Phil and Nick

By Phil

Published on Feb 10, 2000


**** Disclaimers: This is a total work of fiction and sheer fantasy. If you are offended by any homosexual situations don't read this story. This story does not reflect the sexual orientation of Nick Carter, but we can dream can't we?

Hello again I am sorry it took so long to get this chapter out. I had a disagreement with my editor and then he decided that he no longer wanted to edit this story so right now, I am on my own with this story. You might notice that my writing of this story will be different from the way that he did it. Well, enjoy the story.


"Well, let me say this to you Phil, I love you so much. I don't know anyone I could ever want to love other than you. From the first day that you came and introduced yourself to us, I saw that there was something about you that I loved. What it is that attracted me to you, was and still is your beauty and personality."

I was so taken back by the emotion, and the soul that nick had put into that statement, that I had tears in my eyes.

"Nick I feel the same way you do, and so much more. I have loved you, from the first day that I first laid my eyes on you."

I was feeling so much love, that I couldn't contain it anymore so me and nick were engaged in a deep passionate kiss. We were engaged in the kiss for what seemed to be forever until we had to disengage for air.

"Phil I was wondering whether or not you would be available tomorrow night for dinner with me and the guys?"

"Nick it would be my honor, to join you and the guys for dinner. What time would you like me to join you guys for dinner?"

"Well, how about I have a limo pick you up at say 5:30 and we can hang out with the guys for a while and have dinner at six?"

"Well, nick, as a figure of speech, you have yourself a date."

"Alright so 5:30 it is then. I hope you don't mind for me to come along in the limo to pick you up do you?"

"Nick, that would be great of you to come and pick me up tomorrow night"

"OK seeing the hour that it is, I have to get going. I will see you tomorrow night then."

After we said our good byes and shared one last kiss for the night, I saw nick off, then I headed up to my room. when I got to my room, all I could do was think of all the events that transpired that day. I took a couple of minutes thinking in every way how lucky I was to be with Nick Carter, the most hottest member of the Backstreet Boys.

I looked at my watch and noticed that it was getting late so I went into the bathroom to go brush my teeth and get ready for bed. When I got to my bed I couldn't get to sleep. I couldn't stop thinking about nick. After an hour I was finally knocked out.

When I awoke the next morning I looked at my bedside table and realized that I woke up pretty early. This is pretty strange because I usually wake up around 10 or 10:30, but today I woke up at 8:30.

I knew that I wasn't going to get anymore sleep that morning, so I decided to get a shower and then eat some breakfast. After a few minutes after I called room service, the food had arrived, and was quickly devoured.

I went into my bedroom and selected some clothes to wear for the dinner with nick and the guys. After I had decided on what I was going to wear and was satisfied with the selection, my cell phone rang.

"Phil I didn't wake you up did I?"

"No, you haven't, I have been up since 8:30 this morning."

"Oh good, I talked with the guys and they want to know if you want to play basketball or something with us later this afternoon?"

"Sure I would, I have to admit that I don't play basketball, but I will go anyway cuz I can't stay in this hotel room until 5:30 tonight or else I would go out of my mind."

"So what time do you want to go?"

"Hell whatever time you guys see fit to go."

"Well, that helps me out a lot. How about we say twelve?"

"That sounds good to me so I guess that you will be picking me up right?"

"Yup but I have to get the guys first, do you mind that?"

"Nick what the hell of question is that, you know I don't mind!"

"Alright so see you in a half hour then."

"Alright, see you then."

I turned off my cell phone, and went into the bathroom to go make myself presentable. After I finished that, I looked in the mirror and was proud of my looks, I got my keys and proceeded to the lobby to go wait for nick and the guys.

After a couple of minutes nick was pulling up to the entrance. I walked out of the entrance and noticed that the passenger side was empty. I looked at nick and proceeded to the front seat.

"Hey guys how you all doin?"

"good how are you?" they all said in unison

"great, guys I am not good at playing basketball, so don't be surprised that when I get on that court that I suck. It's cuz I don't play basketball. I am more of the soccer and hockey playing type."

"Don't worry nick isn't all that great either."

"What was that AJ, last time I played you, I kicked your ass big time."

"Well, that's cuz I let you win."

"Yeah right, you know you are too slow too keep up with this blonde god."

Just then, everyone in the car including me just starting laughing really hard.

In just a short time we stopped at a basketball court. Nick was already choosing who his team mates were and low and behold he picked me first and then Brian.

To my surprise, we were kicking the team of Kevin, Howie, and AJ's ass pretty well. We played for at least three hours, till we called it quits and if they hadn't, I would have called it quits for them no matter the consequences, although I knew that I can kick all there asses, but I would let nick beat me all he wanted.

"So guys what's up next for us to do?"

"I don't know about you Phil, but we smell like shit and we need to take a shower."

"OK well I would just like to say that if you guys want to come to my room and hang out, you are more than welcome to, that is if you want to."

"Thanks for the offer Phil but like we said we said it is in the best interest that we take a shower more than anything else."

"Yeah I guess you are right, I can smell ya from over here I think that it is in the best interest that you guys go take your showers whew damn. Hey nick make sure when you drop me off at the hotel, you make sure all the windows are open on the way, don't want to die because of the odor you and your friends here are giving off."

I should have kept my mouth shut because next thing that I know I have five, smelly, sweaty, Backstreet Boys all putting me into a head lock. And let me tell you if they had left me in that position for one more second I would have passed out.

Soon enough we were on the way back to my hotel and I made sure all the windows were open. While we were on the way on the way back to the hotel, we made small talk about how hard it was for them to be on the road all the time, and being away from family and friends.

Then nick pulled up to the entrance of the hotel, and I said good bye to the guys. Nick offered to come up to my room with me but, I thought that he had better get the guys back home to take a shower including himself.

As I got into my hotel room, I remembered that I forgot to ask nick whether or not I should get dressed up or whether I should wear jeans and shirt to dinner. I dialed his home phone apparently he wasn't home yet, so I left a message on his answer machine for him to call me back when he got in.

Once I was done with that call, I went into my room, got my clothes, got my cell phone just in case nick called if I was in the shower when he called, and went into the bathroom to go get showered.

Just before I got into shower nick called, just like I thought he would.


"Hey Phil you called me?"

"Yeah I was wondering whether I should dress up for dinner tonight."

"I don't think that is necessary to dress up tonight because it is just going to be a casual dinner."

"Ok hun, I guess I will see you in a little while."

"Alright babe, see you then,"

I was so excited that I took a very quick shower, which made me feel a lot more loose and more perky. I combed my hair in a way that I haven't tried before, which is forward instead of having it combed back. I have short hair, which I must say that combed forward made it look a lot better than combed back.

I went into my bedroom to get a different set of clothes, since it was just casual dinner. I picked out a pair of jeans, and a silk shirt. I went back into the bathroom to spray on some of my Eddie Bauer cologne, that I thought made me smell terrific. I knew with that scent, nick would not be able to resist me no matter how hard he tried.

After I had finished putting the finishing touches on my appearance, I was out the door to enjoy a wonderful evening with the guys. I sat out in the lobby and noticed that there were some young girls staring at me and giggling.

I heard one of the girls whisper to her friend, that she found me to be hot. In my mind I was just thinking how my situation was pretty ironic, with me being gay and they probably thinking I was straight.

Just then there was white limo pulling at the entrance of the hotel, and noticed that my ride and boyfriend had arrived. When I walked out of the lobby, I noticed that nick was getting out of the limo probably coming to get me so I quickly ran to him.

"Hey babe you surprised me, I was going to go to your room and get you."

"Well, good thing that I got here before you went into the hotel, because there are two girls in the lobby. I bet if they saw you, then you would be in one hell of a predicament."

"Babe you look down right beautiful tonight."

"Well, thank you hun, you look great too."

Nick was wearing some jeans and a silk shirt which we thought funny because we looked almost the same. Just then, nick leaned toward me to try to get a kiss, and I pushed him away a little. He had this questioning look on his beautiful face. I pointed to the limo then his smile reappeared on his beautiful face.

As we got into the limo next thing I knew nick was already embracing me for a kiss which I sure as hell did not push away from this time since we were in total privacy. As we were kissing, I felt nicks tongue push against my lips, so I parted them to accept nicks tongue inside my waiting mouth. We stayed like this for at least a couple of minutes till we felt the limo stop, indicating that we had arrived at nicks house.

A few seconds later, the door on my side was opened for me to exit from the limo, along with nick behind me. I was taken back how great the outside of nicks house looked. I know that I have seen it before, but every time that I look at it I am always taken back by it's beauty. Next thing I know, nick was dragging me by the arm till we got inside the house.

"Nick where is everybody?"

"They haven't gotten here yet duh!"

"What was that bitch?"

"I said that they are not here yet dumb ass!"

I was feeling pretty playful at that very moment so I decided to run at him and put him over my shoulder. He was squirming so much that I almost dropped him on the floor head first. I slapped him on his ass then threw him on the couch.

"Nick are you going to behave, or do I have to give you a beat down that you will never recover from?"

"No I won't behave, so you can kiss my ass"

"Oh really, well me kicking your ass is the way it is going to end up"

"Oh ok I will behave but not cuz you told me too."

Just then he stood from the couch and slapped me upside the head while he tried to run away from me. I obviously caught him then tackled him to the floor and pinned him down. He was squirming left and right trying to get out of my grip but to no evail. I asked him if he was going to stop he still didn't want to cooperate so I sat on him. this way I made sure he didn't try anything funny. Just then the guys came in the house.

"guys will you get this guy off of me?"

"Nope you have to fight your own battles nick."

"Besides nick, phil seems to be doing a good job of putting you in your place."

"Nick I will get off of you, only on one condition."

"And what would that be?"

"You have to say that phil is better than me, in every way possible."

I looked at the guys, they were just standing in the doorway enjoying the humiliation that I was putting nick through. Next thing I knew, they were all laughing how nick was getting mad at them not helping him get away from me. I had to laugh myself but then focused back to nick who was almost in tears.

"Alright phil is better than me in every way possible, now get the hell off of me."

"Nuh uh not so fast. Are you going to smack me upside the head or call me a dumb ass anymore?"

"No, now can you please get off of me so I can get dinner done?"

"I don't know I think that this position is rather comfortable, let me think about it."

"Phil please get off of me I am having trouble breathing."

"In that case, yes I will get off of you." You get uncomfortable after a while anyway."

As I raised myself releasing nick, he jumped up and called me a bitch and started running to what I think was the bathroom just to get away from me. I just sat there and laughed. And I turned to the guys and asked them whether they were going to stand there all night or sit down. They all came to the couch and they still had those smirks on their faces.

Right then I heard a door open, so I knew it was nick seeing if the coast was clear for him to safely come out of the room. I then saw his head appear at the doorway from where the kitchen becomes the living room. I saw him and I pointed to the kitchen indicating for him to start to cook dinner. He turned around and quickly flipped me the bird. Me and the guys all started to laugh at his gesture. Then kevin said something that surprised me.

"You two make a great couple."

"Excuse me kevin, what are you talking about?"

"Phil don't worry about it, we already know that you and nick are going out, and that he and you are gay."

"So I take it that you don't have any problems with me and nick going out?"

"Phil let me make something perfectly clear to you, I have absolutely no problems with gay people, plus I have many gay friends including you. But if you in any way hurt nick just to get pleasure out of it I will deal with you personally."

"Kevin let me tell you something about me, I will in no way attempt something so stupid because I love nick with all my heart, and he loves me so hurting him is definently not something that will happen between him and me, so you can just set your mind at ease with that thought."

We continued to talk about this and that till nick bellowed for us to come to the table to eat. When I got to the table, I was so surprised that I almost fell over. I never knew he could cook. What he had prepared was some chicken wings barbecue style with some Chinese rice with a side of mashed potatoes.

"Hun I never knew you could cook. I assumed that you only fried fish and heated up chef boyardee ravioli. I never knew you could cook more than that, no offense."

"Phil my dear, stick with me and I will show you things you never thought possible. As for the assumption of me only cooking those things I have this to say to you, assumption is the mother of all fuck ups. Now sit down before my wonderfully tasting food gets cold."

I ate till I felt like I was about to explode. I looked at nick and noticed that he was staring at me. I asked him why he was staring at me, he told me that he had never seen anybody eat as much food as me. I suddenly felt guilty about eating like that. Nick must have noticed what I was feeling and he told me not to worry about it because he sometimes ate the same way.

While everyone went into the living room to go sit down and relax, I stayed in the kitchen with nick helping him with the dishes, which he told me not to do but I did it anyway because I needed to spend some time with him alone for a little while.

"Nick, why didn't you tell me that the guys already know you are gay?"

"I didn't think that it was a really big deal so I just thought not to say anything about it."

"What do you mean that you thought it wasn't a big deal, everyone who is gay and comes out of the closet thinks it is a big deal."

"Babe, I don't think that right now we should be talking about this. How about we talk about this later on tonight."

"Well, since I think this is an issue that must be discussed, sure I can wait till later on tonight to discuss it."

"Good, because I am sure that the guys want to do something together tonight. Now lets go out there and discuss what our options are for tonight."

When we got to the living room where the guys were we gave out ideas about where to go that night, like the movies,mall,or a club. They all decided on going to a club which nick and I also agreed to going.

After we had discussed which club we were going to, kevin said that he was going to call zach, their bodyguard. I immediately had the feeling of not wanting to go anymore, because I did not like him, and I was sure that he felt the same way about me. But I know if I didn't go, nick would start asking me why I didn't like him and stuff like that, so I decided to go just to avoid nicks questions.

We all got into the limo that brought me and nick to his house. On the way to the club I was thinking why on earth zach was looking at me as if there was something wrong with me. Finally, I decided to let them know how I felt about zach.

"Guys, what do you guys think of zach?"

"We think he is pretty cool. Why?"

"Because, the first day that I met you guys and talked to you, he kept on giving me these deadly looks, like he wanted to kill me or something."

"Well he is always like that, you just got to get used to him is all."

"I don't like him, there is something about him that just doesn't sit right with me. I always get along with everyone even those who I don't even know."

"Well, maybe it is just you, but he is cool with us so we don't have any problems with him. I guess that he is just doing his job."

"Well, if he gives me anymore of those looks tonight, I will just have to confront him and tell him what's up. If he tries to start a fight, well I will back away but if he dares to try to hit me first, I will personally kick his ass no matter who the hell he is. And that is a promise."

Soon enough, we arriving at the same club that I met the guys at, and where I got the ugly looks from their bodyguard zach. We had absolutely no problems getting into the club, seeing that they were celebrities and all. And sure enough as day, there was zach awaiting for them to arrive at the enterance of the club. I could tell that he wasn't all that pleased that I had came with them, but quite frankly I could give two drops of monkey piss about what he felt about me being there with the guys.

As he ushered them into the club, I noticed that he acted as though I was not there, which pissed me off even more. He sat them at a table near to the dance floor, which the guys liked the most. Soon enough howie went to go get our drinks, that I offered to pay for but he declined the offer, and was off before I had the chance to pull out my wallet to get the money to pay for them. I had noticed that nick had picked something to drink with alcohol in it and I quickly took it away from him and I switched it with kevin since he had a regular pepsi. Nick asked me why I had done that and I simply told him that I didn't need to see him drinking which got an approval from all the guys.

He looked pissed off, but I really didn't care, I was looking out for him because I loved him. He looked angry for a little, until he finally realised that all I wanted to do was protect him, and he gave me a loving smile in gratitude. agter a couple minutes drinkin their drinks the guys finally decided to go dance. They asked me to join, but I declined the offer.

After the guys went off to their different ways, zach came over to the table. Now I was feeling pissed off at him, and if I didn't have the self control that I had that night, I swear I would have punched him right then and there. Then for the first time he told me just how he felt about me.

"Listen I don't know just exactly who the hell you are, but let me tell you something I don't like you, I don't like you being around the guys, and I especially don't like you hanging around nick."

"Zach let make something perfectly clear to you, I don't give a fuck what you think about me. Now as for me hanging around the guys and nick, I don't think that it is anything of your concern because they like my company and I am their friends, which is something that you probably don't have many of."

"Let me just tell you something, if I catch you hanging around nick anymore I will beat you to an unrecognisable state, don't think that I am playing either."

To be continued......

Well folks, that's it for this installment. What will Phil's reaction to zach's threat be, and where is nick going to stand. We will find out in the next chapter which I am thinking and taking notes on. Again if you have any comments or suggestions feel free to E Mail me at

Next: Chapter 5

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