
By P G

Published on Sep 17, 2004


Hey everyone! This is my second story series. My first was Sensei, which seemed to be quite a success. That story was based on one very specific person, with myself as the viewpoint. This story is different. "Phoenix" is made up, and nearly all the characters of this story are also false, though some may be inspired by real people i think are hot. There will be less focus on fighting in this one, since the main character is a college male gymnast, a group i consider to be absolutely gorgeous. Well anyways, heres the story, please let me know what you think.

Legals: This story is entirely fictional. Some of the characters may be inspired by real people, but most are made up. The events of this story exist only in my mind and in those of the readers.

Phoenix: Chapter 1 - Moving In

My taxi pulled up in front of Bellworth Dormitory in early afternoon in late August. I had just arrived in California, and this was my freshman year of college. Having come all the way from New England, I had no friends to room with and so I arrived alone. I got out of the car and blinked as the bright sun stung my eyes. I grabbed the first of my bags and asked the driver to stay in front of the building so I could get all my stuff in.

Naturally, my room was on the 4th floor, the highest level. After the walk up the seemingly endless stairs, I arrived on my floor. I found my room, number 415, and walked into the open door. I stopped in the doorway when I the beautiful ass of a guy bent over on the other end of the room. His ass was small and tight, just looking at it made my cock stir in my pants.

The guy with the ass stood up and turned around.

"Hey there." he said. "I'm Aaron." Aaron was very cute. He was about 5'5", with dirty blonde hair slightly unkempt atop his head, and light brown eyes that radiated warmth. His smallish red shirt showed that he sported a thin waist, but broad shoulders and a solid musculature. He extended a hand in greeting, and gave me a warm smile that showed his cute dimples.

I took Aaron's hand and gave it a firm shake. "I'm Phoenix. Look's like we're roommates."

"Yea. But look, there are three beds here. We must be tripled." Aaron gestured to the pair of bunk beds and the third bed in the corner. "But, look at the bright side. We got a bigger room cuz there are three of us." Aaron said, grinning.

Aaron helped me to run down the 4 floors to the taxi, and all the way back up with all of my stuff. With all of the running up and down, and then the unpacking in our cramped quarters, not to mention the all around hot day, we were mighty sweaty in our room. Aaron suggested that we go walk around the campus to cool off a bit. As we walked, we talked, and I got to know my cute and small roommate. He was really cool. He was really sweet, and had a great sense of humor. He loved to talk, but he talked in this quiet, sweet, soothing voice that I fell in love with. We had a few things in common, and plenty of differences.

We chatted some more while sitting on the open grass field of the Quad. Alex pulled his shirt up over his head and laid it on the grass so he could sit on it, and leaned back on his hands to soak in the bright summer sun. Alex's body was great. He sported a nice V shape, with strong, muscled shoulders and a trim waist. He had nice pecs, and a solid, flat, gorgeous stomach. His muscles were defined, without being cut, giving him a softer look that that of a ripped guy. And it was all smooth, save a tiny trail of blonde hairs starting under his belly button. I liked it a lot. I pulled my shirt off too, so as to soak in the sun as well.

"Aaron man, I gotta tell you, you have an awesome body." I said, admiring him. My attention made him blush a little, it was adorable.

"Thanks man. I wrestled a lot in high school, and that definitely built me up fast. Your doing quite well yourself though Phoenix." He said, looking me up and down.

Now would be a good time to describe myself. I'm 5'10", and I weigh about 170lbs. I have a 30" waist and my body is hard, and tight, and very toned. I have nice pecs and a tight, slightly defined stomach. My body was smooth for the most part, I shaved my chest and armpits, leaving only a nice dark trail on my stomach. My arms are very large and defined, from all the exercise that I constantly got.

"Thanks man. Its all from doing swimming in high school, and gymnastics." I paused to see if he would laugh at that. He didn't though, and that was cool.

"Ah cool, you're a gymnast? That's awesome, I love watching that. Bet you can do some cool shit." He said, grinning.

"Yea, I can. I was on a city team back home, I'm planning to join the school team."

"Cool man."

We chatted a bit more, getting to know each other more. Aaron talked about girls, he had a girl back home, and once I found out he was cool with my being gay, I talked about boys a bit. We talked until the sun began to drop and the temperature started to cool. We re-donned our shirts and headed back to the dorm. We headed towards our room and saw the door open and the light on. The third roommate must have arrived. Considering my luck with the first one, I was hoping that I would have two awesome people to live with. Not so much.

It started out fine. I walked in and saw a god of a man in the room. He was about 6'1" tall, with blonde spiky hair with dark roots. He wore a near skintight royal blue shirt, which stretched beautifully across his large pecs and shoulders, and clung to his ample biceps, which extended into thick and powerful forearms. It clung to his hard, rippled stomach and his thin waist. He had strong facial features and a fair complexion. He looked powerful all over, in body and in the way he held himself.

At this point I thought `hey, two hot roommates, sweet'. Then he had to talk.

"Yo, I'm Thor. Looked like one of you guys had your stuff on my desk, so I moved it. And I'm taking the extra bed, no bunks for me." He said it all so matter-of-factly that it grated against me. He just took authority so quickly as though he was clearly in charge. I looked over at my stuff, which had been moved onto my bed. I had taken the big desk due to the fact that I had a desktop computer rather than Aaron's laptop. Thor also had a laptop, so he hardly needed the extra room. As for the beds, that hardly mattered, Aaron said he wanted the top bunk and I had taken the bottom.

"Hey man, I put my stuff on the big desk because I have the biggest computer, it made the most sense. You should take one of the smaller desks." I said.

"No. I'm a bigger guy, and I get the bigger desk." He said, looking at me dangerously, as though threateningly. I didn't blink. This man, though large, was not a threat to me. He was clearly strong, but muscles bred of weight lifting would not be able to handle what my muscles, built from long years of conditioning and training, would be able to throw at him.

I decided to be the bigger man. "Look, Thor, if it means that much to you, you can have the desk, but just so you know, you're not the king of the room. There's three of us here, and we're going to have to be cooperative to get out of the year alive." He looked me up and down with his dark blue eyes, and nodded. With that, we all went about unpacking the last of our stuff.

I had to take a piss, so I went down the hall to the hall communal men's bathroom. It was huge, with one large, blue tiled room for showers, 5 decent sized stalls in one wall, each with a blue curtain. Opposite the showers was a row of sinks and large mirrors. There was a second room with toilet stalls, urinals, and more sinks. Not bad, I thought. Turning to leave, I ran right into another guy, sending us both stumbling. I looked up to quite a nice sight. His hair was black, and he had a goofy-ass grin on his dimpled face. His complexion was pale, but his body was nice. He had tight, athletic muscles on a body with zero fat. He had that look of the muscularly emaciated, which always looks either hot of gross. On him, it was hot. Light hair on his chest, and a jet-black trail leading from his chest, down his rippled stomach, and into the green towel he had wrapped around his waist. He had a shower caddie in his right hand, and was clearly headed in to wash.

"Sorry man, I was just checking out the shower." I apologized.

"Its cool, I was just going to take one." He laughed. He gave me a look up and down, and a sly grin, and then he walked off towards the shower. He seemed to walk with a swagger, and it showed of his towel covered ass, which was little and tight and ohgodiwannagrabit. He picked a shower in the middle, and tuned back to me. "My name is George by the way." He proceeded to pull of his towel, giving me a brief glimpse of his black bush and his soft, fair-sized cock before he stepped into the shower and pulled the curtain half closed. The water turned on, and it ran down his tight body, and of how I was jealous of the water.

"I'm Phoenix." I said, stupidly.

He grinned, and said in a sly, dirty tone, "Nice to meet you, I look forward to seeing more of you." He threw me a wink, and then he closed the shower curtain.

This was going to be quite the year, I said to myself, as I adjusted my boner in my pants, and headed back down the hall. I passed a couple more neighbors, some cute, some not-so-much, and some totally gorgeous.

The way my dorm was built, there were two parallel hallways, one of guys, one of girls, with a bathroom for the respective gender on the south end, and connected by a large common room with couches and a TV. It basically looked like the letter H. This, I definitely liked, because I had lots of male neighbors.

Seeing as it was getting on in the day, and I was tired from moving in, I decided to go back to the room. Aaron was playing on his computer in pajama pants and a wife beater shirt, and Thor was nowhere to be seen. I kind of figured he was going to be out a lot. I played online a little bit, and then watched TV on the couch (donated by Aaron, the sweetheart).

At around 12:30, I was watching something useless on TV, and all sleepy, when in walked Thor. It was dark in the room, only the light of the TV and the computer monitors lit the room. This was the first time that I beheld the beauty that was Thor. The light played off of his smooth, bare chest, showing his large, tight pecs. His stomach was ripped, every muscle showed in them, even more so than mine did. His arm muscles looked huge, an image increased all the more by the shadow effect of the light in the room. He wore only a pair of shiny, light blue basketball shorts, which hung heavily on him, quite low on his waist. And when I say low, I mean low. His waist was much too small to hold up the shorts, and so they were held up only my his tight, muscular ass and his obviously huge piece of equipment. He wore no underwear, and the display of normally hidden skin was erotic as hell. He had no hair down their either, he must shave his crotch. It was smooth as hell, and that was all the hotter. His shorts stopped just short of showing a little `neck', and I found myself a bit disappointed. His tan didn't stop at his waist either, it remained even straight into his very low shorts. His bulge was huge, larger than any id ever seen, and I had seen plenty. It looked bigger soft than mine was while hard, and mine was nothing to scoff at. Out of his shorts bulged his large, thick, smooth legs, which tapered down into some huge-ass bare feet.

"What the fuck are you looking at?" Thor's demand snapped my out of my open-mouthed staring.

"Nothing." I stammered. "Sorry, I'm tired, my mind was wandering." With that I got up to go to bed. I passed by Aaron at his desk, who was grinning, clearly knowing what I had been staring at. He glanced at my very hard cock, and stifled a laugh. I blushed and went over to my bed. I pulled off my shirt and my shorts, and hopped into bed wearing only my boxer briefs.

Needless to say, I felt very relieved to be under the covers and to have my horniness hidden. God, what was I doing? The first day in college and I already had a bone for one of my roommates. And not only that, but I hated him too. That was all the more aggravating, wanting to bone someone I hated. If that wasn't bad enough, my other roommate was totally loveable, also had a hot body, and was cute as hell. Its going to be rough I think. Fortunately, there were lots of other hotties in my dorm, and more than a couple of them had looked me up and down as well. So hopefully, id have plenty of sexual outlet to distract me and keep my from doing something I shouldn't.

As if to defy that thought, Aaron chose that moment to go to bed. He walked over to our bunk bed, since he slept above me. He pulled off his tight wife beater shirt and dropped it on the floor next to my discarded clothes. He made an over-dramatic show of pulling off his pajama pants, revealing his thick, muscular wrestlers thighs. He wore little white briefs that held his junk in a cute little bulge. He made a very effective attempt to make me more hard by stretching and flexing his big wrestler muscles. He poked his head under the top bunk so he could look at me and said "Couldn't resist" and he mussed up my hair, flashed that adorable grin, and hopped up onto his bed. I sighed and adjusted my hard-on in my underwear so as to be less uncomfortable.

As I'm sure you all know, it is very difficult to get to sleep when your cock is as hard as a board. My 7.5" cock was straining against my underwear, and being very demanding. I decided to pull it out of my shorts so as to make it more comfortable, that way it might go away. So, there I was, lying in my bed, with my hard cock resting on my hard, smooth, sculpted abs, trying to get soft enough to go to sleep.

By now, Thor was at his computer, doing whatever, and his monitor was casting the only light in the room. So there was Thor, sitting slouched in his chair, with is godly body illuminated by the soft blue-white light. The way the room was situated was that mine and Aaron's bed was perpendicular to that, making an L, with his head down near my feet. His desk was right after his bed, facing the wall, with his monitor angled away from me. This way, his monitor light did not illuminate me, but Thor was facing me, and I could see all of him, though he could not see me at all.

I tried to get to sleep, but it was a new place, with new people, and I was having a bit of trouble, plus, I was still a bit hard. So, after a while of this, I opened my eyes again, and I saw Thor. He was still on his computer, but now he must have thought we were asleep. He was looking at his monitor with fierce, lustful eyes, and his tongue was licking his lips. He sat with his legs spread wide, with his left hand under the waistband. He wasn't jerking off, which I was unsure if I wished him to be or not, he was just kind of fiddling with himself. My eyes opened wide when I looked at his crotch. His dick was enormous, stretching down one of the legs of his shorts. Not only was it longer than anything I'd ever seen, but it was thicker too, almost the size of my wrist. It was warm in the room, and I could see sweat on Thor's forehead, and beads running down his smooth chest, in between his big pecs. In a flash, my cock was big and hard again, and it was not going to let me forget it. Thor took his eyes off the monitor, and pulled the waistband of his shorts out, so he could see his huge cock. He looked down at his anaconda with that huge jock grin of a guy who knows he's hung and hot and is damn proud of that fact. Then he really started to work his dick, like it was time to get off.

Then, Aaron snorted.

Thor stopped, and looked up, clearly thinking he had gotten caught. But, Aaron just went on snoring, and Thor relaxed. To my dismay and my relief, he turned off his computer. He walked over to his bed, and climbed in, and I thought `well, now I can sleep at least'. I heard Thor rustle in his bed, and then go still-like. Something hit the side of my bed and slide off. I quietly reached over to see what it was. I picked it up and brought it near my face, so that I could see it in the dark. The smell hit me first, the smell of man. Sweat, musk, and semen mixed into an incredible odor that oozed from this thing. I realized that I was holding Thor's shorts. And he wasn't wearing underwear! So now my big, gorgeous roommate was naked in his bed, about 2 feet from me, and his mammoth cock was hard and oozing. I nearly came all over myself at the realization. Instead, a large bead of pre-cum oozed onto my stomach.

I quietly put Thor's shorts back on the ground, and then closed my eyes, trying to sleep again. Then, as if in specific torture of me, I could hear Thor jerking off. It was very quiet, but a light, constant rustle of sheets, combined with deep breaths, it could only be one thing. I looked over at him, and I could just barely see him in the darkness. He had pulled his sheets to his knees, and was pulling on that giant thing out in the open. My hand grasped my own cock and pulled in time with him, imagining that I was pulling on his, even though mine was like half the size. It didn't take long, since he had been playing with himself for who knew how long on the computer. With a couple quiet, deep grunts, Thor shot several shots of white cum onto his sculpted chest and abs, as I shot onto my own. I grabbed my discarded shirt and wiped up my cum, but I saw Thor just rub his into his hot body. Seeing him touching his muscles and rubbing himself like that squeezed another bead of cum out of me.

Exhausted and finally satisfied, I rolled over and fell asleep. The last thought that went though my mind was `this is going to be one hell of a year'.

If anyone has any questions or suggestions, please feel free to email me at Seriously, this whole story is just going to be fantasies and random events, so suggestions are more than welcome. What/who would you like to see Phoenix do? Anyways, i love comments and mail, so please drop a line.


Next: Chapter 2

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