Phil and Nick

By Phil

Published on Dec 22, 1999


Disclaimer: This is entirely written as a work of fiction. All of it is false, well the sexuality of Nick Carter at least. If you are offended by gay, male/male situations please feel free to leave now. Also make sure you are in the proper age level in which to view this material, if not, please leave now and save us all the trouble. Thank you very much. Enjoy the story.

Chapter 2: Surprise

I was so excited the night before, that it was like 4:30 in the morning when I finally dozed off. It was a bit after 10 o'clock when I realized how late I was going to be for what seemed to be the happiest day of my life. Too excited and anxious to be groggy, I called immediately for breakfast as I entered the shower. In what seemed only seconds, I was in and out of the shower, dressed and eaten breakfast in about 10 minutes. Adding the finishing touches to my attire, I called ahead to the front desk to request for a cab be readied for me before I got there myself. Almost giddy as a school girl, I made it down to the front doors of my hotel in less than 2 minutes. Tipping the door man 5 dollars for a superb job of hailing the cab, I jumped in and was finally on the way to my dream man's home.

It didn't take too long before the cab was pulling up in front of an awesome house, which could have only belonged to Nick Carter. The house was as beautiful as he was in person. I got off at the gate and paid the guy while I was taking in the awesome beauty and grandeur of the house. Jarred back to reality by the cab driver trying to hand me my change, I quickly took it and rang the bell.

"Who is it?" I could hear Nick's lovely voice emanate from the intercom. "Oh, hey Phil. The gate is open, just give it a little shove. C'mon into the house the door is also open, I've been expectin ya." Then the intercom went buzzing off.

I did as told and in no time I was right in front of my greatest fantasy man's front door. Regardless of what he said, I still found myself forgetting that the door was open in my excitement. As the door opened, my heart was going miles per second. Moreso as I finally got to see him in his boxers. He wasn't dressed to go yet!

"Told ya, it was open." He gave me a rather delicate half smile and welcomed me in. "Come in. You want anything to eat or drink? I was just about to start breakfast."

"No thanks, I had some at the hotel before I came."

"Sorry 'bout looking like this, by the way. I just got up. My alarm didn't go off." He quickly turned to me with a sly grin but went on into the kitchen to fix himself some breakfast. "Oh, make yourself comfy I won't take long."

So I did my best to appear comfortable despite the fact that I was nervous as hell to be spending a day with Nick Carter. However as I sat there looking around, I couldn't help but find myself more relaxed as I noticed the very chic design and decor of the place. It was very modern with all the pleasures of modern society and yet it all fitted a bachelor type lifestyle.

'Well of course it was wonderfully decorated, he is a damned celebrity for crying out loud.' I kinda said to myself as I was lost in thought. So deep was my concentration that I didn't notice the blonde babe standing right infront of me in his boxers!

He snickered a little, maybe used to the 'awes' and 'ahhs' the place must get. He then turned his back on me to bend over and pick up the remote. Boy what a sight! I could barely contain myself when he turned on the t.v to some cartoons.

"Here, sit back a while so I can change so we may be on our way oh outta here." Nick turned back to me with an adorable smile.

"Well, it's kinda bit of a pity seeing how great this place is." I winked and smiled at Nicky. Risking a quick glance to see his reaction.

He gave me a half cocked smile before he ran upstairs to change.

Minutes later, we were on the way. Touring around the city with my fantasy man, what more can a guy ask for? Together we spent the day in his Durango and drive throughs as we toured from one landmark to another. Then we decide to take a little tour around Nick Carter Memory Lane. He showed me where he went to school, his facorite hang out places, mostly basketball courts and bowling alleys, then finally he asked me if I would like to visit his parents' house.

"Say, I need to get something from the my parents' house real quick. You don't mind if we stop by over would ya?" He asked bashfully only risking a sideways glance at me, thinking maybe that I would have hated the idea. But instead...

"Would I?!" Wait a minute, I said that with too much enthusiasm so I quickly came back with a feeble, "Sure why not. I need to stretch my limps anyway." And if I wasn't seeing thing, I think Nick Carter was happier than he let on with my decision.

To Be Continued...

Hey This is Phil. I hope you enjoyed the second part of my story. If you wanna give me some feedbacks, good or bad please feel free to send them to me at thanks...

Next: Chapter 3

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