Phil and Nick

By Phil

Published on Dec 17, 1999


Disclaimers: This story is all written as fiction. It is not real nor should it be taken as a real occurance. The characters in this story, mainly the Backstreet Boys, are not gay, or at least we can assume but wish they are. If you are offended by male-male situations, or below the age of verification, please go back now. Thank you.**

Chapter 1: Vacation

Hi, my name is Phil and I live in Hudson, Massachusetts. I am 21 years old, 6'1' and I have black hair. I also just recently decided that I am gay. I work as a carpenter for a small construction company. I have been working for this company for three years now. I think that I deserved after all of the years that I have dedicated to this company some vacation time, so what I did was I went to my boss and said that I wanted and needed a vacation. What he said was that he understood my situation and he respected me very much because I am an excellent worker. Now after about 15 minutes of going over all of the hooplah about me, he finally got to the point to decide how much time that he thought I deserved for vacation time. What he finally decided was to give me three months off. I was so happy, that for the rest of the day I was thinking of where to spend the 3 months that I had off.

I was thinking so hard where to go on my vacation, that I almost cut off my thumb with the circular saw. Finally I decided to go to Orlando,Florida, for my vacation. So what seemed to be like forever, the day was over. the next day I had reservations at a great hotel and I was to be at the airport at 6 a.m.

Once the plane got to Orlando, which took about three hours, I was finally in the most beautiful place that I have ever been to in my last 21 years. After about an hour of sight seeing I realized that this is where the Backstreet boys lived. So I quickly went about checking intot the Porto Fino Bay Hotel to quickly get rid of my luggage and absorb more of this great city's splendor.

I am such a big fan of the group that I fantasize about being the sixth member of the greatest sounding group that I have ever heard. I also fantasize about Nick Carter a lot because he is the most good looking blonde male that I have ever set eyes upon. From the first day that I saw him on MTV, I said to myself "damn he is one good lookin guy". Once I got there I noticed that there were a dozen girls standing outside of the hotel but thought nothing of it and continued to get checked in. I got a got a very luxorious penthouse with a large waterbed, large screen t.v, and a bar that was fuly stocked. Problem was, I don't drink. But anyways, once I got to the penthouse, I was feeling my exhaustion catching up with me, so I decided to take a short nap before venturing out into the city again. I was so excited that I had forgotten to catch anything to eat on the way from the airport so I headed over to the phone and ordered room service.

Apparently, I was more exhausted than I had originally thought. By the time I managed to drag myself from my nap, it was already 8 o'clock at night. Not making any more waste of my time, I decided to head on over to a nearby club that I had seen on the way over. It had looked like a very good club early on this morning, so it had got to have been better at night. So I quickly took a shower and headed on over to it without even having any dinner yet. When I got there, I went straight for the bar and ordered a cokeclub soda. It wasn't particularly the best club soda I've had, but I didn't give a shit.

The club was an awesome sight. There was great club music playing, people looked like they were having a blast, hell the music was so damned lively I headed to the dance floor myself. Now really, I am not all that great of a dancer but when you go to a club you gotta dance. So down I went to the dance floor and just got jiggy with my bad self. It didn't take long 'til I ended up with someone to dance with. But as I was about to start a little friendly conversation, the guy that was dancing infront of me left. I started to walk around the club feeling a tad lonely and what my eyes saw was extremely incredible. It was none other than the Backstreet Boys! I hadn't really taken it in with the first glance, so thinking it was all too good to be true, I took a second. And yup it sure as hell was the Backstreet Boys alright. Now being a male fan I composed myself and walked over to their table. When I got to the table I noticed myself breathing heavily, but tried not to make it noticable. Granted it was them, the people around was pretty much leaving them alone. So I thought to myself that I should just go on over and introduce myself. So I did.

"Hey guys. Whazzup? My name's Phil." I smiled down at my favorite band and extended a hand as a friendly gesture. The guys shrugged and with a round of his and half smirks, I got to shake hands with the hottest group of guys that I have ever seen. Nick seemed a bit friendly and asked me to join them. The other guys didn't seem to mind and so I did.

"I was just walking around when I saw you guys. Now I gotta say that I am really a big fan of you guys. But don't worry, it's not like I'm gonna like scream and ask for your autographs or anything." Smiling again. We immediately fell into a little bit of friendly chatter as I began to relax realizing that they were just as nice and friendly as they were talented.

But after about 10 minutes of my conversation with the boys, I had noticed that there was a guy looking at me with a rather unfriendly and searing gaze.

I said to Nick, lowering my voice to a whisper even though he was far enough and the music was blazing to keep him from hearing me, "hey Nick, who is that guy over there in the black leather who is just like staring at me dead?"

Nick responded with a little chuckle and a shrug, "Oh that's just Zach. he is our bodyguard. Don't mind him he is always like that."

So even though I was still kinda uneasy about the big guy staring right at me, I eventually manage to get back into the friendly conversation I was having with the guys. We had such a great time that we totally lost track of time. It was around 2:00 am already when tall, dark, and creepy came over to tell the boys that they had to get going. After a quick round of friendly goodbyes, Nick took me to the side and ask more about how long I was staying and where.

"Hey, Phil. It's really great to meet you, long you gonna be in Orlando?" Nick bashfully asked.

"Well, I got three months vacation. I really haven't thought about it much." I lied.

"Cool, we just finished our tour so how about me taking you around tomorrow?" Nick continued more brightly and a bit more open.

"Sure, why not. Not like I'm gonna be busy or anything." I managed to give him a rather weak smile, but inside I was like beaming with anticipation! The hottest guy in the world just basically asked me out. I was so so very happy.

With a smile, Nick continued, "Well I gotta get going then. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye." He gave me a little handshake and went on to catch up with his friends. Of course, his bodyguard was right there with him. Dark and crazy looking, he glared at me one last time before nodding and following Nick Carter out the door...

To Be Continued.....

Next: Chapter 2

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