commenced, and my worst fears turned out to be only a shadow of how boring this class was. All I could think about was the fact that attendance was mandatory, and I was never going to stay awake through a single class. Crap.

I snapped awake when everyone started packing up to leave. Some art kid gave me a disgusted look, as though I was not worthy of the wonders that was Art History.

As soon as I got back to my room, I changed into some running shorts and went out running. I just had to wake up from that tranquilizer of a class, plus, with 2 weeks until gymnastics started, I needed to keep in shape. It was a very warm and sunny day, so I ran with no shirt on.

I ran across the street which housed the dorms, heading towards the Quad and the woodsy part of the campus. I was wearing only my shoes, and my black running shorts, which were a little big and showed the tops of my white boxer briefs. I could feel my pecs moving as I ran, and laughed, thinking about how funny that is. I passed a group of girls, all of which stopped talking and looked at my bare, glistening chest. I passed by them and I heard giggles, laughter, and a few cat calls. I grinned, loving it. They wanted me and would never have me. Join the club' I thought. My entire high school is with you'. All girls want the gay men.

I had reached the Quad, having taken the long way around and covered 3 miles. There were a couple little groups of people on the Quad, studying or talking. Another group of girls shouted lewd remarks at me. I slowed a bit, and saw that there were 3 separate groups of girls around me, eyeing me. So I decided to show off. I got a good running start, threw my hands down to the ground and did the opening stretch to my gymnastics floor routine. A round off, triple back-handspring, a flip in the air, and rolling down my arms on the landing, I rolled forwards on the ground, and hopped to my feet, and kept on jogging. The crowd on the Quad leaped into cheers and shouts and yells. I grinned, and ran onto one of the paths off the Quad.

Another runner joined me, he hopped on the path about a dozen feet in front of me. I normally barely pay attention to things while I'm running, but this guy took my attention. He was about 5'11", with black hair, and broad, tightly muscled shoulders. He didn't have a tan, had more fair skin. He was wearing only a pair of red running shorts, which also were a bit loose, only he wasn't wearing underwear. The shorts clung to his ass, and I gasped when I saw his ass. It was small, tight, and didn't appear to have an ounce of fat on it. In fact, there seemed to be none on his body. The top of his ass was showing above the band of his shorts. His whole, tightly muscled back was covered in sweat, which ran down his spine, and into the crack of his ass, which I could just barely see. I took another look at his ass, and realized I knew who it belonged to. Only one person I knew had that athletic-emaciated look, and that was George.

George took that moment to look over his shoulder, throw me a wink, and head off the path into the light woods on the north end of campus. After we were in the trees about a hundred feet, he stopped and turned around. The setting sun threw a red blazing light across his sweaty, naked chest, casting a powerful glow about his small, tightly defined muscles. His sweat ran down his entire body, making his strong arms shine, accenting the muscles in his stomach, and soaking the black trail of hairs that led down his stomach and into his low shorts.

"Hey hun" he said, grinning. "Fancy meeting you out here, alone in the woods." He took a step towards me, closing our gap to almost nothing. Our chests were throwing off heat in waves, and it generated huge heat between us, as we were only inches apart. George drew his face in close to mine, moving his red lips close to mine. He breathed his hot breath on my lips, and my mouth opened, my tongue seeking to invade him. He shifted away, denying me what I sought, and moved his mouth to my ear. He breathed more hot air into my ear, and whispered "You know what I love to do?" He licked my earlobe, and said "I love to fuck around where I might get caught." He continued to lick me, my ear, my neck, and my face. "You see, I'm a dirty boy. A very dirty boy." He locked his eyes with mine, and grinned his shit-eating grin and I could tell, he wanted me, in a raw, powerful, animalistic way. And that's just how he kissed me. Our bodies came together, hot sweaty guy against hot sweaty guy. He kissed me hard, and powerfully, and I loved it. It had been awhile since I had kissed a guy, and I realized how much I had missed it. But I had never in my life been kissed the way that George kissed me. It was as if every fiber of his being existed to devour me, as if we were animals, and we existed solely for sex.

The next thing I knew, we were on the ground, making out like it was the last thing we would ever do. I was laying on the soft grass, with George's hot body atop me. He kissed me hard and was rubbing his crotch into mine, getting both our cocks hard. We may have stopped running, but both of us were sweating more than ever, and the heat was incredible between us. George pushed my arms over my head, and shoved his face into my armpits, tonguing my lightly haired pits. He lapped the sweat out of them, and was mmmmm'ing the entire time. All I could think of was wow, he is dirty'. It was real hot though, to be pinned down and used to gratify the dirty needs of another guy.

Once George had used up my pits, he moved on to my chest, licking every part of my chest. His hand grasped my cock, pulling a gasp from my lips.

"Nice piece man. How big?"

"7 ½" I said, gasping from his toying with my dick.

"Sweet man, I love big dicks." George pulled off my shorts, tossing them aside, and proceeded to inspect my dick.

My head snapped up, I heard voices from the Quad. I glanced that way, and in the dim light (it was dusk now), I saw a group of people walking slowly on the edge of the field, only a 100 feet away.

"George, people, we gotta move" I said. In response, George laughed, and swallowed my cock whole, down to the root. My breath blew from my body, nobody had ever done that before. He deep throated my dick, up and down, hard and fast, for a few minutes, before he pulled off me, and flipped me over, onto my stomach. He pulled off his own shorts, and, while slowly jerking, he proceeded to eat out my ass like it was his first meal in weeks.

I could barely keep myself from yelling out. I had never had my ass eaten out, but let me tell you, it was incredible. It took all my restraint not to cum all over the ground. After a few minutes of this, I was flipped over again, and George straddled me, and put his nice, 7" dick in my mouth. He started fucking my mouth, and I sucked on his dick with everything I had. I missed having a hot cock in my mouth, and I was doing my best to make up for lost time!

I held George's tight ass cheeks in my hands as he pounded my face, going fully into my throat, down to his balls. All I could see was his black bush in front of me, and when I looked up I could see his lithe body gleaming in the moonlight, the look on his face one of sick satisfaction.

"fuck yea you dirty cock sucker, take my dick." He said, speeding up his thrusting. "Oh yea man, I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cover your face with my juice...oh yea!" He started cumming, first into my mouth, then he pulled it out and beat the rest out of his cock onto my face. The warm jizz went all over the left side of my face, leaving a trail of blazing fire down that side.

As George's jerking and spasms started to subside, he laid down at my side, and started jerking me to climax. While he beat me off, he kissed and licked at my chest, alternating that with making out with me. My hands explored his tight and sweaty body, and as I came, spraying cum onto my sweaty abs, we shared a hot, violent, sweaty, primal kiss, and our gasps and moans of profound satisfaction resonated into the moonlit forest, and we were one with our animal selves. I lay on the soft grass, looking up at the light of the moon and the stars, naked and in the arms of my newfound dirty boy, and looking forward to exploring more of this animal.

Hope everyone enjoyed Part 2!!! Thanks to everyone who wrote to me telling me how much they liked the first chapter, and I hope to hear about how everyone felt about this one. Questions, Comments, Suggestions, send em to Keep an eye out for #3!!

Next: Chapter 3

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