Philmore High

By C Smith

Published on Nov 25, 2013


Streak for Jesus - Chapter Four -

We sat in a living room just off the kitchen. The waffles were the toaster type and the bacon was the microwave type. The coffee smell filled the corners of the kitchen and wafted through the house. Our motley crew was looking pretty haggard after last night. No one was perky, except for Eli. He was up and bouncing around chattering away and generally making our heads hurt more.

"How come you are so fucking cheerful? Dont ya gotta headache?" Brock complained.

"I listened to Uncle Bob who told me if I wanted to drink, I should take it easy, and if I don't, drink two bottles of Gatorade, or more, before I go to sleep. So I did and it looks like it really works." Eli smiled like the little goof ball he was and I managed a smirk back.

I sipped my coffee, "Good for you." I mumbled. Alfie had his plate pile high with a second helping of waffles and bacon and was smacking his lips loudly. Eli waltzed around in his jock strap his smooth little bum wiggling all over the place while the rest of us were wearing the latest in hang over fashion, boxers and bags under bleary eyes.

As the coffee hit my stomach and my blood started to move things faded into the real life. Eli had snuggled onto my lap and I wrapped my arm around the smooth little fella. I can't say I knew why, but pretty soon I was petting his skin and my member began to swell but a little.

"How'd you get to know Alfie again?" Tazman asked.

"What? We went over that last night. Were you drunk or something?" I snickered and it spread to some of the other guys.

"I started following the big guy around because I saw that picture of Danny and Eli holding each other all boned up. I thought it was cool and I figured I'd have a better chance of making friends with Alfie because he didn't seem like he had many friends." Eli explained and then shot an apologetic look over to Alfie, "Sorry."

"It's true." Alfie said wiping off his lips. "I been pretty much a loner all this time." Everyone's face got a bit more grim. "Dudes. Don't worry about it! This was the best weekend I've ever had in my life." Alfie took another bite of his dwindling plate of waffles, "It was epic!"

"Yah. This is the best weekend of my life too." Eli chimed in, disentangled himself from my lap and sat on the couch. He had started to work his jock strap down and pretty soon he was only wearing his birthday suit. No one said anything as he took out his wee boner and jerked in front of the rest of everyone. The room was pretty quiet, everyone sipping coffee or orange juice, eating and just letting things be the way they were.

"I got an idea." Eli said as he worked it up and down, "Let's all go streaking at school on Monday."

"Dude. W-T-F. You wanted to wear your jock skinny dipping cuz you were afraid we, your sweet buds, would laugh and now you jerk in front of us and want us to go streaking at school, in front of the whole school?" Brock asked sort of watching the little show through hazy steel blue eyes.

"I know I was a coward, but we could do it together and it would be funny. Give the school something to see."

"They already seen me." I offered

"And me." Alfie said.

"We could wear masks." Benji sounded almost hopeful.

"Why?" I asked.

"Why not?" Eli countered. "YOLO." I rolled my eyes but there wasn't really any way to counter this strange sort of logic.

"I'll buy some gorrilla masks, matching." Alfie said.

"Are you in?" Tazman asked looking directly at me. How'd I get to be the prude of this massively idiotic idea? It might be fun.

"But we should like undress in the boys bathroom at the back of the square, run the circle around the square and back to the bathroom and get dressed again. If anyone says stop, well, don't." I said. If you never thought about it at all, it made sense.

Then three things happened nearly simultaneously. Eli jizzed.

"Boys!" Anne walked around the corner.

Benji spit his coffee out his nose and mouth and started to cough as he tried to laugh and swallow coffee at the same time.

With my head pounding at my the same rate as my heart, I didn't think. I just grabbed the nude little jizzed Eli and rolled him over covering his nudity with mine, oh yah and my nice red and blue boxers.

"Mom!" Alfie cried, "We aren't decent!"

"I've seen many boys underpants before and besides, if you aren't decent, what on earth are you doing upstairs?"

Oh shit.

"We were hungry Anne." Brock answered a grin on his tired face. I had Eli pinned on the couch and I was sure we were milliseconds away before she figured something was going on.

"I smell coffee." was all she said as she turned and walked to the kitchen. I grabbed Eli's stupid under-thing off the floor and tried to get Eli into them. He was helping, which is to say that us two teenagers, in a panic made a gigantic mess of things and it was near impossible to tell which was inside out and upside right. Finally Eli grabbed them from me and turned his back and managed to step into them. "Where's your pants dude?" I whispered sounding kind of mad.

"Downstairs asshole." He whispered back.

Suddenly Anne was back in the room and Eli was sitting down wearing his jockstrap grabbing the little couch pillows to hide what his underwear didn't and attempting to look not embarrassed.

"Hey Eli, could you go get me another juice." Tazman said with a shit eating grin on his face, "And some more waffles too?"

"Coffee for me Eli" Benji added

"Me too." I chimed as I tried my most innocent look

"Hey Mrs. ummm Anne. Sorry. I'm not used to being in my underwear around other kids' moms."

"Oh don't be silly." Anne said and sat down.

"Oh shit." Eli whispered.

"Last night I heard you boys out in the hot tub and watched for a bit. You boys sure had a good time. I haven't heard Alfie laugh with other boys or so long. He's had a tough --"

"I'll get you some pants Eli." Benji whispered as he left. Eli stopped squirming so much knowing there was going to be an end to his discomfort.

"Mom," Alfie growled tried to interupt her, "They don't want to hear about --."

"Oh nonsense Alfie." She continued, "Alfie was in and out of the hospital since he was about twelve. Of course we got him the best Psychiatrist money could buy, but he's had mental --"


"Health issues for all these years and they will probably last for years to come. That's why he misses so much school. Dr. Smith says, that he should get more friends. That's why he went to Arts Alive."

"Mom! Really! Stop!"

"Well, when he came home and told us he posed naked with another boy, well, I was concerned. Your father said it was just a phase, but, ever since he's just been happier and his bouts have been less and less. Soon, we hope, he will be able to drive his new car."

"New car?" My eyes must have been pretty big.

"Oh. I think I can recognize you from the painting. Right, right. Dan. We met last night. Sorry if I was bit fuzzy. I had quite the headache."

"Umm, Anne, you said Alfie has a new car?" I pressed. I think I was on a different page.

"Yah." Alfie answered, "Dad bought it thinking that my phobia's are fake and that if I had a new sports car sitting in the garage I would be motivated to get my license. He thinks it's every boy's right to drive."

"Sports?" I sputtered, "Sports car?" My curiosity was totally piqued. "What kind of sports car?" I tried to sound casual but I truthfully I sounded pathetic.

"Nissan 370 Z" Alfie said in a dead pan voice.

"What? Are you fucking kidding me?" I said without thinking. I was stunned.

"No swearing Danny." Anne said.

"Sorry Anne. I am so-- Can I see it? Please?"

"You can go and look at it if you want," Anne's voice rose, like most mothers who knew to start yelling the further the kids got and I pushed Alfie down the hall, "But don't even think of driving it. Alfie's father has a GPS unit installed and if it moves the police are called and it's reported stollen."

The car, charcoal gray was sexy in every way imaginable. I gushed and blathered and spit out all sorts of stats to the guys. After five minutes they left and I stood alone in front of my dream car. I don't know why Alfie wouldn't be driving such a fantastic piece of art work, such a fantastic feat of engineering.

I tried to look at him the same as before, just a sweet big nice guy, but, he had a car, not just a car, a 370Z and he doesn't drive it. I really didn't get it. At all.

Benji got Eli semi non-nude and we finished our weekend hanging out and playing games.

On Monday morning clouds blotted the sun and thoughts clouded my head.

"Don't eat with your mouth open, Daniel, it's disgusting." Mom said.

"If you are going to treat me like a four year old, I might as well act like one. It's Dan, Mom." I replied with the old tired routine. I loved-you-ma on my way out the door and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

On the dreary I met up with Brock at the bus stop. He was waiting for me as usual but Eli had apparently tagged along. The week of school loomed and promised to be long and hard before the weekend. Sometimes I think we should just skip Mondays altogether but then we would just end up hating Tuesdays as much.

I wassup-dog him and he did the same to me. Eli wasn't to be excluded, "Wassup dog Danny boy."

It didn't come off as cool coming from him, but I just let it slide and Brock did the same even though Brock shot me a funny look. I felt the same and different around Brock and the boys now. I wonder if they regretted our sexual escapades at the party or if I was alone. I wondered if it was regret or something else. I should know if I had regret? Maybe it was just Monday's that threw me off from my perky blonde happy kid that I strived to be or maybe there was more to it, but something dark lurked in the back of my mind for whatever reason.

"You think Alfie will get the masks?" I asked.

"You think anyone will chicken out?" Brock answered my question with a question.

Truthfully, I really didn't want to be naked in front of everyone all over again, but like a watching a freight train coming at you as you stood in the tracks, I couldn't escape. I felt like a deer in the headlights. Again. I hope my insides didn't show on my outsides. At least this time I would have shoes on. And a mask. And multiple moving targets for the peeps to view. And no boner. I really wanted to be bonerless during our streak. And this time I had a few moments to contemplate the event ahead which could be a bad thing if I let my head talk me out of it or worse, let me go ahead and do it.

Sheesh my head gets busy sometimes.

"Benji won't. Eli might, but he's gotten pretty ballsy all of a sudden. If anyone was gonna bail it might be Taz. He's barely bigger than Eli."

"Hey!" Eli said not sure if he was just complimented or not.

"So you aren't?" Brock asked me.

"Aren't gonna bail? You fucking serious Brock? I get to wear a mask this time. If there's no mask then yep, I'm out." I replied. As we walked closer toward the school we could hear someone yelling. It was an odd sort of yelling, not angry exactly, but not friendly either.

As we got to school there was a kid standing up on some little stool or something shouting at people passing by.


We stood there with the small crowd of students that looked as shocked as we were, "Someone stole your shenanigans." I said to Brock. I heard another kid laugh ,"It's just a prank. No one would be so --

"No dude. This guy is serious." Brock pointed to some signs "FAGS BURN IN HELL"

"What the fuck dude?" Eli's eyes were dark. He wound up as he talked faster with more and more anger, "This kid is really serious? He really believes that bullshit? Why the fuck is he fucking hollaring at us? Does he fucking think we are gonna just join his fucking church cuz he's screaming at us like a fucking fucktard?" Brock and me looked down at Eli. His face had gone from dark to crimson, his body shaking and his fists clenched.

"Lil Bro. C'mon. We can be places." Brock said as he grabbed Eli by the shoulder. Eli wasn't budging. So I pitched in, "Let it slide bro. Chill." I tried to calm him down and we basically drug him away from the stupid screaming preacher kid from hell.

In the school the preacher bastard was muffled and hopefully going to be just a bad memory soon. We bumped into Benji. "You get a load of that screaming kid? Wow." he said. The loud announcing speakers blared to life through the whole school. The principal, Mr. Tangent's serious, loud voice called us all to an Assembly. The gym was filled with excited chatter. Everyone was talking and pretty much the topic of the day was that nasty preacher kid.

Mr. Tangent was usually pretty chill as principals go. Not today. His usual easy smile was absent replaced by scowl. Barely everyone had gotten seated when spoke forcefully into the microphone, "People. Calm down. Sit down. I never heard so many kids shut up and sit down so fast in all my years of school.

"People, many of you might have noticed a kid preaching outside our school with signs. That would be Mr. Jerry Lipstain. Mr. Lipstain has moved to our town and has decided to preach to us. We have had a board meeting and have met with our legal team and such. The bottom line, people, is there is little we can do about Mr. Lipstains behaviour. We try to be as liberal with our students with our LGBT club, our sexual education classes and free condom program. However, how hands are tied with Mr. Lipstain and his preaching.

The assembly gasped in disbelief.

"In the mean time people, I ask you, our students to take the higher road and do not approach or interfere with Mr. Lipstain. And people, we also ask that you treat him as any other student in the school and refrain from bullying or derogatory remarks. Any behaviour deemed bullying will be met with the harshest of punishments."

"HE'S BULLYING US!" Eli shouted as the assembly suddenly turned to pick the voice out of the mass.

"We are taking this through the channels." Mr. Tangent replied or continued, I couldn't tell which.

"HE'S MEAN AND HE SHOUTS HATRED THINGS TO--" Eli shot back at the top of his lungs.

"This is not a debate!" Mr. Tangents voice boomed over the loudspeaker. "Come talk to me after Eli. Mr. Lipstain has a court case in another province and as our country values freedom of speach highly as as this is well above the school's jurisdiction, we will do what we are told. All of us, people, including everyone who disagrees with his philospohy. I hope I'm making my self crystal clear." and with that the assembly was over.

Today turned out to be a perfect day for streaking.

We couldn't have planned for a better day. Free speach can be a two edged sword. Plus Alfie got us some kick ass gorilla masks as promised. At lunch we doffed our clothes in the back bathroom and ran around the school whooping like a bunch of naked ass gorilla masked fools. We ran in front of the free-fucking-speach-preacher showing the world what we thought of his fucking hatred for the different people.

Pretty much the entire school knew who we were with or without clothes; the skinny blonde kid, the blue pubed boy, the fat kid, the kid with no hair who hung with us and Benji and Tazman, the "gays."

The press had a news camera in front of the Lipstain with the signs so the world of adults got see our naked bods with our bits 8-bit bocked out from the comfort of their own couch on the six o'clock. I think the story even went national.

There was a little fall out from our streak. Lots of giggling.

The principal interviewed us as "suspects," us, but none of us cracked. I swear to god Mr. Tangent said to us each, individually, six times over, once per kid per interview, "Well, since there were masks and you have denied this, it obviously wasn't you. Whoever did this, well, it's free speach after all." I think the principal hated Lipstain and his yelling antics as much as we did.

**** The weeks past in a blur of fast paced boredom punctuated by video games and jerking the meat. One day after school I was hangin at home waiting for things to get going. I had time for a quick COD round? The door bell rung. Nope.

"Sup dawg." Tazmans smile was bright.

"Hey. You're early." I said.

"Got my board, it takes minutes off of walking and I don't gotta huff n puff like a jogger. Plus I'm in shape." He smiled again flexing his bicept. He was pretty cute all the way around, there was no denying it.

"Sure man. Stick your board in the corner and we can get this fucking project done."

"Dude, I think it sucks too, but it's pretty cool we get to work together. Hey, you know I just thought of something? Two months ago we barely knew each other and now we're tight. Figure that one out eh."

"Yah." I said. I had to think back of how little I knew about Taz, well still how little I knew about him. We threw our books on the kitchen table and opened them preparing to do some prep for our presentation. But I had questions, "So what's it like announcing your gayness? Do peeps treat you --"

"Different?" He filled it in for me. I nodded and he continued, "Well, yah, especially at first. But then it gets forgotten fast. Especially since me an Benj don't act fem. But yah, some peeps aren't very good with it and those are the ones I don't wanna be friends with anyway. Then there's peeps that outright hate us."

"Like Lipstain."

"Yah. That guy is real bad news. Weird how people wanna go to church and they gotta pay you know, to learn to hate."

"They gotta pay?"

"Like twenty bucks to go to church on Sunday. I guess the kid just does what his Dad does, but his Dad gets paid pretty good tax free money for it. Same shit different pile."

"How'd you know all this?"

"Emily. Her rents make her go and pay for her. Its strange to pay someone to yell at you on a peaceful Sunday morning."

"I hope Em doesn't start hating."

"Nah. She's cool. Her and me are tight."

"How tight?"

"Well, third base on a regular thing tight."

"What? I never got that thing. What's third base?"

"Sixty nine. First is kissing, second is touching or sexting or both, Home run is the making sweet love. Actually, I just made that up. I don't get the base thing either. I think peeps just make their own rules up about it."

"What didya think of me posing in that pic of Brock's?"

Taz smiled and then laughed his green eyes lighting up, "That was fucking awesome. You sure got points for having balls for that move." His curly long hair jiggled when he moved his head quickly and his bright even teeth looked, well, perfect. I felt myself rise. "Dude, you do know you are hot plus ten, right?"

I blushed, "uhhhh" was all I could manage.

"It's oaky, remember? It's me, straight Tazman."

"Except your not totally straight, right?"

"Well, there's that. but I mostly just do Benji's bidding. I think he's hardcore fucking gay."

"You fucked?"

"He wants me to. I fucked Em if that counts, but only once."

"No. I meant a guy"

"I would like to, um, try it maybe one time." Taz said, and it hung in the air between us.

"How bout me?"

"Umm" Taz's face turned bright red, "I've spanked thinking of you, Well, what Brock did to you. And to your pic. You are pretty hot. Sure you got a nice six pack, good pecs, but your proportions are very well proportioned. Plus your cock is nice and long and thick."

Me? I never would have guessed that I would get a reaction like that from, well, another guy. I looked down at his crotch. I couldn't tell exactly, but he seemed to tent. I was. I adjusted myself and Taz's eyes followed and stayed on my crotch.

"I would like to try." What? Was this boy asking? Who asks? How did that make me feel? Well, okay, I'm a hormone raging sexy teenager, without a doubt, but still, wasn't Brock my boy? Didn't he rock my boat? Was I saving myself for him? Am I gay? Couldn't I be straight instead? Bi?

Thoughts and feelings swirled my head, but, of course, in the end, like a candle flame draws a moth I just went ahead and said, "You want to insert your penis inside of me and run it back and forth till you jizz?"

"Well, so much for romance." His green eyes sparkled with laughter. I was done.

"Let's go upstairs. Mom is at the lawyers, so we got time." I heard myself say. I had a bone of stone. The next thing I knew we were buck naked in my room and Taz was juicing his thing up with lube. Where it came from, well, it sort of magically appeared, like Taz had prepared or something.

"Okay, so this is your first time." Taz said. He was pretty small but now I regarded the member that was about to pierce me as something of a weapon. I was kinda scared.

"Don't worry. I'll go slow at first. Then, once your all open and comfy, I'll fuck you hard, but it'll all be good. I promise." Taz said. He sounded pretty experienced to me. Maybe it was all the gay videos he watched. Somehow getting fucked up the ass wasn't exactly what I was expecting when Taz came over to prep for the Renasance project in fourth period.

Regardless, here we were.

Taz smooth in all the smooth areas, hard in the hard areas and his smooth balls hung below. I was gonna get fucked and had gone to semi hard. Gimme a break. I was scared. Was it gonna feel good or would it hurt or somewhere inbetween? Was I gonna like it, really like it or loathe it? Questions flew and before I knew it, I could feel Tazman knocking at the back door.

I let him in.

It wasn't what I thought. At first he went slow and it hurt but I relaxed. I just let him wiggle in and before I knew it he was pulling out again. Thank god he wasn't very long and thick but he still felt bigger than he looked, which was weird. Then he began to fuck me and, well, I think I liked it. I was harder than hades. Wait. Hell is hot, not hard. Whatever. I was hard and he rocked me.

We must have been quite a sight, if I'd thought to record our event. One really fit fucking hot boy (with a small penis) fucking me, and me, white blonde kid loving it up the ass as he slapped himself against me. The slapping noise was pretty hot all on it's own. The slapping grew faster and faster, then gasped and blew. I knew or rather felt that he was spent.

I was now charged with sperm Sperm SPERM! Where to spread it? I thought about asking for a hand job, then I thought maybe a blow job and then I simply asked, "Can I fuck you?" Stupid stupid question. How does one guy ask another who just spent his quota of spunk to let him get rode, like a man-whore, up the ass. He'd admitted to being straight and then admitted that Benji pretty much made him do gay stuff. I was fucked. Fuck I'm dumb.

"Yes." he said.

I was too horny to be stunned and before I knew it he was on his back with me lining up my smooth shank to his asshole.

"Lube. Use lot of lube dude. Go slow. K?" Taz said.

I lubed up and I lubed down, like he did to me. Then I slipped into ecstasy. His ankles rode my shoulders, though sometimes I grabbed them and spread them further apart. His willy was semi hard as I pounded him. I was into this.

He took it and I had to hang on to his legs so he wouldn't travel away. Pound. Pound. Pound. Pound. The headboard knocked against the wall. I tipped my head back and road the ecstasy wave.

My orgasm was orgasmic. I relaxed and bent down and kissed him on the lips, our sweaty flesh entwined on my single mattress. I guess I wanted this for a long time.

Then Mom opened the door.

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Next: Chapter 5

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