Philmore High

By C Smith

Published on Nov 15, 2013


Monday the texts still came in. 'Hey, can you come strip for my party.' 'Nice cock. I wanna suck you off.' All kinds of that sort of shit. But they were slowing down lots.


I didn't respond to texts, even Brocks. Most people either got used of it or were going to get used of it. Either way, I answer--when I am fucking ready and not before.

But then I got this:

unknown number> Yo Alfie here

me> Sup

Alfie> nm hby

me> nm

Alfie> watcha doin Friday?

I had to think. Nothing important sprang to mind, but since Alfie and me really didn't know each other and didn't really have much in common, I had to wonder what he was up to. I played it cool.

me> I dunno Y?

Alfie> I thot I wood invite u over for a mens

night in, to my house. I got movies

I got booze, folks are in the dark and

it's cool.

kind of a thanks for being all cool when

we did that art thing

me> ummm

Alfie> hey, its ok. I know I'm not cool or

nothin and u got plans or w/e

I thot I'd ask

me> no. it's not that

I think it'd be ok. gotta ask my mom

Alfie really?

Alfie sounded suspicious. Considering he was on the bottom of the social scale, me at the top accepting an invitation was kind of suspicious, but I could always bail and it might be the best invite for Friday.

me> sure

I'll ask my mom

Alfie> You can axe brock the blue haired wonder

boy to come also?

me> lol K

My Mom could say no, or I could say she said no. Yah, I could be a prick. Hanging with a fat kid on a Friday night might be a good way to lay low. Brock would probably not want to go. The week was shit. It sucked balls. It drug on and drug on. I ditched a few classes and pretty much didn't hang out with anyone. I just put my head down and let the flow of humanity pass me by.

The week marched on or past grim day after grim day. School goes like that.

Art class was pure drudgery.

We'd started flowers on Monday and Mrs. K. told us to prepare to be organic for the whole week.


Friday finally arrived and I was looking forward to a weekend of nothing.

"You're having a good week." I said to Brock, his blue eyes sparkled. His blue locksdanced accross his face as his head shook when he talked, smiled and laughed. He was doing lots of that this week.

"Well last week was a good week, the weekend was awesome and my hair is a hit. People never stopped talking about it till like lunch Monday. Meagan Lonsdale has noticed-me-noticed-me and life is good."

"God. Look whats happened. I am you and you are me. We have totally swapped places. Now I know why you call this place jail."

"Yah. You been pretty scarce the past coupla days."

"I just got thoughts."

"It's all good. I know everyone needs space someti--"

"Brock. Dan. This is Art. Not social studies. Be quiet and paint your flowers." Mrs. K. snapped.

And so we did.

Painting, I took my canvas and smeared death black all over, mixed in some headstone gray and touched off some places with white to give the whole thing depth.

Brooding, fucking cheerful flowers grew all over my classmates easels, mine were going to be angry death fucking flowers. My desires seemed out of hand this year.

Painting, I cut some Silver knives onto the canvas against the black and gray. Brooding, sure I jacked Brock off and him me. Brooding, I liked it, he liked it.

I brooded and painted, painted an brooded.

I dropped gobs of colour onto the canvas, not caring if the fucking flowers bloomed straight up, to the side or up-fucking-side down. I get hard looking at guys.

Red roses on a dead guy. So if Angela Friedel made me hard when we made out at the summer party does that make me Bi?

Blue pansies with cocks for pedals.

I had the balls to be starkers in front of a bunch of old flabby women letting them draw my bits, but not brave enough to feel up Angela's panties or even feel her tits.

White fucking Daisys with tits of green.

Who the fuck defines me? My dreams? My desires?

Yellow daffodils with thoughts of killing all the rest of the fucking flowers.

So what if I sucked a cock. Does that mean I'm gay? Does it? And if so, who the fuck cares?

Red fucking blades of death on a circle, that's a fucking flower. If everyone finds out what I've done then what? Oh yah, and the fact that little Eli lit my candle and I loved that fucking thing, whatever that thing was, so much, does that make me, well, worse than worse? He didn't even have any fucking hair!

"Fuck." I yelled. Did I yell that out loud?

The room was dead quiet and everyone stared at me. I had paint all over and I sort of snapped out of whatever trance I was in.

"Mr Jordan. See me after class" Mrs. K. said, and everyone went back to their work.

I looked at Brock. His face said what I was thinking, 'Oh shit.' The bell had rung the class had gone and I sat staring at the ugliest piece of shit for flowers I've ever seen in my life. Mrs. K. walked up. "Let's take a look." She said quietly. I'm not sure what she was expecting.

"Wow Dan. It seems you have been hiding your genius exceptionally well."


"This painting. It's passionate, it's impressionistic, it's violent and moving using the most mundane of art objects, flowers. I don't think I've seen anything quite like it. This is definetely headed to the art show case in the hall."

"So, you like it?"

"No." she smiled, "I love it. You get an A plus on this piece." Confusion must have been written on my face. "Listen Dan. I think I owe you an apology. I think I pressured you into posing for Art Alive and I shouldn't have done that. I see kids come in my class all the time, full of promise of success or promise of failure. Some dive away from success and some pull out of their nose dive. There's not much I haven't seen.

"But what you did for Alfie at Arts Alive, it was bold, it was compassionate and it was honest. You showed the world that it's okay to be human. Alfie did too.

"You also have a smart level head. You have charisma coming out your ying yang and you, apparently, even have some artistic talent deeply hidden in you some where. But all of this, well, you kids live fast lives at your age. You just need to," she chewed on her words and said, "Let things go and keep going. Some things feel like they might never end and other things feel like they might never begin, but that's just part of your age group.

"It's okay to be human. What ever has you all in a knot, just let it go. You got everything happening for you and it will all turn out just fine." The next class was making rowdy noises outside the door. "Look at me turn all maudlin. Well, it is art after all. Get your things and go. I'll be taking this masterpiece to the display." She grabbed the flowers from hell and strode out and down the hall.

I caught up with Brock.

"Wow you must have got chewn a new one." He said scanning me as if he were looking for an open wound or blood or something.

"Nope." I replied.

"The F-bomb? You gotta go to the after school sensitivity seminar?"


"What? Thats wierd. She hated your art again? She's kicking you out of class?"

"Nope. I got an A."

"You know, the more I hang around you the less things make sense. So spill, what'd she say?"

"Well, she rambled on a lot, but she basically just told me to ride the wave, take it as it comes and do what I do."

"She told you that? That's your philosophy, well, that's what you always say your philosophy is."

I smiled at Brock, "Yah, I know. Hey wanna go to the mall after? I still got some money to buy some more clothes?"


"Give me an amen brother." I goaded him and he ran with it.

"Amen Brother!" Brock yelled in the hall way all the kids looking his way, "Amen brothers and sisters. Gimme an Amen! and a Praise The Lord"

"Amen. Praise the Lord" I echoed, my smile crept a little bigger.

"Give unto the lord and give me your money!" Brock said, and broke his preacher preaching to back old regular Brock, "Oh yeah. You owe me fifty bucks."

I laughed, "I paid you once you fucktard!"

He laughed and said, "I just wanted to see if you were dumb enough to pay me twice."

Friday night was still a blank book. No one seemed to be doing much, Brock was hanging with me when Mom got home. She was busy burning the supper and my feet were itchy to go somewhere, do something, something different, something exciting. My phone burped in my pocket.

"Daniel. That's disgusting. You need to change your ringtone." Mom said.

"Yah Daniel. Disgusting." Brock became a smiling parrot all of a sudden.

"That's my text notification." I held up my phone and it started fartinglouder and louder. "That's my ring tone." I said.

"Oh you boys. That is so disgusting. Change it."

"Well, it's only the ring tone for you."

"Change it. Right this minute." she said

"Change it. Disgusting." Brock repeated.

"Brock, just because you aren't my kid doesn't mean I can't spank you with this wooden spoon. Your Mom says if you deserve it, I should give it to you." she actually had the wooden spoon out of the drawer and was holding it menacingly.

Brock did an one eighty and said, "Sorry Mrs. Jordan."

My phone started to squwak like a chicken. And the texts just said,

Alfie> Well?

Alfie> Not trying to bug ya.

just really hope u can come

"Shit." I mumbled.

"What did you just say Daniel?" Mom said her ears hear way too good sometimes.

"Sorry. I totally forgot to ask you, This guy at school asked me and Brock over for a movie. He's really cool. Well, not really cool at all. He's kind of fat and doesn't have many or any friends and we met at the Art Alive thing last Wednesday. Is it okay?"

"Well, I don't know. We don't know anything about him, but he sounds okay."

"Yah, and I'll have Brock with me, so everything will be all good."

me> Sorry Alfie, I totally forgot to ask

Mom. Gimme a second

She looked over at the blue haired boy grinning nearly mischieviously. Inside I rolled my eyes but outside I held my breath. Everything sort of hung on the air for a second and then in a heart beat Mom changed gears and said, "Sure. You guys got your cel phones and he seems okay to you. But if you get any funny feeling that things aren't on the up and up, you call me or text me and I'll come pick you up. Don't hesitate to call the police if drugs are involved."

"Nine one one also works for the fire department." Brock chimed in.

"The spoon!" Mom glared at him.

"Yah. Give him the spoon Mom." I chimed in.

"A daughter. Why couldn't I have a nice little girl with sugar and spice."

"Funny thing. My Mom says that to." Brock said

me> OTW. Sorry for being so l8

getting back to u

Alfie> No probs I am just glad you two can


<attachment 'coordinates to Alfies House'>

The map took us down the valley and into the kind of expensive part of the city and then out of town. About five minutes into the country we arrived at a big fancy gate.

"Turn right. Turn right" the automated lady talked out of my phone.

"Wow. A fancy security gate." Mom said. We pulled up and Mom had to buzz out the drivers side window and a camera stared coldly back. It seemed an eternity when Alfie's voice came over the speaker, "C'mon up."

The driveway wound through some trees that were sprinkled with red and yellow leaves reminding me that winter was coming. The around a bend a huge fucking Mansion filled the windshield of the car. I was blown away and pretty much alls the three of us said was "wow."

Mom still managed to give us some safety tips as we got out of the car and walked to the front door. We didn't get to ring the doorbell as Alfie opened the door.

"c'mon in. you guys are the late comers, everyone else is already here." He said. We walked into the mansion and were blown away at the rich everything that was pretty much everywhere. "This is my Mom, Anne" Alfie introduced a middle aged blond woman that looked somewhere between rumpled and dishivelled. Her eyes were glossy and unfocussed.

We mumbled extremely polite introductions and comments on how nice the house was. Anne didn't quite react quickly and her speach was slurred. "Pleassure to meet you nice pleasant polite. Well, it seems I have a headache and I think I'm just going to go up stairsss. You boys, meet you, have a good time." Her words didn't go quite right and she wandered up some stairs and promptly disappeared.

Without prompting Alfie offered matter of factly, "Yah. Mom is a pill addict and she does this every night, pretty much." We sort of stood there for an awkward moment.

"Wow you got a nice house." Brock said, trying to change the subject.

"Yah. I guess."

"Everything looks expensive." Brock pried.

"Yah. It's nice."

"Is your dad like rich?" He came right out and asked. Sheesh that guy sometimes embarrases me to no end, but I must admit I was kind of curious too.

"Yah, rich or really wealthy or whatever. Dad owns a couple of mines and stuff. He's off to business meetings in France or England this week. He's pretty much gone most of the time, but we got lots of money."

"Ah." I said. Now it was my turn to try and change the subject. "We're the last? Where is everyone?"

"Downstairs. C'mon. Oh yah, We can make as much noise as we want and do whatever we want. Mom won't wake up till at least two tomorrow afternoon and our closest neighbors are about two kilometers away." Alfie said as he led us through a small maze of hallways with expensive pictures and ornaments everywhere and to a set of stairs that took us down to heaven.

"WOW!" I said as the man cave of man caves came into view. He had full sized pool table, a huge massive TV that blew the inches off the tape measure and long brown leather couches comfy oversized chairs and all kinds of cool guy stuff.The smell of pizza hit my nose. On the bar was a stack of pizzas boxes about a metre high.

"If you say 'wow' one more time I'm gonna puke." Alfie said. I grinned an embarrassing smile of sorts.

On the bar stools beside a carving of a dog that was taller than me sat a bunch of the guys from school. drinks of various colours sat the gay boys, Benji and Tazman. Off to their left sat the little jewish boy with the currious hand and big brown eyes.

"Everybody but you guys got a drink and pizza, eat eat, drink drink. I'll turn on the big screen and we can watch the latest Iron Man"

We crammed the pizza down and I was onto my second bottle of some faggy fruity fizzy delight. The movie was pretty okay, but we didn't make it through to the end.

"Hey, didn't everyone already see this?" Brock pipped up half way through. The boys probably said yeah but the movie explosion drowned them out. Suddenly the movie paused and Brock was yelling, "Anyone wanna do something else?

Alfie called out "Pool? Foozeball? Air hockey?"

We paired off and played. It was like a mini dysney land. As soon as we got board of a game we would swap games, players or change rules. We drank listened to loud wicked tunes and had a blast.

"Hot tub anyone?" Alfie exclaimed.

The room stopped and everyone turned towards Alfie. "You gotta hot tub too?" Taz asked.

"This is fan-fucking-tastic." I let out a whoop.

"What about trunks? I never brought none." Eli, of course was one to come up with an obvious problem.

"We all go naked!" I said in a semi commanding voice. Whether it was the booze or the voice or the mood of a bunch of hormone charged boys everyone whooped and gufawed. Everyone except Eli.

"Dude. Lighten up. These guys seem okay. No one'll bug you." I said to him as we followed Alfie out the back patio doors and onto a huge stone yard with a huge hot tub beside the usual back yard gear, Barbeque and lawn furniture all lit by some big lights making it look nearly daylight out.

The boys stripped down to get into the hot tub. Alfie, huge though he may be, was the first to get naked, and well, since I'd pretty much done this before, I doffed my clothes right after him, grabbing my bits and shaking the free of their home in my boxers. I looked over and there was Brock pulling down his sponge bob square pants yellow boxers, his nose looked funny exactly where you'd thinnk to laugh and as they slid off I did a double take.

His dick was big and his balls hung pretty low and all that, but that's not what surprised me. There above his goods, his pubes were died the same color as his hair.

"HOLY FUCK!" I hollared. Everyone stared at me and then looked at Brock who was standing with a goofy grin, his boxers piled around his ankles.

"What?" He asked and smiled all so very innocently.

"Fucking gnarly man!" Benji said, "His carpet matches his drapes."

"Geez man. You gotta always be the number one top dog eh?" I laughed and then a thought came to me, "Hey, this awesome naked hot tub party deserves a picture." and then I started barking orders. "I gotta timer on my phone, everyone line up over there. Hey Eli, a fucking Jock is only naked on the ass part. Take em off. No one'll laugh. Hey everyone! No one give Eli a hard time cuz he's not quite up to our size! Got it?"

The group responded with a bunch of good natured laughing and mumbling. Somewhere in the cacaphony was the idea that Eli was good, everything was good and it was just a good happy party. Nude party. With a bunch of hot guys. And Alfie.

I set the camera up and made everyone squish in together. Then I thought I would push it even further and had everyone put their arms around each other. It actually looked not bad in the phone, so I left it aimed and ran into the picture. The boys and me screwed it up when I checked it so we had to do it again, twice. Alcahol did have that effect. Finally I got a good enough picture I where everything looked pretty focussed and we jumped in the hot tub.

The tunes played on and we looked up at the sky where the stars should have been, but the bright lights pretty much washed them away.

"Hey Alfie," I said, "I got like a thousand questions. How'd you put this little party together? I don't mean to sound a snob or anything, but before the Art Alive posing thing, you were just a shadow on the wall, now you got us partying naked in your hot tub?"

"Ah. That. Well, I guess I might as well --" He mumbled a bit and then carried on, "I have a shrink, you know, a head doctor. I told him I went to Art Alive and stripped naked for a pose with you. I told him I nearly ran away but you got me to stay. He said I turned a corner."

"What's turning a corner?" Benji asked.

"It means that I did something good," Alfie cleared his throat clearly uncomfortable with the subject, "I got issues. Okay? And well, when I stripped for the Art, my shrink told me it was really good and I am conquering some stuff."

"What stuff?" Taz asked

"Shit. Leave the guy alone." Brock interupted, "He's got issues, I got issues, Danny's got issues, but Alfie's got a shrink. Let it go."

"And Eli? How'd he get to come?" I hoped that would turn the conversation.

"Oh. The little guy?" Alfie smiled and looked over at Eli who was trying to look small. "Well, he actually started following me around at school after our pose. I dunno why, but he seemed friendly enough even though he is pretty young. So we hung out at lunch and stuff. My shrink told me it would be good to get to know new people and so I am workin on it." "Hey," I wanted to change the subject,

"The gay boys?"

"Oh, that's easy." Benji spoke up, "My Dad works for his Dad."

The night wore on and we talked and visited, mostly light and fluffy stuff about all the crazy school things.

"How'd the pic turn out?" Eli asked me.


"Yah, you took it like a coupla minutes ago, of us all lined up naked. Lemme see"

"K" I got out of the tub and found the phone. It was actually getting too hot in there and having the water steam off me was cool. I found the picture and showed him.

"God damn it. I look like a stupid baby next to you guys."

"Lemme see." I grabbed my phone back. I studied the picture a little closer. We were fucking hot. Me standing at the edge, my cut body and uncut cock dangling. I had my arm around Brock, his blue everything made his slightly stocky body stand out and Benji's dark chocolate body with longer cock than all of us. Benji also had some big lips. I don't know why, but those lips were pretty awesome. Then Alfie in the middle-ish his big hulking fat body unabashedly standing in the middle with a huge grin on his face, his strawberry blond hair making his parts look softer, or something. Then beside him, looking pretty small compared to everyone was Eli, his bald little cut cock looking so cute as he stood with the big boys. On the end was Tazman, his long curly dirty blond hair tied back, his body cut and chiselled like a jock but his goods were nearly smaller than Eli's, but his pose showed no inhibition and his infectious smile filled his face.

Seeing them, or rather us all naked gave me a boner. I didn't try to hide it but stood there wondering who would see it or if anyone did if anyone would call me out on it. Tazman saw it and looked at me his eyes smiling. He didn't say anything. Something clicked in my booze fuzzed head.

"You know, for being gay, you guys don't seem very fruity." I said and all eyes turned to the gay boys."

They looked at each other and smiled and then Benji said, "Well, I guess it's cause we're not."

"What? I don't get it" Eli piped up from the side of the tub. He saw my boner and was holding himself, probably wondering if he should hide his or let it out like I did mine. All the guys were sitting on the edge of the tub now, all too hot to stew in the bubbles all night.

"We just do the gay bit so we can get closer to the girls. Katie Homes confided in me and then one night at a sleep over with her, I told her that I might not be completely gay, that I thought I had some feelings for her and I think we should explore them."

"That work?" Brock asked

"Yep." Benji beamed and we all laughed and hooted and hollerd.

"So you guys never jerked each other off or fooled around with each other?" Eli asked

The "gay" boys looked at each other and squirmed. Taz spoke up, "We jerked each and tried blow jobs. I like getting em, just not giving so much."

The boys all laughed. "How about you Eli?" Taz turned the question on him. His face went bright red with everyone cheerfully teasing him. I joined in hoping no one could see my face might have turned pink. My boner wasn't shrinking either, but I just let it hang. When the confessions of sex started coming out, the other boys members also started to rise and Eli finally figured he could unhide his oh-so-not-secret boner after all.

"Brock?" Benji looked at him.

"What?" He tried to look innocent or something but his boner stuck up just like the rest of us, over his blue pubes.

"Ever fool around with another guy before?" Taz asked.

"Well, umm" He said and was quiet hoping the interagation light turned to the next victim. I was wondering what he would say, if he would turn me in, or out, whichever way. "I did. I jerked off with a friend, once, and I have to say I really liked it. I'm thinking of exploring that more." He just kind of blurted it out.

The woo's and guffaws were way more subdued.

"I did." Now what the fuck did I just say. "I fooled around, I jerked a budy and he jerked me. I also gave a guy a blow job and I think it was okay. I don't know about changing sides though, I haven't actually had my big man in a pussy just yet, but I'm gonna get some, like after Christmas break." I said. Did I just say that?

Then I out and out started jerking it, right there in the hot tub in front of all of them. Shit I must have been not quite drunk, but nice and loose.

"You're the last big guy." Eli ventured. "I jacked a guy off and got sucked off and I wanna try more." Confessing more than just his red face seeing how brave and gay the rest of us were.

"Umm." Alfie looked down and fiddled with his junk nervously, "K, I never did anything with anybody.I would like to, but I haven't been doing good socially, exactly. I would really like to see what a BJ feels like. This is the first party I've ever done. I've just had some-- issues--my shrink is happy with things the last few weeks --"

The boys all got quiet including me and we genuinely felt bad for the guy. Being naked and partly drunk in a hot tub with a bunch of guys who fessed up to doing gay stuff sort of gelled us into a group. None of us realized it at the time but we'd just forged pretty powerful friendships. At the time, all we knew was that we'd just spoke our deepest darkest secrets to new friends, butt naked and hard and it was okay.

Everything was gonna be okay.

A little voice squeaked up, "I'd like to give you one." Everyone looked at Eli who's face was bright red and had gone back to hiding his wee circumcised thing.

"Can we watch?" Brock asked. My mouth dropped. But the hot tub was real quiet.

"Let's go in. I got a king king bed. I'm getting cold." Alfie said. No one asked what a king king bed was but I think we guessed that it meant big.

Was he really gonna do it? We filed into the house towels rubbing our bodies. I felt a hand on my butt cheek and looked over to see Blue hair. He didn't take it away. I didn't ask him, we just walked in with him touching me. My boner got harder and I let it bounce on my stomach freely.

Alfie wasn't shitting us. The bed was king king. He'd swollen to full size also and it smacked his big stomach as he flopped onto his back.

"What do you want me to do? Kneel?" Alfie asked already laying on his back.

"You can just lay on your back. I'll do all the work." Eli said as he crawled onto the bed. There was enough for all us guys and extra room for more. We all kind of followed onto the bed and Eli, without any hesitation, grabbed Alfie's stick giving it a few strokes. He was big and long and Eli examined it and stroked it playing with his foreskin. I felt Brock climb onto the bed and sat beside me his naked side touching my naked side.

"Hey I could use another Strawberry Sparkle. Any of you guys wanna get us something?" Eli started sounding all commander like with one hand wrapped around Alfie. We took a drink order and volunteered Benji to go fill it for us.

"What the fuck. The youngest smoothest boy ordering us drinks." I said and we all chuckled.

Then Eli got onto his hands and knees, his butt sticking straight up into the air. His bare smooth round bottom lifted slightly. It looked like he was ready to get fucked. I didn't think I could get harder, but as Eli's head bobbed up and down and Alfie groaned I did.

I looked over at Brock, his milk white skin wearing a slightly faded blue crown of pubes, neatly trimmed was rock hard also. He was thicker and longer than me, but barely. I didn't let him make the first move this time, I just reached over and grabbed him. I took the time to look at every curve, to explore under his skin, so examine his big veins that buldged out the side and before I knew it he was in my mouth.

Benji arrived with our drinks and I broke off after a couple of head bobs and sucked back a chocolate vodka drink of some sort. It washed some of the taste away and I looked around. Benji and Tazman got all positioned, it looked like they were gonna sixty nine. I wanted it too.

"Sixty nine?" I sort of asked and sort of demanded Brock. His eyes glinted of mischief as he laid down on his back.

"No fucking way." He laughed and arched his back pushing his pecker up. I straddled his face and before I could get him in my mouth I felt his mouth on me. I rocked my ass back and forth trying to get a rythm going with my cock and my mouth on him. It wasn't long and I groaned.

"I'm gonna come." I tried to pull away but Brock latched onto my ass with both hands and held me as I blew my load into his mouth. The explosion was so intense I yipped. It sounded funny and someone giggled as I blew and blew. Brock swallowed and swallowed. I felt so relaxed and warm but I still had Brocks big boy in my mouth. I went to work up and down and I thought I could feel him build to the point of blowing, but he never said anything.

"Tell me when your' gonna blow dude. I don't want that stuff in my mouth." I whispered.

"K." He replied. and I went back at it. I made the mistake of opening my eyes while I did it and his blue pubes looked like they were in a fish bowl really magnified so big they looked round. I thought that was just a dumb TV effect. I didn't think it was real. I closed them again and worked my friend over. His legs came up and I found my hands working against the crack of his butt. He was kind of hairy back there. Another thing I never thought of or didn't expect. I wondered about his asshole. and then he tried to say something but it came out as strangled noise.

I pulled off but sort of too late. He came on my lips and got it all over my face. I was gonna be disgusted and complain but it was sure better dripping from my face and lips than in my mouth. He blew his load about five or six pumps and just laid back.

"Thanks." He said with a dreamy smile, his eyes closed and that fluffy blue hair mopped every which direction.

I checked out how the other guys were doing and looked up in time to see Alfie blowing all over his big belly. The gays both had their mouths full and their eyes closed and it was like one two three, Alfie, Benji Tazman they jizzed.

Poor little Eli sat on the bed naked and boned up crazy like. His cirucmcised cock sitting out in the open with no bush in sight.

"Anyone want to get me off?" He asked.

"I will." Alfie said. "Just give me a minute."

We all chuckled and left Alfie to do his thing to Eil and made our way out to the hot tub. We talked, we laughed and joked. It wasn't long before the big naked guy came out holding the little circumcised boy's hand. The rest of the night we spent in and out of the hot tub, drinking, laughing and I think I even did some singing.

I woke up the next morning on the leather couch in Brocks Arms, my head filled with jack hammers and strong desire to piss.

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About the author: This is my first crack at a multichapter story. I wrote a wandering Jew a couple months story here I like feed back though.

Copyright � 2013

No part of this publication may be reproduced,distributed,or transmitted in any form or any means, or stored in a data base or retrieval system without the express prior written permission of the author.

Characters and events portrayed in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead is coincidental and not intended by the author.

Next: Chapter 4

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