Phil and Nick

By Phil

Published on Feb 19, 2000


**** Disclaimers: This is a total work of fiction and sheer fantasy. If you are offended by any homosexual situations don't read this story. This story does not reflect the sexual orientation of Nick Carter, but we can dream can't we?

Well, here is chapter five. I have been having a little trouble writing this chapter, but I got it done. From now on the chapters are going to be longer than the previous ones, so it is going to take a little longer than before for the story to be out. So, without any further delay here is chapter five.


"Listen, as far as you go I am not afraid of you or your threats, so get out of my face before I do something that I am probably going to regret."

Just then, the guys were coming back to the table while each was leaving. They all looked at me and saw that I was in a bad mood. They figured out something had happened while each was at the table with me, which made them want to take me back to nick's house, and hopefully make me tell about what had happened.

As we got into the limo, nick sat next to me and put his soft, loving hands into mine. While he was next to me, I felt a little bit better and was calming down. Then he asked me in his loving, caring voice, what was wrong. I simply told him that we would discuss it all when we got to his house. I noticed that something was bothering him as well, I decided to let it go, unless he wanted to talk about it.

After a couple of minutes had arrived back at nicks house. Once we got into the house and everyone was sitting in the living room, all eyes were on me. I must admit that it was rather uncomfortable at the time. Then I proceeded to tell them everything that transpired at the table.

"While you guys went to go dance, zach came over to confront me, and tell me just how he felt about me. He told me that he didn't know just who the hell I was, and that he didn't like me, and that he didn't like me hanging around you guys. Then, the shit hit the fan so to speak. I just told him that I didn't give a fuck about what he thought about me. I also told him that me hanging around you guys was none of his concern, and that you enjoy my company and I am your friend. Then he told me that if he sees me hanging around nick, he will beat me to an unrecognizable state. But, the thing that I don't understand is why he doesn't want me to hang around nick."

"Phil there is something that I have to tell you about zach, and why he said what he said. He told you that, because a few months ago we were going out, and things just weren't working out between us, so I decided that it was time for us to go our separate ways. I told him that things weren't going so well between us, and that we should break up. He didn't take it as well that I had hoped he would. He told me that if he ever saw any guy hanging around me, or trying to put the moves on me, he would beat the shit out of him. Guys, I am sorry I didn't tell you the true way things ended between us. I thought you would do something harsh to him, so I decided on not telling you, because of his reaction. I hope you guys aren't pissed at me."

Then, Kevin gave his opinion on the situation.

"Nick, you did what you thought was right. Now I can say that we aren't mad at you, because we now know what happened with you two. Quite frankly, I think that it was a great idea that you dumped him, because with the stuff that Phil just told us he doesn't seem to be all that well in the head. Besides you and Phil seem to be a great couple who care for each other."

Then, brian added

"What do we do with Zach, now since he has threatened for phil to keep away from nick?" Then, howie added one of his suggestions.

"How about we play a little game with him?"

Then kevin asked.

"Howie, what are you talking about?"

"We know that zach said that he would beat the shit out of any guy who is hanging around or trying to put the moves on nick, well let's say that one of us is trying to put the moves on nick. Then we will just see how Mr.Bodyguard is going to react to that."

Then nick added one of his concerns.

"Hey hold on D, that is a great idea and all but, what makes you think that this plan will work. He will think that something is up."

Then, I had a brilliant idea.

"Guys how about tomorrow, when we go to the club I get there before you or he gets there, and I go to a table where he can't see me. Then, you guys will arrive and nick will be sad because I left him because of the threat that zach will beat me up. While you guys are dancing, one of you come back to the table and try to comfort nick, who will be very down. while you are doing that, you kiss him and he kisses back. While you are doing that zach will think that you are putting the moves on nick. That should get a sure reaction out of him. Now, I don't want the kiss to be a a passionate one, because he is my man not yours, and he only kisses me like that."

Then, nick gave me the most cheesiest compliment that I have ever heard.

"You know something phil, you have a brain just like Albert Einstein's."

"Well I don't want to brag but, I am phil the man with the ill skill"

Saying that I got a roar of laughter from the guys, and I had to laugh myself.

Then, kevin got into his parental mode.

"OK with that settled, I guess that it is time for us to get going and go to bed."

Then nick surprised me with his suggestion.

"Phil is going to spend the night here with me tonight."

"I am?"

"You're damn right you are. And I don't want to hear anything out of you about it."

"Yes, mother."

I should have kept my comment to myself, because he punched me right in the gut.

Just then, all the guys made a cracking whip sound. I flipped them the bird, which made us all laugh again.

"Alright guys we have to get going now. We will see you guys tomorrow, and oh yeah don't do anything that I wouldn't do."

"Oh brian shut up, you know you wish you were in my shoes right now.

"I wouldn't be caught dead wearing those stinky shoes that you got on your feet."

"Alright brian, lets go before Phil dominates you like he did with nick earlier."

Now this time, AJ earned a flipping bird from me and nick.

After we said goodnight to the guys, and closed the door nick was already embracing me for a kiss, which I accepted. I felt his tongue push against my lips, which I gladly parted to accept nicks tongue inside my mouth. We played tonsil hockey, till nick was feeling brave, trying to undo my belt until I told him that I wasn't ready yet. He gave me one of his adorable smiles and led me to his room.

After we stripped down to our boxers, we climbed into his bed and damn the mattress was soft, just the way I love it. We snuggled up together, and I put my head on his chest, where I could hear his heart beat go very fast. With a beat like that I could tell that he was excited to spend the night with me, and I must admit I did to. After a couple of minutes, I looked up at him and noticed that he was asleep. His face was so peaceful, of course his snoring killed that image. I was fast asleep in just a short time.

I awoke the next morning with nicks head on my chest. He was breathing so peacefully and he looked so peaceful. His hair was all over the place, so I moved it out of his closed eyes where I could see his eyes moving around under the lids. I felt the need to go pee so I lifted his head and carefully placed it on my pillow, then I removed his arm from around my waist. before I left to go to the bathroom, I tucked him in and gave him a kiss on his forehead.

After I was done using the bathroom, I looked back at nick and noticed that he was still sleeping. I decided to go to the kitchen and make some breakfast for nick and I. When I opened the refrigerator I laughed because, the top shelf only had coke on it. After rummaging in it, I found some cheese, ham, and some eggs. I decided on making a ham, and cheese omelet. I know that nicks favorite thing to eat is pizza with a lot of cheese. With that in mind, I had decided on putting a lot of cheese in the omelet.

Before making the omelet, I decided that I had better make a pot of coffee to go with the omelet. After rummaging in the cabinets, I stumbled onto a jar of Tasters Choice Coffee. Once I found the filters, I set out making the pot of coffee. Once the machine was percolating, I started to prepare the omelet.

I took 7 eggs and beat them. I then sliced a couple slices of ham and put them into the beaten eggs. I then greased the pan lightly, so that I wouldn't scorch the pan, or have the omelet stick to it. I put the beaten eggs and sliced ham into the pan when I noticed that the pan was the right temperature. I placed three slices of cheese on tope of the eggs, when I noticed that the eggs were partially cooked. After it looked like the cheese was almost completely melted, I started to roll it so that it was an omelet. After I had cooked it for 2 seconds on each side, I cut it in half and put each piece in a plate. After that, I put 4 slices of toast in the toaster. When they were toasted, I put two slices on each plate. And for the finishing touch, I got a bowl and put some fruit in it.

As I was putting the food on the table, nick was coming into the kitchen. He looked at me quizzically like he didn't get something. I told him that yes, I could cook too. He gave me one of those infamous smiles that no one could resist. He also gave me a quick kiss and sat at the table. After we had devoured our breakfast and got one more kiss from nick for the superb job of cooking breakfast, I sent him to go take a shower while I washed the dishes.

After I washed the dishes, I cleaned off the table. As soon as the table was cleaned off and things put as they were before, I set out for the bedroom to check on nick. When I reached the bedroom, nick was putting on a T-shirt.

"You're done with your shower hun?"

"Yup, are you going to take one?"

"I don't have any clean clothes to change into."

"You can borrow some of mine."

"Oh thanks hun, oh yeah hun, I don't have a toothbrush."

"There is an extra one in the medicine cabinet."

When I got the clothes that I had picked out to wear, I headed to the bathroom to go get showered. Being under the spray of the water, I felt a lot looser than I had this morning. I was so loose that I almost fell asleep. After I was finished with my shower, I brushed my teeth with the toothbrush that nick had told me to use. After that was done, I combed my hair and I was out of the bathroom.

When I got out of the bathroom, I noticed that my wonderful boyfriend had left the bedroom a mess. The bed was not made, and there were clothes thrown all over the floor. I laughed to myself as I asked myself whether it was nick who made the mess, or whether it was a tornado that passed through the room. As I straightened out the room, I made sure that I was going to speak to nick about his messiness. As soon as I was through straightening the room out, I looked back at the dramatic change that took place. After that, I walked downstairs.

As I got almost downstairs, I noticed that nick was on the phone. By the time I got to the living room, he was hanging up the phone. I assumed that he was on the phone with one of the guys, because he mentioned something about meeting them somewhere. As soon as he was done with hanging up the phone, he was coming toward me and he gave me a kiss. Of course I couldn't just leave it at that. I slipped my tongue in his mouth, which made him part his lips to accept my tongue. After we played a great game of tonsil hockey, I pulled away.

"So who was that one the phone, if you don't mind me asking?"

"That was brian wanting to know if we could go over his place."

"Any reason in particular?"

"Actually, he did mention that he would like to get to know you better."

"I guess that I haven't opened up to you guys, as you hoped I would huh?"

"Well, I guess not because I don't even know what your likes and dislikes are."

"Hey, how about we call up the rest of the other guys and tell them to meet us at brian's house. This way we can kill one bird with one stone, so to speak."

"That sounds like a great idea. Brian also told me that the guys have also been talking about you. He said that they have taken a liking to you, especially kevin and AJ."

"I don't know why, but I feel more comfortable around you guys, then I do with other people. But, I especially feel more comfortable with my blonde haired god here."

"Ah you are much too kind, stop before I start to tear up."

"Here I am trying to be serious, and he just has to decide to be a smartass. Oh what a life that I live."

"And a pretty good one if I do say so myself."

"No objections coming out of my mouth. Oh, did brian mention a time for us to be there?"

"No, he said that anytime we thought was good, is good enough for him."

"Oh then in that case, why don't you go call the guys up and tell them to meet us brains house. Oh, and before I forget there is a little matter that I have to discuss with you."

"Is it about last night, because I am sorry for rushing."

"No, it isn't about that, and don't worry about it you didn't know. It is about the mess that you left in the room this morning. One thing that you have to know about me, is that I am intolerant of messiness. I need to have things to be in tip top shape. So when you wake up in the morning, You will make the bed in the morning, and if the clothes that you were wearing are dirty, put them in the hamper. If they are clean you fold them, and put them in the drawer. You got lucky today because I straightened the room out, but you are going to do the straightening out from now on."

"I don't want to sound mean babe, but you sound so much like kevin."

"Oh really, I guess for me that is a good thing because this way I can keep you in line when you are out of control. And with that in mind, while we are at brians, I might as well ask him to give me pointers on how to be a father figure to you. I know how much you like to go out of control so I need to know how he calms you down."

"Oh that's easy he gives me a couple of shots of taquila and I am as calm as a sea on a beautiful day."

"From what I have heard, you get as goofy as a dog who just finished drinking two cans of beer."

"What do you mean from what you've heard?"

"I mean while you were cooking last night, me and the guys were in the living room talking, when kevin mentioned that when you drink you tend to cause a scene. And that is why I didn't let you drink last night, and I won't let you do it again either."

So after me and nick finished our conversation, I told him to go make his phone call to all the guys for them to meet us at brians house. He came back and told me that they would be there in about ten minutes. I then told him to call brian and let him know that the guys would be coming over as well. As soon as nick was done with telling brian that we were coming over we were on our way over.

As soon as we reached the front door there was a sign that said to meet them in the back. When we got to the back and as the guys saw me they all shouted "SURPRISE." Well, they guessed it, I was surprised alright. I had totally forgotten that today was my birthday.

"How did you guys know that today was my birthday?" AJ then responded.

"Nick told us."

"Nick told you?"

"Yeah I told them."

"But how did you know?"

"When you offered to pay for the drinks last night and pulled out your wallet, I saw your drivers license and noticed that your birthday was today."

Then brian went into the house which he told me to go get something, and he would be back quickly. I was in total shock when he came out with a chocolate cake and then started to sing the birthday song. The most shocking part was when they sang it out of tune which made me laugh so hard that my stomach hurt.

After I blew out my candles and made my wish, I cut the cake. After everyone had a piece, I took one for myself and joined AJ, and nick who were in an interesting discussion about who could beat who in Nintendo. After a couple minutes of listening to that conversation and almost falling asleep, I went to go join brian and kevin.

After a couple of minutes into our conversation I noticed that they looked at me with a surprised look. I then noticed that they weren't looking at me, but they were looking behind me. When I finally looked behind me I was shocked to see zach standing there.

To be continued.......

Well that is it for this installment. What in the world is zach doing at brians house and what is phil going to do. Well that is going to be answered in the next chapter. Just remember if you have any comments or suggestions feel free to e mail me at And thanks for all the people who have e mailed me to know what yoo think of the story. I really appreciate all the comments.

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